Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Darting to Destiny: Following his Steps (Requesting Hokage/ANBU Sennin)

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It had been some time since Shusuke spoke with Lady Hokage, Uchiha Asuka, and while he may not realize that Takeshi is currently running things he would soon find out. After their short stint together (Which I apologize for going inactive during) it had a while since Shusuke saw the Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Takeshi. He was instructed by the Lady 5th to follow and learn from Takeshi but being the arrogant child he was he thought he could do better. Walking through the Hokage Mansion heading straight to the Hokage's Office, Shusuke could be heard talking aloud in the hallways.

"So that's how it's going to be aye? Not check on me after I was basically kidnapped by that old man. Sure he's capable, or at least Daiji-Sensei seems to think so, but why am I to follow someone who is in retirement?" At this point the young Yamanaka was at the office's door, but its most likely not Asuka who he will meet within it's walls.

"Okay, I'm back from my little trip. Now can you get me a mentor who isn't retired? How am I supposed to reach the pinnacle of my abilities from someone who would rather be playing mahjong? Asuka!" and it's at this point, opening the door to the office he realized that he should have kept his mouth shut.
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The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The Hokage was rarely out of the office. This was one of those moments. As part of his arrangements with the Hokage, Keiji was situated within, awaiting for his return. While he of course didn't have the same powers, and usually it'd be the Hokage advisor, Metsu whom would be sitting in there.

He had invited one of the older members of the Harvesters, the group now hidden within the ANBU he had brought with him from Kumo, all foreigners, all experts in Bloodlines, kinjutsus and the intricacies of how organs, flesh and muscle interact with Chakra, the one sitting with him was about in his 70s, his wrinkly and tired face stared down at the table with a boardgame on it.

His brow creased and he tensed his eyes as he thought over his next step. His hand with the mahjong piece came down and he placed it down firmly and with a small glee to his lips he was gonna say something but the words coming from behind the door disturbed his train of thoughts and as the child rudely opened the doors to the Hokage's office his lips had turned to an annoyed grimace.
His clothing was his regular white training outfit with a light brown shirt underneath, his dark brown dreadlocks was tied in a ponytail behind his head and his greyed out Hyuuga eyes stared with a spark of annoyance in their gleem at the child that came walking proudly in like he owned the place.

Holding back the grimace he said pointadly at the child "I know common curtesy might have been lost on the newer generations.." Sighing to himself he continued. "Where I am from, your rank would have been pulled for less of an obnoxious display of character to your superiors."
"This," one hand waves around as if pointing at the whole room. "Is the Hokage's home and office."
"And what you're displaying with this arrogance is not in line with how any Shinobi should behave to their superiors."

He paused and made his face more serious. "If you were a member of my branch you'd have seen the edge of a thousand blades before you'd have even touched the door to this office with such attitude."

"Now. Speak your business and I'll see if you can't get to leave this room unharmed.."

While these words were uttered the older gentleman had started packing away the mahjong game, clearly with a slight hint of a smile like he just won the game by the simple act of the child entering the room.

[Thread entered]

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke's eyes narrow a bit staring at the man sitting in the room, crossing his arms. "Well I don't know where you are from, but I am Yamanaka Shusuke. I'm supposed to be training under Old Man Takeshi. Lady 5th assigned me specifically to do." Shifting his stance he slams his thumb to his chest. "I don't know who you are or what Branch you run, but as a student of two Hokage's I've already been invited into the ANBU Head Quarters to help Uchiha Takeshi with an important job!"

He leans forward a bit with a smile of pride. "I think I am in line to join the ANBU."

He chuckles while showing how truly ignorant he was as he did not realize he was speaking to the ANBU Sennin. As if he wasn't already metaphorically putting his foot in his mouth he continued. "So my business here is to speak to someone in charge so I can make sure I am getting the proper training to become a member of the ANBU Black Ops."

