Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Swinging from the Chandelier - [ Announcement / PSA ]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

Click... Click... Click. The forboding sounds of footsteps down the hall, a stance so strong despite whatever may have been tossed within their direction. A mission had been placed on the table. Something that had to be done, something that needed to be said. With everyone running around like chickens with their damned heads cut off, it was absolutely absurd. Lifting up a hand in a swift motion, her one handed seals would move as swift as the wind, water, and ice she held her affinities in. Her visage would take on Endo's image and she would lift up her other hand, stopping for a brief moment in front of a reflective surface. It was eerie, looking upon the face of a dead man... The hat she had taken from the scene would now be placed down atop of her head, and she would adjust it to hang just enough to obscure a better bit of her fake image. Still, she could feel the pains that reverberated through her very soul... She could feel every explosion, every angry attack directed towards her, even though her flesh was healing up quite nicely and her fatigue had long since left her. It was a scarily real situation that she had been placed into, and it made her feel disgusted by everything that happened at the gates, that extended into the village, that made it's mark upon the village of Iwagakure and surely etched it's mark into the stone of the Earthen country. Bringing a hand up, she'd press it against her brow line that was carefully etched into another person's as she attempted to dispel the images that burned themselves into her mind. It was a stress disorder, she was sure of it. It made her stomach flip, turn, and otherwise made her feel like a general mess. She hated the burning feeling that it left her with, but she would thrive, and survive. That was just her nature. Turning swiftly on her foot, she would take up what she imagined Endo's very stance to be and she would place her arms back behind her back, peering around the Spire with a critical eye. Would there be anyone around to question? Nah, she didn't think so. At least, it was nothing to stressful that she was doing here. Just walking.

Down the hall now, and into the the clutch of the set of offices that lined it. Now, she would seek out the particular office that she needed to enter. It was Endo's, naturally, but she could see some people trying to chop and screw it. Hah. Ah well. Making her way over to the door, she would lift her hand up, but first... Through the man's personal effects, she would pull free a set of keys and peer at it. One, two, three. Key after key, she would use the correct one to now open the door. Turning the knob, she would pressure open the door with her shoulder and look around. A dead man's office was bleak, no? Flicking on the light, she would close the door behind her and slip the lock back into place. Pulling the hat from her features, they would meld back into the blonde's visage now as she looked around through her crystalline blue eyes. Well, it was time to work, no? Stepping over to the desk, she would position a waste bin at the end of it and swipe any non-paperwork related articles into the trash. Pictures, knickknacks, anything that might have rested there would be gone. The clutter made her shake just the slightest of bits, small images flashing behind her eyes of more.. and more explosions that she had no dictation over. Things that she could not control... Shaking her head from side to side, she would toss the hat into the chair at the desk and she would place herself in a sitting position on the desktop, letting out a small sigh. Her fingertips would reach up and brush against the depression of her headset, transmitting on all frequencies available:

"People of Iwagakure. . . Rejoice, as today is the day that you are freed from your tyrant's grips, the threats of war with larger nations is nigh... To the people who may be unaware of the situation at hand, I will explain it: Inu Endo planned on war with any and all nations that he could get his hands on. Sunagakure, Kumogakure, and I'm sure that he would even attempt to rear his head into Kirigakure if it were still a thriving land." Her voice would echo eerily throughout the waves and she would take a small breath away from the microphone: "I have made you all my priority, your protector. Some may agree with the notions of senseless war, but I will firmly state one thing: I will not lead my people into chaos and destruction. As much as I believe that killing is not the way to go about things, your Ex-Kage murdered a messenger in cold blood and attempted to take my life as well when I addressed him about his intentions for war. As much as this notion is feared, it is my intention to use my political prowess to attempt to patch up any and all relations with the other Shinobi nations. I will make right what was wronged. Simply have faith in me to make a tight situation better. We may walk on egg shells for days or weeks after our ex-leader's treason, but I promise you that I will not allow this to lead into months nor years of tension and anger." Her eyes were closed now. Did this make sense? If only Akechi had been here to coach her on, to push her forward, but... She would make it through. She had done so before, and nothing would be too hard for her. "Inu Endo, whilst proving himself a coward of the ages, brought many people great harm. However, for every bit of harm that he caused my people, I brought it back tenfold. Inu Endo has died. He is no more..." How do you drop a bomb like that to everyone that could hear? Oh right, it was called a little thing having a pair. "I hope that he will be the only person that I have to bring an end to, as I do not like sullying the nation in blood. I pray that his soul finds peace in the afterlife. A proper ceremony will be set up for family members, friends, and all who wish to attend. I will not deny that much of my people, especially if they feel that he may have done nothing wrong. I implore you all, though, to think first off with your heads rather than your hearts at this point. We've nothing more to worry about than patching up relations with everyone else within the world."

