Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Resting Bisque Face


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sitting and listening to the hushed conversations around him, Musashi sat in his chair rather intent on doing the least amount of moving as possible. At the current time, that he figured was somewhere past the moon rising, he was supposed to be keeping an eye on the new recruits. So far, he wasn't doing that bad of a job, but equally so, they weren't doing overly dumb things. Of course there was the occasional prank, the girl who's hair was pulled, the kid who got lost and the toothpaste feather trick . . . how he hated that one . . . all in all though, it was a normal night. Crossing one leg over the other and pulling his ankle up to rest on his other knee, he crossed his arms and leaned back in the seat. The moment alone caused a few surprised looks, but otherwise, things continued on as normal.

Known to many of the recruits as the guy who simply refused to talk, though his gaze was otherwise unamused, his tactics were unapologetic. The problem with new recruits was that they often attempted to sneak out at night, test our their newly taught skills on the masses and generally the sort of things that ruined careers long before they started. If Musashi could do anything it was to stop them before they became an issue onto themselves. Thus, there he sat, unapologetically willing to not say a word, not be friendly and generally be the "fixer" that the young minds needed. Letting out a yawn, his shuffled in his chair as he put his elbows on the arm rest and clasped his hands together. It probably didn't help his case that he was fully dressed in black ANBU attire with matching mask, but equally so, that definitely was keeping at least one or a few of them on their toes.

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
The man with the unique mask…the silent observer…Airi had always held a quiet interest in them. For one thing the person behind the mask never spoke. Even for Anbu that was especially uncharacteristic. When Airi had first been inducted into the Anbu training program she thought this person was a statue…only until the small little event met and the rules were given out did they leave. It shocked Airi so much she got to nicknaming the person Tero-zo since she had no idea what the person’s name even was. Now why was this person on her mind?

Well she heard the person had been in a meeting at the Torre not too long ago and thus might be in need of something. What that something was…well it was unclear. The man was a mystery so the Anbu in charge of Airi told her to go and tend to his needs. Anbu never asked questions of their orders they went and they performed perfectly. Airi did not complain nor did she wonder what would be required of her. As such she would simply be near them…making sure that if the person dare speak or give an order it would be carried out.

What she had not expected was this person watching new Anbu trainees. As she walked out in her blank mask and dark cloak she made sure to adjust her gloves. They were starting to get a little tight on her. Looking at the newer recruits Airi remembered how alone and fearful she was, determined to make sure they did not regret offering her the chance to initiate. Airi lost her name in the Anbu and was simply referred to as, ‘Nineteen’. It was her rank…which was pathetically low. Since then the only thing Airi did of note was a few B-rank missions and of course the escape from the dark zone…a place that Anbu trainees were thrown into to push them to their mental breaking point. Airi had escaped…though unconscious…which had earned her, her first real praise since joining. 'I haven't failed a mission yet and have never gotten close to breaking a law…I’ll keep my record pristine.'

‘It was extremely hard to impress Anbu…I need to not diminish that acknowledgement.’ As such she was now expecting any moment she might be thrown into a test to see if she qualified for Anbu. She had been a trainee now for over a year. Some nights she lay awake sleepless worried about it. Worrying did not prepare her though…and as such she had been training rigorously for the last few weeks not even having been given missions. 'Hence I can feel it coming, thank goodness my recent training had been so fruitful.'

Coming back to the present though she moved as silently as she could, she actually specialized in stealth so even for Anbu she might be considered fair enough at best. She would not be sneaking up on any Anbu Captains but Trainees and even a few Anbu themselves had not noticed Airi from time to time.

As she caught a yawn from the masked man she figured this was her opportune time to strike. She moved quickly and moved next the chair she added a small table place and set down a cup of dark black tea along with a small cup of black coffee. Airi silently set down a few things to edit the drinks as the person saw fit. Finally a few of the Coffee style pocky sticks that Byakko Yukkin used for his caffeine fix. Hopefully the selection would allow the masked man to indulge in whatever they would need to stay awake on this moon filled night.

Airi resumed her place back a few feet and continued to observe the masked individual before her. ‘I am not about to speak or even make a sound. No need to mess with his imagine. I am a simple trainee caretaker or messenger and nothing more.’ Thankfully she had trained in tea ceremonies before becoming a shinobi. ‘That really helped in not making the annoying clanking sound cups usually make when placing them.

Now she would simply wait and see if the man would need anything else this evening. Only time would tell and she would try her best to mimic a statue.

[Topic entered]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
She was quick, he'd give her that. The greatest irony was that they'd send her of all people, but Musashi wasn't about to break character for she who was technically one of his own. Instead, he welcomed the gesture, even if in her haste she accidentally placed the handle facing the opposite direction. For most others, that would be a point of demerit, but he wasn't as hard an edge as he let off, even when he was annoyed to be watching a bunch of young adults make a bunch of dumb young adult mistakes about their careers.

Moving to adjust the handle to his liking, he flipped his mask up as he blew over the liquid to cool it, and then took a sip, closing his eyes in satisfaction and slowly nodding his head in the universal sign of something being quite tasty. When at last he opened his eyes, the light in them danced with excitement before going back to a somewhat much more dull emotional state. Alive with chakra, they normally danced with a color akin to all those seen in the rainbow. Guard duty didn't lend itself to much excitement however, and no sooner had the color lit up in them, the nearly glowing color of them reverted back to a muted grassy color.

Flipping his mask down, he slightly bent over to pulled the notepad that was at his side and from his pocket he produced a red marker pen of sorts. Recognizing time of day, or lack thereof, he scribbled down a brief message and applied chakra to the ink in order to make it glow a neon red color.

~You make good tea. Who sent you and why?~

It would become rather apparent that he wasn't even remotely interested in the coffee but even if she didn't take the hint from his first choice, in time she would. Flipping the notepad around to show the girl the message, there was the first response of wanting to speak outright to her that he fought back against. Showing favoritism would probably land her in hot water with her peers, and in turn that would make her weak if she continued to expect such special treatment. So, for now, he'd continue on as if he didn't know who she was. There was no need to break character this early on.

As he waited on her response, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to catch some unfortunate buffoon of an AiT attempting to sneak a roll of toilet paper back into the dorm rooms. Snapping his free hands fingers, he pointed at the boy and then pointed back towards the bathrooms, indicating just where he expected the contraband to end back up, immediately. Surely they all should have known that he could multi-task, right? They'd all end up mopping floors or some other pointlessly mundane work if they continued to barely try to at least trick him.

OOC: I took a bit of a liberty with saying that the handle was adjusted the wrong way. Sorry about that, lol


Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Airi had her first mistake of the evening. Watching him reach and turn the handle she mentally slapped herself. ‘Of course I should have faced the cup handles towards them!’ Normally when serving a drink you did that, it made sense from an etiquette point of view. The issue here however was Airi had presented two drinks, not knowing which the person before her would prefer. As such she did not want them to assume that she intended for both to be taken. It was a coin flip that she had failed. ‘It’s okay though…I’ll get it right in the future.’ Airi had never been perfect, she worked hard and corrected herself. Meeting Tero-zo would be a learning experience that hopefully she would eventually master.

Airi made sure to look away as he sipped the drink, identities were kept secret for a reason. Even if Anbu were allowed to know of other Anbu for work related reasons…’If they wanted their identity known they would not wear a mask.’ Considering his superiority she made sure to respect their privacy and not be curious.

When his head nodded slightly her heart skipped a beat. ‘Thank you Mom for teaching how to make Tea!’ Tea crafting was an art which took her years to even get halfway decent at. Presentation was another…her mother had attract Maru by her performance based Tea ceremonies. ‘I’ll never be as good as her, but if I keep working at least I can design and brew Tea to appeal to as many people as I can.’ Thankfully they seemed satisfied and that was honestly a greater compliment than her earlier blunder. ‘Keep it up Airi!’ She chanted to herself.

He moved slightly then reached over to show her a glowing red note. Airi took this lead and assumed it was meant for her. As she came forward she dropped to one knee, she decided to approach from the same direction as the note pad, assuming this to be the side they would prefer.

She had to use all of her training and will power to not sqwee in delight at hearing, or well reading, that her tea was acceptable. ‘Black was clearly the right choice!’ He asked her who sent her and why. Airi paused for only a moment. Hesitation could lead to mistrust…plus it might make her seem incompetent or disloyal. She knew he was at least a Captain…

Softly one to ensure no one else heard her and two because for how quiet things were a normal voice might be a tad loud she answered. “The Anbu who sends me on missions sent me here, code name: Echo. They informed me you had come from the Torre Celeste and as such might need someone to run errands, send messages, or perform general services. They explained that it was unusual in your normal duties and since it was unusual you may have unusual requests and such they thought you might be in need of a shadow.” ‘Worst case this was simply another type of training but even Anbu probably were not privy to the things this man was allowed to know. They probably just sent me as a precaution.’

After a brief pause she saw his hand snap. He pointed to a newer trainee and then back to the bathroom. Airi did not hesitate, assuming that this was a test or command her body would suddenly flicker, almost like teleportation, away from the masked man and behind the youth. The boy was about as tall as she was…maybe slightly shorter but he was her junior by around three or so years. She grabbed his arm…twisted it and the pushed him back to where the masked man wanted the youth to go. While one hand had been firm, the other hand made sure he would not fall or react negatively and break his arm. She wanted to cause him temporary pain and a reminder…but not actually injure him. She had gotten hurt twice in her training in the Anbu and both times her training suffered to almost getting her removed.

‘Think idiot! You are not here to be stupid!’

Airi’s blank trainee mask gave no emotion, and the kid being the same rank as her probably only did not fight back because he also caught the masked man signal. The boy continued to returning the item. Without another second to waste Airi flickered back behind the masked man and once again resumed to her dropping down to a knee. Almost as if she had never left. The only tell was a very soft exhale and inhale that was repeating slightly. missable if not skilled, or at least she hoped. To rapidly open and close a chakra gate was still a test…nothing she had perfected. She was not a machine, it did exhaust her, but she needed to make it seem like nothing. Especially in front of the masked individual. Despite her heart beating, she attempted to remain unwavering.

No Ninjutsu was used, and while some might consider it impressive, many others still had many more powerful abilities. Her Taijutsu was, cute, probably by comparison but with continued work this would one day be extremely deadly. The young Hachimon trainee would wait for further notes or remain sentinel.

Using Body Flicker at Rank 1 twice
Opened and closes Sixth Gate: Gate of View.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Raising an eyebrow from behind his mask, Musashi let out an audible chuckle as he shook his head with an impressed nod of approval. Clapping his hands together he eased up into a more comfortable sitting position before going back to his notebook and writing another message on it. The girl had simply moved so fast that he hadn't been able to tell her that she wasn't needed for the attacking. Thankfully she hadn't totally demolished the boy but she'd probably scared him enough to the point that he might soon be using the toilet paper for himself instead of to prank others. Even more fortunately though, the boy hadn't felt challenged enough to start a fight in front of a senior ranking ANBU member. Had that happened, then Musashi would have been truly conflicted towards who's side to take, a position that he definitely didn't want to be in.

~It seems that my reputation proceeds me, but please, don't kneel before me. I put my pants on one leg at a time, the same as anybody.~

While it was true that he had just come from a meeting concerning who the next Raikage would be, it was extremely pompous of whoever ultimately approved of the girl being his attendant to actually do that without checking with him before she was approved for it. For one, the optics , even if they were in his own head, were bad. A young girl attending to the whims of a grown man? Very bad. There was also the fact that he was only covering things due to the lack of ANBU Captains at the moment, not that he was going to be here permanently, he'd worked doubles before. Then, there was the fact it just had to be her of all people. Somebody somewhere had sure better be getting a chuckle out of this. Not wishing to totally ignore the girl though, he opted for the "get to know you" phase of things. If they were going to be on watch together then there was no better place to begin. As strange as it was, Musashi just simply make it a habit to read everyone's records that ultimately reported to him in some way.

~Why the ANBU? I see that you're skilled but, one with your apparent skill set usually ends up on the front lines.~

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Airi took looked towards the message that was presented to her. She nodded behind the mask and quickly shifted so that she was standing. The fact that the pants message was added made Airi wonder…’Maybe...he is tired?’ Not in the physical sense but the mental sense.’ She had never heard of a Captain saying something along these lines. She shifted from one leg to the other as she turned her gaze to look at them. The person was now sitting more comfortably, perhaps what she had done was truly satisfying. As a side though...maybe this person wanted to relax and not feel as uptight. Anbu duties dictated the opposite of that but it was also weird, in her opinion, that a Captain would be watching a bunch of trainees. Perhaps this was their way of cutting back and easing out of tension.

He presented another message to her. One that caused her to sweat a little. Why the was true that shinobi did not have to accept to invite to become a trainee. When he mentioned that she was clearly skilled Airi looked at the massage and simply stared at it. ‘Huh..?’

