Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A kage's patrol.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The one thing that Hissori never wanted was to change. Deep down, Hissori still wished he were relaxing shirtless in his baggy swim trunks tanning himself on the beaches of Kirigakure. However, everything really had changed for the adult who was now the leader of Iwagakure. He had gone from a young boy with a large oversized cast on his leg in an island almost resort like village, to a tall and lean man that was the leader of a partially underground village.

This village itself had change a lot to since the day; Hissori had found himself joining the village. It had been through a near civil war, multiple leaders and many different faces of power. Hissori of course was the newest face to become the leader of the whole village. Unlike his tenure as a Medical Sennin, Hissori was finally in new water when it came to running a whole village. He did think that this was the best way to start that new tenure as Tsuchikage.

Taking a walk through a public market, Hissori had decided that the best chance to make a good impression was to be visible. People were obviously shocked to see him checking out public goods. In his full kage outfit of the white and ember robes, and the large hat that hid Hissori’s Strawberry blonde features, Hissori was smiling and bowing slightly to thank the women that he had just purchased some incenses from.

What Hissori wasn’t ready was for people swarming around him asking to talk to him about things, normally it was his dog Buru who got all the attention for his white fur and icy blue eyes and friendly deamoner but today, Hissori was the one that was getting overwhelmed.

MFT 281


Nov 21, 2012
It had been far too long since the odd ball had walked around the village that she loved, having returned only recently after a long hiatus. Sure she was getting more looks now than she had back in the day with her scars and bright pink hair, seems having Blonde, red and blue hair and flaunting her now giant boobs is somewhat of a head turner and possibly a neck breaker… she should have gone back and checked on that guy but she wasn’t exactly a med-nin… ANYWAY! Things in the village had changed so much whilst she was away which was of course to be expected but to this degree? Defiantly not. She had a lot to catch up on it seemed and needed a new place to say since during her absence her adoptive mother had vanished, though that was something she half predicted would happen as Haruka was a wild card.

As she continued through the streets, greeting each new face with a wide grin Sachi decided to remind the cheerful one of just what she should be doing. “You know Rei, we will get arrested at some point if we don’t act fast. Just head to The Spire and let’s get this bullshit out of the way.” Reishii rolled her vibrant green eyes and tutted at her other half. “Where’d you think I’m goin’ Sachi, I haven’t seen my home in forever and I’m feelin’ a little nostalgic… you should know that, dummy.” She responded before sticking her tongue out, though that just looked like she was being rude to a man who was walking by. “You said that FOUR days ago Reishii, get your fucking ass to the spire coz I am not spending a second in that damned jail for you, nor in an asylum before you get any wise ideas. Now move it!” A couple of people by now had caught on to the fact that the girl was indeed speaking to herself and she’d managed to gather a small crowd herself, mainly children and the adults trying to drag said children away from the crazy lady. “Uugh, you are such a boring bum Sachi!” Reishii protested. “Fine, once I see what that crowd over there is all about We’ll head over, okay.” Reishii pointed toward the overly large gathering and tilted her head for a moment then nodded as she took the other half’s silence as an agreement.

She bounced along past the stalls merrily as she took in the sights, smells and sounds she’d missed so much and before to long she was stood at the outside of the gathering and despite her growth spurt she still couldn’t see over the mass of people, much to her chagrin. “Well this just won’t do at all…” She pouted, folding her arms under her bosom. “Unless…” Her pout quickly turned into a devilish grin, Sachi rolled her eyes already knowing what was to come, a few quick handseals later and the plan was in action. “Oh crap, oh shit!” She started to scream out as she flailed her arm about, toward the crowd of course. “Move out the way!” She yelled at the now horrified people. “WaterwaterwaterWATER!” She called as she began to run through the parting crowd of people flailing her immolated arm all the way to the epicentre of the crowd though what her eyes met was not what she expected.

“Tsuchikage?” She asked rhetorically as she stood before the man she knew to be Hissori, not that they had much contact three years ago but who wouldn’t know their then medical Sennin. All the while her arm remained alight as she stared toward the man unsure of what to really do or say after being caught off guard.

[MFT – 637]
Who's Speaking? said:
Reishii Speaking
Sachi Speaking

Omoi Tetsu

Nov 2, 2012
It's never a good idea to go wandering around a city after you've given up sweets and music and all forms of distractions; you end up in strange places. Boredom alone will wind you down back alleys, through storefronts that look like homes; places where you'll (more likely than not) end up in worse shape than when you started on this path to pseudo-asceticism. To an extent, daylight can save you though. The light acts like a shadow of it's own, hiding all the grime in a village, some built in defense against being cleaned out, he supposed.

