Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Stop Death or Die Trying! [Medical Mission]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It hasn't been terribly long since Shin's return to the village, and being the person he is he has already jumped back into work. After speaking with the Omni Prime Medical Complex's administrative team he has learned of a bright pupil joining the branch. He was to meet her here, and to be honest he wasn't sure what to expect.

Standing at a smaller stature compared to most of the male shinobi within the village Shin was only about five feet and eight inches tall and wasn't very broad. His bright golden blonde hair and ghostly blue eyes made him rather recognisable within the Medical Branch. Wearing his lab coat over a plain white tee and black slacks made his appearance pretty down played compared to normal. A few medical tools could be seen residing in his coat's pockets. It wasn't uncommon for a Med-Nin to have to administer emergency vital checks out of a visitation room so he made sure he was well equipped. His fair white skin was almost as white as the sterile walls, which is surprising for a desert dweller.

Standing in the lobby of the third floor of the Omni Prime Medical Complex the Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan was awaiting for his new pupil. She was told to meet him on this floor, which was were most of the surgical recovery rooms were. Holding onto a clipboard and tapping the butt of a pen on the held papers Shin's face was tranquil as he awaited for her arrival. She was in for a shock as he wasn't one to dilly dually on getting practical application of skills as experience taught more than most books ever did.


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume</COLOR>


With the brightness of a spring sun, the three-tailed kitsune stepped inside the hospital. She was supposed to meet a medic on the third floor that could guide her forward on the path as a budding medical nin, the kitsune almost having forgotten that she was still a shinobi of Sunagakure after all the recent events that had transpired. A trip to the Village of Tea, confronting poor memories of the demon puppet, then the whole temple situation in Sora and the Foxfire Heritage... The days had bled one into another, the young Priestess of the Aikayume Temple - the rightful title for the Clan Head - having dealt with one thing after another ever since her mother had passed on the Heritage. Suffering emotional turbulence for losing her cherished mother, she had thrown herself in the comfort of her newfound hand-maiden and friend Shizuka, who easily towered a head above her and quietly stood a little behind the white kitsune that was Misaki. Uncle Yatsu had not failed to point out all of her errors and required improvements as the new Priestess, and the various members of the clan serving as miko and onmyouji were quite a handful in their need for attention and praise - not that she was any different herself, but it was much easier to cope with when her mother was around and gave her much needed praise instead of having the tables be turned around. [lb2]

<COLOR color="#CC0000">"I'll be fine from this point on, Shizuka."[lb]
"Yes, Priestess. Should I prepare anything for your return?"[lb]
"No, I'll be fine."[lb]
"Not even a cup of white lotus tea with fitting daifuku from Akashi's Place?"[lb]
"Being a medic requires a lot of focus. I could do with a treat afterwards..."[lb]
"Very well. Good luck, Misaki.", the swordswoman would say with a smile before leaving Misaki on her own.[lb2]

The benefit of being in charge was pretty much how easily she could spoil herself rotten these days. Just like her mother did, and her grandmother. Much to Uncle Yatsu's displeased confirmation there was little he could do about it. Not that he was any less scary during the other days. The fifteen year old brat named Misaki was practically maintaining a rebellion by indulging her own wiles as good as she could get away with. All in good faith though, since her uncle was an important member.[lb2]

Moving forward and up the stairs to the third floor, most of Misaki's body was hidden under the white Priestess robes that she had come to wear on an almost daily base. So used to them was she that she often forgot to change when undertaking other tasks, the girl's mind being all over the place just to make sure she did everything right when she had to. A tough job despite her otherwise clear mind and celestial awareness. Under the robes, the girl was wearing her shinobi outfit consisting out of a white vest tucked under a claret flowing dress kept in place by a golden sash and a tool belt with some basic shinobi tools. As always, vulpine ears and three-tails of resplendent white were proudly left bare for all to see.[lb2]

Eventually reaching the third floor, she'd find a single male waiting. His 5'8 size would bring him a head higher than her much shorter 5'2 height, the blonde hair and blue eyes almost a dream to look at as the kitsune wasn't quite used to meet a person with that combination. Wearing a lab coat over a white shirt and slacks gave him the mature air that came with being a medic of good standing, making the Priestess smile appreciatively for just a second. As she halted a solid meter before him, she'd bow before her red eyes observed his face further.[lb2]

"Misaki Aikayume, Medic in Training. Are you Chikamatsu Shin?"

Entered with Misaki Aikayume

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin raised an eyebrow as his attention was brought towards a well dressed young woman. She was clearly of the demonic ancestry of the Toraono Clan, but with her kitsune features it was safe to assume she was of the spiritual cult known as the Aikayume. Almost immediately his question would be answered as Misaki introduced herself. A grin stretched across his face. He had heard this name before. Returning the respectful bow the Mednin would introduce himself. "I am, from your dressing I feel it is safe to assume you are the new young Priestess of the Aikayume Temple?"

Realigning himself back upright he would begin his formal introduction. "Before we begin allow me to give you some information about myself. As you already know my name is Chikamatsu Shin. I am the Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan, which is the title of our clan leader. I am also a pupil to our Medical Chief Byakko Akujin. I became a fully fledged Medical Shinobi by the age of fourteen and am a leader in the field of Research and Development. The Clan from which I reside and lead has been affiliated with the Medical Branch and the Omni Prime Medical Complex since the times of the First Men. Many of our modern medicines were derived by the herbology used by my predecessors. If you have any questions about my qualifications to lead you in this training please do not hesitate to ask."

As he spoke he would shift his posture and begin walking down one of the hallways. The sound of his steps would lightly echo as it seemed to be a vacant section of the hospital. Turning down the corridor on the right Shin would lead her to a series of small offices. If she had any questions or statements he would respond to those before continuing. "These offices here are used by many of our Medics-in-Training, so if you feel that having your own office would aid in your training do not hesitate to ask the administration office for a room. There are also laboratories down in the second sublevel if you would rather have a room for practical application instead of a room for study."<i></i>

Continuing down the hallway Shin would make his way to an empty operating room. Stopping at the door the young man would turn around and look at the royal priestess. "Are you ready for your primary assessment?"<i></i>


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume</COLOR>


<COLOR color="#CC0000">"You are well informed.", Misaki acknowledged his information about her position. "I am the current Priestess of the Aikayume, having succeeded my mother Akiko Aikayume."[lb2]

Having confirmed her position as the clan head of the Aikayume, it would be his turn to make his known. He too was the head of his clan, called the Overseer, and much like her rather young to bear such responsibilities. While many would look at the grandeur of the clan's name and influence, Misaki could only see a young man bearing responsibilities to the best of their abilities. Maturity of a sort not many would stand to bear. He was also younger than her to become a full fledged medic, herself being a year older and still being but a medic in training. Granted, such details said little about how time was being spent but it was something worth respecting.[lb2]

"I'm sure your qualifications will suffice. One would not become a lead in Research with the kage's blessing if you did not hold the competence for it.", she'd say in reply to him offering her the possibilities of questioning his qualification. Even disregarding his position as head of the clan and leader in the field, the man was an actual Iryo-nin. That was all she needed to know as a MiT. A teacher willing to teach her and guide her through the next batch of studies and requirements to achieve the proper position of a healer - a position that complimented well with her tasks as miko, onmyouji and exorcist. A healer of body and soul, or a 'shaman' as the rare few tended to call it.[lb2]

Following Shin down the hallways and passed several small offices, each one seemed as empty as the section they were walking through. He'd explain their uses and offered her one of the rooms for her to work in. Even if the kitsune would have liked such a room, her time was often too short to run all the way to the hospital just to work on some medical papers. Instead, she much preferred to stay in the temple and go into her private quarters to work on the papers at her own desk. Less time consuming, both serving a same purpose. Plus, the affectionate kitsune were never far either. The laboratories, on the other hand, were a different story. The temple was a spiritual place, not a medical one, so it was not outfitted with rooms of that sort. The Aikayume Temple instead had ceremonial rooms and ritual rooms protected by the necessary seals and barriers for when ritualistic trials were held.[lb2]

"The laboratories are an interesting offer I might request use of if need be but I'd prefer to perform administrative tasks at home. I'm afraid I'm often too occupied, so cutting lose on the travel time is not a luxury I'd pass on.", she said in answer to his offer, hoping that he would understand her decision as the head of his own clan. She was, of course, not fully aware how time consuming it was to lead a clan of lesser renown but the kitsune didn't want to assume any disadvantage of the sort to his end. "I hope that's fine?"[lb2]

As they halted at a door and Shin asked her if she was ready, Misaki would nod with a smile. When they'd step into the room, she'd alter her outfit with a spark of foxfire. The robes of the priestess would seemingly burn up by violet flames and leave behind a white haori tucked behind a claret dress of which the left side had a split from the ankles up to her thighs. Where the white robes of the Priestess had been, a black and red coat with the golden kamon of the Aikayume would have taken its place. Misaki's shinobi attire. A simple way of saying she was ready for whatever would be coming her way.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would nod at his pupil as she addressed how informed Shin was. It wasn't a surprise as he worked directly with the head of the Byakko Clan and learned a lot of the on goings of the Toraono through casual conversation. When she addressed the office usage at her home Shin would give a simple response. "That is fine, just make sure you send them to the Omni Prime for me to finalize and keep track while you are still in your training."<i></i> The movement ahead would be the largest determining factor that would decide what coarse of action Shin would take as her instructor. Her flashy transformation of wardrobe made the Overseer grin. She was finally ready.

As they would enter the room a flurry of chakra threads would fill the room, all of which originated from Shin's third eye. "And it begins, Secret Art: Mind Web Jutsu!"<i></i> As he spoke the threads would all connect to Misaki and begin to disappear as they made the consciousnesses of he two would merge.

Suddenly Shin would fade from existence as the world around the young priestess would fall into darkness. A sensation of heat would push against the young lady's body. Withing seconds the darkness would turn to rubble. The Omni Prime was no longer surrounding the Medic in Training but instead was a ruined section of the Residence Complex. Shattered walls and piles of bricks made it apparent that she was now inside of a battle field. Fire and explosions continued to ring around her as the setting of this reality marble would finalize. A unique scent of burning flesh became apparent as screams of pain and the horrors of battle became reality. "Misaki-chan. Your test has began. These people need your help. Numbers unknown, and status unknown. Do your best."<i></i>

To the east came screams of a woman, and to the south came another series of explosions. The northern side of the battle field rubble could be heard moving. There was no correct course of action to take but Shin would be watching every mode she made.


