Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Revealed in the Mists of time [Open]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The evening itself felt crisp, as if the air was heavy with unspent rain mixed with the subtle dryness of a typical Konoha evening. The wind played gently with the reeds that surrounded the outdoor hot springs, providing a soothing resonance to what would otherwise be a simple night.

The lovers that often found themselves in this part of town had drifted home, as had the myriad of attendees and onlookers, leaving a solitary figure alone, standing on top of the water within the hot springs.

Steam, visible due to the coldness of the night-time air, wound like snakes around the young man as he danced some strange kata, cutting the mist with his hands in what appeared to be a one-sided battle. His clothing was a simple white robe, heavy with moisture, that clung to his frame, seemingly dragging him down as he went through the motions. It sagged beneath his arms, giving the appearance of a drowning bird, flapping away in its death throes.

His hands seemed to be sculpting the mist, moving it this way and that, so it became even more snake-like, even alive, in the cold air as it tried to ascend. The casual observer would see that this figure seemed to be fixated on the movement of the mist, casually stopping to watch it wind upwards and out of sight. A more vigilant observer would notice a small wooden puppet, seemingly sat down on a nearby bench, as if to watch over this strange dancer.

The man span, the arms of his robes flaying outwards, flicking a small amount of water over the puppet, causing it to topple over. A wry smile appeared on porcelain features.

“Well I’m not the only one looking stupid now Mikki”.

The pair would then return, one to his studies, the other to his observation and criticism.

MFT - W/C 311


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The condensation in the night air coiled around the shadow (ooc: active camo) as it drifted swiftly across the rooftops. His mind was bent to the task of mentally mapping the topography as well as the buildings and locations of Konoha. For the time being he was a guest of the Hokage but his experience of the shinobi world dictated that the whims of those in power were capricious at best... Today a guest, but tomorrow...

His well trained ears picked up the sound of damp material moving through the air in the seemingly abandoned hot-springs. He drifted up the side of the wall, looking into the steam filled springs. The mans movements were very familiar, following a kata that his his teacher, his adopted father had taught him to control his chakra flow. He had told him that the kata had been developed by his younger brother many years ago. His brother was dead though, so who was this man now using a kata of the Myakashi clan.

A small, wooden marionette sat in a passive position as if observing the movements. Water droplets knocked the puppet over. As the man correct the puppet he spoke words that caused the silent observer to decide on his next course of action.

“Well I’m not the only one looking stupid now Mikki”.<i></i> He spoke the words casually before continuing the motions of the kata.

Miki!?! Who is this man, did Master Hirato's brother have a son?<i></i>

Mist spiralled around his body as he lowered himself slowly through the air, stopping inches above the water of the spring. He continued in the movements of the kata, his active camouflage stopped and he became completely visible to the man, puppeting the kata to completion. As the performance came to an end he spoke for the first time to the man... "...You are Myakashi... You are with Miki... Who are you?<i></i>

[ooc: topic joined with Yong]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Mizu to kūki. Sora kara kumo made chikyū e no kumo. Chikyū kara hi. Hi kara kaze e. Mizu ni kaze o ateru. Misuto wa subete o hoji shite imasu".

(Water to air. Air to Cloud. Cloud to Earth. Earth to Fire. Fire to Wind. Wind to Water. The Mist holds all.)​

Even those whose life has been balanced on the edge of fate are surprised at times.

He span, his right arm going high as his hand etched out Monkey-Ram-Monkey-Fire, as his left rapidly moved into the Rooster, Horse, Tiger, Horse – a supposedly forgotten technique, merging two elements into one. Lost in the midst of the well-worn kata of his own making, Migoya failed in the most basic skill for a shinobi – detection. Admittedly, it was only for a split second but it was enough for the boy to get close to him - close enough to strike.

Migoya turned and faced… it could not be! Crimson eyes widened as he took in the sight of his brother’s armour – his dead brother’s armour – finishing the complicated jutsu. His jutsu – the one he had taught Yong so many years before. The two, so unalike finished the kata together as if mirroring each other across the hot spring, the boy seemingly able to float on the surface of the water.

<COLOR color="#408040">"...You are Myakashi... You are with Miki... Who are you?”.

Myakashi Migoya was used to many things, but being lost for words and trembling with… was it fear… was certainly not one of them. This momentary lapse of concentration caused the man to flail his wet arms, sinking into the hot spring. His head went under the hot water, and for a moment it seemed he was alone.

