Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reactivation and Unretiring Ha Kuren


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Mimi Hoichi
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: inactivity/unretire
Last Known Where-abouts: no idea
Old IC Rank: Student

New Character Name: Ha Kuren
Preferred Username: Ha Kuren
New Village/Missing: Leaf
New BL/CA: I would like to make her Scalebinder
Custom Class: May I see what her class was before?

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: I think she was in Main branch
IC Rank: Genin

Character Age: Hmm... it has been some time. Probably should age her up a little. 16
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description: Kuren is a short girl with a plain face, green eyes, and long blonde hair styled in two ponytails. She wears prescription goggles: mostly for reading purposes as she is far sighted. Like most female shinobi she prefers to pants over a dress as it provides better movability. Her attire seems a little usual for a student at the academy. She wears a brown jacket over a leotard, hiking boot, gloves and a helmet that looks like it belongs to a miner. Her 'weapons' she carries are also a little strange as she carries a pick axe and a shovel.
Character's Mental Description: Kuren is a good-natured, joyful, and energetic child. She has a quick and inquisitive mind, gathering and properly organizing all the information available on subjects that interest her. She is not much of a fighter as of yet, but more of a scholar. She joined the academy more out of a thirst for knowledge than anything. She is a she proclaim archeologist. She has a strong desire to learn the history of this place she now calls home and these techniques that has been passed down for generations.

Character History:
Kuren was born within Crater City, The City of Thieves. This was home to people who perform less than honorable acts and Kuren was no exception to that. Under the shroud of night she would go out shovel at hand to the graveyard. Digging up graves was an exhausting task, but she often found it rewarding. Some of these graves have been here for hundreds of years and each body she uncovers tells a story. She often calls herself an archeologist and claims her acts were in the pursuit of knowledge.

It is not uncommon for a person to be buried with something precious to them, as if they desired to take it with them to the afterlife. One day she found quite a treasure trove. Surprisingly this old coffin she dug out was void of any corpse. Instead it was filled with leather bound books whose contents were in some old language. Kuren found this fascinating and was eager to learn what was written in these tombs and why were they hidden in such away.

Kuren spent the next several days in the public library deciphering the text from an old dialect Fuego to the common tongue. She discover they were books on shinobi art: how to mold chakra, how to cast illusions, how to manipulate the elements and similar topics. Looking through historical text she believes she found the reason for one to hide these books. According to her research it appears the shinobi arts were forbidden and only became acceptable in the past 500 years. It was quite possible that these books were contraband.

Kuren was able to teach herself some of the basics with these books but she wanted to learn more and for that she must travel to the village of konoha. She sold some of her treasure and booked passage to the hidden village. Once there she would join the academy.

Core Ability:
While Kuren has grown over the years, she is still very much a scholar. As a genin she primarily took escort missions. While there are some that find dragging along a non-shinobi a drag, she finds it enjoyable. She likes to talk to her escort and learn about their way of life. On rare occasions she escorts true archeologists to a dig site: these missions were her absolute favorite. While she likes to play archeologist and do some digs herself, it is wonderful having others around that have similar interests as her. One day some sort of ancient ruins were discovered along the border of the fire country. Kuren was to escort the archeologists there and protect them as they did their work.

These ruins would end up shaking her understanding of the world. The ruins that were found seemed to have sank into the Earth, but the stone structure still held up for the most part. Lighting torches they would enter the ruins. The walls were decorated with murals: most of which were completely faded. Though some images of dragons could be made out. The story the murals were telling was unclear and it was hard to decipher what the dragons represented. The group had many theories, but none could come to an agreement. At least not until they came to the main chamber.

It was a find of the century and most of them could not believe what they were seeing. There within the main chamber was a stone casket surrounded by the bones of an immensely large beast. Only one of the archeologists was quick to say that it was a dragon, but most remain skeptical. Dragons were just beasts of myth, no such creatures were ever confirmed to have existed.

Within the tomb was a man dressed in armor and around his neck was some sort of amulet. Seeing how knowledgeable Kuren was in history, the archeologist allowed her to handle things. Kuren took the amulet and very carefully dusted it off. The amulet was bronze and depicted a dragon eating its tail. However what really got her attention was a spirit of a dragon staring at her. Kuren would begin screaming as the dragon lunged at her.

