Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open [Entering Country] The Ghosts of the Past: 'Reporting In!'


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The smoke like wolf danced around Kiko's steadily walking body, each step accompanied clack as her stone like hooves came in contact with the hard rock of the mountains inhospitable side. The Luminous Mountains stood in all their desolate majesty both above and below them as they moved to a place now very familiar to the Assassin from Snow Country; the place she had sipped tea with a friend; the place where their conspiracy for war was given voice; the place where she had made her deal with death...

With a sudden burst of speed, the smoke-wolf swung across her path. An almost physical, though somewhat transparent body now formed from the smoke to block Kiko's progress.

'Carefull Kiko, this place stinks of the Devine... Of death... The land talks to me... This is Holy Ground!'

The wolf's words of caution accompanied with a low growl now eminating from it's throat, though in no way distorting his words.

A small chuckle escaped the woman's inhuman throat as she gently lifted her hands either side of the wolf's massive head. She leant forward, resting her forehead against that of the massive beast.

"Be at peace my friend, for this is indeed Holy Ground... The Goddess speaks through me, and I have declared it so."

The wolf exhaled sharply, his eyes closed slowly, his breathing becoming more regulated as he digested the woman's words. The growl subsiding somewhat as the wolf once more became incorporeal, Kiko's small hands sliding through the smoke that was a wolf only moments earlier.

'This place does not smell of the Deep Waters, nore does it smell of the Wolf Clan... What Devil did you deal with here?'

A wide grin came over the Lamb's face as she began to slowly walk forward once more.

"If you are good I will introduce you to him!"

[Entering Country - 30 minutes run time
Half time card in inventory
Feel free to enter the topic after the run time :)]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Of all his territories there were few places the Sage had come to truly regard as his. The Luminous Mountains had become one such location. Not just because of the entrancing beauty the landscape provided. But because of what had come to pass at this sacred place. For it was here that he felt that not even the Fates had the power to stop his will. Given this he had seen to it that the area was well monitored. Although none of his agents had called to alert him to any changes he frequently came by to see if any of his compatriots were here. After acquiring the Inn at the base of the mountains & establishing a connection to the vast underground network of tunnels below. Such visits had become all the more easier for him, without the need to be encumbered by the concern of prying eyes. Making his way up the mountainside the Sage began the journey to the more perilous peaks. To the location where they had agreed to forever alter this world with War.

They would sense him before his arrival. The chakra mixing with the air was almost tangible, the pressure making it more difficult for all who weren't the Sage to weave chakra. A sense of immeasurable hunger accompanied by that unseen dread that causes the hairs upon ones neck rise. Then they would see him stepping out of the shadows of the mountainside. Jet black robes billowing in the wind, that long white hair of his dancing behind his slender form in the wind that whipped past them. Pausing as he stepped out into the opening of the cliff face. He could've sworn he felt the presence of his harbinger here just moments before his arrival. Almost as if the winds had carried a faint memory of that day to him. A sigh would escape his lips as those emerald colored eyes of his turned their gaze to the lands below.

If he succeeded in his plans this landscape would be forever changed. Not just the land but it's people would be forever altered by his will. That would be his true legacy, bringing about the change this world needed. Where others saw desolate ruin he saw the potential for a grand fortress. A secure township under his rule that would come to be a sanctuary for those like him. He'd still to finalize the logistics of the endeavor but already the groundwork had been laid for recruitment. If all went according to plan any true threats to his plans would be dealt with or otherwise preoccupied. Even his son had returned from his exploits & demonstrating a capable mind for what was before them. Each perfect for the part that he had crafted for them. It would become apparent the Shinigami's mind was elsewhere. Who knew how far ahead his mind wandered in his machinations. How many variables could he truly account for?

Sorry on the delay.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
It certainly was an impressive sight as the violet hues danced amidst the mountain side as Migoya silently followed his granddaughter, taking note of the hidden security measures and individuals scattered expertly amidst the rocks, their subtle heartbeats giving them away. The untrained would have never known they were even there. Kiko danced between them as if following a hidden musical score that only she and her shadowy companion could hear. He followed her, completely trusting in her abilities as she stopped at a particularly interesting place. The aura here was palatable... and delicious.

The almost too-thin man walked silently next to his kin, his gait indicating absolute control and calm in the situation. His porcelain and ageless face was passive, not arrogant, not humble, but simply accepting, as if he not only belonged here, but owned everything. He was observant. Ever observant. His lithe form was clearly wearing some sort of armour - black, resilient and flexible. Those who were old and worldly would recognise it as a similar design to those who would have worked from the now-destroyed Kirigakure, but repurposed and recoloured. Over this a strange sand-brown poncho fluttered in the non-existant wind. Again… this item, once worn by the kings and honoured of Suna, was an artefact of untold value, forgotten in time but enabling anyone wearing it to be resistant to the harshest of desert climates.

His left hand, pale and skeletal, grasped what appeared to be a simple white wooden staff. But, as was normal when dealing with the Myakashi, it was far from that. Indeed, life energies seemed to flow from the wood itself, a relic of the world tree gifted to Migoya for surviving and triumphing over the souls that protected it. Atop it, a small wooden puppet balanced, its faceless gaze somehow managing to look bored.

His other hand raised to remove the sand-worm lined silken hood, revealing Migoya’s visage in full for the first time. Framed by snow white hair, the face that now looked forward was itself ageless. Migoya had lived many lives, and found that physical forms were merely shells, himself mastering cloning techniques to ensure his own visage lived on. Hubris perhaps. Apart from that, his face was unremarkable - neither handsome nor hideous - merely ‘forgettable’.

But those eyes. Red as the deepest blood, but capable of making those held under it squirm as if their innermost secrets and untold desires were laid bare. Pulses would quicken at the simplest glance, be it with desire or, more likely, anxiety. This gaze would rest on the ‘shadow wolf’ as it barred his path… and, along with Kiko’s rebuttal, caused the creature to retreat.

The ground here seemed to carry within itself a measure of… divinity. Not one for organised religion, Migoya simply respected power, and if it came from the divine then so be it. His own aura was capable of drawing and feeding on others, the frigid cold of death itself, but soon he felt another… tug. Another Dark Sage it would seem. So, the one Kiko wanted him to meet was a fellow student of the dark powers?

Interesting. Good. Not another mindless monster seeking destruction for the sheer humour of it.

Migoya’s own question resembled that of the wolf, filtering silently into Kikos mind through the gift of the Myakashi mind seal.

‘Indeed granddaughter. Who is that we are to meet indeed…Security here is impressive after all. You have done well to find these… people.’

As if on cue a man stepped from the shadows, impressive to say the least. To come so close to the pair of them without being detected showed that this individual had superlative skill. He felt the steady beat of the man’s heart now, calm and collected. This was no shinigami as Kiko had suggested, rather perhaps an established visage - clever to scare the weak - but that did not make him any less useful. No… perhaps this one was more so.

Red eyes met green.

Respect was earned after all.

