Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private So.... Where do we start? (request Midori)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I have immediately made my way from the conference room with talking with the Anbu Sennin and Umashi, heading straight to the hospital and past seemingly bored doctors and nurses, as it seems to be a lax day. I sighed, at least it looks like everything is normal. But there was that sudden attitude change from the Uchiha girl that made me think otherwise. Enough to make me put a halt on my investigation on the Death Organization and see what is up with Cloud that I have not been seeing.

It had bothered me more than even the whole thing at the gates. With a sigh, I had found the office in which was the Medical Sennin's office. I was about to grab the door handle and open the door, in my rush, but I stopped, and thought of formalities. I wasn't much on formalities, but I have respect for my Sennin so far. It will be a talk of her trust in me when I had went to Sand with Anbu. And how I am no longer who I was, by looks, and now have a whole other Kinjutsu and core ability. But the one thing I want to know of all of this, was what had happened to make the ANBU Sennin act the way she did.

With three taps on the door, waiting for the response of Midori to tell me to come in, I wondered how the branch has held up while I was gone.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
When the giantess heard a rapping coming from the door , without looking away from her documents that she was supposed to sign the vampire would gestured her hand at the door. "Yes, yes– enter freely pleaze," Midori says from behind the desk. The office is pretty much the same as ever; a desk with a chair in front of it and some papers scattered about. A few bookshelves line one wall, and there's a large window that looks out at the hospital grounds from above. When the doors opened up, it revealed that Midori was much taller than her previous meeting with Ziren. In fact when she rose up to put a file away without her cabinet, the Sennin had to hunch over in order to fit within this very room– not to mention her hefty physique. Looking down at the man for a moment, Midori paused for a moment at the new look from the man she had previously known. "Vell, vell. I zee zat trip vu made to Konoha has really…. Transformed vu per zay. Oh, I haffe gone through ein metamorphozis myzelf, kind young man but enough about our appearances."

Though Ziren did look different now, Midori could still recognize him when he entered the room since he still had a small resemblance to that strapping young man who was asking to become a peacemaker. Lumbering over to her seat, Midori would then carefully sit down so she doesn't break the seat under her massive weight and then she leaned forward; resting her hands on the desk. "I'm zorry for being zo forvard, but vat are vu doing here?" Midori smiles at Ziren knowing that it must be something important since last time Ziren was here, he was asking to be a diplomat.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I rubbed the back of my head, "It wasn't Leaf that had changed my physical appearance. But it is partly of why I am here, my appearance, that is." I had brought out a piece of paper, a form that I had hastily had made on the way here from my meeting with the ANBU Sennin. "I'm afraid that this documentation will have even less information to specify what had transpired, so I will tell you what I think I will be able to say without breaking any confidentiality."

Form 505.1B​
Personal Details

Name: Ziren
Date of Birth: UNK
Sex: M
Gender: F
Bloodline: Exalted


Common Name Of Kinjutsu: Chimeriashi

Location Kinjutsu Was Acquired:

How Was The Kinjutsu Acquired? Unstable genetic code with genetic changing pill. Also "Linked" with a spirit.

Body Parts/Bodies Used In Conjunction With Kinjutsu Origins: Genetic changing pill

Name Of Contact That Can Verify:
Trainee NO. 126 of ANBU branch.


Signature: Chigokai Ziren
Name: Chigokai Ziren

Mednin Signature:
Mednin Name:???

Reading through, Midori would be able to see some red flags, that would only be able to be slightly answered to not be recorded on paper. "A day after you have given me my new passport, an ANBU operative, Trainee No. 126, came to me seeking help with a mission. The mission took us to Country X where events transpired. I took a pill that could change the very genes of a person in hopes of getting the surprise on those we were up against. The result, not only changed my looks, but also I now have a root core ability, exalted, and kinjutsu, Chimeriashi. Turns out, the pill I took, had a spirit that had followed the pill, as that was her concentration of genes, and... erm... 'Spirit Linked' with me."