"Today, as preposterous as it may sound, I, Minamoto-Kono Haruka, the Twenty-third Daimyo, daughter of Mizukage Minamoto Taro, and the hand of Justice, will take up the mantle of the protectorate of this village. I, whether there is objection or not, take up the position of Tsuchikage as mandated by the old laws of Iwagakure. Where one falls, another must rise. And I will rise to the occasion. Any opposition, please take the time to sleep on it, perhaps mull over breakfast on it... Because I will not back down from the challenge of leading this great nation into something great. Sennin, we will meet on this later to discuss the implications of this situation. For now, Iwagakure, I hope you all have a wonderful day. Transmission, over." Now, it was just time to wait for the shitstorm to brew over, right? Riiighto. Pacing her way over to the area at the door, she would flick the light off and slide down the door, using her body as a stopper now.

A hand would lift and she would place it against her neck as she closed her eyes. A little silence. That was all that she needed. After all, time would tell what sophisticated chaos would come for the young woman.

[ Assuming Direct Control Tsuchikage. ]
[ Fun, right? ]
[ Topic Left in 30 Minutes / Via 30 Minute Run Time from S Rank ]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hearing the broadcast go live over the feeds, and the words that were spoken, stirred an ire in Megami's heart. She was aware of a corrupt Kage, aware of his own wrong doings and murders. And he was no innocent. His death was an almost foreseeable act of justice. But the announcement was just the announcement of the death, it was more than that. No, instead it was someone claiming that because they had murdered the current ruler, they were taking the title. That's not how it worked. The voice was of someone she had not heard or seen from quite some time. This woman was surely changed from the times when they had once sat down to play a simple game of cards. Being the Sennin that's primary role was security, she quickly sprinted off and towards the signal origin. She wasn't surprised to find it was in the Kage's office. She touched the door, and felt a weight against it. So original. Gripping tightly to the doorknob, she pulled with focused gravity channeled into her palm, and snapped the door off it's hinges. She shook her hand off, and stood on the opposite side before flashing over to stand inside the room. "For someone who once led and entire country, you seem rather unaware of our laws and code of conducts." Megami brushed aside some of her pink hair, staring at the woman sitting on the floor. She was changed. Unstable. And the unstable, were hard to handle. But this was her job, and she would stand by all the rights of the people. If Endo was dead, nothing more could come of it. It brought a halt to the workings of the war, but nothing more. And someone not understanding the ways of the village, would surely bring just as much bloodshed.

[Caught- S-Rank: 30 Minutes +45 Minute Sentinel]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Ultimate Battle Rules said:
In addition to these, there are two "free" abilities one may take. Free abilities still require an RP, but do not take an ability slot.

Branch Abilities
Branch Abilities are free abilities for each branch on NC. Mednin, ANBU and Main Branch. You may only have one free Branch Ability. You may have multiple, but each after the first takes up a normal ability slot.

Shinobi 101
Shinobi 101 abilities are free abilities. Each shinobi gets one Shinobi 101 ability, and only one. This ability does not take up a slot.

Ultimate Battle Rules

Bye bye. *waves*


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

Ah, ah. It seemed there came someone, approaching just as she felt herself begin to snooze. Could she not catch a break at this point? Swiftly, she would push herself up to an immediate stand. How did this person even know where she was located? Witchcraft right? Nah, let's be real here-- No matter where she went, nor what she did, it seemed that the lowliest of paparazzi would follow. Standing up now, she would listen to the destruction of public property and she would place a hand against her facial features in an annoyed fashion. Really? Couldn't they just knock? Holding her fingers out, she would snap it back towards the light switch and flick the lights back on, back turned to the doorway now. "Hold your tongue." Came a swift response before Megami could finish any type of talking she had prepared. "And fix the door that you found yourself unable to knock at." Haruka turned her visage over towards Megami now. Hey, she wasn't going to sit down on the floor for someone to look down upon her. She never gave anyone that kind of ability. Pursing her lips now, she would turn on her feet, her hands folding in front of her. There was actually nothing unstable about Haruka. She still held the same proud stance that she always had, her head held high. Her eyes still spelled out the seriousness of any and all situations that may have been expressed to her. No matter the joke that was offered to her right here and now served on a platter of destruction of public property, she did not falter. Sure, she may have been tired, but she never gave a person any reason to see her as unstable unless they were Yukata Souji or Akechi Shinn.

"Did I not tell you that we would speak soon enough?" She would demand gently, and then a small laugh would pass her lips. "I guess I shouldn't expect much from someone named after Lightning. Unexpected strikes followed solely by the thunder. Thankfully, I'm not upset." She might've been for a split second, but now she was feeling far better. Now then, it seemed that someone wanted a discussion, so therefore... "Do you know why I state this? It's not audacity. It's not vainglory. It is simply because I did lead an entire country. I've no ill intentions. No, to be quite contrary..." Her eyes would close for a moment. "I only killed Endo because he was threatening war. Killing innocents. He was sending our people to their doom. He was acting as an expert puppeteer right under everyone's nose." Now, her eyes would open once more, the cold sapphire looking at the pink haired female.

"I've the correct synergy between brute strength and political prowess. Casting aside my demon has only solidified such. If you feel that a specific course of action that I have taken is incorrect, by all means, argue it until you're blue in the face. However, until I am sure that this village, this country is headed in the correct direction, I will not back down from my decision. If you do not see visible improvement within the next year, then by all means, you may find a way to oust me." And Haruka didn't work on a chaotic schedule. She knew what was correct. What was right.

"Did you wish to see the events that transpired within my battle with Endo?"



Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Haruka, this is a warning for flaming/baiting.
Please refrain from insulting people when they have a valid complaint by referring to it as a QQ.
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu was listening via the headset, and he knew what this meant. He heard of the terrors of Inu Endo, and he did want to congratulate Haruka for that, ending a war before it had even started... hopefully. Gasu was also glad of the ancient traditions, he loved a good Agni Kai, but he did remember what Tsuchikage meant, the strongest ninja of stone. He entered the building, slowly walking as he then heard a loud crunch and shatter of steel and wood. The door flew past him, as the pink haired ANBU Sennin was already ranting with Haruka. Gasu's sharingans were already active as he wandered in, but his eyes flickered into their magenko state from the site of her. She brought him the pain of losing half his left arm, and he would rant to her but that was not his point now. He blinked, his eyes settling as he snarled out his call, announcing himself to the both, "Dobrý den, moji přátelé! Jsem Ryuujin Gasu, a přišel jsem sem, abych poblahopřál Haruka nového Kage porazit Inu Endo." He had to keep his calm from that damned Sennin, but he walked into the scene like it was a simple day at the office, bowing to both of the S ranked Ninja. His five temoe sharingan spun like a fan, trying to get some of his concentration off by producing illusions he hoped he would not force them to see.

(Note: Eye contact with Gasu makes his "Rally Focus" try to target them, trying to calm them down slightly to try his best to slowly tug at their minds from any violence)
Translations: Hello my friends! I am Ryuujin Gasu, and I came here to congratulate Haruka the new Kage of defeating Inu Endo.

[Voided from thread because of Running Time Rules]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
There really was no point of Haruka wasting her time, just standing around here. After all, she had bigger things to worry about. Bigger fish to fry and whatnot. Rubbing a hand lightly against her face, she would just shake her head. Why break down a door and then stand dormant? It made no sense in her mind, but little did at this point. This place was absolute chaos. Making her way towards the door, she would just brush past the pink haired ninja without a second look or word. Again, it was time to take a nap to continue on with her healing. After all, the true Tsuchikage had to be rested and able~.

[ Topic left due to inactivity. ]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Leaning the door against it's frame, Megami blocked the other woman's exit, not bothering to do anything about the door for now. Property could be fixed easily, and unless someone clearly doesn't want you in, why barricade the door? This woman, cold, calculating, prideful. She could see it in her mannerisms, the way she spoke, and held herself. Megami made her way into the room, holding herself with her own confidence. She approached Haruka and stood in front of her addressing her as an equal, not someone beneath her. The woman deserved that much. "You think I care that he's dead?" She shook her head. Shrugging. "Endo would have killed thousands. We both know that. But there could have been other ways." She paused. Her own mannerisms were slow, precise, but also, disinterested. She looked around the room, where dust seemed to have collected. The man never did seem to have much of a hand at cleaning, or staying anywhere near this building for that matter. It didn't surprise her that he ended up dead, given everything that she had learned, and Souji had given to her.

