Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Welcome back!

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A "bad direction"...

He lets out a sigh. A look of concern took to his face. So much has happened since he had last seen either of his Sensei. He needed to tell her. He needed to finally get some of this weight and concern off of his chest. Why did he enjoy it? Why did he find pleasure in take the lives of people. Did he end up going down a bad direction? Was he...

"Asuka-Sensei..." He looked over to Kiriyomi and Nova and stopped. He wanted, no, he needed to tell her. He raised his right hand, a technique she had seen at least once before during their class and that Kiriyomi witnessed and experienced during their mission together. Extending his fingers up he would connect his ring finger downwards to tap the tip of his thumb. Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Blind. His eyes locked onto Asuka's.

`Asuka-Sensei... I think... I think there might be something wrong with me.` A telepathic connection would be made between Shusuke and Asuka so that Nova and Kiriyomi would not be able to hear what he had to say. Turning his hand from a vertical to a horizontal positioning would shift the jutsu to Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Awakened.

"Having fun?" Shusuke asked while standing on top of the nearby building, with barely a scratch on him. As the Leader looked back to where they thought the Academy Student was before they would realize they had just stomped one of the two lackeys to near death. "Why I-" The surviving lackey said before being cut off as he turned back to see Shusuke, mid air with a blade approaching his eye quickly. Connecting his feet to the enemy's chest Shusuke would pierce into the eye socket of his enemy, forcing his body back and down into the wall behind him. Shusuke would leave this small blade as he pushed back and flipped away from his enemy.

His gaze shifted to look at the leader, a second blade was pulled from another sheath and then a third. Crossing his arms in front of him Shusuke was ready to end this. Without saying a single word, the two shinobi darted forwards and at each other. A clanking sound of metal could be heard echoing away from this road. They seemed evenly matched, that was until Shusuke began to shift his fighting style. Tossing a dagger into the air he would grab a fourth and sink it into the enemy's thigh. Letting go of the blade he would grab the air born one before sinking it into the enemy as well. This was effective. A series of blows and Shusuke would drop all of his blades into this enemy's joins and limbs, causing him to fall to his knees.

Pushing back Shusuke would grab the handle of his father's blade. He took a moment to pause. He could feel his storm energy channeling into his blade. He could feel the air around him fill with a positively charged ocean of ions, and he could smell the negatively charged ions that swarmed his enemy, He wants to, no... He needed to let loose. Like a bolt of lightning his body was forced to move across space and what felt like time. Pushing forward he pulled his blade as he darted through the air.

Returning the blade to its sheath, the boy's body began to slide across the ground as his feet tried to slow his trajectory. He let out a sigh, panting for air. For a second there was peace, but the sound of the enemy's head hitting the ground brought Shusuke back into reality. Looking at his enemy he saw numerous blades locking him into a pin cushioned pose. This... This was something new. This was something he needed to practice more.

He looked over to Kiriyomi and Nova again. "Asuka-Sensei, how does one repair what's broken?" Uncharacteristically of Shusuke, at least from what Kiriyomi may have seen. He looked back towards his sensei. `That wasn't the only time that... that I found myself enjoying taking someone's life...` The Yamanaka continued mentally.

Pushing himself out of the dubris he sent his illusory blades spinning around him like the rings on distant planets. Flipping into the air to flip over the large man he made a series of cuts and blows to his skin before wrapping around behind him to continue the Steelwind Strike maneuver he had been practicing. This was until Shusuke realized how confident he was getting. Itsuki-Oyakata turned quickly with a sweeping kick catching Shusuke off guard and causing his body to loose connection with the ground before a heavy blow was struck into this gut, causing the young Yamanaka to be sent soaring back through the nearby trees, shattering one of the trunks on his trajectory. Hitting and sliding across the ground Shusuke could feel internal bleeding and his lower ribs where fractured. Taking a staggered breath he realized instantly that the Genjustu he was concentrating on faded as he nearly lost consciousness. As he looked up the man was grinning before him.

