Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Population control

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Fog flowed through the air as it truly believed it belonged on this darkening night at the border of Cronopolis, things here were supposed to be lovely and pleasant as each day passed on. However truly today could not be any further from the truth, in the dead of night these creatures would lumber around, slow yet many in number each of these figures would take to the darkness. If anything they loved it, the moonlight practically empowering them to step forth and wreak havoc. Whilst being left to their own devices they made next to no issue, however when others would try to take on their nightly duties, these figures were known to scratch, bite and attempt to devour those who dared. Almost immediately the military was notified, specifics were unfortunately not given however it appeared as if the problem was not of the deadliest manor with the most damage being minor destruction and disturbances.

That's where these four academy students have been tasked with removing and handling these creatures of the night in one way or another, each of them assigned together as a group they would stand at the edge of the large district the dark mist taking over the majority of the entrance's ground, even beginning to seep further in to Cronopolis, it obscured most of the view for each and every one of them. The golden glow of the street lights and brightly lit buildings reminiscent of art deco would be the main source for their vision.

Sumika would be slinked behind the majority of the group, wanting to take a leading role in her very first mission, she had already began thinking of a sort of strategy for them to take for this mission since the fog was quickly beginning to spread and the creatures lingered inside, she began to wonder if it was worth splitting up. Thinking about the four of them... who would do most well together as a pair, in truth it was not up to her what would actually take place in terms of strategy, however she was always one to think quickly on the spot, action not reaction. For her she knew not of her peer's combat abilities yet, she did in fact know somewhat of their personalities. Shinsetsu being quite lax and scruffy did not exactly appeal to the young Ryuu in terms of trusting him to get anything done, Michiko had energy... perhaps too much. But Kani... her previous test subject... she was interesting.

"As the report said the creatures are causing a disturbance with networking in and out of Cronopolis, they have contaminated the largest entrance to the district. If we could perhaps use a pincer formation, then we could stop it from spreading by closing them in as a four. For this I'd say that Shinsetsu and Michiko should enter through this main entrance, handling the front section as me and Kani will take the long way round the district and come from the back." Her tone was loud and clear, direct.. to a point that it sounded almost as if she was demanding, not suggesting. She waited impatiently to see what the others would say, feeling as if she needed to dive in to business as soon as possible.

TWC: 543/500

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani nodded "seems pretty straight forward." Her demeanor was entirely different than her normal bubbly self. When it came to things like this her mind was far too focused to be trying to present the way she thought she had to. Out here it was a kill or be killed, and Kani had rather big plans for her future. She pulled her bow and knocked an arrow in its string, taking a deep breath. "The sooner we get this done the sooner we can get out of this creepiness"

Her focus was making sure whomever she was with made it home, that was it. She couldn't care less about the caulking of things like this, it seemed a bit ridiculous this was even close to the village. But her friends, her allies, those she actually did care about. Enough in fact she knew that if it came down to it, she'd not think twice about putting herself in the way before one of them. She didn't want to of course, she was still a kid, but if she needed to she'd not hesitate.

She followed the girl she'd not met's lead in this. She had taken point and with that there was no issue. Kani wasn't looking to lead in this by any stretch, simply to get it done and get home. "So, I got Sumika's hind, you two going to make it work? I don't think it'll be an issue but don't get a hero complex on us out of nowhere." She laughed lightly and nodded to the pair of them, she was sure they'd manage just fine in this situation. After all, it's not like they'd send academy students on a mission that was above their station right?

[WC 289/500]


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
It was good to keep busy.

It was Shinsetsu's dad's usual refrain whenever he wasn't in class, expecting to see his son with a mission summons in his hand every other day. He knew his son was dissatisfied with the Academy, not finding it challenging enough, but he wouldn't let the boy slide in the other direction, sitting around with no sense of duty to him. Ryuichi, as a huntsman, always at least tried to meet Shinsetsu halfway and suggested he look for low-ranking missions where he could put his bow and arrow skills to the test, and have some fun with it. If Shinsetsu loved anything apart from studying, it was definitely archery; he'd been fighting with a bow and arrow since the time he could walk. Sometimes, it made him feel closer to his late sister too, who had been quite the talented huntress before she died.

