Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Motherly Instincts <Private|Sumika>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Settled on the very edge of Kumogakure’s village in the Chronopolis is an orphanage of some report. Built into the slums before the original fall of the area that gave its original reputation, it was meant to be a facility that filtered children through it to find those chakra capable and enlist them into the military. It stands three stories tall but holds barely a quarter of that capacity now. Despite its age, much has been done to maintain the building and keep it surprisingly up to code, which many saw as a sign pointing towards where it got a lot of funding from. Many of the shinobi Kumogakure has bought and used can trace their origins back this specific orphanage and many of the survivors of the Old Ways wanted nothing more than to literally burn it down; especially during the reconstruction of the Chronopolis. However, its legacy for producing a few famous names in the military and the fact beyond that they would need to build a new orphanage saw the old one continue to stand. It is, at least, a shadow of its former horrible self. Children are generally well taken care of by not just the Matron, but by the community at large. With the advent that removed 99% of the ner’do’wells from the area having come and gone, and Kitsune’s relentless pouring of money into the area, the once well known slum of Kumo has metamorphed into an almost pleasant suburb.

That wasn’t to say that it didn’t still have its problems. There was only now one Matron and children will be children. Sometimes one would go missing from time to time but were usually recovered quickly now with the added security within and outside of their borders. Its previous reputation still held up in the memories of most too, so it was genuily rare to see someone actually traveling into the orphanage to adopt a child. There was, however, a bunch of new things happening in the shinobi village though; including new clans. The Ryuu Clan has long been a staple of the farming community with their absolute corner on the cabbage market. Within recent years with the rise of their “Golden Daughter”, Ryuu Rei, the clan had began to see more than just tending to the soil. Those with chakra talents no longer had to hide and could decide of their own free will to join the military or continue life as they had known it. It had offered an expansion towards the life of her dear clan, and thus Rei did eventually take over and remodel an old clan grounds for her family that wished to join her within the walls. There weren’t many that did. Perhaps a total of fifty Ryuu lived within Kumogakure, and of those only about half actually were part of the military; the rest was extended family.

An older couple of about thirty summers were huddled close to each other as the clouds overhead grew dark and cold, threatening the usual snow. They both had dark hair, the male slightly taller than his wife with untended scruff and stressed eyes. His wife was fair and appeared far less stressed, if not outright excited in appearance, as they neared the destination - the old orphanage.
Their names were Tenga and Hoishi Ryuu, and they had been trying to conceive a child for months now. Life within the clan’s compound was idyllic and they rarely needed to ask for anything. It was such a stark trade from the day in, day out of farming that they never thought gave enough time to properly raise a child. With a much easier life and time to actually keep an eye on their kid, the couple decided it was finally time to work towards the ends of extending their bloodline. Disaster struck against them though, when it was found that Tenga’s injury of a certain sensitive part of his body some years ago had actually destroyed his chance of being able to produce children. The damage had been left alone too long and it was unreversable, leaving the couple only the option of adoption. The visible stress on Tenga’s face clearly showed his hesitation in proceeding with this, but his wife continued to tug his arm the moment he even did so much as slow down.

Once they reached the door, Hoishi reached to knock on the door only to have it open by the elderly caretaker before they could. She was slightly hunched, small, and had a long crooked nose with crossed eyes. By all means, she looked like the most evil Matorn you could imagine, but her aura gave off anything but,
Yes, may I halp you?” she asked the couple with a foreign accent, but before they could answer she smiled upon seeing the husband’s stressed face and opened the door further, “Nevahmind, I know wat choo’ need. Come’n dearies, come’n.
The couple looked at each other once, a light concern reflecting between them but Tenga took a deep breath before crossing the threshold of the door, pulling his beloved right in with him.

The two stared around for a moment in marvel of the old building and is rustic ways. The buildings of the Chronopolis were built with a certain architecture that the Raikage was in love with called Art Deco, however the orphanage held the old traditional styling of the previous lords and ladies that a few other buildings in the village still mirrored. They were mostly rare after the war with all the reconstruction that was needed, but the ones that held were clearly made by a genius architect. Their eyes glanced around the building looking at the children that ran by. Hoishi was already clutching one hand to her chest and her husband’s hand in a deathgrip of excitement every time a little girl ran by. Teng had already given into not having a son, but there was still a part of him that wished to seek someone strong that could carry the Ryuu name proudly. His wife wanted a child they could coddle, he wanted a child they could raise to be someone the clan could be proud of. He already knew it was going to be a girl, but dammit, she was going to be the strongest looking girl here!

