Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A mask was born [open]


New Member
Feb 24, 2013
|It was a day like any other... yeah just like all the other days here in the big village of iwagakure. A big village with big faces and big reputations. Some how, just like every other day, the sun shined and the clouds cast it's big shadow. Like every other day, it wasn't the cloud's great shadow that made people like me feel small... no, the credit was reserved for the big faces and their big reputations. For a coward's son, a place like this was a hell not a haven... just like every other day. Something was different on this day however... nothing big, nothing real noticeable. Just one thing that separates this day from every other day. That one thing was me. I stood alone surrounded by my despise and criticism for a crime I was born into and I said... there will be no more delay... no more proving my name, no more proving myself. Today myself was pronounced dead and the mask was born. Let him have a life I could not handle. Let him be born, judged for his actions and not of my father's. Let's show iwagakure what a small man has become due to it's reputations and judgement's. Let a small boy with hopes and dreams die so that a monster may be born... just like every other day...

"If there is a higher power... I have to believe that something wants me to do this, to become... Something more..."


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Indeed... The lord of Light watches over us, guides us... The Lord of Light blesses us with choice and the ability to spin the wheel of fate... hmm... I come to this temple often in prayer and to meditate. It seems less and less come here to pay respects, to visit, or to seek guidance. So what is it that brings you to such a place of solitude? Does thou seek soul guidance? To touch the demons inside oneself, letting the Lord's strength become thine own.? What is your name?"

I approached a man cloaked in similar colors as I. A red, the color of blood shed and carnage. With n scents burning in hand, I knelled before a statue and placed them around it. A common ritual for prayer naturally. With my hands together, another common ritual for prayer, I utter words of saints. "Brave soul, who fears not death. Prithee, lull the Old One back to its ancient slumber." It was nice to pray in the company of another for once. Not many in the village still came out to pray or to seek spiritual guidance. The temples have become a bit of a tourist attraction. Just something to gawk at... How things have changed since the days of old.

[ooc: short post.]

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As a shaman it was Kitsune’s task to keep the temple clean and in order. Every so often Kitsune would enter the temple of the five each day. Today she enters with violin in hand as she normally does. The resonance of this place was wonderful; it was a perfect place to play. It was likely build this way to strengthen the shaman chants she had to learn as an initiate. Standing in the entrance hall she begins to play. As the bow glides across the strings letting out note after note, three flames ignited around her; floating in the air like ghostly flames. The little balls of fire flickered to the beat and circled around her like a dance. As the song continued they grew bigger and bigger. They then start to change shape and take form; the flames became clones of Kitsune. The clones then separated from their summoner; heading into different directions. Each clone begins to polishes one of the statues of the five. Kitsune walks further in and finds a couple of people inside. “Oh forgive me if I disrupted you I’m just here to keep the place clean.” She the walks over a statue, places her instrument on the ground and begins polishing the statue Koyoko just recently knelt before.


New Member
Feb 24, 2013
|Huh... would you look at that. Something else has happened that what not of the other many days. I met this one before, in such a place but the situation was different. Yet another face with a big name, one of the Ryujin three I believe and kage guard. She was asking me my name which I found odd. Even in a empty temple where she and I stood, I figured myself invisible to people like her. Yet, here we were and she asking me my name, treating me as an equal somewhat. Why? How could I even answer her question? My name... a horrifying nightmare that I have lived with for far to long. Given to me by big titles like hers... I didn't answer the woman... not at first. I hadn't thought of a name to erase the first. Perhaps I was waiting to be named again by the villagers and big titles. When I decided to act, I was waiting for those actions to define me. For now I kept my eyes on the Ryujin praying to the statue... until the sudden sound of music snatched my focus away. A girl with pink hair, how unusual. There were many of them cleaning the temple and one stepped to the statue before the Ryujin. Did she not have any kind of respect for the girl praying. Even I would not have been so rude as to polish the statue while someone was praying. It would have been funny had I not been in such a mood. For now I would stare from behind my mask. Separated from the world beyond the eye holes. My eyes shift from one girl to the next, assessing them, watching them, wondering.



Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As I prayed I notice another presence enter through the halls. Following came a nice melody that put a halt to my prayers. Still kneeling I listened until it was over. "What a melody that was... and so familiar..." Popping in was a polite young girl with pink hair holding a violin. She must have been the source of the peaceful noise. She apologized and began polishing the statue before me. "No harm... That music, the sound was familiar. I hear it a lot around here. Do you come around here often?" I had to ask. I hear that soothing melody here often and yet I never thought to find it's source. Whenever I prayed, I found a sense of calm and I guess... I guess that I thought this noise was all just apart of it. A melody in my head that flowed well with the quiet. My fellow temple dweller was not much of a talker. He stood by not answering me nor responding in anyway. When I walked in, I heard him speaking to himself so I know he is not deaf... He wore a gas mask for some reason but to each his own. For now I would pester him no longer until he found his voice.

[ooc: short post.]

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune steps behind the statue she activates her curse seal. As the seal reaches full power her body begins to change. The sound of bones snapping out of their sockets and going back in place again emanated from her body. Her facial structure changes into something more canine; it elongates into a muzzle. Her teeth become as sharp as razors and canine more pronounced. Her nose become a black, rubber-like, tissue at the end of the muzzle and above the lip, with a pair of nostrils leading to the nasal cavity which lie above the hard palate of the mouth. Her tongue stretches to become long enough to lick her nose. Her ears move up to the top of her head and become triangular with rounded points. The pain she was in cases her ear to fold down flat against her head. The whites of her eyes turn black and the iris of her eyes turns a crimson red. Her nails turn into claws and her finger shrink in size. Skin forms between her fingers as pads form in her palm. Same with her feet but of her digits disappears completely. Her forepaws also seem to be slightly bigger than her hind paws. A bit of pain came from her rear as she grows a new appendage. The clothes she wore transforms with her become fur for her new body.

Kitsune is a gypsy with her own set of gods. Her clan had three goddesses: Luna, Tia and Terra. Luna was the goddess of the moon and dreams, Tia was the goddess of the sun and the sky, and Terra was the goddess of the earth and the underworld. Each had their own seal of power: Hell, Heaven and Gaia respectfully. The seal that branded Kitsune was Gaia. Now each goddess had both human and feral form, however Terra is rarely ever takes human form. Unlike her sisters she has many animalistic forms, but the one she is normally described to take is the form of a large white wolf. This is why the seal transforms Kitsune into this form.

The other two would see a wolf coming out from the other side of the statue. “I come here many times in one form or another. I am a shaman if you haven’t already guessed and I welcome you to this temple.” Her voice sounded the same as before, but just a little more hoarse. Kitsune walks over to a spot where she could be seen by the both of them clearly. The bells on the bracelets that adorn her paws ring with even step. Of course being one that casts jutsu through instruments would be sure to have something she could play in her wolven form. “My name is Kitsune. What’s yours?”


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
