Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry A Bloody Delivery (Request Enter) (Request ANBU Sennin)

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

We had finally made it back to Cloud without a hitch. It seemed that all of the crazy stuff that had went down in Wind Country hadn't followed them here, nor has anything really crazy been going on so far. There was only one real setback. And that is me. It is mainly because when we left, I was a blue haired man with a metal arm. But now I am a female Kitsune. It will take some explaining to take place, but as long as I can prove who I am, I should be good. Also, as far as I can think, ANBU and associated parties helping ANBU with a mission where masks and hide any identifiers of who they are, hence it brings up the question of passports, another thing that will be put into question if the ANBU Sennnin were to ask for passports.

I patted my cloak, making sure the sealing scroll that had Maru's tails was still secure and safe, which it was, then looked over at Umashi, nodding to him. I figured it might not be wise to use my voice under this guise yet, until I remove the mask and whatnot, so I had settled with pen and paper, something that Umashi has done time and again. I wrote something down and gave it to one of the Gate Guards.

We request the ANBU Sennin for validity of who we are as she was the last to see us before we disembarked. You can tell her we have what she wanted.

I watched as the gate guard took and read the letter and left to either go find, or get into contact with the ANBU Sennin.

(Request entrance)
(Request ANBU Sennin)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Standing near enough to Ziren, Umashi expected the usual sort of gate keeping antics. Somebody showing up trying to make their mark on the world, somebody giving them a hard time, heck, a would be nuke-nin trying to use the situation as a great cover for running. As it stood, the day was all but over and with the Sun setting and the Moon taking its rightful place in the sky, the setting was just right for a calculated misunderstanding. All that realized, Umashi wore a simple yet clearly identifiable ANBU cloak and mask ensemble. As they were taught, his features were hidden and with that being the case, the only really recognizable thing about him would be his papers and his voice. Unfortunately though, that rarely if ever kept people from mentally snooping in on his thoughts.

With the bounty secured, as far as Umashi saw it, there was nothing owed to Miro concerning that particular debt. In fact, considering what had originally been the request, one could say that Umashi had more than secured enough collateral to call the shots on his fate going forward. Already working on the bargain that he had with Maru, Umashi used his most trusted allies to secure the details on all known and if possible, unknown relatives of Maru within the country. With eyes and ears on them, he could move pieces into place to do his part to insure that they lived long and undisturbed lives, barring any consequences that they brought on to themselves that was. All in all, while they waited, Umashi pondered if he really wanted to enter the village at this time. With a preference for moving as he wanted, they last thing that he cared to do was to be stuck behind some wall if worse came to worse and he needed to make a speedy exit. Drifting thoughts passing by, he continued to wait for the ANBU Sennin to make an appearance.

OOC: Topic Entered. Requesting Entrance.


Nov 3, 2017
Shinobi died two ways: The first through combat, the second—

'Hate gate duty...'

The latter was the less merciful of the two. Slowly eating away your psyche like poison. Devouring every sense until its victim succame to mental slumber, hopeless of resurrection.
Eight hours of duty, yet the only interesting tell was the departure of an Academy Student; backpack and all, jollily waltzing out the gates. Now, Siu opted for the more child-friendly approach. "Excuse me," She'd begin politely. Her partner? His veteranship in gate duty revealed far less patience, not hesitating to sharply rebuke: "What the hell ya doing?!"

Ah, those innocent eyes. "I'm going on—an adventure!" The student would answer.
"Passport?" Never knew he needed one of those...

Needless to say, the Academy instructor called to retrieve him not long thereafter hadn't looked amused. The conclusion after they'd left each sentries' sight, Siu imagined, couldn't have been anything pretty.
In other news, the kunoichi also observed a snake slithering through. The conclusion to this story? She'd allowed it full access without documentation—that it might poison the individual having assigned her this duty.

Now, onward to our main story.

Evening settled, the only thought capable of being mustered regarding dinner. Susukino was usually the best bet when in doubt; Especially when unsure just how many options continued service this late. Ah, one hour. Just one more, and she'd finally be relieved from her suffering .... Or so, she'd believed.
Initially obscure figures in the distance, gradually they'd make their approach. This morning? Certainly not. This afternoon? Of course no. What about two hours before her relief? What wonderful humor.
No, surely they'd choose arrival upon the most opportune of moments—Near her shift's end. Covered and masked up like Mafia-Nin auditioning for a crime film, it wouldn't have been unorthodox to initially assume the two as absolute trouble: Some Missing finally arriving to put an end to the fifteen percent remaining behind these stones—as if there'd been much left to dispose of. Upon clearer sight and document presentation of one of the two, however, it'd make a little more sense.

'Ah ... just ANBU' —How they loved their ominous garbs.

The two sentries would trade looks with one another upon receiving the request from the less-obvious persona, as if to say, "Which one will run through the village to find her?" A battle of decision would unfold afore the arrivals; an unironic game of rock-paper-scissors to determine fates—Siu chose paper.


Every experienced gladiator of the game understood one never selected rock first attempt—it was far too obvious.

Thus, the waiting game would follow; The vet departing to deliver the request. Winds swept through the valleys, lacking in gentleness to be defined breezes. Torches crackled near the gates they illuminated. Casual glances were made, the pack of smokes withdrawing to warm the kunoichi in the evening chill. An extension began, afore pausing midway; realizing the pair likely couldn't smoke through masks. Unfortunate.
A hum departed from the woman, the pack retreating back from whence it came. A hand covered the flame, the lighter requiring a few flicks to finally ignite; Probably needed a replace soon. Through the plume of smoke, Siu considered how uncouth it might be to simply remain silent afront comrades. Moreover, a little conversation worked wonders in remedying dull moments. Truth be told, the Chuunin was a little curious of the pair as well. Indeed, they'd been the most mysterious arrival of the day.

"You know, always wondered," She'd muse in an icebreak attempt. "Aren't those masks the worst in hot weather? Like, when you rush down garlicked ramen right before an assignment. Isn't your nose just hopelessly trapped in it the entire mission?"

Another drag was inhaled upon the thought.

"Surely must be awful."

[Entering with pre-inquired permission. No intention to interfere with entrance/request. Simply arrived for the RP]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The Sileo, the empty halls felt as if time had froze and the world was still. The occasional click of heels and shoes echoed throughout the vast ever changing halls, which in itself was an odd commodity. Each ANBU operative instinctively moved without a sound, only making noise if they wanted to be heard. Like a ghost Mirō moved through the halls, lost in her thoughts while bouncing strategy and ideals off her summon. Right as a scarred hand touched the handle to the door to her office a voice sliced through the silence. “My Lord! Please wait!” a masked operative called out to her. Her eyes cocked slightly over her shoulder to observe the operative, noticing in hand a small letter. The op extended his hand out, grabbing the paper Mirō ’s eyes widened. “Finally, some good news. You’re dismissed.” Through pants the operative bowed respectively and vanished from sight. The chicken scratch handwriting nearly needed the code breakers to decipher but the words within held importance.

Folding the letter it was tucked neatly into the pocket of the black jacket that adorned Mirō ’s shoulders. Whatever else she was about to do within the office had to be abandoned, moving swiftly down the hall she entered the sector elevator. Arms folded underneath her chest, and with her hip she bumped the button to take her to the main level of the Sileo, making her way to the village gates.

A chill ran down her spine. Trying her best to mask the sensation that always showed itself whenever she approached them, ever since the missing incident. The gates had been rebuilt but the memories never wavered. The gold bracer on her arm trembled lightly, reacting to her emotions. “Gah, this is why I assign ops to do this job.” Grumbling through the hair tie between her lips Miro tied her long black hair up into a messy ponytail. While adjusting her bangs her eyes squinted at the faces in the distance. A main branch nin finally doing their job, a surprise really, and two masked ANBU. The tall one seemed easier to guess who was behind the mask while the other… Mirō couldn’t pinpoint who it was, there was something… different.

A hand fanned the smoke from the cigarette the other nin smoked. Red hues inspected her up and down, refraining from speaking a word to any personnel outside of the ANBU. ‘Wait a minute.’ The pieces of the puzzle align, the young woman who had a run in with an ignorant worker at the Torre Celeste. Her prejudices changed rapidly, if she were the victim of petty insults that character would’ve been sucked into a dimension without air. Mirō stood before the two masked ANBU, her voice calling out. “Present your sigils.” She demanded. Her scarred hand awaited their sigils to scan and identify who they were. There was already a hunch on her shoulders on who the ninja were, but protocol is protocol. As much as Mirō wanted to skip the formalities and gather a potential reward, her loyalty to the rules surpassed that hunch.

[Topic Entered]
[Edited a minor part for Siu]
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I always have a tendency to overthink somethings, but one thing had a way of staying around. I have been good at gut instincts, and back then, when I was a Chigokai, I was better at the whole tracking people and getting a feel for them. As one of the gate guards started to make conversation with me and Umashi, I though about their inquiry. When I was young, I would often eat before going on my little missions to do what was needed. Oh how that brings back memories.

I was about to write my thoughts down, but I noticed that the girl was smoking, in which I wanted to poke a little bit of fun at her with saying that smoking is both a bad habit and is bad for her. But as I was writing that down, I saw movement and it turned out to be a woman. Something about her was familiar. She was young, had a scar on her face, and those eyes... It reminds me of... I dug around my thoughts to see if I can come up with something. Maru had called the ANBU Sennin Scarface. Umashi, at one point, I think mentioned a teenage Uchiha.

Then she had told them to present their sigils. Ah... That'd be a problem, I neither got one, and if I did, it mostly would be change to normal skin when, well when I changed. But the other thing is that I think that she doesn't know that I am not of her Branch. I shook my head and wrote down on the piece of paper.

Not your Branch. I don't have Sigil.

Hopefully, she gets the idea, but then it will come into question of who I am. And it'd be hard to convince someone that I was once a five foot ten dude with blood powers now that I'm a five foot four chick. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I then wrote down,

I could answer a question of events of when I first left and all that transpired before we had left the Village, to prove who I am.

I was grasping at straws here, but it's not like I have any other options, my proving who I am by my own knowledge is key right now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Of all the things that could have annoyed Umashi, smoking had to be one of the top most things that really irked his nerve. Oh sure he had no idea if this young person was actually an adult or not but certainly by the youth in their voice, they could stand to pick up a different vice. Though the laws in Kumo were quite different than the ones in Konoha, Umashi assumed that at least they just as easily upheld the sanctity of shinobi life. "In the Summer of '67 the Federal Trade Commission, FTC for short, issued its first report to the Fire Country at large recommending that the warning label on cigarettes be changed to 'Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Health and May Cause Death from Cancer and Other Diseases.' In '69 they ended up passing the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act which prohibited cigarette advertising in nearly all public instances and required that each cigarette package contain the label 'Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.'"

Pausing to shrug, Umashi only refrained from smacking the cigarette from the young lips because due to the looks of things. She was young and fair skinned and he was old and very much not. The Kumo media would eat that sort of story up and he'd lose his job, his pension and probably his freedom all for attempting to stop the delinquency of a seeming minor. For a fact, Umashi wasn't trying to risk it all for the sake of saving someone else's kid from making a poor life choice. All things being said, his mask protected him from most of cancerous stuff. "In any regard ma'am, I don't want any smoke, do you . . . as the young folks would say. Something, something, something, black lungs mattered if Umashi recalled correctly. These days, people didn't all that much care what he had to say and with the political climate as it was, insulting the wrong royal could end one's sad mortal existence quickly. The Uchiha had eyes everywhere, sometimes literally, and if this lass was one of Kitsune's lackeys then Umashi had best be on his best behavior.

