Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private There's More [ Contract Teaching/Learning ]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uzi sat atop a rock structure in the vast Sunan desert. A full moon graced the skies. The many stars out gave the desert light. A few winked down on The Desert Expanse, sort of twinkling in the sky. Such a scene reminded Uzi of a soft lullaby that he would sing to put himself to sleep after a harsh day of traveling. Probably one Akkuma could remember as well if he thought of those days.

Village lore often spoke of a sandstorm that lasted for years and years in the desert. Uzi was a bit startled to hear of such a thing while getting acquainted with the Sunan civilians. He wondered if it was just a natural occurrence or something more.

A breeze passed through the area, swaying the boy's white hair a bit. He wore a black suit, but he let the tie that he was wearing, flutter by with the wind. He winced, trying to shield his eyes from the sands that were kicked up by the breeze. As quick as the winds came, they had left, leaving the scene at peace once more.

"Even though this has been going on for a while, I still feel like that same student from Kiri." Uzi spoke aloud, sometimes he just spoke what was on his mind. He knew Akkuma wouldn't judge him. "I know there's more to learn out here. I just don't know what it is I'm looking to learn."

Uzi began to feel like a veteran when it came to the shinobi life. He'd already seen and been through a lot, yet, at the same time, he felt that he was still at the beginning. Still only a caterpiller munching on leaves. He was looking for the right time to transition into something more. But where would he begin with that?

"What would make me ready to accomplish what I'm setting out to do?" He didn't think it was fair to ask Akkuma of such things as the answers were probably too far to reach. He could have been asking the wrong person such questions. But then, who would he turn to for the answers?

[ Topic Entered ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Recent events required this meeting of brothers remain hidden from those that knew them. While they both currently walked separate paths it did not mean that the bond between the two had been compromised. If anything the fact it still remained was a testament to its strength, given the vastly different means of achieving their goals. The Sage stood within the bank of a nearby dune, his black robes keeping him hidden from prying eyes in the sea of shadows cast by the dunes in the moonlight. "I've found in life we never truly stop learning. Those who believe they know all they need are fools. I think it is perhaps a way of thinking you are seeking. On the path you walk having the wisdom to seek the council of those you know to be more informed on such matters is an essential lesson. One it seems you do not need brother." he would remark with a warmth to his words. Despite the malevolent aura that permeated from half-breed. Akkuma knew the potential futures his brothers path would open for him.

When Uziuke asked him what would help him achieve his goal the Sage would smile. "Uziuke I have no doubt that if you truly desire something you will be able to achieve it." his words were honest as his emerald eyes held the moon in their gaze. "Perhaps the most essential thing on your journey will be finding beings you can depend on. Ones who's loyalty & council you can depend on. In my tenure as a shinobi such beings are a rare find. Should you truly feel you've encountered such companions I hope you keep them close." he would say sitting down upon the dunes before laying down on the sand. There was something he could do for his brother but there was only so much he could do for him. In the end it would depend on what they decided on the matter. But what harm could come from it after all he had been younger then Uzi when he had first encountered them. After that it wasn't long before he brokered his second contract with those beings.

"There are beings who you could perhaps call upon in my absence. Ones who's loyalty you could depend on, until you know which of your comrades you can truly trust..." he would stop there deciding to hear what questions his brother might have after such a statement. Akkuma knew Uziuke had come to him seeking his usual guidance. Perhaps it was his age or all those he had lost in the past. He couldn't help but wonder what would come of them in the future. How far would their paths diverge? He shook the thought from his head doing his best to keep the fears out of his mind. There was no use worrying about what might happen. Too often his lack of being present had cost him dearly. Thinking too far ahead without doing what was needed in the now.



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Hearing his brother's words made him feel like he was headed in the right direction in life. He thought his thirst for knowledge would be quenched at some point, but reaching for steeper answers only brought about mystifying questions. Questions, that went over his head. The answers had to be out there, somewhere. Maybe even right in front of him. His brothers words were true. He thought of the people that he knew, and how he overlooked them while searching for his answers. He'd have to get others involved, somehow, someway. Maybe he would find a way to help them believe. He realized that this is what Akkuma was doing all those years back when they were traveling.

Friendships were more important than Uzi realized. He always thought keeping his burdens from others was the right thing to do. But now he understood why the thoughts never left his mind. He needed help in all honesty, and hiding what he wanted to accomplish was the wrong way to deal with the situation. He felt compelled at the idea, but he knew there was no other way. It was the issue of trust that he had trouble with. How would he know if he shared his goals with someone, and they would use it against him, or worse, become an enemy. Such thoughts came to his mind, but he'd have to stay taking chances in order to get where he wanted to be. He learned to trust his instincts. Another mechanism that aided him in survival. He wouldn't throw them away now.