The Matron reappeared suddenly beside them, causing Tenga to jump a little as he looked down at the 4’8’ granny with a silver tray full of tea and cookies,
Come, come dearies, lets get you settled in the living room and you can tell me your story,” she said with a sweet crackly voice before leading them into another room with a large fireplace and a small table. The room itself seemed vastly empty otherwise but the warmth from the fireplace was more than enough to make up for it.


Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Sumiko would continue her normal routine at the orphanage the children currently were sorting out their laundry, it was quite easy for Sumiko to find her clothes compared to the rest of the girls due to her taller size, it was a convenience in some situations yet a hindrance in most to her. The matron was strictly watching the girls fold their clothes as the front door would knock. "Continue foldin' girlies." The matron slowly got up from her crooked chair as she hobbled out the room towards the front door, and as the rest of the girls would continue to fold their clean laundry Sumiko eagerly would sneak out of the room and hurry to the dining room to collect her Biwa. She was not allowed to bring it upstairs as to not make noise whilst the other children slept, sometimes she would sacrifice her breakfast, lunch or dinner to play it. She knew the entire Orphanage inside out, she knew which squeaks on the floor were where, the sound of each door creaking open so she could quite easily begin to rush towards her Biwa.

'Perhaps I can play one song before I have to finish laundry!' A gentle smile formed on her face she gracefully tiptoed in to the dining room and found her Biwa in the corner of the room, often she would play it for the other kids whilst they would eat their meals. Although she wouldn't do it for the reactions but just for her own pleasure, it brought her such joy being able to play. She lifted up her Biwa as she attempted to carry it to her room upstairs, going back the way she came although to the left of her she would hear "Come, come dearies, lets get you settled in the living room and you can tell me your story." Sumiko drops her biwa in shock unaware if she can be seen or not, quickly scrambling down on to the floor to pick it up. "I'm sorry miss I didn't mean to." She led her fingers across her Biwa checking if it was broken or not, upon further inspection she let out a small sigh of relief, happy that her prized possession was okay.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The young woman was a little startled by the tall girl who had ran into her carrying a biwa, but her eyes went big at the sight of her. Hoishi all but squealed at the sight of Sumika and helped her picked up the stringed instrument. It wasn’t lost on her that the girl seemed to be blind, but Hoishi’s heart swelled at seeing the jaw-dropping beauty of the child. She was disrupted by her husband as the matron pulled them into a larger room, but followed along as she kept turning her head back to look at Sumika.

The couple sat in the living room with the old lady for nearly an hour. They told their story and the Matron tsk’d when she thought it appropriate while serving the two Ryuus. It was the first time she had a someone from that new clan at her doorstep and saw it as an opportunity to rebrand her orphanage. The old lady wasn’t as kind as she was trying to put on, and kept a lot of her extremely dark past right where it was; in the past. Kumogakure moved on and thus, so did she. The old woman had never been a fan of kidnapping children and forcing them into servitude but understood the reasoning behind it better than most having been a ninja herself at one point. Their entire power structure within the country had been built on their handful of powerful ninja that were akin to anthropomorphic walking disasters. Now, everyone in the country had access to their chakra and she was finally able to turn her terrible black secret into just another orphanage with a jaded past. The children here, now, seemed like they were at least happy and none of them seemed terrified of the Matron…which was a wonderful change of pace for her.

After the hour had concluded the old woman took the couple around the home and showed off potential candidates. She mostly stuck to boys to try and honor Tenga’s desires of just having a male heir, but Hoishi was clearly distracted. She kept looking around for something or someone, and then as soon as she heard the strings of a biwa playing, followed along with a beautiful voice, the woman quickly followed it. Tenga looked confused but the Matron knew. She followed behind the couple until they came upon wherever Sumika was playing and stood in awe of her talent. The old lady kept words that leapt to her mouth held down. She wanted to immediately run across the child’s flaws over the obvious beauties, but had long ago learned to keep her lips tight.

