Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Ruin of Terror [Contract Search]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Having never experienced such a chilling cold, Kasen struggled in her trek across the frozen wasteland. People were said to have once lived here, but that was years and years ago. She had never met anyone from these lands, but from what she had read it used to be a tropical paradise. It was hard to imagine now when everything was coated in thick ice and any signs of life appeared to be devoid. After walking for several hours, the ice and snow crunching beneath her feet, sometimes tapping and leaving and almost echo in her ear, she decided to stop. In every which direction she looked it was just an endless barren land. She occasionally passed small animals that always appeared to be hungry and aggressive. Luckily many seemed wary of her. Perhaps human life occurred little here, given the circumstances. Either way she was somewhat grateful. She almost decided to turn back, her body freezing and feet starting to hurt. Maybe this was all just one giant goose chase. Maybe there really wasn't anything worth investigating out here. If there was a lab, there was no way anyone could withstand the cold long enough to survive, let alone continue work. Still, in the distance, Kasen could always make out a very bright light. She had been heading in the direction of it since it showed up in the horizon.

She decided to continue on further, drawing ever close to the light. After another two hours passed, Kasen realized she really did need to stop and rest to warm her body. Her mind could handle the strain but her body was only so limited. She wasn't like her brother where he was just the embodiment of fire and heat. No, Kasen was basically the embodiment of water, which froze even faster when exposed to ice. She hoped maybe to come across a cave or something that would protect her from the wind. She thought all was lost for a bit, but then she saw something. In the distance there appeared to be an old run down building, it wasn't very large, but it was definitely distinguishable. Perhaps it used to be a business or something. Kasen ran towards it, the small red head ready to at least have some protection from the cold. As she drew closer, she stopped, a small gasp leaving her lips. There was an old sign that had fallen that read [GE ETIC ENGIN ING AND TEST G LAB. W RNING: TRESPA ERS WI L BE...] Despite many of the letters missing and part of the sign being broken, Kasen managed to indicate that this was the genetic engineering lab she was looking for. This was one of the facilities. One of her father's facilities. The tip had been right, but this building look long condemned and nearly consumed by the environment. Still, Kasen had to see if there was anything inside. Maybe she could learn where her father went next, or what his ultimate goal was. She needed to know more.

With quite a bit of force, Kasen pushed an old door open. It appeared the locks and doors didn't take much to break down after exposure to the cold. It was dark and damp inside. Apparently some of the ice had turned to water here, though much of the facility did at first seem to be coated in the ice like the outside. There was a little bit of light that streamed in from the outside which was the only thing that gave her any visibility. At some point she removed a small crystal that generated at least a small amount of light in her vicinity to make sure she didn't accidentally hurt herself.

Proceeding down the long corridors, Kasen passed what she could distinctly indicate were holding rooms, most likely similar to what she was in. Dried blood coated the floor, as well as several bones, and what appeared to be frozen bodies preserved in ice. She had to quickly move beyond that to avoid triggering some unpleasant childhood trauma. She did, however stop at a room that looked like a records room. This would be where she would find what she was looking for, should it be anywhere. There were papers scattered everywhere over desks and chairs and lab equipment that was strewn about the room. Kasen picked a few up only to discover many of them were financial records, test subject "consent" forms, employment papers, and general codes of conduct. Kasen felt some bile rise into her throat and choked it down. These people were monsters hiding under the guise that what they were doing was ethical. Kasen sighed and continued looking. She found a large cabinet that was locked, but again, because everything was frozen over it was easy to break it apart. Inside were binders upon binders. Each had a different name and identification number on it. Kasen took a few out, placing them on a desk. She flipped one open and saw they were test subject records. Records of what tests had been done and what the outcomes were, unfortunately only a limited amount was still legible. She flipped through binder after binder, reading everything she could, but all the cases were heavily blacked out and every single end case ended in death of the test subject. A tear fell from one of her eyes and it froze almost instantaneously, causing a sharp sting. Kasen wiped it away quickly, stopping herself from letting more fall. She opened the last binder in the locker, it appeared to be the final documents recorded before the facility was overran by the Great Freeze.
It appears that our testing here has been useless in it's advancement to complete the project. The doctor is not pleased with our results, indicating many of the other facilities have produced results at the very least. While some of our final subjects show potential promise, I fear we will not finish testing. The temperatures continue to grow colder and colder by the day. The doctor has issued a complete shutdown of the facility. We have been working on moving many of our operations elsewhere. We have since began to shut down the operation. Many of the documents have been blacked out. By next week, we shall burn everything, including the facility to the ground. We still have some preparations that need to be made. This is Dr. Nezumi signing off. We have failed.

