Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open A day around town x Open


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"Apples, Kiwi's and bread right dad?" Nova asked his father who was in the kitchen chopping up ingredients for the soup. "That's correct son!" he heard from the kitchen and would then tell where he could find some money to go to the market. "Treat yourself to something!" He heard a moment after and just when Nova went through the hallway he saw his older brother leaving the building too. "You going?!" Nova called out to him and his brother snickered before replying. "That's right! I will become a Genin soon! So I need to make sure I keep on training!" It made Nova all the more willing to go to the academy the quicker. Tomorrow was his first big day there, but thanks to his mother, father and big brother he knew some of the basics already. Specially through his brother as they often showed each other as to what they learned.

To teach himself the habit of bringing his stuff everywhere, he placed the quiver on his waist again, the bow ready on the make shift weapon holder on his shoulder. The bow wasn't having any tension, so it wasn't directly combat ready, but nova had been pracitcing to get that combat ready as soon as he could. He also placed his gloves into the little pouch before he headed out the door.

The market streets were busling and very much occupied and to tell the truth, he had a little trouble navigating through the place. " Man..." he complained a bit before he stepped again to the side before being walked off his feet. gritting his teeth a little he would just wait there till it would get a little less crowded.

MFT: 285

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke was running errands grabbing a few things for his new apartment he was finally able to afford now that he was working as a Genin. Between the shinobi missions and his shifts at his family flower shop Shusuke was able to afford a modest little studio flat not too far from here. The young boy was in his work attire as he had a mission to take later this afternoon and he wasn't feeling the idea of changing again for no reason. The only thing he wasn't wearing was his brand new headband he had received from graduating the academy.

The ten year old boy noticed a kid his age on the side of the street gritting his teeth. Stepping off to the side a few feet away Shusuke would speak without looking at or addressing the other boy. "What's your problem? You look like someone stole your puppy and spat in your face." Shusuke pulls a small smoked meat from one of the grocery bags, removed the wrapper, and stuck it in his mouth. His eyes slowly looked over to the boy.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As Nova was sulking on the side of the road, he seemed to be joined by another child and as he guessed, from around his age. "A-h." A simple sound left him and he was surprised to hear those words. ' BUt I do not own a puppy or lost a puppy... or got spat on. Maybe this is one of those saying things? The ones my mom used to talk about.' [/I]Those were thoughts running through his mind as he checked the other out. Blond, shorter hair than his own. but the eyes were quite unique, to say the least. It kind of reminded him of a byaku person. Those weird ones that saw all around them.

"I was supposed to run some errands for my father, but I cannot seem to navigate through the crowd. They are getting close to trampling me.. .But they also push me away at stalls!" A sigh sounded before he finished his line in an annoyed tune. "It is the same every single week... They only seem to care about themselves and don't care about others." He started to pout his cheeks and cross his arms before relaxing his body and letting his arms hang on the side. "So..." He started before turning to him. "What is your story around here? I... am sorry to say, but I haven't seen you around here as far as I know." He would tilt his head a bit to the side and look toward the boy. The meat did smell good he had to be honest about that.

mft: 262

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"It is the same every single week..."

Shusuke's eyebrow visible twitched. This kid was like this on a regular basis? These adults took advantage of his soft nature. The Yamanaka would swallow the bite of meat he was working on and placed the remainder of it back into his shopping bag. As Nova kept speaking Shusuke's hands would raise into the Tori handseal and he would take a deep breath in. Using his Wind Release Jutsu to help amplify his voice Shusuke would yell out with a strong burst of air.

"Get... BACK!"

The booming voice and strong sudden gust of wind that caused small objects to get pushed away from the two boys startled many of the residents and on goers that were crowding the area, causing a large portion of them to quickly move away from the two boys. Shusuke would look over to the child his own age. "My name is Shusuke, and if you want to get anything out of this life you've gotta say what you want with your chest and walk like you own the world."

Shusuke would reach over to try and grab the boy's hand as he stepped into the now mostly clear walkway. "Let's get your shopping done."


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He watched him, holding his hands in front of his mouth... Moments later the child became loud. So loud that it not only made Nova jump a little but also cover his ears. The voice was so loud that indeed the people would quickly make way. "W-wow..." He muttered before his eyes grew big and looked at the people around them. He lowered his hands again and kept them in front of his stomach. This... Kid... was. awesome! He looked back almost with sparkles in his eyes and a big grin.

"That was so cool!" He would sound very happy before he heard him introduce himself. "Ah- Nova, my name is Nova. Nice to meet you Shunsuke." It was true as what the other kid had said. He would need to say and speak up more. But some things like that weren't easy as done. Certainly not for him at this point of life.

