Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A name like no other . . . [Req. Miro and Kitsune]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, 'Why me?' And the voice says, 'Nothing personal your name just happened to come up.'"
~ Charles M. Schulz

Umashi hadn't been seen in ages, in fact, years would have been the more appropriate term. For most that would have been a death sentence, but for him it was just something he just did. True, he'd gone through the motions of telling the Raikage that he was hanging up his mask for a while and that he'd eventually come back if needed. "If needed" just became "when summoned" which became ". . ." which led to him being mostly forgotten by his own account. Even coming into the village was more a hassle than it had been in the past but he didn't allow the newbies to rattle his bristles too much. They were green, and obviously they weren't afraid of disappointing their Sennin.

Making his way towards the Torre Celeste also was a bit of a trip. New streets, new venders, new smells but the same old Kumo. Much had changed but also much hadn't, so he knew enough to avoid the sort of streets that contained the sort of shops that he would have blown money in without a second though. A bowl of ramen here, fresh baked bread there, a warm local tea and a cookie . . . before he knew it he'd be shopping for new clothes in order to see the Raikage. Waiting in the conference room now, he could just imagine the smell of freshly purchased things and all the memories that came along with them. For him, much hadn't changed, he even looked practically the same, his earthy skin just as fresh as the day was new. However, that couldn't be said of many, and most especially not for the world that he had left behind. So very much was different.

OOC: Requesting an audience in order to discuss Musashi (Umashi) being reinstated as an ANBU Captain in order to hunt Yamaru (Maru).
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Dressed in a long black poncho cloak that was elegantly wrapped around her torso Mirō was stopped by a friend from the sky. A small brown bird with a minute scroll attached to its legs flew in through the ventilation system specially designed for secure messages. With grace the bird flew around the room before perching delicately on the black cloak on Mirōs shoulder. Bandaged fingers rose to pull the string from it’s legs to relieve it of the note. Another hand dug into an inner pocket on her pants to pull out a special treat for the bird. With a happy chirp they flew away, soon after fingers unraveled the scroll and its contents were… interesting.

“Unbothered for 5 years then a sudden return… 5 years…” Mirō whispered to herself, an inquisitive index finger curled and rested underneath her bottom lip. Gears turned at the thought of who it could be. Someone with ANBU intel undoubtedly but-- “Huh! Now he’s making a return?” Stunned in astonishment Naibu chimed in. ‘Who?’ Pausing momentarily “The man who brought us together.” Black shinobi sandals planted themselves firmly on the office floor. With a few hand seals the stature of Mirō’s began to split and peel apart into thin paper sheets and take the shape of origami butterflies. Like the wind the paper butterflies moved quietly through the ventilation system and towards the Torre Celeste.

Cloudy skies made it easier for the swarm of butterflies to remain scarcely seen. The swarm formed before a doorway that led to a long hallway. Put together piece by piece Mirō emerged, eager to see what lies behind closed doors. An array of questions plagued her mind. From asking where the bastard went after training her for a year to more in-depth questions about his past. Many details she still did not know, even being Sennin of the ANBU branch. The man's files were vague. Turning the knob from the main doors her footsteps couldn’t be heard as Mirō moved down the hall. The conference room noted on the paper was a private room away from more frequently used ones. Finally, Mirō pushed through the final door. Long black tresses were pushed behind her ears to reveal that menacing scar down her eyes and cheek.

A small smile appeared on pale lips while red eyes caught a glimpse of the man in that infamous long cloak. “It’s you.” Her smile reverted to its neutral position. Was it wrong to be angry at him for leaving abruptly? Selfishly, no. There was much more she wanted to learn from him but his own mysterious ways didn’t collide with hers. Moving to the opposing side of the table she took her seat with grace and folded her arms underneath her bust. The contents of the note were easy to decipher. The one issue she had was figuring out if the Raikage had time to arrive. “Been a while hasn’t it? Now you’re back with vague intentions.” Mirō folded her hands on the table, in her palm was the note the bird arrived with. “If this is purely ANBU business I suggest we continue without the Raikage unless you have any objections..” Her words were silvery with her age. They weren’t hostile towards the Raikage, if anyone knew how busy she was it was the Sennin.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As if on cue, Kitsune entered the room, smiling as if she wasn’t drowning under a mountain of paperwork that never seemed to get any smaller no matter how much of it, she filled out. So, convinced that it’d remain the same size if she didn’t touch it, she had taken the opportunity to handle a meeting as a form of break, even though it was still work. Imagine if electronic messaging had been invented and people kept insisting on having physical meetings that could’ve been handled over messages instead. Crazy right? Anyway. She headed to the chair at the end of the table and sat down.

