Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Lesson in Humility [Requesting Raikage] [Tutor?]

Ueno Kotone

New Member
Sep 29, 2020
OOC Rank
Kotone fumed as she took the steps up to the tower two at a time, the massive retinue of suited men behind her nearly jogging to keep pace with the small girl. The morning’s events still played through in her mind, taking on a seemingly red tinge in her recollection. After spending years training at the academy the girl had thought that at long last her time had come, and had approached her sensei with the single most pure and lovable smile to ever grace her face. With the dulcet tones of a practiced media star, she had asked the man to register her for the upcoming Genin exam.

The reply was cataclysmic, due to her later than average enrollment Kotone was still missing a few key credits and experience, and she would in fact not be qualifying. Curses flew out of the girl’s mouth immediately, the teacher being left in whiplash as she gave him an absolute tongue lashing. Before the man could scold her, Kotone was stomping away and promptly ditched her next class in favor of heading straight home to get in touch with every assistant, agent, and lawyer she could remember her parents ever working with.

Mentally returning to the present, Kotone was dead set on her mission. If more training was needed, then who could complain with private lessons from the Raikage herself. Pushing through the door, Kotone took in the opulent reception area. Though she had grown up in abject luxury herself, the girl could regardless appreciate the particularly grand architecture. Shooting a look back at her team, she gestured into the hall, which was all her army needed to get to work.

The mass of professionals descended on every worker in the building, combining a mix of fast talking, unsolicited autographed photos of Kotone, and various official jargon of their professions, the group made short work of tying up every single worker in the area. The battle was over before it began, each new approaching person would be immediately tied up with various questions about the laws, business opportunities, and if all else failed lengthy sales pitches for their young media client.

As the buzz ratcheted up around her, Kotone quietly slipped through the mass of bodies, ducked a few queue ropes, and made her way to the landing of the tower’s staircase. Glancing at the signage, Kotone quickly deduced the location of the kage’s lower office and skipped up the stairs and down a hall to her destination. As she approached the door, Kotone softly cleared her throat and balled her hand into a tight fist. Wasting no time, the blonde girl pounded loudly at the barrier in front of her, her voice rising to a shrill shriek. “HEY I’M LIKE, IMPORTANT, AND I NEED YOUR HELP! OPEN UP!

Ueno Kotone

New Member
Sep 29, 2020
OOC Rank
Kotone soared through the air. The girl was still in shock, barely having registered the hands that had encircled her waist and launched her from a large window of the tower. A glance back left her only with a glint of light off the glasses of some mysterious bespectacled individual, a menacing aura radiating off of what seemed a truly formidable opponent. As this registered in her mind, Kotone was introduced to the ground. The dirt met her body hard, the girl's body tumbling forward several yards as pebbles repeatedly dug their way into her arms, being left well bruised and scraped by the time she arrived at rest. Tears formed in the blonde's massive blue eyes as she pushed herself up, barely able to comprehend the situation.

The young girl staggered home, new waves of fresh tears rolling out again and again as she absentmindedly made her way through the streets. The walk seemed like a blur, and as she arrived in the front door her mind barely processed the sweet tones that rolled from the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, did you have a good day at school?" The call was met with silence as Kotone stumbled her way into the kitchen. Upon seeing her entrance, Kotone's mother face took on a uncharacteristic look of absolute horror at the sight of her bruised and battered child. This look was all Kotone needed for the waterworks in her eyes to retrigger and her body kick into a run that left her firmly in her mother's arms.


Round 2
Bunko arrived at the tower with Kotone in tow, an almost perfect image of her daughter who had previously stormed up to the front door. Entering the hall, Kotone spotted a few hanger-ons from her previous expedition, still doing their best to tie up the village's office but were now mostly being managed through the proper avenues. Upon spotting the blonde woman, they all bowed and with a motion from Bunko they were dismissed and quickly filed out of the hall. The woman approached the front desk with Kotone close behind.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The receptionist at the front desk didn’t take kindly to be yelled at and she shot an icy glare at the Karen that had entered the building. ”I’m sorry, but there’s no such thing as a ‘CEO’ of Kumogakure. We’re a military city state, and as such the one in charge is also the commander in chief of the entire military arm of this city.” she explained with a faux smile on her lips and a tone of voice so icy that it could potentially make even Maru steer clear of her. ”The Raikage is a busy person, and has asked not to be disturbed. Your daughter has been told the same by the Raikages personal secretary, who escorted her out of the tower.”

Obviously no one had thrown Kotone out of a window, that’d be ludicrous. Especially as the Raikages office is 49 floors up from the ground floor. It’d have resulted in Kotone becoming a meat paste on the sidewalk, and that clearly didn’t happen as she had enough energy to go cry to her mother. ”Now if that’s all, please see yourselves out, and take all your lackeys with you.” she finished and effectively shut Bunko down, dismissing her, and then returning to her usual duties which didn’t include being yelled at by the ‘queen’ of Karens.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Vigilance, a key factor in keeping the ninja and citizens of Kumogakure safe and at peace of mind. Having the masses under constant supervision both routinely and inconspicuously. The prevention of deadly threats and attacks was held at the highest priority. Lower level annoyances such as small theft and disputes against other citizens was held by the police force. Not many ANBU would leave their posts to provide their services unless it was for their superiors.

