Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

9's and the Times [Open]

Gotō Daiji

Active Ninja
Nov 1, 2012
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A gust of wind blew over the construction site, flowing through a head of shaggy blonde hair. The hair's owner was sitting on the second floor of an unfinished building, legs dangling over the edge as he stared wordlessly off into the distance. "Tch..." A fist rose to his chin, propping his head up as he leaned forward. It seemed as if he was waiting for something....or maybe someone? Whatever the case, that uncaring frown on his face didn't make him the least bit approachable. Looks said a lot about a person. Just like his baggy black shorts and worn out sneakers said that he probably didn't come from money. Or the black "9" on the back of the white shirt he wore over a black long-sleeved undershirt that said he ran with the Ku-9's. The used portable cassette player laid next to him, and the loud rhythmic music blaring through his headphones that revealed a penchant for chill hip-hop. Or maybe the blue kunai holster strapped to his right leg that said he was a shinobi...

...or at least a deft pickpocket.

The structure he decided to make his perch as he waited was almost entirely unfinished. In fact, the second floor where he was seated was all they had completed so far. The foundation had been laid which meant that the framework was nearly complete. But there were no outside walls to speak of, leaving the building completely open to the elements. It was almost midday now and by the looks of it the boy had been sitting there awhile. He shook his head slowly as he leaned back, shifting his gaze towards the sky. "That fool's always late..." he muttered aloud, sighing afterwards. It appeared as if he was waiting for someone in particular...but what would happen until that person got here was anyone's guess. Knowing him it could take minutes or even hours before he finally showed up. It was funny too. Just the other day he was bragging about how "punctual" he was. "Dumbass." A truer thought had never been thought.

Well for now at least the blonde-haired youth had nowhere to be. Until his acquaintance showed up he was stuck sitting here and waiting. You'd think when it came to matters of the Ku-9's the other founding member would at least be on time for discussions concerning their crew...but apparently not. Now? It was time for his least favorite activity. The Waiting Game.

Re: Nines and the Times [Open]

There was no such thing as a society that was flawless. Everything had their own dark past, or in this cast, the less than stellar. But he was most certain it was simply under the works. Jin nodded as he walked along the streets of Cronopolis. He had been visiting lately and found himself in the project site of what would be the Historic KyoSuKuRe or so it was called. While it would be none of his business to be there on a normal day, he was called over to observe the area for any trapped or wandering spirits. As a child of the shrine, he was gifted with these things, and he was also kagura dancer for purification rituals, thus it was necessary that the construction sites were clear from any evil curses and so on. That was the reason for his intrusion, but he looked far from being eager to perform in his duties. He was wearing his normal white yukata and grey hakama pants, not the ceremonial blue ones, and his expression looked more annoyed than friendly.

His loyal companion, Nakayoshi the large white wolf, would raise his head and peer those solid crimson eyes at him. Jin sighed at sensing it before glancing down to pat Nakayoshi’s head. “I’m alright. I just lack sleep and… I don’t like being sent to this place first thing in the morning, considering I have other things in mind to do,” said Jin with a noble huff. But even if he said such, he continued to walk along the dirt path, seeing the constructions works, the metal frames that tower over in the distance and the chaotic sound of bustling and working people nearby. It didn’t help that his senses were heightened, more than a normal human, so his ears would twitch every now and then, and his three tails would make sure not to get dirty as they walked. His pristine silver hair and fur was something he prided himself with– an honorary stature of being the destined deity of Gingitsune Shrine in the highest peaks of Lightning Country, so while he was away, he would make sure to remain… pure.

[Topic Entere]
It was just as the boy thought. His acquaintance wouldn't be here for some time yet. If that fool didn't show up within a few minutes of a pre-set time, when he would actually arrive was anyone's guess. "Fashionably late" he called it. Still, there wasn't much the blonde-haired youth could do about it now except shake his head and maybe give that idiot a good punch whenever he decided to show.

Hip-hop continued to play through his headphones, drowning out most of the noise generated by the construction workers in the area. The particular lot they had decided upon for their meeting place was vacant today. And that was good, because he doubted a crew of construction workers would let a couple of kids on the premises while they were on the job. Ninja or not. No for now it was only him and all this unused equipment. Girders and rivets were separated into their own individual piles while a few concrete mixers were strewn about the site. Hammers, saws, tables, and nails could be found all over, seemingly discarded as the men they belonged too likely dropped them like a pile of bricks at the end of a long day. Yeah this place would heaven for a craftsman....or a wayward group of mischievous preteens . The boy was just about to go back to daydreaming when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He almost had to do a double-take to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Now he was on the second storey of an unfinished building, yes, but what he saw was unmistakable. A click sounded out as he paused his cassette if no music would make what he was seeing any more believable. There was no doubt about it...