[Country entered in 1 hr]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The Lamb gave Migoya a warm smile as the three moved to greet Akkuma. In a likewise manner Kiko responded to her grandfather telepathically, the Myakashi seal adding in the impressive feat.

'Thats the thing... He found me...'

She knew the gravity of the telepathic statement would not be lost on Migoya for he knew better than most the abilities of the faceless assassin from Moon Country, for someone to have found her marked them out as someone special, someone to be watched, someone to be feared...

Her hands opened wide in a sign of greeting as they approached closer together, the melevolent aura surrounding the meeting of Sages could be felt in the air. The Lamb that was now Kiko gave another warm smile, her large eyes glowing with I slight blue luminosity in the darkness of the desert night as they turned to focus completely on Akkuma.

"I have such splendid things to tell you my benevolent Shinigami... Of Cloud... Of the War..."

The Lamb moved forward, slowly closing the distance between the Dark Sage of Suna and herself, each step accompanied by the clack of hoof on stone.

"The Shadow hidden in Clouds... She has changed the nature of this war of ours..."

With a sudden burst of speed Kiko moved the remaining few feet between herself and Akkuma, seeming to flicker forward almost faster than any human eye could follow. When she came to a stop her hands were hovering either side of his head and her face uncomfortably close to his. Her large eyes locking with his, her expression changing to a serious one as she spoke once more.

"Let me show you!"

If he did not resist, Kiko would place her hands on either side of the sages face, tilting his head slightly down to bring their foreheads together. Kiko's eyes closed slowly as she exhaled deeply, the flow of emotions and memories transfered from the Lamb's memory and forming with perfect clarity in Akkuma's mind. [Snapshot shared with Akkuma]

"Did you see what I saw? She moves outside of the weave... We cannot kill her... fate will not allow it..."

Kiko moved away from Akkuma once more, dramatically spinning to add emphasis to her next words.

"But even the Fateless cannot stop the wheels I have put in motion, Kumogakure will join your War..."

Kiko would give Migoya a smile before turning back to Akkuma.

"How rude of me, let me introduce you to my companion... If you can both put pride aside perhaps you will find that you dream of the same world..."

Kiko turned to Migoya first, her hand indicating towards Akkuma.

"The is Akkuma, my benevolent Shinigami, dark sage of Suna and my greatest ally and friend since leaving the wilds... The goddess brought us together as she has brought us together again... I believe he has the power of the gods behind his desires, I think he can help bring about a new world..."

Kiko's audible words ceased as of to allow Migoya to digest the information but in reality the message has not stopped, it's form of communication had simply adjusted to a telepathic one, the following words transmitted directly into Migoya's mind through the power of the Myakashi seal.

'I mean this Grandfather... I think he has the ambition and the power to change things for the better... Better for us all...'

Kiko's eyes locked with Migoya's for a moment of seriousness to emphasise her telepathic words. Now, with the smile returning to her inhuman face Kiko turned to face and address Akkuma directly.

"Let me introduce you to the Shadow of Yamigakuri... my grandfather... Myakashi Migoya. Tell him of your plans and dreams my dear Akkuma... If the Gods truly favour you... So will he..."

[Ooc: Snapshot used to show Akkuma the following threads - and]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
So lost in thought had he been that the Sage had not noticed when his own presence had met another. Only when he felt the subtle tug of his life force did his mind return to the present. His emerald gaze met that of the newcomer. One that was a distinct red, deeper than the crimson eyes of an Uchiha. While there was no shift in the man's pulse before the crimson eyed individual. A noticeable change in his aura was almost palpable, a primal insatiable hunger. It could be felt as their eyes met, the only question. Was it due to desire or an urge to fight? Potentially both given the Sage's many appetites.

Akkuma held the newcomer under his meticulous gaze, curiosity burning within his eyes. For with each detail he took in about the individual before him only raised more questions. It was then his gaze shifted to the second approaching individual. Even in her new form Akkuma knew it was his harbinger. The warmth of his gaze unmistakable as he listened to the words she spoke. There was no doubt within his mind that Kiko had been successful. Given the lengthy difference in mission times he had no doubt that the results would exceed his calculated expectations.

Each new form worn by his Harbinger seemed more fitting then the last, Kiko closed the gap between them re-appearing before him at her inhuman speeds. The Sage would remain still that same warm smile upon him as he waited to witness Kiko's handiwork once more. Memories flowed vividly into him & the Sage made note of the events that had transpired. As expected Kiko had out performed his expectations once more. Visible delight was upon his face as Kiko moved away from him. Her words about the Raikage made him chuckle. Given how frequently those with the title had met tragic ends it was only a matter of time until someone who had managed to break the cycle would claim the title. Even with the protection of the Fates she would still serve his machinations.

At least he hoped the Raikage would make a formidable player in the games to come. He had grown so tired of these trivial games. With such ease they had dismantled the fragile facade of trust that had been maintained by 'Great Nations'. When Kiko mentioned her guest he allowed himself the opportunity to appraise the newcomer before once more. A devilish chuckle escaping his form as Kiko stated that if they could put aside their pride they may find they want the same thing. Fortunately the Sage did not often find himself at the behest of his pride.

Such feigned sleights merely served to keep the facade he maintained in the public, it was easier to operate in secret when others believe you to be predictable. Once more a warm smile found itself upon his face as Kiko introduced him. Never had he been presented with such a gracious introduction. Akkuma gave a courteous bow of his head to the stranger as Kiko spoke, a greater courtesy then he'd given most Kage. Given his current excitement one may have anticipated a more theatrical reaction from the Sage. But his mind was already running multiple calculations. Deducing the possible paths that were now taking place given the new intel he had received.

While doing so he was analyzing the details about the individual before him. From the artifacts that adorned him to the way he carried himself. Before him was yet another relic from a bygone era. Committing the name & his features to memory. "Apologies, it is a pleasure to see you once more Kiko I was busy contemplating the paths ahead." he would say without his gaze leaving her grandfather. "Lord Myakashi it is an honor to meet you. Please forgive me I was just admiring your collection." he admitted to Migoya making a note of the various relics.

Pulsing chakra through the surface of his skin he revealed the chakra mark across his face, a crimson winged wyrm. The hidden chakra marks were a means for Kirigakurian Anbu to identify one another. Given the collection he possessed Akkuma was sure that this would be enough to reveal some information about himself to the obviously well traveled individual before him. "If you'll allow me a moment before we get started. I have two items I'd like to show you. You may be one of the few individuals capable of appreciating them." with those words he would remove a summoning scroll from his pocket. The first item he summoned were the Ancient Shimiru Gauntlets, that had been gifted to him by Toraono Seika. They bore the crest of the eight headed serpent Orochi upon the back & embedded into the wrist clasps was a pair of soul gems containing the soul of Kantsuu. The spikes adorning the knuckles could be imbued with lethal toxins. A relic from a time gone, thought lost to the ages.