Megami leaned against one of the walls, but her defense was up. Though she was here for a reason, she would do what she had to. If things got serious, then they got serious. But she wondered if there was more to this than was being let on. "I didn't come because Endo is dead. I came because the people deserve the chance that tradition bares to them to try to lead their village. This is about the pride that people have for their country. This is about growth, seeing where they stand in comparison. Endo was our strongest, but he might not have been anymore. And hiding behind others only proves that he wasn't. Assuming the title because you ended him, is unfair to the rest of the villagers who have opportunity." Her eyes made contact. She wondered if her words fell on deaf ears, as Haruka implied they would. She couldn't make the woman see her point of view if she didn't want to. But that didn't really matter. "Killing Endo proves you can kill a tyrannical coward. If you are so confident in your abilities, why not show it to anyone who questions you? Wouldn't it only prove to them how right you are for the position? If you truly believe what you say, I don't see much of a down side or risk. If you think it's because you've done enough by ending him, he was just one man." If Haruka was the strongest person in the village, she should have no problem winning a village competition. But Megami didn't think she much liked that idea, considering she appeared to make slight mention of the law in her broadcast, albeit a little off, and she wondered why.

[OOC: I apologize for your wait, I'm very busy these days.]
If a topic is not posted in by a user for more than 2 weeks and there is only 2 users, the other player may leave the topic without being stopped at any time.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
After reviewing the situation at hand, we've found out that Megami's catch attempt is leagal due to the fact that currently the topic inactivity rule is of 2 weeks and not 5 days.

You may continue.
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu was listening via the headset, and he knew what this meant. He heard of the terrors of Inu Endo, and he did want to congratulate Haruka for that, ending a war before it had even started... hopefully. Gasu was also glad of the ancient traditions, he loved a good Agni Kai, but he did remember what Tsuchikage meant, the strongest ninja of stone. He entered the building, slowly walking as he then heard a loud crunch and shatter of steel and wood. The door flew past him, as the pink haired ANBU Sennin was already ranting with Haruka. Gasu's sharingans were already active as he wandered in, but his eyes flickered into their magenko state from the site of her. She brought him the pain of losing half his left arm, and he would rant to her but that was not his point now. He blinked, his eyes settling as he snarled out his call, announcing himself to the both, "Dobrý den, moji přátelé! Jsem Ryuujin Gasu, a přišel jsem sem, abych poblahopřál Haruka nového Kage porazit Inu Endo." He had to keep his calm from that damned Sennin, but he walked into the scene like it was a simple day at the office, bowing to both of the S ranked Ninja. His five temoe sharingan spun like a fan, trying to get some of his concentration off by producing illusions he hoped he would not force them to see.

(Note: Eye contact with Gasu makes his "Rally Focus" try to target them, trying to calm them down slightly to try his best to slowly tug at their minds from any violence)
Translations: Hello my friends! I am Ryuujin Gasu, and I came here to congratulate Haruka the new Kage of defeating Inu Endo.
(No longer blocked from permission! Yaaah!)


Feb 14, 2014
Kurayo had heard the announcement as had most of the village it would seem, though this was no shock to him seeing as how the village had seemed far more tense than normal. Scratching his head he would sigh as he decided to go see what was going on at the Spire and see Haruka in person. The Spire was a place Kura normally avoided if at all possible as he had learned nothing good ever comes from large scale events in that place. He would only hope this would not lead to him having to work on some sort of mission.

With himself nearing the Spire he would ponder as to if going to this was a good idea or not as he assumed he would see many people that he would normally try to avoid as they often made it so he was unable to nap during the day. As he neared the door he could hear what seemed like a good few people he knew from their voices so with a sigh he would open the door allowing himself to enter.

His white hair was a bit of a mess as he seemed to have neglected to fix it in a tidy manner today, his crimson eyes would look around the room only to gulp slightly at the sight of his Sennin Lightning-sama.
"Ello all figured I would come see what was going on and such." He knew if he messed up and his boss saw he had been slacking off at points Endo may not be the only one that was no longer alive. He would see the boy Gasu he seemed to constantly be fueled with hate towards him along with the rest of his branch. The man would pay no heed to the boy as he would assume the child would be wise enough to not cause a scene in such a place.

With a bow Kurayo would introduce himself as elegantly as possible. "Ah sorry I forgot to state my name how rude of me, I am the Guardian of Madness Kurayo." This was sure to be eventful is all the man could think as he knew this was not a place he could mess around and live to tell about it.

[Topic Entered]
Jul 18, 2014
["If a topic is not posted in by a user for more than 5 days, that person is considered to be no longer in the topic unless the player(s) in the topic wish to skip the user's turn until he/she has returned." - Topic leaved due to inactivity]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
