Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Honing the Craft

Hayashi Kei

New Ninja
May 29, 2024
OOC Rank
Kei knew he needed to commit to rigorous training. His recent encounter with a lycan beast had been a wake-up call, showing him just how far he still had to go in the world of strength and skill. Even with the tales of his sister’s accomplishments and the gift from his father driving him forward, Kei knew that nothing would come without hard work. Without effort, there would be no improvement. It didn’t matter what his family had given him; if Kei didn't put in the time, the power he sought would remain elusive.

He didn’t have many friends in the village, and the few he had were scattered or busy with their own lives. With that in mind, Kei quickly gathered his gear and set off toward the academy. Surely, I'll find someone there, he thought, a small flicker of hope rising within him as he walked through the familiar streets of the village. The clan house he stayed in was quiet, empty of any immediate family members.

Despite the fact that he had a place to stay, Kei couldn’t shake the feeling of isolation. He hadn’t had the chance to meet many other clan members in person, though he hoped that would change soon enough. Another time, he mused. There will be plenty of adventures to be had, plenty of questions to be answered. But for now, training was his priority. He needed to push himself to new heights.

After what felt like an endless walk, Kei finally stumbled upon the academy. His eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for anyone who might be willing to help him improve. His gaze flicked from one student to another, hoping to find someone available to spar or even a more experienced ninja who might take him under their wing. As he paused to take in the scene, a subtle shift in the energy around his head caught his attention, making him smile a little.

"Don't worry, Kirame," he muttered softly, a fond smile tugging at his lips. He extended a finger, feeling the tiny creature shift ever so slightly within his hair. The little squid, only three inches long, crawled out from his hiding place and onto Kei’s finger. The creature, though incapable of speech, had somehow become a quiet companion to Kei during his journey.

"I know you're not as excited as I am to meet new people," Kei continued, his voice almost a whisper, "but this is an important step. We need to get stronger. Both of us."

The squid pulsed with energy at Kei’s words, its form briefly shimmering with light. Little blue dots flickered across its body, a beautiful, ephemeral glow that reminded Kei of the first time they’d met on the shore. He felt a surge of warmth in his chest. I want to protect you too, Kei thought, his smile widening.

Kirame, still curled around his finger, seemed to sense his thoughts and responded by shifting its form again, the little creature giving off another pulse of light. "I’m glad we’re on the same page," Kei said, feeling a sense of connection. "You can either hide in my hair or head back into your…other plane for now, if you prefer. I don’t even know what we can do together yet."

The squid responded by raising one of its tentacles, then gently climbed back onto Kei’s head, its tiny body shifting and melding with his hair. Kei could feel Kirame's presence as the creature snuggled into a hidden spot. The camouflage was so effective that Kei could barely sense where Kirame had settled. It was a strange and comforting feeling. He smiled to himself. Despite not having the answers yet, he knew they were in this together. It would just take time.

WC: 626
Requesting Seto

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts
Standing at the front of the fabled three story pagoda, he stood there, his arms crossed as he stared up at the all too familial building. As he gazed up, he found himself flooded with memories of the past when he was a small child. It wasn't even that long ago, he mused to himself, that he was running through the halls, casually "flirting" with he girls and showing off his skills. Now that he thought about it however, he had only been there for little over a year before he graduated. Unlike everyone else, he had started training the moment he could walk and talk, so the academy was basically pointless. He had been a prodigy child, much like his older sister, but now in his older age, he held some distain for such a tittle, not liking the idea of being "special". He though that, but he was he heir of a clan, held the eyes of a murderer, and his own daughter was a even greater prodigy then himself and maybe even his own elder sister. He lamented, sighing at the thought. It was than, his sharingan picked on a lone presence. Tilting his ever over his shoulder, he saw a boy with brown hair, fashioned in a weird setup, a half up ponytail? Well, he wasn't one to judge. It wasn't as If he had a real hair cut in years. His hair mattered little when he saw his eyes, both different colors. That made him raise a eyebrow. That was either a extremely rare condition in a clan, or some dojutsu. Whatever the case, he cold easily pick up, that he was only a mere Genin, and one who drove around with pure, blissful eyes. He remembered that time, before the civil war, before he had to take his kill for the last time. In a matter of speaking, the longer he studied the boy, he shared some comradery with him, which in a sense scared. He didn't want another innocent soul to turn into him or so many others who have fallen victims to the horrors of the world. He closed his eyes for a moment. He felt like maybe saying something, but If he knew Genin, and If he was anything like him when he was younger, there was no talking them out of the ninja world. A few moments later, his acute senses picked up on a tiny creature on the body's body. Initially, his body went on alert as due to from his past experiences, thinking it was some parasite.. He was ready to move, but than it came to him, It was either a pet....or a summoning? He couldn't, but If it was the later, that was unusual, especially for a Genin of his age and skill level. Perhaps there was potential beyond those naive eyes, even If he was still against it. Ultimately, he choose not to move closer, returning his attention to the academy itself. His mind began wondering If he should bring his own daughter here. He held some parental isntincts telling him otherwise, especially since she was a Youkai. She could handle herself however, but he had no idea about boys. He rolled his eyes. He was far too young to be a father, let alone be thinking about his daughter getting all oogly over boys...​
Kei's gaze shifted around the area, his chest tightening with that familiar flutter of excitement. It was a feeling he had grown accustomed to, thanks to Komi’s endless stories of far-off lands and daring quests. Komi had filled his imagination with tales of heroes, magical creatures, and impossible adventures, and because of that, Kei rarely saw danger in strangers the way he probably should have. It wasn’t that he was naïve, though - he wasn’t dumb. It’s just that his empathy often made him trust too easily. He saw the best in people, often overlooking the risks or red flags others might catch.

He adjusted the dragonfly clip that held his messy ponytail in place, tugging it just enough to settle it comfortably. Everything around him seemed perfectly normal, and yet... there was something different. That nagging feeling in his chest grew, the kind that told him to pay closer attention. He felt Kirame shift against his scalp, the energy restless and unsettled. “Huh? What’s wrong, buddy?” Kei whispered, his tone gentle and reassuring. Kirame, despite his tiny size, always seemed to sense things before Kei did. Something was off, and the little creature was anxious.

Kei's attention shifted again, this time landing on a man standing nearby. He hadn’t noticed him before, but now that he did, he couldn’t help the slight jolt of surprise. The man was standing with his arms crossed, his gaze fixed ahead. He had an unreadable, almost distant expression, as if he wasn’t really there. Kei could feel it in the air around him - a weight that made his chest tighten just a little. It was an unspoken presence, as if the man’s mind was miles away, lost in a world Kei couldn’t quite access.

For a moment, Kei hesitated, unsure of whether to approach. Something about the man’s energy made him second-guess himself. But then, just as quickly, the hesitation melted away. Kei was never one to let someone slip by unnoticed. He’d been taught to reach out to others, to offer company when it seemed like no one else would. And besides, this man looked like he could use a little distraction, a bit of lightness to break whatever was on his mind.

“Didn’t see you there!” Kei said brightly, his grin stretching from ear to ear as he waved enthusiastically. “You thinking about going in, or just here to admire the possibilities?” His words were cheerful and innocent, but there was an underlying feeling that Kei wasn’t entirely at ease. Kirame’s anxious energy prickled against his scalp, urging him to be careful.

Kei shook his head slightly, hoping to calm his contract summon. You'll get your chance to shine. Just relax for now. He adjusted his hair to cover his little friend, wanting to make sure Kirame didn’t feel exposed. Kei was sure he could feel the creature relax against his scalp, wondering if his little friend could truly read his thoughts or simply his energy.

Despite his nerves, Kei felt an overwhelming need to make the situation lighter, to draw out a response from the man, even if it was just to break the heavy silence. His mismatched eyes flitted back to the stranger, curiosity glimmering in them. “I’m Hayashi Kei. It’s nice to meet you!” Kei offered his name warmly, as if the introduction might somehow open a door to something unexpected. “What about you? Got a name, mister? Maybe even a cool story or two?”

Kei’s voice was light, friendly, as if the world was full of possibility. And maybe, just maybe, this stranger was the next big adventure waiting to be discovered.

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts
Caught in his own realm of thinking, he didn't even notice the boy he saw prior, approach. Hearing his voice, it took a few moments for it to register the words before he looked down, revealing the young Genin with a innocent smile. It was a smile that reminded him instantly Azumai. He supposed that was the power of innocence, being able to see the world in such a positive outlook and be able to smile, not knowing of the darker truth's of the world. At the mention of entering, he looked at the young with a curios look, his eyebrow raising momentarily before falling. He attempted a faint smile as he spoke up.


"Hmm?....Oh no....I was just reminiscing of the short time I had spent here....amongst other things. That said, it's certainly felt like it's been a eternity since I've been here..."

With that, he turned his attention back towards the three story pagoda, his hands now resting within the pockets of his Hakama. With his eyes closed, he smirked momentarily. Wasn't that the truth? It was only a few years ago he was here, and now he had a daughter, now ready of age for someone who could enter the academy. While he never saw himself as nostalgic, he had sure been doing that lately since his return to the village and his clan. When he heard him introduce himself, his head shifted over his shoulder, slightly tilting to show one of his crimson eyes, especially after he had asked his name. It had been awhile since anyone had asked for his name. Most who needed to know, already knew, but he was only a Genin, so that was no surprise.


Tamashi Seto
"I any warrior would have.....I'm a kin of the Tamashi Clan that goes by the name, Seto."

He paused for a moment after introducing himself, his eyes initially looking down at the snow white mantle that rested on his shoulders. Perhaps he would want to hear of that tale? But than his mind did a one eighty, his undeveloped parental instincts jumping into high gear. What was he thinking? He shouldn't encourage youths to do anything insane. Frankly, after becoming a parent, he even wondered why the village even had child soldiers to begin with. He understood his own clan's policy on the matter, but a clan was a different than a village, especially if you took his position into account. Wiping those thoughts away, a new one entered, one that was fitting for someone like him, as he remembered when his eldest sister and his Kishi asked him the very same question. He remembered it being naive, but still valid. Perhaps If this Genin had a similar view point, than perhaps his mind could allow it. Shifting his head completely in his direction, his crimson eyes pierced down at the boy before he spoke.


Tamashi Seto
"Tell me Kei, why have you chosen the path of a Shinobi? What drives you forward? Why do you want to fight? Is it to impress your parents? A girl? Or perhaps something more?"

A serious series of questions no doubt, but important ones no doubt. At this point in his life, he had little room for humor, and when he did, the women of this village would be offended so easily. His experiences had changed him from when he was a Genin like him. He didn't mean to come off as super serious, but that was just how he was now unfortunately...​
When Seto mentioned reminiscing, Kei’s eyes flickered to the three-story pagoda, his head tilting curiously. “Oh, so you’ve been here before?” he asked, his voice still light but filled with genuine interest. “It must be kinda strange, huh? Coming back after a long time… I bet a lot has changed.” His gaze lingered on Seto for a moment, as if trying to imagine what it must feel like to return somewhere that once felt familiar, only to find time had moved on without you. He had a feeling his home village would be the same for him someday. He would return to a much older sister and an elderly set of parents. He wondered if the old woman in the village that inspired his first adventure would still be around. Maybe I should visit them sometime.

At Seto’s introduction, Kei’s smile returned, bright and genuine. “Seto… Tamashi Clan, huh?” He placed a hand on his chin in exaggerated thought, before grinning. “That sounds like an important name! You must be really strong.” There was no sarcasm in his voice, just pure admiration. “I think it’s kinda cool, y’know? Having a name that carries meaning. It’s like carrying a story on your shoulders.”

But then came the serious questions, and Kei’s excitement dimmed slightly as his eyes widened - not out of fear, but because he could tell Seto wasn’t just asking for the sake of it. He was looking for something. Maybe trying to understand something even he wasn’t sure about. Kei didn’t want to brush it off with a simple answer. He wanted to be honest. It wasn’t often someone asked him why he chose this path - not like that, anyway. Most of the time, people just assumed. Assumed he was here because it was expected. Assumed he wanted strength for some grand reason, like revenge or honor. But Seto wasn’t assuming. He was asking. And for some reason, that made Kei pause.

“I don’t really think about fighting to impress anyone,” Kei admitted after a moment, his hands fidgeting slightly at his sides. His voice was still light, but there was a quiet sincerity beneath it. “It’s not about proving something to my parents or… or a girl.” He wrinkled his nose at that thought, clearly not something he had even considered before. “I just… I want to help people.”

His expression softened as he gazed up at Seto, his usual cheerful demeanor dimming just enough to show that he wasn’t taking the question lightly. “I guess I’ve always been good at noticing when people are hurting, even when they don’t say anything. It’s… kind of like a feeling. Like when someone smiles, but you can tell it’s not real, or when someone says they’re fine, but you just know they’re not.” His fingers curled slightly into his palm as he spoke, his voice thoughtful, as if he were realizing things about himself as he put them into words.