Side story secret character plots aside, Miro showed up rather quickly all things considered. As familiar as a face as hers was, Umashi was still utterly paranoid when it came to any Uchiha, no matter how tall or small in stature or affiliation. It certainly didn't help when said Uchiha surprised people with new rules and request.
"Sigils?" Umashi deadpanned behind his mask. He hadn't been asked for a sigil in as many years as she was old, perhaps twice that in fact. Konoha, Iwa . . . he had many callsigns and sigils for them, Kumo, not so much. There was also the matter of the scars of his force slavery on the high seas. That branding persisted after far too many lifetimes. Looking over to Ziren, the confusion was just as present with the newly reformed and with no other choice than to shrug, Umashi took off his mask and showed his face. "Hopefully me simply being plain old, Trainee #126, suffices. I'm pretty sure that you won't recognize any of my sigils if you tried. That said, if that's the new requirement going forward for ANBU then I guess that that's another item to discuss." Smirking, he smiled as he nodded his head towards his superior.


Nov 3, 2017
A brow arched, joined by the other, raising ever higher the longer winded the history lesson grew. Lips slightly parted, enough to almost drop the cigarette from her mouth alone; unsure whether to feel taken aback by the lecture, or impressed by the man's ability to accurately recite such events and dates. The masked stranger would not unexpectedly find his rant returned with blinks and a blank expression.
In any case—probably best for her sake—the smoker wouldn't require much brainpower investment into the matter to formulate some response; if there'd truly been any suitable one to return: Given the ANBU Sennin showed up far earlier than anticipated. The Chuunin subconsciously checked her watch—wasn't it still the month of June? An entire month earlier than expected.
But this invited a serious plot hole as to where the veteran having fetched the leader had now been, given he never actually returned. Maybe ANBU silently disposed of him somewhere for having come across such information—truly, such presumptions weren't that outrageous, given the nature of the branch. If that were the case, Siu was just thankful she hadn't been the game's loser. Yes, this is how we'll cover up our poor fellow—his name was Kenji, by the way.

It didn't require long to reinforce preconceptions that ANBU were just the odd kids of the classroom—those overachievers sitting in the very front of Academy class, inquiring all the details none of the other students cared for, as they were actually trying to leave on time instead of extending class with longer-winded addressals. Yes, these were the type requesting additional homework assignments, bringing naught but misery and suffering upon their peers solely to satiate their own selfish desire to excel above the rest.
The other half, those less book-smart, were the edgy kids sitting in the back corner of class—you knew them. It was no coincidence they typically donned dark apparel and spikey hair: Everyone knew dark apparel and spikey hair were the prerequisites for joining ANBU. Midtones general remained in Main Branch, and lighter apparel to the Medical Branch. This was the order of Kumogakure.
Doctors got away with lighter attire because they rarely found themselves dispatched out to combat enough to accumulate bloodstains. If you've ever attempted to wash bloodstains from attire—you'd know what hell it was. Typically easier to just purchase a new pair altogether.
Siu met the Sennin's studious eyes with her own.

'Ah, yea ... Those.'

The kunoichi became well-acquainted with those eyes through another Uchiha. Natural curiosity desired to inquire whether the Sennin possibly hailed from Konoha too, but that seemed out of place for the moment: Respect and all that.
Moreover, to the woman's surprise, the Sennin appeared .... Well, a lot younger than imagined. Either she'd been some kind of prodigy reminding this bloodlineless Chuunin just how behind she'd always fall in this shinobi world, or—

Another drag was inhaled.

'Kumo must be really starvin'.'

"Present your sigils.”

The woman's brow reraised upon the inquiry towards the two strangers— Present your who-what now? Must've been another ANBU thing.


Or, guess not ...

Well, at least they sounded cool. Siu wanted one too now. Agent Badass—No, Agent Raven. Heck yea, that had a nice ring to it— cause the raven locks and all that, you know? Plus, ravens were something totally original and non-canon.
And If she'd had a mask, it'd resemble a fox in style. Red and white porcelain, with kanji indicating her totally original codename in the coolest calligraphy achievable... Were those things purchasable somewhere, or did ANBU have a secret store only available for members too? Yea, you know what—maybe she should apply for ANBU; but only if that codename was still available.
The sentry found herself in for a surprise once the mask removed. First, given she'd presumed ANBU operatives probably weren't supposed to do such a thing—identity and all that. And second, this being most predominant—

"Oh wow..." Words couldn't help but slip from the woman's lips, eyes sparkling amidst smoke plume.

"You're ... Old." And not just old—but that special kind of old. Like, old-old. And here she'd thought Mr. Okada had seen years...

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
‘Why is everyone questioning the sigil verification?’ Fading to black Mirō tried to recall where the whole idea of sigils came from. Within her mind her fingers traced through the books that lined the tall shelves within the ANBU Sennin’s office. Her finger stopped on Da Rule book. The ANBU Codex. In chapter 1, section X, The solution is the ANBU tattoo. This unique tattoo is only given to ANBU of Kumogakure and cannot be reproduced in any way due to its nature. The tattoo is invisible naturally, but the entering/exiting ANBU can make it appear for verification at will, or another ANBU can cause it to appear with their touch. The tattoo will have an image or symbol which changes monthly and the ANBU's codename.”