Moving forward he would approach the Shadow of Yamigakuri. Offering the gauntlets to him for inspection, if accepted the offer the Sage would take a moment to open his Archive Dimension. Should Migoya not wish to inspect the item he would offer it to Kiko. If she to had no desire to inspect it he would return the relic once more to the scroll before opening his Archive Jutsu. Withdrawing from it another scroll & a small leather bound tome. One marred by heat & the passage of time. But nonetheless intact & still legible.

"Please take the scroll & tome as a gift of thanks. For all your house has already done for me." he would say with a genuine sincerity. The scroll contained his own unique design. A still-suit utilizing Sunagakurian designs & materials that would only be capable with Kirigakurian smithing. Along with this adjustments had also been made to include various automated injection modules that could be utilized to contain stims or his own enzyme compounds. Contained within the tome was the detailed instruction of how to forge in such a manner. Intricately written by one of his kin in a manner that even a novice of the art should prove capable of replicating the technique with practice. The value of the ability to produce such items would no doubt be appreciated by the Shadow of Yamigakuri.

OOC: Am looking forward to this thread! =P
5: Approval Link
Name of Jutsu: Miroku Clan [Archive Dimension Jutsu]
CRPJ's Effect:
Allows Akkuma to store archived information, items such as tomes, scrolls, jars of organic material, tools, corpses {preservation technique}, other samples. Mainly a safe way of storing any archivable goods that only he can access.
Requirement: Dark Sage / Miroku Clan
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: Attempting to open the dimension in battle would fill one with so much senjutsu chakra they'd become a permenant statue as a warning for those who fooled around with senjutsu chakra.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
There is one universal truth that permeates all cultures, class and creed - no, not that all men die. That's a lie. Its a far simpler one.

The older one gets, the more one expects manners. In all of his long life, there were few in authority that offered Migoya the simple respect of a bow. Not once had a Hokage greeted him with a bow - perhaps that's why he wanted them all dead? The fact that this stranger, a creature with obvious power would do such a thing spoke volumes about this ones character... more than any annotated introduction could have done.

“The honor is mine, Lord Akkuma”. Migoya responded, returning the bow politely. A familiar name…. Where have I heard this one before, other than from Kiko? I will need to undertake some research.

“It has been an age since I have traversed these lands, and it is especially rare to find someone that Kiko-kun would speak so highly of. Thus, I thought it time to take these weary bones to speak to her benefactor directly”.

He noted that this Akkuma seemed to recognize his accruements - an intentional display to determine if he was in fact both from Kumogakure and as old as suggested by Kiko. He passed the test. Migoya was then offered the opportunity to look at an artifact... It could have been a trap, but with Kiko so close that would be a pretty stupid play on behalf of this… not human. Migoya nodded wordlessly as his pale hands reached forward to take the gauntlets, his red eyes flashing in undisguised admiration.

“Hmm. Beautiful… in both creation and in… whats this? A powerful soul within… a demon by its flavour. I must admit seeing something... similar many years ago in the Toraono dojo. I could be mistaken of course - I was being trained by Kuro and my mind was… elsewhere”. Migoya added that with a rare smile - reminiscing was a weakness of his after all. “The craftsmanship is impeccable. The seal of Orochi, the devourer God. Beautiful”.

‘He says his name is Kantsuu and he wants out’. An almost annoyed ‘voice’ chimed in, unexpectedly as Mikki rarely conversed with strangers. To those unused to the mental communication of a Tsukumogami they might have been unnerved at the ease at which the voice entered their minds, but to someone such as Akkuma it would be akin to a conversation. Naturally Mikki had ‘conversed’ with the item - he was, erm, ‘lonely’ after all, and wanted to find others of his kind that were not swords. Sword Tsuki were so boring.

“Perhaps he is better kept in, Mikki”, Migoya responded out loud as he returned the gauntlets with an appreciative grin to their owner. Mikki, the small wooden puppet, clambered to rest on Migoya’s shoulder, his faceless gaze resting onto this rather interesting man, before looking down at the schematics that Akkuma had presented them with.

Unravelling the scroll with hands clearly used to such an endeavour, Migoya looked over the designs, ensuring that his granddaughter - who had earned these - could also look over them. A self-contained protective suit, designed with… particular requirements (Kirigakurian smithing?] that made it all the more interesting and the more difficult to produce. The self-injection modules… very clever indeed. They will be adapted. Yes…. this ‘shinigami’ will do.

His gaze continued to look at the design as he spoke.

“Kiko is one of my finest operatives, as you hopefully recognize. Such payment is welcome and appreciated. The Myakashi clan are always willing to work for the right price… and the right purpose. Kiko outlined your base goals of course, but before I commit any more of our resources to your work, there are a few things I need to know. One in particular, to cut to the chase”.

A quiet pause in silence as a telepathic message was sent to Kiko via the Myakashi seal. ‘I will take your advice, as always Kiko-kun. If anything, this payment should aid us in improving our defensive capabilities…and yours. But be on guard - devils rarely give gifts without coming out with unbalanced scales. I should know...’.

“Please, Lord Akkuma, tell me.”, Migoya spoke clearly.

His gaze raised from over the scroll to look once more unabashedly into Akkuma’s own. A sly smirk would play on his porcelain features.

The ruby would meet the emerald.

“What is it you truly desire?”.

Justsu and fun...
Tsukmogami 'Mikki' uses Identify
Migoya uses CRPJ 'Myakashi seal' - like Kikos :p

Red - Migoya
Red Italics - Migoya using the Myakashi seal/telepathy
Blue - Mikki using telepathy as he doesnt have a mouth.
Last edited:


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
A grin came over Kiko's inhuman features, her large eyes squinting in an expression of happiness. The meeting of the Sages could have been an explosive moment in the history of Wind Country, that is if the pair had chosen conflict...

But they had instead chosen a gentler path, the two Dark Sages bowing with respect. A small giggle was stifled in the woman's inhuman throat as she observed two of the most powerful beings she had ever met show each other their toys. It was a curiously endearing moment, somehow reminding Kiko that despite all things they were not just monsters.

For now, Kiko would remain quiet, letting the two Sages have their discourse, letting them learn for themselves why she had brought them together...

[Ooc: just a little one this time]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage was pleasantly surprised by the Shadow of Yamigakuri. There had only ever been one of Shadow to show him the courtesy of respect, although they had a great deal of caution when dealing with him. A natural reaction that he had come to expect from all humanity. Akkuma made no effort to hide the warm smile upon his face at Lord Myakashi's words as to why he had chosen to make the journey. Akkuma understood all too well why Migoya had chosen to come here. Curiosity got the best of us all. "I imagine the landscape looks vastly different without the Diamond Maelstrom." he would say. For even to an outsider like him it had been an adjustment. One could only imagine what could be thought of the Country now. Between the Sovereign attacks & the Diamond Maelstrom being dispelled. Wind country had withstood many a calamity. That was before the attacks by the Unbent Swarms. Then there was the Golden Sanctuary an organization that was steadily exerting its influence across the lands. Despite all this the people of Sunagakure had endured, this was something he had come to admire about the land & it's people.