Hachirou was watching the wind pick up a bit of sand above his shoes; still, with all this praise of daylight, it was just a bit too bright out, and he felt like the sun might be slowly boring holes through his eyes. Down to the murky center. This is the kind of day, he supposed also, that was just primed for the homeless to get into rambling arguments with themselves. He passed by the young girl as quickly as he could, on account mostly that that was a much easier headache to get rid of than blocking out the sun at the present moment. It might have been a mistake altogether to come out this early.

As he was walking, maybe it was some electric charge in the air that inspired him to snap out of his current daydream, but whatever the reason was, he would look up, involve himself in the present moment, and see something reasonably remarkable. The Tsuchikage was out, almost casually. The second thing he noticed, and this had some importance beyond just gawking, was that the kage had no immediately apparent escort. The third thing, and here it must be said that this might, in fact, be the most important item in this short list, was that after some brief crying out from the crowd, a woman emerged, the same homeless girl he had stumbled across only moments before, with a burning arm outstretched towards the kage. His first instinct was that this looked like a diversion to set up some ambush, and Hachirou wasted no time trying to put himself between them, drawing his ballpeen hammer and pointing it at the girl as he did so, "Try that again and I'll lay you out like a cheap rug."

It was only after a moment's contemplation, after he could see the kage was out of immediate danger, did he realize how cruel he must have looked in this light. How the image of this poor homeless girl, probably having just burned her arm in a trash fire to keep warm, was now being threatened by one of the kage's guards. Probably wasn't doing wonders for the kage's image as a man of the people. "Can we get a mednin over here? Some water please?" The man said with some forced urgency as his cheeks started to slowly glow a warm red colour.

MFT - 495

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Aventurine street, a place for gathering and shopping, smiles and the likes. A place for someone like me to take it easy on my day off from screaming patients and the sickly... or so I thought. I was talking to a local shop owner who was curious about what I do as a shinobi. Naturally I engaged in saI'd friendly conversation, even though I had no desire to, and explained how I was in the medical field. It was just my luck that I started hearing screaming from behind me. I turned to face the spectical to find a young man wielding a big hammer that was pointed at a lady who arm was on fire. None of my business as far as I was concerned. The boy then started to ask if there was a medic around or could someone call one. I looked around before I started walking away but then the shop owner called out to the boy pointing at me.

"Hey! Lad, he is a medic!"

I stopped in my tracks knowing I had been found out. Damn! It's my off day. I turned around with a smile, a fake one of course but I was good at faking smiles. I walked over to the young man and the scorched lady who was teary eyed.

"Yes, I am a medical nin. What happened here?"

I immediately started forming handsigns to begin numbing the pain. Her arm was tender but the flames were put out in time. This was definitely cutting into my free time, a luxury not easy to come by. With my hands now glowing, i placed it over the small burns on the lady's arm. Then I looked over to the boy standing next to me and wielding a big hammer in confusion.

"Umm... I'm not sure that thing is the best way to put out a fire."

[Topic Entered]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Fish. For certain people fish was nothing more than a food or an animal that could be kept as a pet. For Hissori though, Fish was so much more than just an edible pet. To Hissori the fish that was he was looking at in the booth was a symbol of his old village. Growing up on an island meant that most of the men and women and children had a diet of seafood, Hissori was one who knew how to cook it and make it.

“Thank you very much.” Hissori would politely said to the man who seem a bit distracted by the fact the Tsuchikage was out interacting with the people as he took his bag of rather exotic fillets of fish. He would need to go get some more veggies to make the steamed dish recipe that was a standard in any kirigakure shinobi’s lifestyle. However, there seemed to be a rather loud commotion behind him.

Turning around the strawberry blonde hair leader saw a group of shinobi swarming around this one girl. “It’s only been seventy-two hours, have I already tried to be assassinated? Hissori thought to himself with a bit of an inward sigh as he adjusted his kage hat and started towards the group of what seemed to be a little girl, a chunin, and one of his former medical chiefs.

As he moved closer, the man could smell what he knew as the scent of burning flesh. It seemed the girl had somehow set herself on fire. That was certainly a feat to do, but Hissori had seen weirder injuries. By the time Hissori had walked over to the group the fire had already been put out. In fact, the medical chief he knew from his time working as the medical sennin.

“What seems to be an issue here?” Hissori asked in a kind calm voice as he just stared at the grouping of two shinobi and a young girl. He would place down his bag of food stuff and merchandise to take the women’s forearm.

“You don’t mind if I inspect it see if I can do anything?” The dog tamer asked as he began to inspect the wound. There was already minimal scarring from the quick and speedy treatment that Amastu had given the girl. He would look up from behind his new somewhat stylish hate and offer both the chuunin and medical chief a smile. “Good job both of you.” Hissori said in a cheerful way as he moved back to looking at the wound

“It is nice to see you again Reishii.” Hissori said in a lower tone not looking up at her first.​
MFT 450


Nov 21, 2012
It was amazing how quickly people moved when faced with the threat of fire, which was one of the reasons she loved it so. Possibly one of the pinnacles of mankind and yet a small amount can cause mass panic and hysteria, it made her simply chuckle as she watched the onlookers backing from her in fear. Unsurprisingly before even Hissori could react to the alight, dumb founded girl some nearby shinobi intervened, first was a man with dark hair, he didn’t really stand out much compared to herself though his action momentarily turned her ever present smile into a grimace of annoyance and disapproval though quickly turned back to a smile before she responded to his words, barely even registering the medic tending to her arm and simply allowing him to do what he needed. “You know, you might want to pick who you point that thing at a little more carefully, especially when you’re wearing such… flammable attire.” She chuckled before her expression changed once again to one of surprise, though not over exaggerated. “Sachi! Don’t just threaten him for doing his job! Idiot!” She scolded at her other half and then looked toward the male with apologetic eyes. "I am sorry for her behavior. She can be a bit of a butt." Sachi simply proceeded to roll her eyes in response. “Yeah well, I don’t like being threatened because you do something dumb, Reishii.” With that she folded her arms, taking it away from the man who had been healing it, she looked to him with a smile and nodded. “Thanks for the help, though you didn’t need to worry, I’m used to such things.” Finally her attention turned back to Hissori, who’d approached to check on the girl’s health also.

She offered the Kage her arm without hesitation and chuckled. “Seriously though, I can handle the heat, I’ve survived this long right?” She said matter of factly and sticking her tongue out innocently… which coming from a clearly crazy, scarred and weird looking young adult was very not innocent at all and held more weight as sarcasm. “I’m glad you remember me, Hissori, Buru too I would assume.” She giggled. “Makes all this a lot easier actually, saves me having to talk to the Tsuchikage then trying to find you afterwards cause you’re both here.” If people could throw up from just how happy this girl actually put across as she spoke, they would and should. “I guess by now you’re quite aware that I left the village about three years ago and have been in hiding ever since? I just want to be clear, I didn’t leave for any selfish reasons, nor did I ever consider myself a missing-nin… I did what I thought I had to do. I was scared of what I seemed to be turning into but that’s mostly solved now.” With that she let out a deep sigh of relief having got it all off of her chest. “I mean, I just don’t wanna be thrown into jail you know, I want to be a Stone Shinobi as much now as I always did and I figure coming clean like this is the first step though I’ll understand if you want to have me investigated before accepting me back.” She gave a soft shrug, not pretending to know the procedures in such situations.

She’d give those listening a moment to process what she’d just said before continuing with a few other things she wished to say since she was talking to the once medical Sennin. “I was actually interested in joining the medical branch, I mean I learnt a lot whilst I was away, though I certainly lack practical experience. As for my… our… Yes, our condition, thanks Sachi. I would rather talk about that in a more private place. As I stated a moment ago I’ve only mostly figured out what’s happening in my head, aside from the obvious dissociative personality disorder but myself and Sachi already have an understanding with that.” With that she looked up to the sky with a smile, feeling the weight of responsibility lightening on her body.

[MFT – 702]

Omoi Tetsu

Nov 2, 2012
"I'm not sure that thing is the best way to put out a fire." All of a sudden, Hachirou was the villain. The kage would soon also turn to pick up the same note, asking what the problem was he was suddenly being called to attention for as he knelt down to tend to the injured girl. Okay, okay, he got it; you shouldn't threaten immolating homeless children with hammers. Jesus, nothing like driving the point home.

The man discreetly lifted the flap of his suit jacket to holster the hammer along a small space he'd make for himself in his belt. When the girl threatened to set his socks on fire, or whatever it is she was trying to imply she was capable of, Hachirou had to exert a near hernia-inducing effort to keep his eyes from rolling out of their sockets. No one this careless in how they spoke could be that great a threat to the kage. Still though, for every rule there were always a few outliers, and Hachirou would look the girl over, trying to search her for any malicious intent. "I don't want to break the party up here, respect being due where it is and all, sir," He tried to lean in close to the kage, to effect the feeling that the two might be, in some way, familiar enough that this was an appropriate gesture, "but you know she's lying, right?" Now, Hachirou did not, in fact, know the girl was lying, nor did he delude himself into believing in that certainty, but suffice it to say, he was more than a little suspicious. Out from the crowd, this girl practically flew into the kage's arms, on fire, in distress, and now, all of a sudden, there were all these things she wanted to talk to him about. He wasn't thinking that that was an impossible scenario to imagine, but it was awfully convenient her burnt arm wasn't causing her any apparent anxiety as she poured her guts out on the sidewalk in front of them. You can chalk it up to the rapture of meeting someone like the kage, but he wasn't exactly buying it. The man was looking at the girl's arm, trying to see through any transformation jutsu she might have put herself through to affect the illusion of a burnt arm. Oddly enough, even knowing it was an illusion, he couldn't find any apparent imperfection in the trick. He was constantly searching the audience for would-be collaborators in this poorly plotted out distraction, but nothing jumped out at him here either.

