Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Ambitions of a Young Wolf [Requesting Hokage]

Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou woke up early knowing that today was the day when they would get to meet with the Hokage. He knew that the Hokage was very busy, which is why he had made an appointment the day before to schedule a time to meet. Jirou got dressed in his familiar coat and pants. His coat had his family’s crest on the back. This was the symbol of Raijin in white emblazoned against a blue background. He didn’t really have nicer pants, but his pants were clean at least. After washing up Jirou got dressed completing his outfit with the shoulder strap that went across his chest and was where he wore the katana on his back. Taking a quick look in the mirror and making sure that he had everything, Jirou headed downstairs with Kashikoi where Hiro had already placed a bowl of millet porridge and fruit on the table. Jirou sat down and ate the porridge and fruit. Kashikoi ate his breakfast that had been placed down on the floor for him. Once they were done with their breakfast, Jirou gave Hiro a nod calling Kashikoi to his side, “Let’s go Kashikoi. We have a meeting with the Hokage today.” He waves back to Hiro with a big smile and starts outside.​
The morning was exceptional as Jirou and Kashikoi traversed the distance to the Hokage Mansion. Kashikoi of course made several stops to both relieve himself and mark his territory along the way. Once they arrived at the mansion they both looked up at the imposing building, “It looks smaller from farther away. Anyway let’s see if he is ready to see us.” Both of them walk inside the building and make their way up to the Hokage’s office. Approaching the door Jirou knocks on the door and waits for a response.​
[WC: 304]​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
With everything that was going on it was a busy time for the Hokage, some would say that he seemed to be overwhelmed with work but it wouldn’t be for much longer, even he knew that, shifting a pile or paper from his desk into the completed stack that sat neatly beside his desk he let out a stifled yawn, trying to get over how much paperwork he actually had completed. Rubbing his hands together he took a second of his day to glance out over the village, the sun hitting the roofs of the building letting the village glisten in the beautiful day that it was. His thoughts transpired back to the office he was in when he heard a knock coming from the door.


The words usually coming from his lips as he wanted to see what this new visitor wanted with him today or if it was more paperwork, the thought of the latter sent a small shiver down his spine as he raised himself to his full height in the desk chair and focused on the door waiting to see who would enter into the office.

[Topic Entered]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou was glad that the Hokage was in his office. When he was told to enter, Jirou did exactly that with Kashikoi walking beside him. Staring at the pile of paperwork beside the desk Jirou swallowed hard wondering if that was the completed pile or what he still had yet to do. He wondered to himself if all Hokage had so much paperwork to do. Anyway he had not come to talk about paperwork. He had come to discuss his own plans for the future and how he wished to proceed in his training.​
After first bowing to the Hokage respectfully Jirou straightens back up, “Thank you for seeing me, Hokage. I just wanted to talk about my future plans here in the village. I have been learning a lot in the Academy. Kashikoi and I have been working and training hard. The Leaf Village has become my home. I didn’t think I would ever find a family after losing my own family, but this village has welcomed me and I feel as though I have a real family again. When I first arrived I felt very alone with no real home to call my own. That has changed and I feel as though the Leaf Village is now my home and my family. I hope that will never change. I do know that I will do whatever I can to protect the village from external and internal threats.” After pausing to take a breath Jirou then resumes, “All of this has all gotten me to thinking about the future and what branch I would like to work towards. I would like to train to be a journeyman. This is because no matter where one finds themselves the focus should be on helping the Leaf Village and beyond that the Shinobi world. We are here to be examples for others to follow. We are here to help others and protect those who need protecting. I used to think that Kashikoi and I didn’t need anyone else. I used to think about going after the bandits who killed my parents. They are criminals and they should be brought to justice. However they are also part of a larger problem. I would like to also go after the reasons why they chose that lifestyle. In time after I work hard to become Hokage,” a smile forming on his face as he looks at the current Hokage, “I would like to work hard to improve the situation of those who have yet to understand that what they do to others touches everyone else. I would also like to make sure that the Hokage doesn't have so much paperwork.” Kashikoi yips in agreement and it might even sound like he is yipping about being the first ever wolf Hokage.​
After a few moments Jirou resumes giving a grin to Kashikoi, “Even Kashikoi agrees that you have way too much paperwork. I would like to work with the Anbu as well helping them in their missions. We are all a part of the same village and it seems to me that there would be occasions when Journeymen would naturally work together with the Anbu for the success of a mission. I think I have said enough for now. I would very much like to hear your thoughts about what I have said.”
[WC: 557]​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the man speak it was clear that he had a passion, a drive for the future, that would be required of most academy students even Takeshi knew that much. He allowed himself to consider the students' words for a few moments knowing full well that the words that he had to say would decide what future lay ahead for him. Everyone after all did have a choice in what future they wanted, it was true though it seemed like the student would be leading the way of once more focusing on becoming an Main Branch member. Admirable goals considering that the next Hokage was herself from the Main BRanch, he could see the appeal of it after all it was a noble cause and it was one that didn’t see you hiding behind a mask.

“I can understand feeling all this ambition during the earlier days of your career into the Shinobi world, and wanting to prove yourself. But speed isn’t always a good thing, I have seen so many promising people fall to the side by their own speed and drive faltering before them. While I agree that you do need to progress so I am willing to give you a chance to prove yourself.”

Pondering for a few minutes, he waited to see what options he could come up with that would both allow this student to find himself further on the footing of being at home. Grabbing a file from his desk he opened it with the boy's information in it, it would be what some would consider a dossier of all his work inside of the Academy as well as his progress he had been making inside of the village as well. Studying it for a few minutes, he offered the student a seat in front of the desk, it would be no good having a conversation with someone that was always standing up in front of him.

