Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Help Me Breathe, Senpai [Tutor]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The Academy rolled by like a calm summer breeze for Shinjo, despite the weather outside being anything but.

The child excelled in almost every field. Genjutsu was his strongest trait, found and shaped to their liking by the ANBU Sennin Miro. His talent at molding his chakra towards illusions and resiting them were supernatural. Rarely had a shinobi outside of the Uchiha clan ever had such a prowess within Kumogakure. He still wasn’t the levels that shinobi advanced ahead in the field were, but the boy was quickly catching up. Secondly was Taijutsu but with a favor towards the blade. Despite his harsh beginnings in killing his own father with the family heirloom sword, Shinjo picked up on how to actually use the weapon really fast. It wasn’t as simple for him as Genjutsu was, as it required actual learned skill, but his body seemed to be naturally built for it; very unlike the lumberjack bloodline he came from. Unbeknown to the teenager, there were rumors circulating with the higher ups on his true origins because of this. The weapon handed down in the Tsukinowa clan was said to only be used by someone who had a direct blood relation to the original swordsman; clan legend, anyways. His father was of the clan and was the last one the sword was legally passed down to…but, he wasn’t directly related. A cousin, at best. Shinjo also looked almost nothing like the pictures that remained of his old man. Some higher ups decided to start looking into his family tree once he started to make waves in the Academy, and now they had theories that Shinjo wasn’t the son of who he said he was. No one spoke of this to the teen, though, because according to his god-parents this was often a fight that came up between his late-parents anyways due to his father’s jealous nature; but they still defended the man.

Ninjutsu was the only thing he had even the slightest difficulty with. Despite being such a genius in everything else, Shinjo had yet to find a change in his chakra nature and could only use the most basic of techniques. Of course he could preform the Body Switch without difficulties, Transform, and so on. His real weakness, the one thing that held him back despite the ease in which he picked things up, was his stamina. Shinjo was cursed with a type of asthma that triggered in cold weather - a staple of mountain living. Where he excelled in his studies he failed in endurance. It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried to fix it himself, either. He had tried to circulate his chakra to keep his lungs warm, breathing exercises, and even some aromatherapy out of sheer desperation. Yet nothing seemed to fix it. It was like his entire body was perfect save his precious two little lungs.

As of late, it was starting to get to the kid too. He had rode a wave of outdoing everyone else for three whole months, nearly four. Now he sat in an endurance training class that was full of newer students or, like him, students who couldn’t get their stamina together despite the rest of their training. The shinobi-to-be was at least happy he wasn’t the only one who had problems. Then again, unlike the others, this was all that held him back. If he could just find even as single person capable of fixing his endurance problem, then he’d be ready to take the Genin exam and become a full-fledged shinobi. Missions, a pay, and eventually even his own place away from his overbearing godparents…the dream was within reach.

He just had one thing to fix.


Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Midori has finally got something to do other than paperwork, when the task of teaching an endurance class to a group of students with more special needs came across her to-do list; it only made sense for the class to be taught by a medical ninja. While the Sennin approached the entrance of the Kumogakure Academy; her spider Bathory quickly moved around Midori to open the doors for the sennin, propping the doors open with a few web balls before giving the large vampire a little space. Stepping forward, Midori ducked her head attempting to squeeze in through the doorway which was surprisingly more easier than she thought. However, the vampire was practically crouched and some of the students after seeing her had quickly gotten the hell out of her way since she was taking up a good portion of the hallway. After the students made a path for her to go without trampling over them, she moved through the cramped building to find her way to the classroom she was supposed to go to with the aid of Bathory since she knew exactly where the room was.

Helping in making more room for Midori was her spider, helping Midori to navigate around while telling her to be careful since the children were about the size of toddlers compared to her. As she moved through the room, Bathory after finding the classroom pointed at the room with her front legs. "HERE IT IS! THE CLASSROOM!" yelled the spider however the doorway was a tad bit smaller than the entrance upon first glance which made Bathory put both of her front legs up to cover her mouth with a slight nervousness. However, the Sennin felt confident that she'd be able to fit through the tiny doorway without a problem. Bending down a bit she opened the door, tilting her head down so she could move into the room from her side. Unfortunately only her head, right shoulder, and Midori's right leg were able to partially enter inside of the classroom before she ended up wedged in the doorway. Midori tried to wiggle herself into the room but since she was tall and also bit on the heftier side, her chest, back, and hips were keeping her from entering the room properly.

