Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Morning Tide

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
The slow steps of a wary traveller was drowned out by the calls of the morning doves that danced around the forest canopy. The scattering of wrens chirping and singing to one another brought a smile to the man's face.

Blue eyes looked through the open gates as he pulled the hood down off of his head. His hair was as cool and crisp as the ocean itself. On his right half of his face rested the noticeable chakra mark of those born in Kirigakure. He was a shinobi of a fallen village, having travelled far and wide.

Adjusting the straps on his pack he would step into the gate fully, looking to the person working the gates this early in the morning. The orange and pink colors of the Sun rise filled the sky.

"I'm looking for respite, is this a safe place for those without a home to refuel on supplies? "

As he spoke his chakra mark would shift from the black ink of a tattoo into a vibrant blue tone, exposing Ryusui's chakra signature. A technique that utilized in Kirigakure for a significant amount of time throughout history. If the gate worker knew their world history at all it would be very apparent where Ryu was from, but if they weren't this conversation would be drawn out and tedious due to the fact that the lack of a village meant there was no passport to be handed over to the gate guard.

"Yotta Ryusui, son of Yotta Cereza, hailing from Kirigakure. "

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A big stretch was taken by the sennin who sitting rather lazy inside the passport boot. He had been at the gate shifts today and took an extra hour, but everyone did not mind him sitting back a little. It was when a guard would look at the blue-haired man and listen to him. "That is fine, but we need to do some paperwork." he would comment before hearing who he was. "Kirigakure..?" He would question and have looked at the mark changing. "Oooi, Nao-san! We have a stranger here. Could you handle it?" The guard would call out and inside the small guardhouse, there was a little movement before a red-haired male would come walking outside. "Gotcha!" He would smile politely and get closer.

"Sazuki Nao, or just Nao." He would comment before asking for his name, passport, and reason for visiting. All while holding a clipboard with paperwork.

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Ryu would let out a sigh as it would appear the gate guardian he was speaking to was not adequite enough at his job to allow the Mist Shinobi access to the village, and instead some other supervisor would have to do it.

My name is Yotta Ryusui, son of Yotta Cereza, and Shinobi from Kirigakure, the Village Hidden in the Mist. I have stopped by this village as I was travelling through the Land of Fire and realized I needed to restock some of my supplies that would only be found in a Hidden Village."

As he spoke the chakra mark on his face, the symbol of his nationality, would remain glowing.

"I don't meant to cause any tension, I am on a pilgrimage to find my brethren who also survived the incident. Do you know if any Mist Shinobi have travelled this way?"

He spoke plainly and honestly to the man before him. Why lie when there was nothing to hide?

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
For him, a Shinobi without any idea what that mark was, was just looking like it was some fancy face painting that lit up for decoration. 'that could be a cool tattoo idea.' Nao thought to himself as he heard who this was. "Sorry to say, I have never heard of a Yotta Crezea." He tried to pronounce it the best he could as he always thought it was polite to try it. He already noticed this person wasn't from the Hidden leaf as they did not speak the original language.

"Restocking to get back on the road again, that is not a problem." He would comment as he would tick that off on the boards as he would look for the still-handed passport, and then he listened towards the other. "Sorry, never heard of any mist shinobi, if you want frost shinobi we had them a while ago." He commented as he would ask for the passport before going to even to let him through. "You still haven't handed me a passport, is this missing? Or..?" He questioned as he had already checked the names in the bingo book. But since they were not in there it would remain no problem.

Once the question was answered, he would pen it down. Thinking of what to do...

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
The man before Ryu continued to ask for a passport, perhaps Konohagakure was behind on information gathering, nevertheless Shin would explain the situation.

"Oh, your intel must be out of date. The region that used to home Kirigakure has become filled with eldritch horrors and monstrous forms. The very air itself has begun to freeze over, causing all mortal life to be vanquished..."

He paused for a moment.

"This mark is the only formal indication that one is from Kirigakure, each of her shinobi were branded with a chakra mark that shows their unique chakra signature to anyone who observes. I afraid I have no passport from the destroyed home as I was merely a child, barely graduated from the academy, when everything was lost."

His eyes had gone distant, remembering the flesh of those around him stiffening and freezing in place as though the world around him was torn asunder by forces beyond mortal understanding. The air around the gates would slowly and gradually thicken with humidity as Ryusui unconsciously manipulated the water as memories began to trigger an anxiety, a fear, a fight or flight response within him.

Looking back at the man before him he waited for an answer as to what he would decide to do. Would this gate keeper allow Ryu to enter and gain the provisions required to continue living the life he had, or would the Tidecaller have to find another way to survive in this harsh and lonely world that the Shinobis called home?

Only time would tell.


Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
I see..." Nao spoke as he listened to what the other spoke about... After that, he went into the guards house and grabbed two more things. "What do you think Sennin Nao?" a guardsman asked as Nao was grabbing it, just loud enough for the others to hear. "We will give him the benefit of the doubt." He would say as he would leave the man with an open mouth standing there.

Once Nao got back, he would hand a paper click to the other. "Please sign this." He would comment.
[b]Full Name:
Village Origin:
 Current village:
 Reason for visiting:
 Signature:[/b] (Just x is fine.)

As soon as the other would fill this in, Nao would prepare the paper on his end and once he got the clip back. He would give him a wooden panel and inscribe some chakra in it. "just you need to add a bit of chakra to it. There are two orbs in it. That means you agree with the following terms. No attacking civilians or shinobi, no weapons visible inside the Leaf borders, and if you fail to follow the rules you will be turned away for the next visits and banished." He said simply as he would hold the board out to the other. "Ah... This is also your passage until you leave the hidden village. THis is a loan item, you are free to exit and enter until you leave."

[entry granted if OK with rules]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
