Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission A Discreet Delivery To The Raikage's Tower! [E Rank]

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Now finding herself humbled and in a new weakened state due to the affects of a mysterious radioactive assault, Shun Sora found herself once again ready to serve her village. Once a skilled and capable chuunin, she now faced the menial task of aiding the villages courier ninja by helping to deliver packages throughout the village. unexcited at the thought of her new assignment, especially in comparison to the types of missions she had performed in past, Sora decided to suck it up and do what needed to be done. Reporting for duty bright and early the following day, beside a large container out behind what many would call a 'post office', she was greeted by a young courier ninja named Hoshi. At first glance, Sora noticed his energetic smile and demeanor. Making the proper introductions, the two shook hands and began to discuss todays task. "Well Sora, our task today really isn't that hard but we've had a lot of people retire lately. It's caused a huge back log and there's just not enough of us to stay efficient." He'd tell her as the two began to walk around to the front side of the large container. Hoshi would open it up, showing Sora a large array of sealed packages, willed with who knew what, and bins piled high with letters. Her eyes widened upon seeing this, while at the same time wondering how long it would take her. "Do I have to deliver all of this today?" She Asked Hoshi, gasping at the amount.

With a slight chuckle, he walked into the container and pulled out a large bag with a sling. "Nah, only this bag. Everything in there has been preorganized and labeled 'A' through 'Z' and each one has an address written on them. A would be your first stop and Z would be your last. It's all just letters, except for one package. That Package is pretty important, which is why I'm more comfortable letting a Chuunin handle it." He stated, as other courier ninja seemed to arrive. Taking hold of the bag Hoshi had handed her way, she slung it over her shoulder as she watched others begin picking up their own bags and heading out. "Of course they have their own system of handling things." He thought, as she nodded towards Hoshi. "Alright, I'm off then." She'd say as she waved goodbye, reached down into the bag and found her first delivery.

As Usual, the village's streets were bustling with activity. Sighing at the sight of what appeared to be hundreds of people walking about and going about their daily lives, she tried to ignore them and focus on her current task. Navigating through the village was usually an easy task, but that was because she normally knew exactly where she wanted to go. But this time, she had to pay close attention to where she was; her movements were slower than usual. The crowd of villagers didn't really make it easy, either. Glancing all about, she eventually spotted the first place she was supposed to deliver mail to. Running over to a flower shop, the designated address on this first delivery, she quickly found a mail slot and slid in the letters. One down, and twenty five to go. From her first delivery, to her second to last, several hours would pass with her gaining a new sense of admiration for those that chose to do this type of work. The task may had been simple, but it was stupidly overly complicated for what it was and what it required from those doing it.

By this time, Shun Sora was exhausted but there was still one more to go. Looking down into the once full bag given to her by Hoshi, she noticed an oddly shaped and wrapped package. Grabbing hold of it, and pulling it out of the bag, she examined it closely. "This weirdly shaped thing goes to the Raikage's Tower? You gotta be kidding me." She said out loud, as she quickly placed misshapen and crudely wrapped 'package' back into the back. Blushing at the thought of making this delivery, she hoped and prayed it wasn't what she thought it was at first glance. Sighing, she took off and headed straight for the villages administration buildings. Locating the central tower, a place where The Raikage Offices were located and where they held important meetings, she walked through a set of glass doors and right up to the front desk.

"Welcome, how may I help you today?" A woman said, greeting Sora. "Um." Said Sora, nervously before reaching into her bag and pulling out the oddly shaped and wrapped package. Placing it on the woman's desk, and Sora pointed at the address listed upon it. "Yeah, I'm on courier duty today and I was instructed to deliver this here." Said Sora, as she blushed in embarrassment as she watched the woman's eyes widened. "I'll get that put right away. Thanks you for your hard work!" She'd tell Sora, as she quickly placed the package under her desk and out of view. Waving good bye, Sora quickly left to return the mail bag to Hoshi.

Arriving back at the container, she noticed it still appeared quite full. "Hey Sora, you're back! How'd your deliveries go?" Shouted Hoshi, as he approached Sora. "They went pretty well, I guess. I delivered everything you gave me, so here's your bag back." She'd tell him as she handed it over. "That's great, thanks for your hard work. I'll let management know you did a good job." He'd say, as Sora would quickly turn to leave. She was wondering if he knew anything about the Package, but she was to embarrassed to ask about it. Waving goodbye, she quickly got out of these.