Luckily Bathory was already working on tucking in some of Midori's blubber inside of the classroom with all eight legs while Midori tried to wiggle herself into the room. With the combined effort, she nearly fell into the room; the floor shook a little as she stomped a few times to regain balance. Midori stopped for a moment with her arms spread, adjusted her dress to show just a little less cleavage then she carefully rose up slouch a bit because her shoulders were touching the ceiling. Dressed in a white sundress and wearing a fancy black brim hat upon her head as she looked down at the students in her classroom who are probably in awe given her size. "Kood Heffening my schtudents. I am Midori Fudotta, Zennin of zee metical branch. I'm glad vu haffe all come freely und hopefully vu vill go zafely und leave zome of zee happiness vu bring" Midori greeted the students with a toothy smile that revealed her fangs. Following in after her was her pet spider Bathory who crawled in the wall to begin nesting in the little corner of the classroom near the exit, the spider too was abnormally big given that it was the size of a large dog but compared to Midori it was about the size of a puppy.
[Midori Futotta entered]
[Bathory the spider entered]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo thought he knew what to expect from Kumogakure. There was a laid foundation in teaching their students from what he had seen so far. They gave an explanation, each child was given the task, and they all learned at their own pace. Some students, like Shin, were able to pick up what was being taught and advanced to the next class where it would start all over again. This being the one class he wasn’t able to pass and something of a remedial, he had figured that it would be the same teacher who had failed him every time. Instead, he was treated to seeing something he had not quite grasped about Kumo yet; its mythically weird side.

The first instinct that welled up in the Academy Student when he saw Midori’s gigantic leg stepping in was panic. His imagination went wild trying to wrap around the image of whatever cryptid was trying to force its way into the classroom. Then there were spider legs pushing the giant woman in. The sun dress was having wardrobe malfunctions, Shinjo was too afraid to look away at the train wreck that was the gigantic vampire stumbling in, and by the gods what does that spider eat!? Failed students??
By the time Futotta had earthquaked her way into the room Shin was a mess. He was red from embarrassment, a cold sweat had broken out on his forehead, and the boy couldn’t help himself from eyeing the spider that was making a nest for herself in the corner. He could feel his chest tightening as the rush of blood caused his breathing to grow ragged. Before he could even attempt control over his lungs, the asthma attack had already set in.

Shin grabbed at his throat as he began to make horrid wheezing sound. His vision blurred and grew dark as the headache began to set in. It felt like his lungs were a mix of being set on fire and having someone stepping on them at the same time. The student tried his hardest to get his breathing under control as the embarrassment of his weakness showed up in full display for the class and this new teacher. He had to get out. There was only so much pride the teen had and he was losing it all here now because his fear once again triggered a breathing problem. Living in such a high altitude did little to help this condition either.
He grabbed the back of his chair, turned, and tried to stand up from out of his desk but found that the lacking oxygen from his attack was already affecting his legs. He stumbled forward, grabbing desks, other students, and chairs as he went before finally collapsing into a pile of wheezing Student near the front row of desks. Not his proudest moment at all.


Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Well that could’ve gone a little better. Midori expected the children to be a little shocked but as soon as they had a glimpse of the duo the whole class seemed to start wheezing. At first, Midori was confused as she looked at one of the students who was starting to gasp for air getting up moving a few desks down before falling to the floor and then after a few moments of inaction from the Sennin screamed a loud “OH! MY! BLEH!” before rushing to the boy who laid in a crumpled heap on the floor. As a medical nin Midori quickly sprang into action; reaching her massive hand down she quickly grab ahold of Shinjo by his shirt so she could quickly drag him out so she would have more space to work using her medical ninjutsu to bring the boy back to consciousness. “Bathory try to calm zee ozers dovn vile I try to rezuscidate zis boy.” the Sennin commanded her spider. Who would then crawl to the nearest student who was wheezing then began to sing a remix of an old folk song that always seemed to calm her down when she is stressed.