Her mind warped back into reality. ‘Damn right, I knew I wasn’t steeped in madness yet.’ Red hues glanced back at the duo. The masked one began to write something down on a sheet of paper. ‘Not your branch.’ ‘This is Ziren, it had to be.’ Mirō nodded to herself, “Then give me your passport. You have that don’t you?” Mirō stated. “Did you get shorter? The hell happened to you?” Awaiting his retrieval of his passport her glance cut over to the taller nin.

Mirō rubbed her temples in frustration. The old ANBU Sennin never even followed through with the Codex he helped write. How come she had an invisible on-demand sigil on the back of her hand and nobody else did. ‘If I ever see that retiree I’ll knock some sense into him, legend or not.’ Mirō thought to herself, her hands fell to herself then arms folded at her chest again, kicking out her hip. “Then we’re in a bit of a predica-” her jaw hit the floor right as the cloaked individuals disregarded the continuation of that sector rule within the codex. 'You're a stickler for the rules.' Mirō ignored her. The old man revealed his face in front of the gates and before some random main branch chuunin. And he wasn’t just old, this was advanced old. The type of old you smell when you walk into one of their homes and the stench smacks you in the face. It wasn’t odorous, but keen senses took notice.

“Umas-” Mirō cleared her throat, “Traine #126, what’s the meaning of this? No sigil and then you brazenly take your mask off? ” A sigh escaped her lips, “Has old age plagued your mind...?” There was always the off chance that both of them could be enemy ninja undergoing a formidable transformation jutsu, but the stunt alone was brave. Mirō tilted her head at the chuunin. Great, now everyone knows who’s behind that mask. Did this kunoichi know Umashi too? And why is she still standing here? No job? It's early morning. Her attention fell back onto Umashi, “If you’re really Trainee #126, where’s my parting gift to you?” Awaiting his response an index finger aggressively pointed at Ziren.

“You too. Take your mask off as well. I’ll give you both a free entry pass since you don’t adorn a sigil. Give me your passport, mask and tell me what you were wearing before you left the village.” Mirō demanded, peeking around his body… ‘Is that… a lump?’ Her head shook side to side, fanning away such a weird cloud like thought. Once both were officially in the gates only then would she get the detailed report from the mission. As much as she wanted to know, spilling the beans at the gates was a genin move.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Being an ex-ANBU, I wanted to smack Umashi upside the head for showing his face, respect for him as a previous Hokage or not,I tend to just do and say things that really irk me. My attention was grabbed by Mirō as she had asked me for my passport, followed by have I gotten shorter along with what had happened to me.

But even before I could talk, she went to look at the now unmasked Umashi and started grilling him for taking off his mask. She had finally asked them both questions, Umashi, what was her parting gift to him, and me, my passport, mask, and what I was wearing before I had left the gates.

Well, this'll be a real surprise. I took off the mask to show the now feminine face that I now have, black hair, and yellow eyes with fox ears poking out of my head. Bringing out a pair of glasses, I put them on. Do I really need glasses? The correct answer is yes, but I can usually see fine without them, it is recommended to wear them, but seeing as how I am always jumping around, spinning, whatever during any fight, I'd rather not lose a pair. I handed Mirō my passport, showing a blue haired man in his mid thirties with blood filled eyes. I gave her an apologetic smile.

"My name is Chigokai Ziren, though I guess I am now only Chigokai by name. Long story short, I have unstable genetic coding, along with being introduced a certain item that slightly changes ones genes for different blood line or core ability. The result, well... I'm this now. If you want all the nitty gritty details pertaining up to how I have surmised that is the case, you can be my guess in further discussion at a near later time. As for what I was wearing, I was wearing a white kimono. That is, until the ANBU lady had asked for me to wear a mask if I was going to roll with Ol' Geezer here. Afterwards, I had sent three clones to scatter about to confuse anyone from trying to follow me, and I came back with a purple uniform with a white spiral mask, all of which I had made with my own hands. Sleeved gloves to hide the fact at the time that I had a metal left arm and on the right to not make it look suspicious for wearing sleeved glove over one arm."

As I brought forth my mask as the woman had asked for it, only to wince in pain. It was the cut I had earlier from fighting that one beast. My mind wondered if Umashi had found out of my leaving to fight a shinigami. I pushed the thought out of my mind as the pain in my right shoulder had subsided, whatever it was, I can show proper medical attention soon. "There'll be plenty to discuss, but here and now's not the time."

(Took mask off, shown Mirō passport, handed items over to her)
(Allowing Umashi to have a hunch of Ziren hiding something due to stealthing around him in my mission, he can either think something is up or not.)
(Where Ziren stealthed around Umashi during his mission)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Miro was growing a backbone and Umashi liked that. Mostly because what with her run in with Maru, it provided him a small comfort to know that things were left in decent enough hands. To that end however, her lack of respect for her elders was shocking, yet still somewhat amusing. Reaching into his garments he produced the mask that she had provided to him before they left. Somehow through it all, it had mostly retain its shape and in fact proved to look practically brand new despite the flecks of sand still on it. Presenting it to her, he held it out for her to take though while doing so he gave her just the smallest of warnings. "While the plague of old age is wisdom, the comfort of youth is recklessness." Flashing a winning smile, Umashi nodded to his junior before handing the mask fully over if taken. "Remember, the goal of any good chef is not to get burned in the kitchen." A brief but tactful guiding word or two would hopefully go further than him smacking her with a chakra infused hand though the thought did cross his mind.


A hard head often made for a soft behind but decking a superior officer no matter how much they begged for it, was rarely a good move unless one was willing to dive into the consequences without remorse. Moreover, as Miro moved on to Ziren, she tore into the uniquely sanguine shinobi like she was instructing Academy Students. Unfortunately though, Ziren matched her sass by also attempting to throw Umashi under the bus for his age. "You two are talking rather comfortably for being well within thunder clapping range. Didn't your parents teach you any better?" No sooner had Umashi spoken up than he realized that neither of the two probably had the ability to speak to their parents on account of the going shinobi standard being that most people had a kid and died brutally in front of said child before the kid hit puberty.