Kasen clutched the paper tightly in her hand. The papers were still here and so was the facility. Perhaps the freeze came sooner than anticipated. Why else would everything still be as it was? There were so many more questions. Kasen stuffed the paper into her bag, along with one of the binders to take back with her to show Kaen. This was a lot of progress indeed. She still was hoping to get an idea of where her father is. She wondered if he could, perhaps, be the "Doctor" that was mentioned in the final entry. More questions. Kasen left the records room and continued down another winding hallway. She came to a large room in the facility. One wall was missing entirely, and many ice shards pierced through the remaining ceiling. She looked across the tundra again. She could still see the light in the distance. Suddenly, Kasen jumped out of her skin when she heard a crashing sound that came from one of the dark hallways. Her breath increased ever so slightly. What was out here? Was something in the facility still alive? "Hello?" She slowly moved toward the sound, edging slowly down the hallway, wondering what she would find. Maybe it was nothing but the wind, but if it was something more, she needed to check it out.

I have a Discovery of Random Choice card that I bought and was approved for [Here]

WC: 1,301

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The air inside of the facility stay dead silent for many heartbeats. Each second that passed the silence seemed to grow louder until, with an ear shaking echo, came another crash. It was louder and far more furious than the first followed by a quick second, third and fourth before a fifth that was as loud and violent as the first. They came clearly as if something was trying to beat its way into freedom. With each loud sound came a shaking of the facility itself causing chunks of ice crystals to break off and bury themselves into the ground below with their sheer weight or burst into smaller ice shrapnel upon impact. As if the sounds of something banging around wasn’t frightening enough, a different sound bellowed through the labs.
A deep long bellow that rolled into an even deeper growl bounced off the walls in a haunting manner. It sounded both furious and melon collie. Then all was silent again. If Kasen would decide to approach further into the sound she would be met with silence no matter how much noise the curious girl made herself. It would only be once she returned near the records room would she then be met with a thunderous crash that shook the facility beneath her feet; hard. Silence. Then a second, third and fourth crash quickly after one another, then another loud crash. Then silence.

The perplexing situation seemed odd enough as it was. A mortal entering the Water Country during these times were rare as it was, but one that actually braved the cold out to this facility? One in a million. The long sad bellow echoed again beneath Kasen’s feet as more ice shook from the ceiling and walls to scatter about on the ground below. Then utter stillness took back over the lab as if the sounds had never existed. For all that the teenage girl had looked into the lab she had only seen the first floor. Beneath her feet, far down into the icy thickness of the land, was a facility where subjects kept off the official records lived and died. The broken test rooms that she had walked past were meant for humans and those who could pick up a pen and write down their name.

What of the creatures that could not?

As unethical as bio-engineering could get there was no doubt that it was easier to work on human test subjects than it was animals, especially those of rare breed. If a scientist wanted to do genetic tests on a rare human all they’d have to do is trick them into signing the ever legalizing ‘consent form’. If a scientist wanted to operate on a rare form of bear that grew a special type of fur because of it’s genetic mutation they would have to go through many lengths to even acquire a test sample; unless they could do it secretly. What were the men and women of this lab capable of? What other horrors were they forced to abandon before the Big Freeze trapped them all in an icy prison? A loud crash shook the facility again, followed by a second, third and fourth crash quickly after one another, then another loud crash. This time the banging around shook a shelf loose from its bolts on its wall and swung open like a door, throwing all the other charts inside of it across the room. Behind it was a long dark corridor that descended into an abyss of ice and shadows. The long sad bellow echoed ever louder from beyond the small doorway.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the darkness felt like it was closing around her, Kasen could hear her own quiet shallow breathing as she inched closer and closer to where she had heard the clatter that came from down the spooky hallway. She held one of the wooden handrails along the side of the wall to help guide her. It seemed like hours passed as the silence continued to draw itself out. Suddenly, with an almost vicious fury Kasen heard another crash, much much louder than the first. An almost rumble shook her footing, making her grasp the banister much tighter. She inhaled quickly. What could be doing that? The crashes continued to grow, and the rumbling continued to become more intense. It appeared as if the facility couldn't handle it in it's broken state. Kasen looked up just in time to see the ice falling down at her. She quickly threw herself out of the way of one as it almost came down upon her. "That was close...oh my gosh" The red haired girl wasn't used to the fickle nature of ice and snow.

