Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Striking Back [Req Sovereign]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The streets of Sora were alive with the day to day life. Citizens going about there business even with all the current turmoil that had taken place within the nation. Not that the Sage would expect anything less from the people of wind country. With each step he took through the streets sent people scrambling back. For Akkuma wore battle leathers that adorned his Clan's sigil, the same symbol that he'd worn during his display of power at the Inter-Village Examination. Deathly chakra crackled from his form & his very presence dragged even the strongest of beings into a battle of wills. Any lapse of concentration & they would feel themselves getting weaker sustaining the Sage.

A Hell forged Scythe hung from his back & a pair of spiked gauntlets were tied to his belt. Upon his chest were various syringes full of toxins & poisons that would make any shinobi second guess getting close to him. This was excluding the small summoning scrolls which were strapped loosely to his arms. Before the Sage & his demonic companion they would scatter. There was a bloodlust in that mismatched gaze of his that dared those before him to attempt to stop his progress. Although he looked vastly different to the demon that had caused such a commotion in Sora, there were undeniable similarities between the two. Even if these similarities were missed one thing remained undeniable the Miroku Clan were back in Sora.

Deeper into the city they would progress & it seemed the further into the depths of the city they got. The bolder the citizens got when it came to showing there displeasure at seeing shinobi. It had been a curious change but not an unexpected one particularly after the events that had take place during his last visit. But little did he know that the Daimyo's daughter had been kidnapped. The shinobi of Sunagakure were blamed. Though that was perhaps too bold a claim to make even against the Sunan shinobi. However a foreigner from distant lands who seemed to possess not only a desire but aptitude for acquiring power in lands. To steal a Daimyo's daughter would not be an unbelievable feat to place on such a shinobi. Today one thing was for certain Akkuma would no longer let the Daimyo continue to act without retaliation. Kuro had run off like a mad fool right into the Daimyo's hands.

"Would you care to do the honors?" he would ask his demonic companion as the guards before them prepared themselves at the appearance of the foreign shinobi. He decided to see if the demon would like the pleasure of truly getting the attention of the occupants within. While he waited for the demon to decide he stood there with that calm & carefree smile upon his face. As if his very presence here was not an act of war. Not that he hadn't already declared war against the Daimyo & his forces multiple times in public. Still it seemed they had not seen him for what he was & so he would shake the foundations of their world. Why? Because he would not have others meddling with the affairs of his home & think that they could do so without consulting him. These upstarts calling themselves the Sovereign & their ignorant Daimyo would fall at the hands of the Sage. One by one he would see them all embraced by death, until none with their bloodline lived on.
Oct 22, 2012
The warmth of the streets felt amazing to the skin. It enjoyed the feeling of Sunagakure a bit more. What with being in the mountains for so long, the cold had clung to Satou's skin. But here, the demon could enjoy the warm air and even the hot sun upon Satou's skin. It was ever pleasant to have control like this. To feel the blood rushing through fingers and toes. It's body covered in fine tailored suit of jacket, coat and perfect whit shirt tucked underneath. His black locks blowing gently in the breeze as it wasted no time chasing after Mirouku Akkuma Traveling through Sunagakure to such an interesting place. A palace of lavished expenses. The demon could only smile through Satou's lips, as it stood staring at the structure when the two approached.

The demon had spent so much time in exclusivity, ever hiding within Satou, rarely coming out to play like this. Never like this. It felt rather brazen and bold, in the face of every being it passed. Smiling or sticking a tongue out at people when they stared at Satou. The Sage Mirouku Akkuma was just as bold as the demon. Unleashing a life draining aura that even the demon could feel the slight tug. It groaned, rolling Satou's eye's as if unimpressed by the behavior. "Hey, stuff it back in your pants! That's no way to show manners in someone's home." The demon laughed slapping Akkuma's shoulder playfully.