“I don’t like seeing people in pain,” he continued, his gaze steady. “If being a Shinobi means I can protect others, keep them safe, or even just be strong enough to make someone feel less alone… then that’s what I want to do.”

He glanced down at the ground beneath them before looking back up at Seto, his grin returning - not as wide and carefree as before, but something softer, more sure of itself. “And if I get to make friends along the way, that’s even better, right?”

Kei wasn’t oblivious to the way Seto looked at him, like he was seeing something long gone, something distant and unreachable. He didn’t understand it, not fully. But that was okay. Maybe one day, he would.

After a beat, Kei tilted his head, curiosity shining through his thoughtful expression. “What about you, Seto?” he asked. “Why did you become a Shinobi? Do you still believe in the reason you started?” His voice wasn’t accusing or challenging; it was just an innocent question, but perhaps one that would stir something deeper.

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts
At Kei's words, he gave a slight nod with his head but said no more, preferring the peaceful tone of silence. It seemed he had taken something of value regardless, leading to his eyes picking up on his posture, showing clear signs he was in deep thinking, If only for a moment. At the mention of his name being important however, citing he was really wrong. He smirked slightly, his left eyebrow raising slightly. A faint chuckle escaped him before he spoke.


Tamashi Seto
"Well, I'm not the crimson goddess that is our Raikage, but I can handle myself~"

His smirked continued on for a few more seconds, even chuckling a bit more, before his demeanor changed to something a bit more serious once the mention of the Importance behind names were brought up. There was truth in those words, whether he truly understood it or not. He was young himself, but it something he had learned early in his life, remembering the historical documents of his clan and the tales of certain individuals popping up like their founder "Mausima", who was considered a samurai worth a thousand shinobi in ancient times.


Tamashi Seto
"All names carry a past, It's what defies us, for good or bad, and I'm certainly no exception. Now, whether or not that name ever becomes significant or not, depends on the individual."

His own words made him reflect on what had occurred in his life, from being born as the heir of an ancient, samurai, shinobi hybrid clan, to killing his first man when he was half the age of this child, to the events that led upto him battling a Daiyoukai at the throat of the world that lead to the awakening of his eyes, It all made him who he was today, and that would forever be cemented to his name. A elven year old battling a greater Youkai at the top of a mountain? And on top of unlocking the power of his bloodline? Was something no one could forget, especially as long as he carried his mantle around, his trophy of sorts. Of course, he was still very much young, much more would come that would attach to his name. He hoped It wouldn't be events of sorrow, but carrying the eyes of hatred, he doubted that.

His attention returned to the Genin when he spoke up, now with the demeanor that reminded him of himself when he was similar to this child. It was clear he had taken a moment to gather his thoughts before responding with that pause of his. Even though he was a Genin, he cold have respect for one who thoroughly thought their response before blanketly responding like many his age often did, himself included, at least to some extent. He thought that to himself, but his eyes could pick up on the fidgeting of his fingers, and it made him doubt his words, even If they were truthful. This caused him to keep his attention on the boy as he returned the favor, deciding to ask a question he probably wasn't prepared for, as almost everyone his age wasn't.


Tamashi Seto
"As one individual who once thought similarly, I can sense the truth in your words....It is....a noble intention no doubt, but the life of a shinobi is a difficult one, one you will not least for now....It also means taking drastic actions you never once comprehended, like taking the lives of others. Can you do it? Take the life of another? Watch as the light fades from their eyes?"

A heavy question no doubt, so much so, he didn't speak again for several moments afterwards. He didn't expect him to respond for several moments himself, no doubt pondering IF he could truly do it. Saying and doing it were two very different things. Luckily for him, he had the opportunity to make that choice unlike himself, who was forced into a life or death situation. How he even survived the ordeal, he didn't know. It still lingered in his mind constantly, amongst other things he thought about. When he did eventually speak, It was a response he wasn't expecting, and yet, It was at the same time. Wanting to help people, even when they didn't want or need it. His words reminded him of his love, who held a similar perspective on life, who often used his wit and charm to help those in need, well, when she could use that black katana of hers. He chuckled internally at Shizue's warrior nature colliding with her more feminine side. When he heard Kei asked him why he fought, he paused for several seconds. Using that time to think, he closed his eyes while looking up at the sky, his arms crossing one another under the fabric of his kimono.


