Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Guidelines for Utilizing Sand in Foreign Backstories

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

1.) Is this a major point or just a neat add-on?
Sand and Wind Country should be relevant to your character's back story. We encourage those seeking to utilize Sand or Wind heritage to actually have a well thought out reasons to clearly define the importance of including the village or country into your character's history. This not only serves as a respect thing for being let in on the overall lore of Suna/Wind but also strengthens your own character's history. We simply ask that the consideration of "is this actually important to my character or is this just a neat little add on" when considering your character's history.

2.) Does your history match our in-game history and setting?
Please make sure you check out our history and plot/lore of the village and country we have within this subforum. Of important note is the fact that until 12 years ago we were underground because of a terrible country)wide sandstorm had plagued the country for the 25 years prior plunging us into fierce isolationism. After the storm ended we spent the next 2 years rebuilding due to terrorist attacks around the time the storm recessed. We were almost immediately plunged into a tense period of distrust with the Diamyo of Wind Country who has been raising his own private army that has devolved into a civil war that is ongoing.

These points factor heavily into our approval process and we wish to see your character history not get a "deny" from our Council because you overlooked something that has been a major plot point for our village. It is hard to approve of shinobi being born through joint missions with other villages when in our setting we haven't had the chance to make these relationships with other villages due to being trapped underground. If you have further questions about these plot points, please contact a member of Sand Council and we will help discuss them to make sure you are putting together those more informed history you can!

3.) Does this creature actually work into your story?
One of the biggest parts of our lore/setting is our vibrant bestiary. Our writing teams over the years have placed not only a lot of work into creating these unique environmental creations, but in-character we have done a lot of work establishing the beasts as just as much a part of our community as our player base. We ask that when making your character history or looking to add something from our bestiary into your character at all, you consider what is realistic. As an example, our Sandworms are treated as at least S-Rank threats, which means that in most cases it would take a group of S-Rank shinobi just to survive running into one, so we would not review favorably towards a newly created character who has a history of hunting Sand Worms, it falls out of the grasp of realism to our setting and creates an awkward power balance for your character that your own village council may have a hard time approving. Also, most of our beasts survive in the desert, and survived through the harsh country wide sand storm, so finding them in mountains of Kumo or the forests of Leaf would be a stretch.

4.) Can I be a family member/clan member of Suna players?
We have a number of resident members that not only enjoy but encourage players to associate with their character. We support these associations, especially if it allows you to create a character that has a greater sense of connection to the in-game universe, but please make sure when you are creating the history you balance incorporating how your character ended up going from Sand to your new village and it not creating a plot hole for both villages settings.

5.) Ancients, The Orders, The Sovereign, etc. can I be a part of those things?
Much like any other village, we have specific races, groups or organizations that are specific to Suna and Wind Country. In many cases, we will not approve the use of these aspects because of how centralized to our setting/history/lore/plot they are, but if you believe you have a reason it could be factored into your character history please contact Sand Council to discuss.

6.) I see Tea Country and Sound Village mentioned elsewhere, can I share a history with them?
The Village of Hidden Sound, or more commonly Sound, is a recently introduced new aspect of the Sand Setting/Plot, because it hasn't been fully worked into our current story, we will not be allowing the use of it in Character Creations.

We created this list not as an effort to discourage individuals from other villages sharing a connection to Sand/Wind but as an effort to greater assist them in this endeavor. Many of the points listed above are areas that usually get an application denied, so working with us or at least better mapping your history to fit the overall universe you are entering into is a benefit for both us and you. We hope you enjoy your time on NC and when in doubt please contact Sand Council!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