“♪Don’t you laugh when the harvesters go by, for you may be the next to die. They wrap you up in a biiig white sheet, from your head all the way down to your feet.♪” Bathory sang to the child who would then start wheezing a little worse now making the spider panic.

“COUNTESS ELIZABETH BATHORY! VHAT IN BLAD’S NAME ARE VU DOING” Midori yelled at the spider while cradling Shinjo on her lap with one arm while with the other she held to his chest use her Resuscitation Ninjutsu to coat him with a creating an intense aura around the Shinjo that brought him back to consciousness and reopening his constricted airways to make him capable of breathe properly again. Ignoring her spider knowing she would snap back at her for shouting at this stressful situation she found herself in.

“STAPH YELLING! I'm trying!" Bathory placed both tips of her front legs to her face, starting to panic even more which made Midori had to get up then quickly gallop her way to the nearest wall with Shinjo cradled in her arms then set him sitting up near a window and for good measure she just used another Medical Ninjutsu known as Tranquilize. Using the chakra to stimulate soothing mechanisms within the mind. Originally created as a sedative, but in this case a sedated child was a bit better than one who would just pass out again after the resuscitation. Midori went to the front of the classroom since some didn't seem that bad off, trying to calm them down and tell them to take slow breaths. Of course, the ones who still had trouble she used a simple cure all Ninjutsu known as System Restoration which was effective in helping some of the others by opening their airways without having to use resuscitation on them which was a good thing too because it would've took her longer to get to all the students. Bathory herself started playing a classical tune with her web, using her audio medic taijutsu on a few students who weren't as bad and once the class was in order again the giantess known as Midori would wipe her forehead then sighed believing that the situation was handled. "Vell, zat vasn't zee reaczion I vas expecding. I knew I vould schock vu put I neffer zought of myzelf as… BREATHTAKING! MVAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem! Ja, I'm queen of dad chokes moving on" she shrugged, honestly losing her train of thought after the whole everyone wheezing thing happened.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Looking back on his life, Shinjo now realized just exactly how “normal” things used to be. Back when he lived on the port with his family all he ever worried about was catching enough fish, not getting abused by other fishermen, and staying quiet enough to dodge his father’s lumberjack fury. That was it. Other than that he was a normal kid who did normal kid things! Now, he was being groomed into a killing machine due to a special power he had laying dormant the entire time; a rarity of this country that was overstocked in others. Shinjo had never thought much of his time in Kumogakure. The strange mannerisms of those who live on a mountain, the military system that wound through everything to keep a tight control, and the rare talent to conjure the very elements at whim; the kid just took it in all in stride. Really, the weirdest thing he had encountered so far was his first run-in with Miro and the Genjutsu she had used on his head.

Now, there was Midori Futotta.

Light shocked itself back into his vision. Without control his body woke up, his lungs sucking in air faster than he had ever before causing them some minor pain as his back arched on Midori’s lap. Shin reached up and grabbed his throat, feeling the ragged burning sensation of his asthma clawing against the powerful chakra that engulfed his body, but it eventually lost out. Right as he realized he wasn’t on a bed, the Medical Sennin had already decided to lift him and place his body next to the window. The sheer size of the woman brought back his initial fear, starting the chain reaction to triggering his asthma again, but this time Midori’s medical ninjutsu calmed the part of his brain that was trying to send him into a panicked flight. Looking out of the window and out over the mountains below, Shin weakly lifted an arm and cracked the window so that a bit of cold air slipped in. With Futotta’s powerful chakra aura and calming techniques running through his body, for the first time ever, the boy breathed in deep the oxygen thinned air and was able to exhale it without difficulties. A small cough from his worn out lungs came shortly after, but, he seemed to finally be breathing again; even if his flesh had grown incredibly pale.

The rest of the class seemed to be finally calming down too, save for one kid who outright feinted harder than Shin did at the sight of the spider, singing songs about wrapping things in webs. Like a slap of clarity, Shinjo realized that his time in Kumogakure was anything but normal. He was being trained to burn out synapses in the brains of chickens, how to use a sword greater than any fantasy hero he had ever read about before, and now, was going to learn only the kami knew what from this gigantic woman cracking Dad Jokes. Once he felt sure of his legs again, the Student slowly stood up straight and shuffled back over to his desk before flopping back in his chair. The color was slowly returning to his flesh, but his breathing was becoming ragged again; bit by bit. It was weird that the entire class had an asthma attack the same time that Shinjo did, but then again, he was a Genjutsu genius. There was no way of telling without extensive research, but did Shinjo just put an entire class under a powerful illusion out of a reactive self defense?