Tamashi Seto
"It is....a complicated matter....for the reasons I fight are for many......ancient obligations, duty, mastery of the arts, parenthood....and to live up to the examples sets before me as a honorable warrior."

After a few seconds of silence, he than lowered his head, looking straight at Kei with a gaze that could kill, as It was trying to pierce his heart & body.


Tamashi Seto
"Remember these words well Kei.....For a warrior without honor...or a purpose, is no warrior at all....You may not understand them now, but in time, you will, especially If you possess the Will of Lightning..."

He fell silent once more afterwards, turning to face the academy, his own words ringing in his mind, words that he that he desperately clung to, as many others did, in his clan or not. He was curious to see If this Genin could grasp what he was saying, or If he thought he was overly dramatic. Perhaps he was being a little, but the statement stood, regardless of the presentation...​
Kei listened intently, his usually bright expression dimming into something more contemplative. The weight of the conversation settled over him like a quiet storm, one that he wasn’t entirely unprepared for but had never been forced to stand in for long. He wasn’t unfamiliar with heavy conversations, nor with the reality of what it meant to be a shinobi. But hearing it spoken so plainly, without embellishment or avoidance, made it feel more real than ever before.

His fingers, which had been fidgeting absently at his sides, stilled as he took in the question posed to him. Could I take a life? Watch the light fade from someone’s eyes and know it was by my hand? It was a question that went beyond simple ideals or the abstract concept of duty. It was raw, visceral, and deeply personal.

He didn’t answer right away, letting the silence sit between them. Normally, he would have spoken quickly, eager to fill any pauses with something lighthearted or reassuring. But this wasn’t the kind of question that deserved a rushed response. This wasn’t a story where words alone could shape the ending.

Finally, Kei lifted his gaze, his expression steady despite the conflict stirring beneath the surface. “I don’t know,” he admitted, his voice quieter than before but carrying no hesitation. “I don’t think anyone truly does until they’re in that moment. It’s not something you can prepare for with words alone.”

His lips pressed together, as if weighing his next words carefully before continuing. “But… I do know this. I don’t fight to take lives. I fight to protect them. Even if that means making choices I never want to.”

His small hands curled into fists at his sides - not out of anger, but as if grounding himself in the weight of his own conviction. His usual carefree nature wasn’t gone, but there was something else there now. A quiet strength, buried beneath his kindness, waiting to be tested.

“I know that sounds naïve,” he admitted with a soft chuckle, more to himself than to Seto. “Maybe it is. Maybe one day, I’ll be forced to make that choice, and maybe it’ll change me. But…” He exhaled, as if letting go of something unseen. “Even if I have to make those choices, I won’t let them take away who I am.”

He lifted his head fully now, eyes meeting the older shinobi’s gaze without flinching. There was no arrogance in his stance, no defiance - only the quiet certainty of someone who understood the path ahead would not be easy, but still chose to walk it.

As Seto spoke again, Kei listened with the same rapt attention he had always given to stories; whether they were fairytales, histories, or personal truths, they all carried lessons.

“A warrior without honor… or a purpose…” he echoed under his breath, letting the words settle over him like an old teaching. He thought of the stories Komi used to tell him, of heroes and villains, of choices that defined people more than their strength ever could. Of names that lingered in history, not just because of their deeds, but because of what they stood for.

Slowly, a small, knowing smile curved his lips. Not the playful grin he often wore, but something softer. More assured.

“Then I guess I’ll just have to make sure I never lose mine.”

His voice was steady, without doubt or bravado. He wasn’t saying it to impress, nor to prove anything, only because he believed it to be true.

He didn’t know what the future held. He knew the world had ways of testing people, of forcing them into choices that could shape them into something they never intended to be. But if Kei had any say in the matter, no matter what battles lay ahead, he would face them with the same heart he had now.

Because if he ever lost that - if he ever let himself become someone who forgot why he fought - then what would be left of him?

No, he decided. No matter how the world tried to shape him, he would hold onto himself.

And that will be the name I carry forward.

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts
As evident by the silence shown, he figured he had struck a nerve within the young Genin, making him question himself, forcing himself to ponder If he could really do it, take another life. It took a little awhile, as he expected, before he noticed the raising of his gaze towards him. His voice was quiet when he finally chose to speak, making the claim he didn't know, that no one could be prepared. It was the obvious answer, but he wasn't wrong unless you were born to be a monster. The next segment however, caught him by surprise, If only a little bit, triggering him to eye him. He didn't think he say something as naive as he did, but he couldn't blame him he supposed. This young Genin was little different than himself at his age.