”So. You’re back then, Musashi. It’s been a while.” she said, matter of fact-ly, ”What brings you back from your sudden retirement, if you don’t mind my asking?” continued the curious Raikage, wanting an answer regardless of if he minded it or not. It’d be interesting to hear the reason for Umashi’s return from… Well. Wherever he had been hiding himself for the past five-ish years. She also had questions about how easy it had been for him to get a meeting set up despite being retired, but that’d have to be left for another time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

"All my life I had to fight." ~ Sofia, The Color Purple

Uchiha were some of the powerful people in the world and generally speaking they seemed to run the world. A healthy fear of their eyes usually resulted in a life well lived and especially long and fruitful. Umashi had lived a long and fruitful life and this was one lesson that he took to heart. Uchiha were the living embodiment of the saying "If looks could kill . . ." Chuckling to himself, Umashi straightened out his unassuming yet simple looking white ANBU robes and such an action proved to be right on time when the Raikage herself actually showed up. "The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. It isn't everyday that one can get an audience with two of the highest leaders in the land. However, let's break the ice with a joke. Two Uchiha and a Senju walk into a bar. Recognizing that neither of the Uchiha can out drink him, the Senju says, 'Wake me up, before you go go' . . . You know, because anytime that you think that you're winning against an Uchiha you realize that you've been trapped in a Tsukiyomi dream the entire time?" Dry laughing, Umashi grimaced with a childlike glee as he realized that his joke probably was more so playing into the stereotype than was actually funny.

Holding his hand up to pause the moment he shook his head.
"Ok, I'll be serious." Clearing his throat he loosened the cloak at his neck and checked his watch before starting. "To be completely and totally honest, my reason for coming back is as much selfish as it is to assist. Yes, it very much involves ANBU but it also involves the very nature of how I came to call Kumogakure home. I'm sure that both of you are very familiar with the Plasma Accords, right?" Pausing to allow the mode shift to be adjusted to, Umashi dove headfirst in geopolitical whosits and whatsits. "What the history books might not tell you is that In the beginning it was supposed to be a treaty between Kumo and Iwa. Simple really, but then there was the whole deposing of the Fire Daimyo and suddenly a deal made between an Iwa Sennin and Tsuyoshi Junko became a deal between a Hokage and a Raikage." As if to imply how simple it was supposed to be, Umashi shrugged.

"Yet as we all can attest to, things are rarely if ever simple. Did the Plasma Accords bring peace between the two biggest powers in the East and one Central power in Iwa? Yes. However there were very clear and legally binding rules to abide by or else the entirety of our Union of sorts was going to crash and burn. A medic here for a medic there, open borders, relatively free travel, a transcontinental railroad. You'll recall that the previous ANBU Sennin was in fact from Iwa. In his place Konoha received a shinobi of equal ability, that is, Masaru Yuuto." Pausing once more, Umashi rubbed at his temple and sucked in his breath before slowly exhaling audibly. "And there lay the first test to the treaty. Yuuto and he who would in turn become the Yondaime Hokage, you know him as Uchiha Takeshi did get along, and when Yuuto parted ways with Konoha . . . I was forced to issue a non-kill order on him in order to keep the treaty from appearing to be a sham or in some way a means of undermining allies. If you're ever in Konoha, look up Yuuto's Law, it was created in order to keep the house of cards from folding."