Yong… YONG… why is he here? What measure of hell is this? My brother… he is at rest and now…

Gritting his teeth, Myakashi Migoya centered himself. He stated that he was Myakashi… and he knew Mikki. This boy MUST be Yong. No-one else would know those things.

He rose from the water slowly, floating up until his feet stood strongly on the waters surface. Gone was the comical façade, replaced by someone who had a strange presence about himself, an almost unearthly confidence. His white hair was plastered around his pale face, accentuating the deep crimson eyes that now looked quite dangerous, yet viewed the boy with... righteous affection.

“Yong… is that you? Why does your spirit haunt me? Tell me the one who summoned you and they will quickly find themselves in some obscure level of hell, feasted upon by Shinigami for eternity.”

MFT: 389


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The fire in his eyes... Is this man Migoya? How can this be?<i></i>

Yong took in the true appearance of the man for the first time, he looked younger than Yong by a few years, his white skin and red eyes . Hirato had told many stories of the two brothers escapades, all had involved the mischievous puppet Miki. The stories were from his fathers youth though, how could this man be Migoya? He scanned his memory attempting to recall every detail that he had seen in Hirato's limited photo collection...

"...I am sorry to have startled you, it was not my intention. You are Myakashi Migoya, I can see it now in the fire in your eyes."<i></i> Yong slowly removed his mask so as to not cause alarm, the face beneath would be unfamiliar to the young looking albino, "I am no phantom Ojisan... Your brother still lives... I am his son... I carry his name and wear his armour..."<i></i>

Young lowered himself to the waters surface and took a step towards the man, shaking his head slightly in confusion "But how can this be? He thought you died in the samurai occupation along with so many others. He has mourned you all these years Ojisan... For forty five years he thought you dead!"<i></i>

For the first time the armoured shinobi concentrated his chakra to focus on Migoya's shadow-self, it was strange somehow, as if at odds with multiple other shadows being suppressed by Migoya's dominant spirit. Confusion came over the mans countenance once more, "Are you... Have you... What are you Ojisan?<i></i>
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Not a ghost then. Good. Time to take control.

“No offense taken... Yong, is it? Yes, you are correct. I am Migoya of the clan Myakashi, and that - thing - over there is Mikki. How you know that is… interesting, for either you are my brother’s son, or you are a very good lier - the best yet in fact. The fact you did not attack me whilst my guard was down does suggest… but perhaps… in any event, I hope you are who you say you are, else…”

Migoya’s words were disjointed, static, as if he was calculating numerous possibilities and discounting them verbally. Or perhaps he was goading this Yong into coming to his own conclusions. His red eyes flickered for a second before resting once again on ‘Yong’. The boy had removed his mask, and the face he saw was not similar to Yong’s. The boy however had Yong’s determination and drive etched over his face - no emotion, no tells of deceit. Whoever trained him had been excellent. And even if the boy had killed Yong and taken his armour, it spoke volumes as to his skill level. Migoya would have to play this one carefully.

He smirked as he slowly made his way towards the bank of the hotspring, his gaze never leaving the boy.

“You say my brother is alive? How is this possible… I have spent years searching for any sign of him. Not a word, nor a whisper. 45 years...”, Migoya stated, a tone of pain in his voice, carefully inserted. He was always a slippery one.. If indeed what the boy says is true.

Migoya saw the boy start to shake his head in confusion - a moment of weakness. Perhaps a change in tactic.

“I… I mourned him too. I still do. I remember making his favourite dandelion tea, and practicing until our hands bled. I taught him ANBU justu, he showed me the fine arts of the med-nin. I remember the day he left.. We saw what was going to happen to the village - he went to save it outside, and I stayed to try to… well it didn't go well. Oh how I miss him.” Migoya said, shaking his head slowly as if trying to stave of unwelcome tears.

His gaze then returned to Yong as he stopped walking on the hotsprings surface, as he turned and gave a slight bow towards the boy. “If you speak true, Yong… Oi-san, then I would humbly ask that you take me to him. We have both shared more than enough pain.” A possible trap indeed, but… could it be true?

Turning and once again walking out of the hotspring, Migoya shrugged off the wet robe, letting it fall to the ground as he reached towards a small knapsack, hung over the side of the seat that Mikki was propped up on. Yong had posted a question - one that he had never been asked by others in the village, even though he looked the same as he did 45 years previous.

