Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open They are probably edible.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
It had been a wild month or so for the young child as he was up and about the place. He had no memory of his past no recollection of who had met or didn't met. Even the doctors weren't sure if his memory would ever return. It took him a good week to get used to his own house again along with everything around the place. To get a good example for the neighbors and people around, he decided to start baking something simple. A vanilla cake should do the trick with most people, but as he plopped it in to the oven he started to get sidetracked.
He started to do a whipper cream from a receipt... but as he started to work on it. He had a small cold as to why he didn't smell the slowly burning sensation happening inside the oven, that was until he noticed the hues coming off his small oven... In a flash he grabbed oven mittens and rushed the plate with the cakemold and burning cake outside. He dropped it in the snow outside and would sigh loudly. That plan was going so great... Then again, he was a 13 year old living at his own. With barely inside his house to even show to others.
"I guess... it could still be edible... THe cake did not fall in the snow.." He watched the cake still burn but slowly drop the flames due to the temperature. "Guess I should leave it for a moment... I hope it is cooked." He cocked his head sideways as he watched the cake.

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Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani was sent out on yet another walk by her mother, this time she was supposed to find cinnamon but not ground. She managed to pull off the feat but now was taking her time coming back. Sort of a combination of lost in thought and just zoned out. She was so nervous about things with her classes and her upcoming mission, she almost didn't see the flying cake heading her way. She looked with wide eyes as a mix of snow and frosting splashed onto her, a loud yipping squeak came from her as she looked down at the mess, her favorite jacket covered in cake.

Her eyes swelled with tears as she just could not handle the additional stress in this situation. "I.. w.. it.. burned cake.. I.." She began to cry, her lip quivering and breath quickening. It really was for lack of better words the icing on the cake for the poor overwhelmed girl. She was not actually all that upset about the cake itself spraying her, just the combination of all those things. She looked up and made eye contact with the unknown boy before letting out a sobby, "but.. but.. why?"



New Member
Sep 12, 2023
The cake that had just gotten out of the oven burning... Seemed to have splashed all over a person. It was safe to say that Itsuki felt a bit responsible for that, but he also wondered why this girl had been walking there when he went outside. " The cake was too done..." he spoke as he saw the cake starting to crumble too, but te tears of the girl caught him a little off guard... thinking that the heat of the cake must be burning her he would get closer, undo the warm mittens and walk furhter outside. The snow felt cold to his feet as he had rushed out without much even. A long sweatpants with a T-shirt was all he wore.

He would collect some snow and walk to the girl, slowly start to place the snow on her without saying anything. Probably not making this situation a lot better by doing this. "Why..?" He questioned her quesiton. " I burned it... It had to go outside before my house would burn down. Why as why I am putting ice on you, to prevent burns on your skin... and it's water in a way so it also cleans you."

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Her face turned bright red and she pushed back away from him, her mind raced for a moment. 'no.. no touch.. no.. he... No' was on repeat inside her mind. "You.. excuse you! No! You're out in the snow and all...aaahhh! No! Stop, I am fine, you're fine.. I'm.. ugh." She covered her face in embarrassment from the events happening around her.

She was surprised, this rush was a little familiar but.. for him? That was the confusing part. But she buried that thought as this moment was far too much already and she did not need to add to it. She was a mess, and now she was freezing as this guy just put snow on her. "Why are you making cake so early anyway?! How did you burn it?"


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Why was he out here? He went over that question in his head, he had been up and running early since he wanted to have all these things done before everyone was going to take a coffee or tea time. This way they would have something with the sweets... Or was it drinks with sweets additional? Either way the boy would tilt his head while looking towards the female. A bit confused as to why she had pushed him away... Adn at the same time he saw her cheeks getting red, almost thinking she was slowly cooking up a fever or something. He himself started to shiver at the spot, and as he started to rub his hands together he would reply towards her.

"Well... what else do you take in tea time?" He questioned her, before thinking bout how random this could sound for her. "Sorry, I have lost my memories due to a hit to the head in the classes... At least that is what they told me. My memory is still jumbled up. I am new around here... At least I think, so I want to do something for the neighbors and everyone..." Despite the fact that he could only make cup ramen easily with a cracked egg inside, a few egg dishes and a toasted bread kind... That was mainly what he ate to preserve on money too, money that he spend for this right now. "So that is why... I wanted to tell them who I am, and the people in the hospital said why not with cookies or cake... So I tried to make cake... But the cake was evil and attacked my oven." He eventually tried to shrug it off. His voice slowly got more shakey and as he stood still barefoot in the snow and all, he would look towards the girl. "Does that satisfy you?" He asked after a second and started to look at the cake then back to her.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
"satisfy me? You just dumped a blurb of words that had very little to.. look.. can.. can I use your sink? You have a sink ya? I need to now wash this off me. I'm sorry If I was rude but.. it was a surprise.. and then now I feel bad because.. just.. sorry." She sighed and looked down into the snow. Her mind was racing but she needed to focus and fix this, her mom would be furious if she showed up looking like this. She needed to at minimum borrow a towel or something to clean up before heading home.

She was confused, as normal for her, but more so still trying her best to not be upset about it. If what he said was true then she really didn't need to add to this poor kids plate, he had enough going on.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
View attachment 3270 "A-ah... sure..." He mentioned and would get inside first, shivering as he did he would leave the cake outside for now, no need to pick it up, let the metal cool down further. As soon as he gotinside he would walk towards the bathroom and grab a set towels for her and a bigt-shirt in case needed too. "Please makeuse of the bathroom. I will make something warm to drink so you won't catch a cold." Her change in behavior... Really had caught him off guard, the one moment she was sobbing, then demanding and now apologizing... He was puzzled, really puzzled... And with that he would put a kettle on the stove and wait for the kettle towhistle to turn it off. "I have black tea, earl grey or strawberry..." He called out to her.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani's eyes scanned through the location as she walked in, there was a little confusion as everything here appeared to be his size or his directly. 'Is.. Is he living on his own? How does he afford the rent?!' Her smile was soft as she was shown to the restroom, "Thank you very much, sorry again for snapping at you.. It sorta all caught me off guard. Ummm, wait strawberry?" Her eyes lit up at the concept of having some sort of flavor to her tea, her mom and her only ever had breakfast black tea in the house so this was a real treat to her. "Please that if it's not too much trouble, thank you again." She laughed and went to go clean herself up.

Her mind was stuck on the state of things, he was alone, had no memories, there was a lot of mystery there. It really left her mind trying to piece together how something like this could happen to someone in the village, especially someone so young. Her mind then wondered as it was known to do, contemplating if he hit his head again would his memories come back like in the books she read? Or would he develop some sort of accent maybe? 'no silly that's not.. well it would be funny.. no no no stop it's not a book it's his life, and it's really sad actually'. She came out of the bathroom and looked over to him, "I appreciate the tea.. Um.. Do you have family here or is it just you? don't answer if that's too personal I just was wondering because I only saw your shoes and then also like the cake thing, and ya so.. sorry."



New Member
Sep 12, 2023
"Thank you very much, sorry again for snapping at you.. It sorta all caught me off guard. Ummm, wait strawberry?"
"Yea... The little red fruit with seeds all over it... Which looks odd if you pull all those seeds out of it." He would comment before tilting his head and hear her after that further. "Why... would it be a problem if I was the one offering it..?" He asked her back, not noticing that he would mean something with it or not something with it. He was being an oddball with it all.

He would walk towards the kitchen where he grabbed a small stool so he stood a bit higher and could fill the kettle easier. After that he would place the kettle beside the furnace before moving the stool over. He liked to oversee things more. He then placed the kettle on the furnace and turned the fire on. He had still one of the older homes so not everything was as high tech as one probably was used to. As he had to light his furnace.

He heard the question in regards of his family... And his gaze would go from her to the stove. "Well... The hospital told me that I was living here on my own, that there was no real way of contacting my parents either. So... Since they also saw how I handled myself, they also learned that I had been taking care of my own for a while now. So... I guess I have been on my own for a long while now. Not that it matters a lot. I do not remember them, so I do not know what I am missing now. Does it hurt to see children with a family right now? Yes... Yes it hurts, but it also does little to me. I cannot remember what it was like anyways. But... Seeing those kids being hugged, I don't have urge for that either, so I probably never really was hugged or probably loved..." At that point where he spoke he heard the kettle whistle and knew that the water was boiling...

In the cup he had a teabag with the herbs and everything inside. He would let it sit for a moment before putting the teabag in another mug with water. Carefully bringing the mug over to the kitchen table for the red-haired before moving his own mug where he left the teabag in. For him... Re-use was a bit cheaper then a single throw away. "What about yourself? You know so far of my memory." He would tilt his head before looking towards her.

