Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

In need of a bi-lingual Sennin (Migoya/Shin)


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire would keep Migoya in her sights as they would eventually make it to Omni Prime Medical Facility, the center for all things medical.

The newly appointed Sennin, Shin should be around here somewhere, and this would make things easier. She only hoped that he knows runic terran rather than having a wild goose chase on who knows the most languages.

Eventually, they would find a medical ninja that wasn't as busy as the rest and they would point Sumire and Migoya in the direction of the Medical Sennin. "Shin-sama?" Sumire would knock on the door. "It's Sumire. We have a visitor that is inquiring about a scroll that you might be able to read."

(Topic entered with Migoya)
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya's eyes widened as he was guided down the dusty streets of Sunagakure, taking in more than just the 'touristy' things - mostly his mind was on strategic points for defense, blind spots, and alley ways he could ditch this woman should she become too clingy. After all, he had much to do here, and being babysat was a convenient way in, but wasn't interesting in the long term... unless she became more interesting. She was holding her cards close to her chest it seemed...

Suna had... changed since he remembered it. What had happened? His thoughts tried to formulate how he knew this place, but it became foggy, like so many of his previous lives. As they grew closer to the medical facility, strange, foreign memories started to surface - as if he had been here, or somewhere like here - previously. His wife... a son... a clan.

Migoya stopped for a brief second to clear his mind. Why was he remembering such things? Coming to, he quickly kept pace with Sumira as she entered the hospital.

Again a waft of nostalgia assaulted him, as memories of this life as a med-nin chief and expert found his way onto his face, ending up as a small, sad smile. He looked around at the ill and infirm, knowing that he was more than capable of curing their ailments but to do so would bring unwanted attention on him. Perhaps he could deal with this 'Shin' if he was the Medical Sennin now - an exchange of medical expertise, for there were few better than the Dark Sage of Yamigakure....

Sumire would knock on the door, and Migoya would simply wait to be introduced to Shin - hopefully the same one he had met years ago.

[Topic Entered with Sumire of course :p]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin was packing boxes with a few scrolls and ornate objects which help both sentimental and destructive importance to the bow Sennin. While he planned to continue to work as a Medical Chief in the Omni Prime Medical Facility he knew that much of his time would now need to be spent in the Kazekage’s Tower as a Sennin and advisor to Lord Raizo, the Eleventh Kazekage.

Pulling the box out of the cozy back corner office where two walls were made of solid glass, the Chikamatsu Overseer would step into the large white surgical lab. Nondescript walls of solid white which curved smoothly to the floors and ceiling caused this room to almost feel out of this world, with the exception of a stainless steel table in the middle of the room, there was nothing of note in this space. The eyes were almost always drawn to the cozy cottage vibes that his corner office gave off.

Hearing a knock on the door and a familiar voice, Kohana would apparat’s and grab the door handle to open the arrivals to the laboratory.


Kohana said coldly and matter of factly. She looked to the man with the Jōnin and raised a brow.

”And you are?“

A male’s voice cut through the room as Shin interjected.

”Kohana, that’s enough no need to be rude.“

As Shin stepped forward the Persona that was the aggressive woman in red armor, apparently named Kohana, would simply fade into ether.

Shin stepped forward in his working uniform. A blue hooded military jacket and slacks with a loose waist line that flared out rested underneath the finely polished silver armor he was often seeing. The symbol of the Inner Circle, or the Medical Branch of Sunagakure, was resting on his shoulder.

”How can I help you?“
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya waited patiently for Sumire to respond to her Sennin’s question, but she apparently was lost for words. A crush perhaps? Migoya’s crimson gaze scanned the room for any hidden dangers, but it seemed to be a rather… cosy office.

A wry and knowing smirk appeared on Migoya’s pale face, as if he knew full well the nature of this ‘Kohana’ who had disappeared. She had no heart beat… and he was a Dark Sage… and he knew plenty of ‘those types’, the Myakashi having several Grandeur Phantoms in their arsenal. If anything it made this Shin far more interesting than a boring old Sennin. The fact that he seemed to have limited control in expressing this forbidden kinjutsu suggested that it was something… different and different was always fascinating. Migoya’s mind whirled - were kinjutus something that Sunan’s were able to demonstrate in public without repercussions?

Waiting for Shin to look his way, Migoya would give a polite bow, his eyes finding the floor for the briefest moment - a gesture of respect not given by the Myakashi clan leader lightly.

“Shin-sama, my name is Myakashi Migoya, Yamikage and an archaeologist based in Moon country. Your friend here was kind enough to lead me to you in order to translate a document I found within your borders.”

Casting his gaze around the many shelves of boxes, both opened and packed, with an appraising stare the corner of Migoya’s mouth would form into a slight smile. The table was also telling - yes, he had much in common with this Shin. Sand-nin were such fascinating creatures.

Moving his satchel towards the front of his body, the slight smell of sandlewood would waft through the room as he opened in, making sure both of the shinobi in front of him could see that he was not pulling out a weapon. Rather, an old-looking scroll was drawn forth.

It was then that Shin, as a fellow scholar, would notice that Migoya’s gaze was piercing, as if he was looking for minute details about his form. The armor, the symbol, his demeanour - every aspect seemed to be scanned for minute pieces of information, possibly for future reference and reflection. His crimons eyes seemed to glow as they rested on Shin’s. The moment would be broken as Migoya raised his arm, offering the scroll to the Sennin.

“I am unsure of its dialect, though such writings have appeared on carvings I have seen not only in Sunagakure but elsewhere. Is it possible to learn this language? Sumire here said there were those called Oracles who could assist me… could I arrange a meeting with them?”

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The Yamikage? The "Lord of Shadows"? Shin would take a mental note that this man wasn't affiliated with neither Leaf nor Cloud. While Shin wasn't fully caught up with the political relations that Sand had with Moon, he knew that a shinobi outside of one of the Five, now Three, Great Shinobi Villages could be using the Sennin's resources for their own personal gain, which Shin would expect someone in his position to do. It was a blessing, Shin supposed, to be born in and associated with a Great Shinobi Village, as it carries the same weight and reputation internationally like his status as a member of one of the five Great Shinobi Clans of Sunagakure carries within the walls of the Primus Bulwark Gates.

"It is a pleasure, Yamikage, to make your acquaintance. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Chikamatsu Shin, Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan, newly appointed Sennin of Sunagakure, and acting Medical Chief of the Omni Prime Medical Facility."

Shin would return the bow, lowering his head, though through the eyes of Kohana he would not take his eyes off of the Moon Shinobi.

"We do have a connection to a few of the Oracles, though they can be hard to find as their secrets are kept tighter than that of the ANBU Black Ops."

Shin would chuckle slightly.

"But depending on the language used we may be able to save you the hassle and translate it ourself, but there's many tongues that the Oracles know that we are not even aware of."

As he spoke his eyes would stay on Migoya's but as Shin continued to speak the blue eyes of the Sennin would slowly begin to shift and turn red as the eyes of Kohana took over.

"Though, we must say, as I don't know the contents of this scroll... If this is a trap or can grant access to portions of Sunagakure no Sato I will not be granting you the knowledge gained. While I am sure Shin would like to keep a positive relationship with you, I am personally not opposed to cutting down any and all threats to my home."

Kohana's red eyes would hold an intensity and unwavering quality that would give her stance in Shin's body a sense of solidarity in this statement. She knew that even though Shin was kind, he too would strike down any enemy of the village.

Kohana's red eyes would look at Sumire reading her over to see what statements she may make about this man, or to see if she would vouch for his identity.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire would listen as both would speak to each other. She was always keeping an eye on Migoya, hence why she had escorted him here rather than letting him just walk wherever he pleased. The talk of Oracles and the scrolls, along with a sudden change of demeanor from Shin as he would have a different tone. He spoke of how if this was some sort of trap, he would cut Migoya down. Wait... did Shin just speak about himself in third person?

Either way, he, or... She? Something seems off about Shin. Either way, whoever it was, now looked at Sumire to see what she had to say about Migoya. She would bow before saying, "My apologies. I had stopped Migoya from just walking in Sand without showing a passport. Once I did, he had shown me a passport and talked about that scroll and what it contents might hold, it being in a different language. I tried calling for someone who might be bi-lingual but had no answer from the headset. So I thought best if not leave him alone at the Gates, but to escort him and keep a close eye on him until business is done. But if you would like to, I will escort him back to the Gates promptly."
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
“Well met Shin-sama. Newly appointed? It would seem congratulations are in order, although the burden of leadership can be stifling at times. In any event, thank you for your time - here is the scroll I would like translated. I will also provide the location of where I obtained it should it be useful to you”.

Yamikage - it was the first time someone outside the clan had used the title. Indeed, he didnt personally like it, but his clanmates insisted that it sounded ‘cool’ and given his village was the ‘Village hidden in shadows’, it was an apt title. If only it came with a cool hat.

Reaching into his pouch and ignoring the now-stirring Mikki, Migoya pulled out a scroll. The scroll was aged, and apparently was once sealed by some sort of wax seal, but obviously Migoya had carefully opened it to look at its contents. The writing was impeccable, writing in Runic Terran but of a sort that seemed somewhat… older, as if it pre-dated the language known to the Oracles. If Shin would take the proffered scroll and read it, it would state the following.

حيث تسقط السماء
الظلام يتقيح
النهوض ضد غير المؤمنين
الشياطين والموت، الظلال والشفرات
الدم والنار، الغبار والرماد.
يأتي جاشين ليطهر.

Migoya politely listened to Sumire’s statement about picking him up from the gates.

“Ah yes - the passport issue. It has always been problematic for those of us not affiliated with larger shinobi villages to have the traditional ones made. My own homeland of Moon is quite rigid in distributing such documents, bunch of religious zealots that they are. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy travelling - finding such interesting archaeological finds is very important, and preventing such knowledge from being destroyed by… ignorant people is vital to our culture… indeed who we intrinsically are.”

It was then that Shin spoke… or was it Shin? The introduction of a third party…So… it would seem there were two personalities at work - a yin and a yang. Opposing forces at play? Very interesting. Migoya wondered for a briefest of seconds whether this Shin had any control of being possessed or not… The slightest smile played at the corner of Migoya’s mouth, the sheer lack of any fear or concern at the thinly-veiled threats quite obvious. His own red eyes bored into this ‘Shin’ or whoever was currently driving him, almost as if there was a staring competition.

“Identity is such an important concept, don't you agree?”

The dig. The smirk. Then the shrug.

“Honestly, I'd be disappointed if you didn’t remove threats to your home. I would expect nothing else of my own clan, but to alleviate your concern - what possible purpose would my clan have in provoking one of the great shinobi villages? Oh we are more than capable, but the Myakashi are not stupid. It would benefit us little”.

“And my old friend, Toraono Kuro, would be quite upset if I wrecked anything here. I respect that old bull.”
A slight chuckle escaped his lips as he looked around the room. Kuro… a name from another time, but perhaps it meant something to these shinobi. Migoya’s gaze rested on some of the newly packed items. This Shin was also a collector of artefacts, and a medical specialist. Himself, Akkuma and Shin - what could those three accomplish if they worked together… So similar…

“I would be most grateful if you could translate that scroll for me, or indeed if there was a way to learn this ancient language that would be wonderful! In return, I am happy to provide some of my own findings, and perhaps an artefact or two.”

“And… if you know a nice place in town, an invitation to dinner.”

[OOC: Migoya learned Runic Terran before the implementation of the Oracles, so please let me know if it has changed or something]

[MFT 630]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kohana's eyes would remain on Migoya as she responded to Sumire. "It's fine. The deed is done. Shin can handle whatever is needed."

The phantom would reach out and grab the scroll, unraveling it slowly to read it over. It was a poem mentioning Jashin, the false god. She let out a sigh and handed it back.

"I am sorry, Yamikage, that you've wasted your time with this, but it is simply a poem. Where the sky falls... Darkness festers... Rising up against unbelievers... Demons and death, shadows and blades... Blood and fire, dust and ash. There you go."

Her eyes would remain locked with Migoya's as they faded back to Shin's blue eyes.

"The passport is of no concern, don't fret. Identity is important but not as important of your actions. The Myakashi, I will have to remember you and your kin as I learn more of your lands, Migoya-san."

Shin's eyes would look over to Sumire as a soft smile came to his face. A telepathic message would be sent from Shin to the Jounin.

`The Scroll speak of coming omens and the return of the false god "Lord Jashin" keep an eye on this man while he is in this village. I do not know if he can be trusted. He does not give me a safe vibe."

You claim to be kindred spirits with the Demon King, are you familiar with the rest of his kin such as the Byakko or the Aikayume?"