Shusuke wasn't ignorant to the fact that this older man could easily take him in a fight, but Shusuke does not like to be told what to do, nor did he care for the older generation of shinobi acting like they were better than him. He did his best to match the seriousness of the man in front of him, as if to say 'I am not backing down and I will get what I want.' His eyes, just a few drops of blue darker than Keiji's were filled with a strong fortitude and perseverance. If he was going to become the strongest ninja in Konohagakure he was going to have to fight and claw his way to the top.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Slowly but steadily he stood up and began walking towards the child in a menacing pace. The energies in the room shifted with every step, for those weaker of mind and spirit it would be like the air was getting thinner, and warmer, dry throats would be felt and breathing would be harder. His posture straightened and rised him taller and taller, it was almost like light slowly faded away from ahead of him making his appearance appear darker and darker, his clothes would almost appear black in as if a shade had somehow come into the room exclusively filling the area in front of him and his eyes started to give a faint blue glow to them. As he stood up and began walking his words came as slithering icey daggers "I couldn't give less of a shit who your teachers are or have been. Because clearly they didn't teach you any semblance of manners or decorum. If they had you'd have started by introducing yourself the second you approached that door and made clear your intentions and goals as you were given permission to step in."

Now standing over the child just outside of arms reach of him, his dark figure looming over him, and looking down at him showing him the clear difference in power, status and ability. "I wouldn't even trust you to shine my shoes if they were covered in shit. How could you possibly think others to trust their lives with you as an ANBU."
With those words in the air, everything seemed to get brighter and a cooler air came forth. The white clothes he wore would start to brighten up again and appear as white again, everything seemed to have returned back to normal.

Lowering himself slightly by his knees he would still be slightly taller but closer in height to Shusuke. Addressing him he asked with a much warmer, soothing tone of voice and smile. "Now why don't we start over again? Please, introduce yourself."

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The air in the room became dry the breaths Shusuke took became shallow and he had no understanding as to why this was happening. Sweat began to form at the corner of his brow as he was filled with anxiety, and need I say it... Fear. This menacing man that approached him cause Shusuke to start to wonder if this man was an enemy to the village, after stating he wasn't "from" here. Shusuke wanted to look away to try and find some evidence that the Hokage would be arriving soon but he couldn't break contact with the glowing eyes before him.

A Hyuuga.

It had to be. Shusuke knew of three unique eyes in this world, the Sharingan of the Uchiha who allowed the wielder to be a simple copy cat, the Pupilles blue eyes of the Yamanaka that showed their ability to weave a world of illusions, and that of the Hyuuga Clan's Byakugan. The legendary eye that could not only see everything, but could see through anything. His illusions would not be of use here.

And then it breaked.

The darkness that caused his fear began to fade from the man, and Shusuke, for the first time in his life, realized how weak he actually was. Refusing to look down or away the young boy gulped heavily before speaking. "M-my name is Yamanaka Shusuke. I am a part of the three man squad including Shishiwamakaru, descendant of the Nara Clan, and Nikku Haniki... I-uhm... came to speak with the Hokage to see where my progress was in terms of training as I was recently being told I am moving on from the Academy soon. I wasn't sure if the ANBU branch had spoke with the Hokage about me training under them to see if I was able to use my skills to aid in Intelligence Gathering due to my lineage." He kept his hands to his side. He knew the ANBU were a secret, but if this man was in the office unattended then he had to be one of the few that knew the identity of the ANBU.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Shishi-kun you say?" He took the words from Shusuke and practically ate them as he breathed out his comment. He was glad the energies Keiji was able to exhude was enough to push the child with some fear to make his point come across effectively. As the ANBU Senning fear tactics do come in hand quite often when dealing with young upstarts. Especially in these circumstances.

"So you were wondering if the Hokage were of the understanding sort of your predicament and see if they have processed your application yet." He sighed slightly and looked down on the floor at the child's feet, subconsciously assessing within himself how quick he'd be at running. "I'm afraid to say, as far as I'm aware your application has yet to be received by the ANBU Sennin." Looking back up, and looking him in the eyes, with a judging glare he continued "I can hasten the message for you, but first, tell me. Why do you think ANBU is the right fit for you? Why should they even bother with you?" his question may seem offensive, but with the fear probably still riling within him he most likely would try to defend his decision with stoicism. That'd be what he was counting on at least.

The best judgement of a person is always seeing how well they do at defending their decisions and actions, and secondly how well they work under pressure. It's worked out pretty well so far.

Behind the child, on the other side of the door, Hitomi, his Youkai contract in child form was standing by the door awaiting her orders. Her faint silhuette was visible for Keiji her outfit would be of an ANBU, wearing a kitsune mask, those of the lowest rank ANBUs with her wild red hair floofing over the sides and over the mask. Those that know Keiji, and knows his contract would easily recognize her, but for the unitiated she would simply appear as a weird child with a fun festival mask, wearing the darkest robes.
She wouldn't be obvious for Shusuke, as he was behind him, behind the door he had walked through to get into the office, but her presence was there in case he decided to walk out for whatever reason.