Suddenly Kuren was acting differently as she was now being possessed by the dragon. The dragon called them trespassers and demanded to know why they were there. After a long conversation the archeologists began excavating the ruins. The skeleton of the dragon would be placed in the museum, but the body of the knight would remain where he laid. As for Kuren she was allowed to keep the amulet as she was chosen by the dragon.
Clan Request: I believe she was part of the Sakurako clan

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: none

Hmmm.... I'm afraid I reached the end of what I can do. Can someone get my Hoichi's stats and jutsu?

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Before we continue,

Your previous PCs, and your NPCs can now be seen as a pool of potential characters any of your accounts can OCR into. Do remember that stats and jutsu are tied to the account, so if you transfer a PC over to a sub account, they won't have their old stats, or library of jutsu.

This means; no jutsu, start 500 yen, start basic stats and nothing from your past main account in your inventory. what you have here on this sub is what you can use seen as an OCR.

As every single thing is account bound. This sub always started with Hoichi, never ha kuren.

Do you agree or want to think it over?
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As someone without the leaf usergroup. I don't think I have access to that. Can you post the info here please?


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Agility: 170
Stamina: 140
Ninjutsu: 300
Genjutsu: 175
Taijutsu: 170
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255

There ya go!


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
I swear my ADHD mind. I have idea for a new character.

Old Character Name: Mimi Hoichi
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: inactivity/new character
Last Known Where-abouts: no idea
Old IC Rank: Student

New Character Name: Shimete Mari
Preferred Username: Shimete Mari
New Village/Missing: Leaf
New BL/CA: Inuzuka
Custom Class:
HP: (65+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +15% Bludgeoning damage
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: main branch
IC Rank: Student

Character Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description: Mari is a young ten-year-old girl. She has long lush locks of golden blonde hair, which she has grown to reach waist level. She has bright blue eyes and is normally wearing an equally bright smile. She wears hand knitted wool clothing made by her mother and has two blue ribbons tied in her hair. Following her is a male little lamb by the name of Hitsuji. When she is in her feral shift fighting style, her nose becomes that of a sheep, and she grows curled ram’s horns on the sides of her head.
Character's Mental Description: Mari is a docile little girl and a little bit of an introvert. She doesn’t like places that are loud or crowded. She often spends her free time sitting on a hill watching the sunset as the sheep graze around her. She is a hard worker, but would much rather go in it alone than with a team. She is a little awkward speaking in front of a large group, but a couple of people she’s fine with. She is quick to make aquatenses, but is slow to call one friend. Those she does consider friends she is furiously loyal to the point of abandoning her docile nature to protect them.

Character History:
Mari was not born into a shinobi home. Her parents were farmers that grew corps and tended to animals. Neither of her parents ever joined the academy or learned any of the shinobi arts. Mari would likely have continued her parents' way of life if it wasn’t for her grandmother. Her grandmother was a retired shinobi who had these amazing stories of days past. Often Mari would ask her grandmother to tell her about her days as a shinobi. Eventually when Mari was finally old enough she would ask her mother if she could apply to the academy. Her mom agreed, but only if she didn’t slack on her chores.

Mari’s chores included tending to the sheep, which she enjoyed doing.Mari would watch the sheep with Inu, her grandmother’s canine companion. There was one little lamb that seemed to have grown quite attached to her. The cute little thing would even follow her to school. Mari knew she should not have him there, but she felt more at ease with him around. Fortunately the school seems to allow animals. The little lamb would sit next to her, seemingly watching the teacher instructing the class.

One day at school she got separated from her little lamb and left in the middle of class to look for him. She looked and looked and then she heard his cry. Mari raced towards the sound and as she turned the corner she saw him. A boy had a rope around her lamb’s neck and was dragging the animal. Without a thought Mari barrels down the hall, “Leave him alone!” Mari would then headbutt him right in the stomach. Unfortunately she was a young little girl and he was a chunky teenage boy. Was forced to take a step back, but she ended up on the floor. The boy would see the ram’s horns currently on her head and assume the lamb belonged to her. He just hands her the rope and tells her to keep better watch over her animal companion.