Most people didn't care for history lessons, but it was practically impossible to explain the ins and outs of where he wanted to be without explaining where he had come from. "What does this have to do with Yamaru, well, much like Yuuto, his defection and more especially his attempted assassination attempt . . ." Pausing to turn directly to Miro, Umashi shook his head and bowed as best he could while sitting. "I am most glad to see that you have not only lived but thrived since we last trained together and more especially that you still yet live despite the dangerous job that employs you." Sitting back up, he continued with his story. "Yes, his assassination attempt threatens the Plasma Accords in much the same way as Yuuto. However, what makes it more egregious is that Yamaru has twice threatened the peaceful treaty and as the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and . . . you know the rest." Yet again pausing, Umashi very clearly grew disturbed but shutting his eyes and muttering something inaudible in the ancient language of the Fire Country, he continued on.

"Yamaru . . . Maru isn't actually from The Lightning Country, heck, most of the Yamamoto aren't, it's a clan of transplants and orphans. In fact, while I've kept the ruse up for quite some time, nor am I and my name isn't Yamamoto Musashi, my actual name ne title is Umashiashikabihikoji note, that it isn't a name or my actual name and yes I am the same Nidaime Hokage that was first an infamous pirate king before he was a Sennin , the same who deposed the corrupt Shodaime Hokage before him before leading his people to Iwa in order to fight a civil war against the even more corrupt Fire Country Daimyo. My wife, the Sandaime, and I moved here in order to retire in peace away from the spotlight for reasons that should seem obvious to anybody who's ever fought the sort of wars that we had to. Respectfully, I'd like to keep that whole big reveal between us, again, for obvious reasons. It's bad enough that the Konoha history books actually state that we moved to the Lightning Country, but apparently if you join the ANBU, wear a mask and never speak while on duty, people just assume that you're another brown skinned NPC in the background and don't put two and two together."

Despite breathing all the same, Umashi felt as though his head was beginning to feel a bit woozy and his blinked to clear his vision as he looked at the table and showed a semblance of sadness. "Kumogakure has been kind to us, and Ayumu set us up really nicely. I cannot let Maru go unpunished because much like too many in Kumo, he's here because I made a way for him based on the good faith of my name. What I ask is simple, I want . . . no, need to be reinstated to my previous rank in order to make right what he turned wrong. Our name and story may be something recently created but we Yamamoto above all else value family and by his actions, Maru has put us, his family, in jeopardy. Many have been forced to once again go into hiding. Maru was once ostracized by Takeshi and yet now I hear that Konoha is to be hosting a tournament? The first of such under the watchful eye of the recently appointed Godaime Hokage, a student of Takeshi's . . . if Maru smells blood in the water with fresh meat in view . . . somebody is going to be wondering why we, why I, didn't put down my own rabid dog. We cannot allow that, I cannot allow that."


OOC: Umashi is assuming that it's at least basic History 101 who the known historical Kage are of other great shinobi villages and that people who've actually seen his face just assumed that he looked like somebody familiar.

Treaty signed between Ayumu and Umashi =
Yuuto's Law =
Moving to Kumo =
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Fingers rolled in a uniform manner to lightly tap her arm. Plasma Accord... treaties between Leaf and Cloud… All the things he discussed were ancient history to her. She did have some semblance of knowledge when it came to Kumogakure’s history. The previous Sennins reign was lackluster to her since there were records of them instigating unnecessary conflicts. And from what Junko had claimed, his demeanor made it hard to discredit him, the pieces of history she had been told slowly began to align like the stars. Umashi’s words proved insightful and layered out his past life in bright colors. Mirō thought of herself as special now that the circumstances have changed. Trained by the Raikage and Leafs previous Hokage and a pirate king. The combined knowledge of both parties funneled into the current ANBU Sennin at a cost of having higher stakes to manage and dictate. Fortunately for her the matter at hand worked into her favour.

