Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Death's organization arc: Part one; Death's Blade (S rank SSM)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
So there I was. Minding my own business as me and Umashi went on our ways back to Cloud, when I felt a certain darkness. I made sure to not react to it as I sifted through my thoughts. It reminded me of the type of darkness I had felt in Sand when I ran into that one individual that had seals all over his body. Considering how Umashi's condition is right now, I honestly don't know if he would be up to fighting the forces of darkness, if one would call these things that. I made sure that the old man was looking away from me as I hastily made a clone and got away as stealthily and fast as I can.

As I made my way closer to the darkness feeling, the wind blew harsher and snow started to fall faster, making it hard to really see what was going on around me. But I did have a chill down my spine. Something told me to move. And so I did, twisting my body right, moving my feet to steady my body in case something came crashing into me. I had seen last second of a huge blade about six feet long, but more terrifying was that it was three feet wide too. I didn't hesitate to put more space between me the wielder of that blade. If they were to swung such a weapon like that easily, then it would be a good idea to keep space between myself and them. As I jumped back and turned around to get a better look at my assailant, I was a little bit confused by what I was seeing.


As the snow lessened, I saw a ten foot tall humanoid holding a blade like that as if it was just a normal sword. It was wearing butchers clothing. But the most disturbing thing was that it had a piece of metal covering its head. In normal circumstances, I would assume that it would be blind, but the fact remains that it would have gotten me easily if it wasn't for a gut instinct that I had. Taking an extra second to look around, as the snow slowed, I saw cages with people hanging from them. A serious chill had ran down my spine. Finally, the figure spoke. "You can't help them. They have been dead for centuries on. Souls of Dark Sages that opted out of their deals without paying one final price." The monster's voice was raspy and deep. They're already dead? Centuries?

I steeled myself as I looked at this monster. I had to think things through. I'm sure I can kill this thing, but if I cannot get any information from it, then how will I know more behind these cases of this "master" wanting me dead. "You. You give off a similar dark aura as an individual that doesn't seem like a dark sage. He had seals all over his body. Just who are you."

The figure embedded his blade in the ground. It left him vulnerable, but I can take a guess that he knows that too, that he is basically egging me to attack him. I won't fall for such a trick like that. "Who am I? I am Shi Ha. Also known as Death's Blade. I do the most of my Masters work to rid of Dark Sages who refuse to do anymore work as a Dark Sage. But you may be wondering why are some not dead? It is easy. Unlike you, we know how to pick and choose our battles. It has been known that during your time as a Dark Sage, you would do things unbefitting of the kinjutsu. You didn't have the power corrupt you and didn't even offer up your parents' killer's soul to the shinigami."

Shi Ha. So I'll need to keep my distance from this freak. This thing spoke truth. I don't back down from people, and usually because of that I make some enemies here and there. It isn't surprising that I had made an enemy of this guy's "master". Even when I had killed my parents' killer out of revenge, I did not opt to torture his soul by sending it to the shinigami's. I still have my humanity about me. And I'm guessing the lifeless souls in those cages behind Death's Blade are dark sages who wanted to live a normal life once again. While I have this thing talking, there was another thing I wanted to know. "Just who is this "Master"? He seems to put a lot of interest in me Not one, but two of you saw through my physical looks to know who I really am. It take a lot of conviction to keep tracking a person such as myself."

The monster shook its head. "The Master isn't stupid. He knows how smart you are. But I'll give you an idea of who we are. We are known as the Death Organization."

I looked unimpressed by what the monster said. Really, can't the people that are hunting him down think of a better name to call themselves? It sounds so- "Edgy." That's exactly what I was thinking, but that word never came out of my mouth. It sounded like me, which is still a new concept of hearing my new voice, but even weirder since I had not heard of the other one since I first have had this drastic change happen to me. Next thing, I know, the spirit of the woman that I am 'spirit linked' with, as she had put it, appeared next to me. "Geeze, I leave you alone for two days, TWO DAYS, and you are already picking fights with Shinigami of high tier"

I was about to yell at her because of me wondering where she was these past few days, but I was well aware of our enemy shuffling his body as it spoke. "So you have another spirit accompanying you now. Poor Anyu would feel so betrayed that you have found another spirit to accompany you. But fret not, he will have more suffering once we find him." I stopped in my tracks, hearing every single word that came out of that monster that wore a weird ass metal helmet. Sure I know Anyu. He was the first spirit that I had befriended. He was also my one and only Soul that I had serve under me when I was a Dark Sage. I had only mentioned to the Nara Soul once of getting rid of the powers of darkness inside me once, but other than that, I had come of my own conscious decision to rid those powers without really talking to Anyu. I had felt guilty for leaving him, but thought that would be the only way for his spirit to finally pass on to peace. I was wrong. The fact that this monster knows Anyu by name means that his ghostly friend is in trouble.

"Where is he?" I ask in a demanding voice, though I already have a feeling that his enemy doesn't have all the information.

Shi Ha shook his head, "Wouldn't you like to know. Frankly, to tell you the truth, I've got nothing."

I brought out my Katana, and pointed it at the shinigami, "Then you are of no use to me. You want me dead, and for your threat against humanity, I will destroy you." A very cheesy saying, I know, but it was in the moment and sounded cool as I was talking. With that said, I charged at the monster, and just as I had expected, the shinigami was fast as it pulled out its sword and blocked the strike easily. Shifting my feet around and wrapping both hands around the hilt of my sword, I steadied myself as I analyzed the stance of the monster. The stance would suggest that the weapon is awkward to swing, but that wouldn't fool me with how fast it can swing that blade around. It was at this moment that I had realized something, or lack thereof. Unlike the one found in Wind Country, this shinigami doesn't have any seals, but still had the same feeling of the other one.

I had to tread lightly for I don't know the strength and weaknesses of this thing. "Just focus on speed." I looked at the kitsune spirit at the corner of my eyes, not daring to show any weak spots to our enemy. "He may move fast, but his sword is only good for blocking if you go on full attack mode." I thought about this for a split second. True, it seems that I have a faster reaction time, which was good and weird, since I was so used to hearing blood and depending on that heavily. I took a few deep breaths to concentrate my mind. With that, I let my body act on its own, not going for real powerful strikes of known taijutsu moves, but rather weak but quick strikes to only have one or two strikes parried while five or six get through to hit the enemy. I didn't stop there. I lunged and stuck the monster with the katana, leaving the weapon there as I brought out another weapon, a metal staff.

I kept up with fast weak hits to disorient Shi Ha and finally saw an efficient enough opening to use enough force to impale the monster with my staff. It was a weird feeling, I feel as if I can continue this fight all day. But then I saw something else happening. Shi Ha's sword started to get wrapped in darkness, much like how that individual from Wind Country acted. But instead of disappearing, I felt as if untapped powers were exploding out of this thing. Dark energies and corrupt chakra visible to the naked eye surrounded this thing. So far, this thing hasn't gotten a hit on me, but who knows how long my luck will last.

But even as that thought ran through my mind, I saw what had happened, but my brain was just too slow to recognize what had happened. The shinigami's blade moved fast, faster than I could ever react to fully be out of the way safely. My brain was only fast enough to send movement signals to my body a split second before it happened. I moved my body, but felt a terrible cold pain in my right shoulder. I jumped out of the way to avoid further injuries. I didn't need to look down to know that I was bleeding. Instinctively, I brought up my left hand to apply a quick Mystical Force, to keep me steady and also not use as much chakra. Can't assess the injury now, will have to take a further look once in Cloud.

It was at this moment, that I had felt the cold hard steel cut through my skin, feeling the darkness that came with the weapon, that made me remember what else is new to me. I let light envelope around me and spread it out all around. Even if it can't blind the monster with its weird helmet on, it should be enough to beat back some of the darkness around it. Without even hesitating, I threw on my Halo Gloves and punched it hard with Fist of Virtue. I can feel the crunching of bones as the being of cursed powers was hit with a holy attack. But I wasn't stopping there. I made a perfected Rasengane, Odama, with my other hand and hit Shi Ha with that too, considering how all of my Ninjutsu are now holy, I think it would prove deadly to the monster. Once there was no more chakra from the rasengane visible, Shi Ha was also gone. Only evidence that he was ever even there was the huge sword that still had some hint of darkness to it. I took a deep breath as I listened around me, the area around me stopped snowing as I looked at the cages all around me. The doors swung open and life seemed to come back to these ghosts, though they were already dead, they seemed grateful to not be part of eternal torture as they all floated around and went their separate ways.

Me? I took the sword and stored it in another sealing scroll. This thing will definitely need to be examined more thoroughly for traces of this dark material that seems to be like a main theme here. I turned to the spirit of the female kitsune, still not knowing her name. "So how about we do this. I ask my question, you answer, then you ask your question and I answer. My question, who are you?"

The woman sighed and crossed her arms, showing a lot of attitude for a ghost, "Yoru. Kitsune Yoru." She said after a while. she looked at me up and down before asking, "So who is this Anyu fellow?"

I somehow knew she was going to ask that. I looked at Yoru trying to find the right words to really say, "Nara Anyu was someone I had killed years ago. He had done some bad things in his life. Me, at the time, I was a Dark Sage, brought his Soul back to the realm of the living, but it wasn't to really make him a slave under my command, but rather so that I can make him see reason and change him for the better. After I had lost my Dark Sage powers, and became a chimera for a time, I... I had lost contact with him. I had foolishly thought that his spirit went on in peace. But it seems like I'm not the only one that these guys are after." After pocketing the sealing scroll, I looked back up to Yoru, "Think it's best to head back to Umashi, don't know how well my clone can keep him distracted."

With that said, me and Yoru head back, it was easy to track them, and I had stealthily dispatched my own clone so that I can replace it so that Umashi won't even know. And if he suspects, I'll fill him in at a later date.

(WC: 2301)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