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
"myself as in what? My family situation?" She said stepping out of the bathroom drying her hair from where she had washed the cake out. "I mean.. My mom owns Sutsuni's in the plaza, I live with her in the apartment above it. Pretty normal life if I'm being honest.. my name is Kani by the way, I don't think we actually exchanged names did we?" She held out her hand to shake his, a warm smile growing on her face as she did.

She took a sip of the tea once they had exchanged names, her eyes lighting up and her cheeks aglow, "WOAH!" She said excitedly, "this has to be the best flavor tea I've ever had! I mean like it's terribly sad hearing that you're alone but if you make tea like this, heck I'd visit all the time." It was a true sentiment, she did feel horribly sad about his situation and if she had an excuse she'd happily visit. In her eyes, no one should feel alone let alone actually live that way. So this was her weird little attempt at poking that idea of her visiting him more often into conversation. She looked up toward him expectantly, she had put the proverbial ball in his court so now she waited to see if he'd pick it up or if this was a one off hang out.

He seemed nice, aside from the cake issue. Genuine, thoughtful, and honestly she wasn't lying about the tea either. She could see herself adding him to the growing list of friends she had at this point, maybe she could introduce him to some of the other kids.

"Hey or alternatively, I have some friends I have made plans with to get food here and there, if you ever wanted to join us you'd be more than welcome!"

Her smile and eyes were so inviting. She always presented herself in that sort of way, especially seeming he had caught a rare moment of genuine emotion from her. She felt it was more than necessary for herself to make up for that, even if it was completely reasonable. Her mind has raised her with customer service in mind, so applying it out to friends only seemed like a natural course of action for her. Maybe, shed crack this egg and he'd be her friend, maybe not. But no matter what she was going to try and put her best foot forward.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
"Satsuni..?" He questioned out loud as he had kind of never heard of it. It make him actually curious as to what it could be. He would hold his cheek and tilt his head... He tilted his head the other way and then just looked with a blank expression to the red-haired before she commented on the fact they never had introduced themselves. "A-.." He opened up his mouth, before closing... "Kani... That is a nice name." He was always a polite little brat but could be cheeky too. "My name is Itsuki... Itsuki Inuzuka." He would say before making a small bow towards her. After that, he would jump back on his chair and blow towards the tea to let it cool down a little more.

"Thank you for that compliment... The herbs are a mix already, and I just put a big spoon in a teabag and then plop it in." He would say and jump off the chair, walk to the kitchen grab the smallest jar he could find, and put enough in for two tea bags, he also stuffed in two empty tea bags and walked back with the jar. "When I am not here... you can use those to then make tea for yourself. Sorry, I don't just give a spare key... but I just met you." He said as if she asked for a key to his house. He also never really said yes or no to her words to have her more around, but in a way he did say it was not a problem.

"To get food... That is yen..." he would speak before doing some math in his head... He would be able to join them, but maybe not always eat then. He could get away... In his head, he already started to create a few ways to get out of that scenario. "I would like that.." he eventually said to not let her wait, he even walked to the thermostat and placed it a little higher so she would not catch a cold. All this time... He didn't hold that much expression on his face, he wasn't sure how long she would stay. "Sorry I do not own a hair dryer... But I hope the warmth is enough in the house... Sorry if its cold."

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
She let out a small chuckle, "it was my.. well my dad's name. She named the restaurant after him"

She was sitting watching his facial expressions change as thoughts moved from topic to topic. Soaking in any and all information she could while he spoke, not by what he said but by what his body said along with his words. She smiled and noted the oddity in the way he danced around the topic of her visiting. It wasn't like he said no, but it was definitely an odd approach to the matter. She slid the tea bags to her bag and smiled before speaking once more

"Oh well, thank you I appreciate that. I really wouldn't have assumed that, more just that when you were here if you wanted company or a chat was all."

She was a little awkward at that, feeling sort of caught in her own words. It was hard enough to not sound like she felt obligated, but now she was also having to seem not too insisting either. It was a real weird tightrope she was walking on now, one she didn't understand fully. But, he changed the topic to her offer which she did actually know how to answer.

"Hey, I assume you don't make a ton of yen from missions yet? So like, if you needed to tag along we rotate who pays so you'd be welcome. Besides if you ever needed my mom always could use a helping hand and she'd throw some your way."

Nothing she said sounded condescending or rude, simply as if she knew the reality and was offering alternatives. She sat for a moment and then tilted her head before answering his last question.

"Oh no worries, I've never owned one either. I usually just sit by the wood stove so it's fine. Thanks though"

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
