Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private "Oddities alike." [Tutor]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The wind was calm, the day was bright and sunny and there was a high temperature. One that made people and animals alike come to the giant statues for shade and the water to quench their thirst. One thing stood out from everything that was going on, and that was a red-head laying down on the water. His clothes were wet, but he wasn't floating in the water. He really was laying on top of it making use of his chakra control to do so. "I wonder if Nobu had meant this.." If one had keen ears you could hear him say those words out loud. Shion had been thinking a lot since the changes that had been happening to him. One thing he did do more often was trying to experiment on how to read or write now. He couldn't see if it was thin on the paper.

He rolled onto his side and looked to the distance. He wasn't born blind so he didn't always do the typical blind person traits. Right now though; Shion was able to see the small critters in the distance, because of the noise they made when drinking. On the other side was a small deer with its mom. "I do swear for god damn live... that I can see further than I could before. Maybe because of how the sound goes and my ears adjust to it..." He muttered along and slowly he stood up again. "Back to training, it is..." He would mention and walk up to the waterfall, place one feet against it to then walk up to it till a height where the water spatters didn't reach him anymore. For one that always had been relying on taijutsu; one could say he was adapting well enough to the changes that had been happening. Yes, he may have been a bit more bruised than he was in the past; but that was mainly from knocking into things more often now.


[topic entered]
Tutored by Yamanaka Nobu
[ 1 / 5 ]
WC: 330
Twc: 330 / 1500
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu had decided to meet with Shion again, time had passed since the two of them their last time together, to say that it would have been an unexpected situation, or even an unexpected experience was one thing, however, it was a complete change of Shion experience in his life, gone was the old abilities and powers and now they had a new set in place. He wondered how it had changed him since his last time there, what he had discovered not only about himself but about what lurked within now after all with any inner change would come the struggle that would inevitably take its place.

Walking through the bushes and the trees this place had been allowed to grow out, and even he had to admit the contact cutting of rock with the flow of water wouldn't change this place much. Hearing the gushing water crashing down onto the rocks below he knew that he was coming up to the waterfall. Nobu heard some muttering and the sound of feet and water splashing against it, as he walked out into a clearing and looked up at the waterfall looking to see that one person that was standing inside of the waterfall it was clear that Shion was well enough to at least perform the basic moves of chakra.

"Well it looks like you are at least walking and up and about, I should ask that have you found anything else of difference, or anything that is an issue?"

His voice giving that cold tone that he was so well known for, he didn't say anything else. Instead, Nobu wanted to wait and see if any information would be given from Shion, it would then be the time to go from there into what else he would be able to figure out. No need to give out information for free after all it should always be a trade when it came to information, things are given and things offered needed to be equal and right now he was going to play it safe and wait for the clan member to give up information to him.

[Topic Entered]
[Post: 1/5]
[Total Word Count: 355/1500]
[MFT: 355]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Focus... Focus... Those were the thoughts that were going through the redhead as he was attempting to climb the waterfall. He had learned how to water walk in the past, but for some reason, it wasn't just as easy as it was before. In fact; the male was so focussed on it that he didn't even see Nobu get in closer. The words from him startled him that one foot released from the water and made him go for a dip soon after.

As soon as he was back out he removed the blindfold he held right now and let his eyes greet Nobu's. "Mornin.." He muttered as he soon noticed Nobu was even without coffee he made a mental grumble. "Walking as best as I can.." He spoke and got back out of the water and sat on top of it. His own eyes were bluer in color and inside the irises, one would say bright blue ocean with glisters. "Aki says my eyes changed... And I don't behave like a born-blind.." he would speak along. He always gave Nobu updates about him; things surrounding him.