If they were gonna hoist the poor blind girl she couldn’t get anyone else to adopt off her shoulders, the Matron wasn’t going to stop them. She would wait to see how they react once Sumika was done singing and they realized she was blind before saying even another word. Once finished Hoishi dropped to her knees and wept tears of joy,
I think…Tenga, I think we found her…” were the words to a man who’s hand was clamped in the steel grip of his wife, just as awe struck by the child’s talent and beauty. Before he could say anything else, Hoishi moved through the other children who had came to hear Sumika sing and knelt before the tall girl, realizing they were nearly the same height already.
Hi! Your voice is very, very pretty! Has anyone ever told you that?
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Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Sumika felt the soft yet adultlike hands of someone else whilst she picked up her Biwa, they helped her as she lifted it. 'It must of been the person at the door's hands, they are not as aged as the matron's. How foolish and embarrassing of me.' She gently and courteously bowed with a flushed blush all over her cheeks, allowing a pretty pink array of colour to be seen. As she could hear them walking away back to the living room she swiftly made her way upstairs with her biwa rushing towards the girls bedroom and getting in to position to play. She knelt down and rested the biwa across her shoulder as she would begin to pluck the strings with her bachi, being as experienced as she was she began to softly sing whilst she played. Many children left their laundry and hurried towards her to listen to her song as she would play and sing.

(Sumika's song)

"Cherry Blossoms, cherry blossoms, across the spring sky. As far as the eye can see. Is it mist or clouds? Fragrant in the air. Come now, come now, Lets go see them." Slowly and angelically she would sing, aware of the other children yet not flustered as she was caught up in her music. It filled her senses and brought her peace from the awkward events which transpired earlier. It was certain that she was unlikely to be adopted as she has heard many children come and go in her time at the orphanage. "Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Flowers in full bloom." Many of the children would clap and cheer as she finished, Sumika always would signaturely blush whilst pushing her hair behind her ears, this clouding her hearing she was not able to hear the larger presence of an adult as they made their way to her.

Hi! Your voice is very, very pretty! Has anyone ever told you that?This would catch her by surprise as she grabbed her Biwa and almost hid behind it, yet her larger size would definitely make this a lousy hiding spot. Slowly peering her head out not making direct eye contact yet gazing in the general direction of the voice Sumika would make a small gulp as she mustered up the courage to shyly say. "Uhm no miss, no one has ever told me such things, thank you very much I am sincerely grateful." Her pink blush remaining on her face as she bowed her head all the way in to her lap. Halfy in an attempt to hide her embarrassment whilst also paying her respects.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
She’s blind”, the Matron whispered to the would be father seeing that his wife was completely enamored with the child. Tenga stiffened his upper lip and took in a deep breath, ready to try and pull her away to find a child that required less attention than Sumika. He was looking for someone who could carry on the Ryuu name proudly and perhaps one day see them as the head of the Ryuu Clan instead of that cursed stricken she-bear. How the Elders thought Rei, clearly marked with the very sign they were told to look out for, could lead their clan back into any prosperity was anyone's guess; at least, so he thought. Tenga, being a bit more than just a little naive, figured he could raise a child to carry all of the strengths of the Ryuu without displaying that nasty curse. Of course, he had every right to worry. The Curse of the Ryuu Clan was very much a real thing that had seen the end of many good people, broken families, and ruined enchanting realtionships. What he didn’t know was that Rei had already long broken her curse with the help of their Raikage and now just simply controlled the power that was gifted to any Ryuu capable of that feat. Of course, the moment he step forward to try and say his peace he caught a look on his wife’s face. Not at him, no, because Sumika was her entire world. He hadn’t seen such tranquility and awe from his wife in many moons, and there was a beautiful calm about Hoishi as she interacted with the child that reminded Tenga of why he fell in love with her in the first place. He knew already before he took another step that the little blind girl with that beautiful voice was going to be his entire world. The moment Hoishi took his hand and squeezed, the young man could feel her parental instincts flood right into him. He gently returned the squeeze and turned back to the Matron,
So, how long is the paperwork?