"Loyalty huh?" The only beings Uzi could think of were the Sunans that he met within the village. "Well, I figure the Kage could help. And maybe even the Ranger General if he's up to it. But I don't know who would genuinely want to help. Kiri is probably just a dead village to them. Why would they want to help?" Uzi looked to the sands in dread. Such a feeling was uncommon for the Uchiha, but the will to keep going remained strong.

Changing the subject, Uzi looked back to the sky. Akkuma, if Kirigakire is ever resurrected, I'm going to nominate you as Mizukage." He didn't know how to repay Akkuma for helping him through life. He didn't know if he'd still be alive without Akkuma. His "What am I going to do now" feeling faded away, and was replaced with a passion, saying, "So this is where I'm headed now".

"I'll ask whoever I find close to my heart. It may take some time to find those beings, but I'll stay persistent." He closed his eyes, knowing that he took a step closer to peace. He opened them once more, a smile now rested in his face.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma would sigh listening to his brothers words, he could hear the the concern in his voice. Why would they help him? But the Sage knew all too well the strength of bonds & what people would do for those they close to them. "If ones bond is strong enough with another there is no limit to what they are willing to do for you...logistically if done right you really won't be asking much of people." he would calmly say in answer after all he had a vast wealth of experience to confirm that. Although he knew this to be a half truth for even after all these years he still did not know what had brought about the end of Mist. Nor the origin of the unnatural horrors that now occupied those lands. Something he'd learnt was little thought to the other nations given the frequency of which they suffered their own calamities.

Those emerald eyes of his would widen at Uziuke's words. The dream of seeing Kirigakure reclaimed for his people was one he'd left behind long ago. It was an honor his brother would nominate him for the task of leading it. But he knew all too well that if the other villages were to aid them the knowledge his potential leadership would give them pause. "...Uzi you honor me with those words. Seeing Kirigakure return is a dream I let go of long ago. In my eyes the only person worthy is you, especially if you were to do achieve it. After all these years you still hold firm to the dream of reclaiming our homeland." he would admit to his brother after all it was the truth. His current path risked creating a great deal of tension with the great nations. Ones he considered necessary but couldn't help wonder how they would be used against him in the future.

Then again through the ages the world had forgiven much of those who had taken rise in their times. Uziuke's words made him grin it would be good to see what bonds his brother forged in this life. "I'm sure you've already met some although you may not know it." he would say before deciding to ask his brother something. "Have you thought about seeking out a Summoning Contract?" he would ask his brother after all through all the years his brother had seen him wield all manner of beings. Had he encountered any others with the skill or learned of the nature between such beings.



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uzi chuckled a bit at Akkuma's statement. It wasn't because what he said was funny, but rather, it triggered a scenario in the Uchiha's mind. He thought of just hypnotizing everyone with his eyes until they had the desire to help, but it just wasn't his style. He'd rather work off of truthfulness and heart, it's what helped put such works together.

Akkuma admitted that he stopped reaching for the dream a while ago. Uzi understood, Akkuma had a lot more going on, situations and goals that piled on from the years past. Futhermore, the feeling of surprise overcame the white haired Kiri native as he heard he would be the one worthy of such a position. "Mizukage hmm?" He said to himself, thinking of himself as the Kage of Kiri. He'd always thought the position would go to someone that he was close to. Finding out that he was just as qualified as anyone else, he'd give the position some thought. It'd probably stick with him for a while, but for now, there were other topics of interests on his mind. Like this speak of contracts.

"A summoning contract?" Uzi looked to Akkuma, his curious nature peeking from his youth. Uzi scratched at his chin, wondering if he'd ever heard of such a thing before. "No, I don't think I've heard of anything like that before, nor seen anything of that nature." Uzi's attention stayed on Akkuma, "What's to a Summoning contract?"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma would chuckle at his brothers reaction, if the village was to be reborn. It would take a leader with a heart like Uziuke's to get them through the hardships they would face. Such individuals were essential for the people would need hope. A leader they could admire & strive to be like. The Sages role was one better spent in the shadows. He could achieve more this way, his temptations could be calculated into the variables. But they would be an intolerable risk if we were to lead the nation. Just the brief thought of it was enough to make his heart drum with excitement within his chest. Listening to his brothers replies & thoughts on the question he would sigh. "I probably should have taught you about them earlier. In truth I always assumed you would cross paths with one in your own time." He would say calmly, after all he had encountered those he had made compacts with early on in his shinobi tenure. Continuing on he would say "This world is home to a variety of mysterious beings not from this realm. Much like us they have their own aspirations & goals. What they may expect from you can vary in my experience. For example allow me to introduce you to an old..companion of mine." he would say & with those words he'd stand up. Brushing the sand from his clothing he would run through a series of handseals & bite his thumb extending his palm before him.

An enormous plume of smoke would erupt outwards from his hand in a brief moment. Once the smoke cleared standing before the two brothers would be a massive Gashadokuro. The massive skeletal beings empty sockets moved to hold them in it's gaze. With the sixty foot tall beings movement it's bones caused a blood chilling chattering & creaking. " this a gift?" asked the massive being in a thunderous voice. "No Jinkotsu, I'm afraid I have no tribute for you today. This is my brother Uziuke I need your help in demonstrating something. I only need a moment of your time I promise you shall have tribute." with those words Akkuma would turn to face his brother. For during this short exchange he had been building up corrupted chakra within him. Focusing his mind he would channel it throughout his body. Those emerald eyes of his turning a golden brown as his muscles began to grow. His nails grew & became more claw-like. "You may rest for now." with those words Jinkotsu would vanish in another plume of smoke & unnatural pop. As if he had simply ceased existing in this moment.

"When you truly embrace the bond between yourself & a contract being you can enter a state known as Sage Mode." he would gesture to the current changes his body was undergoing. "A dangerous technique allowing one to wield the same abilities & traits as those you have a contract with. If you have a contract with more then one..." he paused wondering how best to explain the different types of contracts to his brother. "Let's call them clans for now. Jinkotsu is a Gashadokuro but he is a member of the Youkai. My compact with them allows me to summon a variety of their kin." he would calmly explain before once more gesturing at the changes that had happened to his form. "If you have a contract with more then one of these 'clans' then you utilize the abilities of one while having the other summoned. Although I summoned a Youkai I am in Bear Sage Mode." the way in which he was demonstrating & instructing his brother about the subject reflected the experience the Journeyman had. But most of all showed that he was well versed in the Contracts, even having a Mastery over not one but two of them.

The Sage intended to introduce his brother to the Bears. For they would perhaps be the most willing to accept such a noble yet hopeless cause. After all unlike many of the Youkai the Bears took no joy in the suffering of man. In his experience they had been reliable & trustworthy without fault. Perhaps some of his most trusted battle companions. Before he did this though he would hear any thoughts or questions his brother had about these beings & the techniques involved with them. After all it wasn't every day you learned not just about other beings, but the techniques one could be capable of using when your bond was strong enough. Part of him hoped his brother would be too excited about the new knowledge & demonstration to realize the cost Jinkotsu asked of him. Thus why he finished on the topic of the Bears knowing how his brothers curiosity & passion drove him.

Sorry bit of a text wall. xD Next few may be as well. The muse is alive.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uzi looked to Akkuma with his eyebrows raised. He didn't know what to expect. He imagined some type of mythical shrouded figure appearing that would explain the space time continuum theory. Maybe tell the two about philosophy and give them some sort of magical tea.

Uzi's eyes began to shift, the black swirls dancing in between the red irises of his eye sockets. Time around him seemed to slow as he watched Akkuma's movements. The Uchiha studied each hand seal, down to when Akkuma bit his thumb. The technique was simple to pull off, though the boy noticed the amount of chakra that it would take to activate. It also took a bit of time to pull off, but what emerged from the puff of smoke proved to be enough to keep the boy amazed.

Uzi kept a serious expression on his face as he lifted his head up. "That thing is huge." If it had not been for Susanoo, Uzi would have been left speechless by the giant. To think one could summon something such as what now stood before him through a summoning technique was exciting to Uzi. Susanoo was composed of chakra, while this type of summon seemed to come from something more. It would take a bit of time for Uzi to grasp the concept, but he understood that this thing had it's own entity from the way it spoke. It wasn't just a puppet.

His brother's transformation caught his eyes as the being was told it's works we're done. As just as soon as it appeared, the huge skeletal being vanished. After Akkuma explained Sage Mode, Uzi nodded. He currently wasn't as experienced in such techniques, but if he continued to learn of such things, he planned on pushing himself further if it meant he'd come closer to achieving his goal.

"I see. That summon takes more than what I need to manifest Susanoo. On top of that, it didn't look like your puppet, it seemed as though it were it's own being entirely. To have such an ally would be devastating to an opponent in battle." The intake of the information was enough to have the boy contemplating on this whole summoning ordeal. The Youkai contract. Dealing with Youkai, Uzi knew things could get dangerous. The bear contract sounded interesting to Uzi as well. Maybe he would start there with his brother.

"Where could I find one of these summoning entities?" The white haired ANBU now understood what Akkuma meant by finding the answers to his questions. He would be a few steps ahead if he had one of these creatures to consult here and there. He wondered how much they knew about the shinobi world's current state. After hearing Akkuma out, he'd continue with his questions.

"Can you show me what this bear transformation can do? And is it possible that I can grow a bond with them with your aid?" Dealing with Youkai seemed it would be much more troublesome than dealing with bears. He already felt close to them, as his ANBU mask had a bear design.

[ MFT | WC: +500 ]
Activates Mangekyou Sharingan
Copies Akkuma's Summoning Jutsu
Using as Dojo Post for Contract Mastery Ability
(( No problem, bring on the walls of text. ))

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage watched his brother closely, this was something he should have taught Uzi about many years ago. A wide grin upon his face at his brothers reaction to the being that was Jinkotsu. For those unaccustomed to such beings he was certainly awe inspiring. "An astute observation brother, contract beings are indeed an entirely different entity then that of clones or other creation techniques. They possess their own will & are as complex as any other being you may encounter." he state calmly while he could see the eagerness growing within Uzi. The realization of what such creatures could mean for his journey. He was asked a question that in truth he could not provide any definitive answer in reply. So he would answer honestly & admit this was something that was beyond his capabilities.

"In truth I could not tell you. I had no intention of meeting either of all honesty it was as if it were Fate." he would say with an apologetic smile running his fingers through his hair. Both the Youkai & Bear he had obtained on his journey through the world. Both meetings unforeseen to the Sage but ones he had been eager to capitalize upon. His brother had another question this time requesting a demonstration of what a Bear Sage could do. Using the Corrupted Chakra he had gained from his transformation the Sage would use his Dark Sage skill Impure World Resurrection to summon his five corpses & his Inuzuka servant. "In order to use that technique once more one must utilize another contract or in the rare exception one like myself can draw fourth those that have departed as a substitute." with those words he snapped his fingers & the beings he had summoned dashed towards the Sage beginning to attack him. Clawing & tearing his flesh as he stood there waiting for the wounds to get severe enough.

Once they had he would snap his fingers once more causing the beings to calm & move away from him. Each breath came out with a strained rattle to it as his tar-like blood streamed onto the sand beneath his form. "In this form the greater your wounds the more deadly your attacks become. Not only this but you gain access to a particularly devastating attack when utilized properly." with those words he would snarl & dash towards his perfect summon. Mauling the being with such ferocity that for a moment it would seem as if the Sage had been overcome by a wild spirit. The being would crumple to the ground before limping to a better combat stance. Sighing the Sage would dispel the technique before falling backwards onto the sands. That beastial form he had undertaken returning once more to his normal form. Those now emerald eyes staring up at the sky giving another sigh as he prepared to answer the last question Uzi had posed to him.

"In honesty I don't was a bond made out of debt. Many years ago I was caught in a severe blizzard & sought shelter within a cave system. I was not the only being to have sought this shelter. Unfortunately they had not been as lucky as I in there journey & in a predicament." he would pause for a moment thinking back on that fateful night. It had been such a pivotal point for the Sage in his youth. The aid of such beings & the knowledge of their existence had given him renewed vigor at a time when he needed it most. "They are noble beings & wise beyond their our comprehension. It has been a long time since I called upon one of their kind. Not wanting to dishonor them by making them take part in the tasks I've undertaken." his words held the pain of his past deeds in it. But his path was a necessary one that required such monstrous things from him. Although his reluctance to call upon them reflected the guilt he felt from his deeds.

Knowing there was only one way to truly know whether they would even heed the call of his summons. Dispelling his undead minions the Sage would instead summon a medical servant that would begin healing his wounds. Sitting up he would hold his brother in the gaze of his emerald eyes. "In truth I do not know how they will react to my summoning of them. Although I suppose there is only one way to find out...are you ready? Or do you have something else you wish to know?" each breath came easier as his medical assistant provided him care. Unlike his usual haste to achieve most things his brother would no doubt notice the hesitation. For the Sage he couldn't help but remember what he'd been through with them. Nor what he would say...could say that would make them forgive the dishonorable things he had done. He could only hope they could still understand what he wanted to achieve &what was required to do so. They had once & even then he had been warned about the burdens such a life would bring him. Akkuma would just have to be honest & hope that was enough for them to hear him out.

Sorry on the delay ninja.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Hearing that he was correct about the summons not being puppets, he understood that it would be like having another friend around. But upon hearing that there was no definite way to come into contact with them, Uzi began to wonder one more. Maybe he would take a trip to the outer areas of Suna, and see if he could find anything there. He never had his eyes open to such beings before, so he'd keep them peeled for these creatures.

Akkuma's chakra began to fluctuate. Uzi observed the Sage as he used some dark looking chakra to execute a technique. He summoned a few corpses that attacked him. Uzi applauded Akkuma's endurance as he took the barrage of attacks without much trouble. Blood dropped to the sands, staining the sea of grain. He explained the technique's power. There was a lot of strategy put up with said technique, it could be quite devastating to see it used in actual combat. The Uchiha onlooked the onslaught unleashed on Akkuma's raised target. He could see the movements of a wild bear as Akkuma delivered his attack. There wasn't much that his Sharingan would miss.

As he began his story of being stuck in a blizzard, Uzi knew these encounters were rare. Akkuma admitted that he hasn't called on them in a while. You shouldn't be afraid to call on the bears. If you guys truly made a pact, they'd help you through such times. Your bond may be a bit better than you think." Uzi was sure that he could leave a good impression on the bears if he came to them with his problem. Losing his home and trying to restore it wasn't an ordinary everyday ordeal.

Watching him summon a medic, he knew Akkuma's wounds weren't a pushover. Such techniques seemed too dangerous for Academy Students to possess. It was obvious a more experienced shinobi could pull off such techniques. Learning at your own pace seemed critical with such practices.

As Akkuma asked if he were ready for their presence, Uzi took a moment to contemplate it. The fact that Akkuma asked beforehand told him to keep his guard up. "I'm sure I'm ready to meet the bears."
[ MFT: +350 ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the words of reassurance from his brother the Sage would sigh. Hands clasping together he began running through the all too familiar seals, biting his thumb as he held his palm before him upon completion. A plume of smoke exploded before him obscuring his vision momentarily. Within moments the rolling desert winds had cleared the smoke. Revealing a large grizzly bear much to Akkuma's surprise. For this was not one of the Bear-kin that he was familiar with. Those oaken brown eyes of hers held him with an appraising look. The new arrival gave the two Miroku men what could be described as an attempt at a smile. Although in truth it looked more like a snarl with the way her teeth were revealed in the snarl-like smile. "Miroku Akkuma, we are glad to see you well. It has been many years since you decided to call upon one of us." Her words were calm & held a disarming warmth to them. Despite her massive size & potential for combat it was obvious she held no wish for such conflict. When her eyes held the Sage in their gaze he could almost feel the concern emanating from his mysterious guest. Whoever they were it was obvious they wished him no harm.

He'd yet to say anything his mind still running through what this could possibly mean for him. While his mind raced with a maelstrom of thoughts the grizzly turned it's gaze to Uzi. "Forgive my rudeness, I am Raava. Who might you be?" A simple apology & introduction from the bear-kin was made to the pair. Before she turned her attention completely to the youngest of the brothers. Searching his mind the Sage could find no recollection of the name & found this realization only raising more questions within his head. Raava it would seem was not surprised by the contemplation of Akkuma, having expected his surprise. Deciding to address his brother until the Sage was ready to verbalize the thoughts racing through his mind. For the grizzly it was her first proper chance to first hand measure the company he kept. If she were to provide needed counsel to the Sage the more she knew about his situation the better.

"Why don't we set up some shelter from the winds & we can have a proper talk?" Raava would say as the desert winds barraged them with sand from the surrounding dunes. With those words & without waiting for an answer she summoned a bedouin tent. Akkuma would move forward to assist with it's assembly, while he decided how best to question her without seeming rude or disrespectful. The Bear-kin were among the few beings he held in high regard. His respect for them was genuine & not something he took lightly. After all they had been some of the only beings to never fail him or cast him aside. Due to this he had however become hesitant in involving them in this stage of his life. While he had always been honest with the bears about his goals in life. Pursuing those goals had cost him many of those who were closest to him. His greatest fear in losing them had resulted in him isolating himself from them.

If not for Uzi's needs the Sage would have potentially gone on with this behavior. Who knew what the continued succumbing to his fear may have done to their bond. In trying to avoid them so as not to lose them, he had by his own hands ensured they not interact. Having lived in fear rather then taking the risk. But there was not a lot the Sage would not do for his family. To allow his fear to stand between him & the aid that his brother needed was not shinobi-like. The mere thought of it caused a sinking weight to be felt within his gut. A fleeting moment passing as quickly as it had come. Only now did he realize he had assembled fully assembled the shelter, having been on an almost auto-pilot as he thought intensely about the whole situation.

OOC: Good to have you back & looking forward to continuing this.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uzi watched Akkuma a bit more closely as he began to summon the bear contract. Learning this technique seemed fundamental when it came to calling up such creatures. As the smoke erupted from the technique, Uzi kept his gaze on what lay enshrouded in the smoke. He could make out a figure, but it was still hard to tell exactly what it was that would be revealed. His eyes began to spin as he picked up on a chakra signature. He could make out an entire chakra system, but the being wasn't human at all. "The bear." Uziuke said bluntly under his breathe as he was still taken aback by the summoning jutsu. He'd saw it only performed by his brother, but he already picked up on how to perform the technique. He also noticed blood was required to activate the summon. It was something he'd have to ask the bears about. He noticed it giving a sort of smile at the two, meaning no harm at all. Uzi was still a bit shocked, but his expression read that he had seen it all. The spinning in his eyes came to a stop as he looked at the bear.

She spoke to Akkuma as though she knew him for a while. Uzi had never seen her before, not even while they were traveling mercenaries. He wasn't surprised though, Akkuma always tried to keep the boy out of trouble. Maybe back then it was too early for him to see such things. As a more mature shinobi, he could intake what he saw and continue without making a big deal out of it. To Uzi's surprise she introduced herself as Raava. "I'm Uziuke, a shinobi of the Mist Village. I've been around for a while Raava, but I've never met you until today. It's great to know that you've been keeping Akkuma out of trouble." A grin grew on the boy's face as he looked over to Akkuma.

The environment, as sandy as it was, didn't only bother Uzi. The bear mentioned of the winds, creating a shelter to combat the weather. The boy wondered what other skills she had hidden. Calling forth a tent was something the boy didn't expect. Maybe some bear claw moves, maybe even a nice chakra infused attack, but a tent. "Hmph." The ANBU managed to hold in most of his excitement, though by his grunt, one could tell that he was both shocked and impressed. Uzi moved to help Akkuma with assembling the tent, though Akkuma did most of the work himself. "Raava," Uzi addressed the bear, his curious nature coming forth once more. "What can you tell me of the bears, and how they relate to this shinobi world? I would assume it would be troublesome to adjust to such a world. Of course, I trust Akkuma helped on the path of becoming familiar with what goes on in the nations." The boy wondered what the bears were like before shinobi came and asked for their help. Maybe they were used to the nations already? And decided to give the shinobi a helping hand. The boy had too many questions to ask, but he would keep his curious nature under wraps for now. He took a seat under the tent, looking up to Raava as he studied her nature.

[ MFT | WC: +525 ]
OOC: Same here ~

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Raava's gaze would move to meet Uziuke's "I have not had the pleasure of serving your brother before today. But I will pass your message on to my kin, I'm sure it will warm their hearts.." she would say with a warmth to her tone upon hearing his sincerity. The Bear-kin watched as the two shinobi assembled the bedouin tent before her, she wondered what was going on in the mind of Akkuma. Although she would not have long to ponder such thoughts as Uziuke posed more questions towards her. That snout of hers formed a beastial smile as he did so. "I see you possess your brothers curiosity. We have seen fit to provide our wisdom to humanity. Throughout the ages your kind has demonstrated a dire need for it. Your brother provided a...unique perspective to some of our kin about shinobi." From her duty of chronicling she had learned much about the half breed known as Akkuma. "I think it was they who helped me in my navigation of the shinobi lands." The Sage would add as he leapt over the tent & finished lashing the covering to it's final attachments. Placing the weighted bags filled with sand as anchors to the fastened straps. Raava would motion for Uzi to follow her into the shelter from the harsh winds of the desert. Upon entering she would produce a cushion for each of them & assemble a small fire in the middle of the seating. "Tell me young Uziuke do you share the same dream as your brother?" she would inquire from the Sages younger brother. She of course referred to his dream of restoring his homeland to it's former glory. A dream that Akkuma had since given up on achieving, instead entrusting his brother to achieve such an idealistic endeavor.

For Akkuma's dream had since shifted into a desire to form his own nation. One separate from the regulations & bias of humanity. For too long beings such as himself had lived with persecution & being hunted. Having to deny their very natures & shackle their own capabilities. All for the sake of survival for those that embraced their natural instincts & needs were hunted for the protection of the weak. Justifying their own use & experimentation of such beings for their own profit. Humanities willingness to subjugate his kind & use them as tools was nothing new to him. But as time progressed he had come to see the loss to this world that had occurred from such a relentless tied of 'progress'. This supposed progress at the expense of beings like himself would no longer be tolerated. For the longest time he'd wanted to become one of them & change them from within. Now he had come to realize that there would be no true change from doing so. Now his only hope of slowing the extinction of his kind & give them a fighting chance was clear. They needed their own sanctuary, with their own framework of rules. Like the shinobi did within their villages, caring about none other then themselves.

Having taken his time to enter Akkuma would hear only the next question that Raava would ask of Uziuke, his mind having been busy contemplating the potential paths of the conversation before them. "Uziuke how long do you think my kind have been aiding yours?" she was curious as to whether or not the young shinobi truly grasped the depth of the relationship between humanity & the contract beings. Akkuma would enter the tent & take a seat on the remaining cushion that had been placed for him. The Sage doubted any human could truly grasp how much their own survival & thriving had been enabled by such beings throughout the ages. This world was engrossed in a rich history of different beings interacting with humanity & the various relationships they'd had. A few remnants of such an age remained in the distant descendants of such unions. But much of this history had been lost time for humanity. Passed down in legends that had become little more then bed time stories for children. That was for those who were fortunate enough to even be remembered. How many of them had been lost to the sands of time? In the unwavering progress of humanity how many had been snuffed from existence? 'For too long...' the Sage would think in response to the question posed by the chronicler Raava.

OOC: Sorry on the delay ninja & appreciate your understanding.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Sitting near the fire, Raava's next question made him think of the current condition of the shinobi nations. "Aye! Restoring the home land would be something to see." Uzi thought of Kiri before the storm. His heart felt strongly of Kiri, so it was no wonder why he could never let it go. He pondered on his reasoning of restoring the village. A few of his ideas changed. Even though Kiri would always be his home, and he often thought of returning, his heart had grown attached to the Sunan desert. He didn't know if it was the heat that he became akin to, or the village people that often looked out for him. Suna was a bit different from the other places he visited, but he figured he grew this subtle like for the desert because he spent so much time in the sands. "I'll always love the Water Country, and considering that's where I spent my youth, there's no doubt that I'm going to give it my all to bring it back to it's former glory." Uzi paused as he looked to the sands, picking up a few grains between the pinch of his index finger and thumb. "But I've also grown a love for the desert. After spending a few years here, I feel like I've gained a second home." The grains fell back into the sea of sand, the boy patting his hands together to release the hold of the rest of the grains of sand. The Uchiha closed his eyes, showing a giant smile as he continued on. "And even though I've been here for a while, I haven't lost the will to restore Kirigakure." Uzi nodded, opening his right eye and holding up a single finger, stating he truth. "So I'm going to continue forward and carry out the dream until I breathed my last breath... and then some." Letting the bear know that not even death would stop his dream, he'd continue going for what others might have saw as impossible, but keeping heart is what carried one the distance. "Keep faith, I think they call it." Uzi nodded once more, looking to the entrance of the tent at the sands in the distance.

"Hmm... How long..." Uzi began repeating the question, wondering himself how long such creatures had been around. He knew animals were always around, probably as far back as humans themselves would go, but he never questioned how long they actually took notice of humans. On top of that, how long have they really wanted to help? And why would they want to help at all? The ANBU let these questions swirl around in his mind for a moment before he gave a clear answer. "Hmm... I'm guessing as far back as one could go with the creation of humanity and animals. I don't really know what type of evolution gave you guys your abilities, and I don't know where to begin on what made you guys want to help humans. If I had to guess, I'd say the kindness of a human graced your familiar, and a bond formed that lasted over decades, for years and years." Uzi concluded his statement with a shrug, looking for a history book on the matter would probably have helped, but he figured if he could get an answer from the source, what need had he with a book? Uzi looked to Raava, "But my answer sounds more like one of those fairy tales."

Then again he figured he had a slim chance of being correct.

(( No worries ~ ))

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Both the emerald eyed Sage & Raava listened intently to the words spoken by the young Uchiha. After all these years it was refreshing to hear someone speak of their home with fondness. There were so many in this world who were lost & without home. Perhaps he didn't have to give up on seeing his homeland restored through his own hands. Maybe he'd just been going about it all wrong these past years. This unfortunately would have to be something he thought about later. It warmed him to hear his brother talk so passionately about such a dream. Akkuma could not deny the reassurance he felt that even if he were to fail Uziuke had not given up on seeing their homeland restored. That piercing gaze of his lingering on Uziuke as he was asked by their comrade how long their kinds had been connected. A chuckle escaped the lips of the Sage, how even after although this time his brother had managed to keep his spirit intact he did not know.

Raava smiled at the words from her Summoners brother. "Thank you for your honesty, I look forward to seeing the path you walk. In regards to the origins of our kinds companionship with yours, well truthfully even I don't know...but that is an interesting take on what could have happened." Her massive frame bent as she bowed her head to Uzi in thanks. "History is full of wondrous events that seem only captured in folklore or fairy tales as you say." she would say to the spirited shinobi before her gaze moved to the Sage who sat nearby. "Now Akkuma, why don't you tell my the burning question that is eating at you?" she would ask with a warmth one might not expect from a being looking as ferocious as herself. "Raava will you & your kin enter a pact with Uziuke. To watch over him, fight by his side & provide honest counsel when I can not." with these words the Sage leaned forward palms pressed against the sands beneath them as his head hovered between them. That snow white hair of his cascading over his form & the sands below them.

Those deep brown eyes held the Sage in her gaze as he spoke, watching intently as the Sages fingers curled into the sand. This request was no small ask, yet she knew how much it meant to the Sage for him to prostrate himself before her in such a manner. "If it is so desired, for doing so I will relinquish my own ties to your kin." They had been his greatest & longest friends. Uziuke would bring them no dishonor, unlike Akkuma who seemed determined to drown himself beneath the many conflicts of his life. She sat there contemplating how best to proceed. No matter the decision she made, each bore the possibility to ripple out with unknown risks. Her desire to meet the man that boy she had heard so many stories about had grown into. Had resulted in her being in this current position, now she had a decision to make.

[Apologies on the delay, honestly thought I'd replied to this.]
Wanna send in the App or go a bit further? Figured then we can continue the thread based on the result? Signing of a scroll or not etc depending on decision.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
It wasn't Akkuma asking Raava to make a pact with Uzi that surprised him. It wasn't until his former caretaker said that he would give up his own pact with them, that Uzi raised an eyebrow. 'Wait, did Akkuma really just say that?' He couldn't imagine why Akkuma would give up his own pact with the bears just so that he could become a summoner to them. Was this really real? It reminded the Uchiha of the Akkuma that he traveled with oh so long ago. 'Yeah, he's still Akkuma.' This let Uzi know that despite the current occurrences, he wouldn't give up on Akkuma.

"I'll also leave this descision to you Raava. As I know my goal is one that will require patience, and I may seem hard headed, but I refuse to give up on it." Uzi nodded, hoping the bear would understand. "Having your help along the way, will be something I'll hold dear. I'm sure they'll be ways to repay your efforts as I continue on my shinobi journey. I don't plan on putting you guys in any kind of jeopardy, and I'll treat you as my own kin." Uzi looked to Raava, wondering the answer as he would make his own plans according to how she answered.

[ I'm gonna go ahead with sending in the app. I sent a link through your pm's to the application ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Those oak brown eyes held both of the Miroku brothers in their gaze. Remaining pensive as both of them made their case for the young Uchiha. For decades her kin had been bound to the Sage, their bond had been one forged out of a life debt. Having saved three of they're cubs they had owed him three debts of life. Yet here he was offering them the chance to repay that debt & free themselves from their agreement. All for taking in this crimson eyed youth. An individual who by all means they would have had no issue accepting without such an offer. She thought about how long it had been since he had called on their kind. Never had he done them the disservice of calling them for a dishonorable act. Raava could only wonder what path he now walked that made him consider himself unworthy of their assistance. It seemed despite whatever dark path the Sage walked, the boy he once had been was still somewhere within. Perhaps he hoped that this act would ensure he did not dishonor them while protecting his kin. Given his actions there was an undeniable urgency. She could only wonder as to what would cause him to act in such a way. "I accept the terms that you has been our pleasure serving you Miroku Akkuma." her gaze would shift from the Sage to his crimson eyed brother.

"You seem worthy of entering a contract with my kin, even without your brothers offer we would have been willing to swear ourselves to you." her gaze would momentarily move to Akkuma before once more meeting Uziuke's crimson gaze. Meanwhile Akkuma felt gratitude was through him, even in Uziuke's absence he would be safe. With the Bears being willing to part ways he could focus on finding allies better suited for the tasks that lie ahead. "Your brother being willing to make such a sacrifice demonstrates you have the kind of heart that inspires." as she spoke she waved her hand and a ancient scroll would appear before her. Unfurling itself to reveal unmarked parchment, accompanied with a sharp quill. "Your brother will be free to pursue the path he walks now. For anytime you find yourself in need of our assistance, you need only perform the handseals needed to call us to you." Akkuma would sit up brushing the send from his attire as he did so, his eyes expressing the thanks he felt within. "Sign your name with blood & you shall be bound to my kin Uziuke of the Miroku." with those words her shackles curled up into that beastial attempt at a smile.

"When you perform the summon next it may not be myself who appears. Know that the right member of our kin will answer your call when needed." as she spoke informing Uziuke his brother began to perform a series of one handed seals that would enable him to sink wordlessly into the depths of the dunes when he wished. "Thank you Raava, give my thanks to your kin." his gaze would turn to Uziuke as a warm smile appeared on his face. "I wish you all the best matter what our futures hold if you need me send word & I will find you." Soon enough Uziuke would know what he had done. Akkuma would have him know that no matter what he was still his brother & would be there if he needed him. With that thought he would descend into the sands below them, Raava would remain only long enough to bid farewell to Uziuke after ensuring he had correctly signed the scroll.

Bear Contract Taught to Uziuke, Relinquishing Bear Contract afterwards.
Topic Left Unless Stopped. MFT
(Has been a fun thread ninja!)


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Knowing that he had the bears' trust was something that kept his spirits up. "Okay Raava, I won't let you down." He looked over to Akkuma who now began his leave. He only gave a nod listening to Akkuma's words. As he looked back to Raava, he only planned to lead them to a better life. A life where they wouldn't have to worry, and maybe he could solve a few of there own troubles as well. It was the least he could do as they offered him the same help with something so big. Who knew how far they would go. He wasn't in this for himself, in the long run, he knew there were others that needed help just as he did. He would continue to help Akkuma as well, as he knew everyone was trying to get out of there dark place. It was all the matter of how he would handle the situation. Even if they faced new situations, Uzi knew he'd keep his cool, and they would make it through anything.

After handling everything with the contract, Uzi nodded to Raava. He sat down and began telling him of his youth, leading all the way up to this point. It would probably be early morning before Uzi departed from the scene. As he walked away he continued to ponder what it meant to be a holder of a summoning contract. On top of that, being able to summon a bear to aid with his shinobi life sounded beneficial. He wondered how many shinobi actually held contracts, as he figured Akkuma and he weren't the only ones.

[ Topic Left | Bear Contract Acquired | Always, will PM you to set up the next one ~ ]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
