Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Understanding What's Ahead [ Private | Open to ANBU ]


Mar 11, 2021
The ANBU hopeful stood before the exit/entrance of the village. He looked outside of the gates, wondering when he'd be allowed to go on a mission to benefit the village. He still wondered about it's current state. It was nothing nice, and sitting around had it's perks, but he felt that there was something more he could be doing. Of course he was going through his own motions. He was trying to understand why his Yuki abilities began to fail him. He wouldn't be much use if he couldn't pull things together. Even his Sage Mode began to fail him. It was a moment of weakness, but he held tight to his true strength, his belief in his shinobi way.

He tried to keep the feeling down about doing something for the village to lift it's current state. Even after the meeting with Keiji and Takeshi, but it looked as though he could only bare with the feeling for so long. He looked up to the stars, watching as they danced in the night's sky. A full moon gave nice lighting to the area. He wore only his ANBU attire, his bird mask securely concealing his face. His shift at the gates would begin in a couple of minutes. Using the sky to tell the time, he hoped the letters he sent out to his brethren would be received. He could only wait on their arrival.

'Hopefully we can come together on things.' His only thought at the moment, but this was important to what the future held. He couldn't do anything alone. He thought of the exam that would lead them to the next stage of life. If they happened to make it to ANBU, maybe they would have more permissions they could take care of. It was just a thought. Toshi wanted to find out their thoughts on the current happenings in the village.

~ Topic Entered | WC: +300

(( Also using this thread as my Kinjutsu app. Going for Holy Jinchuuiriki with the Lightning Element. Need a 3,000 wc total. ))
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Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"Relax, Moru, relax. This isn't from sensei, no need to get overexcited."

Keiyaku had just slit open a letter than had been left at the clanhouse, an excitable Morutobu leaping and bounding around his feet, trying to snatch the letter to read it for himself. The Inuzuka took a sniff of the letter as he read it, bu the scent was not very familiar. From what it said, one of his new colleagues wanted to have a chat by the village gates.

"Shhhh, Kiiromaru will kill us if we're out too late. We gotta be quiet, alright?" Keiyaku told the little Shiba puppy who seemed to contain himself at once, not wanting to wake up the old dog and incur his wrath.

The Inuzuka boy had arrived at the gates after dark, likewise dressed in his ANBU attire, donning a featureless ANBU mask, bearing resemblance to a wolf's face. It was not, strictly speaking, his night to patrol the gates, but he couldn't see why he couldn't at least pretend he was on some kind of formal duty. It gave him a sense of pride, like he was following in his father's and Kiiromaru's path. Stepping up to the gate, he met with another boy around his age, but with darker hair. Had he seen him before? Keiyaku gave a surreptitious sniff and, sure enough, this guy had definitely been the letter author.

"Hey there. I got your letter," he said, flashing the piece of paper lazily, addressing the bird-masked boy. He wasn't sure of his actual name, let alone his codename. Morutobu came bounding up alongside Keiyaku, tilting his head in curiosity at the stranger, staying wary. Meanwhile, his master joined in with the stranger at glancing up at the full moon casting a mystical glow across the empty night sky.

"You're another initiate, right?" Asked Keiyaku lazily, stifling a yawn, his slit-pupiled eyes half-lidded behind his mask, "I forget, we're not supposed to 'deal in names' or something, right? So many new rules to remember. This your first patrol?"

Moru gave a low bark, which Keiyaku waved off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Gotta stay professional."

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Letting out a sigh of discontent Shusuke would take the letter he received and toss it in the trash. Snapping his finger to send out a burst of sparks he would burn the letter as to remove any paper trail evidence. Adjusting the bandaging that wrapped his head as he changed the gauze that was underneath he would don his cloak and place his cat like mask over his face. His single blue eye would peer sharply through the mask and almost glow in the night's light. He had recenty undergone a surgery, of sorts, and has yet to notice the effects, but he was sure if something were to happen tonight he would get the chance.

Approaching the gates Shusuke would see two other ANBU members, one of which he recognized not only the mask, but the dog named Moru. "Just saying, if the dog is going to follow you everywhere, you may want to think of a way to conceal his identity, otherwise any old bar fly may be able to recognize you by your Ninja Hound alone, which defeats the purpose of concealing your identity." His eye refused to meet with Keiyaku's, as he began to put two and two together. He knew who this other ANBU member was, and whether that was a good thing or not would only be exposed by time itself.

Addressing the Bird-Masked ANBU member Shusuke would continue. "What is it you wanted?"


Mar 11, 2021
It wasn’t everyday that the traffic of the Leaf gates were busy. After the attacks, things slowed down. He figured rumors had spread of the tragic fate of the village. The boy tried not to think of the many that were lost from the attacks. Hopefully their souls had found peace.

He brought his thoughts to an end as he heard a familiar voice. He kept his gaze on the sky, still intrigued by it’s beauty. ”Yes, I’m still rather new to the duty, but I look forward to what lays ahead.” He now moved his gaze from the sky to Kei, ”Not only for me, but for each of us that’s aspiring to become a true ANBU.” He was excited to see the one with the wolf mask, addressing the letter that he sent out. He assumed from the wolf mask that it was Kei, and his thoughts were confirmed as he noticed his companion at his side. He could tell from his yawn that Kei either had just woken up, or was ready to go back to bed.

