Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

RWBY [Private][Megami x Souji]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking down at the village below, Endo hummed a little tune to himself. From his vantage point he could see near everything occurring with the peoples lives below. The sun having long set, he sighed as he looked across the expanse to the moon hanging suspended over the ocean just beyond the cliff face. Situated in what could technically be called a large cave, it was a wonder how the original architects had constructed the village despite all the perils of existing under a fully functioning and growing city. Perhaps they were even more affluent in the use of the elements than the best warriors that this generation had to offer. His wire framed glasses slipping down to his nose, he stood in a large black cloak befitting the meeting that was about to secretly take place. He hadn't told anyone, even his newly appointed advisers and he doubted that they'd appreciate their equally newly appointed Tsuchikage sneaking off into the night to handle affairs with the ANBU Sennin. To keep appearances he had to at least assume that everything was handled in the light of day and upfront before all but there was a legendary saying that the Tsuchikage never slept. In the days and weeks since his appointment he'd come to find out that the saying was true partially due to the fact that there was just so much work to be done to even run the place. What the saying should have said was the the Tsuchikage was an expert tiptoer as he had had too many close encounters of the protecting kind.

Quick reacting as he was, he'd almost been caught too, but a well placed clone with the right sensory jutsu applied allowed him to sneak away without a fuss. Even after that though, it took a concentrated focus to paralyze the right guards in the right places in order to keep them from even catching a whiff of his shadow. Why exactly he went to such great lengths to keep his privacy was only a question that he could answer but one of the dangers of being a newly appointed leader was having the eye and ire of nearly everyone around you. He was the talk of the village, region and country and with that also there was the fact that Haruka was also so young. Heck, the entire operations upper management was young and at the helm of their protection was a man whom to many seemed but a boy. Skilled in the art of gravity based chakra, even from within he could but only marvel at the masterful work that was present around him. The entire complex was kept afloat by the ever present teams of skilled chakra manipulators and chakra seal makers. At times he simply had wanted to stand here forever. Not that he could before but now that he had the proper clearance to it was a welcome distraction from the work of boardroom meetings and war plans. He himself was suspended a few feet off the ground in order to catch a better view of things but this, this here was pure genius in artist form. Though a group of chakra technicians rotated shifts around the clock the whole "shrine" rarely needed to be truly controlled and the maintenance on it was always up to date and the best of the best. Persons could spend their entire school days training just to work here and for that he thanked them for their sacrifices though he knew that they'd hardly see the light of battle.

Looking around now, he panned his view from where he stood and instantly his mind started formulating all sorts of plans and ideas as to how best use this structure if ever war should make its way to his gates. A slight smirk appeared on his face as an ebony toned arm protruded from his cloak to reach out and seemingly cause a book to hover from underneath the cloak along with pen. Crossing his legs, even though he still hovered he put his thoughts down on paper just in case he found some use of the notes. He didn't expect much but one could never tell with the way that wars were cropping up now a days. Kinetically able to control the pen, he practiced the art of still writing while not looking at the paper and the sensation of writing on his thigh caused him to agree not to pull that trick any time soon. While he hadn't exactly given his newly appointed ANBU Sennin any set time, he did expect that she'd be alerted to his presence on her deck. That along with the ever loyal Souji, with whom he'd soon have to match wits against. He continued to take notes on the general specs of the floating "shrine" and thinking up plans as he rested his chin on his hands. Never far enough away mentally from the battlefield he really hoped that all of the new changes being made were truly for the better as he honestly had the villagers in mind with every decision that he made. He loved this place with his whole soul and being and to ever see any harm come to this lands would hurt him deeply. With such a young group leading them, many would doubt but he'd reaffirm his loyal countrymen every time that he could by constantly showing his affirmation to their safety and the sovereignty of his Daimyo. Doubt might creep in from time to time but so long as he remained loyal to the people then the people ought to remain loyal to him.

OOC: Shameless Dojo training post but essentially, Endo is floating cross-legged looking over the village and taking notes of possible future plans to use the Shrine of the Gods offensively. Picture of Endo's general look below but he is covered by a large black cloak.