As more ice fell, Kasen quickly scrambled up and started running back down the path she had came. The walls shook around her as she stumbled through the dark. It seemed like the whole place was just going to come down from whatever was causing such a disturbance. Kasen came to a halt when a new sound hit her ears. It sounded almost...inhuman. But that wasn't the sounded like it was in pain. Kasen, took a good long look at the facility around her. Though the one she was held in was different, she couldn't help but recount the horrible things they had done to her and her brother. If there was someone...or something...that was still here, had still survived, she needed to know what it was. There was no telling what those monsters could have done. As the sound died down, Kasen started moving towards where the sound was strongest. Perhaps whatever was causing such an ruckus had tired itself out. She did so for a while before realizing she couldn't quite determine the origins. She moved further into the hallway that led her into this place, entering the room she had at least found some information in. Maybe there was some more documentation on what was kept here. Something had to explain the tests right?

As Kasen flipped open one of the records to verify any of her theories, a sound louder than anything before her filled the facility. The ice encasing the ceiling came down with a hard crunch and clatter as it scattered into the floor. The shelves shook and slammed to the floor violently. With a loud crack, the ground below Kasen's feet started to crumble. "AHHHH" The red head started to slip as the floor gave way under her foot. She thought she was going to fall to her death into the darkness that formed in the hole below her but she caught herself on part of the floor that managed to stay intact. She quickly managed to pull herself up, putting some distance between the small hole in the floor and herself. She took a few calming breaths. Papers had scattered everywhere and the room was absolutely far more of a mess than it was when she had first come in. She hadn't thought that was entirely possible. "That was a close one." Her eyes scanned the room and became fixated on the hallway that apparently lay hidden in secret. A small grin landed on her face. "AHA! There was more in here!" She carefully inched her way over to the hallway, briefly looking it over. It looked like some kind of stairwell. But she couldn't see anything but more ice and more darkness. She wondered if there was even any power left in this facility at all. Some candles would even be nice. She pulled out her light crystal again. "Well, if I want to get to the bottom of this, I have to keep going. Same would tell me to be brave." With strong confidence, Kasen took her first step into the enveloping icy corridor as another long bellow reached her ears. It pulled slightly at her heart as much as it gave her a slight amount of fear. She once was trapped just as whatever was making these sounds were, how alone and horrible it felt. How painful and terrifying and inhumane it felt. Under her breath, Kasen vouched a promise to the being making the sound. One that gave her the strength and determination to press onward. "What I have are a very particular set of abilities; abilities I have acquired over a very long and rigorous series of unethical testing. Abilities that make me a monster to some, but I choose to use them to help the world. I will look for you, I will find you... and I will save you. " Kasen increased her stride with purpose as she pressed on down the hallway towards the sound.


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
As the girl wondered down the bleak hallways a strange thing would begin to happen. Her feet crunching through the layers of permafrost triggered a senor causing the lights of the hall to start to fizzling and light up with that awful buzzing sound. Somewhere in the distance something sounded akin to a truck back-firing causing the building to shake off a little more ice. Slowly the lights started to stretch down the hall faster and faster as energy pumped through the veins of the lab for the first time in years. This would mean Kasen no longer needed the nifty chakra crystal for vision but who knows what other things woke up with the surge of power.
The extended hall way she would travel down had a few doors every ten or so yards. While the lights of the hall had turned back on every last room remained either black or had something smeared against the glass window panes to keep whatever scientist lurked down here from looking in.
At the end of the hall the path she walked would split in two directions. To her left the lights had not received the life blood of energy needed to function. In fact every thirty seconds or so a shower of sparks would light bits of the hall to reveal smears of long dried and frozen over blood and the occasional dark frozen lumps in the shape of bodies; which they probably where.
To Kasen’s right the lights of the switched on generator glowed warmly, almost beckoning her away from the creepy hall, and into one that seemed straight forward. At the end of the hall on the right she’d be able to clearly see a large circular desk where scientists and assistants would work together on ongoing projects while monitoring the experiments on video feedback. The flickering light one of those such screens flashed against the dark background of the building’s emergency lightning. To punctuate itself the sound that had brought her down here in the first place roared from the hall on the left. The rhythmic pounding that had shook the building above all but felt like walking next to an active high magnitude earthquake. The lights all around flickered on and off as if some horrible child was playing with the switches to frighten the girl searching for her past.

Again the long sad bellow rolled out of that hall causing a wave of hot air to blow past into the hall adjacent. The heated air caused one of the ice stalagmite inside of the nicer walkway to break away and fall down. Before the chunk of ice could even touch the floor two sharp blades and a flame thrower destroyed the frozen water. To this adventuring female’s left was unspeakable evil, and to the right a hall full of traps that still had enough power to function at top capacity. Yet still there was no doubt that whatever she had come here to really find lurked on the desk where the flickering video screen taunted the kunochi. There was also a chance that down the hall of death and decay remained a way for her to turn off the death traps to make a clean way to the information; all she had do was face whatever had survived.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As Kasen progressed further down and down and down into the ice filled facility, she found her body become colder and colder. She had assumed that at some point things would be at least immune a little to the elements the closer to source of heat she got but apparently not. It was just more dark and damp than ever before. Her shark-like teeth continued to clatter and she had to avoid accidentally biting her tongue on accident. That happened one too many times once they filed her teeth into points. Suddenly she stopped as lights started to flicker above her. Some of the lights managed to stay on but many of them just flickered and sparked as they attempted to maintain a living electrical connection. That buzz, the buzzing of old faulty lights hummed in her ears. She heard a loud noise in the distance that startled her. Her breathing picked up a little. Then her eyes landed on the frozen blood and the body parts that lay scattered down on this floor too. Suddenly she felt herself launched back into her childhood.</FONTFACE>
Flashback Experience said:
Kasen's mind began to distort reality into something reflective of her trauma, molding two into one as if in some nightmarish loop. It was more than likely as being thrown into a similar environment. She picture the woman that used to bring them food, the one that brought them the only semblance of happiness she had ever known. The memory of the escape flashed into her mind as another bang echoed in the distance. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* She fell to her knees, clutching her head. She remembered the cages they were held in. The cages as they rose and fell, like a demonic carousel. Up and down and up and down again. The woman and those other children, the other subjects. The holding cage that held the woman and the children that caught on fire with some sick form of torture, burning them alive. The other kid in the cage smashed between a series of gears and propulsion and slats in the ceiling and floor as he was crushed to death like a pancake. "No." *Bang* Kasen felt tears slip from her eyes, freezing immediately to her face as she remembered the guard that shot her pet sparrow and returned it back to her as a decapitated head.

Kasen clutched at the wall closest to her. She was beginning to think it impossible for her to continue. But then a drip of cold water landed on her nose and another vision filled her mind quickly. "Same..." The water droplet was a cold and wet enough stimulus that it sent a vision of the megalodon into her mind. She may not be talking to the great beast at the moment, but she was able to remember something that helped calm her. "Same and her clan were slaughtered. She found trust and comfort in me. I have to do the same. I have to make sure no one feels our pain again. Same would want me to continue forward, to put an end to all of this suffering. And if that means moving forward then I will." Kasen shook herself back to reality. She had come to rely so much on the shark soul that lie within her. It gave her so much more than strength, it gave her a friend and peace of mind. Once she figured out what was going on here, she would make it her first priority to get that bond back. Kasen rubbed her face onto her sleeve, took a deep breath and continued on down the creepy hallway.
<FONTFACE fontface="Helvetica">