Asthma boy wheezed gently, waiting for Midori to start instruction.


Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
As panicking as this whole ordeal was, everything seemed to be okay for the giantess at the moment. The class seemed relatively calmer than they were when she entered the room. Honestly, Midori couldn't really blame them for how they reacted to her since a massive woman attempting to crawl into the room would frighten anyone– with the added bonus of a large spider she always has with her Midori has frightened her fair share of patients when they first see her. However, Midori had tough skin since she had been a big girl all her life so the reactions didn't hurt her as much since to her it was understandable. When the student who fainted finally was strong enough to walk, the vampire decided to continue the lesson once her train of thought was back in order. "Now zat Hefferyone is feeling vell, I zink zat zee next time any of vu haffe an attack like zat; chust remain in your zeat, calm dovn, und try to sdeady your breazing by breazing in through zee noze und out of zee mouth until vu revive help." she offered, her head tilting down to look at Shinjo who was still wheezing but seemed at the very least stable enough for her to continue to teach the class in peace though she couldn't help but worry about the child.

”Ideally vat vu schould be doing is zitting up schtraight und inhaling deep zo your belly schould go out. Do keep in mind zat ven vu are vheesing it's harder to get air out of your lungs zan it is going in hence vy zee chest feels tight becauze zee lungs are starting to inflate zee more air vu try to breath through zee lungs. Slow breaths through zee belly vould pe more helpful.” she sighed, kneeling down so she could give the back of her neck a little rest. Also this position at least felt a bit more friendly since looming over them wasn’t really getting them to be less afraid of the medical sennin. ”Unfortunately, zee schinopi vorld can be unpredictable so deep breazing und keeping calm alone von’t help vu in effery zituazion. Nay, vu’ll need medical interffenzion und fordunate for vu lucky kiddies I alvays come prepared. HA-HA” When Midori said that, the vampire would then rise carefully then move over to the desk so she could pull out a large stethoscope from her hat and then her medical tools so she could work on giving the children a quick check-up just to see how bad their asthma really was. Normally, just giving the children some breathing tips and telling them to go to the doctor would be good enough but as a medical nin Midori could get the upper hand on this to determine whether a lung replacement surgery or a simple inhaler was good enough for them. Nothing extreme, just a simple check-up would be good enough, then later she could figure out what would be the proper treatment.

”For now, insdead of teaching vu zee schtandard breazing exercizes zat I vould haffe giffen vu all. Vu all must haffe chust one quick check-up to zee how severe zee asthma really is und if zere is anyzing elze vrong vith any of vu. Chust an quick bhyzical if vu vill.” Midori said, clearing off the teacher's desk to give her more space to work. While the vampire was setting up for the physical, she snapped her fingers to signal for her faithful spider Bathory who instantly sprung into action. The spider leaped up to latch itself to the roof then began the spin its web to make a shade of web around Midori but fashioned it in a way where it was as tough as silk so it didn’t stick to Midori. Sort of similar to those cheap spiderwebs that would be sold on halloween, a thick wall of cotton enough to block the view of the other students while Midori worked in peace. Midori pushed the desk against the wall as Bathory continued to work on the curtain in the shape of a large rectangle expanding from the windows all the way to the entrance of the classroom before cutting into the cotton wall to make little doors that she could lift them up for each student for each row so they didn’t tear through the curtain. When everything was in order, Bathory lifted up the cotton door for the row near Shinjo while she hung from the roof. Once the makeshift door was open Midori stuck her arm out of the hole then pointed at Shinjo in particular. ”Vu, zee one vo fainted. Ve’ll haffe a look at vu first. Come to me.” she commanded, beckoning for Shinjo to enter so she could begin the check-up on the young lad.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The poor boy sat there in his desk with a soft wheeze listening as the Medical Sennin explained the proper ways to breathe. The class followed along but Shinjo, predictably, only ended up in a coughing fit when he tried to do as he was instructed. There was a small moment when he could feel the cool rush of oxygen on his burning lungs, but for the most part he felt like he was trying to control a cough while being struck with pneumonia. One of the other remedial Students was now staring right at Shin for some reason. As if he was the entire cause behind the class going so left. Shin kept his eyes straight forward in trying to ignore him, but found the other boy’s vision burning into the side of his head.
It quickly began to agitate him.