"The day you were gone..? I met a sound spirit; who also gave me a hard time trying to locate her. She calls me a vessel. A Jinchuriki." He would tilt his head as he wasn't quite sure to understand that. "Other than that... Taijutsu didn't come so easily as it did in the past, but Ninjutsu does now. Which... I do have to patch up to keep it up to date. Everything is different from before, so I am trying my best to adjust to it... However; some of my personality nature changed; I am still hotheaded. But not Ill-hot-headed. if that makes sense..?" He questioned himself as for him It made sense. In the past, he also got hot-headed out of spite and whatnot. And he was rather curious as to what else Nobu wanted to know about him.


[topic entered]
Tutored by Yamanaka Nobu
[ 2 / 5 ]
WC: 328
Twc: 658 / 1500
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu listened to Shion speak, it seemed not that long ago that the clan had been formed from the gutters of Konaha. The abandoned and those that sensed the wrong inside of the village had formed toegether to say that enough was enough, he hated to admit it but even he didn't expect them to come this far, a fair few of them had been given the status to leave the village they had come from, him however he ran, he became one with no home and he fully accepted these facts and understood and knew them, as he pondered the world around him he drew his attention back to his freind, listening to the words that had been spoken and the changes that had taken place. He just nodded, Nobu was hard to read maybe that was always going to be an issue that people had with him, he was never the easiest person to get on with but even now it seemed he had become colder.

"Intresting that you are now not as strong in the form of Taijutsu. I really do wonder how much else has changed, have you noticed how the ability for your jutsu to be used has moved and changed, are you focused on one specific thing or are you focused on many different areas? Is it just one peaked preformance, what else has changed, the eye sight is just one little thing against many to be honestly. I am more intrested to hear the changes. Why not show me what strength you have gained, what has become different?"

He let his thoughts trail off as he looked towards Shion, deciding instead for a demonstration rather than just one single discussion, he may as well push the man that was supposed to be inside of the team. As he raised his finger towards the water fall the water, so furious, rapid, aimed and constant.

"Interupt, stop, supresses that flow of water, what ever way you want, but do it quickly, and percicelly."

[Post: 2/5]
[Word Count: 688/1,500]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion looked toward Nobu, but slowly he got a little worried. Was he may be carrying too much on his shoulders? He remembered Nobu as different from the past; never this cold. He started to speak and Shion listened well. "H-hai..." He spoke that he would do what Nobu asked of him, a demonstration.

Shion took a small breath as he started to focus on it. He wanted to do this right in front of Nobu and as best as he could in the short amount of time he had been training. He would stand ready and without hand seals; a set of Sound Bullets went towards the waterfall; followed along by a Ghost Dancers who went after the waterfall too as he had used Sound jutsu. Moments later Shion followed up with Distorted Aura. The air around him started to vibrate and seconds later Shion would be standing under the waterfall doing a Spinning Wind which was allowed by his JInchuuriki. This was done with a high accuracy like his past self would have done. But for Shion, it felt really different than it was doing before so. "As long as my spirit works with me; it will go fine; as soon as it doesn't... I am screwed..." He said in remarks of his taijutsu.

As Shion took a moment's break; he would look towards Nobu. "I specialize in Sound, wind, non-elemental ánd unarmed taijutsu as far as I am aware..." He would say before looking a little worried. "How are you doing these days... I never got to ask that lately. and... Kinda feel bad I only bring troubles for you."


[topic entered]
Tutored by Yamanaka Nobu
[ 3 / 5 ]
WC: 278
Twc: 936 / 1500
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu watched it seeled that Shion would give off small peices here and there but never the whole picture in order to figure out about them. As he pondered the words listening to the facts about sound jutsu and how it had now changed, he nodded to himself and allowed the man to contuine stuidying each movement, each little section of wording or each little time that a notion was spoken he knew full well that right now he still had a tone to learn and discovere but it seemed that this had changed Shion the processes not only altering his bloodline but also giving her access to something darker, though he wouldn't argue about that.