She managed to make it to the end of the hallway. A faint glow pulled her attention to the right. It looked like a security office, perhaps? It was some official room, although she couldn't quite distinguish what it was for. It didn't quite look like a room she had been held it once upon a time long ago. Screens flickered out back to her though, which definitely interested her curiosity. She went to take a step in that direction when suddenly the sound, much louder and closer now, rang out through the halls to her left. A wave of hot air hit her face, blasting her red hair everywhere. Kasen stumbled back a bit as the next quake happened. A series of booby-traps set themselves off when a chunk of ice hit the ground in combination with the heat and shaking that was happening. "Oh of course, these people can just up and freeze to death and have time to black out their paperwork, but can't disable their traps! Great." Kasen looked between her choices. Right or Left? Information or Heroism? Kasen looked longingly at the flickering screens in the other room. Everything in her told her that the key to saving the many would mean risking it all. But as a medic, and as one that was bonded with an ancient spirit of a beast long killed and forgotten and did not deserve her fate, she knew she could not abandon that creature or person or whatever was causing such sad noises and destructive actions. It was like a real life trolley problem. Get the information, save many lives. Don't get the information, don't save many lives, but maybe save a life.

Kasen backed away from the hallway that contained the traps and the screens. "My father is responsible for this hell that has been placed onto others for his sick curiosities. He will never make amends for the pain and damage he has caused. If I can give them even the slightest peace of mind, a chance at a better life, it is worth more than any amount of information that's down there. We all deserved better. I can't make up for his wrong-doings. But I have to try to give them at least a little bit of closure. I have to find whatever is down this hallway." Kasen started making strides to the left hallway, ready to face whatever lie within with an open heart.


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The flickering hall beckoned Kasen with only shadows and hopelessness. The large gust of hot air, the banging, even the air itself seem to crawl down into a sudden silence. Absolutely the only thing that seemed to reflect any notion of sound was the crackling ice as liquids being introduced to heat for the first time in years expanded from their frozen form.
Slowly past the first two bodies near the entrance the corridor quickly turned black. When the girl chose to raise her small source of light to see ahead the shadows impairing her vision seemed to draw away from the light. It was as if the lack of illumination wasn’t the only thing impairing the kunoichi’s sight. He footsteps eventually would stop crunching on the permafrost that covered the lab and instead started walking on the open steel grates…special grates that were essential in this area; the experimental quarters. Dark rust marks that was barely visible with her small light showed where the blood of children, animals, and what else only the ruling Kamis above knew had flown into the sewer tunnels below.

Perhaps this, of all things, was the reason the Mist Country was a frozen wasteland. The built karma of foolish men who dared to tread in the realm of the gods that ruled them. The unwashed sins of the imprudent who fed the beautiful country back the blood of their children.

A strange sound would break Kasen out of any wondering thoughts as she would quickly come to realize that she wasn’t indeed alone in this facility. Stepping slowly away from a corridor and into a gigantic room, the sound of bone, no, harder…hooves, were gently echoing against the steel grate. Something scrambled to get away from the girl intruding on the thing’s only known home. As the brave youth raised her light towards the sound she would only catch the shadowed form of a something small with deformed legs scurrying around the corner. The moment she started forward another presence alerted itself to her senses and this one wasn’t exactly a manageable size.

As the small light would pierce through the flinching shadows the room would slowly reveal itself to her inner mind via memorization. The tepid youth would be able to piece together that there was a large black furry thing stuck in the very center. It was still too dark to see what it clearly was, as if the clutching shadows prevented Kasen from fully comprehending the beast. Thick chains the size of ones used to hold down battleships kept it from escaping while a small, almost insignificant, tube was running from out of the back of the creature and into a unreasonably large IV fluid bag hanging from the ceiling. The contents seemed to have just conveniently run out upon the female’s arrival.
The sound of light hooves tapping against the metal grate echoed out of the corner where the small creature scurried around. Following it was the not-so-silent whispers of frightened children trying to decide if it was wise to see if their companion had really seen someone. As the kunoichi would start towards the sound the beast in the center of the room would start to stir again. Lightly, this time, it clopped a hoof against the ground in the same pattern it had been trying to send to the girl since the start. The creature didn’t follow up with the loud bellow that had brought her down here in the first place, and she couldn’t see the thing’s eye beyond the massive black fur, but she was being watched.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The farther Kasen walked down the long hallways with half functioning lights and the damp darkness that surrounded her, the more she could feel herself being pulled back into her memories. She felt like she was a 3 year old child again, agonizingly trapped like a caged animal and pocked and prodded at for the display and curiosities of the ones twisted enough to do the experimentations. These halls were not friendly and welcoming. They weren't even clean or carried the distinct smell of a sterile environment like the hospitals in Suna. No, inside these walls were designed for the consumption of the soul and mind.

The halls grew ever darker as she proceeded forward, so much so that she became reliant upon the walls for guidance, her crystal light being only useful to the most minimum of degrees. Kasen ran her fingers along the walls carefully as she walked, the grit and grime gripped at her skin, threatening to pierce it every so often with the stray sharp mineral deposit or shard of ice that tempted to jag from it's foundations. Kasen's footsteps made light echos that perhaps only she could hear as she grew ever closer to the direction from which the heated air had streamed towards her. Suddenly the subtle cracking and munching noises from the ice stopped as her foot came down with a small *THUNK*. Kasen stopped. She lifted her foot carefully and lightly tapped it with the top of her shoe. *Thunk**Thunk* She knelt down, to try and get a better look. Her hand reached out and grazed the top of what felt like rusted metal. Her shark-like senses, gifted to her by Samebizu as well as somewhat of a side effect to the experiments performed on her came alive as the almost indistinct smell of dried blood hit her nose. Her eyes shifted to pure black for a moment, but within another blink had changed back to their regular shade of crimson. "Blood. Blood ran off into here. Even beneath the ice and snow and water, you can never truly erase the horrors that took place within these walls. I'm so sorry." Kasen whispered a small prayer, even though she was far from religious, asking that the souls of this place be laid to rest, or find peace wherever they may reside. She thought of her friends from long ago, of her mother, of those that still survived to this day like her and Kaen who are forever harbingers of the burdens of this godless world.

She was brought out of her morose mourning by the same familiar sound that had drawn her down into these depths. More clanking off of metal. She stood from the grate and used her lit necklace to make her way over to an open doorway. She could not see very well into the room, and it was hard to distinguish exactly how large it was, but it was indeed a very open spaced room since the walls seemed to go on into the darkness endlessly. Kasen stepped in, an air of caution on her side as she was almost afraid of being attacked or jumped by perhaps whatever was making the noises. A shift within the shadows accompanied by the sound of the clanking before, but now sounded like it was nearly next to her, echoing from within the chambers, made her alert that there were other things within this room. Was this the source? She stepped forward, her light barely catching something small. "Hey, no it's ok. Come back!" Kasen stopped as something else quickly became known, startling her. While her curiosity asked for her to find the small thing that hurried to get away, she also wasn't stupid enough to think that if there was something perhaps more threatening within the room she could get away with making drastic movements. She needed to fully scope out and understand what she was up against before blindly making decisions.

Kasen took a step back. She scanned what little she could see in the room. There was something large in the center, something...well, she wasn't sure. She stood still, unsure as to whether she should attempt to approach the black furry creature swallowed within the darkness. What she could see were thick, massive chains, not unlike the ones she wore around her arms, legs, and neck at one time in her life. Chains that held her down and prevented movement and comfort, distributed painful shocks when the scientists wanted a little fun or thought they were misbehaving too much. Kasen raised a hand and rubbed her neck almost subconsciously. There as an IV intake line, the bag depleted. Was was the solution tat was being pumped into this thing? Was it something for sedation? Perhaps just a saline tube to prevent dehydration? Administered pain medicine? In Kasen's mind, she knew better than to assume that it would perhaps be any of the three. Those would be the kind things you would administer. Still, she wondered what deranged thing the scientists had given to this creature. Kasen, as a medical professional, needed to see what the IV tube was doing before she dared get too close to the creature.