”No, I’ve been on gate duty for a while now. I believe I started taking it seriously when the village began to be attacked by those outsiders.” The boy nodded to Kei, and his battle mate, acknowledging both of their presence. He put out his right arm, giving his hand to shake. ”The name’s… er…” Kei was right, names weren’t to be shared. He came up with a clever nickname. ”Dove. Code name Dove.” Afterwards he’d give Moru a wave, not startled by the bark at all. He seemed to be a gentle one when not in combat.

It was only a matter of time before Shu came around. ’Still a tough guy I see.’ It was Toshi’s first impression of Shu. He wondered if he was always like this. ”Nice to meet you as well… flamethrower.” It was the best he could do with giving Shu a code name. He thought back to the two’s match and was reminded of the flames Shu had sparked. He also thought of calling him chains, but that part of the match wasn’t exactly something he wanted to remind the two of. Either way, Shu could come up with his own code name.

”Well,” The boy rubbed the back of his hooded head, thinking of the true reason why they were gathered. ”First, I would like to commend you guys on your battle back at HQ. It was something everyone could learn from.” The boy nodded, noting that Shu still seemed a bit bitter at Kei. ”But I chose to gather you both here to converse about the ongoing son the village, and get both of your perspectives on the attacks that we’re enduring.” It probably didn’t mean much to most, but he was there firsthand to see the damage being done. They were young and still in training, but he knew if the three of them stepped up to the plate, they’d be able to get something done. Maybe successfully completing one of the tougher missions would prove they were worthy to handle what lye beyond the gates.

He looked to the exit of the gates, ”I figure if you guys feel how I feel, we could hunt down whatever force is trying to take our village out.” The tone of his voice took a more serious note as he finished his sentence.

WC: +550 | Total: +850
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"You and me, both," said Keiyaku, a smile evident from his voice, "but I guess you can tell I'm still tryna get to grips with the ropes. These patrols are tiring stuff too."

Moru gave another excited back and jumped up a little, putting his paws on Toshi's leg, expected some scritches behind the ear. Keiyaku rather loudly cleared his throat, looking sternly down at the pup. Morutobu backed up and stood to attention dutifully. One thing that struck the Inuzuka boy was the size difference between this other ANBU initiate and himself; they seemed to be around half a foot apart in height.

"Dove," Keiyaku repeated, nodding his approval, impressed with the speed with which he'd come up with that name. He was on the spot now though; he had to come up with one for himself pretty quick.

"I'm.... hmm.... Jackal," said the boy proudly, returning the handshake with a rather heavy-handed squeeze. He looked down at Moru sitting by his side, "and this is..."

Moru let out a few growls and grunts. Keiyaku translated Moru's decision.

"Heh, cool name, little guy ...This is Tanuki."

Just as he was about to continue the conversation, he felt his stomach lurch slightly. He knew that voice. Turning on his heel, he was brought face-to-face with that familiar cat mask and... did he have bandages over his head?

"Eh, well, it never caused issues for my dad and his partner when they were ANBU. But hey, I'm open to suggestions," he replied, his voice carrying a tone of slightly forced amicability. Moru took a different tact, actively growling at the cat-masked boy, clearly not having forgiven him for their skirmish from before.

"That's your colleague, you will treat him with professional dignity," Keiyaku instructed in an uncharacteristically drill-like tone. Moru fell silent at once.

"Yeah, I know what you mean; it was a good learning experience for us too. I need to practice fighting off Genjutsu the most, I think," he said, momentarily sparing Shusuke a sideways glance before returning his attention to Dove, "the attacks, yeah. We had some first-hand experience. When all those animals got chased out of the Forest of Death, Corvus-sensei had us track down this huge animal. Someone had chased it into one of the little settlements around here and it actually ate someone whole. It was like some kinda hybrid between an ox and a big cat. Tanuki, here, and me had to put the damn thing down for our ANBU initiation exam. I guess there's gonna be a lot more of that around here, huh?"

What the other initiate said next certainly gave him something to think about but he couldn't expel the feeling of trepidation it gave him, "are you sure we're ready for that? Sounds like we'd need an official mission; else we'd risk losing our jobs when we've just barely qualified. I ain't really sure they're gonna be impressed with insubordination...."
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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Flamethrower? Shusuke's concealed brows before he chuckled a little bit. "Is that what I've been called? Pretty ironic if you ask me, Fire was the last element I was able to unlock." Not realizing the names were self given, Shusuke just assumed this was his official title that the branch had been using.

His eye shifted towards Morutobu. "Well, I know I could use Ninjutsu through him, but I didn't notice any exceptional chakra reserves while I was in possession of his body, so I am assuming he can't weave jutsu himself..." Shusuke thought for a moment. "I mostly notices you were a Taijutsu preactitioner, but if you find a way to use a transformation jutsu on him that could help." Raising his hands in a shrug he continued. "But if you aren't worried about it, ignore me." As Morutobu barked at him Shusuke would stare down at the dog. He grinned slightly. The dog was feisty, he liked that.

His attention was brought back towards Dove. Listening to Keiyaku speak Shu would chuckle and raise a hand. Rings would begin to form around his fingers and chains would being to appear crawling up his right hand and into his sleeve before seemingly vanishing. "I am willing to go a round two whenever you are." An indirect jab.