"I see so now you specalise in the use of sound, which seems that like most things in there, you can change wind and non-elemental into sound now that is intresting and useful, but what about this Jinchuuriki feature. It seemed that while you speak about it, I think it does more than that, the power inside on which it holds could unlock a lot more for you. Have you found any other abilities that this unlocks at all? If not then that would be your decision to see if you could push yourself. As for me, we got into this for trouble, we knew that this would not be something easy what we are doing, this is what we signed up for, now find that secret and unlock it. Use the power you have"

His voice flat and cold as always he really hadn't changed to much but he needed to get everyone prepared, he could feel like a storm was coming his way and he understood that. The main question here was would the man finally let his darkside out, let his secrets spill out into the open and allow everyone to see the real him now.

[Post: 3/5]
[Total Word Count: 1,003/1,500]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion was... Not always one to be the brightest if it came to squeezing out the tiny things in the surrounding. As some would often refer to him as being an elephant in the room. One thing did come to his mind as he started to wonder what other secrets he had. Tilting his head from one to the other. There was soon a moment where he put his fist in his hand. "That reminds me. I was in your library the other day and managed to find a book on this. Aki read out loud as I couldn't quite read it, unfortunately..." He would tilt his head and continue on with speaking.

"The power I own now; is more known as the bloodline Hashigaki. The blind bloodline; yet people are often born with it rather than gaining it later. I think my body adapted to it. Happily for me; I can still make sense of day and night and shadows... but that is all to be told. The bloodline goes in two directions. The destructive one is called dissonance while there is another one called Harmony. Harmony is the one I seem to have, luckily for us. The tunes I make with my voice; seem to have a healing ability. The other day Nyr got wounded and I started to hum, I never hummed..." He started to get sidetracked a little before attempting to focus back on what he had been saying. "But. I seemed to be treating his wounds a lot faster than I normally would have... In battle; I can convert win and non-elemental to sound.. Which doesn't seem to trouble me any more than it did in the beginning. Making my ghost dancers a lot more useful in combat. Yet I only get them once I focus on that, particularly chakra style... I do not need to forget to get into that.." He would ponder further on the thoughts that he held.

"As soon as there are sounds; and as far as my ears can reach.. I can see it all. Yet looking below the waterline is still difficult... They don't make sounds but move inside the water which ripples. If I focus really hard... I can see them from time to time. As far as my Kinjutsu..." He would pause a little to try to give Nobu time to process what he had spoken about earlier.

"As for the kinjutsu.. I am called a jinchuuriki... A person that is a vessel for a spirit. The spirit inhabiting me is Yoni, the sound spirit. From what I did learn after I bonded... It's cursed. Not the bad way cursed. It has a cursed alignment. " WIth that he started to get a bit running low. "I... actually didn't research as much as I would have like on the spirit part and what it gives me..."


Tutored by Yamanaka Nobu
[ 4 / 5 ]
WC: 484
Twc: 1.420 / 1500
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu was always a listening type, knowledge was power and he knew that full well. Listening he nodded from time to time, intresting ot hear that he now listened to the world now in what would be considered more ofa sonar format than anything else. Wondering what that would be like, of course with the lose of one sentance it seemed that people did lose the sense but the second heigh did then become greater, for loss somewhere came gain elsewhere and he had to respect that. As he nodded listening to the words being spoken he kept quiet till it was finished as he pondered the parts.

"Well with the way you see now, that is intresting, and seeing as sound is what you will be using and leaning on mainly I suggest you bring yourself up to the clan standard, I feel with the way things are going to go with the 5th Hokage that the future is unpredicable. At least for now I cannot get a clear read on anything which I do have to say is an issue, as I may have to go and confront her myself, after all she has been well how to say avoiding me nicely. But that is beside the point, this spirit, learn to draw upon its power, it must offer more than just the ability to sit inside of you, a gift is never a curse, so why not use the gift that you have been given. Tap into this power Shion for now we may need to rely on everyone in the clan more than we actually know."