[WC: 900+][Topic Enter/Left]
[Marked For Training]
[Mission Approval Link]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Now finding herself humbled and in a new weakened state due to the affects of a mysterious radioactive assault, Shun Sora found herself once again ready to serve her village. Once a skilled and capable chuunin, she now faced the menial task of aiding the villages courier ninja by helping to deliver packages throughout the village. unexcited at the thought of her new assignment, especially in comparison to the types of missions she had performed in past, Sora decided to suck it up and do what needed to be done. Reporting for duty bright and early the following day, beside a large container out behind what many would call a 'post office', she was greeted by a young courier ninja named Hoshi. At first glance, Sora noticed his energetic smile and demeanor. Making the proper introductions, the two shook hands and began to discuss todays task. "Well Sora, our task today really isn't that hard but we've had a lot of people retire lately. It's caused a huge back log and there's just not enough of us to stay efficient." He'd tell her as the two began to walk around to the front side of the large container. Hoshi would open it up, showing Sora a large array of sealed packages, willed with who knew what, and bins piled high with letters. Her eyes widened upon seeing this, while at the same time wondering how long it would take her. "Do I have to deliver all of this today?" She Asked Hoshi, gasping at the amount.

With a slight chuckle, he walked into the container and pulled out a large bag with a sling. "Nah, only this bag. Everything in there has been preorganized and labeled 'A' through 'Z' and each one has an address written on them. A would be your first stop and Z would be your last. It's all just letters, except for one package. That Package is pretty important, which is why I'm more comfortable letting a Chuunin handle it." He stated, as other courier ninja seemed to arrive. Taking hold of the bag Hoshi had handed her way, she slung it over her shoulder as she watched others begin picking up their own bags and heading out. "Of course they have their own system of handling things." He thought, as she nodded towards Hoshi. "Alright, I'm off then." She'd say as she waved goodbye, reached down into the bag and found her first delivery.

As Usual, the village's streets were bustling with activity. Sighing at the sight of what appeared to be hundreds of people walking about and going about their daily lives, she tried to ignore them and focus on her current task. Navigating through the village was usually an easy task, but that was because she normally knew exactly where she wanted to go. But this time, she had to pay close attention to where she was; her movements were slower than usual. The crowd of villagers didn't really make it easy, either. Glancing all about, she eventually spotted the first place she was supposed to deliver mail to. Running over to a flower shop, the designated address on this first delivery, she quickly found a mail slot and slid in the letters. One down, and twenty five to go. From her first delivery, to her second to last, several hours would pass with her gaining a new sense of admiration for those that chose to do this type of work. The task may had been simple, but it was stupidly overly complicated for what it was and what it required from those doing it.

By this time, Shun Sora was exhausted but there was still one more to go. Looking down into the once full bag given to her by Hoshi, she noticed an oddly shaped and wrapped package. Grabbing hold of it, and pulling it out of the bag, she examined it closely. "This weirdly shaped thing goes to the Raikage's Tower? You gotta be kidding me." She said out loud, as she quickly placed misshapen and crudely wrapped 'package' back into the back. Blushing at the thought of making this delivery, she hoped and prayed it wasn't what she thought it was at first glance. Sighing, she took off and headed straight for the villages administration buildings. Locating the central tower, a place where The Raikage Offices were located and where they held important meetings, she walked through a set of glass doors and right up to the front desk.

"Welcome, how may I help you today?" A woman said, greeting Sora. "Um." Said Sora, nervously before reaching into her bag and pulling out the oddly shaped and wrapped package. Placing it on the woman's desk, and Sora pointed at the address listed upon it. "Yeah, I'm on courier duty today and I was instructed to deliver this here." Said Sora, as she blushed in embarrassment as she watched the woman's eyes widened. "I'll get that put right away. Thanks you for your hard work!" She'd tell Sora, as she quickly placed the package under her desk and out of view. Waving good bye, Sora quickly left to return the mail bag to Hoshi.

Arriving back at the container, she noticed it still appeared quite full. "Hey Sora, you're back! How'd your deliveries go?" Shouted Hoshi, as he approached Sora. "They went pretty well, I guess. I delivered everything you gave me, so here's your bag back." She'd tell him as she handed it over. "That's great, thanks for your hard work. I'll let management know you did a good job." He'd say, as Sora would quickly turn to leave. She was wondering if he knew anything about the Package, but she was to embarrassed to ask about it. Waving goodbye, she quickly got out of these.

[WC: 900+][Topic Enter/Left]
[Marked For Training]
[Mission Approval Link]
Approved for papertrail purposes
E-Rank: 5000 Yen + Vote rewards Solo Mod boost (X 2) = 10,000 Yen

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
