Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I may have something for you... - Keni


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion would be humming as he approached the big old tower and looked at the faces in the distance. "I sure see a lot today... Blessing and a curse..." He muttered as he at first walked inside before being halted by the front desk lady. "Hmm?" He eyed the receptionist who kept saying he was not allowed to go up. "Why not...?" He questioned her in return and was spoken to in the matter of, without an appointment you cannot come in and stuff." It honestly was boring Shion, to say the least.

He then moved back out again and wrote a shabby paper about how he was called in to speak with the Main branch sennin. This time he walked back in and handed that to her and you could see she was turning annoyed and Shion simply smiled and waved. This time he was not halted as he went up the stairs, having only so much for mannerisms and privacy... that he knocked on the sennins door for a time.. before just casually walking in. "No one's home... guess I will be waiting here then." He said as he wanted two things.
He did open up the window and started to lean outside to smoke. "Now I guess it is waiting till he gets here... Sadly I cannot read any of this stuff." He muttered as he would start to just 'view' for all that he could.

"Oh mister awesome seniiiin... Would be cool if you joined in~" He chimed as he was already bored of waiting... After all, he was going for a trade in information

mFT; 260+.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa was walking down the corridors of the Hokage office as he whistled to himself, he needed to keep up to date with the paperwork, as he held in his hand a tone of files and folders, he knew full well that his life was just going to be getting busier in these few days, as he turned the corner knowing full well that Keniwa was already out this morning and not in his office he spotted someone waiting to speak to him, sighing to himself he figured that his free time was about to be taken up, though he didn't mind that.

"Hello, if you are here to see Keniwa I am afraid he is already out of his office and doing other work required of him, feel free to come in here if you have something to discuss that I can be of assistance with"

Shizukesa turned the door handle of the office that he shared with three other people. Walking inside he beckoned the stranger to come in with him as he headed to one of the three desks, placing the paperwork down into a neat pile he waited a few minutes to see if they would follow before taking a seat at the chair and offering them a seat opposite. At least he would take his of the Main Branch Sennins plate and help where he could. With the way things had gone recently, he still had a lot on his mind to get done but a few hours out of is schedule wouldn't hurt.

[MFT: 259]
[Topic Entered]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"Hello, if you are here to see Keniwa I am afraid he is already out of his office and doing other work required of him, feel free to come in here if you have something to discuss that I can be of assistance with" It seemed he was a bit out of luck these days... but maybe this person could help him too to the information he was after. First... it would be wise to see if he could get information without giving information, after all... That would be the most beneficial.

He would look toward the person as he started to see what he was doing, there was no hostility coming from him in any form or sense.. So he pretended to lower his guard as he walked to one of the chairs near him. Eying all the paperwork he noticed it was not a little. "Seems like busy days... I will cut it short then.. I am after some information about my clan and family. A few names I just want to know if you all know more about..." he would ask since all the names were originally from Leaf... He was a little scared to hear the answer he wasn't going to lie.

"The names are as follows, Zatoru, Sumiko, and Nobu. From the clan Gekido." He would add on and wait for a response. After all.. He wasn't going to give the price information away that he wanted for a passport... Wait... passport. "Is it also possible to get a new passport... I currently do not own one anymore." He added on the last bit in the hope he would just get it. As it seemed rarely anyone knew the things with Asuka.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa leaned back in the chair as he listened to the words coming from the boy in front of him, he sighed slightly and nodded in response to the busy day, he allowed himself to reach into one of the draws, a series of locks, buttons, and bolters heard before a folder was drawn out, as he opened it and allowed himself to look towards the man that had aroused his curiosity it seemed that he did have a lot of work to be doing, but right now he was also the Head Jounin in charge of security inside of the village, flicking over pages, turning them and scanning, he stopped keeping the folder upright.