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Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The offices were a place of solitude, a place where one could clear their head, worship, and work away from the prying eyes of others. Yet Megami was restless. She sat at her desk, all paperwork to one side, as she stared at a picture of her and Hana. A sigh escaped her as she pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers. She couldn't be home as much as she would like to be, well essentially she could because she was her own boss, but she was in this position to protect Hana in the first place. It would be counterproductive to take time more time off than she was already given. She turned her chair around, and stood looking out the window in her office. It was large, built into the wall, but it acted as a two way mirror, the outside visible to herself but not the other way around. It was nice, relaxing. The moon hung brightly in the sky, casting small shadows around the room. She caught a glimpse of movement in the dark and reflexively reached for the sword slung over her back. However, she pulled back at the last minute, it was rare that anyone not qualified reached the Shrine. She felt a presence at her door before the knocking came. "Enter." The knob turned, and in stepped a short girl with dark hair. She looked nervous. "An urgent order has come in for you. I'll just set it on your desk." Megami made no move to look at the girl, but she heard the quick shuffling of feet and the swish of paper as it was set on the desk. Once the door closed, Megami picked up the envelope that had been set on her desk and withdrew the document. Her pale aqua eyes scanned the paper carefully, as her eyebrows furrowed. "Hmm" Nothing more was said or uttered. She grabbed her glasses before heading out the door, the final sound being the click of the lock as it turned in the tumblers.

The Terrace was a nice touch to the Shrine, and rather useful when it came to a viewing point. She found herself out here on occasions. Still, tonight was not a night for casual viewing extravaganzas. In fact, the person of interest was in her sights. The sky clouded over ever so slightly, yet the moon still shown through. A loud boom of thunder announced her presence; not exactly subtle but then again she wasn't about subtlety. She stepped forward from the dark, dressed completely in her tight fit black leather armor, made custom fit for flexibility purposes for fighting. Her face remained stoic, unwavering of any emotion, as her striking pink hair, styled to one side, lightly brushed against her face as she walked. It wasn't so much she was bored, this was actually quite a neutral expression, one that always allowed for her to have the upper hand when it came to conversation. Although, her anger and the occasional vibrant happiness was harder to hide. But, for now, this was an interaction of importance, whether formal or informal, as the envelope did not specify, this was one where her professionalism was displayed. Megami looked towards the man in question, the Tsuchikage, or leader of the village. By obligation she was to protect him as well, though Hana always came first, regardless of obligation, profession, or duty. Hana was her life, and she would never let anyone take that away from her. The man seemed...perplexed at the Shrine's ingenuity. "A brilliant design, wouldn't you say? Too bad, I'm not all that interested in architecture. What I am interested in, is the Summons I received. So, care to explain?"<i></i> Megami crossed her arms and tilted her head, as her eyes scoped the surrounding area out of habit. Of course her eyes noticed the lack of attentive personnel around someone of such importance to the village. She scoffed. But it wasn't really meant to be heard. "Tch, seems those guards have been slacking again as well. Good job." Her voice was practically dripping with disappointment and sarcasm. But, that would never happen if she were on the job. It still meant though that she would have to whip her subordinates into shape.

She paused a moment, wondering who all would be around. She didn't usually do a lot of talk with officials out in the open air, even if it were for mild conversation. She hadn't seen too many of her Guardians around, but luckily not a whole lot were on the clock this late, and few would hear them so far up in the air. Megami couldn't seem to relax though. Her nature taught her to always be scanning for even the slightest onset of danger, or suspicion. She learned that all to well when she let her guard down at that festival some time ago. She couldn't forgive herself for letting Hana slip away from her that day, and it was only by chance that she was able to get her back unharmed. Not being a woman of many words, Megami waited though. Maybe he would stop in his endeavors to dissect the capabilities of the Shrine long enough to have an exchange of information. If not, then perhaps other, direct, methods were necessary. Regardless of status, no one was beneath those methods. An almost unnoticeable smirk passed her lips at the thought.

WC: 905

OOC: Little late, but finally got around to it. Not my best RP, so sorry for that.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Its been said that the Shadow's have eyes, Souji was always there and apparent when the shadows were most potent. Night. He was the Kage's Kage... The shadow to the shadow. He would not let most of anything get by him and as much as he wanted to... he would make an attempt to make life hell for those who did the same for his people. The snake in the shadows, something children were groomed to deem as evil, something that the adults in this world were taught would be vile and witty... ever trying to sway something into their favor. A Snake... the very symbol and word, that could attain a slew of definitions. One thing was certain, Souji was no normal Snake. Nor did he use the darkness for what could be seen as evil. It was something he prided himself on and something he would not allow many to forget. Though, if his reputation was to be upheld only those who were skilled enough would even know his real name. Souji. Yukata. The skill of power his mind over another's would be known just in that fact. Not that he would instantly get respect for it... which is another reason he took the customs of this age... of his forefathers and mothers. Guardian... It was his title. It was literally who he was.