Not long at all. The Matron used to have the need in running a quick business and flipped children for profit, so getting the paperwork together was old hat. The only thing that really slowed things down now, and with good reason, were all the new laws that came into effect within the last few years. There was supposed to be a waiting period for all new parents to adopt but, considering Sumika’s disability, the Matron knew a work around to get the child out the door and out of her hair. It wasn’t that the girl was any trouble at all - quite the opposite in fact. The old woman would legitimately miss the child’s singing. However, she didn’t like keeping kids past a certain age and it would only be a few more years before she’d have to kick the poor blind girl out on the street; something that surprisingly didn’t sit well with the Matron. It was Sumika’s chance to get out and be cared for by someone until she could become an adult, and the old lady made sure she got that chance.

Papers were signed, laws were looped, and Sumika got to pack her things and leave that very evening. Because the sun was still just barely up, the new family decided to splurge a little and buy Sumika a new kimono. Then they went out to eat somewhere nice within the shinobi village proper before taking a sky bus back to the upper parts of the city near the Ancient Forest where the Ryuu Clan estate resided. It was a traditional clan holding built long ago and abandoned by the last residents. Rei poured a fortune of her own savings into rebuilding the estate to its former glory before tacking on some Ryuu stylings. A large stone wall surrounded the compound with little effigies of dragons scrawled into the sides. The gates were ten-feet tall doors made from pine, reinforced with steel with both doors embedded with the clan symbol to make complete when closed. As the new family approached the doors slid back into the stone wall before closing behind them as they passed. Within the complex was a row of four houses on either side with a large mansion in the center. As they entered the couple explained to Sumika the sights so she knew where she was, and in as grand detail as they could. Every question had an answer, and once they made it to their home, the family continued to stay awake long into the night from the sheer joy of new beginnings. Things eventually wound down around midnight where Sumika was brought to her new room where a decent bed awaited. Her things had already been moved in by the house servant and a calming insense burning in the corner near the window. The new mother helped her child ready for bed as best she could before finally trying to sleep in her own bed.

Tenga passed right out. The poor man was a new father, still had work in the morning, and had done everything for Hoishi he could to make her happy and it wasn’t lost on her. Yet, despite the full day, the woman could not get to sleep to save her life. She tossed from one side to the other, getting up every now and then to check on Sumika to find her sleeping peacefully; or, at least appear to be. Then, around 3am, the mother still unable to sleep, decided to check on her girl just one more time before trying to get a few winks; Tenga would be expecting breakfast after all. She quietly moved into the bedroom, sliding the paper door open gently before tip-toeing over to Sumika’s side and settling down on her knees. The moonlight was just barely pouring in as it lowered towards the horizon, gently moving across the room as the mother sat there simply admiring her child. Hoishi fell asleep as she sat there, the weariness of the day finally hitting her all at once, and the moon continued to glide through the slits of the window. As it moved across Sumika and touched her hair, a pulse of chakra would suddenly throb through her entire being. She would be able to feel everything briefly as her 5 Senses all awoke briefly, her vision replaced by the 6th. Then as quickly as the jump start of power came, it would leave, returning the girl back to her normal senses; and just as soon as it did she would hear her foster mother scream in terror.

For Sumika’s hair had turned a beautiful snow white.

Tenga would burst into the room shortly after, his face going ghastly pale as he fell, sliding on his feet in the sudden attempt to reverse course as he shouted and swore. He yelled all sorts of horrible things about the “trickster of a hag” that was the Matron, just knowing somehow the potential that this child had to be forced to bear the Ryuu Curse. The mother couldn’t speak, and could barely breathe. She had pushed herself back into a corner of the bedroom near the insense, knocking the ashes onto her kimono but without notice. All she could do is stare at Sumika in absolute horror and disgust as the curse every Ryuu reviled laid before her. Any attempt from the poor child to reconcile with her new family would be met with fear or disgust…

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
It had finally happened. Sumika had been adopted, papers signed and introductions made, she was finally part of a family. The whole evening had been some of the best moments of her life, even as she packed her luggage and zipped up her Biwa all she could think of was the opportunity in front of her life, this joy brought her hearing to new heights with such motivation her ears had evolved and become more intuitive. Unaware to Sumika they slowly became more pointy throughout the evening yet her hair covered this so she or anyone else would not have been able to notice. The way that sound was reverberating was much more clear to her and allowed her to view the world in a way which she had never before, she could feel the shapes forming through the way in which the air would move. Outlines formed, whilst she couldn't see clear details this was an amazing step forward for her.