[apologies for the delay]

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Shishi-kun you say?" Shusuke’s face softened ever so slightly. ”Yea, Shishi-kun is the strategist for my three man squad, and while he’s modest about it, is probably our best option as a leader. I don’t know if you’ve met him but he’s able to keep his cool in a tough moment, and I am trying to learn to be more like him. He’s wanting to go Mednin, which makes sense for him… he’s really kind… Shusuke’s cheeks flush a little bit as he talks about his dear friend, before realizing he started to ramble. Quickly changing the composure of his softened expressions his eyes divert the gaze of the Hyuuga before him in embarrassment.

He nods at the man when he mentioned the application process, that was what he came here wanting to know, but he was expecting his crass and energetic sensei and not this cold stoic man before him. ”Yessir.” Then the question hit him that he has never been asked Why do you think ANBU is the right fit for you? Why should they even bother with you?" His face shifted to a more serious tone as the embarrassment fades away.

”I am a True Yamanaka. There is no denying that. I have been blessed with the ability to not only alter the mind of my foes, but I can dominate it.” Without so much as raising his hands a few spectral dagger began to manifest around him. ”I am also able to conjure weapons from my imagination as I bend the line between illusions and reality.” The Chimeiarashi child’s spectral blades were Illusionary in design causing his targets to not take direct and healable damage. As Shusuke continued the majority of the blades faded from view except for one which floated down to Shusuke’s extended finger. The boy’s eyes follow the blade down as it made contact with his skin. ”Using my Genjutsu I have created Illusions that can affect reality.” The blade pricked his finger, causing a small bead of blood to appear before the blade faded into nothingness from where it came. ”Using this, plus my heightened sensitivity to chakra signatures I truly believe I have the skill set needed to find and take out threats to our village without leaving evidence that would trace our enemies back to me.” His eyes returned to the Hyuuga man before him. ”What is ANBU if not a set of tools used to protect those within these borders at any cost?”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Your three-man squad? Interesting, as last I checked squad leaders did not come from the Academy instead they were assigned by either one of my Sennin or myself, I am sure you knew that though."

His voice echoed from the door as he looked at the interaction between the two, as he stepped inside the office, he allowed his hand to come up to remove the hat that he wore, instead placing it on the coat stand beside him, as well as the normal white and red robes of his office. Hanging them up he stood in the traditional main branch outfit of the village, shutting the door behind him he took a seat opposite the Hokage desk, no point in making people move around him that were already inside of a conversation. As he glanced at the two men, his head tilted in respect to Keiji out of a sign of his respect for his Sennin.

"So, I guess the real question here is that all the ANBU are, tools to fight, weapons that are used by the village and then discarded, even before the stone settles on another Leaf Shinobi grave you consider that his fate, a fair action for someone who lived inside this village in your eyes?"

His voice was cold in regards to Nobu, it still caused him an issue to consider that a Captain had been killed but he wanted to let the man know, that the way he worded his sentence was wrong, as his eyes shifted back over to Keiji, he wanted to get an understanding of how the conversation was going, or the man's attitude towards the student, after all stepping into this office, with the idea of leading, even progressing was something that required a test, of character, attitude as well."

"So let me ask this question, and answer with care, who are you, what do you want?"

[Topic Entered]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
His eyes shifted as Hitomi informed him of Takeshi's approach he stood up and giving a small curt bow towards the door before the Hokage stepped into the room, his eyes watched as Takeshi took his seat and addressed the room.
A serious glare was on Keiji's face when Takeshi asked about the finality of an ANBU's life and job within the village. While he wasn't inherently wrong with the question, the truth of the matter was one of personal conviction. Those that don't believe in the vision of the village and in particular that of the Hokage and aren't ready to lay down their lives for it aren't fit for the job.

To Keiji, the ANBU are the first and final stand of the Shinobi specialities, while the Main Branch is the bulk, the wall that encompasses all that everyone holds dear. And the Medical Branch is the glue within, the repairmen, and the maintainers. The ANBU were the watchmen on the walls, the scouts outside, and the guardians of the central core.

Understanding their place is the first step. Then comes perfecting their placement, and then finally we can start utilizing them fully.
"Weapons and tools.. Weapons and tools.." the thoughts rummaged through his mind like they didn't belong and he had to try and find meaning to them. Or that it was his job to make meaning of them to others. "Weapons and tools.. Weapons and tools.."
His eyes shifted back to Shusuke who now had to make introductions a third time within the span of only a few minutes.
He almost felt sorry for him.

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Your three-man squad? Interesting, as last I checked squad leaders did not come from the Academy instead they were assigned by either one of my Sennin or myself, I am sure you knew that though." Shusuke's brow raised as he heard a familiar voice, but still not the one he was expecting to hear in this office. Uchiha Takeshi, the old man that Asuka-Sensei told him to shadow some whil learning about the anbu branch. He had met him twice before. Once in this office when Lady Fifth assigned the squads to be training under the strongest in the village to become elite members, and again in the ANBU Headquarters where they took on a mission together that Takeshi allowed Shusuke to take the lead. While he didn't really remember all of the details on how it ended he firmely remembered his strange jutsu that summoned armor.

"Must have forgot Ojisan, Godaime Hokage set my squad together." His blue pupilless eyes seemingly glared at Takeshi. He took a moment and paused before continuing. "Asuka-Sensei said I was to train under you due to my possible dormant potential, as she described it. So here I am standing before you, the Head of the Uchiha Clan, formally ANBU Sennin, and Lord Fourth wondering when I will formally begin studying under your tutelage." Shusuke takes a moment to pull out a slip of paper that was sent to him not to long ago to summon him to this very room. Feeling a little more confident now with someone he recognizes in the room his demeaner shifts to be more similar to what it was when he first walked in.

Slamming his thumb to his chest he looked direcly into the Hokage's eyes. "I am Yamanaka Shusuke, I will be the 6th Hokage, and until then I plan on being the tool this village needs to help prevent attacks on our gates."
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Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his eyebrows to raise at the first part, it seemed the student had got the answer wrong, as he leaned back in his chair he waited for the conversation to finish, it seemed that the man at least had some knowledge of what he wanted, but that wasn't balance, that was one side of his thoughts, and of course, he knew full well that the first question was one of the most important questions. He would of course come back to that, as he looked to Keiji trying to gain insight into the thoughts behind the man about this student.

"Your squad, who is their squad leader currently, who is in the squad, strengths, weaknesses, tell me everything about them first then we will see if I train just you, or take a squad on after all it has been a while since I have a squad and might actually get me out of this office after a while, anyway that depends on your answer to that question."

As he sighed slightly it was now time to go and revisit the question of who are you, he knew the kid's name, after all, he was old, yes but his memory wasn't broken. As he wondered how the answers would go to his next question, he would wait for a second and reply to the announcement about the boy being the next Hokage.

"So Hokage eh, and a tool for the village, I mean gate duty falls to the Main Branch last I checked, and being a tool means that you are never the one using the tools, a follower doesn't make a leader, wouldn't you agree Keiji? Yes, to die for the village is a goal we can all aim for, and strive for, sacrifice without meaning is meaningless, so let's find out who you are Shusuke. Let me pose the question in a better and less tricky format. I asked Who you are, this was an introspective question, look at yourself and tell me who are you?"

He would wait patiently to see if the boy understood the importance of the two questions he had just been asked in this office.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Well, some might say the Hokage might be tool too" He smiled briefly with a grin and looking to Takeshi, letting him finish talking.
Then adding onto it. "But in all seriousness he does have a point. It's good to want to help, and it's good to have a heart to fight as well. But understanding the why, and finding it in your heart to truly believe it, that's the real challenge. It's easy to just say you wanna protect your family, or your loved ones, but people fade, ideals though, concepts, they are what can truly drive someone."

"What's your belief.. Shusuke?"
His blank eyes turned with a semi serious glare down towards the child standing within arms reach of him.
He had the intrusive desctructive thoughts come to him as the subject they were discussing brought back memories or his past. He could see himself pluck out the child's eyes, or cut out the organs, to assess their chakra energies, and savoring those that could be used for future surgeries, 'upgrades' as it has always been the case.

'To protect and strengthen the village we harvest the fallen and the weak' The Harvester decree that's embedded deep into his and the Harvesters group's very being.
Nowadays the goals had shifted slightly, thanks to their lives in Leaf. No longer would they harvest the weak, but still the dead. Easy to abuse if the took the weak ANBU out on hard missions, but that's not something he's ever ordered. So if they did so, he wouldn't at least know of it. He reminded himself, he might want to look into that, just in case, to ensure the Harvesters wouldn't get too.. intense with the newbies.

