Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private [Tutor] Shattered Illusions (Req Shusuke)


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi stomps down the street, glaring at everything around him. People, businesses, and even animals. Nothing is spared from the venom dripping in his gaze, his eyes like a roiling sea of toxin. He knows that what he seeks is in this district, but he doesn't have to be happy about having to be here. Inside his body, the Kikai are a swarming angry mass, itching to get out and attack every perceived threat that passes by the Aburame boy. Right now, everything was a threat, much to his flying ant's dismay. As the self appointed leader of the Kikai, Kohara is always outside of Kiri's body and defends his host against anything and everything. But the boy has changed so much in the past few days that he doesn't know what to do anymore. "Are you sure about this? You know I'm just as hurt as you, but to go to that guy? He bullied you upon your first meeting, and now you want his help?! He talks a good game, but he's probably just overcompensating for something. Let me tear into his eyes and we'll go find someone else to help you. There has to be someone you can talk to."

Kiri reaches up and swats at the ant on his shoulder, who deftly flies out of reach. He didn't want to talk to anyone, he wanted to take action. Seeing a flower shop up ahead, he takes a deep breath and approaches the entrance. Upon entering, he looks around and scowls. So many different scents and colors around, it made the boy sick to his stomach. Raising his voice, he shouts out and hopes that he is in the right place. "Yamanaka boy! Get out here, I need to talk to you. You and I have some business to attend to!"

[WC: 304 - Post 1/5 - Total WC: 304]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke was working at the family’s flower shop while between missions. Having graduated from the academy he has taken on a few odd jobs, but he was excited to hear from the Sennin of the ANBU branch to see if his skills in espionage and information gathering were up to par to join the ranks of the ANBU. His back up plan was to still use his genetic proclivity to work in the medical branch as a therapist. As a member of the Mind Clan it was something he would excel at. His mind was wondering while he was out back watering some of the small flowers that hated the hot Konohagakure sun. Moving underneath the shade cloths he had a smile on his face as he saw a couple of bees and butterflies dancing around collecting nectar and spreading pollen. Today was going to be per-…

"Yamanaka boy! Get out here, I need to talk to you. You and I have some business to attend to!"

Shusuke immediately stopped. Who the fuck was screaming in his shop? Raising his hands to form the Bird Seal he took a steady breath before sighing.

Kiriyomi’s eyes would grow dark as Shusuke began to weave his illusions. A echoes of scream of his loved ones filled his ears. The felt like it could be ending until the cacophony can to an erupting crash of glass that was immediately followed by Shusuke’s voice.

”I don’t know who you are, or what you want with me but that is not how you come into my family’s shop. Do you understand me?”

A cold metallic sensation took to Kiriyomi’s throat as Shusuke stood behind the boy with a blade in his hand. Kiriyomi’s vision would slowly return as he found himself in a dire situation. The young Yamanaka had a half hand seal still being held in his left hand as his blue pupilless eyes glared at the Aburame.

1/5 WC:321


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi goes completely still as his vision goes dark, and he hears his father's screams echoing in his ears. Rather than cry like he would have before, this just intensifies the anger burning in the boy's chest. How had nobody heard his father screaming when the rogue shinobi killed him? There was supposed to be another person patrolling with him, but instead they wandered off to go to the bathroom? Kiriyomi clenches his fist tightly, eyes darting around to find the user of this Genjutsu. He knew that Shusuke used it on the academy grounds, and assumed this was his doing again. That was his hope, anyway.

The screaming abruptly ended as the boy is temporarily deafened by the sound of shattering glass, followed by the voice of who he was seeking. "I don't know who you are, or what you want with me but this is not how you come into my family's shop. Do you understand me?" These words were punctuated by a blade being pressed against Kiri's throat, and his eyes dropped to the hand holding it. Letting out a humorless laugh, the boy leans into the blade and feels it slice his skin and blood begins to trickle down his neck. Kohara goes to dive down to the boy's rescue, but a quick mental command has the ant pulling back a few inches from the back of Shusuke's head.