As she ate dinner, with her new adopted parents, she could hear her mothers joyful voice radiate in to her ears and the gentle way her cheeks extended outwards forming a large smile, alongside her fathers hesitant yet firm and caring tone, and the action of him scratching his head whenever he was slightly confused, his strands of hair rustling between his fingers. Whilst to the average person this moment would be quite insignificant for Sumika it brought about a feeling like no other. Her cheeks couldn't help but be flushed whilst for the first time since she could remember her face carried a wide grin as she chowed down. Much to her new parents' enjoyment and happiness who both would completely pause eating just to excitedly gaze upon Sumika in all her grace and childlike innocence.

Once Sumika had reached her new home her advanced hearing helped to avoid decorations inside the house, to become a valued member of the family and whichever clan they may belong to, the young blind girl couldn't be a nuisance. As Sumika's mother prepared her for bed and tucked her in she would say, as Sumika would begin to drift off to sleep, "Oh Sumika im so glad you are here I believe you will grow up to be beautiful and strong." Unaware to Hoishi however Sumika could hear this right before she would begin to sleep, a gentle yet prominent smile spreading across her face.

A large white void with the sound of sparrows chirping would wrap around Sumika as she would be left alone with only her Biwa to keep her company, as she felt the strings with the use of her Bachi ripples began to spread throughout the floor. As the white would begin to seep out in threads, turning the snow white sphere to a dark void of black emptiness. The sparrows chirping had turned in to a disturbing, erratic array of vultures squawking, before being replaced by the sounds of flesh being ripped and torn apart, Sumi falling to her knees with her fingers gripping her scalp would let out a shattering scream as tears began to pierce through her eyes, yet they were more thick in nature.

She suddenly awoke to the sounds of fear and anger, her father screaming all sorts of horrible profanities, in which she had rarely heard her matron mutter under her breath. Whilst her mother would create scared whimpers in the corner of her room Sumi instantly panicked as childlike tears began to stream down her eyes as she got out of her bed and instnatly ran towards her mother arms and hands stretched out as if to ask for help. Unaware of her new look it came as a shock to when her adoptive father threw a book at his daughter's head, her soft and fragile young body unable to sustain such small injuries her head would begin to slowly bleed, as a small cut had been opened. "Get away from her you monster!" A rush of energy radiated throughout her throat before drastically flowing out of her mouth. She began to cry and scream as she would hold her head in pain as her adoptive parents would be stunned in this short amount of time both hands on each ear, vases breaking and windows cracking. Their precious adopted daughter had turned in to a shrieking monstrosity.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The moon was high when she heard the scream. The leader of the Ryuu was in her private section of the compound that was the separate mansion-like building centered between the rows of homes. Normally it was filled with people working for the Sennin as many of the rooms in the bottom floor had been transformed into offices, but the second and third floors were all private. On the second floor, in a room with a bay window looking out over the rest of her clan’s homes, was a training room. The room was all wooden floors made with heart of pine, but the very center was a taki-mat arena for sparring. Along an entire wall was all manner of weapons, and perpendicular from that was a wall full of weights that came in all sizes and shapes. Looking out the window was a lone treadmill that the Sennin was running on at a steady pace. Rei hadn’t quite settled down enough to sleep yet as she worked off the caffeine from the esspresso she had consumed a few hours back, and the best way to do that was running. She was nearing the 100th kilometer before finally breaking into a sweat when Sumika’s scream pierced through the silent night air. Now, normally, such a sound would warrant the clan leader to go find a phone and figure out who the hell was drunk screaming in her compound. This scream however, had a tinge of energy on the very edges of it. It made the hairs on the back of Rei’s neck raise up and instantly the chief knew this wasn’t a normal scream. With a quick step off her her treadmill the Sennin took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. As she did her purple hair changed back into its natural snow-white color as it also grew in length. Her lithe body appearing soft slowly grew another nearly two-feet in height as muscles began to stretch out and define themselves through her bodysuit. Once she had relaxed her subtle form off, Rei’s image simply vanished, followed instantly by part of the wooden floor caving in and the bay window shattering into a million pieces as a sudden rush of something flew from the second floor down to the source of the scream.