His pale white skin of his torso bore the marks of cuts, a mixture of both long gashes and almost imperceptible lines, crossing his back like a roadmap. Quickly, Migoya pulled on a blue overshirt.

“I am… complicated Yong. And if you are indeed the son of my brother, that would make you complicated as well, albeit in a different way. I suppose you are hungry and my home is not far from here. Please, tell me your tale on the way and, most importantly”.

The crimson stare now bore into the boy.

“Tell me where my brother is.”

MFT - 559


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Another test... Always another test...</B><i></i>

Yong followed Migoya to the edge of the hotspring, maintaining eye contact with the albino. He chuckled slightly as Migoya spoke of his lack of attack whilst his guard was down. "Ojisan... The skills I have learnt under the tutelage of my father means my victims guard is always down, if I so choose. Your brother taught me well."<i></i>

Migoya continued to talk, “You say my brother is alive? How is this possible… I have spent years searching for any sign of him. Not a word, nor a whisper. 45 years...”

“I… I mourned him too. I still do. I remember making his favourite dandelion tea, and practicing until our hands bled. I taught him ANBU justu, he showed me the fine arts of the med-nin. I remember the day he left.. We saw what was going to happen to the village - he went to save it outside, and I stayed to try to… well it didn't go well. Oh how I miss him.”

Yong hesitated for a moment before responding, "He is Hirato Yong, the haunter in darkness... He cannot be found if he does not wish to be. He still speaks of you constantly Migoya-san and I am sure the two of you will have many stories to tell each other, and I am sure they will contain more truth than the spiel you just gave me... Though the years have not been as kind to him as they have been to you I am sure the two of you will have many more stories to tell before the end of your days..."<i></i>

“If you speak true, Yong… Oi-san, then I would humbly ask that you take me to him. We have both shared more than enough pain.”

His keen eyes took detailed note of the scars crossing Migoya's back, Those scars? They do not look like battle wounds... Nor the signature left by the lash like my back once bore... No, they look surgical! What is he?<i></i>

Migoya seemed to notice his focus on the scars as he placed a new, dry shirt on. He now obviously felt it time to address Yong's question from earlier, though not answer it.
“I am… complicated Yong. And if you are indeed the son of my brother, that would make you complicated as well, albeit in a different way. I suppose you are hungry and my home is not far from here. Please, tell me your tale on the way and, most importantly... Tell me where my brother is."

He gave a genuine smile, not forced or fake in any way as he nodded at the invitation to eat and share his story. <B>"He once referred to it as your 'Experimental Training Facility 4' Ojisan... But now we simply call it home."

His father would be overjoyed to see his brother alive and well after so many years, he just hoped the shock would not cause a heart attack...
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
[OOC: I’m ‘moving’ the characters - please let me know if that’s an issue!]

Reaching over to place a dry, warm brown robe on, followed by the pouch and picking up the strange puppet, Migoya nodded at the boys response.

Smirking at the boy, Migoya stated pointedly. “Yong was always skilled in battle, the best I’ve seen in fact, a trait I hope he indeed passed to you.” You will need it little one if you are not who you say you are.

Indeed, Migoya started to lead the boy to the Myakashi base, here in Konoha. The pair would pass the neat buildings of Oak Street, gradually heading towards the ‘industrial’ area - and what would pass as the ‘slums of Konoha’. Overcrowded buildings, remnants of the samurai occupation - probably barracks - lined the streets, covered with drying clothing waving in the cool Konoha night air. Strange smells would greet the pair as they walked, sometimes in silence. They turned into a small alleyway.

A woman's harsh voice screeched through the night. “Migo-kun. What you doing out so late? Oh - you have a friend. Is that a lady - about time you settled down. I was telling Siska the other day that you are getting to that age when you need to settle down. She told me that...”.

“Evening Yuuka-san. This is a new friend, coming to visit. I’ll be sure to get that fungus cream you asked for”. Migoya interrupted, smirking.

The woman looked at him, rolling her eyes as she slipped back into her window.

It was an effective tool to let his people know that a stranger was coming amongst them, and to be on guard. One of the many simple tools of the Myakashi.

Migoya and Yong would speak briefly as they continued the walk, with Yong artfully addressing the ‘untruths’ Migoya had carefully placed into his emotional story - a ploy. And he had even gone one step further - calling the bluff, but not fixing that bluff with the truth. Oh he is good… He mentioned the stories they would share, and that the years had not been kind to him. I bet he’s got fat on all that sugar he puts into his tea… if this story is true.