"While not a direct result of the gate attack, I have noticed some increased criminal activity. I've had to handle a handful of criminal culrptis that wouldn't come down easily now." If the two other AiT could pick up context clues they'd realize that Shusuke, or Flamethrower, was admitting to taking the lives of four people before. He addressed it like it was a regular occurrence for him, which to some may come as a shock as the boy was only ten years old and stood at barely five feet tall and weighed just a little over one hundred pounds. He was a small child after all.

He chuckled a little bit before responding to Keiyaku and Dove. "If you aren't ready for a mission like this, then concede. Go home and snuggle with you puppy in the protection of your home. We can handle this without you if need be. I've spent time training under the Hokages and Sennin. They prefer action over talk. If Dove wants to go on a mission, I will join him."


Mar 11, 2021
The boy bent down and gave Moru a rub and a scratch behind he ears. ”You guys did well lil fella.” Tanuki made it back over to Jackal, listening to his owners command. It seemed the two were willing to get along for now, Jackal and Flamethrower. Giving some advice to the Inuzuka about concealing his companion’s identity, he activated some type of technique. It gave the boy a flashback of the two’s fight and made him shudder a bit. The technique seemed beyond the level of a Genin. These two obviously had some hidden talent. Hopefully he could push them both beyond their natural limits. Tanuki began growling at the cat masked ANBU, reminded of the terror they seen back at HQ. He was glad the ANBU Sennin stepped in when he did. After the pup was told to quiet down, the Yamanaka went on to mention that he took down a few criminals himself. It sounded as though both AiT had accomplished a few things within the village already.

Maybe the proposed mission would be enough to work off some steam, maybe even help the two form a better bond. Toshi figured it was at least worth a try to get them on good terms with one another. Hearing the name Corvus threw the boy off a bit. He wasn’t used to hearing the ANBU Sennin’s name used that way. He wondered how the name was come up with.

Hearing about his ANBU mate’s exam was intriguing. His own exam to become a Genin was a while back. It wasn’t as harsh as the exam Jackal went through. He sounded tough as beans after explaining that story. Toshi hadn’t been through anything that tough yet.

Kei sounded a bit unsure . He wouldn’t want to do anything to upset the higher ups. It was something that the emerald eyed boy agreed with, but he wasn’t afraid to take things up a notch. Flamethrower then stated that he was ready for a mission. ”Don’t worry, we won’t be doing anything rash. Signing up for a mission is easy as a walk in the park.” His words were to Jackal, but he was also reassuring himself that he would be ok without his Yuki abilities. He hoped this change wouldn’t effect the mission, but he would be ready for it regardless.

”I also wanted to know more about you guys. Did you grow up here? Do you have a family?” His list of questions could go on, but he didn’t want to overwhelm the two.

WC: + 400 | Total: +1250
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Moru seemed to take to Dove pretty quickly; the pup could sense something of the animal about him, some kind of affinity with nature which seemed to put him supremely at ease. He had a goofy smile, tongue lolling out as he was scratched. Keiyaku couldn't help but crack a smile when Moru acted like this towards others; little ball of fluff was such an attention seeker.

As for Shusuke, or now, Flamethrower, Keiyaku was pretty quick to brush off his idle threats and gloating; he was going to be cordial towards the guy obviously, but he had no sense of restraint over himself. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to set blindly off into the night with someone like that. He wasn't exactly sure what the subtext behind 'handling criminal culprits' was exactly; he was feeling a bit too suffocated by the Yamanaka's ego and sense of self-entitlement.

"I can handle a mission, my guy," said Keiyaku to the Yamanaka, cracking a smirk, "but I'm guessing you don't wanna lose your job; sounded like you got on pretty thin ice with Corvus-sensei back there, huh? I don't care what happened before, I just wanna know I can rely on my teammates in a tight situation."

The Inuzuka boy said indistinctly, momentarily caught off guard by the question. Dove did have a point; it could be important to know about your allies' background to get an idea of the type of person they are, "yeah, born and raised here. My family's the Inuzuka clan; we live mainly in the woods, but we also have a clanhouse close to the village-forest border. We kinda live hunter-gatherer-style at the moment. What about you two? And what did you have in mind that you wanted to do tonight anyway, Dove?"

(( OOC: Sorry about the shit writing here; not feeling the creative juices today ))

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke let out a sigh. "If I am being honest, I don't feel comfortable divulging any personal information about myself while donning this mask and cloak. Anonymity is the cornerstone of the ANBU Black Ops. I myself have the ability to speak telepathically, and have since I was about five years old, who knows what sort of enemy intelligence gathering jutsu could be being used in the vicinity." He hesitated and raised his right hand with his fingers straightened with the exception of his ring finger which he had bent down to connect the tip to the tip of his thumb to form a handseal. "If you would like to divulge information, may I suggest we do so more securely?" As he spoke the two would, if they accepted the connection, hear not only Shusuke's voice spoken, but they would hear his words as thoughts of their own but in the Yamanaka's voice. He would have extended out his Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Blind Jutsu to create a direct neuro-link between the three AiT.