From how I talked, I can only guess that Leaf changing my appearance was off the table. Whilst I did have a visit there, it was shorter than my visit in Wind Country, and that was something else. In all honesty, I don't know which was worst. But what my Sennin could figure was that I was either in Wind Country, Moon, Water, or Tea.

But I wasn't done yet. "During the debrief me and Trainee No. 126 had with the ANBU Sennin, the meeting was interrupted by an urgent message that she had received. It was important enough to stop the debrief of a mission, and I can only imagine what has happened while I was gone. So, I'm sorry if it seems I'm pressing you for information, but what has happened while I was gone? It seemed enough to shake the ANBU Sennin well enough to shift gears of focus in an instant."

In reality, I didn't really care much for my whole ordeal of my looks, or my new powers. I mean, I kind of do, but in this instant, with feeling tensions rising, but not really why, all I can do is ask the questions to get a grasp of what was happening.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
After asking what Ziren was doing here, he– well they rather went on to tell the giantess that their new appearance was the reason for them being here. Midori would nod as Ziren began to pull out a document which was meant to explain what happened to them during their time outside of the village. They had warned the vampire that the document had less information than what actually transpired but Midori simply brushed it off as it being a long story. "Nay zir, I'm zure zat vateffer vu put dovn here schould be kood enough to–" she was cut off mid sentence to see that the kinjutsu registry form did have very little information, like there was almost nothing on the form in which made her face instantly go from confused to going dark when the giantess looked up to meet Ziren's gaze. "Vu better haffe ein kood reazon for zubmitting zis rubbish, Chigokai Ziren" she demanded, stressing Ziren's name which clearly indicated that she was getting annoyed.

Finally Ziren explained themselves. Basically, after giving them a passport, some Anbu (who was not named) for a mission to go to Vlad knows where in which they took some kind of pill that changed them. Midori's eyes narrowed, tapping her fingers on the desk as the words she was hearing was starting to annoy her even more but of course she allowed them to continue on. Basically during the debrief of the mission, it was cut short because of some unknown reason… Unknown to him no less which was why he had reported to Midori to get information out of her, which was in the very least more than what they've given the vampire. The giantess would now rise from her seat, a furious look within her golden eyes as she turned then slowly lumbered across the office. "Firstly, allow me to tell vu exactly vat zee title of Zennin is young schinobi–" she said coldly, closing the curtains that was leaking too much light into the room for her taste.

"As Zennin, or medical Zennin rather, ve are giffen zee responsibility of making zure zat zis branch is running smoothly in zee name of zee Raikage. Zis means zat vateffer a shinobi does in a certain branch falls ubon zee Zennin leading zee branch." once the curtains were closed she would then go to her office door to snap the lock shut to make sure there weren't any unwanted guests to disturb her. "Bazically– vith vu being under my leadership vu are my responsibility. Now vu took on a mizzion in vich I should've knovn about– vu journeyed to anozer country zat I haffen't zigned for– und now vu come to my office vithout having zee decency to be transparent vith me…. Midori paused, feeling herself about to raise her voice so she showed a little restraint. The giantess took a deep breath before turning back to Ziren, folding her arms behind her back as when she stalked forward.

"Me und zee Anbu Zennin are good friends. Or, at least I vould like to zink zo. Ve haffe to vork clozely vith one Hanozer anyvay zo naturally it vould pe fitting for me to know exactly vhere vu vere und vhat vu vere doing. I vould hate to bother zee young Anbu Zennin on zis matter, zo I'll ask vu zis once und pleaze be careful how vu ansver zis question–" Midori paused again, looking down at Ziren furiously. Now it would be a different story altogether if she was dealing with an actual member of the Anbu but this person was her responsibility and was acting as though she was just some gennin. She'll get some answers from him, one way or another. "Now Chigokai Ziren... Vere vere vu during zis mizzion? Let's start vith zat much."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I waited to speak. I can understand why she was angry, though I did not know that she was already friends with the ANBU Sennin. Even though Midori would have terrified any other person, I rather listened attentively, knowing that I had messed up, but also not going to bow down and whatnot. I have always been someone that would stand up for myself if I feel the need to, mainly when someone is going aggro on me for no reason. But Midori, she actually has a reason. And I respect for for that, so I swallowed the snide comments that like to instinctively come out and thought through my words as I waited for my turn to speak.