Shin would ask, being the pupil of the World Martial Art's victor and previous Medical Chief, Byakko Akujin. While the name Toraono Kuro ran through the lips of the various shinobi, he knew that other Sunans were famous of their strengths as well. Shin was not only the pupil of Akujin, but also of the past Sennin, Senju Kazuki. He knew that if this man, who brought ill-timed omens of the return of Jashin, was a threat to Sunagakure then he would have to be the one to trade blows with him.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire would make a mental note on what Shin had relayed to her via telepathic message. She would mainly stay quiet as the two would have their interactions on the whole matter. The Jounin would wonder what Shin had meant about. Jashin, the false god. She hasn't had any run ins with any of these jashinists, but she knows enough that they kill for their god, Jashin, who thrives off of senseless killings. Could it be that this Migoya is a Jashinist such as to explain why Shin-sama doesn't have any safe vibes when thinking about him?

Sumire would have to keep an eye on him, but otherwise she would keep quiet, for right now she doesn't know much of what all is going on. She'll just waatch as things play out for right now.

(Sorry, didn't know I was up)
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He listened politely as the ‘possessed Sennin of Suna’ spoke.

“No no, I would not call myself kin with the Toraono. I lack the… horns.”, Migoya said, giving a small smile. “No, I, like so many, merely trained under his tutelage for a time.” The specifics were lost in time however, like so much of Migoya’s knowledge of Sunagakure. “I am afraid I’m not personally aware of individuals with that name, though I believe there was a medical Sennin from that clan not too long ago. Forgive me, information from shinobi villages are, quite rightly, difficult to come by and it has been some time since I last came here. The people of Tsukigakure discourage interaction with other regions due to religious… fanaticism, so it has been difficult to arrange even this small soiree”.

And made a contract with you… which you did not fulfil. A scroll of bodies delivered in return for up-to-date information about the workings of Sunagakure. There were no missives from Shin as agreed. There were always consequences.

Upon hearing the translation, Migoya was pleased that his knowledge of Runic Terran was still accurate, but his face spoke differently. He stroked his chin in thought, seemingly thinking about the information provided.

‘Hmm. Thank you for the translation. Perhaps some context would aid in understanding the nature of this missive”.

Without any handseals or indication, Migoya would simply raise a pale hand, not in any threatening way, but as if to offer something. A strange mist would issue forth, becoming a small cloud where a vision would appear before the assembled shinobi, casting the room in an eerie pale white glow. Within the glow a moving image would form into what appeared to be the inside of a large stone temple, lit by blue torches. Intricate carvings of serpentine beasts and other monsters circled around what appeared to be an altar of some sort.

“This is where the scroll was obtained. The carvings around it depict, I expect, the image of Oorochi the Destroyer God, and the statues seem to resemble that of other creatures of destruction. Demons - that sort of thing. Of interest was the depiction of Oorochi in human form - perhaps a reference to his similarities with the Jashinist god? If so, perhaps I would suggest a warning to your superior against such cultists - I have encountered them before and their powers are undeniable. In addition, the resurgence of dragons might have something to do with this… prophecy?”

Taking the scroll back from Shin, Migoya would gently roll it back up, placing it back into its strange container.

“I will need to go and organise my own clan. It would be a shame if our lands fell to the same fate as Kirigakure.”

Migoya placed the scroll in his satchel, his eyes meeting Shins directly. “I appreciate your time, Shin-sama, and for the translation. If there are any developments I will be in contact. In any event, should you find yourself in the lands of Moon, the Myakashi would be pleased to offer you the same hospitality shown to me this day. In any event - your help has been appreciated, and payment is due”.

Migoya would reach into his strange leather satchel * and produce a strange packet of what appeared to be seeds. "Panax Ginseng - a rare plant located only in Moon Country. When cultivated and harvested, this herb will... empower various energy drinks and tonics, as well as help with headaches and... hangovers. I hope you can find some use for it."

Giving the contract-breaker a respectful bow, clearly not indicating his displeasure, he turned to Sumire. His red eyes were kinder somehow, like a wizened uncle although his appearance was of a much younger man.

“And my thanks to you Sumire-sama. Although I would like to stay and resupply, I can understand that you would want a foreigner out of your village as soon as practicable, and you have better things to do. Perhaps an escort to your gates?”

Migoya would give a small smile at this, awaiting her response. Certainly he would have liked to interact with more Sandies, but time was now of the essence.

Another piece had been moved in this game of shogi, though few would understand its repercussions.

(OOC: Now that you are close to him, and if you have met one, the satchel is made from Sand Worm skin... you might also notice that Migoya is wearing a special type of robe made from the same materials as the ancient and rare ponchos from old Sunagakure that protected the wearers from sand and sun. Both he has earned previously.)
[OOC: Topic left with Sumire, if permitted (with Sumire)]
[MFT - WC 740]
[Thank you!]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
