Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Learning The Past

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren sat calmly back as he had listened to all of them speak. There was only hate in their words with only small bit of truth behind what they say. Some, he would agree with, other parts, not so much. As they all said their parts, Ziren calmly stood up. "You're right, Lady Hokage, it really is annoying. The stalemate of an argument that we are in. You say that you have won, but I can still see this argument going on for as long as both parties would like to point out their own point of views and thoughts. As for playing this whole omnipotent thing you are accusing me of, I'll just say this. I'm not trying to create a "utopia" where my word is the law and everything else is wrong. All I want to do is help people. I'm just a regular person who sees things and brings up the discussion rather than write it off as a problem. What you all do with your lives is one-hundred percent up to you, I can't agree with your own morals compared to my own, but if I see something that is clearly sadistic or whatnot, I will bring up questions and want to discuss. I understand that you may never trust me, but the whole 'I'm right, your wrong' fiasco you all are pulling on me is tiresome, even after I had agreed on some of your points, with only saying I have my own disagreements, not the whole 'right and wrong' business and talking down to me whilst I was talking to all of you like decent human beings. Having an open mind sometimes is good for solving problems, just as you said of there are always two sides of every story." He slowly pushed the chair in, slightly leaning on it. "You all might be thinking I have done some of these things for myself, and I will say part of me was being selfish, yes, but I also had the thought of my coming back to Leaf under no guise, even if this event with all of us here, didn't happen, I have a feeling it would play similar. If I had come back, under normal circumstances, there would be a case of fingers pointed nonetheless, I am a scapegoat after all," He gave a small chuckle in this tense moment the three of them are trying to build on him. "The reality is that I believe that if I had returned, me and the Fourth would have a talk, that would turn to a shouting match, that would turn into violence. And I frankly don't want to go 'down the road of darkness' kind of bull shit again, acting like a total edge lord and hating everything, because, yes, I am bringing up the cycle of hatred again, something is gonna happen, and there will be no peace in Leaf. So I took myself out of the equation, with in turn, me always looking behind my own back. Sacrifice my own peace so Leaf has their own. Believe me, or call it bull, your choice."

Ziren walked over by the door, hands in his pockets, "But I suppose that you all have made up your own minds and stand by your own beliefs, as I have mine. So let's say we stop wasting each other's time and go home for the day. Jirou-san, you wanted to escort me out, yes? Give you the warm and fuzzies of making sure a 'bad guy' like me doesn't hurt anyone."

He opened the door, but waited for Jirou to also take his leave with him, just so they understand the intent, but willing to go along with their little charades just to not cause any troubles.

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Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka sighed as she watched Ziren's leave. Scratching the back of her head she let go of the pipsqueaks. "There's no need." She said "I highly doubt he'll do anything in the middle of the village. If it was anyone else, I'd be worried but not with him. He might be a stubborn ass child but he ain't stupid." Asuka smiled turning back towards her pipsqueaks with a smile on her face. This was a good lesson for them, how to deal with those who think differently from you. How to defend your position against someone who just... doesn't want to change. "I have to say, I couldn't be more proud to have you in the ranks of Leaf. Having your own thoughts and making your own choices based upon what you want rather than what is best for the village... even better your decisions alined with those of the village." Asuka smile became wider, converging a warm feeling. "I feel honored to know you."

Her smile disappeared as she turned a bit serious, she sighed once more. "But this is a good moment to give you a lesson about desires, wishes, aspirations, goals.... war.... people...." She held her hands together. "People like Ziren... no matter how much you try to talk them out of their mind... you won't. Everyone thinks their doing the right thing. Frost thought they were doing right by taking revenge. The damiyo thought he was purging the world from an evil by starting the civil war. My father thought his believes would make my life better and in a sense it did... thanks to him I'm who I am. So, don't over extent yourself by trying to talk your way out. Just go with your gut but don't place yourself in danger because of it."
Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Karasu listened as Ziren had a last reply before he left. He agreed that the conversation would continue in a stalemate but denied he was creating a utopia. He went on to say how he wanted to help people and that he is just a regular person who doesn’t write off problems. Karasu tilted her head and made a face of annoyance at this but said nothing. Ziren continued on saying that he was one to bring up questions and the whole I'm right and you’re wrong thing was tiresome to him. Karasu believed that he wanted them to agree with him but it was clear to her that he couldn’t see the whole truth of it all. It wasn’t because they had to be right and not accept his words, it was that what he did had consequences and his excuses were far too many that it became deflections of the truth. Karasu knew she couldn’t change his mind. She wanted him to learn from his mistakes but that didn’t look like it was going to happen. He at least admitted he was partly selfish but still in denial. He was starting to leave and Karasu couldn’t be happier.