`As you both could already tell, I am a Yamanaka and have an affinity towards Genjutsu meaning I am very adept as a Sensory Shinobi. I assume the same could be said about you Jackal with your more primitive genetic advantages you have as an Inuzuka. I have heard you can smell a chakra source like I can feel them, is this true?` He hesitated for a response. `As you may know, as a member of the Mind Clan I am able to help debilitate my targets' will or even assert my own over them, as demonstrated with Morutobu. So if we get in a tight situation, you do not need to worry about being up against a powerful enemy. I can simply take control of their body and allow you to do what you must, though the costs on my end are steep. What I wasn't able to demonstrate in my ANBU Entrance Exam was my skills in combining my Genjutsu and Taijutsu into a single, morally questionable, technique known as the Chimeiarashi Style.`

His eye would shift towards Dove. `My family isn't anything of note. My parents barely passed their Chuunin exams in their late twenties after I was already born. They aren't exactly what I would call strong shinobi but they serve the village to the best of their abilities. My father is barely able to cast illusions let alone any of the clan's secret techniques and just after my Academy Graduation I was able to surpass my mother's own mental capacities.` He looked down at Morutobu as he squatted down and pointed at the dog. "You know, I think you could take on both of my parents by yourself and come out victorious." He attempted to make a joke to calm the tension down. He stood back up. `But to answer your question, yes, I was born and raised in Konohagakure. When I am not working on missions, I am often assigned to be a Tutor at the Academy. This next generation of shinobi sure are something of note.`

CRPJ's Effect: This allows the user to connect mentally with anyone within a close proximity, approximately half a kilometer. The recipient of this connection can feel Yamanka's extended use of Audial Genjutsu and the two may communicate telepathically by the use of hearing each other speak despite not being near one anoher, but the connection is easy to sever and requires no more effort than it does to blink to break the said connection. As the connected individuals move further away the delay in the message increases and the volume in which the message is heard is diminished until the limits are met and the connection is automatically severed.
[glow=color][i]`Using this to help distinguish telepathic communication`[/i][/glow]


Mar 11, 2021
As the Inuzuka agreed on going on the mission as well, a nod of approval of both the AiT sat well with Toshi. He now knew that he wasn’t around anyone lazy, or anyone that was afraid to fulfill their duty. As a matter of fact, it seemed these two would be able to push him past his limit, and he would do the same for them.

As Kei spoke of the ANBU Sennin and the Yamanaka, the boy wondered what they spoke about after he left. It was a private discussion, so he decided not to bring it up. ”Don’t worry Jackal, you can count on your team for anything you need. If you have a problem, it’s our problem too.” He paused, looking towards Flamethrower and nodding, ”Right Flamethrower?” [/B]The boy looked over to the Yamanaka, making sure they were on one accord.

Kei explained that his family was living the survival lifestyle, and Shi. Well the boy wasn’t ready for what Shi had to offer, but he was amazed at such a technique. To think a bloodline that could use telepathy. This was awesome. They were already a step towards having great team chemistry.

As each of them gave their own input, Toshi gave his bit afterwards. ”Well, I lived not too far from the village. I’m not actually from Konoha. I came from a family of non-Shinobi. My mom and dad, they didn’t really know what to do when they noticed I could perform techniques dealing with chakra. I ended up running away and was found by a few ANBU outside of the village. They brought me into the gates, and once I was found to have the abilities of a Shinobi, I was put in an orphanage clan house. Something of that sort.” The boy nodded, now thinking of Nao and Keiji. He was glad they were keeping him. ”I was given free will to live my life here, so I decided to serve the village.” He was honored to be able to help out the village that helped him. He’d even put his life on the line. ”Since then I’ve been out here looking for ways to serve and protect. It’s part of the reason I chose to serve as an ANBU.” That was the just of his story so far.

As he was asked why they were out on such a night, the boy began to rub his chin up under his mask. He let out a small hmm, before snapping his finger and letting out one of those “Aha!” Moments. ”Hey, I know I’ve seen you both in action, but could each of you use a jutsu out here? Or at least some type of technique as to where we can gauge one another’s abilities?” It seemed this caught the attention of a few of the ANBU that were on duty. The boy was asking if they each could perform a technique to understand the chemistry between the three. Like those Manga soccer players that stay in tune with their teammates by performing their best in practice. The practice drills were to determine who needed to work on what, so he figured a practice run before the mission would aid them in learning one another’s abilities. Maybe if they got it together well enough, they could collaborate with their techniques. Coming up with the flawless execution of techniques to overcome whatever came their way.

”If you guys are ok with it, we could play rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first. Winner chooses to go 1st 2nd or 3rd. The other two can decide amongst themselves who goes when. Unless someone just wants to go first, then we don’t have to play rock, paper, scissors.”

(( If we play rock, paper, scissors, I choose rock ))

WC: +600 | Total: + 1850

(( No worries Kei, every post counts. 100 high quality words is better than 1000 words of nonsense. ))
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku raised an eyebrow; he guessed the Yamanaka would have that response. Of course, he had considered this himself but when it comes to your teammates, he figured it's best to relax that rule somewhat in case it became vital information in a critical moment.

"We don't need to be totally anonymous with our allies, man. We gotta know each other's strengths and weaknesses so we can help compensate for 'em," he suggested, about to expand on his point a little more when he froze. He could hear Flamethrower's voice inside his head despite his mouth not moving. Morutobu cocked his head to the side, mystified by this as well. He listened to the boy's explanation of his abilities - not that he had much choice - and cast his mind back to their fight, recalling the memories of the few moves he'd demonstrated.