"Sumiko, arrested by the ANBU and incarcerated, so currently the situation is locked up with ourselves it seemed." With a pause in his words, a few more flicking of pages he stopped again "Nobu, the last rank inside of Leaf was ANBU Captain, records show killed in action by missing Shinobi I am afraid to say. And the last one Zatoru, no known location or news.....which with these records..."

He broke off for a few moments as he scanned the documents, his finger tracing information, and documentation that had been recorded before stopping, shutting it and locking it once more away turning his attention towards the man. "That would make you Shion, mercenary, former Shinobi of Leaf. The documentation just stops there really, with no indication of charges or crimes, just leaves you as a blank, want to fill in the details for me, after all, I wouldn't be doing my job as Head of Konoha Security if I didn't ask. Perhaps some tea?"

He would wait to see what reply or reaction would be given, brushing off the passport question for now, as he wasn't going to issue it to a mercenary, but for now, the conversation was at least polite.

[MFT: 318]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
For Shion, the world stopped for a moment when he heard the words that Nobu... was dead. Not all, that he was back inside the Leaf ranks. It made no sense to him, but so many thoughts and everything were rushing through his mind that he almost didn't hear about his other brother. He tried to not show it at all, but all you could see was that his jaw tensed up, as he gritted his teeth a little inside his mouth. That meant... That the clan was non-existent too. He heard his name again and looked towards the man, or at least the best in his possibilities.

"Tea sounds good, please with a little honey." He asked as he shifted in his chair and turned his gaze up to the ceiling for the moment it would be set. "What is there left to tell..? My family and I kept the streets clean from thugs and helped Asuka with that until she thought our family would turn out to be a nuisance... Then she gave us an option, either become mercenaries and serve her through that, or banish us from the village. I still do not know for sure as to why, I was but a child back then. After that, I took the Mercenary route and came here every once in a while. I have seen a lot of the world already, but I ain't done yet." He would speak as he stretched. In his vision, he always kept the rural streets in check for Asuka, so that was no lie. There would even be missions of him doing this as a formal request.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Pouring the tea into a cup he allowed his eyes to not leave the Shinobi in front of him, as he allowed a few moments he nodded slowly to confirm that he was listening to Shion and understood the situation that came from as he leaned back in his chair slightly he shrugged his shoulds for a few moments, as he tried to at least be honest with the person sitting opposite the table from him.

"I am sorry for your loss, he came back and saw a reason to serve the village, he was killed by a missing Shinobi of the village, unfortunately, he gave his life to protect something that he came to care for, strange how someone can change, but he is a hero in the eyes of the village. So I guess the real question now is what will you do with your life?"

With that he allowed himself to lean back in the chair, he had once more passed this across to the Shinobi in front of him, it was clear that he needed to make sure that he was in control of the situation, it was a habit he had by nature and one that he maintained. Now it was time to see how this would go and how the events would take place.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He wasn't going to comply with that question right off the bat. "Was he cremated or buried?" He asked the other as he wanted to know where his family was, he knew that one was in jail, one wasn't ever seen anymore and the person that mattered the most to him was gone. Then again, so were all the ties he had with this village. So the question what now, was a very good one for him. "Do you know where he was (either scattered or buried)?" He questioned further before drinking the tea. Having a moment of silence before he would answer the other.

"I will just remain a merc. That is what suits me best, roam the places I wish to see fit, help those who need it and those who pay good for it." He would comment and keep his real work out of the dark. Now that Nobu was dead, so was the clan most likely as there was no heir, so maybe it was now time to stand on his own two legs with the past knowledge from Nobu in his mind. No.. Not just Nobu but from everyone in the clan.

"If you ever need me... Just send a bird to this address, it is going to be where I will life if I am near the hidden leafs." He would then grab a small piece of paper out of his pocket and hand it over. "Since I desire to remain a merc, may I get my passport renewed? And has there been any changes to the bingo book?" He asked after, trying to push the death of Nobu out of his mind, despite him wanting to shout out right now.

[MFT : 288]
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
It seemed that at least there was a conversation between the two of them, and they were not going to be just having to fight against each other, no this was civilized and what it should be in this office, as he allowed himself a few moments in regards to the question, it seemed that Shion did want to go and see the grave, he would not hold that from them, after all everyone needs to make sure that they got closure and he was not going to hold back on allowing someone that much.

"As per the rules of Leaf, he was buried with his name given to the stone above the symbol of flame for a Shinobi fell in the line of action, as fitting for his position."

Listening to the next part he simply nodded back to the question, it seemed that Shion just wanted to remain as was, as he allowed himself to sigh slightly he put his hand out wanting to see the passport to at least make sure that he managed to renew it for Shion. He had come this far at least and not just stood up and walked away, instead, he could at least approve this small request for the passport and make sure that it was done quickly.

"I can renew this for you, of course."

Waiting for it to be handed to him, he had that pleasant smile on his lips and didn't show any hostility towards the man. After all, he was on pleasant terms with the village.


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He was glad that his brother at least had a proper burial, but he was saddened that he had to learn this way. There was time for grief later and not now. Trying to relax his muscles he would eye the man again, hearing how he would be able to renew the passport. but now was the hard part... The actual renewal of the passport. Shion had bits and pieces of a dead shinobi's passport and those were all without information on them, but clear pieces of a passport. "Not... a lot was left of it." He would comment before handing over the little pieces of scraps.

"Let's just say... I managed to salvage at least this much... Do you happen to give me an ETA on when this could be ready..?" He would ask as he then would place his address on the table.
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa leaned back in his chair for a few minutes as he nodded to himself looking at the passport that had been handed to him he looked down at it for a few moments nodding to himself as he put it down on his desk and drew out a file before grabbing a sheet of paper and a pen listening to Shion speaking he knew that the man was looking to get out as soon as he could, but it would take a few more days for him to be able to collect a new issued passport.

"This will probably take a little bit if I am being honest. However, I will pass this across to the gates for you to collect the new passport, this one will have your image, and show that you are a mercenary from Leaf so should allow you to travel and achieve entry to most villages with no resistance. Though it is a shame you don't consider the option to stay, unfortunately, you are at least here for a week if not two depending on how this gets processed, so in the meantime you will need this in case anyone wants to check on you."

As he finished writing in the document he moved the passport and document for a replacement out of the way and put it to the side, making a note to pass it across to the correct people, filling out a second slip that identified Shion to anyone that requested to see it and allowed her temporary stay inside of the village.

[MFT: 262]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
It was going to take a while... Well, not much Shion could do or say at that. After all he was going to get a passport this way. When he heard about the options he would somewhat shrug. "I am opening up a bar and my house nearby, so if you have a job, just give me an owl and I will come on my bike." he would simply say at the mater. "After all... if the price is right, why not." He would then stand up, place the chair back in the position it was before he entered and looking to the guy that slide a piece of paper.

Paper... something he wasn't able to read at all, and there were no dents in it to see the paper either. "Thank you." He would comment and take the slip since it was slided to him he thought it was his own. If not... This would probably turn awkward.
"Now if you excuse me... I will get going, Will keep an eye out on things."

[topic left unless stopped]
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa watched as Shion decided to leave the conversation as it was, though the offer of work at least was not missed by the man he hoped that it would leave open an entry to future working together between Shion and the village if it was ever required, it was something he could at least keep in mind. Smiling politely, he watched the chair be placed back into the position it would have been in before he had entered the office, it seemed at least the man knew his manners and was a pleasant enough person, he could mark that up to not seeing them cause any trouble in the future at least.

"Not a problem at all. If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to let us know. Of course, during your stay inside of the village, my office door will always be open if you do need me, just let me know and I can be available. With that please enjoy your stay inside of the village and thank you for popping by."

He nodded as he went back to his work, he had been busy lately and this meeting had been a welcomed distraction to him in all honesty. As he looked back towards the documents that had been handed in and made a note to get this sorted as well, another thing to add to his list of work to complete. As he sighed and watched the door close at least things started off eventful.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
