Now, while we're still working on the kinks and the shinks with the update, while also preparing for the alternative shop.
I just wanted to lay down some myths and show some awesome stuff from the current status.
First off, Yen, what happens?
Will we lose everything?
If you have any questions about this move, please feel free to PM them to me, or express them to me over Skype or Discord.
Now, onto the goodies.
As I mentioned before, NC will be getting a new theme with 3.1
This theme is sponsored by Shinrya Kitsune and developed on and tested by myself and rest of the Administration on a test server.
I have a few sneakpeaks of the neat things we'll be having.
And if you'll notice there's still some kinks and shinks that need to be worked on before it's all ready.
So hold your horses, but at the same time. Get excited!
Mobile friendly, good looking, and smooth designs!
A Dark and Light toggle mode!
For those late night posters..
You may theorize on your own what the many other things you see on the screenshot. For now I won't go into too much detail as we're still testing it daily to figure out the full potential and how to best utilize it for you all.
Any reactions, thoughts, questions about the update, feel free to write them up here:
I just wanted to lay down some myths and show some awesome stuff from the current status.
First off, Yen, what happens?
- Yen stays, yen stays the same amounts throughout the process.
According to the creator of the mod they are compatible (same developer on both)
So if that's true, everyone will keep their yen exactly as they are.
I'll try and do a test for it, but if it happens to not be able to transfer over, don't worry.
We'll still have our logs. So regardless, we'll be able to reimburse you with the exact same amount you had before.
Will we lose everything?
- Nothing will be lost.
The worst thing I might end up doing is removing obselete information, this could be old threads.
(and I when I say "old" I mean threads that are literally inaccessible for anyone except Administration at this point) in order to relieve space and make the Database smaller and easier to move over.
But that remains to be seen I highly doubt it'll be necessary.
If you have any questions about this move, please feel free to PM them to me, or express them to me over Skype or Discord.
Now, onto the goodies.
As I mentioned before, NC will be getting a new theme with 3.1
This theme is sponsored by Shinrya Kitsune and developed on and tested by myself and rest of the Administration on a test server.
I have a few sneakpeaks of the neat things we'll be having.
And if you'll notice there's still some kinks and shinks that need to be worked on before it's all ready.
So hold your horses, but at the same time. Get excited!
Mobile friendly, good looking, and smooth designs!
A Dark and Light toggle mode!
For those late night posters..
You may theorize on your own what the many other things you see on the screenshot. For now I won't go into too much detail as we're still testing it daily to figure out the full potential and how to best utilize it for you all.
Any reactions, thoughts, questions about the update, feel free to write them up here: