Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Bully payback time


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
“Thanks for the breakfast Dad, but I got to run!” He said as he would grab a toast off the counter and grabbed all his stuff together, trying to keep everything together to not worry his family. “You should take it a little easier!” he heard his old man yell behind him as he quickly put on his shoes and got outside the house. That was where he started to wait until the family got out of the house.

Halfway through the morning, well when the classes had started… Nova got back inside the house and went through the medical cabinet. “hm.. that, isn’t it.. Don’t think this is it…” He tried to go through several places and sometimes when he reached far out, he had to halt his movements. “I better switch to a long sleeve… that way no one will see them…” He spoke to himself and went back to his room. After he got back down the stairs he found the thing he had been looking for.

He tried to read the salve that he had grabbed from inside. There was a handwritten message on it, but given the fact this was his father's handwriting, he was clear to say that it was basically unreadable. “He always uses this when we have a cut…” He muttered as he would look around, it seemed to be clear as day if anything and he quickly got to the park where there would be water to use as a reflection. Not to mention trees and everything to find stuff to repair or craft a new bow.

Just as he stood up to start walking to the park… He halted, why did he feel sad exactly? He let his arms hang as he looked to the floor, trying to think what he thought. What was going on in his mind… There was so much going on, yet at the same time, there wasn’t anything. He slowly placed the bow on the ground, it was right now held together with some duct tape.

The young child sat down at the small grassland near the houses, where a small pond was with trees surrounding it. If one was keen on the surroundings, there you could hear sometimes a wince or almost a hissing sound. Lots of people had just walked by not seeing or hearing anything.

His shirt was beside him and he had his back turned to the bushes facing towards the water. His whole shoulder was bruised and had slight imprints of boots. Not to mention that at some parts the skin had been tensed so well that it had slight tore apart, making an abrasion. On his ribs were bruises that already had been treated by the salve that he had brought. On his cheek, he had tried to put a bandaid to hide the scratched skin underneath. The same with his hand… Yet that also had colored multiple shades of bruised. His good hand he used for shooting his bow.

Slowly the tears started to fall down on the knees of the child, he couldn’t really contain himself anymore. Everything just felt like it was so difficult and hard. No one seemed to look who he was. No one seemed to see him. they all just saw the same thing, just a boy training often. While in fact he always did a lot more.
“Guess… I do have a superpower after all huh Mom… It’s invisibility..” he spoke between the sobs and wished partly that he was back in the time when both his moms were still alive, where there was still a safe place.

Link back to where the mission was approved; Link
C-Rank: 600 Words
C-Rank: 25000 Yen, and 55 stat points or ASP (Mission Moderator gets +20)
mission details said:
Bully payback time
Mission Rank: C
Mission Type: Self-Modded Mission
Mission Description: After Nova's library helping moment, he had to craft a new bow to aid him in the ways of the shinobi. Keniwa offered to help and learns then only what happened with Nova. Together they go to confront the bullies.
Mission Participants: Nova (mission mod) Keniwa (Regular RP slot, opts out of rewards)
Wordcounter: 606
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Taking some time for himself for the day Keniwa would make sure to always check back in with nature, it helped to keep him going in his studies and after any hard moments he would have. Sometimes it was just good to relax and enjoy the scenery and it's what he would do, despite his fists mechanical nature he did love the outdoors and just being located inside of it. Bringing some lunch with him which he had bought from the Red Oak Street, practically treating himself for today. A bowl of rice, and steak with several spring onions and a delicious smoky barbecue sauce, kept tightly in a black container which would all it to maintain it's warmness. Even if it had become cold though he'd probably just conjure up a minor fire jutsu to reheat it.

Just making his way out of the housing complexs to the nature aside it, a few parks would reside there and surrounding one would be a small grassland area Keniwa had discovered on a walk around Maple Town. He would make his way going through the slightly tall grass, trying to find a perfect place to sit just far enough away from the other village members. However his ears tweaked a small frail sound which almost sounded like a wince, activating his tremor sense a figure would be only a 20ft away from him huddled up on the ground. He stealthily climbed the tree nearest to him and leapt on branches making his way quietly towards the small person, it was his day off but he was still concerned for their well being, there is no way he could sit and eat comfortably knowing someone near him was in pain.

Perching in between the leaves and several other branches he could see the sad scene right in front of him. His prior classmate Nova had looked injured with a bandage residing on their face, but other than that they were clearly distraught. He didn't move a muscle until he could hear “Guess… I do have a superpower after all huh Mom… It’s invisibility..” as Nova would sob. Slowly making his way down he would approach nova with a warm smile and say "Nova...? Are you okay? What's wrong buddy. What happened did you hurt yourself?" He felt pity for his friend, wanting to right whatever wronged this poor young boy. "You don't have to tell me but, if there's anything I can do to help Im all ears. I've got some lunch I can share if you'd like?"


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
“Guess… I do have a superpower after all huh Mom… It’s invisibility..”
Those were the words that left the young male along with the sounds of sobbings, he honestly was wishing for stuff right now. But his thoughts got all halted when he heard a voice from near him. As a result a yelp left him and he abruptly stood up. It was then that his eyes met those of Keniwa and saw the smile. Instantly his eyes went to the ground, tears already filling up leaving him to watch a blurry world until a teardrop fell over his cheek to teh ground. He bit his lip hard as thoughts started to race through his mind. ’ How… can I tell him, I am fine..? So he won’t worry..? Would the same thing work as I told my family..? As I told the librarian..? Would he fall for it? Can I lie again?’. It was with those thoughts that he slumped down on his knees again, hands in front where the tears fell on his hands.

’I can’t…’
At first there was like a stone in his throat, while he tried to speak just mere sounds left and the sobbing got worse for a moment. It was only after a short moment that he recollected himself again and tried to speak between the sniffles and wiping his eyes. Due to the tears and the wiping even the patch on his cheek was starting to let go. “The library.. They… And the books.” He started speaking as best as he could while trying to take deep breaths in between. “They mocked, continuously… and, I tried to ignore. Maybe they too wouldn’t notice me…” Once more he took a shaky breath and looked up to Keniwa. The salve at some parts had already the time to be absorbed by the skin, leaving it all in view for Keniwa to see what they did.

“They didn't stop… Even when I tried to say stop.” Out of frustration, he hit the ground making him wince once more before talking himself down. “I was too weak to stop it… too nice to stop it… and no one noticed.” It was only after a short while… that he was able to tell the story more correctly. How people that graduated and did an exam stunt to collapse the whole library books. How he had tried to help fill the shelves again but got punished for doing the right thing. How he was now left without a proper bow now, despite being a Hawkeye. He even showed bruises where there were imprints of shoes. At last… He told how none of the adults noticed it when it had happened.

“How can I even continue..? I am tired Keni…” He had shortened his name as a sign of trust in a way too. The tears had dried at this point and the sniffles had calmed down. Right now he was sitting on his bum, playing a bit with the long sleeves t-shirt in his hands. Yet through this all not once he had looked up to Keniwa for a fear or rejection, a fear that he too would do this to him. After all.. Betrayal was always from someone you knew. Never a stranger.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Listening intently as Nova would speak Keniwa felt a wave of sympathy hit him as Nova's eyes darted towards the ground, whilst at first he wasn't aware what happened he knew he didn't enjoy watching his hawkeye friend in such a distraught state. Sitting down to face Nova with a worried expression, as they slump down on to their Knees, he'd pour everything in to making sure just with his body language that he was there for him. Relaxed shoulders and clenched fists as he sat concentratedly cross legged, Nova's deep breaths would signify Keniwa to speak. "It's okay Nova there's no rush, you were talking about books?" However his curious yet calm expression would dissipate in to a hidden anger, if closely inspected his eyes could be seen practically twitching in annoyance as he'd go on. 'I can't believe it. Nova was attacked on academy grounds? And nothing was done?!'

A blazing flame would begin to kindle inside of his heart as Nova would show him the bruises and boot imprints, standing up in defiance he'd respond to Nova's question feeling empowered "Nova... I've never been... well bullied by any classmates. We wouldn't be shinobi if we didn't stand up and continue the fight. Your tired I understand but.. I say we repay those brats in full. You and me both." Looking down beside Nova he could see the younglings signature bow broken and tattered to pieces barely being held together. He would gaze at his own metallic augments which permanently resided in place of his own fists, with out them would he be as strong as he is now? "Like me you use taijutsu... I wouldn't know how to use a bow at all, it's pretty amazing the way you use it. We should probably get that fixed or get you a new one before we do anything."

Vaguely staring in the direction of the village where the two came from he'd then look around the grassland which the two would be surrounded by, for a moment he'd think to himself whilst scratching his rocky forehead. "Perhaps we could look in the village if there is any weaponry that fits your mark!" Opening his wallet he'd see that he was rung pretty dry from his most recent purchase, gaping his mouth slightly open and his eyes would go blank in shock. Shaking his head slightly reinvigorating himself he'd look back at Nova who's tears had dried, "I'm not sure money wise I can really help you out... maybe we could make one? The forest has lots of natural resources we might be able to find some really strong wood!"


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Nova was glad that his friend was there to support him and just let him have his fit.

"Like me you use taijutsu... I wouldn't know how to use a bow at all, it's pretty amazing the way you use it. We should probably get that fixed or get you a new one before we do anything." Nova started to look up toward Keniwa and tilt his head a little. His eyes are still red and puffy and there was sometimes a sniffle to clear his nose... But he did nod towards him. "Sounds good.." He even looked at where he was looking then he saw the sign that he looked at his wallet. "A-ah... you don't have to.." He would try to cover up the wallet with his hands. Nova honestly felt that he was already asking so much from him, even when it was just listening to him rant for a change.

"I'm not sure money-wise I can really help you out... maybe we could make one? The forest has lots of natural resources we might be able to find some really strong wood!" He would nod a couple of times and give a small smile again. At first, he would pick up the salve, put on the lid, and then put it away... Carefully he did his shirt back on and the band-aid on his cheek had fallen off. Clearly displaying the scrape that had crusts on top along with the discolored spots. "Maybe the outer edge of the forest of death has good branches... Those trees have been there for ages, especially the entrance ones..." He mumbled softly as he then would stand up. His body was still a bit tense and then looked toward Keni to see if he followed.

At the edge of the forest, where they would start to collect some branches and twigs with the other. Some were a bit twisted, some were crooked, and one had a crack in... It was a couple of them and eventually, they had a few straight ones. The first one was one that Nova had picked... and it was safe to say it was old and dried out by the quick crack it gave followed by the student's face first to the ground. "It-t-t..." he muttered as he held his nose. "Could you please test yours to see if it cracks..?" He would look at how it would bend and all, deciding if he would pick that one or not.

Eventually, he had one that was slightly smaller than that he was, but it was correctly dry not fully dead hardwood. It was free of knots, twists, and limbs which made it thick at the center to be a little flexible. He then would start to carve and create the bow with Keni until it at least had shape. He then did the string to it and made a few test rounds. "I think.. this one was a good pick of you Keni. I will decorate it once home and fully shape it... but I would like to meet them again." He would then look to Keni's eyes and there was a hint of determination.

The bullies would be around the academy grounds along with the people... out of human instinct, the student grabbed his bow tighter, knuckles turning white. He kind of was turning tail, but a part of him also made him keep standing his ground. "That... is them.." He said softly towards Keni. There was a guy wearing a brand new Genin headband, where one of them wore a brand new jounin one and one had a battle-tattered Genin plate. It was clear that they were Genin on average since their gear was half missing. One of them already saw the couple and started to grin. "Oi guys! Twinkle is back!"
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa and Nova searched through the woods for a potential weapon, working together whilst being doused in a gentle rain, practically an aura blessing the two who had found some time in peace and quiet. Determined he wouldn't waste a second as he grabbed several branches and did quick snap tests, those which shattered were useless to his newfound friend, some would bend yet in the long run proved ineffective cracks and tears forming. 'Not good enough...' Giving up was never something he was good at, he always pushed himself to the limit no matter what and as he dashed around the edge of the forest finally he would stumble upon an almost perfect looking branch. Snatching it with a fire in his eyes he'd come running back to Nova, like a kid who just drew his first picture, showing it to them with a burning passion.

"What do you think? Not bad huh?" A cheeky smile would graze his face as he attempted to snap it in half yet putting a decent amount of force in to it yet it stood strong, as if it'd been blessed by the spirits which watch over Konoha. After Nova had created it in to an actual weapon, it looked mighty in form and suited the point eared student. "I'm with you." Responding to Nova he understood what had to be done now as the two would head in search of just retribution. Arriving at the academy Keniwa had spent his time hear making friends, in the years he's spent at the academy he was never bullied not once, he excelled in hand to hand combat and taijutsu training, so it was likely that he never was a target.

Students deserved to be able to nurture and grow without disruption, and so he would do anything to allow that to happen. "Oi guys! Twinkle is back!" He had outgrown the academy. Though he wouldn't let others suffer knowingly inside of it. With a flash he leaped in to the air landing behind the boy and dragging his two friends straight in to the forest as he left Nova to fight their own battle however they saw fit. And for the ones with him... A valuable life lesson would befall the two.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He was scared... He was instantly called out, but he knew Keni was with him and that did give him some courage.

He would use his bow to kick the feet from under the kid, he was a head bigger. But not only Nova was stronger mentally now, he also had a lot better bow thanks to Keni. He took a breath as the kid got up directly and tried to attack him. It was only now that he noticed that he was slower than before… ’ Maybe my imagination..?’ he wondered as he would dodge the next upcoming attack by switching to his Kamiwari target that he had thrown to the side earlier. He pulled the string back with an arrow laying ready to be shot. the child was slower than he was right now and he released the bow. He had aimed to scrape the cheek which was exactly what he did. “Why..?” He asked as he wanted to have answers now.

The kid knew what he wanted right there and shook his head. “Not like that twinkle..” he spoke and tried to charge again. Nova wasn’t entirely sure as to why he was doing this, but the kid was… ‘Outer rim jutsu…’ That was what Nova shot at him next to him. It wasn’t enough to actually strike, but it made cuts and chinks inside the armor the child was wearing. It worked and he was taken off guard by the throw that the other made. Barely missing it and Nova took a distance over him. ’ That.. was aimed for my chest…’ it was the realization that sunk in now that he looked towards his arm which held now a cut from the thrown weapon. “I got more where that came from.” In those words. Nova gritted his teeth, he knew now what was going on. Kill or be killed…

The next attack Nova made, was after he had placed his target as to where he wanted. Right there he shot off a pin shot which made a full shot again the other. He got pinned with his gear to the wall behind him, sadly for the school building that now held a dent of the arrow which had bore itself in there. “Just tell me why?! “ Nova asked out loud and the kid started to laugh maniacally. “There is no place for the weak or kind! We are all murderous weapons! Tools!” The kid sounded and something inside Nova turned at those thoughts. ’ We aren’t… we are still human.’ Right at that moment the child got loose and with a precise throw sprained Nova’s hand further who dropped the weapon and grabbed his gloves, than it had to be plan B… close combat.

A green glow came from his hand as he hovered over his own hand… Skeletal Fortification was the thing that he used. Now he could honestly punch the guy all he wanted because now his hand wouldn’t hurt that much. Quickly he managed to summon his trusty companion Lulu who came with a poof of a cloud and soon after the child hit that too and a deer came out. “Guess we are somewhat equal..” Muttered Nova as they got even more heated up in this fight. For Nova to be on par with someone two ranks higher, was something he never really thought happening anytime soon. He ran towards his weapon which he quickly quipped, without noticing too much what the other was doing and planning.

Lulu was fighting the battle with the deer in the meanwhile and both parties were ragged already, Nova’s body was hurting all over but he still didn’t notice something. It was that he pulled his string back and shot a few more shots, eventually an unforeseen strike that he noticed sounded earlier than the blast that went off beside him. He screamed as the pain was overwhelming and soon noticed what happened. The other had explosive notes and let those pop on the poor child. most of them were on his shoulder and arm. Which seemed to be burned and scrapes all over. Still Nova stood up and pulled the string back, blood tricking over the string down to the ground as it left his elbow. [i’ Kill… or be killed… Why..’[/i] It was then that Lulu, the contract of Nova screamed for his name and the arrow was released from the bow. ’Finisher’ And it was finished… The other child fell to the ground and another explosion went off, resulting in Nova being propelled to the open area of the school spot. The cavity was big where he stood near earlier… And he remained as a not moving doll.

Lulu, the contract didn’t vanish, and ran towards Nova who still didn’t move. His back would be turned as to where Keniwa would have run away from. the hands trembled over the small body that remained motionless. Nova was staring towards the horizon as he lay there. He could only hear a high tune in his ears, his vision was blurry and slowly he could make out words being called out. It sounded familiar… ’Lulu..? ‘ Small sobs would fill the sounds surrounding him and the other child was laying motionless on the ground Nova wasn’t proud that he missed, a part of him was. But due to the explosion impact, the child actually had killed himself before Nova’s arrow could have as it scraped the neck.

Slowly there was a little movement of Nova, whose shirt was burned on his skin to the shoulder he gritted his teeth as he even moved and would look towards Lulu, slowly petting her hand and that was when Lulu gasped and tried to call out for Keniwa even if he was already close. The contract was in a state of pure panic, her master wasn’t doing so well and she knew nothing regards of healing. She always said bananas will help you heal up, but even now she forgot the banana trick.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The shouts and struggles of the two boys could be heard as they were swept in to the darkness of the forest, their bodies being dragged through the mud as the dust infiltrated their eyes. One pulling out a kunai as they stabbed in to his wrists, yet their force would only cause the small weapon to snap in to two breaking upon impact against the Kyoujouran's rock hard skin. As he sped through the wilderness Nova dwelled on his mind 'I'll teach these two a lesson whilst you do what must be done...' Finally slamming the two on to the ground, spinning round he'd raise his heel above his head before slamming it down on to one of their arms. A scream and a crunch echoed out as blood would begin to dribble underneath Keniwa's shoe. "So... I witnessed several imprints of boots in my friend. For each place I'll give you an even harder imprint to remind you of what you've done."

The other would frantically stagger and dash off in to the woods in an attempt to escape as Keniwa would begin making this genin in to an example. His left and right arm broken, his chest had been fractured, both ankles smashed. Keniwa violently stomped and crushed his bones over and over again, finally raising his bloody shoe which was soaked in the blood of the idiotic excuse of a shinobi. His foot's shadow rising above their head as they begged and pleaded for their life, he was never going to kill them, that wasn't his way, but they didn't need to know. "I'll be right back." In a flash he'd disappear in to the shrubbery using his tremor sense to find the one who got away, his frantic vibrations made it easy for him to be found. Lunging swiftly towards him Keniwa grabbed their wrist swinging them up in to the air and ruthlessly slamming him in to the ground, over and over and over before their sounds of whimpering only would sound out upon impact. The two were done.

Making his way back to Nova once again dragging these two again, this time by their hair he'd eventually exit out back to the side of the academy grounds. His eyes quickly darting around before widening as his mouth slightly gaped open, the sight before him was a shock. One without a head, a small amount of destruction as there was a tiny crater underneath him, his fake jounin attire being mostly scarred and burnt, Nova hadn't held back at all. He'd done what Keniwa never could have. Taking a horrified gulp as his eyes dwelled upon the unconscious Nova, almost shivering at the power and might he displayed. What must have transpired for this to happen?! The monkey would look worried as she called Keniwa to her summoners side. He had to act fast dropping the two knocked out boys as he picked up nova and Lulu placing them carefully and gently on his back. "Stick with us Nova! I know a certain Senju that can help!"

[Topic Left]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Lulu was more than glad that the person, who seemed close to Nova, was finally getting more into action. She was honestly panicking and tried to think of what to do. That was when he came in motion and slowly started to move Nova. Nova was unconscious when he was first picked up, for a moment he got to and that was when he was moved to his back. He heard something, far in the distance... He couldn't see much through the blurry haze of his eyes. He felt the tiny paw of Lulu and his name was called a few times. " Lu......." And that was when he dropped consciousness again which Lulu didn't know how to act or react...

She grabbed her stick and whacked Keni with it for a time. "hurry It up! I don't want to lose him!" The stick was her trust little weapon which she often used to whack Nova around when training to get him focussed, but she didn't even bother how hard she had hit Keni or how soft. A moment later, on Keni's back, she grabbed a banana and attempted to give it to Nova. Sobbing slowly as she was turning worried she was losing her little master.

Through out the help, they learned eventually that the blast got the other killed, that Nova's arm wouldn't 100% restore and he would always keep a form of discomfort. Nova himself was treated for now all the wounds he had, and was told to not train till at least the burns on his arm were gone, since there was no broken bone. Now it was only the mental part of him that needed to recover.

[Topic left]
[MFT: 284]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