Anbu never gave compliments unless it was really impressive...she had only heard praise once. The fact that this person called her as having apparent skill made her feel...uneasy. Normally she would be bubbly and bouncing but this, felt off to her. She needed to answer the question correctly,and already a second or two had passed by. He suspected that someone of her abilities would be on the front lines…’That means main branch right…?’ Recently she had been asked by her father to leave the Anbu and true enough she really was considering it, leaning that way, however...she was lingering. Maybe because it was here she got results and now two compliments...maybe the training is really what pushed her...who knew. At the end of the day though she wanted the best training for what she wanted.

‘When I turned Anbu I was going to join the Raikage guard…’

“I...wanted to protect people. I was weak, un-disciplined, I just barely got offered the invitation, hence my name. So i figured...maybe here. I can do the most good towards that goal. Body guarding...removing of threats…” Honestly, unless someone liked that it did feel like a weak answer. Not in the way she spoke it, trying to uphold confidence. To herself it felt a little cheap. ‘I really do not know why I am here, I’m just doing my best. Maybe it’s because I get told what to do I am here. Since I can’t seem to make a decision on my own.’

Thank goodness for the mask because everything she was thinking was written so clearly on her face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding, Musashi couldn't quite put his finger on it but he did find her answers to be more surface than deep. While not wrong or explicitly shocking, the words that the girl said seemed to lack the expected emotional weight and attachment. He needed to dig deeper, to learn much more in order to gage if the girl was truly interested in doing her due duty or if she was just coasting through life in expectation of something great and surprising to hit her in the face. Reflecting back on her words, there was a candor there, a candor that he could use to pick apart her reasoning before putting it back together again. Poking at it like a scab, he wrote oft spoken words for reflection, while expecting a very verbal response. Presenting the question to the girl, this would serve to be but the beginning of the test.

~My official call sign is "Trainee #126" and yet I'm one of the ANBU Captains. People are perplexed as to why I've kept such a moniker yet they respect my very real rank. The fact that I am not often caught speaking while on duty strikes fear into those that find themselves under my gaze and yet I do not strike with an assassins blade in the dark. What say you, Is it better to be feared or respected?~

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Airi behind her blank mask wore a face of shock and bewilderment. He kept the call sign of trainee number one-hundred twenty six? When you turned anbu usually you were given a call sign or if you performed really could pick your own. It was a weirdly specific thing he did. He was numbered in the hundred for whatever reason at the time and yet here he anbu captain. That was amazing in and of itself. Of course a call name meant very little for ability but still.

He was being...not infromal with her but he was wondering who...or more importantly what she was. Airi took in a breath and let it out and started to ponder his question.

What say you, Is it better to be feared or respected?...

Airi had been studying the history of the village. One of the people she read about inspired her was Raikage Shin. He was loved by most and was a very peaceful Raikage. He however was assassinated...he was respected…to be a person in a high rank you had to be had to be strong, and you needed to be someone who people would look at and go, they are a cool person but I never want to mess with their stuff.

“Ideally I would be both...but that’s not the question. Feared is what I would choose. Respect is just a weaker version of feared, maybe a nice way...but if people were to fear you. Then everyone else would be safe.”

Airi thought that was indeed the correct answer and one she was slowly adapting to herself. She would always want to be happy and loving but at the same time...she needed to be the big sister who the kids were scared of. A mother who could lay down the law if need be. You couldn’t always be smiling and happy and get everything that needed to get done. They were a military after all.

Airi nodded to herself confirming that this was how she felt. She already knew which one he held and for her she could safely say both.

Since he was asking questions Airi felt a often would she get this opportunity.

"Are you Satisfied with where you are and what you have become?" Happy was thew word she wanted to use but happy did not fit what it was she was really looking for. She wanted to know if where he was and what lead to it give him a sense that he overall made the right thing. Everyone has regrets, but were his sound?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to her answer and watching her body movements as she did so, Musashi took a deep breath in and then exhaled. The girl wasn't exactly wrong but he also knew that her being right wasn't exactly someething to be happy about either. The fact of the matter was that there had been far too many friendly-neighborhood-Kage who'd done their villages and their people more harm than good. Thoughts of his own reign, as long as it lasted and that of Shin were the imediate ones that came to mind, but there were also one's such as Yomi and even Ayumu. The "nice one's" often finished last and often found their work trampled on at some point or another.