The residential district was the venue in question today, and so, with bow and quiver slung over his back, the black-haired boy slinked down to the foggy quarter, thinking about his fellow students who had put their names down for the mission as well. Kani, he felt like he knew fairly well by now, as she'd come to visit him in the hospital, and they'd hung out together along with Michiko. Michiko was a little too energetic for him sometimes, but admittedly, he liked the vibe she brought. Maybe she could benefit from a few friends who were a little more chilled out, to bring her down to Earth a little. Sumika... well, he'd met her in the library and while she hadn't been the most welcoming person, he still admired her intellect and resourcefulness; there were, of course, more important things than seeking universal popularity of course.

"Hello, everyone," Setsu said a little tiredly, yawning like he'd not long awoken from a nap. That was... until he spotted Kani, pulling her bow from her shoulder. It was like Shinsetsu had just downed 50 espressos. A huge grin spread across his face and he, likewise, pulled his own bow from over his head and loaded in an arrow to match his fellow hunter, "no.... freaking... way!! You never told me you were an archer too, Kani?!"

The boy seemed fascinated by Kani's weapon, eyeing it all over, "wow! What are the measurements? What's the tensile strength? What type of wood did you use, and what polish or finish did you use for the bod-"

It took seeing Sumika to stop him from blustering on. Coughing, he caught himself, and stood up straight as she began to outline her plan that they should follow. Admittedly, it was a good plan, and he couldn't see any flaws in it.

"Yes, that's an excellent plan, Sumika," he said, his accent rather refined and dignified, though his voice carrying a tired lilt, "that way we've two teams of two, one each with a long-range specialist at least."

Shinsetsu gave a little giggle along with Kani, shaking his head, but smiling wide all the same.

"Yeah, I'll keep Michi out of trouble, don't worry," he said, closing his eyes for a moment, concentrating, and opening them, revealing his Sharingan, deepest scarlet, both with one black tomoe in each eye, "I'm a crack-shot when I want to be."

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Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
Michiko spent the day wandering the streets of the Entertainment District, as she normally did, scrounging for supplies. She gorged herself on all the food she could find, managed to find some water with which to wash herself, and tried to make herself as presentable as possible before her mission that night. She rarely ventured over to the residential area, as it was a much nicer neighborhood and she felt as though she would stick out like a sore thumb. From her stained clothes, to her often greasy hair, and her shoes that were falling apart. The people living here were much more put together, with more than two outfits and a bathroom in which they could regularly bathe. It made her almost feel bad about her living situation, but she brushed those feelings aside to focus on the matter at hand. The mission was to handle some creatures that were encroaching on the area, but it wasn't specified how they should go about this.

Michiko, being a kind soul, immediately thought that they could simply round them up. Perhaps tie them up, so that they didn't hurt anyone, and try to transport them somewhere they wouldn't be a threat to the village. She never once entertained the thought of harming these creatures, because really, how bad could they be? Everyone was capable of kindness, and she would show them kindness in return so that they would understand that there was no danger or threat to their lives so that the creatures would be less likely to react violently towards them. As she neared the meeting point, the familiar pit formed in her stomach. She knew this time that Sumika would be present, but she still felt wary being near her.

Taking a deep breath and walking up to the group, Michiko put a bright smile on her face and tried to take Shinsetsu's advice from their outing to the restaurant. She didn't immediately burst into conversation, overwhelming everyone with her words. Rather, she had to fight to keep in a laugh as he got overly excited when he noticed that Kani was wielding a bow as well. It seemed that even the quiet ones had subjects that would bring out their talkative side. He was quickly cut off when he noticed Sumika, who gave them marching orders. Michiko simply nodded at her, turned away, and began heading towards the entrance that she was ordered to head through. Lifting her fingers to her face, she blew softly across them, ice hardening the tips of her fingers into sharp points. While she didn't want to harm anything, she wasn't going to go into this situation unarmed. She needed to be sure to be able to defend herself from any potential attacks until she could talk down the creatures.

[WC: 465/500]

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Sumika would gift Kani a smile as she agreed to the plan, the bow wielding heroine seemed to be ready for the task ahead of them. She thought her demeanour was quite righteous yet level headed at the same time, there was no need to risk our lives to stop some minor property damage. Although she practically ignored Michiko, she was practically a liability with her carefree and chatty nature. Sumika would not thrown at all however, for once she actually would manage to keep quiet. If she had nothing worth while saying, why speak? Although she couldn’t help but be surprised by Shin’d demeanour since the class he’s peaked a lot of interest in this young teenager, his prowess in genjutsu, his hidden talents his… scruffy hair. No, she could not afford to waste her time on something as childish as this… and it was for this reason that she wished to pair those two together. No distractions.