Those emerald eyes focused their gaze upon the vividly crimson eyes of the Myakashi Lord as he briefly spoke of his time in the Dojo. Recollecting potentially seeing them then, Akkuma shouldn't have been surprised. So often he'd found his own bonds had already been connected to those he met. The fact that Kuro had been willing to train Migoya said more about him to Akkuma then he perhaps knew. "Truly remarkable. I am sure Kuro would be pleased to see you are doing well." he would say in regards to Migoya's discerning gaze as he appraised the relics. When Akkuma spoke of Kuro he made no effort to hide his familiarity with the behemoth of a man. Most individuals would have no doubt been alarmed or surprised by the intrusion of a foreign voice so easily into their mind. But Akkuma was all too familiar with telepathy, but especially that of the Tsukumogami. There was a mixture of delight & curiosity in that emerald gaze of his when he appraised Mikki.

"How fascinating, however I believe Lord Myakashi is right. I think it is best for all that Kantsuu remain sealed within, at least for now." he would say apologetically to both Mikki & Kantsuu with sincerity. If the being was released now he would only be feared & hunted. Akkuma continued with his gifts to show appreciation for the Myakashi had contributed to his cause. While his gaze remained upon Mikki the Sage listened intently to what the Shadow before him had to say. Moving his gaze from Mikki to meet where Migoya's gaze would be if not for the scroll before him, Akkuma would stand straight once more. "Naturally, I would expect nothing less." he would say in a matter of fact manner. When asked by the Shadow of Yamigakuri what it was he truly desired the Sage chuckled. "I shall do my best to be concise & clear as possible. But first..." the Sage would say before turning & performing a series of handseals.

Upon completion five corpses would rise from the earth, Akkuma would this time summon a Yurt from another summoning scroll attached to his waist belt, hidden beneath his robes. Having the corpses erect the temporary structure that would provide some reprieve for them from the harsh winds & sands. "Why don't we make ourselves comfortable this may take some time." with those words he would ignite the materials in the middle of the yurt giving life to a fire. Situated around the flames were a collection of various cushions. Taking a seat Akkuma would motion for his guests to join him. Withdrawing from his robe pocket a bottle of his clans highly reputed sake. Having completed their task the undead servants sunk back into the earth, dissolving once more into sand & dirt.

"To put it simply I wish to wage war against any who would oppose me & establish a new Empire. One that forsakes the regulations & restrictions that have been established by humanity." while his words were calm there was an undeniable sense of disdain emanating from him. "I have spent multiple incarnations attempting to guide mankind. In this life alone almost every nation has turned away my guidance or betrayed me. Mizukage Kasumi Masa, Raikage Hayate Shin, Tsuchikage Ii Hissori, Kazekage Takahashi Sousuke, Kazekage Sunahoshi Katsuo, Kazekage Ryuzaki Raizo & Hokage Uchiha Asuka. All failed to heed my advice or actively worked against me. Each eventually bore the consequences of doing so." Those emerald eyes of his gazed into the fire before them. From his words it sounded like the Sage had lived multiple life times. Truth be told he had, but to him that was a minor detail compared to what he considered important. "In their facade of peace the shinobi villages have become weak. So much so that Daimyo's, Nobles, Merchant Lords, Organizations & even the common rabble have turned against them. Revealing that they still hold the same disdain for the chakra capable that their forbears had." Every village had faced threats from those they had served & those they fought to protect. Let alone from the real threats of the world.

If things continued on this before Akkuma believed that shinobi would fade out of existence. "Thanks to Kiko's efforts the nations facade of peace has been brought to an end. It is only a matter of time until their true natures show themselves & they strike out at one another. I intend to use these conflicts to further destabilize the nations. Using the chaos that will arise from this I intend to establish the beginnings of an Empire. One that will end this age of stagnation & regulation under mankind. Where we shall return to the Old Ways. A place of sanctuary for the chakra capable & mystical beings alike. One not structured for the protection of mankind over the needs of all beings." He would proclaim to his guests, for this was his dream. To remake the world & free it from its restrictions. To once more allow every being to embrace their true nature & to free all from the lies of this Age. Akkuma wondered what the Shadow of Yamigakuri would think about his words. The Sage would not be surprised if he had many questions, for the Sage had left a great deal of details out. He would happily answer any questions from his guests.

The Sages image would contort & shift until his visage reflected that of the Shinigami within him. "As long as this form lives, I will punish them. I shall not kiss the ground, nor let myself be wielded as a tool. I am damned but I will remake this world in my dark image! This vessel of flesh well serves my murderous intent." his words cut through the crackling fire & howling winds outside. Akkuma's visage contorted in reflection of the being of death he had bound within himself, in effort to contain his demonic lineage. For it was constantly feeding on him, if not for the bound Shinigami he'd have been consumed by his true nature long ago. With each word he spoke the shadows cast by the light of the flame would twist into monstrous shadowy figures almost dancing upon the walls of the yurt. For even the Shinigami struggled to contain what was locked deep within him.

Name: Sage Art - Corrupted Reality
Effect: Using this technique Akkuma 'wears' a Shinigami (going by the rp flavor his Dark Sage gifts come from a bound Shinigami) alters the veil between worlds. Not fully removing it but allow the other side to interact with this realm to a degree. This may manifest in the form of shadows seeming to take ghostly shape. The light cast from flames may flicker & cast fiendish shadows or the flames might glow an ominous green. Akkuma's visage will flicker between that of his own & that of the bound shinigami. In places where the veil is at it's weakest one might even find the inanimate becomes the animate if even for the briefest of moment.

Shinigami Visage.gif
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
“Indeed. The changes to this land have been significant, although the land of Wind is the finest example of resilience and perseverance - not only its people, but the very land itself survives.” It had been an age, and perhaps a different time entirely, since Migoya walked the lands of Sunagakure, but many things had changed. The very land itself had transformed, the deserts he had known so well had made way to.. mountain ranges, and the old places of the land... the place of Primus and Secondus... had probably fallen under those same change. But indeed, Wind was nothing if not resilient, and was probably the reason Migoya respected her shinobi above those of other lands.

Akkuma spoke of Kuro - good, he knew the great Sunan bull. “I would certainly hope so. He is one of the few individuals who genuinely lives his creed. One of the few who respects those who live theirs, and works at helping them achieve their goals without judgement. A good friend indeed.” Migoya realized that he had few friends... but Kuro was one of them, one of the few outside of his clan that he would assist if he was in trouble. That in and of itself spoke volumes of their relationship.

It was then that Akkuma spoke of getting more comfortable, and indeed the past few years on the road caused Migoya to be grateful for any sort of comfort. He watched with a small smile as the zombies erected a tent like structure, this small action solidifying several judgements that had been made about this Akkuma. Once the structure was completed, Migoya gave another bow in gratitude and turned to sit down. A slight shimmer surrounded his poncho and armour, as they somehow changed into a comfortable black kimono, the sigil of the Myakashi clan, a pen nib (or a kunai) embraided in silver thread over his right breast.

They were getting comfortable after all.

Mikki jumped off Migoya’s shoulder into a pile of cushions, clearly relishing the momentary comfort that had not been afforded to them for some time now, due to Migoya’s propensity to hang out in caves and crypts. After motioning for Kiko to make herself comfortable first, and gratefully taking a cup of sake for himself and Kiko, Migoya gently sat on the cushions. He listed carefully as Akkuma outlined his ambitions and purpose. The names of many kage… A return to the old ways? To focus on protecting all… well, those who could manipulate chakra, and not a focus on ‘base’ mankind. An interesting proposal. Migoya’s mind churned with the information, and the similarity the pair had with each other - the suggestions to improve villages… discarded… rejected…

The atmosphere then suddenly changed, as the visage of Akkuma changed into the well-known guise of a shinigami. Shadows came alive around the tent, and after ensuring that Kiko was safe (not that she needed it), Migoya’s gaze fell back on the death spirit. As Akkuma revealed the shinigami within, Migoya gave a slight bow of respect towards the powerful spirit, acknowledging one of the true masters of death. Certainly Migoya had dealings with such spirits many times, and had indeed had conflict with them, but now he tended to respect them, though demanded that respect in return. There was no fear of this creature, and the dancing shadows actually tended to be a welcome addition to the atmosphere… dark deeds in dark places after all.

So.. was the shinigami in control of this Akkuma, or was Akkuma in control of the shinigami? It seemed as if one existed within the other… but who was the puppeteer? Could Migoya entrust his clan to such a creature? Of course he could - it would be beneficial. And if either creature stepped out of bounds, well, it would not be the first time Migoya had destroyed such a creature.

He raised the sake to Akkuma, or whatever he was, in a gesture of respect before tasting the warmth of the delicious liquid… he must order more of this in the future. He placed the clay cup down, and cleared his voice.

“Thank you for your candour - it is rather refreshing to deal openly with potential allies.”

A pale hand started to stroke a pale chin, as Migoya started to voice his own perspective, born of surviving many, many years. He had been a Sennin, an outcast, and few would be able to provide a perspective as jaded as his… except perhaps for this Akkuma.

“Perhaps the greatest weakness of the villages is that they are melting pots of ambition and power. Only a few can control and lead… and they tend to be those who are conservative and lacking in progressive ideas. Retaining the status quo is both beneficial to them, but also highly destructive.”

A wave of his hand towards the shadow creatures seemed to beckon them forward, allowing them to play between his fingers as Migoya continued.

“Take Konohagakure… the current Hokage is a child-murderer, basing such actions on a self-appointed mandate to protect the village. If such a leader is so desperate to maintain the status quo as to kill children, that…

…that is useful to us.”

There was a reason that the Myakashi were feared… if one agent alone, Kiko, could do so much harm, imagine what would happen as more started to actively work against the villages. Migoya enjoyed another sip of the sake, this time holding onto the cup.

“Naturally there are specifics that will need to be established if we are to become allies in this endeavour. To start, you state a wish to establish an empire… how will this be different from existing structures? How exactly, with respect, would a shinigami wish to establish order within this world of mortals? Kiko-kun, do you have any questions or suggestions - I value your input”.

A smirk appeared on his features once again, as his red eyes flashed with ambition.

“And, just as important, how would my clan be recompensed?”

Justsu and fun...
Migoya uses CRPJ 'Quick Change'

[MFT 992]
[OOC: Thanks for doing this thread... apologies Im taking a while to post, but Im very grateful!]
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The void swirled around the prophetess of the Deep Waters... The world changed in this instant, though not a physical change. Kiko could feel the gaze of the gods falling strongly upon the strange companions.

The Sage of Suna spoke his words as Kiko had known he would and she knew that Migoya would quickly absorb and strategise a thousand paths and strategies were he to be either in the place of the sage or in the place of those opposing him. Akkuma spoke his truth, the desires of a sane and fiercely proud ancient of Suna but Kiko knew the moment would come when the death within him would have no option but to make itself known.

As the Ancient finished speaking the yurt's brightly lit interior quickly filled with with the manifesting Shinigami's presence, the world fading into a twilight between life and death, a place she knew Migoya would be very familiar with. Her grandfather moved to protect her, the action catching the assassin off guard for a moment, it had been so long since someone thought to protect her...

The Shinigami spoke...

The Shadow listened...

The Gods laughed...

And the Lamb smiled...

Sitting cross-legged Kiko could not hide her open expression of positivity, sipping the strong sake with a grin of delight over her inhuman face as she let them continue to speak, until, after many questions Migoya asked her to speak her mind, to give her council.

Kiko quickly downed the remainder of the sake before placing the cup on the floor Infront of her. Her face slowly turning to face her grandfather directly, her grin softened to a warm smile and kind though inhuman eyes. She leaned forward slightly more, placing her hand gently on the ground infront of her, her eyes moving to follow the esoteric patterns she now drew with her fingertips, their movements momentarily trailing bright blue flames across the grounds surface. ['Breath of the Wild' - A rank Archsage Senjutsu]

"Do you feel it Ojisan..."

The Lamb leand back once more, as her fingertips lifted from the ground the holy fire continued in the repeated pattern for a moment before fading away once more.

"Do you not see the Goddess' hand in all this? She has brought me to him... Just as She has brought you to me..."

Slowly Kiko began to stand, the click of her cloven hooves on the had ground broke the momentary silence as she moved to stand beside the imposing form of the Dark Sage of Suna. The woman's inhuman eyes locked with those of her grandfather across the small space, the smile fading from her face completely now replaced with a seriousness lending Kiko's next words added gravity.

"The Goddess guides me still... And right now she tells me that if we are to stand a chance in this war I have started, this war against the world of man we will need you by our side... Ojisan... He who touched the world tree... Who walks with gods and spirits... Who showed me the way of the Shinobi and the joys of the world... Please Migoya, my friend, help us change the world once more."
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma nodded in agreement with the Shadow of Yamigakuri with his observations about the land & it's people. It seemed they both possessed a mutual respect for Wind Country, this was something that pleased the Sage. When Migoya spoke further of Kuro he chuckled warmly. "I am pleased to hear that. You honor Kuro & House Toraono with your words." he would say with an even greater sense that he was on the right path. The group made their way into the more comfortable environment that the Sages minions had prepared for them. Once every one was comfortable the discussion began in full. Making note of Mikki the Sage resisted the urge to make some inquiries about the being, for now. Kiko had wordlessly watched their encounter. Now doubt processing all that was transpiring and contemplating what would come. Everything he knew about Kiko told him she possessed a spectacular aptitude for strategizing ahead. If Migoya had trained her the Shadow would make an invaluable ally in the coming war.

An unnatural chuckle would escape the Shinigami enshrouded Sages form, their gaze moving from those crimson eyes to follow the reflexive movement to protect Kiko. That otherworldly visage fading back out of sight as the Sage nodded in agreement. "I've often found if one intends to make true bonds the kind that last, such candor is often necessary. You have my hospitality I would never dishonor that by bringing harm upon you or your kin." he would say bowing in apology before listening intently to the insight that Migoya began to provide. While he had no doubt it was merely a reflexive urge when faced by a Shinigami, a fair reaction. Nonetheless assurance would hopefully assuage any lingering concerns the Shadow might have. Those emerald eyes of his flashed with excitement. For the Sage what was truly refreshing was finding another who shared his perception of the villages & their leaderships methods. Akkuma made note of the shadow beings interaction with the Myakashi elder. For it was the first time they had done so to any individual. He saw it only as another sign that they remained upon the right path.

Those emerald eyes of his flashed with devilish excitement when Migoya began to speak of Konohagakure. Now was the perfect time to demonstrate his own valuable observations to confirm the Shadows deductions. "Indeed, did you know Lady Asuka has betrothed herself to Nobu? An individual who went missing from Konoha, one who also practices the darker shinobi arts. Not that their Bingo books will reflect any of that or even him at all thanks to Asuka. Nobu leads the Gekido clan, a small organization-like clan not dissimilar to my own in it's early days of founding. That same clan has ambitions to infiltrate all Nations & villages." he would say with a sinister smirk while Migoya took the time to enjoy his clans sake. This information would aid them in furthering the other villages suspicion of Konoha. But if used correctly it could also sow dissent within Konohagakure's walls. After all the Sage had been there in person & heard every word of the proposal. Choosing to divulge the information because he suspected his allies would understand the various complications that could arise by such an endeavor succeeding.

When the Shadow of Yamigakuri asked for Kiko's input his emerald gaze would shift their attention to her form. Listening to her words he would remain silent so as to allow the pair to express themselves uninterrupted. His gaze following her as she moved to his side. When his Harbinger started mentioned the World Tree his eyes would flash. Was it possible he knew of its location? If so it was possible Akkuma had just found his way to track down & deal with this 'Master' he had learned about. Making a mental note to address this new information before they parted ways. Listening to the words spoken by Kiko he hoped to live up to her belief in him. It was a rare thing for the Sage to have those who knew him for what he was truly accept him for it. "Thank you." he would say to his Harbinger for it felt wrong to not do so. More talk of this Goddess of the Deep. A being Akkuma had yet to meet although this did little to dissuade his belief in the being. Only further fueled his desire to learn more about it.

When asked how the Myakashi would be rewarded he smiled that devilish grin of his once more. "I would remunerate the Myakashi by granting them a guaranteed permanent position upon the Council. In regards to both of you I would offer positions equivalent to that of Sennin. Kiko would take up a role similar to that of Anbu Sennin." he would say as that emerald gaze return to meet Migoya's crimson gaze once more. "To you Lord Myakashi I would offer the role of our Main Branch Sennin. If Kiko is any testament to your skills I can't think of anyone more suited. Naturally both of your positions would allow you seats on the council." His words were business-like as he spoke. "This would make the Myakashi one of the Empires founding clans." The was one he considered more then fair. This would grant the Myakashi a position of remarkable power within the Empire. Hoping this demonstrated both his appreciation and recognition of what they had done & would have to do in order to achieve their goals.

[OOC: It's no worries at all, I apologize on the delay for this post. ^_^ Linked the thread that contains Akkuma learning of the 'Master' & his potential location.]
Edited to fix some errors.
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Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya watched intently at Akkumas mannerisms, the times he watched with fervour and the times his gaze brightened. The slight ‘tells’ that enabled Migoya to seemingly read other peoples minds - but that was not the truth. He read peoples reactions. This time, Akkuma was reading him almost as effectively as he was reading him back - a fine game of Shogi indeed. What Migoya needed was an ace in the hole…

“It is… appreciated. My apologies - such a reaction is natural amongst members of my clan.” Indeed, the Myakashi protected their own with their very lives, and seeing a shinigami might have caused concern to his granddaughter… however, she obviously had seen much more horrific things in the times of her travels. Migoya was proud of her.

He saw the flash of interest when Kiko referred to the world tree - it was ever so slight, but enough for Migoya to know that this Akkuma was interested in the tree… Perhaps something to use on the negotiating table…

He listened as Akkuma told of Asukas interest in Nobu. Asuka was a wilful creature, Migoya having to help her reconcile with her volatile sister in years past. An annoying Uchiha… but what purpose was there in marrying Nobu? Power? Stability?

“Ah interesting… thank you for the intel. Nobu… I know him. I believe I even trained the young man many years ago. It is good that he picked this path, and even better that such things can be used to your… our… advantage.” Migoya chuckled to himself, thinking of the young Nobu and Asuka together - certainly a strange match. Still, his own wife was the daughter of the yakuza Oya-bun… love does do strange things to people.

He turned to look at his Goddess’s-blessed granddaughter, silently amused at her excitement. “Indeed your Goddess has blessed you… us. The lady of the dark waves enjoys watching the aftermath of when the wave crashes… and you as her harbinger shall start the tremors to build that wave.” A pale hand was placed under her perfect chin as Migoya smiled at her.

“If you can Kiko-kun, make sure to speak to Nobu to ascertain his… leanings. Either way, it will be to our benefit to get a clearer view of the situation. Perhaps we can encourage the growth of his clan - after all Im sure Kumogakure would just love to be infiltrated by the servants of the Hokage's lover.” A wry smirk followed that Migoya would know his granddaughter would understand. “I think a visit to Konohagakure is in order. Perhaps Ill get to ‘speak’ with Takeshi…or that other Sennin idiot. Whats his name... the suicidal one”.

He turned to look once more at Akkuma, his face suddenly taking on a more serious edge. Absently brushing aside a long piece of white hair from his face, Migoya nodded as Akkuma’s offer was placed on the table. He leaned forward, his hands in a strange position… a position known to those of the Nara clan as helping them strategise and think…

“Your offer is generous, Akkuma-sama… yet… I cannot accept that as payment for our… contributions”.

Migoya chucked, an unearthly sound that spoke more of self-deprecation than mockery.

“However, should I become your Sennin, certainly I would follow you until such time as you issued an order I disagreed with, or indeed if I simply got bored. Then I would remove you.”

The Myakashi leader was being uncharacteristically plain, putting his own cards on the table. Perhaps this mutual respect was something worthwhile afterall, and something others should learn from.

“We are similar in that regard, would you agree? No… my clan is made up of the outcasts of society - we do not belong in it. We are assassins, not politicians. We are shadows, not wishing to bask in the light”.

Migoya, waving a pale hand, seemingly conjured a black liquid, somewhat like ink. It would soon take shape into the continent that the shinobi world was founded on - the borders of each country only discernible due to a fine line of what appeared to be bright red blood.

“The current lands, made up of the stronger nations and the small nations - so many to count. Unification of all these lands will take time… and a lot of work. A lot of work… that should have adequate compensation.”

With those words, Migoya rose from his seat, Mikki leaping on his shoulder. A pale hand reached towards the ‘map’, pointing towards the strange crescent-shaped island, which suddenly became a vivid shade of blood-red. The surrounding islands, once the nation that supported Kirigakure, also turned red.