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume


Mind Web Jutsu. Chakra would bind the world and the minds of the medical practitioners. If the name wasn't a giveaway, Misaki's clarity made her realise it was all a trick of the mind. Understanding that the genjutsu served a purpose in their training, the kitsune waited for the illusion to settle and reveal what exactly it would about. Darkness would engulf her, warmth being registered as the first of alterations in sense before the hospital had change into a battlefield. The kitsune blinked against the newfound land and looked around to see if she recognised the area. The residence complex? It seemed like it. As her eyes darted to take in the details of the situation, her vulpine ears turned to pick up the origin of the screams of distress, nose wriggling against the sharp scent of burnt flesh. From her point of view, it sounded like the south was under assault and thus in primary danger, while the east and north were in need of inspection though not necessarily under immediate assault.[lb2]

Three Ofuda Seals would shimmer into existence and float around Misaki, the Tsuchimikado's mastery over ritual casting becoming apparent. Forming two sets of full hand seals, an elemental clone would appear which was instructed to move towards the danger zone in the south. Its task being that of scouting and analysing the situation to see how dire it was, if there were any survivors in need of help and, perhaps the most important part, if Misaki would even remotely stand a chance to help possible survivors while the area was still under fire. Such information was important after all, as it would be pointless to go on a suicide mission when she could potentially be helping out other people's lives. The second hand seals would create a medical assistant, it's task being that of providing aid to there where the moving rubble was. The assistant would move in carefully, its strength hopefully sufficient to assist in removing rubble should the coast be clear and able to provide first aid if need be. Provided with a Magatama barrier that protected against physical and elemental damage at the will of the original Misaki, it should be relatively well protected against surprise explosions and attacks as it provided help. That left the original to decide on a course of action.[lb2]

As the two clones moved out stealthily to perform their own set of duties, Misaki navigated through the east area by herself. Ears perked up to pick up the origin of the screams, her eyes would remain alert for possible ambushes, survivors and other potential dangers. Screams could mean a lot. A woman in pain, or perhaps an ongoing attack, the kitsune had felt it necessary to go there herself, having access to the full arsenal of her abilities. She stayed as close to the walls of the houses as possible and made use of rabble to remain in stealth as good as the rugged landscape allowed her to.

Creating: C-rank Fuuton Clone [Master] with 2'210 CP - going south to inspect the hostile situation
Creating: B-rank Medical Assistant [Rank 1] with 2'600 CP, Magatama barrier [Rank 1 - Physical (1655)/Elemental(2200)] - going north to inspect moving rubble and provide help if needed
Misaki - going east to inspect screams of woman

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
To the north were the remains of a dozen houses. Small sections of the houses would still remain but it was beyond repair. Each house emitted smoke as there were flames scattered throughout the area from the prior attack. A few bodies could be seen scorched beyond recognition. Limbs would be seen sticking out of the rubble but they weren't moving and if they were checked they would be as cold as ice and stiff. Rigor mortis already setting in this area was clearly the first section to be under attack. "With the Civil War this scene is very much a possibility. We will see how you do."<i></i> The scent of burning flesh was extremely strong and could curdle almost anyone's stomach. A few rocks would tumble down a pile of rocks a few houses down but their stability was questionable. The few bodies that weren't scorched were laying in the roads with pools of blood surrounding them. A few wore the gear of the Sunan Genin and Chuunin. It was clear that someone or something came through here and murdered not only Sunan Shinobi but innocent people.

To the east came the screams of a woman and as Misaki would approach she would be able to address the scene. Within the rubble of a larger residential complex laid a single woman with a large section of a stone wall on her leg. Her finger tips were bloodied as she continued to try and lift the large mass from her leg. Bloody trails could be seen not only on the debris from her attempt to escape but from head down her body. [color=pink"HEEEEEEEELP!!!!! SOMEBODY!!!! please....[/b] help me...."[/color] Her voice softened as tears poured from her eyes. Her strength was fading from her as she continued to struggle towards freedom. Unbeknownst to the woman the large wall structure was holding up a large section of a three story building. A few small pieces of rubble would continue to drop from the building as it became clear that this structure was unstable and could collapse at any given moment.

To the south the scouting clone would see a creature of flames conjuring forth large blasts of flame that would destroy buildings on impact. It's slender frame and elemental body made it appear to be a creation of an unseen shinobi. This creature continued to wreak havoc as it would launch large bouts of flames at the occupied homes. As residents tried to flee the creature would dart towards them and use its long sharp claws to slice open their mid sections or use it's flames to instantly scorch their bodies.

In the end Misaki needed to decide what to do and which required priority over others. Shin would continue to watch and assess her potential as a Medical Shinobi.


