Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search A Fated Encounter? Maybe?

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Ever since turning back within the wind country, things just hadn't gone her way. At this point, Reina was rather frustrated with just about everything. The goal was to head to the hidden sand and capitalize on their rumored instability, in order to land an easy high paying gig somewhere within the wind country. But, because she had forgotten about something before heading out on this journey, Reina had now found herself attempting to return home to settle some debts. "This blows..." She thought, as she walked throughout the Land of Fire. Crossing her arms, as she walked, her mind continued to play things out within her mind. "I could just say forget it and move on, but what kind of impression would they leave? Then again, I might miss out on an opportunity... or actually, I've probably already missed out on plenty of them." She thought, as approached what seemed like a clearing in this massive forest.

As she emerged from the tree lines, her eyes gazed upon a rather beautiful and serene sight. Somewhere along the way, she had walked off the weathered path and now found herself several feet away from a massive pond. The area seemed to be buzzing with life; insects flying all about, fish breaking the surface of the water in an attempt to eat them, and bushes rattling in the distance. Where she was from, places like this just didn't exist. "No way, this is kind of cool." She thought as she walked over to the waters edge. The pond water seemed to be rather clear, at least at the bank. As she looked further out, she noticed how dark blue the water appeared seemingly indicating how deep this pond might actually be. Every so often, he gaze would be adverted as she noticed the surface of the pond would break and splash, sending ripples all throughout it.

"There's plenty of fish here...." She spoke aloud, as a bright idea came to mind. Looking back, she noticed the shade from the tree line extending out into the small field she crossed to get here. "I might as well make camp and see if I can catch one of these things." She told herself, as she turned her back to the pond and began to drop her belongings to the ground. The tarp she had brought, originally meant to keep the harsh sun light off of her while within the vast desert of the wind country, would at the very least provide her with a small canopy. Taking her time, she'd string it overhead from some tree branches and begin laying out the rest of her equipment; basically just a sleeping bag, some shinobi tools, and survival gear.

From there, she'd go searching for a short, hand held sized, stick sturdy enough to fish with. After a few minutes of looking for one, and successfully finding on, she'd walk back to her supplies and begin tying one end of her shinobi wire to it, and then begin wrapping several dozen more feet of it all around it. While this wasn't the ideal way to go about it, it was all she currently could do with what she had. Once she realized she had enough wire spun around this then, she cut the ends and tied a split knot; but, before cinching down on it, she walked back over to her bags found something she could use as a makeshift hook. Once it was all fixed and tied together, she'd then glance about looking for what she could possibly use as bait. Making note of several rocks, at the bank of the pond, she'd quickly walk over begin flipping them one at a time. Within a few minutes, and a lot of luck, she would eventually find a small little worm. "I bet there's probably more if I keep looking." She thought, as she quickly grabbed it and fixed it to her hook.

Standing back, she let loose some of the wire and gave it a toss out into the lake. As she watched the hooked worm plop onto the surface, and slowly sink, she wondered if she'd actually be able to catch something. Fresh fish sounded pretty nice right about now, but before she could do that she'd have to start a campfire and maybe find a stick the skewer the fish with. She hadn't really thought this type of thing through and she definitely wasn't prepared for it, but at the very least it'd be a new experience for her.

[Wc: 753] [To be continued]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