“What I counter-offer, with respect of course, in payment is simple. The land of Moon and Water is to be my clans domain. None shall enter it without permission. You and your ilk will not interfere within its borders, and I will offer you the same within yours. Naturally cordial relations should be enabled, and individuals may opt to work with either of us, but this way we will not… have unproductive bouts of expansionist intent. We are both architects, needing our space to create after all”.

Migoya looked back up to gaze into Akkuma’s eyes, for a moment showing a deeper understanding - a sort of ‘bond’ that had quickly endeared Migoya to this shinigami-possessed man.

“We are very similar, you and I. I know that we both have the desire to control, a vision for the future. Our visions are similar, and together we stand a much better chance of achieving them.”

Migoya’s voice started to have an edge to it, a commanding tone that was not disrespectful, but seemed to come from a dark place.

“But remember Akkuma-sama. The Myakashi are not, nor ever will be, servants. We left that life years ago due to abuse and neglect. We will accept missions from you with good faith, but can deny them if they are not in our own interests. I say this without ill intent - I simply want you to know where we stand, especially in this ‘fun’ world of deceit and double-dealings that we will be playing. I will be honest with you, and I expect the same in return”.

With a slight wave of his hands the strange black liquid started to be reabsorbed into Migoya’s palms. It would be rather unnerving, and perhaps somewhat symbolic, as the blood flowed backwards.

“Should you understand and accept my terms, we can be allies and, I hope, friends.”

A pale blood-stained hand rose, outstretched, awaiting Akkuma’s response. A simple handshake that could cause the foundations of this world to tremble. The Gods were watching - at least the naughty ones.

“What say you, Akkuma Tennō Heika?”

[MFT - 1089]
[Jutsu is just bloodline shenanigans :p]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
ANBU Sennin... Her Shinigami wanted her to be ANBU Sennin! A thousand visions of that potentiality crossed her imagination, remembering her father's stories of his time in the Konohan ANBU corps... An intriguing thought but a fleeting one as Migoya spoke his counter offer...

Of course he was right, the Myakashi had always valued their freedom above all else. The thought crossed her mind that this was perhaps the reason that the Goddess had returned Migoya to her for right now she needed his guiding hand more than ever before.

The two Dark Sages continued to speak of compensation and terms but this alone was enough, they would come to terms eventually, she had no doubt... Kiko mused to herself, drawing some sense of mirth from the knowledge that with all that had come before, that in this moment, in this small yurt, with words and an agreement... This one act may change the course of the entire world...

"I agree Grandfather... Before the Goddess led me to you I had intended to move against Konoha once more... When I took their Sennin's heart I also gave Hokage Asuka one of my tokens... The Goddess tells me that she is ready to claim what is owed her, the Hokage's bright soul is calling me back with desire in her heart... we can use this to our advantage."

Kiko paused for a moment, making sure she had both Migoya and Akkuma's attention before she continued.

"We will go to Konoha... The Hokage will beg me to move against her attackers and if she does not I will persuade her that it is indeed her best direction. Then I will ask my cost... She will not be able to refuse and it will cost her everything..."

Kiko turned to Akkuma, a warm smile coming over her inhuman face, a cheeky edge to the expression.

"Akkuma, my friend, I will convince Lady Asuka that the thing she desires most in this world is your head and I will claim it for her. This will lend fuel to the fires of Suna, an assassination attempt with Konohan origin in Sunan territory and further fuel the fires of war. We know as we stand now or forces could never best the armies of the great nations but if we guide them to fight eachother. The Goddess will guide me but still I will need you... both of you... if this deception is to work. They will not know the truth from the deception... They will..."

Kiko closed her large eyes slowly as she leaned back in her cushions, her train of thought derailing as the cussions softness felt comforting against the living flesh of her current body. A wave of previously unnoticed exhaustion coming over her with the movement. How long had it been since she had slept? Days? Weeks?

"Please forgive my ramblings... I am far more tired than I thought..."

That is when the realisation dawned on her, she was safe here! For the first time since leaving the Myakashi Village so many years ago she felt that she could truly let her guard down.

"Let me close my eyes and rest a while... We will leave for Konoha in the morning..."

As sleep quickly enveloped her she thought on the momentous change in the world that would come from this one encounter, for better or worse the dice had been rolled... Now their fate was left in the hands of the gods and she could feel them watching closely...

[Ooc: topic left in the morning after a sleep :) ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The night was underway & before the evening was through they would be united. Both Sages analyzed one another in order to discern the others motivations & intentions. Akkuma nodded his head showing he understood. He himself would do the same if one of his own were potentially at threat. It seemed that Migoya had met both Nobu & Asuka. A smile appeared upon his face once more. Of course the Myakashi elder had, it seemed his new comrade was well versed in the bonds of the nations. Just as he was, this would serve them well. Those emerald eyes of his watching the exchange between Kiko & Migoya with interest. Listening he had no interjections about what Migoya suggested and what Kiko had planned to do. From what he'd seen they were more then capable of achieving these tasks. They were in agreement it seemed, the pair would go to Konohagakure & assess the developing situation. After all he found it most curious that the delegation from Fire Country had yet to arrive. Briefly wondering if Xaiyu & Mizu had intercepted them. Although he was sure if that were the case he'd have received the gift of their heads. No, Konohagakure was up to something & they needed to know what.

A warm smile would be upon the Sages face as he listened to Kiko's words once more. "Excellent, this sounds like a most prudent plan. Worry not, I trust in your abilities to handle what is before you. While I doubt the Kazekage would have any sympathy for my death, I am certain he would be furious if he discovered they had enacted clandestine activities within his territory." Kiko's concern was unwarranted it was a sound path forward & death was not an experience he feared. For the Sage it was merely a temporary stage in the cycle that was his existence. Apologizing for the words she had so excitedly spoken, her enthusiasm did not bother him at all. "Concern yourself not about such things, I value your input & perspective on these matters." He would say for she would be the one on the front-lines & had already witnessed her effectiveness. Akkuma listened intently to the words spoken by Migoya & chuckled. He could not argue there weren't similarities between the two. Although it seemed his intentions had been misunderstood & as such the terms he'd provided had proven insufficient. Naturally if he'd desired the impossible task of unifying the world he would have offered greater compensation. Alas this was not his ambition. Though it would be a lie to say that he was not enticed by the idea of ruling over the nations. But he knew this was not his true desire merely his demonic nature wishing to exert dominance over all. "Naturally I agree that we are similar in that regard." He would admit, but he never intended to serve another. Not after all these years of being used & discarded.