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume</COLOR>


The north didn't seem to bring much hope for the medical clone trying to find some survivors. Nonetheless, it would not give up on its search just yet, halting only to double check the corpses and bring back the headbands and/or nametags of the fallen Suna-nin. While the kitsune would prefer to give the corpses a proper burial, the current situation didn't allow her to do so. Time was of the essence, every second ticking away possibly pulling in survivors closer to death. The medic's search thus continued for a while longer... [lb2]

Arriving at the scenery, the eyes of the Priestess would take in the environment. A woman trapped, legs buried under a stone wall. What the victim failed to see would be caught by the newly arrived kitsune who had a better view of the area and could deduct that lifting the wall would easily cause the entire building to collapse. A dangerous puzzle to solve that left little room for error on her end. As two more seals would float around Misaki, seemingly creating a barrier of five talismans on their own, their presence gave the kitsune an idea. Conjuring Chakra Barriers, four discs of chakra would float around Misaki as she moved to meet the woman. Once she reached the trapped victim, the barriers would created a two-layered defence above the two of them, effectively working like a layered turtoise shield that would redirect the falling rubble as Misaki helped out the woman, and possibly serve as a solid buffer should the entire wall come down.[lb2]

<COLOR color="#CC0000">"I'm Misaki Aikayume, medic. I'm here to help you out.", she said to the woman as she crouched and wrapped an arm around her in comfort, placing it in such a way she could easily hold the woman tightly to her should she need to move fast with the additional mass. Knowing already that she'd blast the wall with Kinesis, consuming one of the Ofuda seals to cast her technique with a single hand, it'd be a matter of destroying the rock, grabbing the woman and moving out of harm's way as fast as possible while using the four chakra shields as a protection in the process. Not the easiest of tasks, but time was short and other than waiting for the whole thing to come down crashing, Misaki saw few other options. A risk she was willing to take, since it granted a chance for success.[lb2]

"Miss, I want you to hold me tightly. I'll get rid of the rock and jump to safety with you. Can you do that?", she'd ask the woman to make sure she understood what was going to happen. If the woman acknowledged, Misaki would use a one-handed Force Break on the stone to completely shatter the wall section and free the woman's leg in the process. Then, as the wall would rumble and start to come down, she'd grab the woman solidly and quickly jump away, the chakra barriers protecting the two of them as good as possible. If the woman didn't acknowledge, she'd repeat her intention once more in hopes to get through the woman, but if it looked like the woman was too shell-shocked or otherwise incapable of understanding Misaki's intentions, the kitsune would have to execute her plan without the benefit of cooperation.[lb2]

The Fuuton clone knowing it was elementally at a disadvantage compared to the being of flame was forced to make a tough decision. Returning to report might seem the best course of action but that would mean leaving the people to suffer the hostilities. Taking a look back from where she came and quietly hoping the original would come to assist soon, the clone had made up its mind - it would attract the attention of the fire spirit and keep it occupied to the best of its abilities despite the disadvantage in hopes that the people's chance of a safe escape would be improved. Channelling Fuuton chakra for an Air Bullet Barrage, the kitsune clone would maintain camouflage if possible and position itself to release the bullet. Hit or miss, bearing the Sunagakure headband like the original, there would be little left to doubt that the clone would not allow the creature to continue its fireworks.

Misaki - east
C-rank Fuuton Clone [Master] with 1'964 CP - south, Air Bullet + Barrage action (-264 CP)
B-rank Medical Assistant [Rank 1] with 2'600 CP, Magatama barrier [Rank 1 - Physical (1655)/Elemental(2200)] - north

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The smell of the burning corpses was strong and the fluttering ash that danced through the sky caused this scene to be other worldly. Each headband of the indistinguishable corpses that Misaki would check would have the names of the members of her clan. One after another it would become apparent that her clan had fallen and that she was one of the only survivors left. Shin would watch to see how the Priestess would respond. The nearest pile of rubble moved slightly causing a few of the smaller stones on top to fall off and clank against other pieces of debris making a noticeable sound, hopefully loud enough to catch the attention of the kitsune. If approached she should be able to sense a faint source of energy within which would mean that there was a life below. How she would retrieve this life was unknown to Shin but he would continue to watch.

To the East another hard decision was coming into reality. As Misaki would come close to the woman she would sense that her strength was beginning to fail her. Slipping out of consciousness this woman was slowly dying and it was up to the young priestess to prevent this. After she would repeat herself it would become clear the the woman was no longer capable of responding. As her plan would start to become into fruition the wall would begin to start to crumble. As the wall would collapse beneath its own weight to would connect with the talisman created barrier jutsus. Instantly smashing through the first two layers the third layer would also break rather quickly. The final barrier would become riddled with cracks as the downward force was great.

As she would land away from the wall the barrier too would move with her as that was where it was centered. The collapse of the wall caused a gust of dust to launch outward. If Misaki would begin to examine the woman she would realize that the wall had kept the major arteries in her legs to be sealed. Now gushing blood from her legs the woman's color was quickly fading from her face. The bones in her legs were completely shattered beyond recognition. Depending on the skill of the trainee she may be able to keep the legs, but if she wasn't skilled enough they would most likely be lost. What happens in the next few moments would determine if this woman would survive the night.

Plummeting it's claws into the back of a small child running away the creature clearly had no remorse in who or what it killed. Sliding its claws out of the child's now limp body the fiery spirit would begin to make its way to another innocent, well that was until a blast of winds hit the spirit causing it to loose its stance. Knocked back the creature would lower its body and outstretch its arms letting out a primal screech that could be heard for miles. One foot at a time the creation of flames would begin it's trajectory towards the wind release clone. Long claws scraping against the ground caused fissures to split the earth behind it. Striking upwards the fissures would continue towards the source of the air release geysers of fire to emit from them. If hit the wind clone would surely be decimated into nothing more than smoke.