“Perfect. Well we all have our headsets. Contact us if you are in need of dire help, we shall do the same.” And with that Sumika’s face would drop to a serious expression as she flipped round her hair practically whipping the air behind her. Before she would take the lead with her and Kani moving in the forefront to the left of the entrance, she clasped her battle boots on the gate which would be around the district. Running horizontally until she figured they were far enough to go over the top and start making their way in. “Kani, due to the fact you use a bow, I suggest that I will take the lead in combatting any problems, you must provide me support and cover. I’m guessing you are skilled in the art of taijutsu, well my forte falls in genjutsu. So… let us work efficiently.”

Once the two had finally made it round the fog seemed to be spreading, inching and clawing it’s way closer towards them, surprisingly enough no figures could be seen outside of the smoke they would only lurk and lumber inside. For Michiko and Shinsetsu however, the mist started to pour out like wildfire in to the other part of the city, it swept over the two of them and with that so did the beings that lurked underneath. Their forms were like shadows until they were within arms reach when their true likeness would be revealed, pale and green in nature, with civilian clothing that had been ripped and teared, small scratches and bite marks laced throughout their body. One grabbed Shin’s arm before opening its large maw ready to bite down with vicious force. Two others pouncing behind Michiko in an attempt to catch her off guard, there strength was no more than an average human, yet their numbers were many as five or six more would join attempting to crowd round the two. Small murmurs of their past lives could be heard throughout the dark cloud which held them captive.

“Unless you have any objections, I am going to attempt to mark off this area.” Creating a few handseals before she placed her hand forward a powerful gust of air bursting out and pushing the smoke back somewhat, however it seemed to almost bounce back stronger than ever. Taking in the Ryuu and if close enough, Kani as well. Kani could clearly see shadowy figures moving in towards the white haired girl. Sumika began making hand seals for a jutsu that clearly was potent in the future, yet her body language displayed panic as she attempted to back step away the crowd looming towards her.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani laughed at Shinsetsu's look as he asked his loads of questions, "Yaaaaaa, it's a sixty four inch Manchu bow with a fifty five pound draw weight.. its all homemade.. You wanna shoot sometime I'd be happy to let you try it out." She quickly got serious once she realized it was time and then followed Sumika into the back area.

Kani's eyes would widen as the shadows began to rush in, "FUUUUUUUU-". She reached out and grabbed Sumika by the back of her collar, pulling her behind Kani as a form of cover. Kani then took turns left and right firing her arrows in a volley technique, hoping to pin some in place or at least spread the damage out enough to cause them to slow down. Her panic washed away as the arrows slid from her fingers, that overwhelming silence filling her mind once again. She knew something needed to give, and whatever Sumika was going to do needed time. Kani had very little ability in the ways of ninjutsu or genjutsu, but taijutsu was something she strived at and in this moment that was incredibly clear.

She would not stop firing arrows into the mist until Sumika could get he hand signs finished, "Alright hot stuff we're running out of time and I'm running out of GaAaA-! " Kani's side was slammed by what could only be described as a canine like creature, knocking her off into the mist and prone. She scrambled to grab her bow, flipping over and holding it against the creatures neck as it ravenously bit at the air above her face. She let out a horrified scream before calling out "DAMN IT GET OFF ME!" She fought against this thing, now clearly some form of street dog that had contracted whatever this was. She was fighting for her life and while the numbers were fewer than before, more of those shadows began to turn toward the commotion that was Kani and the beast.

'How had I not seen it.. Fu.. This is it.. please.. not like this..' Her thoughts were becoming more and more morbid as the drool and blood continued to cover her fighting form. She was terrified, anyone could see it, she was convinced that if she gave up any ground to this thing she was dead. Her shoulders were sinking into the mud with how much force she had been applying to the bow, which was beginning to show wear and splintering. Her hands began to bleed under the pressure of this creatures ever present snapping and gnashing jaws. 'Am.. I..'

[wc 429]
[twc 718/500]
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New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
"Michiko, uh, this may be a good time to give me a quick rundown on how you fight; I don't think you've ever told me," said Shinsetsu, stringing up an arrow, admiring the precision of aim the Sharingan provided him. Their job was to take the Cronopolis head on, eliminate as much of the pest problem as they could, and drive the stragglers out to meet Kani and Sumika's pincer attack where they would be swiftly dispatched. It seemed like a pretty clean plan. Setsu smiled and Michiko and ushered her forward alongside him, hiding into the central street of the Cronopolis, his bow at the ready for whatever he would find when they crossed the district's border. It would be good to get this over with - the sooner it was done, the sooner he could meet back up with Kani and have a go with each other's bows.