The mood had changed, as Migoya had intended as they neared his own ‘home’.

“….Tell me where my brother is”.

Migoya noted the honest smile - extremely difficult to fake.

"He once referred to it as your 'Experimental Training Facility 4' Ojisan... But now we simply call it home."

Migoya stopped abruptly, closing his eyes as if in deep thought, or needing a mental reprieve at the news he had just heard.

No-one but Yong would know that. The boy… the boy is… it is true.

He turned to face the boy, his own features showing a fierce attempt at holding back emotion. His crimson eyes started to brim with unwanted tears, which Migoya seemed to be annoyed at, but the emotion was bubbling over. His voice wavered.

“So… so he is alive. After all this time. I am sorry Yong - Oni-san for my distrust. There has been many who have used your father against me through the years, and I had to make sure. And I couldn't leave...”

His jaw clenched as he looked away from the boy, hating the fact that he was emotional, but overjoyed at the news that he had only dreamed of. The only person who he truly loved, apart from Mikki, had come back from the dead. How does one express such joy.

Migoya laughed, truly laughed - something he had not done for many, many years.

He rushed over, picking up the young man (OOC: if permitted) and looked up at him with a wide smile. “I don’t think you realise what you have just done, Oni-san. Every plot, every ploy to try.. Ahem”. Migoya put the boy down, looking a bit sheepish and rolling his eyes. “Perhaps this is not the place”.

He chuckled, a strange sound to his own ears, as he affectionately put a hand on the boys shoulder. Almost immediately the puppet, Mikki, seemed to clamber down Migoya’s arm onto the young boy’s shoulder, resting a wooden hand on his head. Did Migoya do that?

“Mikki - Yong. Yong - Mikki”.

Migoya smiled down at the pair, as if looking back in time when Mikki rested on that same armoured shoulder, taunting Hirato Yong.

“Oh - and Myakashi - stand down”.

Not a sound could be heard, but it would feel as if many eyes would no longer stare at the pair. Migoya gestured towards a standard, unadorned building and smiled. “Yong - welcome to my home. Well - we have more… resources elsewhere, but this serves. Come in, Ill make some tea - better tea than that crap Yong makes! Sit, and tell me your tale.”, he chuckled.


MFT - WC 805


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The two men began their short trek to the Myakashi's house. The woman's words were cut short by some sort of code phrase from the Albino. Though it was a rocky start Yong could tell that by the time they had arrived at Migoya's home he had said the right things to gain his companions trust.

He removed his shoes and placed them, along with his mask, on the ground next to the door. Breathed deeply before taking a seat on the offered floor mat beside the low tea table. He would start a brief story of his life whilst Migoya began making some tea.

"My story, I have learnt, starts very similar to most of the Myakashi... I was born in a stereotypical village on the outskirts of the Land of Fire. My mother died when I was four due to complications during childbirth, the child also died. My genetic father was an absentee most of my young life, he was a cart driver... deliveries and such... I only ever saw him sober once, three days before the date I am pretty sure was close to my 12th birthday, which, coincidentally coincided very intimately with my sale into slavery... 'Indentured Servitude'... My 'father' was also, coincidentally, cleared of all his gambling debts around the same time, how stereotypical..."<i></i>

"I was a slave for five years before I learnt how to escape. I was pursued by several of the facilities patrons as well as the house guards... I ran for days, but I was spent... My last thoughts were 'If I'm going to die, I can at least take a few of them to hell with me..."<i></i>

Migoya poured the sweet smelling tea into a waiting teacup, Yong bowed slightly in thanks before taking his first sip of the tea. He nodded subconsciously as the rich flavour saturated his taste buds.

"It is good tea Migoya-san... To continue my story, I took a few of them down but I was injured quite badly in the exchange, these were mostly shinobi after all. I found a place to lick my wounds and attempt a last stand."<i></i>

"That is when..."<i></i> Yong paused long enough to take another quick sip.