Shifting his stance slightly he realised he might have been releasing sinister emotions in the a second or two as he was looking at Shusuke again, and shifted to change his vibe again.
"I wonder if I should tell Shusuke about Shishi-kun living with me, might change our dynamic slightly.." He thought himself. "I'll see if I get an opportunity to mention it before he leaves."

With the mental connection to Hitomi he instructed her to take on her ANBU mask, and stand behind the door. If Shusuke's answers satisfied Takeshi and himself, she'd be ready to give him instructions to await the call for training to commence, and properly induct him into the ranks...

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
”The Hokage is not just a tool, but the most important tool. The sharpest sword, the strongest hammer, the truest arrow. The Shinobi of this village, all of us, are tools to protect those who live in this village.” Shusuke’s eyes unwavering in resolve. ”To choose the life of the Shinobi is to choose the path that lives in the darkness and the sorrow that is needed so those who can’t survive in the darkness can relish in their light.” A grin took to his face, to Takeshi a familiar one that he has probably seen on Asuka’s face before. ”I will be the thorn that protects the rose.”

”The people I care for don’t deserve to suffer in the shadows. Haniki-Chan has her family that she wishes to care for, and Shishi… Shishiwakamaru-kun has been through enough in his life that I will make sure he never has to go through that again. I will carry the burdens of everyone in this village. I will become strong enough to carry all hatred and the sorrow so that the children in this village can be happy.”
He says this. We wishes for this to be true, but he knew he was weak. He knew that at the moment he was nothing more than a child amongst these giant that stood before him in this room.

That wouldn’t stop him.

He will protect those around him.

He will be their thorn.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi glanced towards Keiji for a few moments before looking back to Shusuke, it seemed that his Sennin would remain in the shadows for now, but that was the life of his position. As he contemplated the answer, he still wasn't completely satisfied but it would have to do for now at least, he needed to find out more about the group but to at least give the boy his answer on one matter would be the first principal.

"Shusuke, it seems that you still have a lot of learning to do, while I may take on the position of leading your squad, your individual training should come from your branch Sennin directly, they should oversee and personally develop you into what you want to be in the future, this is the way it has always worked. As such I will push your paperwork through now, consider your rank and life changed, you are given the rank of Anbu in Training, as such will have to report to the ANBU Sennin with orders to train you in the ways of the Branch."

He smiled though to the boy it would be a polite, congratulations to Keiji it would be a smirk of pure intention that his orders were to be made clear. He wanted this boy trained by his Sennin and wanted to see him grow, that is what he wanted from this world after all.

"Now, tell me what about this team you want to form, who else is in it, weaknesses, strengths, and why they and you are mission ready and we will look into the squad option further?"

[Yamanaka Shusuke promoted to Anbu in Training]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
A glance back to the Kage prompted Keiji to turn and listen to his decision properly.
Takeshi took the decision from Keiji, within his rights of of course, but it did leave a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.
Here was a rude, rash, frustrating child with an attitude and aspirations that could choke an adult.
And now him being placed under the tutelage of Keiji. Not like he has enough children in his life at this point.

Perhaps the cloak he's supposed to be wearing weighs heavily and he needs to turn up the attentions to give them all enough time to work through their ranks.
A silent sigh escaped his lips before turning back to Shusuke. "I guess your plentiful introductions paid off in the end. Congratulations."

He paused for a second as his mental connection with Hitomi briefed her of the decision. "I'm sure the ANBU will inform you soon." His tone was warm, almost fatherly, like an uncle giving sagely advice. "They have a tendency to be everywhere after all." a small smirk on his lips. If Shusuke was smart he could probably read what Keiji was insinuating.

"You got your will though, now move along Shusuke-kun, me and Takeshi has some business to discuss."
Without them being noticed or pointed to, the old man that was in the office with Keiji had disappeared. Perhaps through a hidden entrance or simply out of the window, being a Harvester and an ANBU does leave certain skills properly ingrained, and a weakling he wasn't. So disappeared he had as soon as Takeshi appeared. Silently bowing and then vanishing.

Meanwhile outside, Hitomi would be awaiting in the middle, right behind the doors outside of the office. She'd he standing, silently, with a Kunai in her palm. Attached to it was a note with the text "Tomorrow at dawn. Report to HQ for mask and name"
As Shusuke would approach her she'd be completely unmoving, and wouldn't answer anything he'd say to her. And as he would leave the office, the doors would close behind him, leaving only Shusuke and Hitomi in the hallway alone. As soon as he would pick up the Kunai, she'd lower her hands and as he would read the note she'd disappear from his sight, called back to the contract spirit world, giving a strange otherworldly smoke and smell where she stood.

No one can't say Keiji doesn't enjoy the theatrics, and this was one such a moment proving it.

Chikamatsu Shin

12th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke listened as the Hokage told him that he still had a lot to learn, like obviously. That’s why he was here demanding to get the paperwork pushed through so he can further hone his skills. He knew compared to the ANBU his skills were as sharp as a Boken’s blade. With a grin on his face he looked at the two mature Shinobi before him.

”Nikku Haniki. She’s incredibly strong with her hand to hand Taijutsu and has a connection to Lightning Style. She’s calm and level headed. She’s incredibly smart but a little hesitant at times. Nara Shishiwakamaru. He’s skilled in Ranged Taijutsu, especially Puppet Mastery, and his Shadow Release. He’s also studying to be a Mednin, and with his intellect I am sure he will make for a wonderful Combat Medic. We have studied under Goto Daiji and Lady Uchiha Asuka as a squad and we work well together. Collectively they are bad at Genjutsu, but that is my forte, whereas my Ninjutsu is my weakest skill but they have decent skills in that. All three of use are Taijutsuist, and we have used my Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Blind technique enough that we can seamlessly respond to each other’s actions in the heat of the moment.”

Looking over at Keiji as he said they had business to take care of Shusuke would nod, halfway knowingly, before excusing himself and leaving the room. Taking the note from the strange creature waiting for him there was nothing but a smile on his face as he darted down the hallway to prepare himself for the next day!

[Topic Left unless stopped, thank you both!]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at Keiji for a few moments, it seemed the man wanted the child out of his life for now. Well that had changed as he looked towards Shusuke, finishing up his wording about the squad, he would hold his hand up stopping the man for a few moments from leaving the conversation so quickly, after all, he wasn't finished with his own conversation. That was fine that Keiji wanted him gone but after all, he did have matters to attend with the boy at least.

"I see, then with that understanding before you go, I will personally be taking the position of Squad Leader of this squad, considering my rank and position, I will assign this squad formally under squad one for now, until I see a time fit to promote one of you to lead the squad without me When you and the others find time, I will meet you in my clan house when you are ready to come find me there as a team."

With that he allowed Shusuke to leave the office leaving him and his Sennin alone before turning his attention back to Keiji, a small smile on his lips for a few moments before he spoke to the man.

"He needs to be sharpened, his focus given a direction, I am sure you see the potential, but he needs to know how to control it wouldn't you agree?"


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Seeing the door close behind Shusuke, knowing full well what Hitomi was doing behind it.

Turning to Takeshi as he spoke. Replying in a slightly annoyed tone. Not negative in essence but still slightly bothered. "Sharpened sure. And you think I have the time to try and sharpen such a blunt blade? With the cracks he's displaying he'd be lucky to end up as a blunt weapon when he starts getting into the ranks properly.."

He sighed and looked off to the side, almost like he was imagining someone standing besides him in this moment. Assessing this imaginative person he sighed again more understanding. "He'll really need to step up properly if we're gonna get anywhere with his training. I guess I might as well show him the ropes.. He might surprise me.." Turning to Takeshi he pointed at him almost aggressively. In truth he was more pointing to the seat and not Takeshi directly "I will say though, his odds of taking that seat from you, I doubt wholeheartedly, with those manners I'd be shocked if he's able to retain any friends at all..."

Finally clapping his hands to indicate a job finished. "But I guess that's up to me now! I'll make him the sharpest bloody blade we'll ever have in the village, and we'll see how far he gets.. But my bet is on that he'll fail, and fail hard before he starts getting truly better. But we'll see."

With those words he turned, and took a step towards the exit of the office. "Oh, and your Shogi table needs a rebalance, my old friend I played against got slightly violent!" At the final word he stepped out of the office.

"Better get to it.." He relented within himself to prepare to train the rambuctious youth.

[Thread exit]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi watched as both of them left the office, it seemed clear that things were changing, and he needed to keep on top of this quickly. After all, right now he wanted to make sure that everything went well inside of the village, it was clear to him that right now he would have his work cut out for him, even if he hated to admit that right now things were still not getting any better, he had to just keep his head down and make sure that everything went to plan. After all that was his job to be the rock that never broke.

[Topic Left]

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