Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Digging Deeper #1 [SSM]

Kishinami Kou

Oct 31, 2017
Tatara had left his house with an unusual amount of determination today, but that was what was needed f him if he wanted to pull of what he had set out to do, namely complete his first harder mission since joining Sand. Up until now he had only done bare requirements and necessities when it came to the ninja part and some low difficulty missions were fine, but he wouldn't really accomplish anything if he didn't look towards the bigger requests, so why find a cat that will eventually come back to it's owner on it's own if he could spend his time trying to find a mising person? To b fair those could return aswell, but with the knowledge he had gained about some of Suna's ongoings, he felt it was indeed necessary to investigate if nothing else, although he was prepared to get his hands dirty. So he had accepted the task to find a young man who had gone missing in the grand palais, so it was stated in the job offer, apparently he was supposed to meet someone, but the whole thing seemed a little off, as if the contractor wanted to keep something from him. For this specific job, Tatara had left his coat at home and dressed in some more casual clothes he got at a shop near his home. He was also wearing a cap on his head to hide his hair, which on its own liked to draw attention and unwanted eyes to the man. He made his way through the Street of the grand palais seeking out his first clue, the person his target had meant to meet. He knocked on the door of the home he was meant to find, it wasn't old, but definetely poorly handled and in bad shape. After a bit of delay a young man opened the door, probably the person he was looking for, as he seemed the same age as the target. The youth seemed a little nervous as he laid eyes on Tatara and spoke with a low voice. "He... He is not here..." Tataras eyes narrowed but he kept his usual friendly smile as he replied. "Don't worry, I am not here to cause trouble, I am here to find your friend, so can you tell me everything you know about his possible wereabouts?" The young man seemed a little reassured and decided to talk, the only thing Tatara had on his mind was that something was definetely wrong, everyone should have been able to guess it by now, the missing lad was ot just visiting his friend. "You see, we were out to enjoy ourselves, we... decided we wanted to get ourselves a few hookers for some fun... but things went down south before we even got to anything, as we got into trouble with a few bad guys..." Tatara did understand what he meant by having some fun, he was an adult afterall, but he couldn't say he was that interested in having sex, especially not since he still thought people here were possibly sick. "I see, then do you have any idea where he could have ended up? How come you're safe?" The man didn't seem comfortable answering. "Well it was Akito who got into trouble initially and wanted to protect me, giving me the chance to run..." He atleast understood that now, oh well. So where...? "I can take you to where we split up, but I can't tell you anymore as I don'T know." Tatara closed the eyes thinking, this might be more complicated then it at first seemed, but he didn't have a choice, did he? He nodded. "Alright show me." And so the two of them got going and made their way towards the red light district, all the while Tatara was saving images and the layout of the streets in his head, he was getting a pretty good grasp of the layout of the grand palais. Ofcourse there were still the darkest places left, but it was necessary to know safe spots and exits first. They didn't take long and arrived at a seemingly regular backstreet that would lead to a bigger mainstreet. "Around here it happened." Tatara's new companion said and gestured towards a spot infront of them. Tatara took the while backstreet in, looking for any hints of what could have happened and ended up squatting down to examine a few spts that were hard to distinguish, but he was positive that it was blood, it would also fit with the job description of the man missing for a few days already. Right as he wasn't sure how to progress from here, a voice sounded to them from above. Pssh..." It was a feminine voice comming to them and Tatara aswell as his companion looked up at an open window where they could only see long brown hair vanish inside. Tatara decided to wait as someone seemed to try and contact them. One of the few wooden door opened and a woman younger then his companion and Tatara himslef opened the door. You're the friend of that Akito right?" The man nodded slowly. And the young woman rushed inside. "You should follow me." She said and so the fellas did, Tatara more careful then the other lad but none the less following. They went upstairs and into a sleeping room, but what they woud see was not what Tatara expected. A young man - proably it was hard to tell from his current state - laid on a bed. He was roughed up pretty good, so good infact that it was hard to tell from his if he was actually the guy in question, but his friend rushed to the side of the injured one and started apologizing immediately. Tatara closed his eyes to silently wnet his anger inside, why were humans such bad creatures? He opened his eyes and looked at the girl. "Thank you for saving him, that was really noble of you, especially since getting him here must've been pretty hard, I assume he has quite a few broken Bones." The girl nodded. "He's ucky he's alive, Morioto and his gang are really dangerous, they hurt people for fun and do what they want, even stealing when they feel like it, I wish they would vanaish from here, the whole place would be better..." Tatara put a hand on the girls shoulder. "I am here because want to make this area a better place, if I get to meet them, I'll make them pay for their wrongdoing." He didn't sound as heroic as his line may have been, instead he kind of sounded scary himself from as mad as he was. "For today I'll have to get him to a hospita first, thank you very much again, miss." Tatara still angry inside, got to carry the man together with is friend and quickly brought him to the hospital, leaving him to the professionals that were equipped to help him, before he went to get his rewards for this. He fullfilled his contract, but was still unsatisfied.

WC: 1215 - Mission Done

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