Tonight... he was summoned by the man he had fought with in the great conquest. He was known to those he fought with as the Centurion, Souji knew his name just by his works prior. A skilled masterful mind of war and tactics. His skill rivaled the Sennin of his branch, and his leadership nearly out shined the Main branch Sennin. It was amazing all the things he had accomplished. Souji respected him, but why and most of all HOW did he get here on this night? How did he get passed security, how did he get by some of the best Iwa had to offer. Was this man that good? Or were they lacking in the department of heightened security... likely both and if it leaned more to the latter Souji would know it fell into his lap as well as others that were scheduled to be on guard. Souji wasn't but still... he was summoned here. Why?

Standing behind them he would admire the Sennin's approach, simple... Souji however did not like the simple way of doing things... outstretched over the ledge his chakra holding him to the side of the terrace's out looking viewpoint to the village. He could see them and likely by now they would be able to see the shadows cultivating into a serpent form slithering up and over into Endo's Shadow and stepping out into his full [Guardian attire] masked and all. His sleeves hung down not revealing anything of what he looked like his form nor any direct features. Megami might know of this attire... simply because of her knowledge as a Sennin. Endo might not have been so lucky but Souji didnt know alot of the man's connections. So, maybe if he knew Megami... then he would in turn know him. Made sense. So why was he called here though? What purpose did Souji serve being here. Speaking only after Megami had fully finished though, he'd raise a simple question... much like Megami's.

"Interesting indeed, Sennin-sama. I wish to know the same... especially with my lowly title.", and that was it. All he would say as he stood as a statue now looking at both Megami and Endo. They both would be able to see him but what did it matter... he was only a Guardian... he meant and was nothing in terms of power. He had no say. Something was up... hopefully nothing bad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Stroking his chin a bit, Endo continued to look out further beyond the glass before he spoke. Scribbling something down he sat his writing utensil down on his parchment and sighed. "You know, I didn't choose this life . . ." he paused as he put up his pen and notebook and settled on the floor, standing to look them both eye to eye. "I called you two here today because I figured that you'd not be surprised in my actions that may soon lead to war." He broke eye contact and walked closer to the glass terrace as he made a bit of a dust like structure before letting it collapse in his hand and float away in the air. Looking down at the city below, he wondered for a moment if he could really ask of the people to give more of themselves than they had already done. Perhaps he could, they were a warrior nation after all. All that truly bugged him was wondering if they'd be truly ready for the battles to last into being wars. That's why he needed soldiers like Megami and Souji at his side. "I'm doing a lot of rebuilding with our standing army. We've been far too quiet as a nation for far too long. It's time that the world recognized our might and for that I'm pulling in every resource and calling in every favor owed. Just realize that there will be those that balk at this new found vigor, we've always been a nation slow to the start but just like a bear when awakened from slumber we will not be weak in our actions. I'm asking for your support in this. I'll need trained men and women to stand with me in this new birth." Hopefully they weren't too startled by this revolution. He wasn't in the business of liking to repeat himself. Though he was asking for their help, the tacticians mind of his was already moving on along with his plans with or without them.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It was...complicated the things running through her head. Megami had received a summons that was of...urgent matters, and the addressed spoken gesture was on behalf of war. If that was the case, why was it, a lower tiered Guardian, currently hiding in the shadows, brought here as well? Especially if this was a matter of counseling support from a phlegmatic leader of a divine special task force known as the Guardians? It took some time to process indeed, and she would by no means rush into giving her response on those matters just yet. However, she wasn't one to undermine herself. She removed her glasses and pocketed them, returning a solid gaze, unflinching. "Surprised isn't exactly the word I would use in this circumstance, no." She would pause again, eyeing the getup that the other Guardian was wearing. What did he think he was? An ANBU? Strange, but she would make no comment. She had her attire, and he had his, though it was uncommon to see that kind of attire used by the Guardians anywhere within the village unless dealing with foreign policy.

Ignoring his presence, Megami finally began to process her words. The gears in her head turning, thinking of the consequences, the ambition, the lives, of Hana's future in all of this. Giving a low sigh, she straightened her posture and looked unto the heavens, seeking the Goddess's guidance. While the final call would be Megami's decision, she listened to the wisdom that was bestowed upon her to choose the best path. It was still a rather ambivalent choice to make though. "Fighting for no reason is just slow suicide." She thought back to when she had bullheadedly jumped into a throng of people, just because she thought fighting them then and there would put an end to the weapons trafficking, knowing full well that there were more people then she could handle. It cost her the life of her squadmate, and disappearance of another. Though, there was no indication on her face of the thoughts that flew by as she spoke. "Hmm, it's something to consider, that's for sure. Given that we are a strong people, chances look good. Are we excluding the use of civilians in this or are we all to take part? And the people of Arcadia and Maruishi, what of them?" Megami crossed her arms, her head slightly tilted. She resisted the urge to pace.