As they entered, the fog grew thick, so Shinsetsu gestured for Michiko to allow him to take the lead.

"My eyes can see anything coming as a chakra signature in the fog. Let me take the front, and you watch behind us," he said, concentrating carefully as they moved through the eerily silent street. The moment the mist poured in, they came.

"GAH!" The archer cried out as the travesty of an animal clamped onto its arm, knocking him to the ground. It might've just bitten him in half, but Setsu's instincts kicked in. He saw a cruel, black eye peering into his. Eye contact. That's all it took. From the moment the creature locked eyes with the Sharingan, it would hear a horrible, loud gonging inside its head, making the horrible thing cringe away in pain just long enough for Shinsetsu to grab an arrow and skewer the thing through the head. He whipped around, crying out as he saw two more behind Michiko.

"On your left!" The boy cried out, sending an arrow neatly at the one on the girl's right, trying to keep his cool as they were swarmed.

"Come on! Kill the bigger ones first, then we can chase the small fry out to Kani and Sumika!"


Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
"Well, I've never actually fought before! I don't think that we should hurt these things. They're probably just misunderstood, and we can talk them down before relocating them somewhere else they will be safe and happy! But I do specialize in close range Taijutsu and have some experience with Ninjutsu, if we have to use that to corral them over to where Sumika and Kani are. Hopefully we get through this without having to hurt anyone!" Michiko skips alongside Shinsetsu, her bubbly personality back now that Sumika is no longer around them. She knew that she would have to deal with the other girl, since they were both students at the Academy, but that didn't mean that she had to enjoy it.

As she and Setsu walked further into the fog, he told her to step back and watch the rear. She nodded, though he had already turned around and couldn't see it. Shrugging to herself, she lifted her hands up and turned in a slow circle, ready to catch anything that lunged at her from the shadows. It was difficult for her to see in the fog, but that didn't stop her from keeping watch. Setsu was trusting her to have his back, and she wasn't going to let him down. Suddenly a heavy mist fell upon them, and with it they came.

Michiko whips around as she hears her partner cry out, watching in stunned silence as some wild beast clamped down on his arm and drove Shinsetsu to the ground. Something that he did caused the beast to recoil, giving the boy enough time to grab an arrow and drive it through the thing's skull. Her mouth fell open in silent protest, wanting to cry out to stop hurting the poor creature. But before she could speak, Shinsetsu released an arrow at a creature running up on her right side. As she turned to her left, she saw one flying towards her face. It's jaw was wide open, ready to latch onto her throat and tear it out. Finally, sound erupted from her throat. A screech, almost like a banshee, tore from her and echoed through the air around them.

Without realizing what she was doing, Michiko let her chakra flow from her body and into the heavy mist around her. The water in the air solidified into long sharp needles, which flew forward and impaled the beast lunging for her. They pierced through its eyes and into its skull, causing it to fall lifeless at her feet. As she stared down at it, Shinsetsu's shouting falling on deaf ears, her eyes glazed over. Hands falling to her sides, she just stared at the creature as it bled all over her shoes. She could feel the stickiness through her socks as they soaked up the blood. A quiet laugh broke the silence, her shoulders shaking as it got louder and louder.

Finally, she looked up at Shinsetsu. Michiko's eyes were blank as an empty canvas, staring straight through the boy before her. Her body, acting as if on instinct, moved out of the way as another beast lunged at her from behind. She lashed out with her needle tipped fingers, slashing through its throat and side, before running over to place her back against her partners. "Alright. I'll follow your lead. You said that you can see them coming, so attack the bigger ones that are keeping their distance. Leave the ones that approach us to me. I'll make sure that none of these beasts touch you."

[WC: 588 - Total WC: 1053/500]

Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Sumika would have to desperately change hand seals mid way casting as she would not get it in time to save Kani from her attack, she granted her enough time to safely use. It was something that she never knew she could do, despite her knowledge with summoning jutsu… she’d never used something like this before, instinctively raising her hands in the air after she finished casting a purple glow would shimmer as a large circle on the ground would begin to form in front of her. Ritualistic symbols would begin to appear across the floor before a gigantic triangle would form with a stone stump in the middle, before it would morph and form in to a large earth golem spewing out the and slamming down on several of the creatures.