“Soooo, considering the options we have, the first thing I am going to do is give you a promotion to the rank of Genin, I feel that your aspirations and dedication to the village alone see this as a fitting reward for wanting to help leaf out and the way that you speak about the village. Now onto the matter of a few things, as stated I am glad that you are settling into the village, this is great news to hear as for the future, Hokage is always a great goal to reach towards, but I am sure as you climb the ranks you will understand what goal you have set yourself. Your journey of learning is for you to understand and you alone. We all walk that path myself included to get to where I am today.”

Speaking of the ANBU and the Branch was something that not many should really be discussing, as he knew full well that joint operations where down to the Sennin and the Sennin alone, no-one else would discuss this matter and this was a point of fact in the eyes of the Hokage. As he sat back and allowed himself to ponder the best reply to this issue knowing he had to be careful on the wording.

“As for the joint operations of ANBU and Main Branch, I cannot comment on that at all, this is simply put for the Branch Sennin to discuss between themselves, that is all I can say on this matter I am sure that you understand my reasoning for this and why I say it the way I say it.”

[Raijin Jirou Promoted to Genin]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
When Jirou first hears the words from the Hokage, “...considering the options we have, the first thing I am going to do is give you a promotion to the rank of Genin…” Jirou smiled widely. He could scarcely contain his own excitement and Kashikoi sensing this yipped happily as well. It was the first step on their journey and he could hardly wait to get started. When the Hokage motions for him to be seated in one of the chairs before his desk, Jirou sits down and motions for Kashikoi to come and sit beside him giving him an affectionate pat on the top of his head, “Good boy, Kashikoi.”
The smile still on his face Jirou replied to the Hokage, “Thank you sir for this great honor. I will work hard to make sure that I do not let you down. I want to be an asset that the Leaf Village can depend on to get the job done.” He gives the Hokage a nod when he mentions that he cannot discuss the Anbu. He understood the reasonings very well and he would not press the issue. “I am aware of the need for discretion and I respect that, Hokage. I am looking forward to the new challenges and this chance to prove myself. A Shinobi never stops learning and growing. Every day we,” he starts to say his hand motioning to include Kashikoi in the ‘we’, “..train and work to become stronger and come closer to perfecting our jutsu. A Shinobi can never just sit back and relax, but must remain alert and ready to face any new threat that might arise. I want to be ready.”
This was a really good day and he could hardly wait to share his good news with Karasu and Hiro. He still had a few questions about the next step and who he should talk to to get started on the path that he has chosen. “How should I go about getting started in the main branch? Is there a specific person I need to talk to? Is there something I should do first?” He took out a small pad of paper from his coat and a pencil ready to write down what the Hokage said in answer to his questions.​
[WC: 380]​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the boy speak, it seemed that he was full of ambition and desire, something that could not be forgotten so easily but right now the main thing was that he understood the responsibility that he was being given, as well as what that actually meant for someone in his position. Takeshi leaned back in his chair as he looked across to the companion that accompanied the boy.

“It's not an honour, it's a task, it's down to you to prove to me that this was the right move to make, and that is where your real journey begins now. You will be tasked with completing missions and repaying the village with your hard work and effort. That is how you will have to step forward.”

Trailing off with thought he allowed a small smile to escape his lips as he pondered the next steps for the boy during this time.

“Your next course of action will be to train yourself, learning and mastering anything and everything. Never consider yourself at the point of being unable to learn anything or that is the point when you give up, that is the point you fail as a Shinobi and you will fail yourself as a person. You will be ready for the world and the world will be ready for you, it may just take a little bit of time for you to get there, trust me from someone who has experienced that first hand.”

Leaning forward he looked the boy in the eyes a smile on his lips as he spoke to him, giving him a direct answer.

“You will need to go and report to Uchiha Asuka, the main branch Sennin, and ask her what your next step would be, what she wants you to do. Though as a Gennin other Sennin are open to you and if you wanted to look at other branch options, those in the form of the ANBU Sennin and Medical Sennin respectively all have offices in this building if you wanted to go and have a hunt for them. Anything else I can help with?”

Waiting to see if the boy would have an answer to the question that had been asked to him.

[MFT: 373]
Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
Jirou listens closely to what was being said. He also took down several notes in the small notebook making a point of underlining the words, ‘Your next course of action will be to train yourself, learning and mastering anything and everything.’ Jirou was certainly determined to do that and he did not want to fail the trust that had been placed in him. He notes down the name Uchiha Asuka before looking up from his notebook to say, “This is perfectly clear and I will do exactly as you say and work towards learning and mastering everything. I give you my word that I will not let you down. In fact I will contact Uchiha Asuka right after I leave here. I am looking forward to speaking with her and seeing what my first mission will be.”
Taking a few moments to see if he has any more questions for the Hokage, Jirou realizes that he has no other questions at this time. He flips his notepad closed and puts it back into his coat pocket, “No sir you have been very thorough and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to meet with me. I will work hard and complete the missions I am given. This is my life and I am committed to protecting the Village that is also my family.” As Jirou stood up Kashikoi did as well. “I should let you get back to your duties. I will go find Uchiha Asuka or leave word for her if she is not in. Again thank you for seeing me and for making me a Genin. I will always remember this day. If there is nothing else I can take my leave.”
Jirou would always remember this day and his meeting with Hokage. It was the beginning of his journey towards becoming a fully-fledged Leaf Shinobi. He was true to his word working hard to validate the trust that had been placed in him. This was his Shinobi Way.​
[WC: 331]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