Before Shin could turn to confront the kid staring him down, Futotta had called upon her spider to begin spinning a web. Shin’s eyes were now sharply focused on the arachnid and her quick web dropping as he started to mount a healthy fear of spiders. Within moments the critter had the Sennin’s entire desk closed off for privacy. It didn’t make a lot of sense to the Student, but a shinobi of at least Chuunin level knew exactly what was happening here. The class, being remedial, meant that every student here had some kind of problem that was keeping them from advancing. They were still alive, which apparently was some kind of testament to their ability to survive due to Kumo’s rather harsh learning curve, but something small was keeping them back. An attitude. A single subject. A health issue. No doubt the leader of the medical branch had far much more precious things on her plate to deal with, but in a shinobi-light Hidden Village, the only person who could possibly find an answer to make sure these children make it into their dwindling military numbers would be their medical expert. A physical was probably the first thing she had thought of originally anyways before the entire class took to a wheezing issue, now it was just more focused.

Shinjo was not the first person he expected to be called on, though. The boy assumed that the order would be determined by something like desk order sweeping from left to right or by surname. Either path left it so that he would of been far down the list and could get a better guess as to what the physical exam would be like…but, instead the door was lifted open and Midori called him up first. The one who had started it all. The boy felt his chest clutch and a bit of cold sweat bead on his forehead. Closing his eyes and gripping the sides of his desk, Shin slowly pushed his chair back with his legs as he rose to a stand before looking around the room at the other kids. Some looked impatient. One girl looked like she was sorry, and then there was that guy who was just glaring daggers; still. With short unsteady breathes, asthma-boy shuffled from his desk towards the front of the room and ducked under the curtain.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
As the child would then duck underneath the curtain, the massive woman had already gotten her items ready. The large spider would then lower the curtain of the web, Midori had just finished getting her items ready for the examination before turning around to look down to see no one which made her head dart around before feeling something brushing against her leg. Stepping back from the desk, she looked over her large mounds to actually see the child who looked scared for some reason. To be scared was perfectly natural for someone his age. Sure Midori was oppressively taller than the young man… and she was much bigger than him in terms of body mass… and that the boy looked pretty squishable if she was to accidentally trip on him. Regardless, she kept her friendly demeanor as her towering figure loomed over Shinjo; leaning down with her hands on her knees while she looked down at the child similarly to how a woman who is checking out someone else's puppy. ”Vu must pe Schincho. Forgiffe me for calling vu first put zee Annu Zennin vants me to make vu my priority.” Midori admitted, honestly knowing who he was from a little description that the Anbu Sennin gave her from a meeting that went surprisingly well. Given that he passed out with Mirō and how he passed out when seeing her for the first time- one didn’t need to be a detective to know that this was the child that the Anbu Sennin was talking about.

”Zere is no reazon to fear, mein dear. I’fe heard many good zings about vu coming from zee Anbu Zennin herzelf vho zays zat vu haffe great potential. I schould be able to cure vu, little one. Don’t vorry.” said the massive vampire as she slowly lowered herself to one knee to begin the examination namely to see if there was more than one thing that is wrong with the child. Putting the earpieces of her large stethoscope in her ears, she would then grab the bell of her stethoscope and now it was time for the awkward part of the exam. "I am going to be listening to your lungs, zis vill feel ein little cold at first." Midori would then place her hand on Shinjo’s back and slid her other hand underneath the boy’s shirt so she could place the chest piece against his chest to first hear his heart beating (which sounded health and good enough to eat) before moved the chest piece a bit more to the right side to listen to his breathing carefully. ’Hmmm zere is nay bubbling vich is a good zign zat zere is nor any rattling zounds vich is ein kood zign…. Arh ! But still.’

Needing a bit more, the sennin decided to simply ask Shinjo. ”If vu don’t mind, vould vu try a few deep breaths for me? Zimbly inhale for three zeconds zen exhale for three zecond.” Midori asked the child in a gentle tone while keeping the stethoscope on his chest. What she was trying to listen for was if there were any decrease sounds within the child's lungs or even abnormal ones so she would be able to know exactly what she would be treating him for. The three seconds to breath out was one way she was testing the child to see if they had an abnormal breathing pattern since it's been known that asthmatics take longer getting air out than they do getting it in. Hence why she was making him breathe in that kind of way which would also determine whether she should give him surgery or look for better alternatives for the poor child.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo settled down as best he could standing before Midori, but to be quite honest his blood pressure was already elevated. He couldn’t even see her face until she decided to bend down over the desk and it’s prepared items to reveal her face; it was like watching a terrifying moon crest over two mountains. Then, the poor boy, couldn’t help but dart his eyes back to the massive cleavage being shown to him. Reasonably, in his head, there was a part of his brain that was breaking down this entire situation and coming up with logical explanations. The Student was a natural at Genjutsu, which meant his analysis skills were almost Sherlockian levels of brilliant, but right now all he could think about was how awful it would be if he got sucked in between those two giant mounds of flesh and was never heard from again. It wasn’t until the Medical Sennin began to speak did he finally tear his fearful eyes away from her breasts and look her in the eye.

Miro-dono?” the boy asked quizzically. The fact that a member of ANBU had asked a member of Medical to specifically preform a check on the boy spoke volumes. That it was also the leaders of both branches that were handling him almost floored the child. His Civics class taught that the shinobi life here in Kumogakure was vastly different from other Hidden Militaries. Especially in that they didn’t have a lot of shinobi to start with, and that every member of each branch was spread thin as a cracker. Shinjo tried really hard to wrap his head around the preferential treatment, but couldn’t quite grasp the why. As far as he saw himself, he was just a kid with high talent in two fields of combat, and would probably be a great addition to their army. He didn’t think of the fact that he was blowing past the other Students, or that he mastered every Genjutsu the Academy could legally offer him to learn, or even that his sword skills only ranked below those who focused purely on Kenjutsu. His humble personality, while charming, was actually holding him back in more than one way.

Then the exam started. The moment Midori’s hand touched the Student’s back, his entire body stiffened. Something in her touch made his pulse quicken and his mind to scream it was wrong. The boy could indirectly feel the Sennin’s chakra when their flesh touched, and it caused his red eyes to flicker slightly; as if her natural latent chakra was reacting to his own.
As far as his lungs went, however, he did as was ordered. Breathing in for ten seconds caused the lungs to jerk slightly, bringing up a little cough from the boy, but he managed to exhale just fine. Again, he breathed in for ten seconds, and the second time around really hit. The lungs contracted, as if they detested the oxygen. His head went light, his throat started to close, and the lungs began to twitch erratically causing him to start a coughing fit that took his feet off the ground. Shin caught himself on the desk and hunched over it while wheezing as his skin grew pale again.
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Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Midori simply nods her head when the child says the name of the young Anbu Sennin. He was just one of the many things that they discussed during the whole meeting and according to Miro he was supposed to meet up with her anyway. She had a hunch that the child would be in this class which was one reason why she herself decided to come teach the endurance class herself, after all if asthma was the only thing physically holding Shinjo back then his condition would be more or less easy to handle. Though if he was okay mentally- ”Indeed, sche speaks of vu highly, hoveffer sche alzo zays zat vu schould’fe come to me earlier und it vas chust my luck zat I found vu here.”she admitted during the exam the quicken beating of his head made her hungary sure but she was handling the vampiric side of her pretty well since this child was indeed a priority.

Unfortunately, during the exam the child started to cough once again. The first breath in had a little cough in which she could hear a rhonchi sound through the stethoscope right before he coughed which let her know that there was some swelling in his airways. Another thing that she found odd was that it was taking him a bit longer to breath in since she only asked for like three seconds in, of course this could be due to a miscommunication but this could also mean that his breathing patterns were abnormal. The secord breath was what one could say, really awful. Going into a really bad coughing fit (on Midori by the way) which made her moved back just a bit for a moment before starting to give aid to the child again using that cure all Ninjutsu known as System Restoration in order to open his airways again though it didn’t really do anything for the coughing so she just simply picked the child up as though he was a newborn then put him over his shoulder to begin patting his back and then tried desperately to calm the child's fit. ”Zere, zere little one. Vu did your best but I zink I'fe zeen und heard enough.” she said while rocking with him while giving him gentle pats to the back so if he needed to cough some more he could let it out and if he started to wheeze again she would just use System Restoration since it was just about the only thing she had that actually cures things that go wrong with the body.

Midori just hoped that the child was stable enough for her to set him back on the table then she turned to her spider. [color=#ff40pf]”It’s zafe to azzume zat zis child is dealing vith a more zerious caze of asthma. Like…. Very zerious.”[/color] she told Bathory. How did this child survive this long with something like this was anyone's guess, needless to say even she was having some doubts of this students capabilities as a shinobi since she had to provide aid to the child twice. Despite this she still believed that she would be able to manage the child's symptoms, after all Midori still didn’t know if he was even taking medication to manage his asthma so she couldn’t write him off just yet. ”Dear child, how long haffe vu gone on like zis? Haffe vu already been zeen py a doctor or is zis your first time being zeen by one?” she asked, curious to know just how long he's gone without any medical treatment and how has he even been managing his symptoms lately. This would probably determine whether he needs that respirator that Miro had Midori’s people craft for him or whether he needed surgery to replace his lungs entirely. Afterall the respirator that was made for him was just a fancy rescue inhaler if he wanted it with filters to keep away airborne triggers like smoke, dust and all that with the inhaler part of the mask being used mostly for stress related triggers.Though that all goes out of the window if medication did nothing for him at all.

Ryuu Tama

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Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
To say that being held like a child again wasn’t a weird sensation would of been a straight lie, but despite that, Shinjo found some small comfort in it. He felt the Sennin’s chakra course through his veins once again, and like before, it eventually drew his horrible coughing back down into a manageable ragged breathing. The boy pushed against Midori’s shoulder and nodded to be let down as he stumbled back a little, the wheeze still taking him.

It was when she asked the question, ‘how long’, did it suddenly occur to the teenager.
Not long at all, in fact, only since I moved to Kumogakure last year. I spent my life up until that point living right next to the ocean in a fishing village, and never had these problems before. I thought I must have caught some weird sickness since moving to the mountain. You mean to say that…this can be managed? I…” the boy trailed off in his line of thought.
It had probably never occurred to him due to his linage. A poor fisherman’s son. A quick jog of his memory reminded him that his folks weren’t big on doctors or paying the money to see one at the very least; no doubt his godparents shared this. He suddenly recalled they were actually against him being seen too much by the shinobi specialists, which he now found odd. At first he thought this was just because they didn’t want any more of their own family to suffer as a member of the military that they had managed to escape, but, now he wondered truly, why they would keep the doctors away from him? He ended up being recruited by the ANBU Sennin out of his own merits, despite the lung problems. There was no way his godparents would of been able to keep him away from Kumogakure, eventually his power would of emerged and a Chakra Detector would of picked it up anyways; why not get his asthma cured? To top off the suspicion, his first asthma attack was in their very living room, yet they did everything but seek proper help. Shinjo looked back up at the Sennin with a fire of renewed hope in his eyes. If this truly was a weakness that could be managed instead of holding back his potential career, he was going to leap at it.

If there really is a cure for whatever this is, I’ll take it. I don’t care what it is, I can’t stand this one problem holding me back!” he wheeze with a small burst of excitement that tugged at the bottom of his lungs, but Shinjo ignored it. After all, he was standing before someone who might be able to finally make that problem go away.


Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Midori raised an eyebrow, with asthma this server would think that he may have gotten some treatment for it and for some reason stopped taking medication for it. That would make more sense. However, when he told the giantess that he hasn't experienced this long and that it was when he moved to kumogakure was when he started to experience these symptoms was when things got strange. Even she knew that asthma wasn't a disease that could simply be caught since it wasn't something that spreads. Genetics was most likely the culprit since the child seemed to have been dealing with this for much longer given the symptoms that he was having suggested it to be serious. The giantess looked down at the hopeful look that Shinjo had given. "Bathory, zee itemz pleaze." Midori held her hand out to the spider. Bathory unzipping her little pouch pulled out a couple of boxes, one was much larger than the other one; Midori took the larger box and explained what it was to the child.