For a fact, people just simply didn't usually get to the age that he was and yet even when they typically did, most hardly looked as good as he did while doing it. As old as he was, he was far from decrepit and the besmirching remarks of the two whipper snappers in front of him were going to stop sooner rather than later unless they both wanted a head bonking. Waiting rather unceremoniously for Ziren to get on with things, when the wincing and the tell tale signs of being in pain showed themselves, Umashi knew that something was wrong and out of sorts but pressing Ziren for the information in the moment wouldn't be the best optically. There were few moments when they were apart but obviously in that timeframe, something had happened.
"Allow me to call an audible on the meeting location on account of a matter of national security." If the same people hunting Umashi were now hunting Ziren then waltzing into the village proper was far from a wise idea and would probably end up endangering more than just the ANBU Sennin but also the other Sennin and the Raikage.


Nov 3, 2017
'Trainee 126?'

Well, that didn’t sound very cool. Not cool at all. Numbers? ... Not even names? Second-guessing that ANBU application might've been in order.
Spectating the Sennin unsparingly grill the pair wasn’t making for a huge selling point either—If ANBU got third degreed like that before even entering the village, how much more severely once entering the secrecy of headquarters?
Another drag was inhaled upon the thought, eyes drifting skyward; noting the transitions as time pressured the day forward.

'Yea, no thanks,' The Chuunin concluded; remembering she'd had enough with that after Academy.

Still, watching a teenager tell off two full-grown adults was pretty amusing. A smile couldn’t help but curl upon the woman's features whilst observing the whole scene. It didn't take a genius to recognize Mr. Old had, in fact, not been very pleased either. Imagining herself in his position, Siu honestly couldn't claim not to sympathize.
The second mask removal was even more intriguing than the first. Though, there'd been no knowledge of the individual to compare heights, appearances, or anything like that beforehand—so Siu hadn't any idea what everyone was going on about. Even when some explanation arrived—something about items, genes, bloodlines, core abilities, kimonos, clones, sleeved gloves—why weren't her gate duties ever so eventful?! None of these cool things decided to happen during her watches... Sadness and Sorrow.
Despite the intrigue, at the end of the day, the kunoichi realized she simply lacked context to piece any of this information together: Like when provided a wealth of materials, yet without any blueprint explaining what exactly you were to build.
Anyways, it wasn't her problem. Siu confirmed that with arms extending above her head as she stretched bored limbs, a yawn releasing. Interesting info—but not her problem. The mental shrug concurred. All she could surmise from this naked observation was:

“Well—certainly cuter than the other.”

An accompanied nod and flirty wink towards the younger unmasked affirmed this. Like a spectator from the peanut gallery, as if her ruling actually held any relevant weight. Attention detached nigh that same moment, pulling back a sleeve to recheck her watch. Unless this somehow ended holding her longer than scheduled—which, in Siu’s experience, was not unoften the case—technically:

'Twenty minutes. Give or take.' Probably give.

Like a friend in need, the woman's stomach groaned.

'I know ...'
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Umashi always had a way with words, even during her AiT days he would continue to talk like an old mountain sage with an abundance of wisdom. Sometimes, if he was lucky enough to have those words resonate inside of Mirō, they’d undoubtedly leave a positive mark on her way of thinking. Another one for the books, but she didn’t give him that sense of accomplishment when he flashed her that cocky grin. Refraining from rolling her eyes and annoyed glare was all he would receive from her.

Her eyes met the sight of the uniquely crafted mask she gave to Umashi before he ventured out to Sand. Pristine condition. Mirō halted the transfer of the mask with her hand. “I gave it to you. Keep it.” A token of appreciation from her to Umashi. A rare feat coming from Mirō, especially if you were anyone outside of the Raikage. ‘Well that fully confirms Umashi. Now on to-’ Her annoyed glare turned into visible disgust when the other ninja removed their mask.

As he extended his passport to her, Mirō aggressively snatched it out of his hand. The entire passport was of the main branch ninja, Chigokai Ziren. This clearly wasn’t him. His parted lips spouted nonsense to her, fanning them away as if they were visibly trying to infiltrate her ears. What did he take her for? A fool? Before he could even finish his words those infamous red hues went to work. Her ANBU techniques worked in unison with her instincts. A veil of energy folded their arms over the imposter's shoulders, freezing his muscle and chakra in place. A crisp snap echoed out from Mirō’s fingers from her hand held up high. Instantaneously multiple shinobi with straw hats or anbu masks surrounded them. Sharp spears that twinkled in the sunlight were all aimed directly at the foxkins throat. Ready to send a lethal blow if the fox made any sudden movements.

All foxkin or beasts were a virulent plague that only believed in self satisfaction with disregard to anyone around them. Selfish, greedy, manipulative pests that needed to be exiled from Kumogakure entirely. This hate festered deep within Mirō’s heart. The missing attempt at the gates was caused by two fox kin and that other pile of dog fur Maru turned her damaged heart into a vessel of hate towards their kind. “You expect me to believe your honeyed words? To walk back with Trainee #126 covered head to toe there’s no telling who you are. But I know you’re not Chigokai Ziren.” Her voice was ortund and hostile towards the fraud. The sharp blades and long spears drew closer to each vital organ as the men and women surrounded him.

The safety of the village always came first, but ever since Maru and Mizu Xaiyu turned their backs on the village, security had been heightened around the gate. Even familiar faces were due for a thorough search by the gate guards. Dark chakra began to swirl in the palm of her free hand on her side, coating it in a dense red aura, within it also displayed the reality around it shifting due to the gravitational pull in her palm.

"There'll be plenty to discuss, but here and now's not the time."

“You’re right. You’ll explain everything in detail in the interrogation room, by force.” Another ANBU operative appeared from behind Mirō. He waltzed over behind the fraud, taking a hold of their wrists and placing them within proper bindings behind their back. The dark energy within her palm faded out of existence, her blood lust fading from a raging fire storm to a controlled burn. “Umashi, travelling with this facade, for all we know it could be Maru shape shifting.” Just the mere mention of his name felt like nails on a chalkboard to her.

[Cast ANBU Ninjutsu: Body Bind on "Ziren"]
[Edit: Added music]
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Umashi's comment on my parents made me want to wack him upside the head, "You shouldn't joke about my-" Before I knew it, there were people all around us, with swords drawn and ready to strike. I had heard the other girl comment on how 'cute' I was, though my thoughts were elsewhere. Surprised? Yes. Mad? Very. But I kept a calm and collected head, I let out a sigh as I study each and every threat before me with the look of fierce determination. Studying Mirō's movements rather than her eyes, since that I can guess from all the talks about her that she is the Scarface Uchiha.

"Well I guess not everyone thinks of my new appearance as cute." I say in a joking manner. "In all honesty, I don't give a rat's ass about who you people are, I've had a bad week and coming back here with weapons drawn on me isn't making me feel any better." I felt the body bind jutsu being placed on me, with all the hostilities in the air, I was really getting pissed. It took a minute, but through sheer will and determination, I broke out of her bind. "I understand being cautious but this is downright overkill. I told you who I am, and it's still a damn shock to me that this is my life now, but stand down, we got bigger problems than how I look and your obvious mistrust of me." Call me brave or stupid, I've dealt with my fair share of being treated badly, and to be honest, I was tired of that.

"Don't make me think that you are just some other hot headed ninja with the people to back them up, because I'm tired of that front too. So I'm going to show at least a little bit of respect by KINDLY asking you and your people to put away their weapons, and I'll keep the snide remarks to a minimum." This isn't the first time I have had to have some 'talks' with Uchiha's, it probably won't be my last. I grab the bindings from the ANBU that was trying to cuff me and cuffed myself, using my teeth to make sure that the restraints were tight. I winced again as the pain in my right shoulder flared up for a few seconds. "There, as a sign of good faith, I have cuffed myself. I can walk on my own thank you very much." I stepped to be at the side of the Uchiha, not looking in her eyes, staring straight ahead. "So what makes you think you know Chigokai Ziren, hmm? I'm him, and from what I can recall, this is the first time we had met, unless if you were the one that had let us leave to get Maru's damn tails. A thing you should know about Chigokai Ziren, aka me, is that I have dealt with enough jerks and hot heads, that I tend to match their attitude, and then they don't like that and then things really start to escalate. But whatever false sense of knowing the Medical ninja known as Chigokai Ziren, I can assure you that you know nothing of who I am. I am happy to answer any and all questions and concerns you may have, as long as you cease hostilities of course." I gave all the ANBU who were trying to act all scary and tough an award winning smile. Putting my hands in my pockets, before realizing that I had cuffed them myself, I then said, "If you're pissed off because I'm not who the picture says, I am too. Not my idea to wake up one morning and be the opposite sex with extra ears and having a tail. But it has happened, and I have to deal with it now. So now that you know a small fraction of who I am, I suggest you cut the attitude and at least have some sense of hearing people out."

I kept my eyes searching through the crowds looking for the slightest of movement noticed that would set me off into defensive mode. Even so, I kept the woman at the corner of my eyes in case she wants to do anything crazy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
In her debut exposé, Miro exposed both herself and her branch and was found to proverbially be wearing an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini, if anything at all. Having neither the thickness to fill out the two piece ensemble nor the confidence to simply be comfortable in her own skin she'd flopped instead of made a splash. In fact, she'd gotten a little too trigger happy and a little too ready to double down instead of surrendering. In a word, it was embarrassing and a waste of tax dollars. Unfortunately Miro had played right into the age old stereotype of all Uchiha, she was fragile, emotional and overly willing to use hard power instead of soft power. What was worse in fact was the fact that she'd done all of this in front of so many onlookers and with so many to take historical account of the situation, there was little that Umashi could do to keep her from making an ass of herself or to cover over her emotional nakedness. Simply put, she had just outed herself as typical and much like the rest.

Worse yet, she'd dragged others into the mire of a measuring contest. The ANBU that appeared at her command, he knew them well. In fact, they were the sort of ANBU that he didn't trust much further than he could throw them. They were hammers to be given instruction and were only good for one thing, hitting things. From their gait to their mask, he knew them all. Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Moe, Larry, and Curly, Frick and Frack. Their nicknames were as infamous as their antics. The three groups of ANBU were collectively known to be a part of the same bad batch of ANBU that rose up the ranks between the time of Miro and her predecessor. Barely able to contain his disdain for them from crossing his face, Umashi instead took a deep breath and merely raised an eyebrow in contempt. To use the slang of the young people, they were all simpleton simps who brown nosed their way into the good graces of those in power and who no doubt in Miro's case, were always willing to do whatever it took to get in the good graces of woman with a plan.

Always late to training, rarely willing to go the extra mile and in many cases, barely passing the basic training courses set out for all ANBU, Umashi held little doubt that if he merely looked at them hard enough that they'd die from fright. With his arms crossed, a raised finger and a snort of contempt, he could by his estimation, fling them far off the mountain and that was little to say for Ziren as well. Letting his words rip like pressured water through a napkin, the shinobi went up one side and down the other. Telling Miro about herself in no uncertain terms, Ziren was right by all accounts. One of the worst mistakes that any person in power could make was to overreact to a situation where a simple question could clear up everything.