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume


The names were more than familiar to the clone. Every one of them belonging to her clan. She already knew this was a genjutsu, the only spark of relief and hope she held onto but even then the very unrealistic possibility was a disheartening. The clone would look up into the skies for a moment, her frown of worry changing into a pout of childish vehemence aimed at the creator of this illusory world - as if she wanted Shin to know she disapproved his idea of creating such a dreary future for her to endure. The message would be quickly dropped when her ears turned to pick up the movement of nearby rubble. The sound was clearly not just a piece falling down but had the semblance of more, and thus the medical clone moved over to assess the situation. A pile of rubble, the vague hint of life under it. Aside from overlooking the surrounding area to see if moving the rubble was a good idea, the clone tried to see if she could catch a glimpse of what was under the rubble and spoke up with a 'Hello?', hoping to hear life reply. In the meantime, she'd move away whatever rubble she without posing herself or the life under it in danger.[lb2]

Success. The woman had been safely removed from the rubble and falling stones, the barrier having shielded the two of them against the damage. That three of the four barriers had been destroyed, or so much as, was of no importance to the kitsune. She dispelled the fourth barrier as she laid the woman to rest as comfortably as possible and started to analyse the woman's wounds to the best of her abilities. The main arteries in her leg had opened now that the debris no longer sealed it off and the bones were shattered. A dire situation for any medic in training.[lb2]

Not wanting to tarry any longer, Misaki started by using a simple technique that should, at least, prevent the woman from bleeding out. Consuming an Ofuda seal, one hand would coagulate the bleeding wound to stop the blood loss from continuing. The foxfire warmth of the Priestess would be felt, the soothing flame of compassion and care spreading gradually around and within the arteries to a comfortable warmth in the process. Once Misaki noticed the blood loss had slowed down sufficiently, she'd consume a second Ofuda Seal to channel restorative chakra through her other hand, applying the early stage of Mystical Force upon the woman. Knowing that the technique had the ability to restore all sorts of internal damage, along with further reducing blood loss and targeted damage, she hoped the combination would be sufficient to save the woman's leg and get her through the night.[lb2]

Having the advantage of distance still at this point, the cleaving earth would be perceived and force the tricky kitsune clone to move away. In fact, with the need to move away, the clone might have an even better solution to the situation. Relying on what little power it had at its disposal, it would start the frustrating strategy of 'kiting' the creature by keeping its distance from the flame spirit as it bobbed and weaved through the surrounding debris, never standing still for too long, and pelting it with Air Bullet Barrages to keep its attention. While the fuuton kitsune was not assured of a crushing victory over the spirit, it mostly hoped to keep its attention away from the escaping people while all together guiding it closer to the original Misaki who had the ability to deal with that creature on a more efficient level. A two-fold win... If her strategy succeeded.

Misaki - east, substituting Medic Acc with Nin Acc, saving a life?
C-rank Fuuton Clone [Master] with 1'964 CP - south, kiting the spirit?
B-rank Medical Assistant [Rank 1] with 2'600 CP, Magatama barrier [Rank 1 - Physical (1655)/Elemental(2200)] - north, looking for more details on the situation

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"This is a possibility you may face one day. Those close to you may fall in the struggles of battle. Though this is simply an illusion, as I know you are aware of, this situation is a reflection of a future that may become reality one day. You must keep this in mind, especially as a prominent leader within a clan such as your own." His voice was omnipresent to the medical clone. This went by quickly as the kitsune clone would become aware of the life trapped under the debris. "Hello?"</COLOR><i></i> A voice would respond to the clone. "Is there someone out there?! Please you have to help me! I am stuck! Please!"<i></i> As the pleading continued the sound of shifting rubble caused by the entombed survivor made he scenario perfectly clear to the clone. Though the voice wasn't coming from very deep it was underneath an unstable pile of fragmented walls and roofing. Each movement that the struggling man made caused the debris to shift and fall closer and closer to him. With his ability to speak so clearly and move it would become clear that he was not pinned down and was within a cavity that was protecting him from the pressure of the house's weight.

The panicking and thrashing about that the man was now doing in an attempt to reach Misaki's clone made his chances of survival to decrease with each passing moment. Shifting lumber and support beams caused small stones and wall fragments to begin to drop from the top of the pile towards the ground. Who knows what was happening deep under the pile of destroyed architecture that was protecting him. "Please, my daughter, I have to find her! She is only three years old! We were separated!"<i></i> Panic was clear in his voice as he made it clear that he wasn't thinking of himself and thus creating an extremely dangerous situation. The Medical Clone should be able to assess the dangers of moving any piece of debris as this pile was much like the child's game Jenga. One incorrect movement would cause tons of wreckage to plummet down on the man instantly killing him.

If the Priestess would survey the area she would see a large support beam protruding from the opposing side of the debris. This was on the northern side of the house remains. To the southern side it would have small sections of walls remaining and burning bedrooms. There were no signs of life within this house except for the man below but a small foot could be seen from underneath the smaller bed that was almost completely ash at this point. The small visible toes were darkened due to the heat of the burning bed that had collapsed upon the torso of the individual.
The bleeding would decrease and the color in her skin would stop fading away. Still in a very weak state the woman would live. Misaki's quick thinking saved this poor woman's life and allowed her to live for at least another day. A smile would come to the patients face as Shin's voice would come from her mouth. "Excellently done Misaki, A top priority patient has been rescued."<i></i> As the voice would fade so would the woman and the debris. Turning to pink flower petals the form of the injured woman and the wall would flutter away into the air. "Medical backup will be able to find her and tend to her situation for now. You are needed elsewhere. Decide what is needed to be addressed first."[/b]

The petals would begin to spiral and create two spirals before her. The petals would begin to shift colors as they began to create windows to view the other situations. Whether she was aware of what her clones were facing or not Shin would share these vantage points. <COLOR color="blue">"Maintaining communication between yourself and anyone on your team is an absolute priority, and that includes your clones. If you do not have the ability to communicate in a long range sense please acquire a headset to provide updates of your situation and to receive status reports of event happening elsewhere."<i></i> The windows would close as the petals would spiral up into the air before dispersing through the wind. Shin had provided assistance to the trainee, but it was still up to her to decide which situation was the next priority that needed addressed. Neither clone could provide the correct course of action alone.

Which was more important? Saving a trapped person in immediate danger, or stopping the enemy that is taking the lives of the innocent? This question was hard and has prevented many potential candidates from continuing on under Shin's instruction. To be honest this question wasn't easy. Should she be proactive or reactive? Both were necessary in certain situations but this wasn't a moment where the clarity of one outweighed another.
The flaming monster continued to let out a blood curdling screech as it would try and find the source of the wind barrage. The few civilians in the area were starting to disappear, fading to the pink petals from before as they reached an edge of the reality marble the kitsune was in. The continuation of the Wind Bullet Barrage would cause the creature to continue to create the fissures in the perceived direction of the attacks. The clone's constant agility allowed for the creature to not be able to keep up with it.

After just a few seconds the creature would stop moving as the flames from within it's body would begin to grow. Raising a single hand the newly found flames would begin to spiral around it creating a large orb of flames. Dropping it arm the orb would slowly follow. A new sound came from the creature, almost as if it was trying to speak. The orb would begin to condense and darken as the earth would come and spiral around it. The darkened sphere would begin to alter its form as it landed onto the ground. Another loud screech from the feminine spirit would cause the morphing darkness to finish its transformation to become a common level youkai, a Yama-Inu.

This fiery hell-hound would emit a ghostly howl as it's tail would become lit. The lantern like ending to it's tail was commonly used to lure unsuspecting travelers to wander off the beaten path while in the creatures territory eventually leading them to their demise. A quick blur would cause the flames that were fueled by the touch of the wolf's paws to dance in the wind as these scorch marks became present. The dark spirit would come directly towards the clone moving at a speed comparable to that of a Shinobi, which was much faster than the recovering fiery elemental whose flames now burned dimly. Unless she acted quickly this evil spirit would reach the Fuuton Clone in a moments notice.



Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume</COLOR>


A hopeless situation. The clone had no means but its own hands to dig through the debris, and from what it could see there was little she could do about the worsening situation. She simply could not bring up the time to dig a hole big enough to help out the person from being crushed by the walls and roofing slipping into the danger zone with every passing second. Even if the cavity looked much like a save harbour for the time being, there was no saying if it would hold. And to top it off, the trapped man begged her to find his daughter. Another difficult choice for the medic assistant - try to save the present or attempt to save the future? As if the choice on the matter was not hard enough, the man would begin to panic and thrash around to urge the kitsune into a decision.[lb2]

<COLOR color="#CC0000">"Hold still", she basically commanded him. "Remain calm and we may yet get you out of here."[lb2]

The trouble was that the kitsune had no assurance the girl still lived. She had no information about the girl, neither had she found or heard a child up to this point and she could not foresee a future where there would be a successful find either. On the other hand, the man was here and sufficiently real to attempt saving him. If she could pull him out of here, the two of them could then find the daughter together. With the underground shelter currently present, the man was relatively save considering the situation. This was the kitsune's only chance, albeit a slim one, to succeed at something.[lb2]

"Please stay calm. I'll try to get you out of here. Just stay where you are, don't move. It's the best way to preserve your safety at this moment."[lb2]

While she explained the man what he was to do, the kitsune started to move and dig the debris on the other side of the wall as fast as she could, working towards creating an escape route for the man. A small one, but one that would serve to save him while she'd pull him out. Here was hoping there would be sufficient time to do so...[lb2]

With the woman patched up and saved, Shin's voice would resonate through the genjutsu to praise her actions. She'd allow her a moment to catch her breath as she spoke, feeling the pressure drop off her shoulders before he'd show the windows to the other two situations. She was aware her clones remained but until they were dispersed she would have no means of knowing what transpired on their end. The windows were a welcome gift, considering she had no means to communicate with her clones at this point.[lb2]
Taking a glimpse of the two situations, she took note of the fuuton clone maintaining a sense of superiority over the spirit as the people ran to safety and from a brief chakra sensory she was well aware that the clone was being lured in her direction. A natural decision considering the original had all the abilities to exorcise malevolent spirits. In the other window, the medical clone was clearly needing support to deal with the situation at hand. Unfortunately the distance between Misaki and her clone as well as the remaining time to provide proper assistance were too slim for the Priestess to help out. It was with regret the original decided to tackle the rampaging spirit that had been lured her way as by doing so the remaining people fleeing were given a greater chance for survival than the single man trapped under debris.[lb2]