"I was surrounded by five or six shinobi in the end, more only moments away. All of a sudden a scruffy old hermit waddles blissfully between the predators and their wounded prey... He looks up for the first time when directly in front of me, he flashes me a smile before turning his gaze to the shinobi, he only said one sentence and he had a confused audience on all sides... 'Do you boys remember rule number one?' I swear it was minutes before the confused shinobi finally responded... 'Fu'k dis' I'm just gonna skag 'im' followed by an expertly thrown fuma shuriken. The blade stopped inches away from its target, slowly spinning on its axis as the old hermit, who stunk by the way, looked at it with curious old eyes, as if he had never seen anything like it... Then, very suddenly the shuriken flew through the air, like a hedge trimmer, straight into the first guy... And kept going... It became quite a mess as body parts, some vital, began to mingle with other, very similar, body parts... From various donors."<i></i>

"I thought they were all dead in that one instant but I was wrong. From the pile of bodies a man was lifted out by an unseen force and dragged to the waiting hermit. The guy was very nearly completely intact, only missing his right forearm and his left ear... Now the hermit, Yong obviously by this point of the story, smiles at the guy and says 'You should go and tell your friends about rule number one." And just like that the dude drops to the ground and runs away like a rabbit runs from a fox..."<i></i>

"Then the arrogant sod turns to me and says, 'Welcome to the family...' Last thing I remember before passing out from exhaustion."<i></i> He took another sip of the tea.

"When I woke I was on a bedroll in the middle of a temple... Or dojo... I'm still unsure of its intended purpose after all these years. When he saw that I was awake he walked over to me, a lot less bend in his back and a strange grace is his walk, he gave me a smile before stating 'It's good to see you awake boy. It was touch and go there for a while...' He looked at me in a mocking way. I looked at him in confusion before remember what had transpired before my departure into the blissful land of the unconscious dreamer."<i></i>

"My hands instinctually moved in panic to my injured body... But there was no pain, nore deep gashes that should, by right, still be there. In their place was perfect, unblemished skin... Good as new."<i></i>

"I managed to stammer out a sentence, 'how many months have I been out!?!' Or something to that effect. The cocky bastard gives me a conspiratorial grin, 'About thirteen minutes I think... Yes, thirteen minutes and seventeen seconds to be exact...'"<i></i> He laughed slightly in recollection, giving Migoya a big smile to accompany the memory.

"He had managed to scoop me up, take me to a safe place and heal my wounds to fresh skin in thirteen minutes. I was very impressed until I later learnt that the rocks I had been taking cover behind were only feet from the entrance to the 'lab' he was staying in at the time... Still his healing jinchuriki chakra is astounding."<i></i>

"He taught me the arts of the shinobi as well as the discipline of the Myakashi. After ten years of playing the roles of student and teacher he told me my training under him was complete... Gave me his armour and his name and we trundled off towards leaf together. On the way we met two Konoha Anbu, though I did not know that at the time. Apparently they had been his 'AIT' students at the time of his peaceful departure from the village. Yong suggests a bout between his new student and his old ones, bets his freedom on the outcome... Hisao... Doku... You might know them... Those were some intense fights, for old guys anyway."<i></i>

"What next..."<i></i>

"I had tea by a lake with a dragon..."<i></i>

"I saw a young shinobi of Konohagakure murder his brother with multiple techniques usually reserved for a number of different great bloodlines..."<i></i>

"His brothers corpse is where it gets interesting. I am watching the cadaver for days, expecting a clean up crew from Konoha to collect the body but none came. Day 4 and a 'young' human puppet from Konoha gut the corpse and crudely turn it to wood. I saw my opening to make my way into the village. But lady fortune was in a good mood that day as it so happened that the Hokage, a crony and a 'ninja' up a tree, come to investigate the body or follow the puppet or something. I managed to obtain invitation into your village where, upon arrival at your gates the Hokage suggested I visit the village before meeting him at his home. That was earlier this afternoon."<i></i>

"I was exploring, I found you, and now you are up to date..."<i></i>

Yong drained the tea, placing the cup gently down on the table.

"Now what about you Myakashi Migoya... Why is it you look like you could be five years my younger?"<i></i>
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya continued to fuss over the tea as Yong started his story. It was a fantastic tale to be sure.

“Unfortunately it is an all-too common story. Forgive me – please continue”, Migoya responded at Yong's unfortunate upbringing and selling into slavery.

Migoya poured the tea, a blend of his own that would change flavour the longer a person left it on his tongue, into Yong’s cup, smiling as the boy sipped it.

He listened carefully at Yong’s story, taking in the small but significant information that certified Hirato Yong’s place in this young man’s life. The jutsu he used, the fact that he knew he was a jinchuriki… precious few knew that. Migoya returned the smile the Yong gave. Yong was, well is, such a smart arse.

