Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

D-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Combination Transformation said:
An extension to the transformation technique, those who master the initial art of Transformation can learn to take the skill one step further: merging with objects. With this skill, one can increase their range of forms and appear as an inanimate object such as a kunai, or a sword, or even a tree depending on what the user chooses to merge with. While fighting in this shape proves impossible, this does allow a clever shinobi to hide from view and confuse their opponents, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Additionally, should the user combine with a weapon and have an ally with them, they may be wielded just like any other weapon by their teammate.

Prerequisites: D-rank, Transformation Mastered

Rank 1: This jutsu allows the user to combine with scenery such as a tree or wall, hiding themselves from view. The user gains +2 Stealth while this technique is active.
Master: This jutsu allows the user to combine with a weapon, giving the weapon +5% Base Damage and +1 Accuracy when wielded by another.

Rank 1 Cost: 240 CP to initiate, 120 CP/Rnd
Master Cost: 300 CP to initiate, 150 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to thirty seconds.
- If the user is hidden while this jutsu is maintained, stealth checks are made each round. Any attacks made by those who are aware of the user target the user normally, regardless of what they combined with.
- The user cannot make any other action while maintaining this technique. They may still maintain other jutsu however.
- When attempting to combine with the scenery, the user immediately attempts to go into stealth mode with their bonus. Upon dispelling this technique willingly, their next action is treated as a sneak attack.
- If attacked while combined in the scenery, the user cannot dodge and will revert to their normal form.
- If the user combines with a weapon, they merge with the weapon and grant it the buffs. When wielded by another, their dodge is equal to the one wielding the weapon. This jutsu is dispelled if the user is fully hit.
- If the weapon is not wielded this is treated as if combining with scenery.
- The user may not combine with any weapon wielded by an opponent.
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Crystal Eye said:
A jutsu that allows the user to concentrate chakra into a small sphere of whatever minerals may be lying around, creating what resembles a glass eye. This eye can be used for surveillance and for spying purposes, capable of freely moving in the air to view its intended target.

Prerequisites: D-rank

Rank 1: Grants the user +1 Awareness, with a 50% Chance of treating all the user's Visibility check against others as one rank higher.
Master: Grants the user +1 Awareness, and treats all the user's Visibility check against others as one rank higher.

Special Action: While the jutsu is active, the user may spend 1.5 Ap to focus upon the eye's vision and make an awareness check against all in battle. This battle check ignores smoke bombs or other concealing effects, and may only be done once per round.

Rank 1 Cost: 240 CP to initiate, 120 CP/Rnd
Master Cost: 300 CP to initiate, 150 CP/Rnd

- This may last up to thirty seconds.
- A user of this technique can only have one eye out at any one time, but it does not count as a creation jutsu.
- This eye can be targeted and destroyed at -3 Accuracy.
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Cancel said:
A technique that allows the user to cancel out an Genjutsu techniques that have been used upon them. This is done by halting the flow of their chakra temporarily, allowing them to disrupt the chakra that is being used to produce the effects on their mind and body. Though effective against all sorts of Genjutsu, the user must be aware of any effects they are trying to dispell in order to pin point and negate the source, and more powerful illusions prove to be unaffected by this skill.

Prerequisites: D-rank

Rank 1/2: The user may end one E-D/C rank Genjutsu they are aware of currently affecting them.

Special Action - Disrupt: The user may attempt to disrupt up to two E-D/C Rank Buffs that are active on a single target. The user makes a Ninjutsu check against the target, with a 16%/20% chance of ending the active technique. If the ninjutsu check is successful, the target's buff is disrupted for 10 seconds. CP cost is equal to the disrupted/ended technique's.

Cost: Cost of Genjutsu ended +20% CP

  • This technique requires a 5 second cooldown after use.
  • This Technique may be used reflexively.
  • The Disrupt Special Action cannot be used in the same round as the normal use of Cancel.
  • The Disrupt Special Action disrupted/ended techinque is chosen at random, and do work against Bl/CA/Kinjutsu effects.
  • A disrupted technique gives no benefits, and continues to have a maintenance cost.
Spirit Lantern said:
Creates a chakra construct in the shape of a lantern which emits an eerie light into the surrounding area, allowing those nearby to see the true nature of things. With this technique's help, it's possible to determine if one's own vision is being impaired in some manner by illusions, though it requires you to remain still throughout.

Prerequisites: D-rank

Rank 1: Protects against a single Visual Genjutsu up to Level D.
Master: Protects against a single Visual Genjutsu up to Level C.

Special Action: This can be used upon the user and a chosen ally; however this lowers the Jutsu's rank by 1.

Rank 1 Cost: 240 CP to initiate, 120 CP/Rnd
Master Cost: 300 CP to initiate, 150 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to twenty seconds, or until it takes effect. May only be used once at a time.
- This jutsu prevents the next Visual Genjutsu of the given rank from affecting the target.
- After use, this requires ten seconds of cooldown before it may be used again.
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Contract Summon

Contract Summoning said:
Upon mastering the basics of summoning weaponry and lifeless tools, one can learn to further their skills and develop new, stronger methods to summoning. However, skill is not the only necessity to this advanced summoning jutsu, as the user is required to have been fortunate enough to bond themselves within a mythical contract family. Once they have been accepted into the ranks of these creature's families and are called kin, the user may then request aid of their Family by summoning their familiars, often with a small stamp of their blood. The creatures summoned can ranged from a frail kitten to a mighty Toad, but the method behind the ritual is the same.

Prerequisites: A Summoning Contract

Rank 1: Allows the user to Summon D-B Rank Summons.
Rank 2: Allows the user to Summon A-S Rank Summons.

E-Rank Summon Cost: Rp Only
D-Rank Summon Cost: 375Cp, 1 AP
C-Rank Summon Cost: 750Cp, 1.5 AP
B-Rank Summon Cost: 1500Cp, 2.25 AP
A-Rank Summon Cost: 2500Cp, 3.25 AP
S-Rank Summon Cost: 4000Cp, 4.5 AP

  • Each contract may only be summoned once per battle, with a maximum of 3 contracts total.
  • Only one contract may be on the battlefield at a time, with the most recent contract replacing the previous contract.
  • This Technique may not have its timing reduced in any way or form, other than Contract Mastery
  • This Technique does not need to be mastered in order to gain a Minor/Major Affinity for Non-Elemental Jutsu.

Current Ninpocho Time:
