Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private The test begins... Now. [pvt Yuna]


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Going over the words from before, he knew for sure that this was the meeting place. Not that he was getting here a lot, but he also knew what this place meant. ' This is the wildest location of the village, they say that it holds the most mysterious and most dangerous things... The further you go in the further you are doomed. At least that is what I was often told in class, along with that there are legends and stories here. Such as great hidden dojos and horror creatures. Like those experimentations that went wrong. It means that everything is possible here and I should be careful.' He would hold the mask on the chin as he was thinking. Just because he was simply standing here now, did not mean that he was taking it easy. He tried to keep a check of his surroundings at all time while trying to now show it.

He kept looking over the trees, trying to spot anything new, trying to look for tracks on the ground as to what creatures could tell him too. He already saw a few hurried steps from a bird and a pawprint next. 'Probably a cat with a bird...' Those were the small things he thought he was doing well in an attempt to memorize. 'This was the right place... right?' Tilting his head he would turn around once more, going over the words in his mind. "This is the place..." He muttered out loud and started to check his equipment. Just waiting.


[ooc; sorry if it reads stiff, still trying to get into this characte.r ]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna generally had eyes in this place. For a place that is dangerous to the common civilian of Kumogakure, some nasties could make their way outside the forest. But the real threat are the ones that lay hidden deep inside the forest. Those are the ones that are considerably dangerous. She would eventually make her way to an area of the forest as she had heard the blood flow of another person. It was the boy Ryu, who had shown promise of getting into the ANBU branch with his devotion of training.

The Sennin herself wore plain anbu garb along with a plain white mask. Doing so makes her look as unassuming as other anbu agents. Such is a false secure sense to give those that might find themselves trying to find out who the leadership is. Her steps were as quiet as her existence. Even the animals that would be alerted of human presence seemed to not even notice her until she finally made herself known by stepping out into the open to greet the young Genin.

"Hello, and welcome to your AIT exam. As I had said before, you will need to have some knowledge on diplomacy, intel gathering, and assassination. Each of these are fundamentals that makes the ANBU branch. Something I myself had to employ all three on some of my missions. All three are hard on their own, and to factor in the others along with your original goal can be even more difficult. With that said, let's begin."

With that, she'll vanish before his very eyes. He would hear her voice all around him as she explains the first part of the test. "Intel gathering. One of the core fundamentals of being an ANBU operative. Such is the thing to be able to gather intel on a certain individual, group, or even country. The goal of the Intel gatherers is simple. Find as much information and get out alive. They are recommended to not engage the enemy unless absolutely necessary. This subbranch is more for the people who are sensor type ninja, though some others do find their way in this subbranch. Your goal for this part of the test is to gauge my abilities and take an educated guess on what kind of bloodline or core ability I have. You must do this all the while doing your best to avoid me, thus avoiding conflict."
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Sep 12, 2023
This person had been like the shadow herself, untill she emerged. It was honestly something where Ryuu felt jumpy at, because he didn't even see that coming. Directly in his mind he would be thinking as to how she could have been able to do this. ' Could this have been active camo..? It is one of the techniques I read about... Did that not prevent making background noises? It would certainly make more sense. But I don't think even that she did that... Then I would perhaps have noticed chakra.' He was listening at the same time and heard that she indeed was here for his exam. ' i hate that word... ' He would think while starting to stretch a little while hearing the second bit.

From the books, it was often best to repeat as to what the other was expecting, as almost you were officially talking into a walkie talkie. "Avoid the teacher, avoiding conflict while trying to learn about the others bloodline or core ability. Understood." He would try to replay like that, but was worried that he wasn't doing this correctly. Thinking about what could be meant as conflict... he soon did a body switch to get out of the area and a kimiwari target was on the ground.

In his mind he started to think how would he be able to gain this information, as he was supposed to be very silent, trying to lure her out to use things... But what would be the best solution. She didn't mention... that it had to remain in this forest... right? This would mean the whole hidden in the clouds was their playground for this exam. Moving as silent as possible on the tree he would try to create a transformation jutsu on himself. Now he was just a little squirrel with golden eyes.

Walking around the woods he would try to find her to remain close... but at a distant?