Instead of trust Umashi to know who he was traveling with, Miro jumped to conclusions fast enough to invoke whiplash. Instead of asking Umashi if Ziren was as claimed, Miro had called in background characters that weren't respected or trusted enough to hang up Umashi's cloak at the end of the hard day. Instead of reading the room, Miro had pushed Ziren over the edge which caused the whole of the village practically, to gain word of a covert mission to hunt a known criminal. She'd barely asked how their trip was before she was pointing out the fact that they hadn't written while they were away. Top tier leadership, exquisite attention to detail, a true champion of the craft, a winner of hearts. Sarcastically the words rolled on in Umashi's mind but there was little misunderstanding of the facts as they had been presented. Miro messed up, no, Miro royally messed up. Like many a decisive decision, she couldn't take back the words that she'd spoken. To attempt to do so would be like attempting to catch the wind in a bottle.

Not fearing repercussions, Umashi took back the mask and slid it into his cloak before he fished even deeper into his protective clothing and pulled out a sealed letter.
"Perhaps we could all take a deep breath and calm down, talk this out . . . you know, not commit a team kill." Saying the last part with an emphasis, Umashi tried to recall to their minds that Ziren was still a Cloud Shinobi with full rights. In a world of chimera and would be human deities, changing one's hair or gender was hardly a feat worth measuring. Had Miro even checked if the look wasn't a façade or grandeur of some sort meant to conceal them from enemies?

Of all the ways that Miro could have handled the situation, she'd chosen the single one that would for the foreseeable future, define her to a generation. The only worse decision that she could have made would have been to outright attack Ziren in more a way than she had. Still, while the pink welcome wasn't quite the red welcoming that it could have been, it was certainly growing more crimson by the moment. One wrong move, a single drop of blood letting or a loud noise in the distance and the powder keg of emotions could surely erupt. Umashi needed to be on his way but he certainly wanted to hold up his end of the bargain with Maru, to watch over his family. Equally so, Umashi had business to get back to back home. It was only taking more time dealing with "Miro and the Miroettes", time that would be better spent getting rest before another long trip.

Having written the letter while on the road back to Kumo, the contents would no doubt ring a different tune with the current events having played out. Attempting to further calm the situation down, Umashi placed a knowing hand on the shoulder of the shinobi attempting to take Ziren away as he handed the letter to Miro with the other hand. Ziren didn't need his help to break out of the binds so the show of force was another weak move by Umashi's estimation. All of this and there was little to say for actually name dropping Umashi's actual Konoha based moniker instead of his Kumo based one.

Rookie mistakes on top of rookie mistakes, were the ANBU this pressed for warm bodies that even the most basic of code decorum wasn't kept. Umashi had had a hand in Miro initially becoming ANBU but this . . . this mess certainly wasn't based on any lesson that he'd taught her. For a moment it almost made Umashi wonder why Miro was hot on Maru when her mouth simply did all the opening for her to insert her own foot into it.
"I really don't think that this is how loyal shinobi should be welcomed back. Do you? After all, we took care of one of the most infamous criminals in the land, no?" A calming word could work wonders or so Umashi hoped. Only time would tell if Miro's tantrum tirade of trivialness would continue or if they could handle the situations like adults.

OOC: Attempting to stop Ziren from being taken and handing Miro a letter of resignation from the ANBU Corps. in hopes of joining the general shinobi force in order to handle business abroad of a nature befitting continued peace in Kumo based on events from the Wind Country mission.
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Nov 3, 2017
Well, this was certainly an .... interesting turn of events. No sooner had Siu looked up from her watch than ANBU from every corner surrounded like gangsters ready to steal your fresh pair of Jordan’s—then beat you senseless with them. The slew of events occurred so rapid and unceremoniously that the cigarette dropped straight from Siu’s mouth and onto the ground whilst her brain travailed to comprehend everything, agasp.
A rush of adrenaline, the natural fight or flight response most normal shinobi might experience following such sudden hostility, did flood for the moment; almond hues saccading about. The true Mafia-Nin auditioners, it seemed, hadn’t been these visitors—but the visited. Confirmed—ANBU were edgy.

Maru,’ The name stewed some moments in her thoughts. “Wasn’t that ...

Ah, yes; the previous Academy Head having made history. His sudden runaway largely reason why the Academy had become such a disorganized mess now—though, to be fair, it’d never quite been the most organized to begin with. Still, this outcome left Siu with a hectic schedule, and bitter aftertaste against children.
It appeared, the cute fox hadn't even been ANBU, yet a Medical Nin.... But why had they shown up masked like that, then? Definitely could’ve fooled her. Where were the scrubs? The scalpel? Well, they had the glasses, so that at least fit.
The Chuunin felt as if she should say something ... As if she should do something. But she’d held neither the knowledge, authority, nor even the branch membership to feel as if any word or action would carry weight.

"Hmm," Brains were racked, assessing the situation best they could.

“Might I interject?” Eventually elected words; a hand raising like a student requesting permission from the teacher to speak during class. Sticking her nose into such an ANBU affair, as a Main Brancher, felt mildly out of place. Siu imagined herself as that background character in manga, holding the least relevance to the main story plot, yet the author still deeming it necessary to continue drawing her each panel. The kind that typically died near the en—actually, that was terrible to think about, moving on.

"Uh, not sure exactly what's goin’ on, but, in agreement with Mr. Trainee One—Two—" .... What was that last number again? Visible effort lay bare upon her features. ADHD suspicions confirmed further by the minute... It was awful.

"—That old guy." She’d resign with.

