Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Alignment Learning (class)

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would sit in a classroom with three scrolls laid out on the table before her as she would wait for the student or maybe even students to appear. This was a more advanced lesson in which could help a shinobi learn to better themselves for the inevitable fight that they would have.

This advanced class is something that really isn't covered much by the standard classes in an academy student setting. Heck, even most of the Genin probably won't know much about the things that she is about to teach to the class. She would look over at the three scrolls. All of which had special qualities that could help give someone the edge in battle. Mitsuha would sit on top of the teacher desk, as she would wait for the students and genin to file in and take seats. The Head Jounin would look at all who were coming in, to get a picture of their face in her mind along with trying to gauge what kind of person that they might be.

She would sigh to herself. Mitsuha was still new to the role, and thusly will still need to learn about all of the people in her branch, to better help and understand them all along with forming bonds with them to ensure that they can rely on her. But for now, she will wait until the kids start to file in.

(Class is open for anyone to join)


Mar 11, 2021
The boy would keep his eyes closed, keeping his mind at ease. Losing concentration at this point would lead to disastrous results. His aura would be noticed by the wildlife around him. The pond with the fish was sparkly clear. The trees seemed vibrant, almost as though they were smiling with glee because of the boy's aura. The only thing wrong with the scene were the number of clones causing distractions around the boy. One clone singing a song, one splashing around the waters of the pond, one jumping from tree to tree, one...

Keeping his mind clear wasn't an issue amongst what his clones had going on. He opened his eyes and despelled the clones. Training in his transformed state would keep him open to strengthening his spirit's alignment. It was the perfect training for this upcoming class.

As he made his way to the Academy, he pondered on if he would wear his mask or not. He put on his mask, concealing his identity, and then took it off. He didn't know if there would be other students, there, and didn't consider if showing his identity would be the smart thing to do. Reguardless, he enjoyed his slow stroll there, wondering what he'd learn from the sensei.

Entering the class, he decided to show his face, his yellow eyes going towards the teacher. He gave a faint smile and a wave. "Here and accounted for, I look forward to today's lesson." He would continue on to take a seat, and prepare for the class... without his mask on.

[ Topic Entered ]
[ MFT | WC: +250 ]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuhaa would look over as a boy would enter. He felt vaguely familiar to her. Something about the Forest of Death back when she was young, but the name escapes her mind. She would wait to see if anyone else would show up, but alas no one else. Well this is an advanced class after all, and no doubt some of the students and even genin may have felt intimidated by her with how she teaches a class, although they know it is to make them stronger in the end.

She would take a deep breath and start the lesson, "Hello, my name is Kaguya Mitsuha, Head Jounin of the Main Branch. In this lesson, you will learn about the three different types of alignments and how they can turn the tides in battle. These three alignments are as follows. Cursed, Holy, and Spiritual. Each of them have their own way to help their respective user in a fight."

She would pause before going on. "Now there are two types of users when it comes to alignments. the temporary and the Semi-permanent. The temporary would be alignment specific techniques that would imbue the user with that alignment power. The name, as suggests, is only temporary and would only last for roughly ten seconds. The Semi-permanent, on the other hand, will be attuned to a specific alignment through means that could ultimately effect their very chakra. This is usually found in people who have certain bloodlines, core abilities, or even Kinjutsus. As such, they are often more of a force to be reckoned with as they have the potential to control the battlefield. However, it leaves them open to attacks imbued with alignments that they are weak to." Pausing once more, she would look at the boy, "Now, would you be so kind as to explain to me which of the alignments are weak to what and why."

As such this is an advanced lesson, it would come as that she would expect her students to try and think for themselves on a lesson to try and come up with an answer.



Mar 11, 2021
Listening to the woman speak, he thought of the name she gave. 'Mitsusha.' A familiar name, but where from? He thought on it as the class continued. He knew a lot about the alignments. When he was an ArchSage, he chose the Holy route. He still was Holy along the lines of his new abilities. He gave up his animal contacts to live a better life. He continued to listen to the teacher, understanding clearly as she spoke.

"An easy question. The Cursed alignment beats the spiritual alignment. The Spiritual alignment beats the Holy alignment. The Holy alignment beats the Cursed alignment." The boy nodded. He also knew a method of the Tsuchimikado bloodline that could change the alignments weaknesses and strengths, but that was a completely different sto-

"Hey, you're that girl with the turtle! Can I see him agai- I mean." His burst of excitement settled down as he began to regain his composure. "And you're a Jounin now!? Congratulations!" The boy was happy to see someone make it that far in the shinobi world. He was still only an AiT. He looked forward to what was to come for his shinobi life.

"Hey, maybe after this we could get a bite to eat?" His attempt on reminiscing on the last with a good friend. Trying not to be impolite he added, "Ms. Mitusha sensei." Focusing on not to break the reality of friends and class. Of course keeping it professional was a better look on his record, on top of that, he didn't want to become a distraction to the class.