[hope you meant something like this ]
[mft: 332]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As soon as Ryu would have made the body switch with the kimiwari target, a single kunai would fly out and hit the target with deadly precision. How would Abyss be able to discern his previous location so efficiently? The Anbu Sennin would be fast to discern Ryu's new location. She would even be able to home in as she noticed him in squirrel form. But this test isn't for her to go all out with her abilities, no. Quietly, her hands moved to inside her pocket as she would toss something onto the ground near Ryu.

All of a sudden, smoke would envelope the area around Ryu. Soon, there will be the sound of a whip cracking and hitting the ground next to Ryu. But other than that, everything is quiet. All of nature seems to be looking on and waiting to see what will happen after the smoke settles. But for now, the only people who will know what transpires in the smoke are Ryu and Yuna. Though will Ryu find a way to spot Yuna? Or even find a way to discern what her abilities are?

  1. Ryu uses transformation. Transformation at master rank has -1 awareness. Vs Yuna Awareness

  2. [7:42 AM]
    ryu first, then Yuna

  3. [7:42 AM]
    t!dice 2d20

  4. TatsuAPPToday at 7:42 AM​

    Rolling dice!
    [2d20 : 8,12]In the end, the result was: 20

  5. Yuna/Kureji/Izanami
    Today at 7:42 AM​

    Yuna knows

  6. Yuna/Kureji/Izanami
    Today at 7:56 AM​

    Yuna +3 stealth vs Ryu awareness. Yuna first, ryu second
  7. [7:56 AM]
    t!dice 2d20

  8. TatsuAPPToday at 7:56 AM​

    Rolling dice!
    [2d20 : 10,13]In the end, the result was: 23

  9. Yuna/Kureji/Izanami
    Today at 7:56 AM​

    tie, again
  10. [7:56 AM]
    t!dice 2d20

  11. TatsuAPPToday at 7:56 AM​

    Rolling dice!
    [2d20 : 18,19]In the end, the result was: 37

  12. Yuna/Kureji/Izanami
    Today at 7:56 AM​

    Yuna wins

Message #bot-fun


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
'I would have been toast if I did not move out of the way there...' He thought as he looked back to where the target had been. He would have been pierced probably as that target was most likely a bit tougher than he was. He would try to get a peek at her when he was hopping around in a squirrel form. But soon was found with a lot of smoke around the area. He had to be acting like a squirrel to convince her right?

He had never heard of the crack of a sound around here... But it did bring him back to those days. 'Move over.' There were subtle changes to Ryu at the moment and he was going to try to be a lot more tactful now. 'Sniff out what this person holds, without engaging in conflict. Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached an agreement. But that is only one way it could be perceived. She mentioned precisely to avoid her, yet she seems to keep me close... The definition of avoid is if you avoid something unpleasant that might happen, you take action to prevent it from happening. I don't need to fight or run.'

The analyses had been done and thus I made the mental note that he did not need to run, as this was a mere test to avoid something unpleasant without having a conflict, a disagreement, or an argument. So in other words, do not have an unpleasant argument. "Man... That really scared me." he played as the tiny squirrel spoke, holding up hands high. "Who knew that you could do that." He would try to lure out a reaction. at best... I know all the stuff... how to utilize it. She won't be harmed by me and my low genjutsu...' His eyes scanned the area and noticed a creature... That could work. He tried to place the creature under False Surroundings [M] so in the hope it would turn into a panic and go for the teacher. He had to avoid the teacher... that is what the other Ryu had spoken of, but it did not mean that others should avoid her. How could he play this further out... There was only one set of rules, and he did wear his headset too.

In the meantime, Ryu had attempted to body switch again with the kunai from earlier, this way there was a thud in the ground while he was trying to get out of the smoke and soon into the bushes trying to buy time for his plan. There was no set limit on when he should figure it out. But in his mind, he was already trying to think about how she could have pinpointed him that quickly.