"Uh yeah," he said, preferring just to speak aloud, not entirely sure how this jutsu worked, "yeah, we can track a target over a long distance by scent, and even sniff different levels of chakra and their source. It does make us pretty good Sensor-shinobi for the one's that join the ANBU; 'specially since we're taught to hunt from a super young age; s'how we get our food, and all that. Hey, sounds like with all that Genjutsu and all this mind wizardry, you'd be really great at being a spy or some kind of infiltrator, huh? You really did a number on me, I know that much."

Morutobu gazed warily at the Yamanaka as he knelt down to him; he didn't look at Flamethrower with the same seething contempt anymore, but definitely seemed tense and suspicious, ready to bite at a moment's notice. Keiyaku let out a brief, snappish snarl, and the puppy softened somewhat.

"Yeah, 'course, we both know we can count on you two," he said, turning to Dove, a smile evident once more in his voice; this guy was so easy to talk to and to get on well with and, as he listened to his story, his respect for him only grew. He seemed to be working from the ground up to shape his life and career the way he wanted it, in fact it made him feel slightly guilty to have come from such a loving, tight-knit family. Moru looked up at Toshi and let out a series of growls and barks. Keiyaku interpreted as usual.

"Tanuki says, 'hey, it looks like you've got yourself a new family now'. I reckon he's right; we're all gonna be lookin' out for each other."

Then came the fun part; Dove wanted a demonstration. He let out a bark-like laugh, and clapped his hands together, grinning with feral fervour.

"Great idea! Heh, since like I say, we need to know each other's pros and cons to compensate for 'em, check this shit out," he said, side-stepping the game of rock-paper-scissors, doffing his mask, and getting down on all fours, "Tanuki, Animal-Human Taijutsu style!"

Two things happened at once, very quickly. Morutobu seemed to be concentrating on something - a puff of smoke suddenly surrounded him. Keiyaku remained still, but his fangs seemed to be lenghtening, the rest of his teeth becoming sharper, his claws also growing out and curving slightly, his face in general looking a lot more canine-like. When the smoke cleared, there was another Keiyaku; Morutobu was using some kind of transformation jutsu, with the end result that both of them looked completely indisguishable from one another, little whisps of chakra emanating from both of their bodies. This would also serve as a much better way of disguising Moru's identity if the need arose. One of them growled to the other and they both moved with inhuman speed, as if they'd both just vanished, their hands and feet making not a single sound. They both appeared on the other side of the other two boys, both on all fours, one of them perched atop the other's back. Then, with another puff of smoke, a Shiba puppy was once again sitting atop Keiyaku's back, panting happily. The Inuzuka boy got up, his features starting to return to normal as he donned his mask once more.

"Haha, sorry, just need to let off a little steam. Go on then, what can you guys do?"
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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking to Dove, Shusuke would respond. `Corvus-sama instructed me to trust my allies so that they can trust me, so I will follow his instructions.` He looked over to Keiyaku. `If you wish to divulge your key personal information I won't stop you, but I will not be reciprocating.`

When Keiyaku said they were like a family Shusuke was glad he was wearing a mask to hide the immediate look of dissatisfaction that overcame him. Looking a way for a moment the young Yamanaka let out a sigh. Was this really going to be his peers as he worked in the ANBU division? He was hoping he could be assigned to more solitary tasks, or at least ones here speaking wasn't required.

Shortly after Shusuke would look back as he heard the Inuzuka get excited to demonstrate the skills he had learned by using a technique to cause him and Morutobu to become identical twins. The animalistic features were primitive and savage in appearance, but he assumed this technique must be functional or his clan would have gone extinct by now.


Shusuke took this moment to step forward as well. If Dove wished to place an order on the demonstrations then perhaps he was hesitant to show his own. Shusuke, was not. Stepping forward and looking out of the gate towards the outer village region, Shusuke's eyes locked onto a tree about fifty yards away. "Forbidden Art: Armigar Arsenal." As he spoke those words, without so much as moving a muscle large blades and lances would begin to aparate into existence. "I was interrupted the last time I attempted to demonstrate this technique."

Yamanaka Shusuke was Stormborn, a Chimeiarashi, and as such he was able to manifest his illusions into reality. These illusory blades would be visible to all, and if you were to touch them they would feel real as well. A wrong move and you could easily become impaled by one of his many blades. Art of the Chimeiarashi: Steelwind..." Finishing the statement the hovering blades would launch out at nearly unclockable speeds as they flew towards the targeted tree. Within a couple of seconds the boys watching the demonstration would see ten various swords, spears, and lances resting within the branches and truck of the tree. Flamethrower Would turn around and look at the two boys.

`I am able to bring weapons created by my Genjutsu into reality to decimate my enemies. These weapons are specifically created to enter a target's body effectively and remain. If they are removed the hidden barbed edges tear more of the flesh causing intense bleeding to occure. This style of Taijutsu is frowned upon amongst the usual shinobi as it is seen as cruel and inhumane, but I am joining these ranks to strike down and end the threats that face our village, at any meansnecessary.`

With a snap of his fingers the blades within the tree would simple fade from view as they scatter into small motes of light and dust to truly prove that they were nothing more than illusions, yet the wounds they inflicted still very much appeared real.
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Mar 11, 2021
Through their mind link Shu continued that Keiji gave him proper instruction to trust those close to him.

