Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Battlefield, A Graveyard, An Old Story, A New Story [Not an RP - Event Plot]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Background music for the scene, enjoy!

Godsfall was a remarkable location with unremarkable traffic and appeal. Honestly, it would not be too much of a surprise if individuals traped through this area never knowing the significance of where they were stepping. From the casual glance, this was just an extended desert. There was, for the most part, no real difference between this and the rest of the expansive desert that covered this country. But there was more to this desert. To this graveyard.

Godsfall was the location of a moment that would shape Wind Country and its inhabitants for nearly three centuries. This was the location that the mightiest human of this country, Primus, would not only stand before two of the mightiest of the Ancients, Homura and Fuujin, but where he would slay them. Their death would be a bell rung for the salvation and rise of humanity, for the decimation and fall of the Ancients, and for a new world. Chaos would be ushered instead of peace as the world within this country's borders attempted to make sense of all of this madness, as humanity's ascension was not one of cohesion but of turmoil. Chaos would pave the way to progress as order and rule would finally start to take root within this country, through the formation of Sunagakure no Sato and the establishment of a government for the humans. None of this could have been achieved, however, without this location. Without the Battle of Godsfall, there would not be a Wind Country as we know it now. There would not be a Suna Village. But this battle, this battlefield, had become nothing more than a forgotten memory.

But someone still remembered... and this battlefield held more than just history, it held secrets.

An explosion of chakra colliding would ring forth throughout the desolate area known as Godsfall. Pillars of sand would begin to rise and disperse. The feeling of chakra would saturate the air as the sensation of battle would creep across the surface. From this silent and still night, sporadic bursts of wind would pick up suddenly, again the sand would rise and fall, and the sounds of metal hitting metal would ring out. A fight was happening in the darkness of night between two individuals. One proficient in controlling the elements that were most prominent in Wind Country, harnessing the power of the wind and calling forth the sands below, while the other seemed to be efficient with their use of their tools.

The sounds would continue on for some time, a battle that would almost last throughout all of the night before finally, silence would return to this historical site. As the audio cues of battle would end and things would return to their peaceful silent nature, there would still be a lingering disturbance. The smell and taste of blood would now infest the air, as the presence of chakra would fade. The sounds of defeat, the choked coughing of someone struggling to breathe through stress, pain, and blood, would not be heard. Along with another sound. The sound of someone walking and the sound of metal hitting flesh.

"My goodness, you were a hassle. You know that?"

The figure dressed in formal attire, face covered in a solid white mask, would say as he slowly approached a body upon the ground. The figure upon the ground was dressed in almost a ritualistic attire as if some representative of a religious temple. His face covered in dirt and blood, his body now ragged and his religious attired stained red, he could only focus one eye upon the figure before him.

"You and I aren't all that different. You and your brotherhood watch over this holy land... I too am a holy man. I actually returned to this Country to spread the word of a coming savior."

"You.... are... mad..."

"Oh, get off the moral high horse. Blood being spilled seems to be a universal truth, no? This land that you and your brethren watch over is only important to you because of the blood that was spilled here, correct? So why can you worship this place, a battlefield, and that is fine, but I come here and actually put this land to use as it had been used before... and I am the crazy one?"

The masked figure would shake his head as the metallic tool within his grasp would begin to tap his exposed palm. Blood coated the grisly tool within his hands, and each tap would send a smattering of red mist into the air. The man upon the ground would continue to writhe in pain as if attempting to do something, anything. While his mind might have felt resigned to what was going to happen, a portion within him could not just accept that fate.

"Struggling. I get it, I do. We were chased out of this land. We struggled to find our place in a land not our own. We struggled with this fact as well. While you, people who wasted this land just sitting here watching over it, were allowed to roam free. Penance. Everyone eventually has to pay a penance for their deeds. For their sins."

"We... did... nothing...wr--"


The figure would snap as his eyes would begin to seemingly bulge from behind his mask. His breathing would grow loud as a tangible presence of chakra would be felt emanating from his large frame. His flare up, however, would quickly subside as he would collect himself and begin to adjust his tie, jacket, and pants. For the work he did, there was almost a sanitized nature to him. An appearance of pristine and composed. It was unnatural, especially in contrast to his actions.

"Apologies... You were going to say you had done nothing wrong, and well, it caused my anger to overtake me. I did not mean to yell. What I will say is this... inaction is still a sin. Sloth, while not as interesting as the others, is still one where you find yourself needing to pay a penance. You sat by, your ancestors sat by, and instead of righting the wrongs of the past, chose to sit here and observe a moment from the past. You, people like you, are just as responsible as our exile, our master's exile, as much as those that push us out in a more literal sense. But fear not you, and maybe your brothers if I have time, will actually get to witness something truly amazing. This land you've watched for so long, this land that changed this Country, all those centuries ago, will once more bring about an event that will forever change this Country."

The masked man would stand over the fallen man. The masked figure would slowly begin to lower to the ground, as one of his knees would extend outwards to not only kneel but to implant itself firmly into the gut of the fallen man. The metal tool within his hand would raise up high above his head.

"Rejoice... your sacred land will once more become alive with the pulse of a new history being written... now I must go wake up an old friend. Oh... and I guess I had lied. You won't be witnessing this new history in the making."

The sound of a dull thud would echo throughout the night sky. Everything would truly return to silence once more.


The next chapter of Suna's story, of all of Wind Country's story, is coming soon.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