Even with the knowledge that something was amiss, it was hard to pinpoint any clear motive or incentive, but he'd just have to be patient while the answer revealed itself to him. Somebody, somewhere, always gets either money, power, or revenge from a plot, and if you can remember that, the rest is easy to piece together. And if that's too complicated, just remember that even those three things all boil down to power.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Never mind the fact that tensions quickly rose near me or that this girl just said she was use to being burned... she was having a conversation with herself. Oh God, what did I just step into? I would have continued working on her arm but was relieved when she took her arm back from me. I was not about to argue with her about what she is use to and what she needed. I graciously excepted her refusal of treatment. Was it wrong to be a medic who felt a bit uneasy around mentally questionable people? To bad if so. Out of no where walked up the Kage... in the middle of downtown... that's a rare sight. I started piecing together that the man with the hammer must be his guard and with this unstable girl catching fire so easily it's no wonder the Kage needed a guard or two in order to pick up glossaries or whatever he was here for... doesn't he have assistance for that sort of thing???

My former sennin started to inspect the job I had done and the girl seemed more than willing to let him... Didn't she just refuse my help while saying she is used to this sort of thing? After receiving a job well done I couldn't exactly respond as I was distracted by the unpredictability of the girl plus the fact that he knew her by name...

“It is nice to see you again Reishii.”

"You know this lunatic???" (In head)

I made eye contact with the guard and if he was a master of non verbal communication, he'd know that I felt uneasy about the girl and what she was saying. Talk of leaving the village for three years, going into hiding, and even code talk or rather talking circles that only her and the Kage would understand.

"...though I’ll understand if you want to have me investigated before accepting me back.” (Amatsu shakes his head up and down furiously behind Reshi!)

“I was actually interested in joining the medical branch, I mean I learnt a lot whilst I was away, though I certainly lack practical experience. (Amatsu shakes head side to side furiously)

Not only did I just unfortunately have a run in with a loony but could potentially be in charge of said loony's training. Before the Kage could respond by assigning her to me or putting me in anyway shape or form responsible for her, I tipped toed away... slightly... slightly... into the crowd.

[Topic Left unless stopped]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Hissori would see off the other medical chief with a simple nod knowing the man may have been overwhelmed or unable to deal with the issues at hand. He wouldn’t stop him, and neither would the dog who was staring to get attention from children. He would look around at the concerned people as he smiled.

“Everything is alright people!” Hissori told the group. “Go about your day!” He said smiling kindly as the crowds starting to work. Slowly, though Hissori nodded a bit looking down at the girl. “I realize.” Hissori mumbled dryly as he looked at Reishi inspecting her closely as thinking about what she said. Hissori’s mind was already working quickly as he thought about what to do.

“Well, the first thing to say is that to be considered a missing shinobi, you have to be a shinobi first.” Hissori told her as he nodded some humming a bit looking around nodding some. With a bit of a click, the mind of what Hissori could do.

“I’ll tell you what. Come back the hospital tonight, I still have an office there, ask the front desk for me and say you have an appointment, and we will try you out to see if you are able to become a medic.” Hissori told the girl smiling as he patted her shoulder.

“As for you. Thank you so much. I am sorry for your inconvenience. You did very well responding to the distress. What is your name so I can make a personal note in your file?” Hissori told him with a bit of a smile as he watched him before looking around.

“I do though need to get going, because I have fish and it spoil if I don’t get it back to my apartment quickly.” Hissori told the pair as they bowed. “Thank you both so much, and cheers for you all.” Hissori said as he smiled at both of taking off barking something in a foreign language at Buru before walking away.

Topic Left unless stopped.

Omoi Tetsu

Nov 2, 2012
The man stood up straight, pulling back his shoulders a bit, "Saito Hachirou, at your service sir." For some reason, whenever he tried to make his best example for being subordinate, he always felt like he was coming off as sarcastic, but the man quite genuinely was trying to be a first rate ass-kisser. Well, some people took up the cause a bit more naturally than others. Come to think of it, he wasn't even sure that 'note on your file' business was even directed at him. Which, incidentally, is a good way to get a different sort of note placed on your 'personal file'. If the man was at all susceptible to embarrassment, this might have troubled him a bit longer than it should have. However, being made up of the adequate degree of apathy required to function in adult life, the man paid his dues, gave the whole incident no more than a second thought, and made his graceful exit from the now dispersing crowd.

The kage, it seemed, would do without his advice, and, Hachirou reasoned, handing it out was the extent of his responsibility to the man. Still though, there was obviously no immediate threat to the man by this point, so he would have to chalk the whole incident up to some kind of strange brand of insanity.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