Tamashi Seto
"Truth be told, It wasn't a question you could have answered, not in your current state. That however, doesn't mean you were wrong either...No born to be a killer..."

He raised his right hand from it's hiding spot underneath his kimono's sleeves. He rubbed his chin momentarily, turning silent himself before he continued.
"I was once like you, more than you know, but than....the civil war occurred....and it forced my hand, like many others....To protect someone I held dear, I instinctively risked my life to save them. In the end...I did....but it forever changed me....putting me down the path of a killer.....It's important to remember.....that you still have a choice....for the time being..."

Rather blunt he was, but he had no reason to lie. He could tell Kei held good intentions with probably a similar conviction he had himself when he was younger, but becoming a willing killer was something no one should make easily, even If he probably didn't see it that way. At least If he had the choice. That said, he didn't regret his destiny, being destined to become a warrior in his clan. He could only wish his fate would be a honorous one in battle. In that regard, the warriors of his clan and the normal shinobi weren't so different.

He was snapped from his trance of inner thinking when he found Kei looking up at him without a flinch in the world, after he had told him on the important of one's personal honor. Honor was always a wish washy topic, and to the many, It was convoluted, outdated, flawed topic. Perhaps they were right, but the core of it would never change, to always push a individual to be always be just and noble in their intention, amongst other things. He didn't want to admit that however, even to himself, since many, especially those within his own clan, could take it too far, but when Kai made a smirk, boldly claiming he never lose his, Seto couldn't help but grin in return.


Tamashi Seto
"Good. It's better to die with your honor intact, knowing you gave your life for what you believe in. To do the opposite is...."

He paused, stopping himself. Memories of his failures flooded his mind like a great flood. He knew it all too well, and the attempts he made on his own life to reclaim what little honor he could recover. It was a time he wanted to forget, but that was impossible, for its what defied him now. Through that defeat, that trauma that lingers within him still, he realized that committing Seppuku, that taking his own life, was the easy path, Living with the shame, the dishonor that he brought upon himself, was the difficult path, but the right one in his books. He supposed with that line of thinking, he was nothing more than hypocritic, considering what he just said, but life was a tad more complicated than he liked, especially in this regard. After a few moments of silence, he turned to Kei, this time with a serious demeanor, albeit one with a faint smile.


Tamashi Seto
"I have a proposition for you.....If your brave enough that is....along with a convinction to back it up~ "

It was certainly something he had expected to say, it happening out of the moment, but this was may be what he needed to push him to return to his "old" life he had in the village prior. It wouldn't happen over night, but It was the best decision he could make. Now it was only up to the Genin, to see If he willing to do what was necessary to become he claimed he wanted to be....​
Kei stood silently, letting Seto’s words sink in. They weren’t just some speech meant to sound wise; they carried weight, the kind that came from real experience. The kind that left scars, even if they couldn’t be seen. Kei’s fingers curled slightly against his leg as he thought. He wanted to believe he had the strength to protect what mattered, but Seto was right - no one was born a killer. And if that day ever came, would he be the same person afterward?

A faint rustling in his hair pulled him from his thoughts, a tiny movement that reminded him he wasn’t alone. Kirame, his little firefly squid companion, had nestled deeper into the strands, shrinking away from the heavy atmosphere. Kei could feel the slight weight of him, barely noticeable but grounding nonetheless. A small, steady presence, like an unspoken reassurance. Kei reached up absentmindedly, brushing a hand against his hair, feeling the soft brush of Kirame’s tentacles. The little guy always seemed to know when something was weighing on him, hiding but never truly leaving his side. Kei smiled faintly at the thought. Even in the silence, Kirame was there.

Seto’s words shifted to honor, then stopped abruptly. That pause said more than words could. Kei saw it in his eyes, the weight of something deeper, something painful. He didn’t push or ask. Some things weren’t meant to be dragged into the light unless the person holding them chose to share.

Then, the proposition came.

Kei blinked, caught off guard. His head tilted slightly, causing Kirame to shift just a little in his hair. A challenge, huh?

He reached up, lightly tapping a finger against his temple as if in thought, but there was a small grin forming on his lips. “You’re really building this up, you know,” he mused. “Now I’m curious.”

