The cauldron was finally beginning to boil. Takumi loomed over it, as if inspecting it, and began to stir with a large crooked stick.
"What is the old saying Otaku? A watched pot never boils?"
Haroku was standing in the corner. He had a very worried expression on his face, having been hardened to the fact that Takumi seemed to be losing his mind. Instead of standing by, and happily watching his beloved young friend learn and grow, he was forced to watch Takumi descend methodically into madness. Haroku was standing guard over the genin, as if waiting to see what he would do next. Takumi turned to him with a half-smile.
"I would say that this pot boiled rather quickly," he nodded. "And I was watching it the whole time." He turned back to the cauldron and stood.
Takumi walked calmly to the cracked window of his dimly lit room. He looked down upon the village, hearing the screams of agony and the cries of chaos swallow an otherwise peaceful night. Through his eyes, the buildings, structures, and roads of the village seemed to be on fire. Everything below him was burning, and there he was watching it happen. Was it this way in Konoha? Was it any better? One had to ask, how could you escape from hell and end up someplace even worse?
"When you say boiling, I take it you're not referring to the cauldron, sir?" Haroku said.
Takumi frowned at his broken reflection, "I'm talking about this village."
There was a silence. After a while, Haroku sighed and stepped forward.
"I know that things seem bad here, but you must rest assured that this too will pass. You also have to realize that this, here, is not permanent! It will pass!"
Takumi felt a tinge of anger.
"Are you saying that Konoha's situation was permanent?! The situation there would have passed as well!"
"But not as quickly," Haroku interjected. "The problem in leaf was very much... inherent. It is not the same here. We are dealing with nothing more than terrorists."
"That's a very naïve perspective." Takumi said quietly. "Anyway, I'm going out Otaku."
"What? Sir, you must not...!"
Takumi stopped beside the door.
"I'll lose my mind if I do nothing. I have been putting it off for too long. I have to realign my loyalties," he paused, "and become a true citizen of Sunagakure."
Haroku wanted to stop him from leaving the house, more than anything, but he feared that this would be the only way for Takumi to regain his senses. He offered nothing more than a deep sigh as his acceptance.
"This is not another ploy to escape the village and go missing?"
Takumi gave his old friend a look. "Are you kidding? There are bombs out there!" He said. "Innocent lives are in danger." He paused. "I can't struggle with this any longer! I want to see my parents, but not if it means that someone else pays the price."
Takumi opened the door and walked through before stopping. "Besides, I couldn't leave even if I wanted. The gates are locked down remember?" And with that, he vanished into the darkness of the decrepit hallway.
Haroku sighed. "I'm sure you'd find a way..."
Takumi emerged from the abandoned old mansion. Within the second week of living in the village, he estimated that the mansion had been looted a total of twenty-five times. As he watched it, he measured the rate at which invasions occurred, along with the reputation of those who looted it. There was a steady decline in the number of people raiding the mansion, as the amount of valuable property found within had severely dropped with all of the thefts. The more reputable looters were a part of even larger gangs, and the word quickly spread that the mansion was worthless. Even so, there were always those criminals who were either too dumb to realize that the mansion would be empty, or too uninformed to know for sure either way. Those visitors were swiftly taken care of by Takumi himself. Once he was sure it was safe, he had established himself a base on the top floor, essentially hiding in plain sight.
Takumi made his way toward the Shinobi Foundation Complex. Following the events of the terrorism, the foundation had become a holding place for many of the students and genin that Takumi had come to know throughout the village. There were also a few higher ranked shinobi and instructors there who could probably help him to be promoted. They might also know something about the terrorists. It was a place to start, though he did know something about the local gangs which frequented the area, having watched their activities with the mansion. He even went so far as to create incomplete profiles for each of the gangs and their members, going off of the people who he observed committing crimes and those that they hung out with. He kept photos, news prints, and strands of yarn linking them across the walls of his room at the top floor of the mansion. Still, it wasn't enough. He wasn't even close to finding the ones responsible for the entire ordeal. He would need help for that.
When he arrived to the foundation, he took his place among some of the homeless huddled around a barrel. He was dressed in little more than rags, with light patches of dirt matting his face and his hair. One of the men moved over to make room, as if familiar with Takumi's disguise.
"Hotsuo," the man flashed a toothless smile. "You shouldn't be out here... Did they not let you in?"
"They don't accept homeless people," Takumi said, "it puts the students at risk."
"But you're just a kid," he said. "Sure they'd let a little orphan like YOU in," the man dug his dirty fingers into a cup of apple sauce and jammed it into his mouth.
Takumi warmed his shivering hands by the fire. There were six others, and each of them seemed perfectly comfortable around Takumi. He was finally being accepted as one of them, especially now that they knew he had no place else to go. A few minutes passed. Takumi coughed and curled himself into a ball.
"It's okay, at least I have you guys..."
It was important to Takumi that he build a relationship with the homeless around the sector. After all, a homeless network would serve as an invaluable source of information while continuing his investigations. They knew that he wouldn't be accepted as a permanent tenant in the Shinobi Foundation Complex, so they would be able to trust him as one of their own. But, there was still one other thing he could do to seal their faith.
"Hey! Maybe they'll give me some blankets to hand around!" Takumi said, lightening up. "Surely they wouldn't let me freeze out here... Even if I am just an orphan. I'll go ask!" He smiled. The other homeless nodded and mumbled in excited agreement. Takumi pushed himself up and dashed away.
"Now," Takumi said to himself, "I need to find a way to help the village. I should ask some of the instructors in the Foundation." He quickly wiped away his disguise and entered the academy. He saw a few of his friends here and there, some just sitting against the wall, others huddled together in the classrooms. He asked several instructors about the anarchy. Hopefully, he could find someone who could help.