Karasu turned her head to look at Lady Fifth. She said there was no need to escort him to the gates. She doubted he would cause any trouble in the village. Karasu nodded agreeing with the Hokage. Lady Fifth looked at her and Jirou with a smile telling them that she was proud of them especially since their decisions aligned with that of the village. “It’s what I always try to do. It’s not always what I want but what I feel is best for the village as a whole.” The young Jounin said and blushed when Asuka told them that she was honored to know them. A warm feeling swelled up inside her. Feeling accepted was such a great feeling. To think she had gone through so much pain in her young life without being accepted and feeling like a monster, an outsider. Those times seem so far away but Karasu would never forget them.

Lady Fifth told them both that it was a good moment to give them a lesson on desires, wishes, aspirations, goals, war and people. Karasu listened closely, waiting to hear what the Hokage would say. She said that there was no way of changing Ziren’s mind and everyone thinks they are doing the right thing. Karasu nodded as she continued to listen. Lady Fifth said to not overextend themselves by trying to talk their way out. Just go with their gut but don't place themselves in danger. Karasu smiled as she took the words to heart. “I promise I won’t. I think every situation is different but I will heed your words while listening to my gut on the situation." She turned to Jirou and Kashikoi and smiled before turning back to the Hokage. “Thank Lady Fifth for having faith in us. That not only is a confidence booster for you to even allow us to make a decision that really should have been yours, but thinking that we did a good enough job on it. I think I learned enough of the Frost event to last a lifetime. Of course if there is more I can always ask around about it. I think it’s time I take my leave. No need to stay here, plus I think Mrs. Ito the librarian really wants us to go.” she said turning to the librarian who had a look on her face as if she wanted to crush them for being too loud. Karasu had an apologetic look on her face before turning to leave. “See ya later Jirou and Kashikoi.” She gave the Hokage a slight bow then made her way to the door.

[WC: 639]
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Oct 2, 2020
OOC Rank
While Jirou listened to Ziren’s retort to what they had to say, it was becoming clear that no amount of words would have any impact at all on Ziren. His own mind was made up and his stated justifications only served to reinforce his own thinking. Instead of listening to Jirou and Karasu, Ziren was looking to escape having to accept the responsibility for his own actions. Jirou raised an eyebrow waiting for Ziren to finish. Jirou had hoped that Ziren would at least give more consideration to what they said. That was not to be. Ziren was old and he thought that Ziren maybe saw their youth as reason to pay them little heed. It was true that they were still young, but even those who are young can have important insights that are worth listening to.

When the Hokage praised them both and stated how proud she was of them both, it made Jirou feel glad that what he had said was at least listened to by someone. Jirou understood very well that Ziren would not change and no amount of talking to him would have any impact. He was already set on his course. Jirou nodded to the Hokage and added, “Thank you for having faith in us to make such a decision that would normally be yours. Ziren has already convinced himself that he is right and no amount of talking is going to sway him otherwise. It is a waste of precious time to say anything more to him. He is going to do what he wants anyway. This has not been a waste of time for me, since it was spent learning more about the events that happened in the Frost village. The ink is dried though and this is a closed chapter. I only hope that should something similar happen in the future that I am able to respond in a manner that brings honor to the Leaf village.” Turning towards Ziren he adds as he is leaving, “I assure that it would give me no pleasure to see you from the Leaf village. You are just a tragic figure who has not learned to leave the past behind you and believes that he can change the future of others.” Ziren walked out leaving them in the library with just the Hokage, who further gave them sage words to live by.

Jirou looked over at the librarian who was giving them dagger eyes for not being quiet enough. Looking out the window he could see that the rain had stopped. Lowering his voice he says to the Hokage, “Not every situation can be fixed with talking, especially when minds are so made up. There are times that you have to know when to hold a hand of cards and when to fold a bad hand of cards. I will always remember what you said about going with my gut. That is what I try to do anyway.” Jirou nods in agreement with Karasu when she mentions that every situation is different and adds, “Every situation is different, as Karasu pointed out, and you do have to walk a balance as to how to handle it best. As for Ziren, well… I hope that he will find peace for himself in the future. I think that I am done for now in the library. Since the rain has stopped, I am going to take Kashikoi for a walk and some training. Thank you for saying that you are glad to know us. I hope that I always act in such a way that will bring honor to the Leaf village. That is my goal at least.” Having said his peace, Jirou bows respectfully to the Hokage then adds. “I think I am going to stop by the ramen shop. All this research has made me hungry.”

[WC: 642]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