As if sensing the shift in Kei’s mood, Kirame peeked out ever so slightly, his tiny glow flickering like a firefly in the dark. Kei could feel the little guy’s hesitation, but he didn’t mind. If anything, it helped steady him, reminded him of who he was. He wasn’t the type to dwell in heavy thoughts for too long; he preferred to keep moving, to keep searching for answers instead of drowning in doubts.

“I might not know exactly what I am capable of yet,” Kei admitted, his smile softening just a little. “But I do know this - I won’t let fear decide for me. So whatever this proposition is… I’ll hear you out.”

His voice was lighter than Seto’s, maybe even a little carefree now that the topic had lightened a bit, but there was still conviction behind it. I'm not about to run from an adventure!

WC: 455

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts
Last edited:
Ending Theme


Tamashi Seto
"I'll train you into a warrior, one who's able to protect what they hold most, along with a unwavering conviction to stand against an army....for a true warrior matter the odds."

His hands than fell to hips and he smirked, his voice turning to a mixture of serious and playfulness.
"But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Your age, your rank, they mean nothing....for younger have endured far worse than even I have...."
His expression turned more serious, his voice deepening.
"I'm going to break you, challenge you, test you in ways you never thought possible."
"Your going to experience pain like you never felt before....but through that pain, that trauma, whether you know it or not, will reshape you into a warrior you want to be."
"The only question will be, will you hold on to the same reasons as before, or will they change when you decide to take action?"
"Only time will tell...."

With that, he shifted his body back towards the bustling city, his shoulders relaxing, even his stance faltering slightly as his back arched forward slightly. Returning his hands under the wide sleeves of his kimono, he looked at Kei with a grin. He nodded for the young Genin to follow, his head aiming towards the rest of the village.
"Now come "Apprentice"...lets go get something to eat. All this talk of honor and reasons for fighting has made me hungry~
Without another word, Seto began walking away from Kei and the three story pagoda. While he didn't wait for Kei's answer, he already knew the answer. He was looking at a younger version of himself after all, thus it was obvious. He knew the young Genin wouldn't pass up the opportunity to become stronger. Regardless however, after only a few seconds, his mind became overwhelmed by hunger as he heard the plea's from his belly. He rose his hand to raise his hand as he walked. Where should he go for lunch today? There always was....the Raikage's famed establishment he had rumors about. Maybe it was time to head there to see all the fuss?...


Kei's eyes widened, his breath hitching slightly at Seto’s words. The weight of them settled deep within his chest, not as a burden, but as a spark, an ember ready to be stoked into something greater. He could feel the raw intensity in his mentor’s voice, the promise of hardship, of pain, of being pushed to his absolute limit. But rather than fear, all he felt was excitement.

A grin spread across his face, bright and unwavering, his fists clenching at his sides. His heart pounded, not from nerves, but from anticipation. Protecting what he held dear, standing strong no matter the odds, wasn’t that exactly what he wanted? What he needed? His sister always spoke of heroes in the fairytales she told him, of warriors who faced impossible battles but never backed down. And if he wanted to be like them, to protect the people he loved, then he had to endure. He had to grow stronger.

As Seto turned away, Kei let out a short laugh, his excitement bubbling over. He took a few quick steps to catch up, practically bouncing on his feet. His gaze flickered toward Seto, studying his relaxed posture, the way his words carried both wisdom and experience. He’s been through it all, hasn’t he? Kei thought. And now, he’s offering to guide me through it too.

Then, his stomach let out a loud, traitorous growl.

"Your apprentice shall follow, oh wise and mighty teacher!" he declared, his tone dripping with theatrical reverence. "Lead the way to this sacred place of nourishment, and I shall humbly partake in its glorious offerings!"

He snickered, straightening up as he walked beside Seto, his excitement refusing to be contained. "But seriously, Sensei, I can't wait. For the training and the food!" His grin widened, his determination shining through the playful act. "So, where to first? Somewhere fancy? Or are we talking good ol’ street food?" His grin was infectious as he folded his hands behind his head, his usual joyful nature slipping back into place.

He followed Seto into the bustling streets of the city, his mind brimming with the weight of his new path. This wasn’t just about training. It was about becoming someone who could endure, no matter the pain, no matter the odds. And for that, he was ready. But right now? Right now, food sounded like a pretty great first step.

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Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts

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