His eyes never left Shion as he listened watched every inch of the man, any movement, twitch sign of rection to the words that are being spoken, he had known that this conversation would be an intresting one.

[Post: 4/5]
[Total Word Count: 1,311/1,500]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"A read on everything..?" Shion asked Nobu more as rehearsing what he had said. He was curious as to why Nobu would say such a thing. "I may have been too long outside Konaha to get a grip on everything, but how bad are we talking..?" He started to frown on the subject as he wanted to know what they were going to get into. This was something that was serious for all of them. Ever since the change; he had gotten a bit calmer and started to use his head a bit more on some parts of the field. Yet he still was very much the first act then ask questions.

"Yea... I still have to figure out how to be with her on one single line... As sometimes she is rather annoying. Maybe... Oi... Yoni... Could you show yourself to Nobu here for me?" Out of Shion's chest, a spirit would show and perch on Shion's arm. "Wow.." Even Shion was baffled by this and Yoni just simply stayed. Yet she wasn't too impressed by her surroundings and would go back in once more. But Nobu could easily have seen her features. Her clear blue eyes; the symbol on top of her head. Yet she was small and petite. "Eh.. I will make sure I got more for you next time we meet up...' He would comment on the embarrassing part. They were a team now; yet they had to work a little bit more on teamwork. "Do you happen to have any books on strategy by the way..? Aki can read them to me no problem... I want to learn to be more tactical about things. Use the head a bit more now it's calmer..." He would be honest with Nobu, and it seemed that they kind of needed this too.

His old habit stayed; the need for a cigarette... But he was still a small gentleman at least somewhat. He offered Nobu one also and a lighter if he took one. As for himself he happily took a drag and exhaled. "Care to fill me in on Konoha..?" He asked carefully."


Tutored by Yamanaka Nobu
[ 5 / 5 ]
WC: 355
Twc:1.775/ 1500
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu listened and considered the question in regards to Asuka and the situation that was currently in existance. He pondered in regards to the books and decided that tactics and stratergy wouldn't hurt to know for Shion, as he allowed his hand to run across his face and ponder that question for a few moments. Though he wanted to make sure that the books and answer more importantly he gave had more time to them, he didn't want to just throw his own opinion out without having facts or anything to back it up.

"Asuka will have to see, it depends on a few factors over the next few days but as soon as I know what situation I am in I will let you know, as of right now it seems that the who situation is just simply one in regards to the question of what type of tacits you want to learn, come by my room and grab what you want, we can discuss it next time we meet as I would be intrested to see what book you pick so in regards to that it is completely down to you on what we study as your book choice will decide on that, and what type of tactics you want to learn."

Nobu listened to the last part as he pondered the question, turning on his heels he headed back into the direct of creater city, making sure to leave the conversation there, though he did give Shion at least some insight into the situation the clan and he had found himself in after all it would be rude not to considering everything that had been transpiring lately with them.

"Asuka may have turned back on her promise she made, which in turn forces my hand to act upon the threat I made for better of worse I cannot let a broken promise would damage my reputation"

With that Nobu was gone before Shion could ask anything else.

[Post: 5/5]
[Total Word Count: 1,642/1,500]
[Topic Left]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion was happy to hear that he was allowed to take any of the books in regards of tactic learning. He just had to make sure that he knew which ones there were so he would be sure to summon Aki when the time was there for the need. As for the explained situation... It made Shion frown once more as he took a bigger drag and thought it over. "Hmm..' He would mutter and saw him walk away. "A- Nobu!" he hoped he have halted at least a little movement as he was leaving just to hear the following words. "Thank you for everything so far! Honestly thank you." He thought he couldn't say those words enough with everything Nobu had done for him. And for him it was quite troublesome to say the words as thanks, sorry and I need help. Which he was working on!

As nobu Left; Shion would be still training till it was dark out before returning home. He didn't had much to think about right now.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