"What is the old saying Otaku? A watched pot never boils?"
Haroku was standing in the corner. He had a very worried expression on his face, having been hardened to the fact that Takumi seemed to be losing his mind. Instead of standing by, and happily watching his beloved young friend learn and grow, he was forced to watch Takumi descend methodically into madness. Haroku was standing guard over the genin, as if waiting to see what he would do next. Takumi turned to him with a half-smile.
"I would say that this pot boiled rather quickly," he nodded. "And I was watching it the whole time." He turned back to the cauldron and stood.
Takumi walked calmly to the cracked window of his dimly lit room. He looked down upon the village, hearing the screams of agony and the cries of chaos swallow an otherwise peaceful night. Through his eyes, the buildings, structures, and roads of the village seemed to be on fire. Everything below him was burning, and there he was watching it happen. Was it this way in Konoha? Was it any better? One had to ask, how could you escape from hell and end up someplace even worse?
"When you say boiling, I take it you're not referring to the cauldron, sir?" Haroku said.
Takumi frowned at his broken reflection, "I'm talking about this village."
There was a silence. After a while, Haroku sighed and stepped forward.
"I know that things seem bad here, but you must rest assured that this too will pass. You also have to realize that this, here, is not permanent! It will pass!"
Takumi felt a tinge of anger.
"Are you saying that Konoha's situation was permanent?! The situation there would have passed as well!"
"But not as quickly," Haroku interjected. "The problem in leaf was very much... inherent. It is not the same here. We are dealing with nothing more than terrorists."
"That's a very naïve perspective." Takumi said quietly. "Anyway, I'm going out Otaku."
"What? Sir, you must not...!"
Takumi stopped beside the door.
"I'll lose my mind if I do nothing. I have been putting it off for too long. I have to realign my loyalties," he paused, "and become a true citizen of Sunagakure."
Haroku wanted to stop him from leaving the house, more than anything, but he feared that this would be the only way for Takumi to regain his senses. He offered nothing more than a deep sigh as his acceptance.
"This is not another ploy to escape the village and go missing?"
Takumi gave his old friend a look. "Are you kidding? There are bombs out there!" He said. "Innocent lives are in danger." He paused. "I can't struggle with this any longer! I want to see my parents, but not if it means that someone else pays the price."
Takumi opened the door and walked through before stopping. "Besides, I couldn't leave even if I wanted. The gates are locked down remember?" And with that, he vanished into the darkness of the decrepit hallway.
Haroku sighed. "I'm sure you'd find a way..."
Takumi emerged from the abandoned old mansion. Within the second week of living in the village, he estimated that the mansion had been looted a total of twenty-five times. As he watched it, he measured the rate at which invasions occurred, along with the reputation of those who looted it. There was a steady decline in the number of people raiding the mansion, as the amount of valuable property found within had severely dropped with all of the thefts. The more reputable looters were a part of even larger gangs, and the word quickly spread that the mansion was worthless. Even so, there were always those criminals who were either too dumb to realize that the mansion would be empty, or too uninformed to know for sure either way. Those visitors were swiftly taken care of by Takumi himself. Once he was sure it was safe, he had established himself a base on the top floor, essentially hiding in plain sight.
Takumi made his way toward the Shinobi Foundation Complex. Following the events of the terrorism, the foundation had become a holding place for many of the students and genin that Takumi had come to know throughout the village. There were also a few higher ranked shinobi and instructors there who could probably help him to be promoted. They might also know something about the terrorists. It was a place to start, though he did know something about the local gangs which frequented the area, having watched their activities with the mansion. He even went so far as to create incomplete profiles for each of the gangs and their members, going off of the people who he observed committing crimes and those that they hung out with. He kept photos, news prints, and strands of yarn linking them across the walls of his room at the top floor of the mansion. Still, it wasn't enough. He wasn't even close to finding the ones responsible for the entire ordeal. He would need help for that.
When he arrived to the foundation, he took his place among some of the homeless huddled around a barrel. He was dressed in little more than rags, with light patches of dirt matting his face and his hair. One of the men moved over to make room, as if familiar with Takumi's disguise.
"Hotsuo," the man flashed a toothless smile. "You shouldn't be out here... Did they not let you in?"
"They don't accept homeless people," Takumi said, "it puts the students at risk."
"But you're just a kid," he said. "Sure they'd let a little orphan like YOU in," the man dug his dirty fingers into a cup of apple sauce and jammed it into his mouth.
Takumi warmed his shivering hands by the fire. There were six others, and each of them seemed perfectly comfortable around Takumi. He was finally being accepted as one of them, especially now that they knew he had no place else to go. A few minutes passed. Takumi coughed and curled himself into a ball.
"It's okay, at least I have you guys..."
It was important to Takumi that he build a relationship with the homeless around the sector. After all, a homeless network would serve as an invaluable source of information while continuing his investigations. They knew that he wouldn't be accepted as a permanent tenant in the Shinobi Foundation Complex, so they would be able to trust him as one of their own. But, there was still one other thing he could do to seal their faith.
"Hey! Maybe they'll give me some blankets to hand around!" Takumi said, lightening up. "Surely they wouldn't let me freeze out here... Even if I am just an orphan. I'll go ask!" He smiled. The other homeless nodded and mumbled in excited agreement. Takumi pushed himself up and dashed away.
"Now," Takumi said to himself, "I need to find a way to help the village. I should ask some of the instructors in the Foundation." He quickly wiped away his disguise and entered the academy. He saw a few of his friends here and there, some just sitting against the wall, others huddled together in the classrooms. He asked several instructors about the anarchy. Hopefully, he could find someone who could help.