Despite her sheer speed and force, the practiced shinobi was able to land at the front door without a sound and simply pushed it open. She walked in with such calm and grace that it’d belied the image of her towering form as she ducked into the house. The screams were still echoing through the home. To Rei, it felt no worse than standing in front of a giant speaker, but for the couple who lived here it would probably be enough to…
Oh,” she said to no one. The strength of the waves actually felt more like a tickle now that she paid attention to it. Did someone unlock their chakra coil and didn’t know it yet? The chief casually wandered through the house until she neared the source of the screams. Tenga was already running around looking frantic, passing Rei twice without noticing her at all. The third time he passed she noticed a knife in his hand. Before he could get two steps past the giant woman, her hand snaked out and snatched Tenga by his skull. He was lifted off the ground as if a toy, turning his body so that his eyes stared into her blood-red eyes that glowed softly from the chakra flowing through; only because she needed to restrain her muscles so that she didn’t accidentally popped his head like a balloon.
What’s happening,” she asked, though her own voice was mostly drowned by Sumika’s scream. Tenga didn’t need to hear Rei to know what she said and simply pointed his knife at the child’s bedroom. She set the man back down on his feet before slipping into the room with a calm grace that looked almost comedic in her form.

As Rei dipped into the room and caught an eye on Sumika, everything came to an understanding. The child didn’t look anything like her parents. Her hair was white as Rei’s and the little tips of the Ryuu’s calling card edged just outside of the girl’s long hair. The woman frowned, not at the poor screaming girl or even her parents reaction as she noticed blood matting down part of Sumika’s hair; just general anger at a curse she still had no way of controlling. The giant of a woman sighed as she got closer to the poor confused child and knelt down in front of her. Rei’s hands came together to form two seals that molded chakra already waiting in her hands. She reached up and gently tapped Sumika on the shoulder to force a light Genjutsu that would ease the panic in her mind.

Hey, hey…it’s okay,” the Sennin said with her softest voice, “They didn’t mean it, they were just scared…
Scared!?” Tenga shouted, still holding the knife, “She has the marks! She’s cursed! We have to ki-” The man’s train of thought suddenly went cold as his chief threw the man a look that nearly killed him on the spot.
There’s no such thing, Tenga,” Rei replied softly as she continued to comfort Sumika as best she could. She generally didn’t have much love for children and knew even less about how to take care of one, but seeing Sumika’s hair color and the situation the poor child was in, kicked Rei in the stomach. She had been in this exact spot when her hair turned white at a young age. Always dying it and cutting it because every time someone in her extended or immediate family saw her hair they always cringed. Yet those “cursed marks” were the reason she was so powerful now…she just had to earn the right to use the power granted by them. The poor crying child before her was no doubt the same.
Please, Chief, just let us return her to the orphanage and we can write this off on some other family. Our clan doesn’t nee-
You would cut off a child you had just taken from misery? Show her how wonderful life can be and just toss them back into the shadows because she wasn’t what you wanted?!” The room suddenly became heavy for everyone but Rei and Sumika. Rei’s chakra leaked out, grabbing and pulling at the walls until they began to bow from the sheer pressure of her chakra. Tenga dropped his knife and went to his knees, tears of fear welling up in his eyes at the sight of such overwhelming power. Rei took in a deep breath through her nose and let it out gently, the walls slowly returning to their proper shape with only a single board snapping. She stood up slowly and picked up the cursed child as she did.

If you don’t have the strength to raise a proper Ryuu, then I will, Tenga,” she said spitting the man’s name for being so close to the one who had cursed the entire clan to start with. Sumika’s would-be father couldn’t say anything. It was only the mother who finally broke from her fear to grab Rei’s gigantic forearm and pull at it. She allowed this, so that Hoishi could finally look at Sumika’s face. A shaky hand reached up with a cloth like it was going to wipe the blood but it stopped just short of touching the child’s stained hair. The shake and fear returned, but before it brought about too much more sadness, Rei turned away from Hoishi and took the cloth with the other hand before gently applying pressure to the wound,
Thank you,” Rei said as she stepped out of the house and slowly walked towards her home. She was 100% sure she had just did something out of the norm for her. Taking children away from the wrong people and then swearing to raise them herself? What had gotten into her? She looked back down at the poor child and felt her heart swell again upon seeing her face framed with the same kind of hair as her own.