That would be the case when ominous red hues looked through the darkness atop the Raikage's office. Long black strands of hair fluttered with the wind as the presence of loud commotion was brought to her attention. It was easy to find. A horde of civilians stormed the stairway towards the Raikage's office. “What’s this all about? A coup d’état?” Investigating further the leader of the mob was a small blond haired child. The shifting of metal boots on slate another large figure that lurked beside the unmasked onlooker was made.

“Another chance to stain my blade.” A devilish grin followed by the lick of her lips was made. Unsheathing the massive claymore on her back Mirō held her hand up to her companion, ordering her to wait. “They’re citizens. Let’s see what they try to do.” Refraining from unwelcome bloodshed the pair watched careful as the small blond would point towards a guard and they in turn would get flooded with nonsense.

Impressed by the child’s determination to see the Raikage, Mirō nudged Naibu with her elbow. Leaning back to whisper to her “How far do you think she’ll get?” “Not very. Just a kid with followers.” Naibu proclaimed. Moments later the child began hammering on the door to the Raikage's office. “That’ll work….” Naibu rolled her eyes. “No need for us. The guards will handle it.” Mirō nodded, pausing for a moment before both faded from the post.

“She brought her…. Mom?” Mirō rubbed the bridge of her nose in disbelief. Naibu continued to speak. “This is what your new nin do?” The tall blondes laughter didn’t hold up as the duo entered the receptionist room. With an attempt to intervene it was halted by the receptionists cold words. With arms folded across her chest Naibu piped up as well. “Thinking she can storm the office and then failing was one thing but bringing her mom to defend her. Are you sure you want to be a ninja!?” Naibu openly mocked the young kid and her mother. Raising a scarred hand up Naibu fell silent. Flipping those long black locks behind her shoulder Mirō spoke to the child and her mother. “You schedule an appointment with the Raikage. What did you want to speak with her about. I’ll denote if it’s worth her time.” Cold red eyes fell upon the mother’s features then the child’s.

[Topic Entered]
[Miro talking.
Summon Naibu talking.]

Ueno Kotone

New Member
Sep 29, 2020
OOC Rank
A look of absolute disgust crossed the pairs' matching faces. Both sets of of bright blue eyes flared in the deepest, unfathomable rage known to mankind as their mouths dropped. The foulest curses and threats issued from the mouths of Bunko and Kotone, speaking in almost perfect sync as they described exactly where the receptionist could shove the "military arm" of the city, what manner of misdeeds the raikage might be "busy" with, and found all manner of colorful words, some seemingly coined on the spot, to describe the secretary.

As this tirade washed over the room, Bunko only grew more agitated at being ignored. In a sudden motion, the blonde woman halfway sprung over the desk at the other who had turned away from her. The incoming, highly illegal, assault was thankfully stopped as a straggler from Kotone's earlier entourage caught the woman from behind. Pulling her away from the desk he simply repeated over and over "Mrs. Ueno you have to calm down, we can't have another one of these on our hands."

Another man grabbed hold and lifted up the younger Ueno, who seemed just as ready to pounce. Dragging the pair away toward the door, the trained men did their best to soothe the fiery tempers of their charges, but to no avail. "I WILL END YOU BITCH YOU DON'T KNOW ME YOU CAN TELL THAT RAIKAGE SL-" The simultaneous rant was broken only as an intense, raven-haired raven haired girl spoke, catching the attention of both mother and daughter. Whirling on the newcomer, Bunko was the first speak. "JUST LOOK AT MY PRECIOUS BABY, YOU PEOPLE CAN"T DO THAT TO HER! I'M NEVER HAVING MY CHILD COME HOME BAWLING EVER AGAIN!"

Kotone's face lit up a bright red, the ridiculousness of literally going home to cry to her mother was sinking in and she tried her best to suppress the embarrassment. "Mooom, that's like so not important." Flicking her attention from Bunko to Miro, the young girl continued, trying to conjure up a charismatic smile. "I just really need to be a genin y'know? I wanna' get training from the raikage so the academy would have to let me take the exam." Glancing down, Kotone found a stack of autographs still in the opposite hand of the man holding her and quickly snatched one up. Holding up the picture up for the scarred kunoichi to view, she would see that it featured a shot from a particularly grand red carpet walk Kotone had been photographed at with her parents. "Wouldn't it be so freaking cool if Kumogakure had its own celebrity ninja? Pleeeeease, you got to let me in."
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Anger began to resonate outward from Mirō. The small child no younger than her by maybe two years, sullying the code of honor as a ninja. How dare she? This tiny runt did not posses the slightest clue about what being a ninja truly meant. Every day a painful reality of what happened to keep peace. Never knowing what day would be their last. No time for fame or fortune in the world of ninja. A celebrity ninja would better spend their time in the pits of Cronopolis on a rowdy Saturday night. A dark aura radiated from Mirō. “What do you think nin do…” Naibu stood beside Mirō like a tower. Even with the size difference Naibu didn’t attempt to calm her down.

With a piece of paper extended to her Mirō smacked it away from her sight. Blood red hues focused intently on the girl. “Why would the Raikage even want a celebrity nin that doesn’t know what being a real ninja is.” Turning a cold shoulder to the younger girl. “Useless. Besides, you don’t have any merits that would deem worthy of genin. Does the headmaster of the academy even know you…” Mirō recalled that the current headmaster was now a genin himself. Leaving the student to wander aimlessly in search of them. ‘Maru probably met her already.’

[Miro talking.
Miro thinking.]

Ueno Kotone

New Member
Sep 29, 2020
OOC Rank
The pair of Ueno women were silent, dark red blood gushing to their faces as a matching vein protruded from each forehead. The photo seemed to fall in slow motion, the duo remaining motionless as they watched it flutter to the ground. As the paper touched the ground, the man holding onto Bunko was the first to react, slinging the woman over his shoulder he took off toward the door, barely containing the flailing mass of rage that fought against his hold. "CREEPY LITTLE SCAR-FACED BITCH, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT! PUT ME DOWN SHINJI, WE'LL FIND OUT HOW MANY MORE UGLY-ASS MARKS CAN FIT ON THAT DISGUSTING FACE!" The voice faded as the man fled out the door, clearly intent on putting as much distance between his client and a potential jail cell as possible.

The other man that held a still limp Kotone in his hands tensed, but the reaction he was expecting never came. All manner of violent thoughts raced to her mind, but she couldn't displace a nagging sense that there was truth in the red-eyed girl's words. Exhaling, the girl balled her fists and closed her eyes as a twisted smile crossed her lips. It was clear to anyone around she had the crossest words just resting in her throat, but she fought the urge down. "No, no I haven't met him. The academy is an absolute- Has been kinda dysfunctional."

Opening her eyes, she patted the man's arm. Feeling that her body had relaxed, the man tentatively sat her on the ground and took a step back. Now level with Miro, Kotone still found herself gazing down on her, and was somewhat put off by the size difference. Wondering just how old this girl was, she took a few steps and leaned forward, forcing her face back into the line of site of those crimson eyes. "You're kinda a total bitch, but that's cool and everything. If you really don't think I got what it takes, then why don't you give me some like super cool character building test? That's what they do in movies."
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank

Unflinching Mirō watched the blonde haired girl work her way up into her face. Mirō dismissed the weak attempt to attack her personality. Younger students were more well mannered than this one. However, this one was funny to say the least. A rude brat expecting lessons from a captain such as herself…’What the hell are movies?’

“A character building test…?” Mirō rolled her eyes to chase after an idea. It was an easy test for capable ninjas. The barriers this blond hair one would have to overcome would be mountains. Mirō referred back to how poorly this kid had done problem solving her current situation. “Fine. I’ll give you a test.” That devious smile slipped onto her lips. “Good grief.” The tall blonde woman sighed. In tune with Mirō ’s emotions she could already tell what kind of test she would be giving. “Meet me in the slums of Kumo.” Her red hues focused intently on the childs. Her own face began to peel apart. Taking a long sheet of her skin it simultaneously converted into a pate note folded. Inside were instructions on where to meet her. Extending it outward she let the kid decide to take her up on her request.

After a moment her hand fell and Mirō's attention turned to Naibu. “Let’s head back Naibu.” Without a nod the duo turned back around. Walking away and back out the office doorway into another corridor.

[Miro talking.
Miro thinking.
Naibu talking.]
[Topic left with NPC summon.]
[DM me on discord if you want to discuss further.]

Ueno Kotone

New Member
Sep 29, 2020
OOC Rank
There was a moment of silence as Kotone waited for a reply, the girl doing her earnest to put on an adorable smile. Surely the strange girl knew in her heart that she had a serious attitude problem, and that it's wasn't Kotone's fault that she needed to point it out. When the reply eventually came, a glow immediately crossed the young girl's face, she was at last finally getting through the importance of her visit to someone.

The excitement was broken as the tall woman beside the black-haired child sighed. Despite the earlier provocation, Kotone had been too wrapped up in her threats toward the receptionist to take much notice, and then the commanding presence of the scarlet eyed girls had totally grabbed her attention. Kotone opened her mouth to question the reaction, but the other girl had continued with her command before any words could come out.

"The what?! We have a slum? ...We have, like, poor people?" The girl was incredulous, having grown up knowing only the finest parts of Kumogakure, the prospect of there actually being neglect in the village left her dumbstruck. The blonde was about to question this statement further when suddenly the scarred girl seemed to simply peel apart before her eyes. "Hey uh, are you ok- O-Oh, okay. Uh, thanks." Kotone tentatively reached out and took the offered note, holding the skin-paper awkwardly between two fingers and well away from her body. With that, Kotone was left standing alone for a long moment, still somewhat unsure. Shaking her head, the girl eventually departed as well, waving off the few straggling suited men and she worked up the courage to unfold the strange note in her hand.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