Yong continued he tale, mentioning two new parties – Hisao and Doku. Migoya had a fleeting memory of these two young AiT trainees Yong had spoken about, but he hadn’t spent any time with them, focused as he was at that time on his medical training. He had tried to watch over them when Yong had left, but it was not much later that Konoha had been invaded, and well, the rest was history.

The chance that they had met each other after so long was far too coincidental. It must be fate.

The story contined.

A Dragon? There was no such thing, unless you disregarded the words of the God Ryoma.

A murder… this… this could be useful.

A human puppet… Migoya had ‘heard’ rumors, after all he was a master puppeteer, but to become a puppet? How odd. Then the Hokage and some guys turned up… Hmm… Convienient. And now Yong was in the village…

One more piece of the puzzle.

"Now what about you Myakashi Migoya... Why is it you look like you could be five years my younger?"

Migoya chuckled as he reached over to take Yong’s cup, turning to walk towards the teapot.

“So you see a dragon, and a human puppet… and the fact that I look younger than you is strange?”, Migoya said full of mirth. “But no… its not my age that concerns you. You saw something else, didn’t you?”

Migoya turned, the cup now full again with hot tea. His eyes settled on this strange young man, as if sizing him up.

“Very well. You have been honest with me…”

Suddenly, Migoya’s hand shot out, propelled by what seemed to be thousands of thin, white ropes. His hand stopped right in front of Yong, and placed the cup of tea down. Migoya looked at the boy, watching for any reaction, as he retracted his hand.

“So Ill be honest with you. At the time of the invasion of Konoha, I was working at the hospital – it was called that back then. Healing up the wounded, that sort of thing. Well, once the explosions began, I, well, had a building fall on me. To sum it up, I too met a dragon – well she was like one. She used a forbidden technique – a medical technique – called ‘Earth, Grudge, Fear’. Essentially all of my vital organs were replaced with these.” To emphasise his point, Migoya caused several of these ‘fibers’ to come out of his fingertips and wave around.

“So, in essence I am Immortal. An effective ‘ragdoll’, full of these things. Oh, they have their benefits – I can reach the top shelf, I don’t get sick. But… sometimes… Nevermind. I am an old man rambling.”

Migoya stopped for a second, as if lost in thought. He sat down next to Yong, his eyes never leaving the young man.

“But enough about me. You’ve said that the Hokage wishes to speak with you. Good. It might sound strange, but I do not believe in luck – life tends to offer us opportunities and we need to grab them”. Migoya grew more serious, and it was clear his mind was working overtime.

“Yong gave you our name, Myakashi, and from what I can see he has taught you our ways. But there are still lessons you need to learn, ones you could not if you remain outside a village. Skills like manipulation, espionage, and how to work for the benefit of society as a whole.”

“Our clan, admittedly, works on the sidelines for the benefit of the disadvantaged, using them in an effort to elevate them out of their respective place in life. Teach a man to fish… etc. But at times we need to step out of the shadows in order to protect the greater good. That time is now.”
Migoya added with a serious nod.

“And, although we always value all of those that choose to join our clan, we are in need of those that can defend our practices. Strong individuals. Capable individuals”

“So, to put it bluntly Myakashi Yong, your clan needs you. We need you to take your place here, in Konohagakure, with your family. I would ask Hirato Yong to return, but… I understand his reasons for leaving, and it will not stop me from visiting. Plus… he might like what Ive done with Crater City.”

“My offer is simple. I will continue your training – not in Ninjutsu or Taijutsu or Genjutsu – I am sure you excel in all of those things. No… now you need a different sort of education....”

“I will teach you… revenge.”

Migoya lent back on the chair, arching his hands stereotypically.

“The Hokage will ask for you to join the village, or he will attack you. Relate your story, as you did to me, though do not mention Hirato Yong as your saviour. State you are a member of clan Myakashi – it will be no lie. Explain that you are highly trained, and that you wish to be of service to the village. He is not stupid however – do not lie to him. I will stand with you nephew should the need arise, but this Hokage is no fool, nor is his Sennin. State that you would like to work with me, or…” Migoya smirked deeply, “The ANBU... I am serious - their training and focus is admirable, if misguided and... lacking. It will also give us access. Relate your story about the murder you witnessed - there is no reason for you to lie and it will show your concern..."