Sumika taking the initiative would run over to Kani as she cast a genjutsu on the canine beast everyone to it becoming shadowy figures… not just that but enemies. There was no telling who other infected were for this mutt and it would jump off of Kani and sinking its teeth in to another one of its kind as it would fight with insatiable hunger. The young Ryuu offered a hand to Kani , sweat pouring down her face, she was not injured not once… “You… you saved me Kani, thank you, we must act with haste.” Despite her thoughts on most people… she couldn’t help but be grateful even with her stern expression. Her earth golem would cotinue to fight and hold off many of the figures, it’s craggy structure was perfect for fighting off their piercing attacks and it squashed most of the figures, allowing some peace for Sumika and Kani for the time being. With many of the figures having been eliminated the smoke would begin to clear and retreat back towards the entrance.

She took a deep breath before turning back to her teammate. “It appears as if they have some effect with the smoke, perhaps they eve-“ Immediately a massive cloud of mist zoomed towards the girl slamming straight in to her as she was launched in to the side of a car, it’s alarm going off as she was dented right in to the middle, blood splattering all across. Her head titled down as her eyes were closed as she lied there limp.

Michiko and Shinsetsu would continue to be surrounded by several figures, they circled round the two as they had their backs to each other. About at least 8 creatures with piercing eyes lunged for Michiko as the main threat. There look seeming somewhat… more viscious and agile, yet more unorganised, they appeared to work somewhat in tandem before. But l most as if there leadership had been stripped straight from them, they would become reckless, a civilian upon a moped would drive through the smoke completely unaware of what was transpiring, slipping across one of the dead bodies they would skid out and crash in to a streetlight it coming down between Michiko and Shinsetsu potentially crushing them if they did not dodge, it would combust causing a line of fire to cut the two in half across the battlefield.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani was standing up wiping herself off, "uh.. well seems it's gone both ways." She cleared her throat and knocked an arrow, begining to assist with the distant creatures the golem was facing.

She turned hearing Sumika speak, looking at her while her volley continued. However that calmness that had just returned immediately left her as she witnessed what appeared to be a cloud slam into Sumika. Her eyes shot wide as she slid in an attempt to catch her, missing to see the car break her path.

She let out a series of profanity and rapidly fired her arrows into the new target, hoping something was actually in the cloud. Not waiting to see what landed and what did not she quickly ran up to the car and smashed out the window. Her ally, no her friend, was unconscious, bleeding, but that wasn't going to stop now. She needed to shut the alarm off. But, it wasn't something she knew how to do. She rapidly pulled at wires in hopes that one of them would work. But when nothing did, she decided that was it, she needed to make a call.

She scooped Sumika and started to drag her, "Okay.. Hold on.. Come on.. I get that I called you hot, it's not an excuse to be lazy come on!" She only stopped moving her to pluck off any closing the distance on her and Sumi. She clicked her comms and yelled into the microphone, "Shinsetsu, Michiko, can you guys hear me? Sumi is down and bleeding. Something weird attacked us, a dog and then.. I don't .." she'd look up to see the rapid cloud coming in. She'd look down and then back up at the cloud.

She laid Sumi down and looked to the cloud rapidly gaining on them. She knelt down and drew her bow, waiting until there was no chance of failure. She whispered something to herself in that moment, waiting. "So much for that then.." she released her arrow. Hitting whatever was behind with a called shot, but the speed carried it slamming into her and sending her flopping into the mist, her bow landing at sumi's side.

[WC 362]
[Twc 1080/500]


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
Setsu gazed in surprise at Michiko's sudden... whatever it was. She was summoning ice crystals into the air to violently lacerate the creatures attacking them, dispatching a couple without seemingly breaking a sweat. It definitely tookt he boy aback, but hell, right now, he'd take it. He kept his perceptive eyes trained on the mist, seeing the creatures' chakra signatures as a faint aura, seeing the world around them as if in slow motion. Then, two terrible things happened in quick succession; he got a buzz on his headset from Kani calling for help, and then he felt something whizz past him. He was on the point of turning to Michiko to tell her they needed to find the other two when a sudden burst ripped through the air. There was a crash, and then a plume of flames.