Jutsu said:

Abilities: said:

CA: DA said:
Core Ability Choices:
Natural Weapon - Passive (3/3 Points)
Dark Embrace - Passive (2 point)

class said:
Wings of Ruin
HP: (45+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Accuracy (4pt)
Class card Bonus: -5% Cp cost (2pt)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Genjutsu DC
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Inventory: said:
  • The Utility Slot (may contain a Headband, Headset or a Respirator.)
    • 1. Headset
  • The Armor Slot (may contain either Heavy Armor, Light Armor or No Armor.)
    • 1. Light Armor
weapon said:
(Natural claws)
Weapon Damage Type
: Unarmed -> Handseals
Damage Modifier: -5%
Accuracy modifier: +1
1. Vampiric (New)
2. Rough Divide (New)
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

(Cursed Sword)
Weapon Damage Type
: Slashing - Bleeding
Damage Modifier: -5%
Accuracy modifier: +1
1. Barbed Teeth (New)
2. Empty
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The creature in question stood about seven-foot-tall humanoid with orange luminescent color as its head wrapped in some type of wires. One of the many horrors of the Ancient Forest. While it may seem unassuming at first, it is nearly immune to any convectional types of attacks. Yuna, from her hiding place, smirked underneath her mask. Whilst she knows where Ryu is as of right now, he body switched once more to a different location, she knows that she can't let this monster live so close to the borders of the Village.

The fact that Ryu seemed to know enough about this monster to use it as a distraction, made Yuna think that this kid has some serious battle iq. It can't have been a coincidence, right? Either way, the monster charged at her with its ethereal stick, many eyes suddenly popping out of that orange dome of it as it charges at her from her hiding place. Though to think that this monster is just invincible is defeatist talk. Yuna just so happens to have a way to make it vulnerable to damage. Its 'invulnerability' lies in its strong magic to keep it from bodily harm that it
can see. But it won't be able to see its own blood from within itself. Mid charge, Yuna would only partially slow it down, but enough to damage it and lose its focus on its magic.

She figured that she might as well play into it and at least hint to the kid about what her abilities are. Crimson, the bloodied sword came out of her hand as she rushed in for the attack and with a flurry of piercing type attacks, six have punctures the monster's body, one was strong enough to make the monster bleed and have one of its bones broken. It would barely be able to stand as Yuna would walk up to it and stab in its head to finish it off. Crimson went back into her hand.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
okay, okay.. OKAY. This was not his plan, but a plan it was. He felt kind of bad to what he had been doing to that teacher now. "Who knew they kept pets like that here..." he muttered under his breath as he would try to get a view. it slowed down..?' he tried to watch it as best as he could, since all of this could be a good hint. No matter how big or small this could be. His eyes soon focussed on the blade that had come forth. 'A sword, out of the hand, piercing attacks... Piercings... blood... Bleeding... This monster wasn't a weak one, but what he cant see he can't defend.' He would pull back a little more after the teacher retreated her blood weapon.

In the sand he was drawing his mental notes... Yet they were different then one thought. 'The i is the person, the l is the sword...' The drawing wouldn't make sense to anyone...

For him it meant that this human, created a sword, from it's body. The body component was either water, but due to the color it had to be blood. A person in the Chigokai have the ability to get such an item... 'If not mistaken... we were taught that the Chigokai possess the ability to bend blood to their will. Creating a dangerous weapon formed from their own liquid with their chakra combined...'

'I need to make sure.. was the lesson about 1 ability, or more... I know there are some treacky people on the battlefield...' He would cross his legs, thinking he was save. "Chigokai...." he whispered as he leaned to the tree near the border of the forest.


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It would only be a matter of time before Yuna faded back into the scenery, not even making a sound to disturb the animals that live in the Forest. With her presence nearly erased, birds would go back to chirping, some others like deer can be heard making their calls, probably letting their animal buddies know it's safe. As animals gathered around, they seemed almost oblivious to a human standing near them.

Yuna would hone in on Ryu's bloodflow and be able to track him down rather easily. From her hiding place, she was able to see that he had drawn something on the ground, though she can't make any sense of it, yet. For Ryu, he wouldn't hear a single sound noting that the ANBU Sennin was now near him, but he would definitely have this feeling as if he was being watched right now. And perhaps, if he looked around, he might even see Abyss. What he will do will decide on how this interaction will go.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Any other normal person would be enjoying the scenery, the birds that were chirping around, and the gathering of them... Yet one small child wasn't enjoying them. He was turning rather worried. A moment ago nature was silent until that creature got killed in action. It had given Ryu a lot of information which he was happy about.

In an attempt to calm his nerfs a little he would take a deep breath in, and exhale through his nose. ' The number of animals around, don't make this all too much easier..' Even the slightest movement would alert all the animals, and knowing who he was after... he too knew that she would have amazing tracking skills probably. ' I just can't shake it... Where...?' From the battlefield he kind of knew what this gut feeling meant, but he never was able to place a finger on it on the go. Yet in his mind, he already tried to make a few more steps like a chess game.

Yet when he peeked, he looked at the mask that had a sennin as owner. 'Ah- this is the end...' He still did not remove the mask that he was ordered to keep, no matter what he did. "Kind of unfair no..? I can't hide from you with that scary bloodline?" He didn't say exactly which one she had, but by standing up he also made sure that he stood on the dirt drawings so that was erased too. "Do you wish for me to speak it out loud, or keep it a secret?" He offered since he knew that some shinobi would keep a lot of things secret... This job... was in and of its own a secret.

[mft: 288]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She would shake her head, "If you know then that should be enough. I've made it only a little bit obvious for you to understand and be able to gauge a situation. But be warned, in an actual situation, there will be even less obvious signs that would the telltale of whom you might be dealing with. But at least you know a thing or two about a bloodline that isn't as widely known as others." True, the Chigokai bloodline is a rare one, even inside the gates of their place of origin. It would have been easy to figure out that Yuna was a sensor type of ninja from the start, but to really be able to process which one would have been another matter.

Blood eased out of her hand and formed into a sword. "Now for the second part of your test. You must hit me fully twice, or successfully inflict a status condition on me. As part of the assassin subbranch, if you enter it, you must know the best way to attack your opponent and finish them off quickly. For this part of the exam, you will be prohibited from using multi-hit attacks. And should you try to inflict a status condition, it must be one to cause bleeding, sprain or break bones, or be able to disorient me. As for me, I will only be on the defensive, to gauge your fighting capabilities." She would raise her sword and focus on the boy's blood flow.

(OOC: For this part, all you have to do is get 2 full hits, no multi hit techniques. Or cause status condition, bleeding, called shot, or suppression.)
(I will only use 5 ap for defense, while you can use the full 10 ap)
Yuna has +3 dodge, +2 awareness
0.5 ap: draws Crimson
2 ap: Uses anti gravity (m) on self +2 dodge


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Seems like he didn't need to spill the beans, that was at least good enough. The mask was starting to irritate the young child as he kept it up for so long already. Yet it didn't seem like there would be a break time coming in for him. "Now for the second part of your test. You must hit me fully twice, or successfully inflict a status condition on me. As part of the assassin subbranch, if you enter it, you must know the best way to attack your opponent and finish them off quickly. For this part of the exam, you will be prohibited from using multi-hit attacks. And should you try to inflict a status condition, it must be one to cause bleeding, sprain, or break bones, or be able to disorient me. As for me, I will only be on the defensive, to gauge your fighting capabilities." And there it was, the sword that she had shown before. Instantly the young child went through his arsenal of fighting knowledge... And with that being said, claws started to form.

"Alright... let's try this then..." And he would attempt a few to see how big of a difference was between the two of them.

1. [0.5AP Equipped Natural WEapons Claws.]

2. [ 0.75AP Uses Low Sweep [M] Against Yuna.
Rank 2: 1 Strike at -1 Accuracy dealing (260: 100 x 95 =) 247 Damage. Upon a Full Hit, this has an 8% chance to inflict a -1 Accuracy on the target's next Offensive Action.
Rank 2 Cost: 85 Cp: 100 x 95 = 81CP

3. [ 1AP Uses Hot Weapon [M] Against Yuna. Keep Active if Hit.
Master: Cast at -2 Gen DC, deals (55: 100 x 95 =) 52 Illusionary Damage every round the weapon is equipped.
Master Cost: 90: 100 x 95 = 86 CP to initiate, 45 CP per round maintain

4. [0.75 AP Basic strike against Yuna.
90 : 100 x 95 = 86Dmg.

5. [0.75 AP Basic strike against Yuna.
90 : 100 x 95 = 86Dmg.