The smell of the human's they had passed on the way here were only morsels. So the demon stayed it's hand's to the comfortable pants pockets.. It breathed in deeply the air around the palace. "Smells good in here. Lot's of interesting smells. I wonder If Mr Kitty is here." The demon paced about the entrance then back to Akkuma. "If I would?" It pondered to what the Sage meant. "Oh you mean? Quite right I should." The demon laughed through Satou's lips. it was deep and somber.

It gave a stretch of Satou's limbs. as it relaxed Satou's body to let the chakra flow outward and cover Satou. The dark as midnight Alpha Demon Cloak hung about Satou's shoulders like an elegant cap added to his suit. Breathing in deep, each lung filling with air and chakra. The beast let out a Demonic Howl(Master Rank) in the form of it's voice. The blast was not focused to harm but to travel far. "HEY KURO! WHERE THE @!#$ ARE YOU!?" Of course the shock wave was more than enough to cause discomfort, shattered glass and broken ornaments throughout the palace. The demon giggles, It holds up a hand to Satou's ear, giving a lean and listen to see if Kuro replies. Or if anyone for that matter. The demon had a question, and it wanted an answer. Not just if the Kitty man was here, but something tasty on it's mind.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The sage couldn't help but chuckle at the demons actions as they proceeded towards the Palace of the Glorious Immortal. Today he would give them a reason to fear shinobi. Jokingly the demon told him to stuff it back into his pants in regards to his aura making the sage chuckle. If only he could it was a constant effect he had simply chosen to amplify it so that his rage could be visually seen. They strode straight towards the entrance passed the Samurai guards he drew their swords & prepared to engage these unknown individuals. His demon companion began to comment on how good it smelt here. Akkuma wondered what he meant in regards to the scent "We'll know soon enough if he is here." he would respond to it's question in regards to if Kuro was here.

When he requested if his comrade would like the honor of getting the attention of those within he took a moment to realize what the sage meant. But upon realizing demonstrated a glimpse into the power he held. As the being shouted the chakra wave echoed through the halls of the building. Windows shattered & vases broke as it passed through like a sonic train. Those samurai who had remained unsure of how to proceed saw only one option. They had to stop these individuals immediately. Dashing forward the Samurai engaged the two shinobi. Wearing armor resistant to the elements & blades that could cut through chakra these individuals would not be easily defeated. That is if ninjutsu were the only means these two individuals possessed.

One slashed out at Akkuma in a horizontal action & the sage leaned back to evade the strike. As he did so another slashed out at him intending to catch the shinobi off guard. The blade slid through his chest & into the earth beneath him. "Oh no you got me..." he would mockingly say before his form dispersed into a murder of crows. Reforming with multiple clones standing around the Samurai now. "or should I say you almost had me?" his mouth would form a sinister smile as he drew his scythe. The weapon which had been designed to slay all manner of beings. Dashing forward he entered the fray engaging the samurai twisting out of the way of their blows & striking back.

"Conserve your energy...I'm sure once we finish up here we'll need it for whoever dwells within." he would say to the demon as his blade of his scythe sunk into a samurai. Blood flowed from his opponent into him while energy from all those around flowed into him. If he wanted he could've snuffed out all of them with a single move. But where was the fun in that? It then occurred to Akkuma he did not know the name of the being who was accompanying him. "What's your name friend? Not the one of your host." he would add with a chuckle, wondering how long the two had been paired. One thing he did know was that this being was perhaps as Ancient as himself if not older.

Although he'd been through this cycle so many times he now only possessed fragments of what he had once been. There was something about the demon before him that felt familiar. What Akkuma couldn't tell was what the source of the sensation had been. Perhaps the more he got to know this being the more he would find out about himself. In Akkuma's eyes the best way to know ones demons was to delve into the deepest desires they possess. This particular being had already built a reputation for his bloodlust. So an offering such as an expedition like this one had been his hopefully move at enticing the being. Fortunately for the Sage this had worked now they stood at the entrance to the dragons den. Whether his friend knew it or not he was here to make the Sage make his own declaration of war that would not go unheard.
Oct 22, 2012
The demon stood with sheer joy displayed across Satou's face at the small display of destruction. It was so lovely, the sound of things breaking. It was alike a cathartic back scratch that one just needed to itch at now and then.

As the demon stood watching its display of joy in the destruction of window panes and priceless pottery. Akkuma was dealing with unwanted attention, when the oblivious gander ceased, the demon's burning eyes looked upon what Akkuma just committed, and only the warmest of humanly smiles played on Satou's lips at the display.

"Rather excessive, no? Could you have just knocked them out, and saved them for dessert?" It seemed a bit disappointing that none of the Samurai attempted to attack Satou, let alone that there were Samurai of this caliber. The demon wondered if there were others stronger than these few in this profession. An inquiry he would savor another day perhaps.

The demon sage stood with Scythe bloodied, absorbing the life that slowly slipped from the corpse beneath him. Ah what a lavished feeling it must be to consume life so brazenly, thought the old demon. Satou was indeed famished, as the smell of blood made his mouth water a bit. Damn you fool for not eating enough, and what's more- It paused in thought as it heard the sage talk.

"A name?" The demon took a moment to ponder in the dead silence of the over extravagant palace. "Well, for as long as I have lived, and since the very beginning, there has never been any other creature to give me a name. I simply existed since the first light that touched the soil of this earth." It looked up at the sun while talking, almost glaring at it. Even though the light didn't bother Satou's unnatural burning eyes.

"Ever since I first glimpsed the glowing orb in the sky, I have been wandering this world, watching, amusing myself with humans and other creatures. Never giving myself a name, as I never had need of one. But I am to guess that mortals need a name to call me. Now that I am stepping into the light, their lips will need a word to curse upon when the time comes." It's smile was twisted upwards a bit at the corners of Satou's mouth. Like a person who didn't know how to control a smile.

Satou's burning eyes looked back to the sage, it's voice was shallow, thoughtful in soft words. "I will take the name Kodai, for now. I believe it is suitable." It nodded in agreeing with the name it chose itself. Upon thinking the demon seemed to look a bit distant in thought. Not so much paying attention to the Sage for a moment, in the silence it was searching. Feeling out with it's unseen hands across worlds and lands. Feeling for that tinge of twist in it's mind.

It was there, and Satou's entire body grew stiff and still, Then, in the blink of an eye, the demon was facing a different direction. Looking at what appeared to be nothing but the walls of the palace. "No, couldn't be? Could it?" The demon began pacing back and fourth. while staring off with a thousand yard star to the world beyond.

It could feel the change in life, whenever it's children are born into the world, a tinge of unease would run over the demon, as well as Satou could feel the change in the world. It's evil was spreading, like a blanket of filth over the land,the demon's blood finding new victims within the land of the hidden cloud village. The demon was over flowing with joy as it skipped about "Yes! Yes it is happening! Yes my children! Devour the land of cloud!" It paused in it's merrymaking, realizing it was in audience of Akkuma standing by.

The demon straightened out it's old tattered suit and tie. Clearing Satou's throat of phlegm as to equalize it's voice and trying to get a more stable pitch. It rarely lost control of voice inflection. "Oh. Yes, sorry about that. I left a little something special in Kumogakure-" It stopped talking. Realizing something that was rather enjoyable, as Satou's smile twisted again in a crookedly. "Tell me, Mirouku Akkuma. Would you like to see what I have wrought for Kumogakure?"

It looked to the palace, to the dead guards. "This can wait? Can it not? And if you do join me in my little walk back home, I'm sure you'll find much more fun than trouncing about with these lot?" The demon pointed with Satou's hands to the dead bodies. "I can give you much more than this Mirouku Akkuma."

It turned and headed for the gates to leave the palace of the Glorious Immortal. "Humor me this once demon sage, and you will not be disappointed." And that was all the demon would say as it skipped and hopped queerly out of the palace. If Akkuma wished to follow, he would do so. Or face sovereign alone. Either way, Kodai get's his way.

(Topic left with or without Mirouku Akkuma)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