Her decision made, Misaki would run towards the south to confront the fire spirits. As ofuda seals renewed themselves, the violet foxfire aura of the determined exorcist would manifest itself when Misaki chanted mantras while moving towards her new goals.[lb2]

From the way the civilians were escaping and vanishing into pink petals, the clone was fairly certain this was going the right way. With no threat on their heels yet driven by adrenaline, people fled for safety. Becoming the bull's eye had been a risk that ended up paying off in favour of civilian lives. Bonus points, the ever playful kitsune would think, chuckling to herself. But much like a game ended up getting harder, so too would the situation increase in its danger. The form of the fire elemental was not up to par with the trickster and so it created a new form for itself. A Yama-Inu, or a 'mountain dog'. Surprisingly more wolf than dog, too. Though outmatched in speed, the clone maintained a cheeky smile for she knew one detail few outside the Aikayume clan knew - the Yama-Inu, also known as the Okuri-Inu or 'escorting dog' was not inherently evil. It literally watched people walking an abandoned road, respecting those who remained steadfast in their step and would even protect those aware of its presence requesting its guardianship.[lb2]

The danger here was not so much the spirit itself, which was a figment of the creator's creativity, but the creator's possible ignorance on most bakemono and spirits. The clone felt no doubt that the more feral version of the Yama-Inu cloaked in flames was nothing alike to the actual spirit. This one had all intention to shred through the kitsune, and with its elemental advantage, would likely succeed too. As such, with most people having left the area, the kitsune decided she had sufficiently lured in the spirits. Her job was done, and so with a wink and a chuckle, the clone would undo its own existence a moment before the Yama-Inu would collide with the fox, vanishing as if she had been but a mirage herself. An illusion within an illusion.

Misaki - going south
C-rank Fuuton Clone [Master] - south, vanished like a trick of smoke and mirror.
B-rank Medical Assistant [Rank 1] with 2'600 CP - north, digging a (fox)hole

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The man would continue to yell and shout as the young lady tried to instruct him to calm down. The pieces of rubble that she was able to move didn't seem to cause any effect to the stability but then, almost as if the buried man hit something while thrashing about, the entombment collapsed. The pile of debris shifted from a pyramid form to the likeness of a flat surface. The sound of the man's voice would vanish within milliseconds. Dust came from the cracks of the rubble as the shift of air pressure came from within. The plume of soot would cover the clone in a dark grey spray if she didn't move out of the way quick enough. Regardless of how she would take this failure pink flower petals would begin to dance up and out of the debris. The small body under the burning bed, as well as the burning corpses around the area, would also turn into flower petals and dance into the sky. It was perfectly clear that this man's life was ended. As the petals shifted through the air around the clone they would begin to shift to a deep crimson red before wilting and falling back to the ground. This is an area of testing in which the young priestess would fail. The scenery of burning homes would begin to lose color and the flickering flames would freeze as they became varying shades of grey. Cracking in the reality would begin as well as Shin would end this section of the reality marble. "I am sorry Misaki, but the retrieval of this survivor was not a success."<i></i> And with that the residential area would vanish from reality. The clone that was within this area would either be relocated somewhere else within the Mind Web Jutsu or it would vanish.

The fangs of the hellish hound would delve deep into the clone's flesh before it would wisp away into smoke. Landing on all four paws the fiery creation would let out a demonic howl as the summoner would also let out a screech. Within moments the violet glow of the foxfire aura would catch the spirit's attention. Just like before the creature's claws would begin to grow long as it would reach for the ground causing exploding cracks within the earth to dart towards Misaki. Running at full speed the murderous monstrosity would be moving at the speed of an average athlete, so slower than the well trained kunoichi. The Yama-Inu, on the other hand, was launching at the priestess with quick agility. Darting between the pillars of fire the tainted spirit was picking up speed as it's fangs would start to drip molten rock causing the ground below to hiss.

Shin paid close attention to what would transpire. Though he wasn't a specialist he did have a small understanding of spirits due to the many books found within the Oracle's Library. The Yama-Inu may not be a dark spirit naturally but it was very clear that it was tainted by the creature's hell fire. This was a test that Shin created special for the Heiress as he knew of their unique style of combat. He wanted to see what she had first hand in case he would require her skills at a later point. For now Shin would remain invisible and intangible in this reality.


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume


It could not be. The man wasn't about to calm down and the clone had no means to bind him in place so she could continue her work. The result would be a total collapse of the building, crushing the man and leaving the clone by itself. As the petals lifted to denote the end of the trial, Misaki's eyes rested on the tomb of the man, ears flattened as she thought about what could have gone better. A miscalculation, the lack of tools. Perhaps a medic clone was not a fitting assistant for anything outside of healing. Little options, small chances. As the surrounding area vanished, so too would the clone disappear.[lb2]