"Well well well... What do we have here?" The man cracked his knuckles before beginning his way to Shusuke slowly. "This is the difference between the spoiled little shits like you who live in luxury within the walls of Konohagakure. You have never gone without. You have never faced true adversity. You privileged fucking child. Did you really think a kid your age would be able to stop someone as powerful as me? Didja?! The absolute arrogance. The n-"

Then silence.

The world turned upside down for the man in an instant.

That was when the illusions faded.

Shusuke was no longer laying on the ground, but rather Itsuki-Oyakata noticed the child's legs resting on his shoulders for a brief second as Shusuke finished snapping the man's neck from atop his frame.

Shusuke looked down in what almost appeared to be shame. "I want to help lead this next generation but I don't want them to take the wrong path neither. I don't want to lead them down the wrong direction, but if someone like you feels like they can't do it, then what chance do I have of even getting close to doing that?"


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi watches with interest as Shusuke begins to speak, but falls silent. He was never at a loss for words, at least not that Kiri had ever seen. So what was it that caught his tongue in this moment? What would be so bad to say that he couldn't utter the words before Kiri and Nova? His interest piques when Shu proceeds to perform a technique that he remembers from their mission, allowing the Yamanaka to broadcast his thoughts to another. It must be something terrible if Shu was speaking directly to Asuka, making Kiri shift nervously in his seat and cast a glance over at Nova. Maybe he didn't want to scare this child with what needed to be said? Kiri had experienced some truly awful things already; he flexes his Kikai hand, staring at it thoughtfully.

"Asuka-Sensei, how does one repair what's broken?" Kiri's head snaps up, looking at Shusuke. He had never heard that tone come from his senpai before. What exactly was going through his mind at the moment? Shu seemed to continue his mental conversation with Asuka, and Kiri watched her face for any clue of what might be passing between them. "I want to help lead this next generation but I don't want them to take the wrong path neither. I don't want to lead them down the wrong direction, but if someone like you feels like they can't do it, then what chance do I have of even getting close to doing that?"

"Senpai... Are you okay? I don't believe that you've led me down the wrong path at all. It was all my fault that I was injured during that mission, there's no reason to think that you are to blame. I took action when you told me not to, and this is the result. I don't blame you whatsoever. Rather, I want to thank you. I learned an important lesson that day; I'm not strong enough to defend this village yet, and I need to work harder so that the next time I come across criminals such as that, I am better prepared to capture them. I've been training endlessly since then to become stronger so that I can stand by your side."


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
“I could lose my precious student based solely upon the possibility of me taking you in a bad direction. And I can’t have that. Not again.”
' Again..? I honestly wonder what they are talking about.. What she is talking about, it sounds like she lost a student under her watch in the past.' Nova thought as he would keep swaying his legs.
“I may have worded that wrong.” she smiled. “He took over from me. Once I left he took over again and his now the one and only Hokage. Why the tea? I always thought that tea brings wonderful conversation. Like this one.”
' they sure bring conversations, just wondering where these conversations will go towards... since we all are sitting here and speaking our hearts out.' He would tilt his head as a silence fell in the room, not sure as to how or why and it seemed that Kiri had the same idea...

Then a whole story came out of them and he felt a bit uneasy. ' What... happened... That was when he heard about chriminals... and he himself thought about something.' He stood up from his chair and summoned his tiny little monkey. "Everyone, this is Lulu, lulu was taken by bad people and they were calling themselfs bandits." He hoped to ease the situation a little as he spoke continuing with a worried face. Lulu in the meanwhile tried to make the faces of the bandits. " one of them was really ugly.. the other held a bandana in front of his face. How old! and and the last one had a super long braid. but we managed to fool them and free everyone else! So please don't worry!" He ofcourse never knew if they were or weren't talking about the same one. Lulu, the green little companion monkey, smacked the stick on the floor as impression they beated the crap out of them.