Nails subtly dug into her arm when Umashi complimented her efforts and how she rose through the ranks of the ANBU. Praise from her teachers, both he and the Raikage buttered her biscuits but Naibu was there to assure it didn’t inflate her head. Now the conflict at hand. With an order coming from the Raikage to focus on matters within the village she herself couldn’t vanish in thin air to pursue Maru. As much as she wanted to sever his tails from his backside and make a nice jacket from the furs and use his hide as a mat, the threats to Kumogakure continued to slam on the doors to the village. It fell onto the sennins' laps to work closely with the Raikage to thwart the persistent evil so how could she get her revenge on that Mutt? A fine brow rose into the air as Umashi’s words continued to pique her interests.

“You’d like to see your rank brought back so you can hunt down that traitor.” Mirō paused for a moment and averted her gaze towards the ceiling to think clearly. Maru’s past was somewhat unknown and foreign to her. A demon fox who drinks till sun up and down but also a wicked monster. Documents within the Sileo gave her insight into Umashi’s capabilities. His spoken word was enough to solidify the truth behind them, alongside his teachings when Mirō trained underneath his wing for that year. But was he strong enough to dispose of Maru like she wanted? A chill ran down her spine at the memory of Maru’s final form and otherworldly power. Would it be wise to send one of her teachers out to their possible death. ‘There’s a reason he’s been keeping low, Mirō.’ Naibu chimed into her train of thought with a silvery whisper. Mirō pondered all the information within a few seconds. Maru had no intentions to flee to Leaf as far as Mirō was aware. The traitor that fled the gates was a fox-kin that he fawned over. And their goal exceeds anything Maru would do willingly. Mostly because it’ll take a lot of work to achieve her goal. They were headed to sand, with Maru in tow.

A sigh of uncertainty flowed past pink lips, followed by an idea that stoked the flames. “With much to handle within Kumo, I myself, need to focus on the current tasks at hand. I can reinstate your previous rank of ANBU captain if you can execute the following order.” Those serious hues directed themselves back towards Umashi. “I want Maru’s tails. All of them.” A strange request coming from the girl who wants to paint her face red with his blood. This left the coin toss up to Umashi if he wanted to kill Maru or just teach him a lesson. “If you can do this for me, as a personal request, I’ll sign your passport right now. Any objections, Raikage?” Hands folded themselves neatly on the table, eager to hear everyone’s thoughts.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune raised her eyebrow at the Uchiha joke Umashi made to begin with, given her coming from a long line of Sharingan wielders, and then grimaced slightly at the mention of Tsuyoshi Junkos name after Umashi dropped the bad joke. Long story short, deals across country borders, not killing people on pretense of keeping up a pact. ”Well the old treaty with Leaf isn’t in effect regardless, as a new one was made after a bit of confusion regarding the disappearances of the previous leadership and who the new Raikage was when some poser called ‘Maikeru’ claimed to be just that.” she mentioned and then kept listening to Umashis long monologue that explained who he really was and what not.

”Well. Your reinstatement is up to Miro-chan, given she’s the one I chose for the position of ANBU Sennin, and that I believe in the sanctity of the command structure. ANBU is Miro’s area, and I trust her to lead according to her best ability.” she stated simply, yielding the floor to Miro, who seemed conflicted about letting someone else hunt down Maru – which was perfectly understandable, to be fair – but she also seemed well aware of her duties as Sennin. Another sign that Kitsune made the right choice.

”No objections from me, so long as you keep your eyes on the proverbial prize: A Lightning Country free of oppression by the Tenouzan Church and their supporters.” she said sternly and folded her arms under her bust. ”As for you Musashi—no, Umashiashikabihikoji, you haven’t given me reason to doubt your skills, nor your loyalty. If you ensure that you do not give me reason to do so in the future, then I see no reason to prevent you from acting as you think is appropriate for this task.”

[MFT; WC: 299]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Musashi grimaced when Kitsune called him by his Konohagakurian title but accepted that such was right with the world. In order to keep accurate notes, he pulled out a small hand-sized notebook from his pocked and produced a pen as well. Making a few notes he commented on the false-Kage bit first. "Uchiha Maikeru . . . another transplant in the same vein as Maru. I was there in the room when the Council went about deciding the next Raikage and he was nowhere to be seen. New treaty or old treaty, it doesn't matter. Do you think that he Is he going to be a problem that needs taking care of?" Looking up from his scribbled note, his eyes darted from Kitsune to Miro purposefully. Having lived so long within the Fire Country himself, Musashi was rather proficient at handling Uchiha for lack of a better word, though saying such within the company of two high profile Uchiha probably wasn't about to earn him more trust.