She was now the only one left. The original. Facing a corrupted spirit and a flame demon. All for the sake of giving people the time to escape. Chanting mantras, the ofuda talismans would get engulfed in violet flames as the foxfire of the Priestess imbued them with her prayers and the power of the Nine Sages Celestial Purification. She'd refrain from dealing with the corrupted spirit, avoiding to inflict damage but considering its speed the kitsune formed the hand seals to blur it's sight and raising the chances it would miss her. A matter of precaution, a form of distraction rather than assault. At the point the two were in a straight line against each other, Misaki's actions were two-fold. One of the talismans would simply hit the ground. A failsafe just in case the Inu-Yama would prove too agile for the second seal which would be fired off at the corrupted spirit.[lb2]

The second seal contained the second level of power of the Nine Sages Celestial Purification and would be fired while avoiding the fangs of the Inu-Yama. If it would hit the Inu-Yama it would paralyse the spirit in full and leave it there as Misaki's focus was the conjurer rather than the tainted dog. The failsafe right behind Misaki, whether the spirit would end up paralysed or not, was a barrier in the shape of a dome which would serve as a trap and temporary shelter for the Inu-Yama as soon as it set foot within its radius. In both cases, isolatation of the Inu-Yama was the end goal so that she could deal with the demon in peace. After all, she already knew from her previous clone that summoning a new creature left the demon temporarily weakened.[lb2]

The interaction between the Misaki and the Inu-Yama would be a short and decisive one as the dmeon itself was not that far after. Slower it may be, the timing in attacks would nonetheless be a matter of caution. Misaki had three foxfire talismans left to deal with the demon, once again firing a prayer infused one off to the demon. One by one, aimed at the new position should the demon decide to dodge one or two. Each of them holding the mantra of the Nine Sages Celestial Purification. Each of them intended to paralyse the demon first before she'd gradually purify the whole entity.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A deep rotting howl would come from canine like spirit as it would dart towards to young Medic-in-training. Shin's attention would narrow as he had been watching her image skills as a Physician, a Paramedic, and now a Combat Medic. A grin would appear on his face, though out of sight of the young girl due to the reality marble, as he watched her at work.

As the Inu-Yama would approach the girl it's eyes would become based over, creating an obscurity of its accuracy. Unable to see anything outside of light and color this spirit would drastically decrease it's speed to that of an average human. It's demeanor changed as well as the pure blood lust would soften to just an unfriendly fury. Then, without skipping a beat, the young would essentially made the spirit useless for the demon. Catching the full strength of the seal the Inu-Yama would freeze in place, fall to the ground, and slide a little bit before coming to a complete stop.

The Youkai on the other hand would not come down as easily. As the talismans began to make their way to the creature a deep vacuum of wind was inhaled by the grotesque form of fire. Dropping it's stance low the demon would drop it's jaw launching a rather large blast of flames. At least four meters across the fiery plume would destroy the talismans that were on their way with ease. Within moments the ball of inferno heat would come upon the girl but would be stopped by the barrier she had prepped before her. Taking a few seconds of pressure the barrier would most likely form small cracks before the heat of the flames were gone.

Standing back up right the creature would once again take in a breath fit for a behemoth, preparing it's next attack.


Apr 11, 2018
Misaki Aikayume</COLOR>


Three more ofuda seals would flare into existence around her, the barrier revealing cracks from the first assault. Not quite gone yet. Calculating the barrier to be good enough to soak up most of the next attack, Misaki decided to brace herself against incoming pain. It was a risk, but suffering some pain was the only option she currently saw in which she could regain some of her wind while she dealt with the Inu-Yama. She'd chant the mantras of the Nine Sages Celestial Purification as she focused her intent on the paralysed spirit, setting in motion its purifying power. At best, the Inu-Yama would be purified and, perhaps, as it snapped out of its corruption serve as an ally in the fight. At worst, the Inu-Yama's spirit would completely disappear out of the genjutsu sphere to find salvation in the existence of Universe itself. Both a better solution than to leave the spirit trapped and helpless to the wiles of a flame demon and a foxfire kitsune. This was not a fight where the spirit belonged.[lb2]

Leaving the demon to execute its attack, it would crash against the barrier without opposition, most likely even break through it and engulf Misaki within infernal flames. A painful experience it would be but not one which would take down the kitsune who had come to terms with the result. Familiar with mantras and chants, the Priestess could mutter them faster than most could perform actions, intend and spiritual power being of a greater importance than the spoken words themselves. There was little faster than the speed of thought and intent of the heart, Misaki making the most of what little time frame she was given. And once she was done with the purification of the spirit, she would return her gaze upon the flaming demon. For no kitsune of the Aikayume could ever accept a blemish upon the world such as this demonic taint.[lb2]

<COLOR color="#CC0000">"You have my attention now, demon. Pray to Inari I'll be merciful after what you did to the people."[lb2]

Hand seals would be formed for a new genjutsu that would invoke a soul-wrenching rhythm within the ears of the demon, breaking its concentration should it decide to further use its flames. Then, determination and hatred expressed, Misaki's aura would flare as the Foxfire Blood within her veins spoke and bolstered her wrath. Fire would turn into something fierce as four spheres of foxfire, the intensity of mini-suns themselves, circled around Misaki and were returned to the demon in retaliation. To fight fire with fire, as they say. Or in this case, to fight Fire with Scorch.[lb2]

D-rank Visual Genjutsu: Trembling Music [Master]
Fire Style - Heat Caress [Barrier gained after fire damage dealt + Barrier Mastery]
B-rank Scorch: Convection Spheres [Master]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
