Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Cause and Effect. [Requesting Raikage]

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
The Hidden Cloud village never ceases to amaze Kazan. But now, after having been outside of it for some time, it seemed to shine more brightly than ever. As he walked through the village, and paid close attention to it's infrastructure. Now more than ever, he realized no other place could hold a candle to his homeland. While at the same time, the thought of Cloud being affected by a Civil war, and it's buildings crumbling, sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't want to even imagine it, but after seeing the Hidden Sand he couldn't stop himself from doing so. As he approached the Torre Empirea, his eyes shifted to the center spire; a place he hadn't visited very often, but probably should have.

Flash forward, as he walked through the door, he found his way to the builds staircase. While he probably could've used an elevator, he simply didn't due to his lack of trust in machinery. After climbing up several floors, he made his way to a receptionist. "I'm sorry to bother you, but i'm here to speak with the Raikage. She should be expecting me." He'd say, as he waited to be answered. If the receptionist wanted to escort him to the Raikage, or point him in the right direction, Kazan would do so.

[Topic Entered]
As Kazan approached the receptionist, she looked up from her paperwork. It was kinda hard not noticing someone wearing plate armor, and with hair as red as their Raikages. When he politely mentioned that the Raikage was expecting him, she nodded. It was indeed something she'd been informed of. "Ah yes. She is indeed expecting you. Please, take the elevator over there up to the 69th floor." she said, gesturing over to the nearby array of elevators. With a building this size, a fair amount of them were needed.

Meanwhile, in the Raikage Office, Kitsune was handling some paperwork for the medical branch, given that Midori hadn't been seen in a while. Ah, the eternal curse of chakra capable people: Having weird things happen to them so they vanish for a while. She'd also requested Yuna, or Abyss, as she was known in her role as ANBU Sennin to come, as Kazan had intel on Sand. Out in front of the office, Kitsune had her own secretary, who was currently in the middle of trying to arrange schedules so there weren't any conflicts. It was a bit of a mess, but she was managing. When the elevator dinged, she looked up, and saw Kazan step out. She, of course, knew that he was coming and was expecting him. "Ah, Akira-san. You're expected. Please head right in." she said, gesturing to the large set of heavy oak double doors separating the Raikages office from the rest of the floor.

Once Kazan had stepped inside, he'd be greeted by Kitsune, and asked to take a seat. "Then we just need Abyss to arrive." she said, looking up from her paperwork, "They have knowledge of Suna that might be of use in the debriefing." she said. Her voice was calm, and to anyone looking at her, she'd appear to be in a neutral to decent mood. She leaned back in her chair, and awaited Abyss' presence.

[Requesting Yuna to appear in the thread]
Yuna's operatives would have already informed her of Kazan's return to Cloud. It piqued her curiosity since she expected the Jounin to be out for a longer time period. Nevertheless, she would get the summons from Kitsune herself, a telltale sign to her that there must be something important to discuss, maybe even with Kazan's swift return.

Her own powers have been a little bit wonky as of late but finally settled down. Something in the air, or whatever. The Anbu Sennin would rush over to the Torre Empirea, where she would meet with Kitsune. Finally, she would get into the office and walk briskly in. She was dressed in her usual Anbu garb, fit with a plain white mask to confuse anyone that doesn't know her as Yuna, or Abyss, as just a regular Anbu agent. She would note Kazan was here, which would fit her theory of something must have happened on his travels. She would bow to Kitsune, "Raikage-sama. I am here as you requested." And then to Kazan, "I assume that your spiritual journey has been cut short for some type of concerns?" She inquired.
Kazans eyes widened, as the receptionist told him the Raikage was waiting for him on the sixty ninth floor and encouraged him to take the elevator. Glancing in the direct, he sighed; it was time to face a fear. Gritting his teeth, he approached the elevator lobby, pressed a button, walked into one, and within seconds found himself exiting onto the sixty ninth floor. The look of frustration was clearly written across his face, though that didn't detour him from what he had to report. Walking out into a new lobby, he approached what looked like a secretary behind her desk. Without a single word, she spoke to him and gestured for him to go ahead and enter.

"I guess this is what it's like when you're expected." He told himself, reminiscing about the time he called Lady Kitsune to the Arena. Hopefully by now, any sort of animosity towards that was gone. Stepping forward, into the office space, there was she. With a brief greeting, and a statement about Abyss showing up, Kazan simply sat down and got ready to wait before acknowledging the Raikage's words. "Understood." He stated.