6. [1.5AP Leaking Mind [M] Against Yuna. Keep Active if Hit.
Master Rank: Targets at +1 Difficulty dealing (135: 100 x 95 =) 128 damage per round. The target takes +10% Illusionary damage while this technique is active.
Master Rank Cost: 195: 100 x 95 = 186Cp, 95Cp/Rnd

7. [1.25AP Nut Buster [M] against Yuna.
Rank 2: 1 Strike at Normal Accuracy dealing 675: 100 x 95 = 641 Damage. Upon a Full Hit this technique has a 16% chance to cause the target to suffer -1 Accuracy to their next Offensive Action.
Rank 2 Cost: 225: 100 x 95 = 213Cp

Agility: 175/175
Stamina: 175/175
Taijutsu: 175/175
Ninjutsu: 175/175
Chakra Control: 125/175
Stats: 925 / 1050
Level 4

Wings of Ruin
HP: (45+4) x stamina = 8.575HP
CP: (45+4) x chakra control = 6.125CP.
Class Bonus: +2 Accuracy (4pt)
Class card Bonus: -5% Cp cost (2pt)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Genjutsu DC
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy

Core Ability Choices:

0084 => Natural Weapon - Passive (1/3 Points)
0168 => Natural Weapon - Passive (2/3 Points)
0252 => Natural Weapon - Passive (3/3 Points)
0336 => Dark Embrace - Passive (1 point) (New)
0420 => Dark Embrace - Passive (1 point) (New)

Dark Embrace - Passive (1 point)
Restriction- Can be taken up to two times
Those with darker heritage are often gifted with enhanced capabilities in some shape; perhaps manifesting as an odd mutation, or special ability of some sort. Over time, someone with demonic heritage can learn how to best use this skill in many ways to suit their situation.
Effect: The user chooses either Genjutsu or Taijutsu (stated in their Dojo); when making a Cursed attack of this type, the user gains a +2 bonus; this applies to checks, as well, but these techniques now cost +10% CP. Taking this boost twice does not increase this to +4, but instead grants +2 to both types if they are Cursed. This +2 bonus applied to Demonic Aura as well.

Natural Weapon - Passive (3 Points)
Some dark shinobi has more than their blood to show their heritage, some even developed such traits that can be used as an actual weapon, ranging from sharpened claws, deadly wings, or a powerful tail.
Effect: The user designates a single weapon in their Dojo; this weapon is treated as passively equipped whenever the user is not wielding any other weapon, and does not prevent the usage of handseals. Attacks with this Natural Weapon are considered Cursed. Natural Weapon is immune to effects which may cause the user to unequip or change weapons, and if multiple 'passively equipped' weapons are present, the user must state one.

1. Healing Factor Effect:
- The user regains 3% Max HP at the beginning of each round.
- All Medical Jutsu are +10% more effective on the user.

2. Hyperactive Effect:
- The user regains +3% of their Max CP back at the beginning of every round.

3. Alignment Focus - Cursed Effect:
- Upon learning this ability, the user chooses one alignment to focus on and any attacks they make that use that alignment have the alignment effect improved in the corresponding ways:
- The 10% additional damage to the opposing alignment is no longer affected by the damage cap.
- Cursed damage now deals damage equal to 10% of the total amount of damage dealt by Cursed attacks during the round.

Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed -> Handseals
Damage Modifier: -5%
Accuracy modifier: +1
1. Vampiric (New)
Effect: User regains HP equal to 10% of all damage dealt with the equipped weapon.
2. Rough Divide (New)
Effect: Attacks with an equipped weapon cause the target to lose CP equal to 10% of any damage dealt with that weapon.
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

1. Lightning (New)
Without weapon!!
Ninjutsu Accuracy160710210
Melee Accuracy175730212
Ranged Accuracy175710210
Genjutsu DC107,562008
Ninjutsu Dodge17572009
Melee Dodge17572009
Ranged Dodge17572009
Genjutsu Save11562008

With weapon!!
Ninjutsu Accuracy160710311
Melee Accuracy175730313
Ranged Accuracy175710311
Genjutsu DC107,562008
Ninjutsu Dodge17572009
Melee Dodge17572009
Ranged Dodge17572009
Genjutsu Save11562008
Notes for with weapon:
1. Vampiric
Effect: User regains HP equal to 10% of all damage dealt with the equipped weapon.
2. Rough Divide
Effect: Attacks with an equipped weapon cause the target to lose CP equal to 10% of any damage dealt with that weapon.
1. Healing Factor Effect:
- The user regains 3% Max HP at the beginning of each round. 257HP Regain
2. Hyperactive Effect:
- The user regains +3% of their Max CP back at the beginning of every round. 183CP Regain.
10% CP cost reduction.
Cursed Alignment.

