Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Behind Enemy Lines [Private / Koyoko]

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013

It was fall, and winter was on Iwa's doorsteps. At least, that was how it felt to him. There was an unerring similarity in the temperate weather of Stone Village to Kirigakure, but it came in waves of nostalgia to Hira. Small triggers would fire, bringing fourth memories of home that could not be so easily quelled. In its own right, Iwagakure had become his new home. A temporary one at best, he wondered frequently if home was simply where the heart was.

Ever since he had come into contact with Haruka, answers had revealed themselves to all of his problems. He wasn't weary of this, for it wasn't too good to be true in his eyes. Some people simply had to ruin the happiness of others for their own entertainment. It was almost as if shinobi in Stone desired nothing more than to create chaos. Unable to comply, the nation would certainly fall to shambles if no one stood up and acted in its stead.

At first, the idea rang in his head like a delicate bell. Shortly after, thousands more began sonorously clambering--carrying with them the impetus of a new age. It was almost as if you were stuck in a room for a lifetime, and suddenly, in one instant some one entered and turned the lights on. Some truth had been revealed, and he was compelled to be the agent responsible for delivering a message. (To whichever end it was received)...

Flipping the mouthpiece of his headset down, he adjusted the frequency. He listened to the noise of dead airspace, wondering if she would hear him.

Ryuujin Koyoko, this is Nakamura Hira. I request your immediate presence at the exterior of the capitol. I would like to discuss the affairs of Iwagakure with you personally, without the interference of any individual. One on one. Come at your leisure, alone as I am. This is a matter of diplomacy, and not violence. Show me the respect I offer you.

He stood there, in the chill of the setting sun. Dusk would soon wreath the city, and that was when he felt most at home.

[Topic Entered. Requesting Ryuujin Koyoko's presence through /Private Intercom/]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: No Country For Old Men [Private / Koyoko]


Nakamura Hira... Haruka's vessel as he but it. I should expect for him to be the total embodiment of Haruka's words and ideals. His call came in to my headset requesting a meeting outside the capitol in order to discuss the affairs of Iwagakure. I saw urgency in the request considering he had strong ties with Haruka the king slayer. She had killed the former Kage and issued a verbal death threat to another government official... I personally classified her as an S rank threat who needed to be found and apprehended as soon as possible. With no hint as to her whereabouts, Nakamura Hira requesting to meet me was suspect to say the least. Meeting him alone incurred some high level risk but they were risks I was happy to make. The Kage Guard Ryujin three was now the biggest threat to whatever Haruka and her gang was planning. Removing me from the picture would be a great step in pushing their agenda. Whether this meeting was for real or a ploy, it didn't matter. If an ambush took place, I'd have the opportunity to take Haruka's vessel down and extract all the info I needed on Haruka or perhaps she'd be waiting there with him in which case would save me the trouble of a hunt. If this was truly a diplomatic meeting then I'd have to question why? I wasn't exactly the diplomatic type like Kamaru and Inu-sama. The heavy blade I lugged around did the talking for me...

I made my way to the capitol to find a desolate area. Nobody was in sight but this was where I was asked to come. Taking my blade, I'd slam it's edge into the ground so that it would stand on it's own. Looking around I'd contact Hira using my headset. He requested a none violent meeting... a pity... a battle would be more fun. "...I'm outside... alone."

[Topic Entered]

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
Re: No Country For Old Men [Private / Koyoko]

Taking a few footsteps out, he bore himself through shadow. Everything was slowly becoming bleak as time passed, and he felt demurred in his silence. Koyoko had arrived, with predictable timing to his query. After having laid in wait for quite some time, he was ready to make whatever type of statement would be necessary for the moment-- although he wasn't quite sure what the correct statement would be. If the personal guardian of a treasonous villain asked you to meet him in a public place, without the security of another shinobi, would you do it? He himself was not so sure. Koyoko's business, however, was certainly different from his own.

Taking the softest of footsteps towards her, he mustered all the grace he could find to avoid attempting to sever her head from her body. Little did Ryuujin Koyoko know, she was almost an exact replica to some one she had encountered long ago in Kirigakure. But those secrets were his, and he kept them tucked away deep within his belly. Such secrets were meant to be kept safe.

I see that.

He responded to her. His statement was deceptive, for he truly saw everything for a very great distance. He chose not to bore her with monologues, and instead began to walk about her personal space. Sizing her up from every angle, he began to trace circles on the stone with his shoes. It felt like a dance, as he revolved around the point she had terminated. He laughed softly, finding what he was about to say to her slightly amusing.

Iwagakure is beautiful, ne?

Upon finishing his statement, he paused with great length. Finding poise, he retracted his ill-harbored feelings for the woman with great caution. For now, it was his intention to create common ground between the two of them--for common ground was the only place where compromise could ever be met.

I cannot say I am from this nation, nor would I personally ever rescind my origins. That, however, is unrelated to my admiration for its merits.

Elaborate as he was, he hoped to be eloquent enough to dissuade her from attention. He didn't desire to have the woman on edge, believing him to be intent on attacking her. She would have been far less useful to him dead.

There are many things I do not know here, but what I do know for sure is that something has gone terribly amiss. This much I feel self-assured that you would agree upon, for one reason or another.

Such things are trifles to me.

Have you investigated the death of the Tsuchikage?

He waited for a response, if there was one proper.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: No Country For Old Men [Private / Koyoko]


...He actually showed up alone? What was his aim in doing something so reckless? Such dauntlessness confound me and warrant much admiration considering the company he kept. Still, I had my reasons for meeting him here and I'm sure he knew this. So why did he deliberately place himself before me knowing that I would stop at nothing to have his girlfriends head on a spike.? What could be so important to discuss with me that he would risk himself being captured or killed. Perhaps he knew I would not kill him... He is my only lead to Haruka's whereabouts... Willing to put it all on the line for his loyalty to her... I think I like him.

"Yes Iwagakure is beautiful... is that what you called me out here for? To talk about the beauty of my home..."

I shared a light chuckle with him. My eyes staring into him (Hypnotic suggestion R3), suggesting the line not to cross when approaching, telling his body that he was at a save enough distance, one that I was comfortable with and that any closer without me ready would warrant hostility. He then asked if I personally investigated the death of Inu-sama... That was a good question... I had not personally investigated Inu-sama's death. All I knew was that Haruka claimed to have killed him and that he was no where to be found... I answered his question with a raise eye brow wondering what was his point in asking me...



Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
Re: No Country For Old Men [Private / Koyoko]

With the depth of experience that he had accrued in times of great strife, he guided himself towards just conduct in all pursuits in life. From his own home, the art of war was defined as something heralded by ingenuity and integrity. In Iwagakure, men of all persuasions were shaken by the quakes of their unanswered questions. Stubborn were they whom sought answers to their questions, but refused to hear the true answers. The chakra within Koyoko's body began to flow more freely through her, indicating some internal change. He didn't like this. Not one bit.

Do not be mistaken, I have no immediate interest in violating your personal space.

His eyes flashed for a moment, glinting with the weight of the Hakumei Byakugan. If anything, he was merely showing it off to her as a means to indicate his transparency. If he wanted to touch her, he would do so very well on his own terms without her intervention. No interference would be had if he had anything to say of it.

...And in regards to Iwagakure, I have a greater purpose inviting you here than to marvel at the state of your nation. I could talk until the day is old of the grace of my homeland.

He trailed off, disturbed by the image of it covered in several meters of frost. It made him sick, so he withdrew it from his mind to keep weight from his heart. It worked.

I can tell you as a matter of my personal achievements as the last known captain of Kirigakure's A.N.B.U., that I have not traveled here in ignorance to your customs. I have observed them as closely as I have been able to in my time here. You and your kin tread perilous waters, because you have been vexed by the pressing nature of your shift in leadership. This much is well understood on my behalf, as it can be rather complicated if approached by a berserk mind.

He spoke clearly to her, trying to impart some form of reason. He wished solemnly to communicate his status as an individual of knowledge in the art of tracking, government operation, civil protection, and above all military excellence.

You took me up on my offer to meet and discuss these matters, knowing full and well that either one of us could leave this spot in a body bag. Or worse. Your sword doesn't frighten me; what you can rend asunder with it, I can just as easily do without any extension from my very own fists.

He continued circling her, doing a little bit of bagua. The airy motions of his hands formed a movement of energy, and he danced with it to create a peaceful ambiance. He wanted to project some aesthetic beauty to her, almost as a peace offering.

I'm going to paint a picture for you.

He began to dance around her, flourishing with the agility and precision he had been honing a lifetime over. He bore his heart in his dance, as he began to depict to her his analysis of the crime scene he came upon not so long ago.

A hillside, somewhere etched just below the sisters on Titan's Keep. A thick fog had rolled over the city, obscuring the outside. A gathering of few, a foreign messenger bore a message to Inu Endo. For whichever purpose, Haruka saw tyranny in his actions and voiced her opposition to his actions. Thus, the conflict began.

His motions began to accelerate, appearing less beautiful and more jarring and violent. Cutting back his motions with sharp fists and kicks, he cut loose into the open air leaving plenty of space between himself and her. He made it as obvious as he could that there was no direction of this energy towards her, to show he spoke a similar language.

The two prepared to clash, and sustained techniques to best advantage themselves to fight their opposing party. The messenger tried to escape, but among the first blows dealt a sequence of explosives annihilated the foreigner to nothing but ash and oxygen. Haruka sustained many injuries from this, no doubt. I was the first response in your village to the turbulence.

As he danced, he pulled two phials from his bag. Each one contained a droplet of blood, crystallized in its container.

When I encountered the scene, I smelled and tasted the blood of the fray. Two samples stood out. A heavy frost coated the field--black ice, covered in lays of char and red revealed a semi-chronological explanation of the Ninjutsu employed. If you know anything of the Toujigikou and the Haku, there was intent to kill behind both of their actions. If I were investigating the battle on my on soil, I would not say this battle was unexpected. I would say it was completely mutual, in force and destruction.

In the middle of an axle kick, he stopped his leg in mid air. Drawing his limb down to stand, facing away from Koyoko, he formed his thoughts into words with purpose.

Factual evidence thus far: Three individuals fought a bloody battle on the gates. One was obliterated, turned to ash by the explosive techniques of a Toujigikou. The force of the techniques indicates intent to kill on behalf of both parties, with a mutual consensus. Cause of death of the messenger would be quickly deduced to be death by explosive hidden technique. Neither body was found present at the scene of the fight.

He prayed from within that she heard his voice, and actually could see his logic.

After collecting samples of metal, fragments of debris, and fibers from the scene I departed with samples of blood towards the village. I ended up in the Inner Maruishi, where by some stroke of fate I encountered Minamoto-Kono Haruka. Her physical state bore all signs of the battle, so I immediately detained her for analysis. I interrogated her briefly, and tended to her wounds. If a medical deposition is required, I am more than happy to inform your chief of medical staff with a report of her injuries.

He turned back to her, giving her eye contact once again.

Given the nature of her psychological and physiological state, I confirmed quickly that she had killed the leader of this nation. I investigated the cause of death of Inu Endo personally, and can confirm that she was the killer. Through evaluation, however, I would say with full certainty that this violent end to your leader was necessitated by his actions. If a battle occurs between the leader of a nation, and her alleged subordinate, he should alert the proper authorities immediately. Especially given the influence of a foreign agent who he had killed himself in what appears to be cold blood.

He laughed at the thought.

So, your former Tsuchikage kills a foreign messenger on village soil, then wills death upon one of his alleged subordinates without indicating any of it to his A.N.B.U. Personnel? Regardless of the nature of their disagreement, this would appear to indicate foul play in any setting. He had something to hide, and had Haruka been the one to fall that afternoon, perhaps he would have disposed of her and left you all to think nothing of the day.

He began to walk circles again, trying to digress from the information he relayed to her. It was certainly a lot more information than he needed to offer her, but he knew that in order for the proper course of actions to be executed, some compromise would have to be made.

I don't dangle information before you in exchange for anything. I don't need to. I would say that your unit and greater organization are lacking in intelligence on the subject as of now, and I would be concerned by the fact that the Sennin of your branch has not thrown all other concerns to the wind to patrol the scenes of the battle and obtain full detail of what occurred here before warranting an arrest on a civil woman.

He spoke passionately, knowing the ins and outs of his branch on a personal basis. To him, it didn't really matter what excuse she or anyone else had. No one had even bothered to investigate the crime but him since he had arrived. All of the proponents of either faction simply opposed one another based on the political traditions of the village, instead of seeking answers to explain why it had even happened in the first place.

If you have the authority to do so, I urge you to suspend your warrant for arrest against Haruka. Incarcerating and interrogating her will do you no good. It will kill her, or your men, and leave you with fewer conclusions than you sought after. I would urge you to garner the attention of your leadership to immediately contact the home nation of the deceased messenger for diplomatic purposes, and assess Inu Endo's motives in the killing. If your nation does not publicly surrender this information to the world at large, and claim responsibility for the crime, more than the crown of your nation could end up jeopardized. Your entire village could be seized and dismantled, as we have seen happen to Konohagakure in recent times. Or worse...

He tried not to think of what had happened in his own home.

And finally, thank you for listening to me.

He wondered if his statement would make sense to the woman, and if she would even bother to discuss matters further with him. The facts were all there in black and white, whether or not she chose to believe their empirical truth. He saw them, first hand. He knew the specifics of what had occurred, and was more than willing to engage in discourse to end the warmongering. All he wanted was to see justice, and he would fight for it tooth and nail if necessary.


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: No Country For Old Men [Private / Koyoko]


There was a sight to see. I did not expect to be given a theatrical story boarding of events. This was a tragic tale with contents likely buttered down for me; however, I had to appreciate the art in the theatrical display of things past. I'd actually pay good money to see it again... over wine and roast duck perhaps. Dinner and a show... A coin to be made telling the feats and tragic end of our late kage. It would take time for an accurate script, right actors and dancers, oh and props... I'll put on hold my entrepreneur instincts for now to focus on matters at hand. I waited for him to finish to interject. Such an artistic expression deserved nothing less than my up most respect...

"That was... a beautiful display... Hmm... So now... your saying, that... I should call off the Haruka man hunt... and focus on the other problems at large right? Focus on why Inu-sama killed a allegedly innocent messenger and on rapprochement between Iwa and the other villages that may bare enmity toward Iwa. I must admit... those things are of highest priority... but... That's no more my job than it is an Iwa visitor's job to main the front lines of our vanguard. You said you studied our ways but you have things confused here. The diplomacy area is Stone's main branch sennin, Kamaru's jurisdiction as he is versed in foreign ways enough to communicate between Iwagakure and the various villages. My job is a little more simple. As temp Tsuchikage, I am to stop threats, inspire courage to our men and woman by remaining strong and command Iwa's armed forces with the authority to declare war. It hasn't come to that yet and I have faith in Kamaru's abilities to keep war a bay. Now, weather Haruka thought she was doing Iwa a service or not isn't for me to judge. I can only judge weather or not she is a threat to the nation and it's security... So far she has allegations made against her as a traitor in league with Kumogakure forces, has confessed her murder involving a government official, our king, interrupted an official Sennin meeting and has issued a death threat towards the main branch Sennin. She has commit more than one count of the highest level of conspiracy. To leave her unchecked would be a grave negligence on my duties. She had all rights to challenge Inu-sama for the right to rule in open combat before an audience of the village council but she choose to do things in the up most suspicious manner. If her plea is that she and the messenger were victimized by Inu-sama because he was a mad man who attacked them then she needs to turn herself in before things get worse. I will bring her in if she comes willingly... Anbu and medical forensics will analyze data from the sight, bodies, testimonies, etc to give a report as additional evidence in her case... with these factors and more, she will be given a fair trial by the village council for each charge and counts. Now that you have revealed your reasons for this meeting, I guess it's fair that I reveal my reasons for obliging. I assure you... it wasn't because of an inability to curve a pathological sense of curiosity. You can tell your friends to come out now otherwise you can answer the only question that matters to me right now... Where is... Haruka?"

[ooc: yeah, long dialog.]​

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
Has anyone ever told you that you have an awful tendency to insult people?

He looked at her, troubled by her response. If anything, it sounded like she had entirely dismissed any of the content he had presented for her. Withdrawing the phials of blood, he continued to circle her quietly. As he moved, he began to drum his hands on his armor to create a gentle rhythm for his heart to beat with.

You know nothing of leadership. Your customs and traditions are separate from the ideals of power, and if you had any wits about you, you wouldn't have wasted half as much time justifying yourself.

It wasn't necessary for him to say more to Koyoko. He simply enjoyed to torture himself, so he chose not to abandon reason. He figured that maybe, just maybe, he could incite some similar form of consciousness in her mind.

A true leader is universally responsible for all things. You clearly have voiced a lack of wisdom necessary to fulfill the power you claim to rightfully possess. You don't even question if it was handed to you on the edict of a tyrant.

Her ignorance required little nitpicking to describe. She was foolish, young, and inexperienced.

I sympathize with you, however. Your nation is under duress of great hardship, and it is demanding a shared division of accountability for the repercussions of an event you hardly understand.

I do not, however, forgive you your ignorance. Get off your high horse before it bucks you beneath its hooves.

He brushed his hair from his face, trying to give her advice without sounding like an arrogant man was difficult.

I do not know Haruka's current whereabouts. I separated from her shortly ago to invite you here to speak. My liaison with her isn't some high-profile think tank which tracks her actions to the footstep. She is an adult, a leader, and she has a will of her own. As do I.

He stopped before Koyoko, extending a hand to her. It appeared that at the very least, he wanted to keep his criticisms as far from personal as he could. He meant well in everything he said, and made no threats. Spilling blood wouldn't accomplish anything for him at this point.

Traitors have no character, Ryuujin Koyoko. When they lie to your face, you can feel it. But when they take the time to deliver their honesty, and they try to find compromise within it, you should know to back down from your convictions. Unless you wish to be seen as a brazen animal, which cannot a country lead?

He looked at her with deep curiosity. What kind of woman was she? Was she a sheep, herded like the rest of the civil mass? Or was she simply hungry for power, electing to follow a road to influence by sacrificing integrity. He didn't know. All that he knew for sure was that, she was doing a terrible job of convincing him her point of view was valid.

Dogma and tradition will never feed a people. Realism is the only solution to your problems here. Remember that, if anything I say remains rippling through your waking dream of life.

He knelt before her, as a matter of respect in conveying this message. He hoped to show his truest self in every instant he spent with her, because he knew no other way to help her relate to his position.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: No Country For Old Men [Private / Koyoko]


Eyes focused on the ground...​

"Is that what you thought I was doing? Justifying myself? No, I was simply putting things in perceptive for you and showing you the reality of things as you are doing for me right now. and you know what... Your right... I know nothing of leadership. I do have a lack of wisdom required for this possession. I did not question if this position was handed to me on the edict of a tyrant. There is really a lot of this crap that's frustrating because of my inexperience and yes I can admit to my ignorance..."

Hira sought to point out my flaws and though he was right, the question still remained... What did my flaws have to do with Haruka's treason? This village was much like a human body and though the body parts work together to fend off foreign threats, lets not forget the inner bodies task of dealing with the cancer from within. That is how a great leader thinks in my opinion. Like the inner body trust that the outside body will place the nutrients needed inside to keep things functioning and the outer body trust that the inner body is pumping blood through the veins and the white blood cells killing off the domestic infections, I too trust that the shinobi versed in foreign affairs are working diligently to patch things as they are trusting me to deal with the growing cancer from within. He was smart but his belief that I should focus my efforts else where completely dismisses that the village is composed of a head, body, two arms, and two legs, etc each with several branches. Each components efforts contribute to a healthy being. Acting as a head and dismissing the other parts... how could you survive? The answer was simple... you could not. Maybe that is why he is here today instead of his own village. I didn't know much about leading but what I do know is Stone and it's people and it's strength.

"...I am ignorant to leading but... Don't underestimate me! And don't underestimate the people of Iwagakure!"

Eye's focused on Hira's sternly as he is knelt..

"We don't care about how ignorant we are or what wisdom we don't have! We don't give a damn about that. Force your way down a path YOU choose, and do it all yourself! That's the way of a great Tsuchikage! Never afraid of what the future holds, never regretful of the present. That's who we are! I can shoulder the weight of the village, have a superior lack of wisdom, and be the most ignorant shinobi in Iwagakure because you know what... I'm not alone. As Tsuchikage I know that the Stone village is comprised of many stones. By the Gods, both old and new, I have faith that I won't be leading this village alone! I have my Sennin, Jounin, Guardians, Shamen, Anbu, medical nin, Chuunin, and Genin. Each of whom willing and ready to back their shoulders together with me and endure the sheer weight of this village. Together we are wise! And together, there is no ignorance... We evolve, beyond the person that we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance with each and every stone. That's how this village works! So you see... it doesn't matter what I don't know because my people know and we will teach each other. Foreign affairs are being taking care of by the professionals that know how, patients in tour clinic are being taken care of by the professionals who know how, and domestic treasonous criminals are being taken care of by the professionals who know how to take care of em... This is in no way a justification but the realism of things... the solution to Stone's problems, is the Stone shinobi... can you dig it?


[ooc: No Koyoko does not have her figure pointed to the sky like that lol sorry guys maybe next time.]​

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013

Silence formed between the moments of passionate words. If Ryuujin Koyoko had proven anything about herself, it was the fact that she had many things to say. Truth be told, however, Irotsuya hated people that enjoyed to hear themselves speak. This cliche recant she had so fervently babbled to him couldn't have been further from the remedy to their problems; it was merely a subjective, illogical statement about the highest ideals of her country. Every ounce that she believed in was empty without knowledge, and every action would be without effect. All truths would eventually be rendered utterly vapid beneath the reign of such a selectively attentive people, and this was beyond all doubts.

Can I dig it?

Standing from his kneel, he looked at her with an accusatory eye. She had insulted him for the very last time. Speaking like a broken record, she had trampled any semblance of dignity she initially bore before him. Her voice was like a scratch on a quality vinyl; irreparable, incessant, and irritating. He began to twitch slightly, looking at her in visible dismay. The discomfort was visceral. It was like feeling at itch that simply wouldn't be scratched, no matter how far and wide ones fingers wandered the surface of their skin. He bit his lip for a moment, closing his eyes as if he couldn't see her face--almost as a customary ode to privacy in the face of another person.

Your Shinobi Village wouldn't be a village if there weren't other Shinobi in the world. There would be no need for a militarized force to control land, or sustain and provide for the will of people--if there weren't maligns in the intentions of human beings. There are more solutions to problems in the world than any one shinobi from any one village. Once upon a time, you weren't a Shinobi from stone. Somewhere, far along the lines of humanity, your ancestors were nomads wandering the countryside in boar hides. They probably couldn't even spell their own names.

He scoffed at her, boiling beneath his skin. Her ignorance was something she admitted, and a fault that she identified, but refused to acknowledge as a threat to her own prized village. She was a hypocrite, in the most literal sense of the word. If any people in the world he hated more, he would certainly be surprised. His legs bent at the knees, as he made himself stand more comfortably in her presence. It was honestly all that he could do to ease his internal rage--displace it.

You would throw away the lives of thousands of people for your own arrogance. You would do it without batting an eyelash, wouldn't you?

He tilted his head to her, easing in towards her at least a step. The intensity he brought with him was heavy, like a highly pressurized gun. He looked like a snake watching its prey, eyes steely with the urge to devour. He could feel hatred, somewhere burning deep within.

You are nothing different from an animal.

He stared at her, motionless. His pause could have built some anticipation, boy.

The difference between the way animals interact, and the way people do, is that people and animals kill their own kind.

He twisted his words at her, implying something clear as day. His hair darkened with his voice, and his Gaia cursed seal began to surge across the flesh of his skin. He could feel the will of the darkness within him surging, and all common sense fading from his presence. She had gone too far.

Animals sometimes kill people, but people slaughter animals.

He grabbed her by the neck and shoved her to the ground in contempt with one blow, and held her throat to the ground beneath his fist. Before anyone knew what happened, her neck had snapped beneath the weight of his rage.

[Due to recent statements regarding Koyoko's ban and our presence in this topic, I see no option more fit than to kill Koyoko's character at the steps of the spire. Koyoko threatened Hira on numerous occasions in stone, and should Koyoko return to play on Ninpocho the ban stipulates that the player must rebirth to a new character. Ryuujin Koyoko's character has influenced numerous players plots including Nakamura Hira in stone village. Therefore,]

[Force Killing Ryuujin Koyoko]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