She had merely asked me where I was on this mission. I was cognizant of the actions that she had taken before asking such a question. Any person that wasn't fully aware would have thought that Midori was being threatening, but I saw it as her own way of being able to shut out any listeners so that I may have a better chance of speaking. I gave an apologetic bow, "My apologies, I know not the range of who would have the know how of my involvement with an anbu mission." I paused before speaking once more, "The outskirts of Sand, Wind Country. And I'm sorry that I haven't told you any sooner, the anbu operative had asked for my help, only explaining that the mission was of crucial matters. But I should have at least left a message in my absence or something."

I hated being on the other end of an interrogation, but sometimes you have to give information to get information, and the one thing I want to really know is what had happened to make an anbu sennin tremble and send forth Umashi to help the Raikage at this Capitol.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
With a little persuasion, Midori got the information that she had wanted from Ziren; her attitude quickly changed to her usual tone of being calm and gentle. "Zee, now vasn't zat painless, my dearest? Honestly vu schould'fe just lead vith zat instead of getting me all vorked up." her tone implied that she was joking, but from how quickly Midori dismissed the whole thing it appeared that the giantess had much bigger things to worry about and just wanted to know since in times these– it would be easy for someone to do something drastic within her branch without her knowing. Now that she knew that Ziren was doing a mission for a fellow Anbu operative in Wind Country, her face would then turn serious and begin to sit on one of the comfortable couches. Getting herself a wine glass that sat on the table so she could pour into the glass some chocolate syrup from a bottle that sat on the table. "But yes, ve are having a small criziz vithin our beautiful land. Take a zeat und listen clozely to vat I am about to tell vu because zee situation is as zerious as it zeems."

Gesturing her hand towards the couch on the opposite side of the coffee table, Midori waited for a moment to see if he would prefer to sit or just stand. Regardless of Ziren's preference, she would then elegantly cross her legs and break the bad news to him. "During a meeting I had zee other day, ve've discussed zat zee small Republic of Tenouza are declaring var on zee entire Lighdening Country– Normally, zuch ein small city state vould be crushed vizout us getting infolffed but zey haffe already taken over lands vizin zee outer villages... 3... 4 maybe more cities on zee countryside are under zee rule of zee Tenouza." Midori explained, looking towards the window for a moment even though the curtains were closed.

"All vu need to do is look out zere at one of our mountains und get ein frightful view on zee capability of zeir new veapon. If zey hadn't misfired, I doubt vu vould'fe come to much of ein village zince it vas like zomeone detonating ein nuclear device near zee village. Zey fired it during zee meeting too, but luckily zere vere no casualties at least zat I know of."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
When my Sennin had said that I should have started with that, snd we would have avoided this situation as a whole, I gave her a smile, "Yeah, sorry, I tend to just say things in an almost unfiltered kind of way. Sorry about that again Midori-sama." I can tell though that the giantess has other things on her mind, in which that of an attack on Cloud. My stomach churned as the words came out of her mouth. It felt like things were going to be on replay again as it did with Leaf. But instead of Frost Shinobi now it's these people called Tenouzans. I clenched my fists as I sat there and listened.

But no... Things are different now. I can't keep trying to usher my family from one safe haven to the next just because I feel it is too dangerous for them to be there. I had to think clearly. The thought of such things happening once again made me question my want to work for peace. But I know that nothing is ever paid for free. There is always a cost for such a thing. I looked at Midori. "Forgive me for my selfishness Midori-sama, but I request you that I am allowed to partake in whatever mission with the highest of risks. I am never one Medical ninja to just stay in the hospital, but rather my calling is where a medical ninja is most needed."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
