Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Rite of Passage [Gasu]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

One must survive the trials set by three of the clans elders. The trials have never been the same as another for over 40 years but all test one's body, will, and spirit... sometimes mind... that of course was a rarity considering that this was a clan of might and strength. Gasu was given his coordinates to where he would be meeting his shepherd or proctor if you will. A woman by the name Ryujin Koyoko. Like him it would be her first time with exception that she was administering the trail and he was taking the trial. Along with the coordinates, he was given specific instructions of things to bring and do. He was specifically instructed to be on time, 6am sharp, to not eat because the trails are so rigorous that we don't want his breakfast all over the floors, and to come fully armed for battle. During these trials, he will be facing his worst fears and conquering them. The flames of the Ryujin will cleanse his body so that he maybe reborn into a dragon. Once Gasu arrived, he would see a dark haired woman at the top of a pillar of stairs. She wore the colors of the clan, a dark red like blood and in her hand a massive blade the length of her body.

"Welcome Gasu... My name is Kage Guard Koyoko of house Ryujin, daughter of Jounin Shouta the dragon of the North and South Gates and head of house Ryujin. I will be your Shepard, charged with guiding you along the way much like my father has for your father, Jounin Daiyakābon of house Ryujin. I never met him personally but have sense heard stories of his feats and of your mother's who brought her peoples teachings of the legendary Clay Artisan. Our halls are deck with beautiful art master pieces thanks to her people. You carry your mother's surname Yukata now but after today's trials, you will be privileged to take up the surname of your father. Now Young one... are you ready to take the Trail of Dragons? You may refuse however you will not get another chance."

Jul 18, 2014
Gasu wandered into the cave, walking down to meet the figure standing before him. Daughter of the Jounin Shouta, that interested him. He opened his trench coat somewhat at the top, to expose his neck, and what looked to be a very large hook tattoo from his right side of the neck to his chest be somewhat visible. He took a deep breath, and spoke, "I, Yukata Gasu, accept the Trail of the Dragons, and hereby decree my desire to be one of the Ryujin, to honor my family and uphold their legacy." He looked at her blade, as it shined from its glorious form, it was one he would of admired if it not for his decision to be ninjutsu intead of Taijutsu. He stopped to roll over the words she spoke, wait a damned moment, CLAY ARTIST?! Wasn't she an Aburame?! His eyes twitched upwards in shock, his mouth open for a moment, but then he stopped and spoke to himself, whispering out, "Gasu... calm.. please... get through this, and then help yourself... others first, then yourself..." he gulped, and stepped forward up the stairs to stand next to the side of Koyoko. He put his palms together and bowed, saying "I am ready... shall we begin?" His confusion of his mother was quelled for now, but kikai came from his palms to protect his shoulders, like a sheet of aggressive life to show he wasn't feeling safe about all of this.


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

"There is confidence in your voice Student Gasu... I'm gad to hear you accept with such vigor, you will need it... For what awaits is dark and full terror, you will need strength. Now come... The Trial of Dragons awaits thee."

With those words, the gates behind me began to slowly open. The screeching sound of the wood scrapping the stone floors revealed the gate's aged mysteries. Dust swept the ground and danced the air around. I could remember my first day here and my very own trial. Feelings of doubt and anticipation filled me and today a familiar adrenaline started to build. How nostalgic to once again breath this air, feel this rush and to see these doors open before me... There me and Gasu stood... Anyone would be nervous at a time like this and so I'd let him know that it was normal. As I attempted to place my hand on his shoulder I quickly pulled back at the sight of the strange insects swarming on to him... How gross.

"Umm... yes, lets begin. The first steps must be yours."

Once Gasu had stepped in I'd follow and the doors would shut behind us and the torches along the walls would light on their own. Before us a hallway filled to the brim with obvious traps along the walls such as dart holes, flamethrowers and swinging axes... none of which were active at the time until Gasu sprung a floor trap that was unavoidable. Wall darts sprung from the walls in a rhythmic formula along with wall axes. The intervals of each were three seconds and sometimes the darts wold double shoot discouraging any acts of speed... It was all apart of the trial. I pointed ahead of us. Up on the wall in front was a well lit plaque that read:

A clever trap before you
impassable it may seem
a shinobi's devices worked against
and ninjutsu fails to glean
a great reward and glory wait
for those who still stand tall
too bad the only way to pass
is someone take the fall...

"There are many ways to pass the hall of dragons however only one sure way to pass unscathed... the riddle before you is the answer but the choice is yours... what is your decision?"

[Solving the riddle is key! However you may rp your way across is best as possible. Remember Koyoko is here to help. Rp what you attempt. My next rp will reveal your results. Good Luck. Koyoko does a hidden action.]
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu stepped with her, the roaring gate opening while the ash and dust of eons past flow and echo back to the world. He wandered in, pressing a trap and watching as the cave turned into life. He pondered a way to get through it, but then he remembered something. He releases two blobs of kikai, and let them fly forward, maneuvering like tiny fighter jets through the darts to a small break between them and the Axe grinders. They reached the end of their journey, and took their form, standing tall as copies of Gasu. He looked to his Ryujin sister, and said "Follow..." before his form flickered, and he Body swapped with the clone. He let the clone he swapped with become destroyed, he could have 3, so he leaved the one next to him for Koyoko to switch with. Then, remembering that he became a shadow for a moment, fusing with the wall, and jumping to another wall or the ceiling to continue his advance. He said out loud to Koyko "If my weapons won't work, then i can use my ninjutsu not to gleam, but to stay in the shade! However, a ninja who stands tall must use whatever tactic they can, even if it may seem low and dirty!" He formed at the end of the chamber, waiting for Koyoko to join up with him as he smiled, he was into this, he was getting less shy and uncomfortable.