Lets get you some proper care for that wound…

Instead of doing her normal speeds, the Sennin was uncommonly gentle with the girl as she got back into her own home. Rei gently sat Sumika down once they were on the second floor in what appeared to be a gigantic bathroom. A tub that looked to be half the size of a swimming pool, an enclosure walled off with glass doors that was a multi-headed shower, and more cabinets that even Rei knew what to do with. She moved to one of the three sinks and turned on the hot water before dampening a simple cloth. She tapped the counter for her newfound companion to walk herself up to the Sennin, and hop on the counter so she could dab at the wound and gently clean the new Ryuu’s hair. It didn’t look like Rei was going to get much sleep before work tomorrow and now she was wondering about another espresso. The Sennin could work an entire week with very little sleep before it started to get to her, so a single night was nothing to miss. Not when she used to spend literally days straight working on some invention.
How does your head feel now?” she asked the child simply while continuing to clean her hair.


Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Her glass cracking scream had deafened herself in this period of time, blinded by the rush of emotions coursing throughout her hair, mouth and out of her eyes. Unaware and uncaring of the fate of her parents, she had been abandoned once and hatred, discord and chaos filled her mind the white was erratic and flashing and it was all she could see. Slowly trickling out from her ear, as if they had been forced to leave, was a line of crimson red blood, she believed it was the vulture's ear wrenching squawking which began to echo throughout her head as they once did in her dream. This coupled with the blood oozing out of her head only further panicked the young girl as she would continue to screech deafening herself.

Suddenly everything dispersed in her mind as a soft voice with power still pertaining behind it would speak, the white in her mind draining as everything faded in to a calm ripple. She simmered down herself and felt very drowsy swaying her head side to side with a small tired yawn, being able to decipher some things in which the soft voice said but not really taking any of it in. She could hear clear bouts of shouting and anger, yet she wasn't affected, not at all. Despite being under the effect of a genjutsu she still felt immense sadness and despair, a void had been reopened in her heart without much hope of it ever being sealed. Feeling an immense chakra fill throughout the room she would just sit there like a devoid husk, it didn't bother her but she wasn't connected to anything or anyone in this moment. A warm presence embraced her as she was lifted in to the air, not fighting back at all yet not cuddling in to the large muscular arms either. Only one word she would pertain in her head, it left a cold sting, Ryuu.

Unaware of the fate of her parents, or the fate of herself, a warm cloth doused the pain. Not from the wound she had gained on her head, but the sting that the word Ryuu left on her mental fortitude. Beginning to wake up from her daydream like state, she had heard this large well built man say. “Lets get you some proper care for that wound…” Sumika didn't respond but would just sit quietly in his arms as she would be carried throughout the cold night air, his warm aura keeping her cosy. Being sat down in a new place her hearing had received a substantial boost in ability, she could almost see everything around her. And it was an immensely large room, thinking the building must be all one large room, yet there was a faint sound of water rippling.

Her face was riddled with an immense despair, no emotion being shown what so ever as she sat there slightly hunched over, although a slight childlike pout could almost be seen and upon close inspection tears beginning to form. Jumping up as she could hear the manlike figure gesturing towards her to come over, she would sit hop on to the counter, with her head hanging low. Sumika could feel the muscular man gently stroking her hair, and where she abstained her injury with a cloth, likely wiping away any sort of blood stain. “How does your head feel now?” He calmly said to the girl. Sumika would sit there slowly opening her mouth as she let out a small peep "It doesn't hurt." Turning her head away from the masculine presence. "I want to see my mother." A tear shooting down her face, as if it finally broke the barrier which she feasibly kept closed. "I miss her." Jumping down from the counter and running away from Rei, wiping her tears before tripping on the ground and laying there defeated with small sniffles.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei’s heart broke a little from the child’s reaction. It hurt to see the poor thing wishing to return to a deep love that her adopted parents no doubt had shown her, but that was not the life she was destined to live. Laying aid over that aching heart for the Sennin was the budding talent the child was already showing. Not even a decade ago, if those same parents had adopted this kind of child they would have been filthy rich. Sumika would have been sold into the military at the drop of a hat, no one was that stupid. Instead, the emotional child had been given a blessing in being born in a different era.