Migoya put a pale hand forward, his eyes never leaving or blinking as they rested on Yong. His smile was sad, and almost hinted at a measure of regret.

“You have a sudden and difficult choice ahead of you young Myakashi. I do not envy you. To be free, but bound by that freedom, or to be caged and work against that bind to find newfound strength”.

The hand was offered.

“So, Oni-san, will you join this village and work with me to bring the Myakashi to new heights?”

WC: 1069


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
He watched the man with vested interest in hopes that an explanation of the Migoya's youthful appearance, as well as his unusual 'shadow', would be forthcoming...

A wide grin came over his face as Migoya revealed the secret of both his youthful appearance and his 'shadow' in a most unexpected way. Yong shook his head slightly, the grin still present as he lifted the freshly filled cup to his lips. He placed the cup gently back onto the table, "Earth, Grudge, Fear... Immortal... What a family we have..."<i></i>

At the mention of family Migoya took a seat next to him, as his tone turned serious again. Yong listened to the offer, suggestion and request put forward to him by the leader of the Myakashi in Konoha. "I would gladly learn anything you are willing to teach me Ojisan."<i></i>

Migoya then spoke of the Hokage and their planned meeting, speaking of hard decisions to come. "Truth be told... I have my suspicions that my joining the village may have been Father's intention. This is no great decision Ojisan..."<i></i>

Yong took the offered hand in his own, figuratively sealing the deal. "For the Myakashi I will do what I must."<i></i>
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya took the proffered hand, holding it for a second. A strange warmth would flow from his hands - as if he had been rubbing them together for some time. It certainly was not innocuous, just yet another strange result from his… condition.

“Thank you Miyakashi Yong. Your father, Yong, was always a thinker, though sending you here had its risks. He must have great faith in you, and as such I will to.”
Migoya let go of the hand, briefly scanning the room as a matter of habit, before resting his eyes once again on Yong.

“Since Yongs departure, much of the Myakashi has changed. Previously we were ‘symbiotically’ connected with the Jinkotsu, a criminal organisation that was, for the most part, destroyed when Konoha was attacked by the Daimyo. After my detainment, I returned and aided one of them in establishing order. Certainly, this involved some… heavy handed work, mostly muscling the various street gangs into some sort of cohesive group. They ran illegal activities here, mostly supported by the Samurai on the hush hush, but when Konoha was rightfully taken back, I made my own move.”

Migoya smirked at the memory. “Having all the gangs together provided the easiest method of destroying them in one place. One small explosion, easily done when the village was being attacked… and the subjugated of the village were freed. No more need for brothels, or slavery. I have moved any illegal activity outside of the village, though nothing too bad - simple relocation of assets from those who do not need it to those who do. It is… good business practice. The Jinkotsu, at least their remnants, operate there and we tend to leave them to their own devices. For now”.

“Here in Konoha we generate our income through a tithe system - each Myakashi donates one tenth of their income, and as such we are able to distribute it equally amongst ourselves. Though our domiciles look simple, none of us go without. Our clan is loyal to one another, and most important of all, remain in the shadows. That is we did, until recently”.

Migoya stood slowly, clapping his hands together sharply three times. An elderly woman, kind faced, entered the room. “Sorry for the clapping Hyroshi-sama. I was wondering if we could get most of the clan together for a quick announcement? Bring the best Sake. Thank you”. Migoya spoke respectfully to this woman, even though he was giving a request.

Time would pass quickly as several figures would emerge from almost undetectable and moveable walls. Men, women and children, some recognisable from outside, would enter the dining room. They would look at Yong and smile - another member of the family. They were dressed simply, but now seemed to stand a bit taller, a bit more confidently, as if what they were when outside was simply an act. The truth is, it was.

Migoya bowed to them in turn, raising an arm in order to get their attention.

“My dear family, I have some news to share, but first… I have spoken with the main branch Sennin, indicating that I, and by extension our family, are willing to work with Konoha in the area of Intelligence gathering. This will provide us with the opportunity to spread our influence, our ideals, to other countries and in return make a healthy profit”.

Several of the Myakashi nodded. Some looked concerned, but slowly they came to understand.

“Naturally he is suspicious, and in turn so will the Hokage be, and, in typical fashion, any subordinates he will charge with finding information out about us. Whilst we undertake no overt activities here in Konoha, I expect them to try to conduct surveillance of our facilities and homes in a vain effort to try and put a label on us. It is time to run counter surveillance.”

Migoya scanned the room, his eyes resting on each of his family in turn.

“I would ask that you comply with any requests they make to search your homes, if they are that foolishly overt. Get details - descriptions - of those that do, especially if they are ANBU. Record what they ask - it will give us a suggestion as to what they are looking for.”

“If they are clever, and I do hope they are, be truthful in your answers as we have nothing to hide. “

The room filled with chuckles.

“This is an opportunity my brothers and sisters, though if they are foolish enough to pass on it, it is their loss, not ours”.

Migoya noticed that Hyroshi had returned, and motioned for her to provide sake to the adults in the room. Each took a cup, and one was placed before Yong.

“But enough of business. I have received news that my brother, Hirato Yong, is alive and well. This brings great joy to my hearts”. Another chuckle erupted. “And furthermore, this is his adopted son. Let us welcome Myakashi Yong into our homes, and into our blood”.

Smiling, Migoya raised a cup, not of tea but of sake.

“To our brother Yong!”

Drinks would be raised, and voices would become one as several of the unwanted and angry of Konoha placed kind hands on the shoulders of their new brother.

“Speech, speech speech!”

WC: 870


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong listened intently whilst Migoya explain the Myakashi's actions during the Samurai occupation. "Very clever Ojisan... Your brother thought his clan died like so many others. He will be so happy to know you survived."<i></i>

Migoya clapped his hands sharply moments before a kind looking old lady entered. He respectfully requested for her to summon the family as well as 'the best' sake. As people filed into the room Yong would greet them with a warm smile and return any nods or bows that were offered. Once the room had filled with family, Migoya spoke of a change in the families roll within and outside of the village before introducing him...

"But enough of business. I have received news that my brother, Hirato Yong, is alive and well. This brings great joy to my hearts. And furthermore, this is his adopted son. Let us welcome Myakashi Yong into our homes, and into our blood”.

Yong raised his cup with the others.

"To our brother Yong!" Migoya's voice was joined by the rest of the family... Yong responded "To the Myakashi!"<i></i>

Greetings were given before the request for a speech.

Yong stood and cleared his voice, his eyes moved from face to face as he began to speak, "I am not one for speeches so please forgive me. But know it warms my heart to see our Myakashi alive and well, I feel like I..."<i></i> As his eyes moved from person to person, memorising faces. His eyes locked with those of a young woman, her raven hair and porcelain skin... She gave him a smile and his words faltered. He smiled back, his face involuntary blushing as his voice stammered. "...I feel... Like I..."<i></i> He had lost his train of thought, he smiled at her once more. "...The blood that runs through my veins may not be your blood but my soul is Myakashi... My mind is Myakashi... My might is Myakashi... The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"<i></i> His voice resonated with power, though it had not increased in volume.

He would spend the rest of the night in the company of his new family, getting to know each individual as well as he could. He would take Migoya to see his brother once his meeting with the Hokage had ended. Untill then though, he would be at home here... Maybe even build up the courage to talk to 'her'.

[ooc: Topic left with Migoya]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya relaxed back onto his simple wooden chair, watching as his clanmates introduced themselves to his new nephew. It was the purpose of the clan - to join those together who had lost so much and put them to use. Certainly there were many that did not understand that purpose, but it was their ignorance, and not Migoya's job to enlighten them.

A wry smirk formed on his face as he saw Yong catch the eye of one of his clan... Watch out nephew. She is not one to be trifled with! Still - loyalty was one thing, and the only thing stronger for the noble was love. If the two were found together, Yong here would be... ideal. Nodding towards his nephew as the night wore on, Migoya would excuse himself. He enjoyed the company of his family, but there was a certain... mystique he had to maintain, and he disdained enjoying himself. The pair, Migoya and Mikki, soon found themselves alone.

Can we trust him Migoya? I mean... hes got Yongs armour and stuff, but will he be loyal?, came the familiar impression from Mikki, who now moved around to sit more comfortably on Migoya's shoulder.

Migoya looked down to his erstwhile companion. "We shall see Mikki. But he is the link back to Yong - we must play our cards right for the time being. I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is one piece in a greater puzzle - one that Kirin has planned".

Mikki nodded as the pair entered the tunnels that lead deep beneath Konoha - Migoya's true haven.


[OOC: Topic Left! I nearly forgot!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