Death/Retirement Thread: n/a
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: none

Old Stats:
Agility: 170
Stamina: 140
Ninjutsu: 300
Genjutsu: 175
Taijutsu: 170
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255
Old OOC Rank: B
Stat Cut: none
New Stats:
Agility: 170
Stamina: 175
Ninjutsu: 170
Genjutsu: 140
Taijutsu: 300
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255
New OOC Rank: B

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
I swear my ADHD mind. I have idea for a new character.

Old Character Name: Mimi Hoichi
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: inactivity/new character
Last Known Where-abouts: no idea
Old IC Rank: Student

New Character Name: Shimete Mari
Preferred Username: Shimete Mari
New Village/Missing: Leaf
New BL/CA: Inuzuka
Custom Class:
HP: (65+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +15% Bludgeoning damage
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: main branch
IC Rank: Student

Character Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description: Mari is a young ten-year-old girl. She has long lush locks of golden blonde hair, which she has grown to reach waist level. She has bright blue eyes and is normally wearing an equally bright smile. She wears hand knitted wool clothing made by her mother and has two blue ribbons tied in her hair. Following her is a male little lamb by the name of Hitsuji. When she is in her feral shift fighting style, her nose becomes that of a sheep, and she grows curled ram’s horns on the sides of her head.
Character's Mental Description: Mari is a docile little girl and a little bit of an introvert. She doesn’t like places that are loud or crowded. She often spends her free time sitting on a hill watching the sunset as the sheep graze around her. She is a hard worker, but would much rather go in it alone than with a team. She is a little awkward speaking in front of a large group, but a couple of people she’s fine with. She is quick to make aquatenses, but is slow to call one friend. Those she does consider friends she is furiously loyal to the point of abandoning her docile nature to protect them.

Character History:
Mari was not born into a shinobi home. Her parents were farmers that grew corps and tended to animals. Neither of her parents ever joined the academy or learned any of the shinobi arts. Mari would likely have continued her parents' way of life if it wasn’t for her grandmother. Her grandmother was a retired shinobi who had these amazing stories of days past. Often Mari would ask her grandmother to tell her about her days as a shinobi. Eventually when Mari was finally old enough she would ask her mother if she could apply to the academy. Her mom agreed, but only if she didn’t slack on her chores.

Mari’s chores included tending to the sheep, which she enjoyed doing.Mari would watch the sheep with Inu, her grandmother’s canine companion. There was one little lamb that seemed to have grown quite attached to her. The cute little thing would even follow her to school. Mari knew she should not have him there, but she felt more at ease with him around. Fortunately the school seems to allow animals. The little lamb would sit next to her, seemingly watching the teacher instructing the class.

One day at school she got separated from her little lamb and left in the middle of class to look for him. She looked and looked and then she heard his cry. Mari raced towards the sound and as she turned the corner she saw him. A boy had a rope around her lamb’s neck and was dragging the animal. Without a thought Mari barrels down the hall, “Leave him alone!” Mari would then headbutt him right in the stomach. Unfortunately she was a young little girl and he was a chunky teenage boy. Was forced to take a step back, but she ended up on the floor. The boy would see the ram’s horns currently on her head and assume the lamb belonged to her. He just hands her the rope and tells her to keep better watch over her animal companion.

Death/Retirement Thread: n/a
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: none

Old Stats:
Agility: 170
Stamina: 140
Ninjutsu: 300
Genjutsu: 175
Taijutsu: 170
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255
Old OOC Rank: B
Stat Cut: none
New Stats:
Agility: 170
Stamina: 175
Ninjutsu: 170
Genjutsu: 140
Taijutsu: 300
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255
New OOC Rank: B

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Taken to council lands!
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
I swear my ADHD mind. I have idea for a new character.
Old Character Name: Mimi Hoichi
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: inactivity/new character
Last Known Where-abouts: no idea
Old IC Rank: Student

New Character Name: Shimete Mari
Preferred Username: Shimete Mari
New Village/Missing: Leaf
New BL/CA: Inuzuka
Custom Class:
HP: (65+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +15% Bludgeoning damage
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: main branch
IC Rank: Student

Character Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description: Mari is a young ten-year-old girl. She has long lush locks of golden blonde hair, which she has grown to reach waist level. She has bright blue eyes and is normally wearing an equally bright smile. She wears hand knitted wool clothing made by her mother and has two blue ribbons tied in her hair. Following her is a male little lamb by the name of Hitsuji. When she is in her feral shift fighting style, her nose becomes that of a sheep, and she grows curled ram’s horns on the sides of her head.
Character's Mental Description: Mari is a docile little girl and a little bit of an introvert. She doesn’t like places that are loud or crowded. She often spends her free time sitting on a hill watching the sunset as the sheep graze around her. She is a hard worker, but would much rather go in it alone than with a team. She is a little awkward speaking in front of a large group, but a couple of people she’s fine with. She is quick to make aquatenses, but is slow to call one friend. Those she does consider friends she is furiously loyal to the point of abandoning her docile nature to protect them.