: Cursed attacks are attacks that are intrinsically aligned with the forces of Evil in the world. They deal +10% additional damage to Spiritual targets and deal -10% less damage to Holy targets. In addition at the end of each round participants suffer Cursed damage equal to 5 10% of the total amount of Cursed damage dealt to them that round.

  • Cursed damage suffered at the end of each round is calculated based on Cursed damage suffered directly from attacks and does not count extra damage (such as the extra damage suffered at the end of each round) for the total damage dealt. In addition, it cannot be increased, decreased, blocked, or ignored by any effect.
Last edited:

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The sword was mainly to get her in her fighting stance, get her ready for the spar. She would note that he would try and go for a low attack, trying to sweep her legs from her feet as she moved out of the way to only get a graze of the attack. Still felt like someone kicked her shins, but it is better that than suffer a major wound. As she got back into her stance, she studied the boy. There would be a time in which something may have happened, but her mind was focused more on the physical type of things the boy can do rather than the mental. He soon came in close for small type attacks, one that she dodged effortlessly, only to be hit fully with the next attack.

Soon after, her mind felt as if, only a little bit weary. It was nearly immediately, that Ryu took this as an opportunity to swing his leg up and hit her in her woman-hood. Whilst she is not a man, hitting an area is surely a low blow, but something that a ninja might do in order to survive a fight. And yes, it did hurt. Though Ryu would not be able to see nor hear any indication coming from the ANBU Sennin as she would then retract the blood blade into her body.

"Well done. Now I have two questions for you. One, why should I let you join the Anbu corps? And two, why do you want to join?" This in of itself is part of the exam, the diplomacy. This part of the exam will help her gauge what kind of person they are.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
He did it—already? He was puzzled to see this. He also lowered his fighting stance but kept a bit on guard with her. Who knows, maybe she pulled a fast one. "Urf... talking huh.." He commented as he wouldn't think long on how to answer that. " Those questions feel like they are the same, in the end, it's the same results, you wish to hear how I will fit in. I can tell you all what all the others will say, I am a team player, can be a team player, I can also work solo, I am great at what I do. But we both know that I will stumble, make mistake and learn from said mistakes to grow further. That being said... all I wish to do is learn, and then this seems to be a logical next step. I already know what a battle field is like, I have seen death, met death a time and know what that brings mentally too. That is all I have to offer, my experience on that battlefield to survive and thrive. All else I probably need to learn."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She listened to his answer. It was, to put it bluntly, a different stance than what she was expecting, but an answer nonetheless. She would nod and then say "Very well. You pass and are worthy to become an ANBU in training. It will be up to you to choose your own path going forward. Would you want to be part of the dipllomatic sub branch? The assassins? Or the intel? I don't need your answer just yet. Give it some thought and see what all three have to offer and choose the one that best suits you. If you want some lessons, feel free to ask me anytime, or if you can find Byakko, Anbu captain of the Intel sub branch, I'm sure he'll be glad to teach you a thing or two."

She wondered if Ryu would catch on to what she said. Hon... He hasn't been the same since the Gates incident, much less been around the ANBU HQ at all. From what she read, one of the only good things during her predecessor's time as Sennin was Honnou. Someone that had saved Cloud on countless dangerous missions. She suspects that he must be feeling the weight of everything on his shoulders for quite some time. Partially why she hasn't called for him to talk with her in a one on one. Yuna just hopes that all he needs is time to think things through.

Turning her attention to the boy, she would then say, "You can keep the mask. Once you reach ANBU rank you can make your own mask and give yourself a codename for others to be able to address you. Now, if there isn't anything else, I'll let you have the rest of the day for yourself."

(Offering Ait rank to Ryu)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