[Used: Kikai Bug Clone, Body Switch, Combination Transformation]
[Note: I will master the jutsu when i get my ASP, so within a few days]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Hmm? Was Gasu giving me orders now? That was quick... it had only been five minutes and already his Ryujin blood was stirring. We were natural rulers and as displayed by this boy. Much respect to him. I wondered how he'd over take this first challenge. The first of many to be exact. Clones??? How? This area nullifies chakra... Good call, he used the bugs to form clones of himself but lets see how you use them. Taking the challenge lightly Gasu attempted to use the simplest of ninjutsu, the body switch. A sort of time space defensive ninjutsu but... *Gasu flickers in place but nothing happens* ...a shinobi's devices worked against and ninjutsu fails to glean...

"Gasu... along the hall way is an anti chakra field. Ninjutsu will not help you cross. The riddle holds all the clues and so you must find another way..."

If Gasu wanted to make it through The Trials of Dragons, he'd have to take this more seriously. He'd have to give it his all. What would he do? Would he turn back now or would he conquer this trial like a Ryujin?

[Solving the riddle is key! Ninjutsu fails to glean, is your clue that you can't use ninjutsu to cross. You may rp your way across as best as possible. Remember Koyoko is here to help. Rp what you attempt. My next rp will reveal your results. Good Luck.]
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu slammed to the floor, snarling in anger as his clever trick was destroyed. The kikai screamed in horror as they burned, and ash fell from their remains. Ash trailed from his body as he looked to his Sister, and said in a angered tone, "...They don't serve a purpose anymore.." as he trench crawled beneath the darts as they fired their poisoned cargo from one side to the other, carefully taking up as little space as possible. He watched as the axes flew from side to side, and he in responce would either A: crawl to the bottom right or bottom left of the area where the axe wouldn't reach, or if it did, then B: Right when the axe leaves the gap, run to the next safe zone between axes, until i get to the other side.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Once Gasu failed to rely on what was easy, he had to act and think like a Ryujin. Putting his own life on the line and using raw skill to bypass obstacles that serve to halt his progression. Humbly taking the fall he moved along the floors sticking to the less shallow parts of axes swings and the fires streams. Once he was over and across, he foot inadvertently hit yet another trap tile on the floor. This shut of the axe's swings to a slow halt, the darts and flame throwers slowly died as well. It was of good timing... I would not have to crawl on my belly today. I made my way across the hall trap free and proceeded to open the next door but not before addressing Gasu first.

"Good job... let's move on."

The next room in this dungeon was of course another test. The level of difficultly would only increase as this was the test of dragons. The doors would slam behind us and almost immediately the sounds of something vile could be heard screeching. In front of us stood what looked to be two large doors across from us parallel to one another. The screeching only increased in sound as we wondered what it was. I however remember the frightening horror from before, when I first took this trial. Gasu would see me get into my ready stance in preparation ton what was to come.

"Gasu! On your Guard!"

Suddenly, dark shadows carrying the sound of pain would stretch across the walls until finally crashing into each other and assuming the Yin and Yang symbol of balance. From this, a pair of two humanoid malevolent entities rose from it, both made of it's contents, one pale white and thee other a midnight black. The screeching stopped once they took form and another plaque above the duo doors started to glow. I pointed at it so that Gasu could read it's contents.

A fork in the road leaves you pondering,
which door to take, I bet your wondering...
You are trying to get to a town called salvation
but choosing the wrong path, will lead to damnation.
There are pair of strangers who stand before you.
One speaks song of truth the other a tale uncouth.
You must discern the lair beyond the two,
before the blades in hand run you through...
You can ask this person only ONE yes or no question
to help you find your way to your destination...


500hp/ 500hp
"Gasu be careful... If you damage them too much, you can't get an answer. Try not to kill them but defend yourself as need."

[ooc: You may ask them one yes or no question while they are trying to kill you. Hint #1: One of them always lies and the other always tells the truth. Defend yourself as needed but be careful not to kill them unless you want to rely on a 50-50 chance on picking the right one. Oh sorry for posting so late.]
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu slammed down his foot, raising his arm as he looked to the two beings who had formed, and Gasu laughed, saying "This will be easy, intelligence wise... strength wise not to sure about that... Oh lord!" He was slammed into by the into via the large constructs as they began to try to murder Gasu, to which he slammed his palm to his chest activating a low medical ninjutsu to try to heal what little he could. He shouted to the devils, "That means i can ask a Two parter! Say "YES" If you lie, and follow up, will i live on your path?!" The idea behind that logic was that the liar if he said yes would then reply again perfectly, while the one that didn't say yes would instead said No, and plus the first part of the question wasn't a question, it was a verbal command he was making towards them. Gasu activated the curse mark of Lunar Level 1, and then turned on Immolation armor.He hoped his trick worked, as he prepared a high leveled move to obliterate them once they finished being useful. Gasu was trying to keep his distance, snarling as the dual tried to attack him, as he prepared his Ionic Laser to turn them into radiated ashes. He looked to them, remembering a small fact as he canceled his attack and picked another, Thunderclap. His hands were coated in teal electricity as they began an assault. Perfect, the time to dance... has begun once again..

(Edit: 9 days later...)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