"Please forgive my rudeness, but I have pressing matters that I need to attend to. You do know me, you attacked me on the grounds at the academy. I was in awe of your Genjutsu skills, and came here to ask you if you would possibly consider teaching me? I have a score to settle, but my current skills are child's play in comparison to the jutsu you just performed. I will do whatever it is you require of me. Please." His voice is flat, devoid of all the emotion that previously filled it when they first encountered each other. The boy was a mere shell of his former self.

[WC: 343 - Post 2/5 - Total WC: 647]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Please forgive my rudeness, but I have pressing matters that I need to attend to. You do know me, you attacked me on the grounds at the academy. I was in awe of your Genjutsu skills, and came here to ask you if you would possibly consider teaching me? I have a score to settle, but my current skills are child's play in comparison to the jutsu you just performed. I will do whatever it is you require of me. Please."

Shusuke raised an eyebrow trying to remember this academy student. ”I’m not going to lie, I don’t remember you at all. Must’ve been an underwhelming interaction… If you want to learn Genjutsu however…” He lets go of his Kunai, though it still floats in the air and circles around the child and stares into his eyes. ”…you came to the right place.”

Shusuke steps past Kiriyomi towards the front door, the blade still not leaving Kiriyomi’s throat even if he moves as it stays ready to slit his throat if he acts aggressively towards Shusuke. Flipping the sign to closed and locking the front door the young Yamanaka heads to the back of the shop. ”Follow me.” The Kunai blade fades from existence.

Stepping through the back of the shop the Aburame student would see the green house and gardens of the Yamanaka for the first time. Rows of brightly colored flowers planted in small beautiful pots positioned by companion plants. Shifting colors of petals danced in the breeze throughout this section of the White Oak District that takes up multiple acres of land. The courtyard was almost like it’s own ecosystem with a couple of beehives that homes the pollinators of choice. Various plants can be seen infested with caterpillars or chrysalis as a large number of butterflies also swarmed. Through the rich display of natural beauty.

Turning to look at Kiriyomi, Shusuke let out a sigh. ”Before I can teach you anything, I need to know what I am working with. I am Yamanaka Shusuke, Genin. I specialize in Mind Control and manifesting my illusions into reality.”

2/5 WC:346


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
"I'm not going to lie, I don't remember you at all. Must've been an underwhelming interaction..." Kiriyomi just cocks his head to the side, thinking back on how much of an impact that interaction had on him and the other students. He had nightmares for weeks about Kohara slashing Shusuke's neck, watching the lifeless body collapsing before him. That was exactly why he was seeking out the Yamanaka, though. He didn't want to be that weak and scared little boy anymore. It was time to start taking control and making his own decisions, rather than following everyone else and being content with sticking to the background.

As Shusuke stepped away from him and left the Kunai floating in space around his throat, Kiri feels a twinge of irritation. The blade was maintaining its position on his throat, no matter how he moved, and it was rather frustrating that he was being held in place like that. He couldn't quite blame the Yamanaka boy, though, because you couldn't quite trust anyone to have your back. His eyes tracked the other boy as he locked up the shop, then headed out the back of the shop. Waiting for the Kunai to move from his neck, Kiriyomi is surprised when it simply fades away. Was that a Genjutsu of some kind? The steel felt so real though. Perhaps I can learn that technique from him as well, it seems to be rather useful.

Stepping out back of the shop, Kiri stops in his tracks for a moment. There is so much life surrounding him, from the flowers to insects. On any other day, he would have been ecstatic at the splashes of colors and presence of other insects. What point was there to enjoying life when it all just ended abruptly, and all that was left were people's memories of you which would eventually fade in time. The boy grumbles to himself and resists the urge to kick a nearby rock further into the garden. He had to get on Shusuke's good side, and damaging any of their hard grown plants was likely the fastest way to do the exact opposite of that.

Shusuke turns and addresses him, and lists his own specialties. Kiri quickly realizes that was how the Kunai became solid and faded away, but tucked that information away for later. He didn't want to fall back into his habit of drifting off into his thoughts, staying present was the wiser and safer option. "I am Aburame Kiriyomi, Academy Student. At the moment, I don't have any Genjutsu aside from Tourniquet. I don't currently have a specialization either, though I plan to focus on Genjustu and using my Kikai to both confuse my enemies and slowly bleed their chakra."

[WC: 457 - Post 3/5 - Total: 1104/1500]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke listened as the boy spoke about only knowing one Genjutsu before laughing to himself. This kid wanted to focus in Genjutu but could only produce one simple illusion? This had to be a joke. Shishiwakamaru and Haniki were getting back at him because of how he reacted just before their genin exams. Looking around, expecting them to jump out he began to realize that this boy was being serious. "Oh, I am sorry, at first I thought you were joking." He wipes a small tear from the corner of his face as the giggles brought tears to his eyes. What a joke.

"Let's start with the basics then. The human body observes the world through multiple senses including things like sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. While some these are useful they aren't what can push the tides of battle. For example." The boy snaps his fingers and the Phantosmia Style of Yamanaka combat became prevalent as Kiriyomi's sense of smell became limited to just florals. The smell of meats from nearby shops and the smell of his own body simply faded. "If you are going to go for the standard five senses which ones do you think are the most impactful?" He paused for a moment to get the student's opinion.

"Sound and Visual Genjutsu are extremely powerful as shinobi most often tune into those senses the most when in a fight. Along with those, being able to control someone's Equilibrioception, or sense of balance, Proprioception, or knowing where your body parts are, Kinaesthesia, sense of movement, Thermoception, sense of temperurature, Nociception, sense of pain, and Chronoception, sense of time passing, is what allows you to change the world they live in. For example, your Tourniquet Jutsu affects their Nociception along with their Sight. This type of Illusion is known as a WIll Illusion as it forces them to believe something that isn't true. If you wish to mess with their Thermoception try learning the Hot Weapon Jutsu." As he said that name Kiri's hands begin to burn despite nothing being held. "It's little trick to convince your foe that you are actually super heating their weapon, causing them to most likely drop it. This kind of Genjutsu is known as a Kinetic Genjutsu as it deals with their body's perception of the outside world." The burning stops.

"So.. Where do you wish to start?

3/5 WC:394


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi stood there, confused, as Shusuke began laughing to himself. He didn't think that he'd said anything funny, and he also glanced around the garden, unsure of what it was they were looking for. When the Yamanaka says that he thought that Kiri was joking, he opened his mouth in protest but quickly shut it. Arguing with him was not the way to get what he wanted. Instead, he began to turn and walk away when he heard Shusuke continue talking from behind him and suddenly all he could smell were the flowers all around him. "If you are going to go for the five standard senses which do you think are the most impactful?"

Kiri stops and turns back around, staring into the other boy's pale blue eyes. "Well, obviously that would be Visual and Sound. The two most common senses when used to try and track someone." It was at this point that Kohara finally flew out of the shop and landed on the boy's shoulder, pressing a leg to his neck. "I know what you're thinking, but I don't care. He might be dangerous, but look at his skills. He is the best person that I can think of to teach me what I need to know. So either stay and watch, or get lost." The ant recoils away from Kiri at the mental command, flying up and landing on top of the house. He didn't want to be a part of this, but there was no way that he was going to leave the boy behind.

"So... Where do you wish to start?"

Kiriyomi stands there for a moment, considering the list of senses that Shusuke had mentioned. To be honest, he had never heard of many of these. It was a testament to the other boy's skill, and Kiri smiles to himself. Yes, he was in the right place. "Well, seeing as I'm not very strong when it comes to Taijutsu, that Hot Weapon Jutsu seems to be pretty handy. If I could disarm my opponent, I would force them to use other techniques which I would hopefully be better equipped to handle. As you said, Visual and Sound are the more common senses as well. So any of those three would be a good starting point I think."