"Main Brancher’s say probably don’t mean much here, but common observation tells someone willingly puttin’ on shackles can't be 'too' murderous a criminal, no?" Somewhere, she’d felt the mental sweatdrop trail down the back of her head.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Well, this is awkward. Plainly put, but from the dead silence stretching to everyone’s conviction of their beliefs, and the sense of immaturity and adolescent behavior that radiated from Mirō was obvious. Her emotions carried on freely while holding the title of ANBU Sennin, a poor look not only to her but for her entire branch. As their leader she was responsible for every achievement and the flip side, every mistake and failure. This one, a giant stain on her reputation would be left no matter what direction she decided to turn with this conflict. That is, if she saw it that way.

There was no one to blame. Even when she was on the brink of death she heard a voice call out to her to strengthen her ideals and beliefs. However, her negative emotions infused her heart with that traditional Uchiha darkness that strengthens everything with hatred. Hatred fueled many beliefs of the Uchiha, Mirō was no stranger to its alluring finger of power. Falling prey to its tease she allowed it to fester in hatred towards any fox kin. Mirō believed the wrongdoings of Maru and Mizu/Xaiyu were purely an instinctive trait their kind inherited at birth. This belief remained locked in her mind, but just because of this belief she should not bundle everyone with big dumb fuzzy ears and a long unkempt tail as insurgent to the village.

Eyes widened slightly when Ziren resisted her body bind. No matter, it was a lower rank jutsu with only a means to restrain the battered. It was a bold move that took some huevos, or he lost more screws in his brain after his recent mission. Alongside him pushing past the men with spears and swords Mirō quickly labeled him as an idiot savant. “Some hot headed ninja with the people back me up.” Mirō held back her burst of laughter. Has he never heard of using your resources? With an affirmative snap of her fingers, as quickly as the shinobi appeared they vanished. Mirō had done a lot of work to get to where she was, and most of it was alone. She would be a fool to have beneficial resources in front of her and not use them at all.

‘My god he does not stop talking.’ That silvery voice invaded her mind. Inner conflict appeared and with a few back and forth Naibu finally shut up. He did talk an awful lot, and most of it went in one ear and the other. Some of his words did reach her interest, with a disinterested glare and Umashi’s attempt at damage control Mirō glared directly at the beast she hated most. Putting her disgust and discrimination behind her a sharp paper reinforced nail formed on her index finger, swiftly slicing away at the cuffs he tightly tied around his own hands. The bindings ripped and fell apart, falling to his feet. Red hues refused to remove her glare from his, unwavering. After a moment her attention turned to Umashi. With a subtle sigh of relief that the tension between both parties broke as a letter was handed to her.

As much as she hated it Ziren deserved an apology, even though her suspicion of him remained intact despite the currency situation. Umashi working as damage control saved a fight between the two. A finger lifted the edge of the letter, unfolding it to reveal its contents. There was much to discuss, the contents of the letter, Zirens’ weird body switch and the outcome of the mission. “Tch. We can discuss it further in my office.” Hands dug back into her pockets, turning her back towards the three. “You’re free to enter and move about you two, meet me in my office at your earliest convenience.” She stated, knowing full well ANBU eyes would be monitoring Zirens movements until he convened with her. “You’re free to leave too, Siu.” Her voice echoed out to the Main Branch kunoichi who also tried to intervene into ANBU affairs. A misstep that Mirō ignored due to the circumstances of the situation.

Without another word Mirō folded the letter in her pocket. Walking back from the way she came. ‘They don’t understand. Foxkin can’t be trusted, even a fool could see that just by glimpsing at the data. But, if Maru is actually dead, maybe they aren’t half bad. At least a dead fox can do something right and ferment the soil.’ A snide snicker played out in her mind.

[Entry Accepted for Umashi and Ziren]
[Siu is free to leave.]
[Topic Left]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I don't exactly know the whole ordeal of the ANBU Sennin of her whole outburst, but it seemed with the help of Umashi and the other woman, Siu, as the Sennin called her, helped calm everything down. I'll have to remember to thank that woman later on, but my own mind is elsewhere. The Sennin did an almost one-eighty of the whole situation. I was ready to really take things up a notch if she didn't calm down, which thankfully, she did.

As the paper cut through my cuffs and the other ANBU had left the area, we were told that we may enter the Village. With a sigh, I made a mental note of my list of people who don't like me is growing bigger. But at least Umashi was around to help things out. I turned to Siu and bowed, "I thank you for helping calm things down, I'm sorry this was our first encounter, I hope we can meet again under more opportune times."

With that said, I looked over at Umashi and nodded, and then left the area to go straight to Raikage tower, where the ANBU Sennin office should be, unless she wants her office to be elsewhere.

(Topic left)
(Village entered)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Apparently all was well that ended well. Ironically for Umashi, he was trying to do everything to not have to enter the village. Entering the village meant getting comfortable and getting comfortable meant sitting around wasting time. The Springtime of youth was far past him but apparently playing the peacemaker amongst a bunch of youngsters was to be his lot in life for the foreseeable future. Nodding to Miro and Ziren, Umashi gave a halfhearted salute to the other young lady as he walked on by. Hopefully Miro would take the lessons learned of the event to heart but truly only time could tell as far as that went.

OOC: Village Entered, Topic Left unless stopped.


Nov 3, 2017
Heaving a sigh of relief, Siu returned the bow to the Medical Nin, then a salute back to the ANBU. They didn't miss a beat entering the village, and in truth, the woman couldn't blame them at all; for she was well on her way to performing the same.

"Village gettin' real crazy these days." First the farce with the passport clerk, now this.

A hand lifted to massage her temple as the Chuunin also made way back into the village... It was definitely time for a hot, relaxing bowl of curry and sake to remove the stress for the day.

[Thread Exited]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