" ears?" The thought raced through the boy's mind as his faint hint of surprise showed on his features. They sure looked like it...or maybe they were cat ears? Either way it sure was strange. Not to mention the monstrous-looking dog he had following him around. They were still a ways away from the lot he was currently in, but from his vantage point he could see the two of them as clear as day. As the white-haired man began to move, the youth also noted several tails seemingly attached to his lower back. An odd sight to be sure. See, he was just a poor kid who had never much been outside of the Cron, so to be honest he didn't know much about how the more fancy people in Kumo lived. Maybe this was normal? "Hm..." the boy mused aloud, narrowing his eyes upon Jin. There was only one explanation for an appearance such as his... "Prolly one of those cosplayers, like Kana." That had to be it. Or maybe he was just one of those Ero people who liked to play dress-up and wear collars? Not that it really concerned him...but at the very least it piqued his curiosity. "Different strokes for different folks I guess." Another click and his music was back, his head slightly bobbing along with the beat. This person wasn't the one who he was waiting for...but who knew? Maybe something interesting would come of it.

As Jin continued to walk along the roughly paved road, he noticed that the structures in the area were either fairly new or that their construction was put to a halt. That made sense as he was requested to survey the area and perform the rites.

Glancing along the markings in front of each lot, Jin would soon find himself staring at one that was specified to him. It was really just made up of frames and so the lot looked empty. But as he stepped onto the soil, he felt it. Indeed, there was a strange feeling in the air. Malice? No. Greed? Maybe. Some spiritual attachment still lingering in the area.

He had heard that this place was new for construction but that in the years prior it had been home to many others. Creatures, perhaps. In any case, Nakayoshi would also feel the presence and snarled. "It's okay. It's not that bad," said Jin before he pulled back the sleeves of his yukata and tied it with a clothe to avoid dirtying it. Moving closer to the center of the site, he would glance about, seemingly observing before he put his hands together in a form of prayer. Then, as if he was listening to a sort of music, he began to move in steps and waving his arms slowly. He was performing a simple kagura dance.


"Yo, yo!~"

A familiar ad-lib broke the stillness of the air, cutting right through the music playing through the youth's headphones. There was only one person he knew who could simultaneously be this loud and obnoxious. The same dumbass he'd been waiting on for quite some time now. "Check it..." Beatboxing came next. Oh the glorious beatboxing. A sigh escaped the boy's lips as he slid the phones off his ear and let them rest around his neck. He couldn't drown out what was about to come next even if he tried...

♪"My rhymes are tight, like yen when the rent's due!"♫ a few seconds later the "bass" picked back up, only slightly off beat. From the sound of the idiot's voice it seemed like he was walking down the path to the construction lot, getting closer and closer with every passing second. ♫"I'm ice cold, like Kumo in the wint-♪" No beatboxing this time. And matter of fact the sound of incoming footsteps stopped too. What the hell was he- "...wint-u?"♪ trying to twist a word to make it rhyme. Of course that's what he was doing. A hand came up to act as a chin rest once again. Not only was he not punctual, this moron couldn't rap either. Why was he friends with him again? "Nah, nah...that's too deep for the average listener." Too deep. It was about as bottomless as the shallow end of the kiddie pool. After that quick "brainstorming" session the footsteps resumed. And before long that talent-less entertainer was standing at the entrance to the lot. Orange fit and all. It didn't take him long to spot the blonde-haired youth, who was watching with his usual unamused expression. A smirk flashed across the rhymer's face as his head bobbed upwards in a nod of acknowledgement. "Yo, E!" ...yo? That's all he had to say? This kid was more dense than usual.

"E"s brow furrowed, his mug contorting slightly until it resembled something like a light scowl. "You're late, fool." He didn't try to hide his annoyance in the slightest. Not liike he was expecting an apology or anything. Not from this clown. The rap star turned his chin up at this accusation. "Fashionably late, son. You know how I do." Yeah he was right about that. This wasn't the first time he was late showing up somewhere. And it sure as hell wouldn't be the last. That smirk didn't fade even a little bit as he brushed his nose a few times with his thumb. "You catch those bars earlier?" A blank stare would've been enough of a response...but a simple, "Yeah." might serve to shut him up sooner. "What'd you think?" Of course he wouldn't shut up. Why would he? That'd be too nice. He might not have a penchant for keeping his mouth shut but he was probably going to regret asking his friend's honest opinion. They'd known eachother ever since they were little...if he hadn't learned better by now then he deserved whatever was coming. "It was wack." ...silence.


" a hater." The sound of lips smacking followed soon after. He never understood why this fool got so bent out of shape about his rhymes. He wasn't about to lie to his partner. They needed work. Kumo's rap prodigy crossed his arms, a frown still ever present on his face as his eyes rolled to the side. That's when he saw it...a fox-tailed man doing some sort of interpretive dance while his ferocious beast of a pet stood guard. "See?" The scowl burned into his face lightened a bit upon seeing this rather surprising sight. A thumb shot up to gesture towards the man and his animal. "He's feelin' it." The boy seated on the second story of the half-finished building glanced over at the man as well. Ever since Cloud's newest hit single hit the airwaves (in the immediate area...) his attention had been averted so he missed the start of the man's ritual. But now that it had been pointed out to him he arched an eyebrow. What was only slight passing curiosity before had gone up a notch. Whatever was going couldn't be any more obnoxious than Mr. Lyricist over here.


Current Ninpocho Time:
