Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A day of meditating (Open to Cloud)

Sep 24, 2017
If Minako was going to be honest, she actually has never visited the ancient forest before because she is usually too lazy to, so she made sure that today was the day where she actually got to visit the forest. Boy oh boy, did she not expect the type of scenery that greeted her the moment she walked there. The trees were high up in the air, plantation was pretty much strife, not many people were around and the smell was just divine. Normally, Minako would like to just sit down and do absolutely nothing, considering she was the type to just do that. Especially when she cannot even be bothered to deal with such trivial matters, but today, she really was in the mood to do something…

Finding a nice little clearing, Minako sat herself down, crossing her legs over and placing each of her hands on her kneecaps. Maybe having a day of peace was just the thing Minako needed, meditating was actually quite healthy, it helps people focus and to stress them less, that’s what Minako heard about it anyway.

Breathing in and out, Minako would continue to inhale and exhale, keeping a focus on the process, listening to the trees rustle in the wind, the birds singing in their chirpy language. If this was a private place, Minako would definately take off her mask, but because it was a public place, it was probably the best idea not to do such a thing.

Inhaling and exhaling once again, Minako started to get pins and needles in her legs, probably because it was a long time, that, or it just felt like forever when it actually wasn’t. Well, whatever the reason, Minako had to open up her eyes that were firmly closed and uncross her legs to stand up.

Crossing her arms, Minako bit her lower lip… she couldn’t be bothered to move around, and in the end, she slumped down on a rock, she will probably meditate much later… but right now, the birds, the animals and the breeze was getting the best of her.

Words: 349​

Akimitsu Doi

Oct 19, 2017
Re: A day of meditating (Open to Cloud) --- Doi

Doi sighed as he made his way through the ancient forest. His father was running an errand, his mother was out on a mission and all of his friends were too busy to hang out today. This left Doi with a lack of options when it came to entertainment. As such, he decided to go on a little adventure on his own. His mother had always warned him about wandering off into the ancient forest on his own, but Doi was always curious about what made the forest so dangerous. He was no longer an infant, he's a shinobi in training. He would one day be taking part in dangerous life endangering missions for the sake of his village. How could he ever plan to do that when he can't even roam around a forest on his own? He just had to make sure he didn't stray too deep into the forest and he'd be fine.

The first thing Doi noticed upon entering the boundaries of the ancient forest was the smell of fresh vegetation. The color green was in abundance all around him. This was Doi's first time being around just vegetation having grown up in the section of the village where stores and residential areas were all one saw for the most part. He looked around as he walked through the forest, in an attempt to see everything the forest had to offer. He saw bird nests high up in the trees, various insects running around the forest floor and a few deer chewing on grass here and there. He'd made a few attempts to get near the deer as they ate but they ran away as soon as they sensed his presence......

Doi stopped roaming for a minute and began to wonder why he hadn't seen anyone other than himself around. He doubted he was the only person in the forest around this time, especially with the Haku and Inuzuka clan compounds being nearby. Doi continued walking through the forest, deciding to save that thought for later. He still had a lot more of the forest to explore and he wanted to see as much as he could before it got late.

Word count: 365
Sep 24, 2017
From side to side, it was clear that Minako was not really used to this at all. It made her remember a few things, how she was able to pass being an academy student was amazing, considering how she was called graceless. Sighing softly, that same graceless body stood up and she gave herself a good stretch, placing her arms high into the air, even going on tip toes, making sure nothing was missed.

Slumping herself back down on a rock, she began to hear footsteps… them footsteps were clashing with the earthy forest and it peaked Minako’s curiosity. Normally, she would be too lazy to check, but considering the fact that she has seen nobody else around the forest, it forced her to stand up and have a little sneak peak… It wouldn’t hurt, right?? She was hoping it didn’t, she didn’t want to be suddenly attacked, especially when she had no idea what she was doing half of the time.

Walking over, she heard the footsteps come closer and closer, she couldn’t help but climb a tree, just to make herself gain more coverage. It seemed to be someone else walking by… As minako looked much further, trying to find out his age range and such, she relaxed her muscles a bit too much and resulted in her legs going all iffy, making her trip to the point that she had to form her legs like a hook… What was worse, was that she was facing the stranger directly.

While it was a bit of a shock, she merely bit her lip, which was hidden under her mask and waved ever so casually, as if this was a usual occurrence (which, it wasn’t)


Minako was a bit lucky due to her hood, her hair wasn’t covering her brownish eyes, but at the same time, a ton of her hair was affected by gravity and almost dipped onto the floor because of how long it was.

“I apologise, I guess I couldn’t even be bothered to keep myself in check.”

While she sounded formal, she also sounded like she didn’t have a care in the world, an attribute to show just how bloody lazy she was.

Words: 368​

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Raian opened his eyes, the movement from the ground stirring him from his nap. It had been one of his off days from patrolling and the Nara had decided to do some exploring within the forest. There were a lot of rumors surrounding what types of creatures one could encounter the deeper they got within the area. After an hour of searching, Raian had found very little to support some of these rumors. He had however located a nice resting spot several feet above the ground, his back snugged comfortable against the worn tree’s bark. Blinking away the rest of the sleep he began looking down to the source of the noise.

Across from him it seemed to like a young woman was dangling from another tree, her face several inches from the young man, who no doubt would be surprised at the sudden face. He took amount of examine the two people below him, his eyes catching the part of the woman mask covered by her hair. A trainee? No, if she was the mask would cover her eyes. Possibly a clan thing. Raian frowned, turning his analytical eyes towards the boy. From his position, he could only see the young man’s back, yet it gave him enough information to work with.

Young, yet confident in self, has a few opening in his stance. More than likely wandering around the forest as well. From what little he could tell, Raian wasn’t sure if he should interact with the two or just stay on his tree and watch the meeting between the people. So far, nothing had really caught his interest on his cold reading of the younger shinobi. Perhaps it would be best for him to wait until something did.

WC: 291

Akimitsu Doi

Oct 19, 2017

Doi jumped back in surprise from the sudden greeting. He'd ended up entering basic academy taijutsu stance on sheer reflex. He knew there was bound to be other people besides himself in the forest, but he wasn't expecting someone to suddenly pop up in front of him.Doi stepped back a few paces while holding his stance to get a better view of the person that managed to sneak up on him.

He was now able to see that there was a hooded girl hanging from a branch up above.Her lower face covered by a mask and her long hair almost touching the forest floor. After the initial shock settled down, Doi began to a feel a bit frustrated that someone was able to sneak up on him. He'd been trying his best to stay aware of his surroundings, but it seemed like he still had a lot more to learn. He admittedly hadn't been paying much attention in class during the lecture on detecting presences.

The older girl apologised for making the sudden appearance in front of him and Doi nodded in understanding.

"You scared me a little bit, but it's fine."

Doi could guess the older girl was more likely than not a shinobi. She wasn't dressed like a civilian, and he doubted one would be roaming the forest on their own. Doi knew he was barely a ninja himself, and that him being there contradicted his doubts but decided to hold on to that thought for later.

"Hey," he started "are you a ninja too?"

Doi doubted she would say otherwise, but felt like asking just in case.
Sep 24, 2017
Minako most certainly felt bad for what happened just a few moments ago, she even set off the poor lads reflexes. At the same time though, she would gather that just about anyone would do that. It did kinda irk her that he went straight into a stance of sort, but at the same time, she cannot blame him for that act.

Hearing the boy ask if she was a ninja, she shuffled around, trying to find a way to mentally prepare herself so she could land on the floor safely on her feet. While shuffling around, she spoke up in her typical, smooth voice. Hoping it wouldn’t disturb her trying to focus on two things at once.

“Ah, yes, I am one indeed. However, I have been out for a while due to hospital visits.” Minako admitted as she finally grabbed the tree branch with her hands, letting her body loosen up and then dropped herself on her feet. “My name is Minako, and I came here to do some meditating today.” She figured if she introduced herself and told the young boy about her purpose, it might ease some tension off between the two, if there was any in the first place. “You are welcome to join me. It is rather relaxing here and it is a great location to do meditating.”

Although it cannot be seen, Minako was most certainly smiling softly underneath that mask of hers, the very same mask that covers the reason why she had to take frequent hospital visits. She was glad now that they have healed a considerable amount for her to be out and again, mask or no mask, she had to take off that very same mask to eat at times, and only then, is it awkward.

Tilting her head and crossing her arms, Minako started to think about all the techniques the two could do, keeping focus was very important to Minako, she had to be good at something, considering she barely scraped her exam to become a genin because of how graceless she well and truly is.

Words: 350​

Akimitsu Doi

Oct 19, 2017
Doi crossed his bandaged arms in uncertainty.He was unsure whether or not to join in on Minako's meditating; the reason behind him entering the forest in the first place was to adventure through the unfamiliar territory. Doi personally felt that there was nothing wrong with meditating; he knew it was an effective way to relax. Yet, even with it being a popular pass time amongst many people, meditating wasn't exactly his idea of a fun time if truth be told. The forest did seem like a very relaxing place, however, and he didn't have a need to rush his exploration. He could always come back to the ancient forest and continue where he left off at a later date. Doi was positive he had nothing to lose from joining Minako's meditation session for a little while, but was still hesitant.

"Meditating..." Doi said as if playing around with the idea in his mind. "That sounds a little boring...but I'll join you," he finally said in agreement. "My name is Doi by the way. Nice to meet you, Minako!"The day was still young, and he still had time to spare before he had to go home. Doi's parents had always told him to be wary of strangers, but Doi considered himself a good judge of character. Not only did Minako not appear to be a bad person, but she was also a ninja of his village. This seemed like a good chance to befriend another shinobi. It was also nice she was older than he was; most of his friends were around his age if not younger.

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Raian let out a yawn, his body dropping from the tree as he landed roughly onto his feet. Though he could have been rather silent before announcing himself, from what he could tell the conversation between the two individuals would take another few minutes. Nothing really had caught his eye after his previous observations, and it had been high enough that he only made out a few words between the girl and boy. Scratching his hair, his half open eyes looked at the two, his feet making his body slowly move towards them. It might be better to be a bit more proactive and socialize with the two, hanging the tree had been fun, but he could be too lazy. It would be a few minutes before he would have crossed the distance to meet the two, the noise from earlier probably notifying his fellow shinobi of his presence, giving them some time to prepare. Raian would stop a small distance away, enough so that each individual's personal space wasn't being invaded.

"Yo. Name's Raian." the Nara spoke, a single hand raised in a wave as he spoke calmly towards the two.

WC: 192

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