His hand was grabbed and he moved with the other into the cleared walkway and he would chuckle a moment after he heard Shunsuke. "Alright!" He sounded a lot happier than he was a moment ago. "Uhm... To remind myself. It was... Apples, Kiwi, and bread and something for myself." He would then walk with Shunsuke instead of being pulled all the time. His principle was, to never follow someone without a clear feeling or thought behind it. So far this child was cool, but he did want to learn to know him before he would actually follow. In a sense to say.

"Do you life long already inside the village?" He eventually asked as they finally got the breadstall and Nova asked for a whole wheat bread.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the two boys began to walk into the path Shusuke would make sure that no one would walk over Nova, much like a pitbull walking with their owner. Without letting Nova know Shusuke would occasionally drop an Illusory Cantrip, the ability to cast genjutsu as easily as breathing was to the young Yamanka, towards anyone that seemed to be heading straight towards them without stepping to the side. Something about this kid made Shusuke feel comfortable, which was a shock to him.

"Yea, my family has lived here for generations. We actually own one of the flower shops here in the Oak District over on White Oak Street. No surprise there though, half of my clan's secret techniques are based on botany." Shusuke would pull out a handful of money to pay for the bread Nova was asking for, plus a tip. "How about you?"


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"So many generations... That is cool. Uhm, I am kind of an odd story. I used to live with my mom who isn't around anymore. I got adopted by this super nice family, but... My second mom died in the line of duty. My dad is a chef, and my big brother is following my mom's footsteps and goes to the academy too. He is a Genin almost." As he had asked for the bread, he would look back toward Shunsuke. With that, he noticed how the other paid for the bread. "A-" He was a bit too stunned about it before accepting the bread in a paper bag. He looked from the man to the bread back to Shun.
"Y-you didn't need to do that!" He spoke and would try to offer some money back to Shunsuke. He felt bad that he was helping him and even paying now too. If they did accept it, he would be happy. If they didn't he would just stand there pouting and saying thank you. He did learn that at least from his mother and wouldn't pursue the matter.
Nova would try to start to walk towards the next stand they would need. "Botany... Such as flowers and the likes?" He questioned along as he wanted to get to know this person a bit better. "Do you know a lot about it too? If so... may I ask your favorite?"

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke waived his hand in a nonchalant manner as the boy tried to pay him back, it wasn’t anything to Shusuke. Besides if the kid was supposed to get himself something too then the young Genin would assume he had a budget provided by his parent, meaning his funds for his own item is now slightly larger.

”I am sorry to hear that about your parents. Both of my parents work as Chuunin and they are often on missions so I could find myself in the same predicament any time.” talking about his parents dying showed no signs of sadness or concern for the idea.

Walking to the next booth the young Yamanaka nodded at Nova. ”Yea, flowers, herbs, rhizomes, and the likes. I’ve studied it for a few years now, still a lot I need to learn more.” Shusuke paused for a bit wondering what his favorite was. Should he say the Nightshade that he uses in combat or should he be more soft for this kid.

”I would say I have a few favorite flowers. Larkspur, Foxglove, Belladonna, and even Angel’s Trumpet are all beautiful flowers I work with often, so I’ll say them.” He didn’t say they were all extremely toxic plants and some of the ingredients for his various poisons he used when trying to end someone’s life. ”Whats your favorite flower?”

Shusuke would look up towards the sky and grin. It was almost time for him to head to the meeting location. Soon his life would be different forever.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He saw no emotion coming from the other as he had spoken about his parents. Something made him sad for the guy, not being able to show much was never fun. He would leave a tiny sigh before he heard about the flowers. So many kinds... he only had two flowers he liked, and when the other started to ask about which flower that was. He would chuckle a little awkwardly. "I honestly love two flowers. Higanbana, a red spider lily... Otherwise known as the flower of death. The other flower is the silent princess. Sadly you hardly find those. They are almost extinct. I got a dried-up example at home. It was the first flower this family gave me, the red lilies are from my past family. Odd yet fitting if you ask me.` He spoke and would pay the fruit man first before picking up the required items.

With two paper bags full he would look to Shunsuke who seemed to look to the sky. "Did you see a bird or something?" He asked the other before he saw the grin. "Or a clown... what is so funny?" He tilted his head as he adjusted the bags in his arms.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"No, nothing like that. I have an appointment coming up and it looks like it is almost time for me to head out." Shusuke extends his fist to bump knuckles with Nova. "I will see you around, Nova-kun! If I see one of those Silent Princesses at my flower shop I will have to send it your way. Who knows what sort of rare and exotic flowers my family has been preserving for generations." Regardless if the young boy bumped knuckles, Shusuke would bolt up into the air, much like a lightning bolt, before making his way towards the Hokage Rocks. Today was the day he was joining the ANBU Ranks!

[Topic Left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