As she started to walk towards the bag, a small tapping noise caught her attention. She shifted her light towards the sound, the sound of what she thought could be a language she understood, but at this point it was hard to tell if that was the blending of her memories associated with these places or actual sound. The tapping at least was easy to distinguish as reality. Kasen looked back towards where she was hearing the small pattering then back at the big creature. She could see it was moving but was unsure if she should investigate the small creature that ran off or the big one that appeared to be the direct cause of all that had led her here. She decided perhaps neither was the best option. These creatures were probably exposed to nothing but torture from humans before being exposed to the frigid cold and then utter darkness and loneliness, all while tethered and held here in this location. She thought it best not to approach either, for to them she could be perceived as a threat, as one of the scientists, aimed at causing more harm. Kasen slowly bent her knees slightly, both hands held out in front of her, palms up exposing she held nothing within them. "My name is Shinku Kasen. I have come a long way in search of information to help bring down those who have committed these atrocities. I was once one of the captives of a place like this, I have suffered dearly but I escaped with my brother and we live much happier lives. I want to help you." Kasen had no idea if the creature would understand her, but she spoke in a calming, slow tone. She carefully waited for some response from something within the room. For now though, she stood still and open, waiting for the next move.


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
“Oh man, she knows we’re here…you go,” spoke the voice of a terrified twelve-year old,
“No you!” shrilled one younger,

Silence except for the calm breathing of the large beast hung in the cold air. After a few moments the soft clomp of hoof against grate moved at a slow and cautious pace towards Kasen. As the figure clomped into the small amount of light the reveal was of a small rust colored hair child torso attached to the neck of a fawn’s body. Surgery scars around the child’s abdomen were still red and angry looking as if he was of a recent operation. Nothing but fear shown in the kid’s untrusting eyes as the little fawn legs shook with each step forward.

“A-are you…really Kasen? S-sure you’re not a Beastie?” The little fawn tail started to wag excitedly as the torso leaned down to get a closer look at the girl who showed herself as non threatening. The fawn child caught the sight of her teeth and stepped back one hoof but even as he did he felt a gentle hand on his backside. The fawntuar jumped a little but calmed when he turned his head to see one of his friends slowly creeping up. Around the corner in the door way two more heads poked out with feline ears atop their heads, though the darkness made it impossible to see them fully. Another child splice with an animal came slowly walking around his friend in a more human body but as it too came into the light Kasen would see only four fingers on each hand, more hoof than finger, a face that was closer to a deer’s, and small antlers sprouting from his head. He stepped further into the light offered by the medical expert on the feet of man,
“You do exist!” the little boy cried in excitement as he fell back from sudden revelation.
“Guys come out! She’s real! A real person!”

Before much longer the sound of scurrying followed inside the small light two more children. They were twin siblings spliced with different feline DNA. The female had darker ears and the male those of an orange tabby and both sported small tails. As the medical professional would scan a prejudice eye for injuries she would find that they were all incredibly malnourished. The fawn-child was showing signs of advanced dehydration and it was a either drugs or sheer will power that was allowing the boy to move. The scaring around where his body was attached to the fawns looked deeply infected. The fawn with antlers slowly budding atop his head, a sign of early puberty she would have to assume, looked the most normal of the four but beneath his fur was bruises and beneath the lone long flannel shirt covered cuts and blood caked clumps. The twins looked the cleanest and most dressed, but their eyes reflected an even deeper pain greater than the shared pain of their friends’ physical wounds.
These were tortured children just like her, but it had been almost two decades since Kimigakure and the surrounded land froze over in a cursed blizzard. Was there still a part of the lab that was functioning? Someone still kidnapping children from around the world to satisfy their sick curiosities?
As the four children slowly began to crowd Kasen in amazement the forgotten beast next to them slammed its hove against the metal walls that kept its legs entrapped. The sudden noise caused three of the children to jump back and the fawntuar to simply fall over.
“Ōkinaushi!” one of the cat children chided the big creature who bellowed a sound that echoed off the walls in response. Quickly the three children still on foot moved to pet and comfort the beast who protested but managed to seem like it wasn’t going to beat against the wall anymore.

“We haven’t seen him this awake in…forever,” spoke the fawntuar on the floor as he struggled to get back up, “Ōkinaushi usually sleeps except for when…Doc, is here. We were scared that you were him…he’s been gone for a really long time this time…”
“The lights don’t work good here,” spoke up one of the twins as she moved back towards Kasen, “But we have a safe place we’ve been hiding. A couple of weeks ago the power started flickering and some of the Beasties got out…and…we’re all that’s left…” The large beast huffed in shared annoyance and fear, “Can you really help us?”

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