MFT: 320

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka eyes turned into her sharingan as soon as she locked eyes with Shushuke. She felt their connection start. 'God damn Yamanakas and their mind tricks. Nothing is private in their eyes.'. But, it became clear that he wasn't trying enter her mind but rather show her some memories. Memories of the time where he had to take what all living beings valued most.

He saw the boy take on criminals on rooftops. Using his storm abilities to end their short lifespans. Fate was certainly not kind to them. She could feel his hesitation, not at the act but at the lack of efficiency, she could feel his frustration. It wasn't that worrying. Getting stronger was just a natural facet of being a Shinobi. Something everyone strove towards until they hit their limit, rare was the case when they overcame it. The second memory showed his growth. His potential flourishing. The ability of someone to have exponential growth was always a sight to be seen. Always a pleasure to see, but not like this.

With a slight smile she flicked Shushuke's forehead. "Believe me. You aren't broken." She spoke, hiding her worry. She did see a couple of things that worried her. From his lack of hesitation, to the manner on which he completed his missions. But in the end. There was that freedom and she was guilty of that as well. "You just need to learn how to overcome your worries by growing. Not all strength comes from your fights on the outside, but it also comes from those within." Listening to him continue she knew he was worried. Oh well. Time to be the Sensei everyone thought she was. "Never said I couldn't. I meant that I wasn't the most qualified. From what I've seen you got the potential to become stronger than me so always have faith in yourself."

Kiriyomi spoke next. His words resonating in her heart. Immediately thinking on the relationship she had with her sister. Those that helped her grow to the person she was. To the person she became. Giving a slight nod she pointed to Kiriyomi with a bright smile. "See, your companion knows what's up. I would suggest going to him for some advice. Sounds like a smart kid." She rubbed her chin a couple of times. "Tell you what. If it worries you that much how about we go on a little trip, you and me. I could show you something." Giving Nova a wink her eyes glowed as she looked on the cute little monkey. "Hi Lulu!" She spoke "My gods you are so cute. Would you like a cup of tea as well?

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke let out a sigh of exhaustion before looking at Kiriyomi. "I'll be honest, that wasn't what I was talking about." He looked at his hand. "There's been other things Kiri-kun. We can talk tonight if you're free I plan on meeting up with Otakemaru as well." His mind reaced out to meet with Kiriyomi's exclusively. `Meet at the Valley of the End, I have something I want to share with you.`

Shusuke would adjust himself slightly before hopping down onto his feet. He shifted to raise a kunai with a small note on it. "I would love that Asuka-Sensei, but it may need to be a little bit, I have... a umm meeting I need to get to... I'll get packed and ready to head out for our trip soon, a lot is going to be changing for me soon and I want to make sure I don't become more of a burden to the village." Shusuke let out a sigh and placed a few hundred yen on the bar, assuming it would be enough to cover the tab he had made before he left the bar and headed home to prepare for his ANBU Entrance examinations.

[Topic Left]


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiri perks up when Asuka refers to him as a smart child. He hadn't received praise from someone of her status before, and was excited to be recognized by a former Hokage. Regardless of how she left office, she still held it at some point and that is all that mattered to Kiriyomi. As Shusuke invites him to meet and talk, he perks up at the possibility of gaining more strength, such as when he borrowed the scrolls from Shu and learned stronger Genjutsu. `Meet at the Valley of the End, I have something I want to share with you.`

Kiri's eyes widen, and he glances from Shu to Asuka and Nova. Clearly what he was offering was a secret, and he was silently being instructed not to say anything. Nodding discreetly to Shusuke, he stands up. "Thank you for the tea and the company, Asuka-sama. Sorry again for breaking the tea cup." Kiri pulls out his wallet and digs out a few hundred yen and puts it on the table before rushing out the door to go home and prepare for meeting up with Shusuke.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