As the Inuzuka got on all fours, the boy stepped back, giving him room to perform his technique. He watched in awe as he and his dog companion began to work together to complete their technique. ”So he’s able to take on the form of his master. Hmm… that would really help out when it’s crunch time.” As they began to move Dove has trouble keeping up with their movements. He had to really pay attention to see how they maneuvered together. He turned around to see them behind him now. With such speed and coordination they would be able to baffle even some of the toughest enemies that they would encounter.

The ANBU that were watching gave two coo’s. It sounded as though a bird was shouting at the boy’s performing their techniques. In actuality it was a sign of approval from them. They enjoyed the performance, and awaited the next technique to be performed. More of the gate guardians began to look in their direction, it seemed the young-ins were drawing quite the crowd.

The emerald eyed boy looked over in their direction, even seeing an ANBU wave, wanting them to continue. Dove would walk over to Jackal, and would give him a high five. He would also give Tanuki a pat on the head, saying good job. He liked their performance just as much as the other ANBU. He then moved away from the two. Taijutsu seemed to be their expertise, but he was sure there was more that they could do.

Shu decided to step up next. Toshi made sure to step back to give Shu his space as well. Everything happened so fast Dove barely had time to brace himself. He moved his arms before his figure as he squinted behind his mask to watch the technique. The impact upon the trees was ground shaking. Shu after completion went on that the technique was based off of illusions, but the illusions could manifest into reality. He also noted that it was a rather cruel technique. Almost on que, the ANBU began to coo again. This time there were four coos that echoed, but right afterwards they let out a siren sort of sound. This siren sound was to notify them that such a technique was dangerous, and if caught, they could face trouble.

Dove moved over to Shu, giving him dap if he was up for it. ”I’ve never seen anything like that before. I’m sure if we’re in a tight spot, we’ll definitely be bailed out by such a technique. Just let us know beforehand with your telepathy and we’ll get out of your way.” And boy would they need it. He looked over to the trees that were a ways off. They looked to be a bit worn from such a technique.

Now Dove was excited to pull off his technique. He had the perfect move in line, he figured he might get one of those siren sounds as Kinjutsu were forbidden. ”Okay, stand back guys. This is going to get messy.” The emerald eyed boy began through a set of hand seals. As he completed them chakra began to surround the boy. The green chakra aura began to build. A vapor of smoke engulfed the boy’s form, and suddenly… nothing. The smoke cleared and Toshi was standing there unchanged. No super new omega sage mode form, or nothing. The ANBU on duty began to look at one another. He didn’t get a coo, but a single hand clap. The boy didn’t understand what was going on. And only a hand clap? Really? He couldn’t blame them as he built up a strong approach for his technique. Something just wasn’t clicking.

”Uhh… sorry about that guys. You aren’t mistaken, this isn’t a smoke puff ball jutsu. I kerfluffled somewhere. Give me a second.” Toshi shook it off, and began to jump around a bit as a sort of warm up. He then settled down and took a deep breath.

Suddenly his form changed, and a calming breeze fluttered by in the area. It would cool everyone off in the area. The aura of the environment became calm, there was some type of peaceful presence that swept the area, giving one a sense of peace if they were study it. Minor bruises and cuts would begin to repair themselves on everyone’s body. This new aura that swept into the area gave a healing effect to everyone. Toshi could feel a presence overcome him as well, something told him that everything would be ok. Small flowers began to bloom, and the trees around became full of life. They seemed to be nurtured back to health in an instant. It was amazing to see such a thing take place, but the bird masked boy could barely notice anything as he felt some way that his sage mode technique didn’t work correctly.

He didn’t notice it, but his form changed as well. The clouds in the sky were clear, not gray and full of rain water, but just as white as snow. They filled the sky, and streaks of lightening began to dance about, each flash brining bright lighting to the area. His appearance also took a turn as well, but he didn’t notice that either. Of course the calming aura told him everything would be ok, but it bothered him that he couldn’t pull off his technique correctly. First it was his Yuki abilities to fade away, and now this. ’Am I dying?’ The boy asked himself. He wasn’t frustrated, but rather, he felt calm and at peace. He was yet to notice the scene change.

”Well guys, I guess I bombed out. I was trying to use a cool technique, but it looks like I lost the ability to do it. I don’t want to sound like I’m making it up, but…” He sighed, just knowing that he made himself look like a loser. Just then he began to hear some cooing coming from the ANBU. Three coos and a siren. ”I guess their still applauding your move flamethrower. It was pretty cool after all.” He didn’t know that the coos were for him. What he did was unlock yet another ability.

”I’m sorry Toshi, but your ability to activate Sage Mode has come to an end.” A Holy Spirit had jumped on him, and began speaking to him. After noticing that he had a pure heart and love for his friends, the Sage Mode technique died off and was replaced by a spirit that seemed to have infinite power for those that defied the laws of a negative heart, and weren’t close to death.

Instantly it felt as though the boy was taken to another world, but he was being shown a vision in his thoughts. A giant pure white dove soared high above the clouds, giving him a few seconds to listen to what it had to say. The emerald eyed boy sat on the back of the giant bird, kneeling on it’s soft bird feathers. The calming aura that he couldn’t feel before was now well felt. That feeling of dissatisfaction that he had from his failure, was now gone. A new feeling now swept over him. He felt as though all of his questions were answered. He looked below to see the calm waters of the sea, shimmering beautifully in the sun’s light. He was at a loss for words, but managed to get a few words out.

”Is it possible to give everyone such a feeling?” The bird continued to soar in the sky. ”Many look for peace young one. It’s how you share it that moves others.” The boy had many more questions, but he phased back away from the vision. He found himself standing before Shu, Kei, and his pup Moru once more. He didn’t know how to explain how he felt. Whatever that was would change his life, and heart, forever.

The lightning that flashed in the sky began to die down, though the clouds that were there stayed in the sky. They began to drift away, moving at a pace that was slow, but still quite noticeable to the human eye.

”Guys, I’m going to go ahead and call it here. I’ll be on gate duty until morning. If either of you wish to stay on duty with me feel free.”

”We will meet up in a week from now, and on that day we will begin our mission, if approved by the higher ups of course.” The boy had the mind to ask Keiji if the three could go on a mission together. His mind was still moving at 100mph, but he was able to keep his calm. ”If nothing else, you guys are dismissed. If you have anything else, feel free to share it.” After seeing if they would stay or not, the boy would look to the sky. He pulled his dove mask back over his face, concealing the soft smile that lay on his face.

WC: +1500 | Total: 3350

~ Topic Left unless stopped

(( Nice RP guys. We can talk things over with council and see how soon we can get a mission going. Early good luck guys ~ ))
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"Thanks, man, that means a lot!"

Keiyaku's face creased into another warm smile as he replaced the wolf mask back upon his face, evidently having no idea what the word 'quaint' meant and mistaking it for a compliment. He gave his thanks to Dove as well, as he returned his high-five; Moru seemed absolutely delighted with himself after the performance.

The Inuzuka boy wasted no time in stepping back from Shusuke, calling Moru to do likewise; he had a feeling he knew exactly what the Yamanaka was about to do, and he had no desire to come within skewering distance of it once again. He watched as many different bladed instruments solidified in the air, illusions made real, and began to lay waste to a tree standing innocently hard-by. Yeah, this guy's all about spectacle.

"Gotta say... Flamethrower," Keiyaku began, stiffling a snicker as he said the codename, "...that definitely looks a lot cooler when you're not fearing for your life."

Attention now turned to Dove as it became his turn to share one of his techniques with the group. Both boy and dog heeded the warning and took a step or two back, having absolutely no idea what Dove was capable of, and so, just how messy this was likely to get. But he needn't have worried. A simple puff of smoke, followed by some mildy sympathetic cooing from the other surrounding officers, and that was it. Keiyaku opened his mouth to say something, but the guy was determined to try again.

He felt weird....

"What the..." Keiyaku said under his breath, feeling the change in atmosphere of the environment. The training bruises he'd accrued during the day were vanishing before his eyes. He watched Dove's form change, seemingly crackling with electricity and shimmering with light. Honestly, the more astounding thing about this was that the boy didn't even realise anything had happened. He seemed to go into a trance briefly, and came out of it looking a lot more relaxed and serene.

"Dove.... what the actual shit, my guy?" There wasn't exactly any fear or anger in that question, more just blank-shock at the transformation, and the sense of power radiating off him - he couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated, its purity notwithstanding. Above all, he was intrigued.

"Uuuhhh... you know what, I think Tanuki and I will join ya on duty tonight; I'll put in some overtime with the Captain; heaven knows I need the cash. Are you.... okay though? I don't really get what just happened."

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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke would ignore the hoots and hollers from the other branch members as he would take a few steps away from where he was standing. He knew what he was capable of and knew his own power levels. He wasn't here to impress anyone. He knew that between the three ANBU in Training present he was likely the strongest of the three, or at least that was what he thought.

He watched as Dove went next and attempted to perform a technique but failed. Shusuke couldn't help himself but chuckle in entertainment. Was this guy serious? No wonder he wanted to see what Keiyaku and Shusuke could do. If they were assigned on a mission together Dove wouldn't even be able to hold his own. He Must have barely passed through the academy if he couldn't even perform a technique he has apparently mastered. What a jo-

Shusuke's eye went wide. He could feel an immense chakra signature coming from Dove now and it was something that made Shusuke feel small. The pressure alone made it hard for him to take a breath let alone move. Shusuke had made a connection using chakra which allowed him to sense the baseine powers of those connected to as the communication was a push and pull of energies, but this. This flooded his connection and caused Shusuke to immediately sever the line as he was afraid of what he might be exposed to, but he wasn't fast enough.

Grabbing the sides of his head, covering his eyes Shusuke grunted in discomfort at the moment of breaking the jutsu. Bright lights and high energy were filling his mind. He could see surges of electrical energy and falling feathers. Wincing in pain the flashes of visions he wasn't meant to see filled his mind. but as soon as they started, they stopped.

Breathing heavily trying to catch his breath the boy's body began to trimmer with frustration. His unbandaged eye looked towards Dove. There was more to him than he let one. Standing up right Shusuke would speak in a nervous voice. "I'm... I'm going to head out." He wasn't intimidated by the calming sensation, nor was he put off by it. He felt an immense power. That was what startled Shusuke. There's a difference between being enveloped by a warm weighted blanket and a hot heavy embrace. This was not of Dove's fault, he was not to blame, but Shusuke had only ever felt this type of intense chakra before when standing before the man named Keiji in the Hokage's office.