Setsu cried, looking around to see if he could spot the civilian, but there was a devil dog and a wall of flames between him and them. There was no way he'd be able to get them help in time. Cursing loudly, he turned to Michiko, sending an arrow through the brain of another of the creatures, forcing it to stagger back into some of its allies.

"Eastern road, NOW! We search for the other two! Keep those ice crystals shredding up the ones behind us, I'll take the front."

Setsu led the charge, bursting through the line of enemies, jumping through the line of fire without a care, and sending another arrow flying into a devil dog. With his Sharingan, he could see the world in slow motion as he ran, he could spot every danger, but it was just a question of if his body was fast enough to react in time. Hopefully, Michiko would be able to cover him if he missed anything, or failed to spot something in time.

"Kani! Sumika!"

Shinsetsu had come bursting out of the mist, running like a tempest toward the chakra outlines he could see on the ground. One girl was flat-out, bow at her side, the other was slumped against something.

"Michiko! Cover me!"

Setsu was at Sumika side at once, examining her, his fingers working quickly to stop the bleeding. With several fast hand signs, he held a hand to the gashed skin, pumping chakra into the injury and practically force-freezing it. The blood was scabbing at an accelerated rate. Holding a hand to her forehead, he concentrated, and a steady stream of chakra emanated from it in a strange green glow, hoping it would be enough to rouse her back to consciousness. He kept an eye on Kani, figuring her injuries were less serious, and he could tend to them in a moment.

[Used Coagulation and Mystical Hand on Sumika]


Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Things were looking rough as the gang of kids were trying their best to keep hold of the situation, Sumika was near unconscious with here eyes flickering between open and closed several times before finally coming to a hazy stop, she'd place her hand down from her headset that she instinctively went to as soon as she was hit. She'd see that Kani was left almost limp on the battlefield before looking to her side and seeing Shinsetsu using a medical jutsu on her, the effects had already been placed but she grabbed his hand and attempted to direct it towards Kani although her attempt was already futile. The next events that would take place from this moment could only be decided as pure horror, from amidst this large clump of smoke a disgusting unhinged jaw would slowly inch out of it, coupled by hulking hands which seemed to be decayed and rotten, a pungent smell radiating from it's very being. It seemed to be generating most of the miasma itself, taking no mercy with unhinged strength it would clutch on to Kani's right arm before tearing it right off of her torso, without a second's waste, a spray of blood gushing from where it was torn.

In an instant the creature would shove it down its throat, using its own hands to force his jaw to chew due to it's broken nature. The amalgamation seemed to have no care whatsoever for human life and those who wished to keep it. "K-kani!" Sumika's golem would finally catch up to the issue at hand, tackling the monster away for a brief moment from Kani, as the young Ryuu slowly arose to her two feet thanks to Shinsetsu's healing. Even she was shaken up from this, whilst she'd kicked someones face in before in cold blooded murder, she'd never actually had similar pain instilled upon her or one of her allies. She wasn't stupid enough to rush in but luckily the transmission had gone through. From the darkness several shinobi would jump down surrounding the monster in question who had just smashed through the student's creation, it now turning in to a pile of mud.

For some reason whoever was in charge didn't taken in to the account that the students could have been ambushed, this wasn't a threat of their level anymore. And Sumika knew this.
One would leap in grabbing Kani before flickering their head around to see if they could find the arm, however before they were brought in to the brawl which began to set alight they decided to cut their losses and jump away from the scene. The same one would head towards the other student's ushering them to follow them as they were led out of the thick fog back to safety. It wasn't a victory, not at all, but it was out of their hands... or at least the ones they had left.

[Topic left]
[Claim rewards]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank

For all except Sumika: 35 x 1.5 = 52 stat points (or ASP) and 15,000 x 1.5 = 22,500 yen (x1.5 because of x2 WC)

For Sumika: 45 x 1.5 = 67 stat points and 15,000 x 1.5 = 22,500 yen (x1.5 because of x2 WC)


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
OOC Rank
Shinsetsu could only do so much at once, and there was so much chaos happening around the lot of them. Sumika seemed okay for now, but she was lunging to grab Kani who seemed much more worse for there. She had the right idea; they needed to get out of here as there'd just be now way they could tackle this mess on their own. Jogging up alongside Sumika and Kani, Shin tried to examine her as they moved, trying to help heal the worst of her injuries, all while keeping an eye on the creatures around them in case they decided to chase.

[Topic Left]
[Claiming Rewards]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