Character History:
Mari was not born into a shinobi home. Her parents were farmers that grew corps and tended to animals. Neither of her parents ever joined the academy or learned any of the shinobi arts. Mari would likely have continued her parents' way of life if it wasn’t for her grandmother. Her grandmother was a retired shinobi who had these amazing stories of days past. Often Mari would ask her grandmother to tell her about her days as a shinobi. Eventually when Mari was finally old enough she would ask her mother if she could apply to the academy. Her mom agreed, but only if she didn’t slack on her chores.

Mari’s chores included tending to the sheep, which she enjoyed doing.Mari would watch the sheep with Inu, her grandmother’s canine companion. There was one little lamb that seemed to have grown quite attached to her. The cute little thing would even follow her to school. Mari knew she should not have him there, but she felt more at ease with him around. Fortunately the school seems to allow animals. The little lamb would sit next to her, seemingly watching the teacher instructing the class.

One day at school she got separated from her little lamb and left in the middle of class to look for him. She looked and looked and then she heard his cry. Mari raced towards the sound and as she turned the corner she saw him. A boy had a rope around her lamb’s neck and was dragging the animal. Without a thought Mari barrels down the hall, “Leave him alone!” Mari would then headbutt him right in the stomach. Unfortunately she was a young little girl and he was a chunky teenage boy. Was forced to take a step back, but she ended up on the floor. The boy would see the ram’s horns currently on her head and assume the lamb belonged to her. He just hands her the rope and tells her to keep better watch over her animal companion.

Death/Retirement Thread: n/a
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: none

Old Stats:
Agility: 170
Stamina: 140
Ninjutsu: 300
Genjutsu: 175
Taijutsu: 170
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255
Old OOC Rank: B
Stat Cut: none
New Stats:
Agility: 170
Stamina: 175
Ninjutsu: 170
Genjutsu: 140
Taijutsu: 300
Chakra Control: 300
Power level: 1255
New OOC Rank: B

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Approved! Welcome back to leaf!


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
I didn't know what jutsu Hoichi had for the swaps. But now that I have the usergroup, now. So, one more thing for council approval.

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Transformation (Keep)
Body Switch (Keep)
Low Sweep -> Pound
Wind Slash -> Smash
Pressure Burst -> Broad Slap
False Surroundings -> Bunt

Whirlwind Spin -> 7-Hit Combo
Crystal Eye -> Double Slam
Shredding Touch -> Concrete Blast

Piercing Cry -> Blackjack Attack
Hello unfortunately jutsu swaps can not be completed after OCR has been.


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
So you're saying is my fault you did a full approval before the application was complete. You know Hoichi is B-rank, so I have to have jutsu masted. A blank Jutsu Swap section sould be a flag that it was in complete. You should at least confirm whether or not that I'm keeping them.

Though I expect that this was done on purpose. I was banned from the other two villages. I'm not surprised that Leaf doesn't want me either. If you didn't want me, you could have just said so and I wouldn't have bothered reactivating.


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
First I would like to apologize, this is the first OCR that we have done as new council members and admittedly missed a few steps (like sending you all of the previous information that your character had).

Second, the swaps are approved and we welcome you back to Leaf with open arms and hope that you enjoy your time here!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Just as a matter of record-- this is a one-time exception given the nature of the miscommunication in this OCR that we are going to allow the jutsu swaps to go forward post OCR.

That having been said, I want to be clear that in the future if you have an issue of this nature making a public scene out of it is not the way to go about it. What you've said here is an extremely serious accusation and is wildly out of line. If you need assistance with these sorts of situations in the future, the on-site direct message system is at your disposal to reach out to either myself, Keiji or any other admin.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