She was a leader whom wasn't just acting and answering for herself. She led the Guardians, the ANBU, the supposed strongest force of men and women in the village, and ultimately her call would matter. Still, she did not like to hesitate, and left her mind open and clear for all instances. So, with a still mind, she came to her answer. "The protection of our citizens is key. As are our lives. Is this really the best course of action? What are we to gain from going to war with no cause or reason, other than to look like a vindictive country out for blood and power? I can't give willing consent for use of my blade and my Guardians, without taking these things into account. What was your plan of action for this? What purpose will this serve?" Megami kept her voice neutral the whole time, merely questioning the circumstance, but the pieces weren't really lining up for her. It made no real sense, with the statements presented that we would just go to war, endanger the country and the people, for no reason. She needed more information before she could fully shape a response without question or wavering of whether or not this was the best decision in her mind.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding. This was obviously not a place he needed to be. It was not his conversation. As much as he would have loved to... and there was heavy hesitation. From beneath his mask he would stammer in his words for a moment. He didnt exactly know why he was called here and now that he knew what was going through the minds of the upper powers. He definitely felt like he should do something about this. Maybe... just maybe there was something that could be said about this whole thing. Something... absolutely something had to be done. Though, he was just a simple Guardian. He was to follow the strict orders of his Sennin and leaders. It was the way the Gods intended and he would not fall off that path. However, he needed to say something... he wanted to. He felt he should but when it came down to it.

He didnt. Simply standing there like a mountain... never moving nor swaying. Too afraid to say something for fear of being too... 'out of touch' with the situation. He had a little brother though... someone that he had to watch over. Someone that needed him in his life. This would put his brother at risk as well... and if that was the case... Souji would have to silently take action to make sure alot of these things didnt come back and bit Stone on the arse. Whatever Endo was planning Souji didnt think he could allow his brother to be involved. "I dont think I have the ranking to be apart of this conversation...", slowly removing his mask he would blink a few times as his aqua eyes hid behind his obsidian hair. His expression was displeased about the things he had heard... but all things considered he would have to act accordingly.

"I'm honored to be a Guardian for this Great Country. However, as the Guardian of Shadows... I have to resign myself from this. Whatever decision you both make... I hope you keep the best interest of our people and civilians at heart. I personally have family that would be thrown into the fray for war... younger family. And someone in particular that I wish not to be thrown into harms way. Please, do take into consideration what a 'show of might' might do to the generations to come.", though Souji didnt care about the generations to come. He cared about the here and now.

"I've spoken too much as is. I'll take my leave now.", stepping up to the ledge and looking back at Endo then Megami, he would bow his head, "Thank you for allowing me to be in this conversation as long as I have, but this is not within my authority. I trust both of your decisions moving forward...", shaking his head though he knew if they went to war, Oyochi would be in harms way. He couldnt live with himself if something did happen. Nokuzu help all if he found his brother dead.

If he was not stopped he would jump from the shrine into the shadows of night, the shadow dimension would swallow him however, keeping him from harm as he would descend from the shrine to the ground below.

[Topic Left unless stopped]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
As it stood, Endo wasn't keen on keeping soldiers on the field that didn't wish to be there. As he took in not only the words of the woman but the abrupt leaving of the other guardian as well it occurred to him that if it wasn't exactly a matter of a lack of respect, it was a matter of lack of will. To think that he'd casually allow for civilians to be harmed or for people to be forced to do what they didn't do. Indeed, as it stood there was the grim reminder of him being alone in a room surrounded by so called friends. It wasn't that they didn't respect him so much as they didn't trust him and that hurt more than anything. Finding himself at a loss for words, Endo sighed and began to wrap his garments closer to himself. It was to be a sad and cold night for him after all, the fellow feeling wasn't there. Had this been a test, even he the teacher would have failed but he wasn't going to exactly throw in the towel yet, he'd just fall back and devise a better plan later. A noted justice did occur to him though, perhaps this was indeed the reason why no Tsuchikage had been chosen in such a long time. Having collected his thoughts he nodded his head before speaking. "While I'm appalled that you'd think of me as monster enough to go to war without a way of protecting my people the words and actions that I've just witnessed do me dilligence enough to know that nothing I could ever say could make you see the world the way in which I do. I'll respect it though, and take the blow with honor knowing that at least you care about our people." He paused before made brief eye contact and moved to leave. "I bid you a good night milady, keep safe for the night gets bitterly cold." Nothing left to be said, Endo took his leave and with that his thoughts and dreams.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