Recognizing that the moment didn't need any additional words, Musashi moved on.
"About those Tenouzan . . . they tried peddling their . . . stuff, up in the mountains. I'm all for different ways of living life so long as it doesn't encroach upon others but let me be clear, the Northern Yamabito are under my protection as are the lands that they inhabit on the Spine of the World. My orphanage is there and if those zealots go buggering around those parts again, you won't need to ask me to take out the garbage, you'll just hear their screams from the mountaintops. We don't want what they're selling." Scribbling another note down, Musashi sighed as he shook his head. Perhaps telling the Raikage that one was self declaring themselves the protector of nearly a third of the country wasn't the wisest move, no matter how desolate said near-third of the country was.

Flipping to the front of his notebook he double tapped on the first, very largely written line. "When in doubt, don't get into a measuring contest with an Uchiha in power." A great reminder for anybody who happened to want to not make unnecessary enemies. Turning back to the current page that he was writing on, Musashi looked up from his notes.
"That seems about that though. If there's nothing much more to say on the matter then I have my orders and the powers vested within me to carry them out. Thank you!" Bowing once with his head, he moved to get up and leave but not without bowing again and putting his mask on. Then he left.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Mirō refrained from rolling her eyes at the Raikage's response. The Tenzouan threat had been on her mind since the day Maru blew up the village. The idea of abandoning her village, the one who pulled her out of a life of wandering from slavery, sickened her stomach. Without the Raikage’s knowledge things were being handled on the ANBU side. Mirō needed to dive deeper into Kitsune’s mind to see how far her team had gotten with the Tenzouans. The threat of Maru returning to Kumogakure was low but his actions were treasonous and vile. As much as Mirō wanted his head on some chains and dangle it from the gates, Tenzouans took the priority cake.

Uchiha Maikeru, a name she hadn’t heard of, but by Kitsune’s response and hastened attempt to wave him out of existence Mirō thought best to keep the fraud out of her mind and from her lips. All this “adult” talk started to affect her brain. The seriousness was apparent but her attention span for history veered off the beaten path into more interesting routes. Umashi had a way of getting her attention back. Talk of Tenzouans in the Spine of the world and HE has power to say yes or no. It’ll be the latter clearly, in order to protect his orphanage from those who seek out to kill chakra users.

“Perfect. I’m eager to hear back from you.” Mirō rolled up her sleeve to allow her skin to breathe. People outside of these doors would freak when Mirō’s skin peeled into a sheet of paper. A hand grabbed at her paper skin to pull it away, quickly writing out a passport authorization for him. “An official passport will be given once you gather your things.” Her hands interlocked and folded neatly under her chin. The paper coming to life and folding itself into an origami butterfly. A strong flap of its wings and it was off. Slipping underneath the door and to the Sileo for authorization.

With a bow Umashi took his leave and the door shut behind him. “Be safe.” Mirō’s last words to him. Maru was no easy target, and she was naive to think so when she was at the gates with him. Never having witnessed Umashi’s prowess it left uncertainty in the air for her. The trust Mirō placed in him to single-handedly take down that Mutt was great. Far greater than much of the trust she placed into those beside the Raikage.

With Umashi gone it left Mirō and Kitsune in the conference room. “Well. On that note I’ll leave too. Far too busy to sit here and waste time. I hope your investigation into the Tenzouans shows results.” Mirō scooted her chair back and rolled her sleeve down while she stood. Before her hand clutched the doorknob she turned to bow to Kitsune. “I hate letting others finish my jobs. Let’s hope Umashi is successful.” Mirō rose from her bow and turned away. A wicked grin painted her lips. If he fails, it would be up to her to take Maru’s head, the door shutting behind her.

[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
