Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Rocking a new look (Changing CA's)


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji has grown bored. What is he bored about this time? His originating powers. Of whom he originally was. His Void Walker powers are still mysterious to him, but it can only do so much good for him if it only really does some crazy works for him on random occasions. The puppet knows that the powers that have dwelled inside of him held him fast to his own past. Ever since he had met that one ANBU operative a year ago that tried to help him understand his past. But he knows that only thing waiting for him in the past is nothing but pain.

As Kureji walked the dark night streets of the Bazaar, he couldn't help but fall into some sort of daydreaming trance as he walked. He blinked and he was in a different place. Looking around, he would notice that he was in that weird state of mind that the Uchiha had used on him that one time. But... He was sure that he wasn't staring into any red dancing eyes. But there was no doubt about it. He was reliving his past, parts of his memories were fragmented, as if he can't see past a certain point. He knows this memory fragment all too well... It was when he had awoken to his powers of the Void. It had nearly drove him insane, his family, all too gone, reduced to crazed individuals that can never be saved.

Even though he was staring at the most traumatizing moment in his life... He lost feeling. He doesn't feel sad, nor angry. He doesn't feel happy, nor fear. That is what being a Void walker has done to him. All the times that he has laughed, or joked to put a smile on people's faces, even back when he was a shinobi of Sand, was to feel something. But all that he has ever really felt was emptiness. Sure, he had his foster father Akkuma, he is grateful for him, but the puppet wanted more to call of who he is. Just before the whole room was to be engulfed in the Void, Kureji came back to his senses as he tripped and fell over something.

Back in reality, he landed with a thud and yelled out, "Oi! Watch it dude! Eh?" The angry surprise turned into a "What's going on" surprise. Laying on the ground was some brunette chick face down. Geez, seems like the Bazaar claimed another one. But the woman moved and spoke.

"No! You watch it bud!" A very many voice came from what Kureji thought was a woman. The person got up, and then he could see the features. That was definitely a dude. But... He noticed that he was bleeding from the side of his ribcage. "Oh, this? I had a fallout with my band. Tonight, was supposed to be our debut, but turns out that all of my band members had some sort of vendetta against me. I won't make it come morning."

Kureji blinked. He noticed that the guy also had a guitar sitting next to him. He didn't feel sympathy for the man, nor did he feel anguish towards the man's former band mates. But he did see an opportunity. Usually, Kureji would go after the scum that society forgets about, but now he will dutifully wait for this random weird hairdo guy to pass to use his body as the new core puppet, discarding his old Void Walker self entirely.Soon, he passed. Kureji himself had waited around the corner in case any good Samaritan passed by. Luckily, none has, since it was in the middle of the night.

With that, he had went to work. He dragged the body to an abandoned building and brought out the scroll that had helped him become a Human Puppet so long ago. Coincidentally enough, it had information on how to switch the main body for a new one. It had involved making a new cylinder. Thankfully, Kureji had browsed the scroll many times before and had ingredients on hand to make a new cylinder in case he felt the need to change his core puppet body. He followed the same steps in making the Rock person's body hollow and more wooden, following the step-by-step instructions to cast forbidden jutsus. Soon the body stiffened, and the insides more so represented that of a puppet rather than a human. The puppet never lost focus until the first part was complete. He read the next part of the instructions carefully. He had to inscribe the exact same marks from his own cylinder onto the new one.

Taking a peek at his own cylinder, without taking it out, he cautiously inscribed the marks onto the new cylinder and inserted it into the new puppet. He was now on the final steps. It called for destruction of the old cylinder so that the soul of the human puppet may transfer to the next core body. Without any thought, he turned his hand into a spear and drove it deep into his old cylinder. It was the first time that he has ever felt pain. Kureji got up in a jolt, shock overcoming his mind as he felt his cylinder to see that it was intact. But... It shouldn't be, should it? Looking around, slightly confused, he quickly found the body of his old former self. So... That's what happened. He didn't really expect for it to happen instantaneous, but he was glad that it worked at all. He pocketed the scroll of Human puppetry and grabbed all other of his personal belongings from his old former puppet self.

That's when it hit him. He felt anger. Was this... What Rocker dude felt as he drew his last breath at his former band mates? Kureji shook his head, this emotion was new to him. After all, he had only acted for the good emotions, and not even tried to act with the bad ones. Another thought raced through his mind. If he had truly lost his Void Walker self. What type of blood line or Core ability does he have now? He was really hoping that since this guy had a guitar and was part of a band that he might be part of that musical power type of people. Grabbing the guitar, he decided to go for a walk.

It took no time for him to run into a group of people. They all looked at him, completely surprised. He swore he thought he heard one of them ask another how he wasn't dead yet. A wicked smile crept on to his face. He felt anger boiling up inside of him but he calmly brought out his guitar and started shredding it. It was coming natural to him, even though his old self never touched a guitar before. Through the music, he was imagining punishing the people that wished that he was dead. The former band mates seemed uneasy, as if they knew what would happen.

Soon, one of them grabbed their head as they screamed out in pain and fear. They looked at their own body in terror and tried to bat off bugs that weren't even there before they fell to the ground, unmoving. Something of the similar effect would happen to the other former band members as they lived in their own illusionary hell before their minds broke and made them go insane or they would fall to the ground dead.

Kureji was happy with the result. They got what they deserved. He was able to feel real emotions again. And the memories of his past slowly fade behind the music he now creates. He had an idea. Along with causing some death and destruction, what if he goes off to make his own band as well?

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