Bowing his head in acknowledgement he would let his Harbinger rest. For none of his compatriots had proven their worth as effectively. No harm would befall them while they were guests of his hospitality. Doubting there was any force foolish enough to test the Fates by doing so. Migoya's counter offer & reasoning were all logical. Watching intently as Migoya stood & manipulated shadow with blood to better elaborate on what he believed the Demon wanted. Confirming that Akkuma was right in believing his intentions had been misunderstood. Having remained in the dark for so long he knew all too well the benefits such secrecy provided one. "Perhaps we are more alike then I initially thought." he would say with a devilish grin at his fellow Sages words. "Fortunately I do not intend to make servants of anyone Lord Migoya. Should that day ever come when you feel the need to act. I will not hold it against you, that I can assure you." he would say with a warmth he reserved only for those who had earned his respect. Hoping his words would assuage any concerns that the Sage had such intentions. Before chuckling at the manner in which his new comrade addressed him. "Unfortunately I cannot accept your terms. While I do desire an alliance between our people & would value the friendship of one such as yourself. There seems to have been a misunderstanding." He would say calmly with warmth & patience.

Standing the Sage would address Migoya as he did so. "I have no desire to govern the world, I am not guided by such hubris." he would say with a chuckle for no doubt his fellow Sage had expected such ambitions from him. "My wish is to reclaim my homeland Water Country & to remake Kirigakure. You may have Moon from this day I acknowledge it to be under the jurisdiction of the Myakashi. Although I must confess as we speak my son Kureji is implicating Kumogakure in an attack against Moon." his words were truth when he discussed his desire only to rule over Water Country. Little did Akkuma know that as they spoke an actual Missing-nin from Cloud was attacking Moon. How the Fates did love to play their cruel games with him. "My only intention with the coming conflict is to distract the nations from our efforts & to establish a nation for all those who can manipulate chakra. One not governed by the common laws of humanity, restricted for the sake of the weak. In doing so we will return balance to the world while ending this facade of peace." There was no deception from Akkuma as he spoke to his crimson eyed companion. "You may do with the other Nations as you wish. Although I will continue my research & recruitment operations. However I am willing to have members of the Myakashi participate in these operations as you see fit." Something he considered to be a reasonable term for their alliance. "This would leave us each with our own nation & plenty of space to do as we see fit. While allowing us to collaborate or work independently in the other Nations. I will allow you to claim one other Nation as the Myakashi's to do with as they see fit. I do ask it not be Wind Country...I've developed a fondness for that land & its people." No doubt the Myakashi elder would find this amendable. After all if he truly wished he could dethrone Akkuma but given how similar they were in thought he anticipated that outcome would be a low probability. Well so long as he maintained his current path.

Extending his own hand now. "What say you Lord Myakashi Migoya, Shadow of Yamigakuri shall we change the world?" United there would be no force upon this earth that could hope to stop them. Akkuma had made what he hoped was a fair negotiation after clarifying his desires. He only wanted his homeland back, he would be content to use the agreed upon neutral territories for his projects. The Myakashi would have Moon & whatever Nation they picked as their territories to do with as they saw fit. The Village Hidden in the Mist would be reborn. Water Country would be the domain of his Empire & history would be made to remember it. In regards to Wind Country he merely believed it's people had earned the right continue trying to find their path, even if they did need some guidance every now & then. Akkuma needed to learn more about Lightning Country, too many years had passed & much had changed. If he was to use them effectively in the coming war he needed to truly know it's people & ways. While he had remained there for years that had felt like a lifetime ago & he knew all too quickly the domains of humanity could shift. If they were in agreement he would clasp Migoya's hand sealing their deal.

MFT +1300 Words
[OOC: Sincerest apologies for the delay the week has been chaotic.]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He listened carefully as his clanmate spoke, her fervour only enhancing the words.

“Never Kiko. Never… You have done well Granddaughter, and we shall make the world tremble”.
A pale hand patted the girl on the head affectionately, soothing her into a well-deserved sleep. Each Myakashi member was precious to him, and seeing them safe and happy brought Migoya a measure of joy to his otherwise painful existence. He looked on with a small measure of surprise as Mikki climbed out of the mound of pillows to sleep on top of the girl, seemingly to protect her. Migoya reminded himself to make sure Kiko checked her pockets in the morning.

Ah… so Migoya’s mind had raced ahead, planning for something more…and leading to an incorrect assumption. So Akkuma wanted to reignite Kirigakure. Hmm.

“Hubris. The downfall of many… both in the past, and in the future. It is good that you do not seek the world, for in doing so you turn the world against you.”

Migoya leant forward, his voice becoming more contemplative, friendly even, as he imparted some strange findings to his new friend.

“I was recently there, Akkuma-sama, and the devastation there is significant. Not only from the deathly cold, but the spirits themselves are trapped and angry. I could not ascertain what actually happened there - and that concerns me. The souls themselves only scream out in pain and suffering and are loathe to comment. Even ‘Twitch’ - the local radio spirit was silent. It was… is… incredibly sad. If you can breathe life into the place, you have my support”.

It was true. Migoya’s sojourn into the fallen city had taught him much, but not the most pressing question of all - how…

A small chuckle escaped Migoya once again.

“Do not worry - unless your son stumbles onto Myakashi territory, which is highly unlikely, any political attacks against the Shrine only further my own interests. The Shrine… the epitome of hypocrisy. I often find it amusing that religions such as Jashinism and worshipping the Gods and Goddesses of Destruction are looked down upon, but worshipping another figure that calls itself good, yet demands money and obedience, is completely acceptable.”

“Getting the Shrine out of Moon will take time, as its people are indoctrinated by lies…. But that is the challenge. Its boring if its too easy”,
he chucked again. “I appreciate your understanding.” Indeed, giving Migoya creative rights was an easy way to get him on side… and this Akkuma seemingly knew this. Good. If only others had in the past.

Akkuma then outlined what he wished to focus on in the meantime - recruitment and research. Wise.

“Certainly - if my agents can be of assistance, please contact me. Im also amenable to research, and I believe our combined efforts might produce some… interesting revelations”.

His chuckle turned into a smile, his pale features becoming uncharacteristically soft as if he had found something… refreshing. His red gaze lingered on the emerald orbs in front of him, the normal harshness seemingly melting away to amusement.

“Very well Akkuma, Ancient of the Sand. Your terms are acceptable.”

Migoya grasped the cold hand of the Shinigami, his own strange coldness wrapping over Akkuma’s hand as blood seemed to envelop both hands, as if another presence was sealing the two together. (OOC: Unless Akkuma pulls back!). The strange visage of a rat-like creature seemingly composed of dust appeared for a second, before vanishing away.

“A contract has been formed. Should you need my services, simply think of my name and send a missive with a drop of your blood. It should reach me… or the closest Myakashi.”

His gaze fell upon his Granddaughter one more time, before returning to Akkumas’.

“Kiko is correct - there is work in Konoha that needs to be done. We shall leave on the morrow. If it is amenable to you, may we rest here - Kiko deserves to be undisturbed and I, well, don’t sleep. You know how it is”.

A wide smile graced his face.

“I am glad that we met Akkuma-san. May your dream be successful.”

[Topic Left with Kiko on the morning - it would be rude to leave earlier hahahah!!]
[OOC: Thank you!]
[MFT: 686]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