Dove was a threat for sure...

Shusuke needed to know if he would be an obstacle in his personal goals, or if he could be used as a stepping stone.

But for now, he would demonstrate `Trust`

[Topic Left unless stopped]


Mar 11, 2021
He looked over to Kai as he asked what actually did he do. The now yellow pupiled boy didn't have the answer himself. "Truthfully, I don't know. I was preparing to go into Sage Mode, it's a forbidden technique, and then all of a sudden, it felt as though I were flying in the sky." The boy thought about what he said. He knew it sounded weird, but he was still recollecting himself. He didn't want to think too hard about anything at the moment. "Everything started to feel calm and then I'm back here... with these new robes on." The boy now began to check himself out. He pulled the ANBU mask concealing his face up, revealing yellow pupils and white hair. The back of his hair reached just below his shoulders, the front of his hair reaching just below his ears.

As Shu gave his goodbye, the boy was a bit taken aback by him wanting to leave. "See ya." He knew everyone couldn't handle the night hours, especially the long hours of gate duty. With a smile and a wave, he watched Shu leave, vanishing in the distance. Kei asked him if everything was ok. "Yea, I feel ok. I didn't break any bones or anything." He brushed himself off, now pulling the hood of the robe over his head, and placing his ANBU mask back over his face. He began to check out their surroundings, now noticing the trees that were once damaged by Shu, now seemingly recovered. The damage seemed as though it were almost gone. 'Interesting.' The boy thought to himself. He'd have to perform this technique again sometime, to see what actually went on around him. There was something about this new form that kept his head above the water. There was so much chakra surging within him, it felt as though he'd never run out of chakra.

"I don't even know what I can do while in this form." He wanted to explore more, but he wouldn't know where to begin. "Maybe we could find out while we're out here. We could maybe even learn a few new jutsu while out here. We can continue practicing on those trees as though they are training dummies. I have time to learn a few new techniques. What do you say?"

(( Stopped, still in topic ))
Edit: Proofread

[ MFT | WC: +300 ]
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Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Even though Keiyaku had no better idea as to what had just happened to Dove than Shusuke did, he was glad to see the guy given pause at the sight; more than that, he seemed to have been briefly overwhelmed though this mental network he was using... it made the Inuzuka boy curious as to what exactly happened inside Dove's head; the connection seemed to have severed itself before he saw anything.

"See ya... Flamethrower," he said with a little smirk, waving him off jovially. Morutobu seemed to relax considerably with Shu gone, not to mention, the aura Dove was emanating made it a little harder to stay tense. Keiyaku turned back to Dove and squinted his eyes a little, seemingly out of curiosity. He leaned forward a little bit and took a few investigatory sniffs, his eyes still showing a degree of uncertainty. Whatever had happened to him, Dove was brimming with chakra; way more than he was a few minutes ago. He could smell it as easily as a cut of beef roasting away in an oven.

"Yeah, I guess so," said the feral-faced boy, somewhat absent-mindedly, his eyes still scrutinising Dove. He slowly turned to peer at the trees, then back again, "but uh... you sure that's the best idea? I don't know how you're feeling but..."

Morutobu gave a few barks and growls up at his big brother.

"Yeah, Tanuki's think so too; you're suddenly loaded with chakra, out of nowhere! You think maybe we should go and find Corvus-sensei? What if this is some kind of crazy kekkei genkei and you destroy the village gates or set fire to the woods?"

Keiyaku let the words hang in there air for a moment, but then quickly waved them off, shaking his head.

"Nah, I'm just being paranoid. Yeah, let's see these new justu of yours, buddy!"

By the way he grumbled, Morutobu evidently didn't agree with Keiyaku's self-assessment.


Mar 11, 2021
”Hmm, I actually like your idea better. We could stay out here training, but we could end up hurting ourselves. I don’t know what I can do, so things could end up horribly. It’s best to ask the experts. Kudos to you.” He knew he could put the others in jeopardy, including the other ANBU on duty. He wasn’t afraid of the power, he just had to learn how to wield it. Staying in his transformed state wasn’t difficult at all.

”Well, we can finish out gate duty before leaving. It’ll probably be close to daylight when we leave.” Finishing their duties would come first. Afterwards, they’d have the time to catch up with their Sennin. The boy just knew that he’d have the answer. He looked back to the gates before moving over to where the other ANBU were stationed. ”Hey, you think I can live with you guys in the forest for a while? I’m sure my parents would allow me to stay out.” The thought of living free and wild sounded like a challenge that he just couldn’t pass up.

[ Topic Left ]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Excited by the prospect of racking up a little extra overtime pay, Keiyaku fell in step with Dove, heading back to the gates. Still slightly in awe of what just happened, he kept a little more silent than usual - deferring to their teacher would certainly be the best course of action, faced with such virgin territory. Regardless, it was a nice, clear night so it'd be a pleasant shift either way.

"You wanna come and spend a night in the woods with us?" Keiyaku said, rather excited by the prospect of having a friend over for the first time, but he thought it odd. He gave a warm smile and a jovial chuckle, "won't your parents wonder where you are? But yeah, of course! As long as you can handle it, city boy."

~Topic Left~

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