It was true, respect was just a different version of fear, but Musashi wasn't one to back down from a philosophical fight. Ready to continue their little chat in the same direction, Musashi was pleasantly surprised to find that the girl had a question for him. Smirking from behind his mask, he immediately recognized within himself that his smirk was more about the sad embarrassment that he carried about how he'd once hoped his life to eventually turn out compared to what he now faced. There simply wasn't enough time in the day to explain it all, to tell her the stories that a grandfather might, to show her the pictures and relive the glory days. Sadly, the only time that he'd probably ever truly have for that would be when they were laying him to rest.

~No. I've lost, I've gained. I've been better and I've been worse. There was a time when I dreamed of what could be, and now I go to sleep knowing that things will forever be what they have been. You could say that my greatest and only joy is living for the next generation.~

Allowing the girl to see the paper, he then struck through those lines quite purposefully, an action that he rarely ever did when it came to his writing. Turning over to a new, crisp and blank page, he noticed the fact that the ink had bled through the page onto upper portion of the paper. Auspicious and unnerving, he then turned over to a new page. In much the same way, it often took many generations to fix the problems of a single bad one. Beginning to write on the paper, he then finally presented the girl with the second part of the test that he had for her.

~I need you to be better than the rest, than those that came before you. So I'm presenting you with an unusual exam of sorts. First, I need you to learn Ancient Kumogakurian and then second, I need you to journey abroad and learn the language of a people who are not your own. I know that you can do this because I speak six languages myself and trust me, it helps with negotiations. Finally, I need you to learn just a few medical jutsu, one or two that will help you to help others.

You were correct in a way, respect is just a different aspect of fear. That being said, there will always be someone stronger, faster, and with a bigger army, but knowledge . . . that is the truest power. So your exam is to learn, expand your horizons, meet people and learn the people. You'll only ever be a nail to someone's hammer unless you dare to be better and do better. Come back to me with those things completed and I'll do all in my power to see that you get promoted.~

That being said, Musashi leaned back in his chair, after presenting the task to the girl. she had a choice, to take it up and learn, or to stay put and be mediocre, only ever being someone's button to push. In the end, the choice was up to her, but they couldn't say that Musashi didn't try. His job these days was to protect and serve, and there could be no better way of protecting the village than to insure that the next generation would be able to properly do the same.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped.

I'm going to be out of the country for two weeks and I don't want to hold up a precious RP slot of yours.

OOC #2: Issuing a bit of a impromptu exam of sorts (as is my style). Musashi will hand write a letter of recognition for Airi (which is to say, request a promotion of her to full ANBU and Jounin) if she completes the following three task and returns back to him with proof.

1) Learning Ancient Kumo

2) Learning Bohemian (Iwagakure language / Stone Country) *I've requested Leaf permission with this but if it's not granted then simply learning some random nameless NPC language that has no consequence will suffice. This can be accomplished by doing an RP in an a country that isn't the Lightning Country.*

3) Learning at least one medical jutsu.

Leaf Council approved. If you need proof, speak to Uchiha Yukio. Treat learning Bohemian as you would learning Ancient Kumo in terms of content and general length. Leaf Council will need to approve your app of it so make it a good one!

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
To have loss and to have gained...the balance of the world is what he was speaking. Equal exchange was how the world worked, nothing was free and someone always lost even if they did not mind losing. He wrote of times he dreamed and times he went to sleep knowing whatever happened was forever engraved in time. The last part caused her to gasp just a little. His greatest joy is now living for the next generation. She felt a sense of joy there was a powerful adult working for them but at the same notion. ‘You...have your life left to live too. Do not forget to live your life to the fullest as well…’ She could not bring herself to say that out was not her place, not unless she herself became an Anbu Captain.

The next lines were written quickly but with so much written she was shocked when she noticed it would take her quite a bit of time to read what he wrote. He needed her to be better than the rest…’What does that mean…’ He wanted her to travel outside the city? Airi felt herself grow nervous.

He wanted her to go an Exam and learn. Languages and medical techniques. He wanted her to be the best at everything and not just well rounded. When he mentioned he knew six languages she could feel the pressure. I need to learn more than six languages huh?

He informed her that Knowledge was the truest power and that should be where she truly places her strengths. If she completed the goals set out to her...then she would be promoted. Airi felt a cold sweat start to build up...I thought my chuunin exam would be...different? Airi took in a breath and then was how to village would want her to serve. A...face for the shadows then?

Airi nodded, if this is what the great Anbu Captain would want, she would follow.

“As you decree it, It will be done.”

She was dismissed and as such Airi calmed herself and bowed before leaving. She too would need to prepare for the trip.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