"Zis is a respirator mask zat Mirō recommented for my branch to make for vu." she explained opening the box to show Shinjo the respirator mask. "In the heat of battle, it vould be quite opffious for vu to uze a rescue Hinhaler. Zo ve crafted ein mask zat not only filters out harmful airborne triggers vu may encounder but if vu press–" she pointed at a button that was located just in the center of the month on the outside of the mask where the inhalation valve has been. "–zis butdon here, zee mask vill spray a mist of medicazion through zee air purifiers zat vill make vu all betder. Zink of it as a fancy rescue inhaler zat vu can vear in vich all vu need to do is chust press zee butdon und breath zen vu're all good." When she finished explaining what the mask actually was, Midori would set it on the child's lap. Then she took the other box from Bathory which was much smaller than the other one. This other box simply contained a standard rescue inhaler with a couple of canisters already inside of it just in case Shinjo needed them immediately.

"I alzo prescribed vu a standard rescue inhaler as vell; zo vu don't need to vear zee mask to enchoy efferyday life. Alzo if any of your medicazion runs out, do not hezidate to come get refills at zee hospital. Zey are free afder all." she set the box with the rescue inhaler next to Shinjo. Midori decided to go the medication route instead of doing some kind of major surgery kind of thing, mostly because she wanted to see if there was a possibility in simply managing his symptoms for right now since a lung transplant could possibly be a waste of time since the asthma could just return which was always a possibility…. plus another way would be simply just turning him but the whole consuming the blood of the living could also be a problem.. a problem that could have a bunch of dead people walking around. Regardless, she could see that there was hope for the kid to manage his problem. All he really needed was the tools so he would actually be a successful Shinobi. "Vell now zat I gaffe vu all zat vu need, do vu haffe any more questions for me before vu are dismized? I need to zee your fellow classmades too yanno; zo if vu haffe anyzing on your mind, now vould be a perfect time to zay zomezing." Midori decided to allow the child to ask a few questions before letting him go off since she did have an entire class to check-up on. It's just most won't be getting their inhalers as swiftly since the Anbu kinda sped up the demand for Shinjo's medication, the check-up she did was pretty much just something Midori needed for Shinjo's records in which she was instructed to give to the Anbu so they could redact some of the child's information. Shinjo indeed was a more special case than the rest of the students in this class, a very special case for sure.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo listened and watched as the re-breather was introduced before him. His heart leapt a little in excitement at the sight of the shinobi tool. It was not only the key to surpassing the current limits placed on his body, but to be honest, it looked really cool too. The Student started to reach for it was he listened to Midori explain his situation and the reason he was being singled out; all of which made complete sense. The teen turned it over a few times in his hands to get his bearings on the tool before slipping it over his face and fastening the latch.

Immediately he felt his breathing shift. The filter actually made the air he breathed in seem, for once, not covered in ice and for the first time since he had moved in Shin took a full deep breath; which was followed by some coughing but nothing drastic. Reaching up the boy tapped the button to cause a burst of aerosol medication hover over his covered face before breathing it in deeply as he had before. This time, there was no cough. Shinjo exhaled normally though it came out through the filter with a menacing sound.
I…I can breathe!” the boy made a couple of breathing tests once more to see if indeed the medication was working, and sure enough, the mix of the filters and powerful concoction allowed the genius the freedom his lungs wouldn’t allow. Shin felt like doing a back-flip and walking out on his hands. Instead, he gave Midori deeply respectful bow as he had been taught from his godparents, and rose back up with a huge smile, “Thank you! I promise your efforts won’t go to waste!” The excited teen snatched up the personal inhaler before sliding it within a pocket lined within his kimono before ducking out from beneath the webbed curtain. Instead of taking his seat again, the boy turned and darted out of the classroom and towards the practice fields at full speed. It was cold. It had been snowing hard, and Shinjo couldn’t wait to train his body against the weather.

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