[ WC: +250 ]
[ Total WC: +500 ]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would nod at his answer about which alignment was strong to against which one. She was about to continue on with the lesson when the boy would suddenly blurt out about how she is 'that girl with the turtle.' She would give a soft smile at the thought of Crush. Frankly, she has been a little bit too busy with Head Jounin work to fully commit to her own trainings that she would have with her own contract summons.

"Thank you, now- The boy would continue to talk asking to hang out and eat together before he would remember about formalities. She would remember more now, how this boy was there when Aria had been sleeping in the Forest. And the forest had attacked Mitsuha, him, and a couple other that had been in the Forest. But now that she is thinking about it, she knows next to nothing about this boy, not even his name.

"Um... Forgive me, but I don't really think that there has been an actual introduction of who you are. " She would mainly expect a name, as she had grown older and has gained more experience, she felt it best to just let those in the ANBU branch just do their own thing and to not try and sleuth them out, even if it is by accident. Once a name was given, she would continue on, "We can discuss having a nice chat and food after the lesson. Now." Mitsuha would pick up one of the scrolls. She would toss it at Toshi. "In each of these scrolls are an E ranked jutsu, Water gun. But the difference in each of these is that they were casted by different people of different alignments. Go on, aim it at me and open it. And as you do, I want you to explain to me the effects of each alignment." All the scrolls were imprinted with notes to tell Toshi which of the scrolls had which alignment.



Mar 11, 2021
"Ahh..." We'll, He was currently in his spiritual form. He decided to drop it, his green eyes and brown hair now being revealed. "The name is Toshi." The boy said, being in his normal state was quite the relief. He couldn't give his ANBU name, as he was to keep the identity a secret. He now knew her name as well, which was quite the relief.

As he was tossed a scroll, he eyed it over for a moment. "I don't know if you want me to open this one. It's... cursed?" He'd know how to handle such a technique if it came his way, but would she? He shook the feeling that he had of back in the past. They were kids, and this scroll could have really did a number on them. However, she was a Jounin now. His thought process understood that she was more than capable if handling herself. "But if you insist."

He took amoment to carefully open the scroll, aiming it at Mitshua. He would watch Mitshua's movements as the attack came at her. "From what I understand, you will suffer from a curse if hit by a user with the Cursed alignment." It was the current knowledge he had on such techniques.It wasn't his Forte.

[ WC: +200 ]
[ Total WC: +700 ]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would ready herself. Mainly stand up straight and have one hand out, as if saying stop, but mainly using it to take the brunt of the attack. As the seal on the scroll was released, water gushed out of the scroll and aimed straight at her. It would ultimately hit her outstretched hand as it would block most of the attack. For a few seconds, a faint dark glow would appear on her hand where the jutsu had hit her, causing more damage.

She would clench and unclench her fist until the pain subsided. "In a sense, yes. Not to go full into the details, if someone were to be hit by a curse aligned attack, they would feel a portion of that pain, or damage again in a few seconds. Such a thing is great to focus on attacking a person's health. Now." She would toss another one at him. This time, this one was imprinted to say Holy on the scroll. "Hit me with the jutsu that is within that scroll and then tell me of the benefits of using Holy aligned attacks."



Mar 11, 2021
The boy knew that the attack had some kind of downfall to it. Even though he often studied the different alignments, due to his chakra nature, he never looked deep into the effects of a curse. Dealing with such techniques would never be his choice, but keeping the knowledge of such attacks was something that he kept with him. He wanted to aid the woman as he saw her pain and the curse come upon her, but he remained seated. He knew she was capable of taking such an attack. Catching the next scroll, he looked at what was inscribed on it. "Holy." He knew this one all too well.

"A Holy technique." The AiT looked to the Jounin as he readied the scroll. "Holy techniques benefit the user as well. They not only deal damage to the opponent..." The boy opened the scroll, first making sure Mitsuha was ready for the attack. As he watched her take the damage, the boy began to feel an aura overcome him. A light blue aura became apparent around him. "But also gives aid to the user. There's a healing factor when it comes to Holy techniques. If the attack would damage the opponent's Chakra Pool, then chakra will be restored to the user." He nodded, looking to Mitsuha making sure she was ok.

[ WC: 220 ]
[ Total WC: +920 ]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
She would nod, "Holy aligned attacks are good for sticking in the fight for the long run. A portion of that damage done to the target is turned into healing energy for the user." Her outstretched hand took the brunt of the damage again, this time a holy aura would envelope Toshi as he would feel a healing soothing aura around him.

"Such a thing would be vital to use against multiple targets to bring out the most of that alignment. Because of this, along with their advantage over cursed targets make them viable opponents against Dark Sages." She would toss the last scroll to Toshi. "I'm impressed that you came in here knowing your stuff. Now, for the spiritual alignment. Tell me, what are its benefits and how would you bring out the most of it to make a spiritual user a very potent enemy?"


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