Unfortunately, the woman who decided to take care of her now, was also a Sennin. A person who had grown up through those harsh times but without any fear of ever having been sold due to not having access to any of her power for most her life. Kumogakure needed warriors with the raw power Sumi displayed. If she could be correctly molded, the child could be a fierce competitor for the very title Rei carried. With a soft sigh the Ryuu forced her ambient chakra to return to her form and slim down her muscles until the woman was left with a far more supple form. With a few steps she caught up with Sumika and gently put a hand on her shoulder, turned her around, and then placed her second hand on the other so the child could no longer move; her grip a terror to behold.

Listen, your parents…weren’t strong. They couldn’t handle the power you have,” Rei let go of one shoulder to gently tap Sumika’s chest, right where her heart was, “the strength of your heart is strong! If you go back now, they’ll just be scared of you…but if you stay with me, and train hard…you can have whatever you want…

The Sennin didn’t know how to handle kids, and after a minute realized the child’s eyes didn’t quite focus on anything. She was blind, but able to move so confidently? Yet another talent! Rei’s heart pumped, excitement over having found a strong child among all the ruble that had been entering the Academy lately. To influence a soldier so early in their life was a complete mystery to the woman, but she was going to try.

And thus with this mindset did Ryuu Rei enter motherhood officially; rather Sumika liked it or not.

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
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Sumika didn't struggle or fight back as Rei would place her shoulder on her, it wasn't within in her nature all she wanted was just for everything to go back to normal. She'd hear Rei's words of optimism and appraisal as her bottom lip would begin to quiver the emotions clouded her mind as she couldn't help but continue to quietly sob. "I-I i'm scared. I'm scared of myself. I hate myself." Covering her eyes she would stand there and pitifully weep, only after a few minutes would her sniffles begin to calm and her tears would dry. Weakly clutching a piece of Rei's clothing she would tug on it in need of an answer. "I-If I train... train hard... Can I see my parents again."

Her values were completely distorted, she'd do what she could to become valued by the ones she wanted to love her. She couldn't manage to get the words out but she was somewhat thankful to Rei for what she had done, worst case scenario she may have even lost her life. "I'm not strong... But I want to be. What do I do?" Vaguely gazing up in the direction of Rei her pout would begin to turn in to a determined face, she knew what she wanted and would do anything to attain it.

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Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The words the child spoke pierced the Sennin’s heart like nothing else could. She pulled in the child a little more to be as comforting as she could be, hugging her.
Anything…I promise…” Rei whispered, trying had to fight back the tears in her own eyes.

The curse was a horrible thing. It had torn apart more families than Rei could even imagine. It’s terror had been well known among their clan long before the Sennin was born into it, but she had be the first to be afflicted and overcome the madness. It had been Kitsune that broke the original hold it had through science and ninjutsu, and then something in the chakra bomb that hit her finalized it. Rei had a lot of theories as to why she suddenly gained such massive amounts of chakra shortly after the war; sadly she hadn’t had much time to do the research. The blessing of chakra had been a huge boon in her station and she just adhered to the strengths without challenging the reason. However, now a child was involved. She witnessed first hand someone being adopted outside of the clan being afflicted with the curse; a rare but potential happenstance. Sumika was 1-in-a-1000, on a few levels apparently, but Rei would have much rather the child simply lived with her new parents instead of the harsh future that now awaited her.

A week later, after Sumika had grown used to Rei and understood what she had to do in order to regain what she wanted, the Sennin introduced her into the Academy herself. She entered the girl as her own daughter, though somewhat a lie, it was the fastest way to ensuring the child got the proper study partners and training. The Ryuu Curse was nothing to scoff at, and being the Academy Head on top of her many duties it wasn’t hard at all for Rei to ensure that every last teacher knew of the child’s potential future problems. Sumika would have a close eye on her for some time yet, even as the the Ryuu Clan Head prepared to leave the village on a diplomatic mission.

It would all work out.

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[Fantastic Topic!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