[WC: 382 - Post 4/5 - Total WC: 1486]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"If Taijutsu is your weakness you better get proficient in either the Medical Arts or defensive Ninjutsu. Genjutsuists they can't hold their own in hand to hand combat don't last very long. Either that or find yourself allies you are willing to trust with your life." The boy let out a sigh. Before stepping towards Kiriyomi ever so slightly. Reaching into a small pouch he has on his waist he pulled out a small scroll. Unravelling it on the ground between the two young shinobi, Shusuke made a single hand seal before releasing the contents of the scroll. Four additional scrolls were summoned onto the unravelled parchment before them.

"These are the training scrolls my mother had me memorized before I was allowed to join the Academy. I believe they cover almost all of the basics when it comes to creating and casting illusions, including the Hot Weapon Jutsu that I demonstrated. Now while the notes in here are to try layering multiples of these jutsu from each of the scrolls, I don't think that will be a feat you will be able to accomplish easily. I would recommend trying just one of each, at least for now." Grabbing the scrolls he hands them one by one to Kiryomi. "This one covers Visually based Genjutsu, this one focuses in on Audial Genjutsu, this one falls under the Kinetic Genjutsu, and finally the Will Genjutsu. You can borrow these for 1 week. If you don't bring them back here before that week is up we will have a problem, okay? These are my Clan's Scrolls and are not something I should be handing out to some kid from the academy, but you've got spunk and I can appreciate that.

4/5 MFT:287


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
"If Taijutsu is your weakness you better get proficient in either the Medical Arts or defensive Ninjutsu. Genjutsuists they can't hold their own in hand to hand combat don't last very long. Either that or find yourself allies you are willing to trust with your life." Kiriyomi thinks for a moment of the other students he has met, wondering if he could trust any of them with his life. At the moment, the answer would have to be no. So it appeared that he would need to instead learn the other two methods that were mentioned. Luckily for him, his mother used to practice in the Medical Arts.

When Shusuke takes a step towards him, Kiriyomi instinctively takes a small step backwards. He tenses up when he sees the other boy reaching for a pouch, expecting another attack until he sees a small scroll being withdrawn. As Shu explains what each of the scrolls are, Kiri silently takes them and places them in his own pouch, nodding along. "I may not be the strongest student at the academy, but I am a quick study. I can guarantee that you will have these scrolls back in a few days. Thank you for trusting me with these, I guarantee that no eyes other than mine shall see them. These will most certainly come in handy in the future. You have no idea how much this means to me. I owe you a favor for all of the help you are giving me." Kiri offers his hand to shake Shusuke's, a menacing gleam in them as he mentions the future. Clearly the Aburame boy has plans for how to put these new jutsu to use.

[WC: 282 - Post 5/5 - Total WC: 1768]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke waived his hand nonchalantly when he saw the student extend his to shake. "Yea whatever, just know you can't hide from me. Get those mastered and then we can try this again. It's no fun trying to show someone the strengths of Genjutsu when they don't even have a foundational understanding of the practice." A grin took to his face as if to tell the other student to prove his claim of being a quick study. Turning around and waking towards the flowers Shusuke would continue. "Hell, maybe next time you'll be able to tell when you're under the influences of a Genjutsu.". As the voice continued the body of Shusuke faded away as the young boy released his Clone Genjutsu that he laid on Kiriyomi the moment he removed the blindness. Shusuke was still in the shop relaxing awaiting any customers that may need to place or pick up an order from the Yamanka's shop, whether that be Floral or Poison in nature.

5/5 WC for Thread 1500+

[Topic Left unless Kiriyomi wishes to move this class to a General RP]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