As his eyes shifted about the office, he wondered how long it would take for Abyss to show up. When he left, they had so much on their plate he couldn't even imagine how over worked they might be. Before long though, Abyss had already made their apperance and greeted the Raikage, before turning to Kazan and acknowledging him and making an assumption about his "concerns". Nodding, he replied. "I wouldn't call it a concern." He spoke, before looking at the Raikage. "I'd rather cut to the chase than to dance around the issue, if the two of you don't mind." He Stated, before leaning forward.

"The Hidden Sand is at War with itself."

He'd tell the two of them, with a brief pause. Call it dramatic effect, if you'd like. "When I arrived to their gates, I noticed it was unmanned. I was going to wait around, but within seconds of my arrival I heard massive round of explosions from within, followed by countless cries for help and distress from the civilian populous." He stated, trying to paint the two of them a picture of how he came into the knowledge in the first place. Not only was he doing that, he was trying to explain himself; he wouldn't want to two of them to get the wrong impression on his choice of actions. "So, I entered their village and the first thing I witness is two massive warships, and a giant sand creation, duking it out in midair. Their village and it's civilians were suffering mass casualties and destruction as a result." He said, as his eyes shifted to Abyss.

Her apperance was a little different than he remembered, but she was here none the less. "From there, I went further into their village and started assisting as many civilians as I could. There were collapsed businesses and homes, and people were panicking in the street. It wasn't long before I noticed a lack of their shinobi force assisting it's populous. My best guess is the vast majority of them were busy with the situation overhead. But, when I finally came across one of them.... something despicable happened." He stated, ending his sentence on a cliff hanger. A fit of frustration seemed to echo in his voice at the thought of what he witnessed, but was forced to allow to happen. If Kazan would've acted, the situation probably wouldn't have gotten any better.

"I witnessed one of their own, walking their streets and spreading more chaos. He was indiscriminately attacking innocents with some odd powers. I asked him to stop, he wouldn't. I asked him again, and my plea's were ignored. Rather than putting a stop to it, I chose to walk away because I didn't want to further damage any relations we might have with the Hidden Sand. I assumed he was this guy Abyss warned me about named Akkuma, but he told me he was a subordinate of the guy." Kazan told the two of them, before raising a hand up and tapping his temple.

"I used a technique known as Snapshot to record my interaction with that guy, but also to back up any of my claims. Just touch my hand and should be able witness my memory as if you were there yourselves." He stated, as Chakra poured from his temple into his finger, before engulfing his entire hand. Extending it out, he waited for the two of them to react. They had the option to either take his words for truth, or to witness his own memories for themselves.

[Wc: 786] [Marked For Training/Dojo]
[Sharing a Snapshot of this Thread => ]
Yuna listened to what he had to say in full, taking in all that was said. Sand, war with itself... And someone attacking the innocents... Most large scale battles are focused with the warriors and ninja of both sides attacking one another and very seldom target civilians, though it does happen. But to be on this type of scale made her stomach churn.

The Anbu Sennin would place her hand on Kazan's hand as he focused chakra to show her the snapshot that he had taken when he was in Sand. And... To say the least was that she was surprised. If she wasn't wearing a mask, she would have a mouth open gaping expression. She was silent for a few seconds before she spoke. "I believe a little bit of background information will suffice before I give my thoughts on the matter. As Kitsune already knows, during my time in Sand, Ryuzaki Raizo was the Eleventh Kazekage. Shortly before my time in Sand was up, he had disappeared and the next Kazekage is a man that goes by the name of Chikamatsu Shin."

She paused before continuing on, "The man that introduced himself as Byakko Akujin is actually Chikamatsu Shin." She has interacted with him enough times to know what he looks like. "Though... How he talked and acted doesn't seem like himself. In my short time of knowing him, he would risk his own life and limb for any member of Sand." Yuna thoughtfully tapped on her mask as she thought things through, "If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that he is being controlled by someone or something. Something that Sand shinobi would undoubtedly find out as well." This already complicates things further for them. "So now there's a new, new Kazekage." Thinking things over. Cloud's relations with Sand has been rocky before, ever since Akkuma is now their Sennin, but with the Attack on the gates from Tama, whom said himself that he acted alone, and now this... She looked to Kitsune to see what she makes of all of this, now that Yuna has given her insight on the Snapshot and on the matter in Sand.

Current Ninpocho Time:
